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of  the 

American  Ethnological  Society 
Edited  by  FRANZ  BOAS 







collected  by  JEREMIAH  CURTIN  and  edited  by  EDWARD  SAPIR 



LEYDEN,   1909 


PRINTED    BY    E.  J.    BRILL,    LEYDEN    (HOLLAND). 





I.  Myths 2 

1.  What  Coyote  did  in  this  Land 3 

The  Origin  of  Fish  in  the  Columbia 3 

Coyote  and  the  Mischievous  Women 7 

Coyote  as  Medicine-Man n 

Coyote  and  the  Mouthless  Man 19 

Coyote  and  the  Pregnant  Woman 25 

Coyote  makes  a  Fish-Trap 27 

Coyote  spears  Fish 29 

Coyote  eats  Dried  Salmon 29 

The  Story  concerning  Coyote 31 

Coyote  and  At!at!a'Jia 35 

Coyote  in  Sklin 39 

Coyote  and  Itcls'xyan 41 

Coyote  at  Lapwai,  Idaho 43 

Coyote  and  the  Sun 47 

2.  The  Salmon  Story 49 

3.  Coyote  and  Antelope 67 

4.  The  Adventures  of  Eagle  and  his  Four  Brothers      ...  75 

5.  Coyote's  People  sing 95 

6.  Coyote  enslaves  the  West  Wind .  99 

7.  The  East  Wind  and  the  West  Wind 103 

8.  Coyote  and  his  Daughter 105 

9.  The  Visit  to  the  World  of  Ghosts 107 

10.  Eagle  and  Weasel 117 

11.  The    Five    East- Wind    Brothers    and    the   Five  Thunder 

.  Brothers 121 

12.  Eagle's  Son  and  Coyote's  Son-in-law 133 

13.  The  Deserted  Boy 139 

14.  Coyote  and  Deer 145 

15.  Coyote  and  Skunk 149 

1 6.  Raccoon  and  his  Grandmother 153 

17.  The  Raccoon  Story 153 

1 8.  The  Boy  that  was  stolen  by  At!at!a'liya     ..,.,.  165 



II.  Customs ,  •     •     •  174 

1.  Marriage X75 

2.  Childhood *77 

3.  Death 179 

4.  Medicine-Men 179 

5.  Clothing 183 

6.  First  Salmon  Catch 183 

7.  Erection  of  Stagings  at  Cascades 185 

8.  Right  to  Fish-Catches 187 

9.  Training  for  Strength  at  Cascades 187 

10.  Winter  Bathing 189 

11.  Rainbow  and  Moon  Signs 191 

12.  Shaker  Grace  at  Table 193 

III.  Letters 194 

1.  Letter  of  a  Woman  to  her  Father 195 

2.  Letter  of  a  Man  regarding  his  Son's  Illness,  and  Klickitat 

Version  of  Same  Letter 195 

3.  Letter  of  a  Man  regarding  the  Death  of  his  Son     .     .     .  197 

4.  Personal  Letter 199 

IV.  Non-Mythical  Narratives 200 

1.  A  Quarrel  of  the  Wishram 201 

2.  A  Personal  Narrative  of  the  Paiute  War 205 

3.  A  Famine  at  the  Cascades 227 

4.  A  Prophecy  of  the  Coming  of  the  Whites 229 

APPENDIX.     Supplementary    Upper  Chinookan   Texts  (collected  by 


1.  Coyote  and  Eagle,  a  Wasco  Text 233 

2.  The  Boy  that  lied  about  his  Scar,  a  Clackamas  Text  .     .  235 


Introductory  Note 239 

I.  Tales 242 

1.  A  Wasco  Woman  deceives  her  Husband 242 

2.  A  Hard  Winter  near  The  Dalles 244 

3.  An  Arrow-Point  Maker  becomes  a  Cannibal 246 

4.  Diabexwa'sxwas,  the  Big-Footed  Man 248 

5.  A   Woman  marries  a  Person   who  is  a  Dog  in  the  Day 

and  a  Man  at  Night 253 



II.  Guardian-Spirit  Stories 257 

1.  The  Hunter  who  had  an  Elk  for  a  Guardian  Spirit     .     .  257 

2.  The  Boy  who  went  to  live  with  the  Seals 259 

3.  A  Deserted  Boy  is  protected  by  Itcli'xyan's  Daughter .     .  260 

III.  Coyote  Stories 264 

1.  Coyote  deceives  Eagle,  and  stocks  the  Columbia  with  Fish,  264 

2.  Coyote  is  swallowed  by  Itcli'xyan 267 

3.  Coyote  imitates  Fish-Hawk  and  Mountain-Sheep,  and  meets 

with  Various  Adventures 269 

IV.  At!at!a'Ha  Stories 274 

1.  Two  Children  escape  from  an  At!at!a'Ha 274 

2.  The  Five  At!at!a'lia  Sisters  steal  a  Boy 276 

3.  A  Jack-Rabbit  Boy  tricks  an  At!at!a'iia 279 

4.  An  At!at!a'lia  has  her  Arm  pulled  off 281 

5.  The  At.'at.'a'Ha  who  was  deceived  by  her  Two  Sons     .     .  282 

V.  Miscellaneous  Myths 287 

1.  Eagle  defeats  Fish-Hawk,  and  pities  Skunk 287 

2.  Eagle  has  Tobacco-Man  and  Willow  wrestle  with  Abu 'mat,  290 

3.  Eagle,  a  Klamath  Man,  goes  to  the  Columbia  River  to  gamble,  292 

4.  Panther  and  Wildcat  fight  with  the  Grizzlies 294 

5.  Old  Man  Grizzly-Bear  deceives  the  Five  Brothers    .     .     .  298 

6.  Five  Stars  visit  the  Earth 302 

7.  The  Ascent  to  the  Sky  and  Return  to  Earth 303 

8.  Two  Brothers  become  Sun  and  Moon 308 

9.  A  Singing  and  Dancing  Festival 311 


THE  Wishram  Texts,  forming  the  bulk  of  the  Upper 
Chinookan  material  presented  in  this  volume,  were  ob- 
tained, for  the  most  part,  in  Yakima  Reservation,  situated 
in  southern  Washington,  in  July  and  August  of  1905. 
A  portion  of  the  material  (last  two  episodes  of  I,  i,  17, 
18;  II,  ii;  IV,  3,  14)  were  sent  to  me  after  I  had  re- 
turned from  the  field  by  my  half-breed  interpreter,  Pete 
McGuff.  As  I  had  taught  Pete  the  phonetic  method  of 
taking  down  Indian  text  followed  in  my  own  work,  the 
additional  texts  forwarded  by  him  were  all  in  strictly  pho- 
netic shape,  and  are  published  here  with  such  compara- 
tively slight  revision  as  they  seemed  to  demand.  Besides 
the  two  short  Wasco  and  Clackamas  texts  that  were 
collected  many  years  before  by  Dr.  Boas,  and  are  here 
published  as  an  Appendix  to  the  Wishram  Texts,  these 
texts  of  Pete's  are  the  only  Indian  linguistic  material  em- 
bodied in  this  volume  not  personally  obtained  in  the  field. 
The  work  in  Yakima  Reservation  was  undertaken  under 
the  direction  of  the  Bureau  of  American  Ethnology.  For 
permission  to  publish  the  Wishram  texts  in  the  present 
series  I  have  to  thank  Professor  W.  H.  Holmes,  the 
Chief  of  the  Bureau.  The  remainder  of  the  Wishram 
material,  together  with  ethnological  specimens  and  infor- 
mation secured  by  correspondence  with  Pete  McGuff,  was 
obtained  under  a  private  grant  from  Mr.  G.  G.  Heye  of 
New  York  City.  It  is  a  pleasure  to  record  his  liberality  in 
this  place. 

The  approximately  1500  Indians  (according  to  the  Census 
Report  of  1890)  who  now  make  up  the  population  of 


Yakima  Reservation  belong  to  two  quite  distinct  linguistic 
stocks.     The   greater   part  (chiefly  Yakima  and  Klickitat 
Indians)    are   speakers    of  Sahaptin    dialects,  the  minority 
(Wishram,    more   properly    Wi'cxam,    Indians;    their    own 
name    for    themselves   is    Ha'xluit)    speak   that    dialect    of 
Upper  Chinookan  that  is  illustrated  by  the  present  texts; 
before  their  removal  they  occupied  the  northern  bank  of 
the  Columbia  about  The  Dalles.    The  number  of  the  latter 
was  given  by  Powell  as   150  for  the  year   1885-86.     Ac- 
cording  to  the  information  supplied  by  Pete  McGuff,  the 
number  of  Wishram    individuals   still  able  to  speak  their 
own  language  is  about   150,  this  estimate  including  those 
that  regularly  live    at    the    fishing  village  of  Wishram  on 
the  Columbia.     The  more  numerous  Wascos  (238  accord- 
ing  to   Powell)    of  Warm    Spring    Reservation,    Oregon, 
speak    the   same   language.     As   is   to  be  expected  from 
the  decided  preponderance  of  Sahaptin  Indians  in  Yakima 
Reservation,    most   of  the    Wishrams    speak,    or   at  least 
have  a  smattering  of,  Klickitat,  as  well  as  their  own  lan- 
guage  and    the    Chinook  jargon;    very   few,    however,  if 
any,    of  the   Sahaptin-speaking   Indians,    can    also    speak 
Wishram,   the   language    having    a    reputation    for   great 
difficulty,  chiefly,  it  is  probable,  because  of  its  harsh  pho- 

The  bulk  of  the  linguistic  material  obtained  in  the  field 

(I,  i  [except  last  two  episodes],  2-10,   12-16;  II,  1-5;  IV, 

i,    2)  was  dictated  by  Louis  Simpson  (Indian  name  ME'- 

nait),    Pete    McGuff  serving    as 'interpreter ;  Pete  McGuff 

himself  was  the  narrator  of  most  of  the  remainder  (I,  1 1  ; 

6-10;    III);  while   Louis's  brother  Tom  Simpson  (In- 

name    Ta'xcani),    the    since    deceased   head    of  the 

Ihurch   in    Yakima    Reservation,    was  the  source 

very  short  texts  (I,   i   [variant  of  second  episode]; 

The   seven    texts  already  referred  to  as  having 


been  taken  down  by  Pete  himself  were  dictated  by  vari- 
ous elderly  Indians,  -  Yaryarone,  Sophia  Klickitat,  Jane 
Meacham,  and  A'nEwikus. 

A  few  words  in  reference  to  Louis  Simpson  and  Pete 
McGuff  may  not  be  out  of  place.  Louis  Simpson  is  a 
fair  example  of  the  older  type  of  Wishram  Indian,  now 
passing  away.  Of  short  and  stocky  build,  bow-legged 
from  constant  riding  on  horseback,  he  is  about  seventy  or 
seventy  five  years  of  age,  of  an  impatient  and  somewhat 
selfwilled  temperament,  dramatically  talkative,  with  a  good 
deal  of  the  love  of  gain  and  bargain-driving  proclivities 
with  which  many  of  the  early  Western  travellers  charged 
the  Indians  about  The  Dalles  ;  yet,  despite  this,  he  proved 
to  be  a  lovable  personality,  owing  chiefly  to  his  keen 
sense  of  humor.  He  has  a  command  of  Wishram, 
Klickitat,  and  the  Chinook  jargon;  but  his  English  is 
extremely  broken,  hardly  intelligible  at  times.  Superficially, 
Louis  is  a  convert  to  the  ways  of  the  whites ;  in  other 
words,  he  is  a  "civilized"  Indian,  -  -  lives  in  a  frame  house, 
raises  and  sells  wheat  and  hay,  is  dressed  in  white  man's 
clothes,  is  theoretically  a  Methodist.  Judging  by  the  con- 
tents of  his  mind,  however,  he  is  to  all  intents  and  pur- 
poses an  unadulterated  Indian.  He  implicitly  believes  in 
the  truth  of  all  the  myths  he  narrated,  no  matter  how 
puerile  or  ribald  they  might  seem.  Coyote  he  considers 
as  worthy  of  the  highest  respect,  despite  the  ridiculous 
and  lascivious  sides  of  his  character;  and  with  him  he  is 
strongly  inclined  to  identify  the  Christ  of  the  whites,  for 
both  he  and  Coyote  lived  many  generations  ago,  and  ap- 
peared in  this  world  in  order  to  better  the  lot  of  man- 
kind. On  one  point  Louis  always  insisted  with  great 
emphasis,  —  the  myths  as  he  told  them  were  not  invent- 
ed by  himself,  but  have  been  handed  down  from  time 
immemorial,  and  hence  have  good  claims  to  being  consid- 


ered  truth.  Pete  McGuff,  on  the  other  hand,  may  serve 
as  a  type  of  the  younger  generation  of  Indian,  though 
only  a  half-blood  (his  father  was  a  negro,  his  mother  is 
a  full-blood  Indian).  Having  lived  much  of  his  life  with 
the  Wishrams,  he  speaks  their  language  fluently,  though 
long  contact  in  early  life  with  the  Cascades  Indians  on 
the  Columbia  is  responsible  for  a  number  of  un-Wishram 
phonetic  peculiarities  that  the  linguistic  material  obtained 
from  him  exhibits.  He  has  not  of  course  that  feeling  for 
the  old  Indian  life,  and  faith  in  the  truth  of  the  myths, 
that  a  man  like  Louis  Simpson  has;  nevertheless,  in  spite 
of  his  white  man's  rationalism,  he  is  not  at  all  disposed 
to  dismiss  as  idle  the  ideas  of  the  Indians  in  regard  to 
medicine-men  and  guardian  spirits.  He  has  been  trained 
in  the  Agency  school,  reads  and  writes  English  well,  and 
in  general  displayed  throughout  remarkable  intelligence; 
he  has  been  of  the  greatest  help  to  me,  both  in  the  field 
and  in  correspondence,  and  I  take  this  opportunity  of 
thanking  him. 

The  arrangement  of  the  texts  into  the  heads  of  Myths, 
Customs,    Letters,    Non-Mythical    Narratives,   and    Supple- 
mentary Upper  Chinookan  Texts,  is  self-explanatory,  and 
need  not  be  commented  upon.     An  effort  has  been  made 
to  secure  as  many  types  of  text  as  possible,  both  in  order 
to   obtain  a  reasonably  wide  range  of  linguistic  data  and 
to  give  at  least  some  idea  of  various  sides  of  Indian  life 
and    thought.      Some    brief  remarks    have    already    been 
made   on    the   subject    of  Wishram  mythology  in  another 
The  myths  now  presented,  together  with  the  late 
Curtin's  "Wasco  Tales  and  Myths,"  in  the  latter  part 
volume,  will  serve  as  evidence  for  the  statements 
In    regard   to  the  Wishram  language  itself, 

, .Preliminary    Report    on    the    Language    and    Mythology    of  the  Upper 
American  Anthropologist,  N.  S.,  Vol.  9,  pp.  542-544). 


it  is  intended  sooner  or  later  to  publish  a  complete  study 
of  it.  Practically  the  only  thing  in  print  explicitly  de- 
voted to  it  is  the  brief  article  already  referred  to.1  The 
English  translation  has  been  so  arranged  as  to  correspond 
paragraph  for  paragraph,  and,  in  the  main,  sentence  for 
sentence,  to  the  Indian  original.  Some  will  find  the  trans- 
lation painfully  literal ;  I  shall  more  cheerfully  bear  this 
charge  than  that  of  having  given  a  misleading  or  slovenly 

I  cannot  close  these  preliminary  remarks  without  express- 
ing my  sense  of  deep  obligation  to  Dr.  Franz  Boas.  It 
was  by  his  advice  and  under  his  guidance  that  the  work 
of  which  this  volume  is  a  product  was  undertaken  •,  it  is 
a  heartfelt  pleasure  to  thank  him  for  the  friendly  advice 
and  assistance  he  has  given  during  its  prosecution. 

Philadelphia,  Pa.,  March  19,  1909. 

1  Sapir,  Preliminary  Report,  etc.  (American  Anthropologist,  N.  S.,  Vol.  9, 
pp.  533-542).  The  main  points  of  structure  are  identical  with  those  of  Lower 
Chinook.  For  this  dialect,  see  Swan  ton,  Morphology  of  the  Chinook  Verb  (ibid., 
Vol.  2,  pp.  199-237)  ;  Boas,  The  Vocabulary  of  the  Chinook  Language  (ibid.,  Vol. 
6,  pp.  118-147);  and  the  more  systematic  study  of  Chinook  soon  to  appear  in 
Dr.  Boas's  Handbook  of  American  Indian  Languages. 




/,/,*.     .     voiceless  stops,  approximately  as  in  English. 

*,  ^  K  •    •    voiced  st°Ps»  a8  in  English- 
f  .    .    .    .     voiceless  velar  stop,  like  Arabic  q. 

g  .  voiced  velar   stop,  voiced   correspondent   of  q.     Apt  to  be 

heard  as  voiced  velar  spirant  (Arabic  ghairi)  after  vowels. 

*c»  (/)••*  (and  ?)  followed  bv  marked  aspiration. 

kx,  qx  k  and  q  followed  respectively  by  their  homorganic  voiceless 

spirants.     Probably  best  considered  as  somewhat  exagger- 
ated forms  of  aspirated  k  and  q. 

t°t  f*  .  .  k  and  q  followed  by  whispered  u,  or,  probably  more  accu- 
rately, accompanied  by  tongue-position  and  lip-rounding 
of  u. 

//,  //,  k!t  q/  "fortis"  or  "exploded"  voiceless  stops.  Pronounced  with 
greater  stress  than  /,  /,£,?;  glottis  is  closed  during  their 
production,  release  of  its  closure  being  subsequent  to 
that  of/,  /,  k,  q. 

5  ....  voiceless  dental  (or  alveolar)  spirant,  approximately  like 
English  th  in  thin,  or  perhaps  better  like  lisped  s.  Found 
only  between  dental  (or  alveolar)  stops. 

t  .    .     .     .    voiceless  prepalatal  spirant,  like  sh  in  English  ship. 

/   ....     voiceless  alveolar  spirant,  like  English  s. 

ft,  tt...  voiceless  palatal  and  dental  (or  alveolar)  affricatives,  like  ch 
and  ts  in  English. 

IcJ,  ///  .  .  tf  fortis"  consonants  related  to  tc,  ts,  as  are  //,  //,  k/,  q/,  to 
/,  /,  k,  q. 

x,  jr  .  .  voiceless  palatal  spirants  midway,  in  place  of  articulation, 
between  ch  of  German  ach  and  ch  of  German  ich.  x' 
is  used  to  indicate  pronouncedly  forward  palatal  articu- 
lation, but  it  never  quite  gets  as  far  forward  as  ch  of 
German  ich. 

x  .  .  .  .  voiceless  velar  spirant,  like  ch  in  German  ach,  but  pro- 
nounced rather  farther  back. 

/,  «r,  «,  w,  y,  h,    as  in  English. 

voiceless  palatal  lateral ;  tongue  covers  larger  part  of  front 

of  palate,  and  may  extend  to  lower  teeth, 
same  as  J,  but  with  initial  stop  (dorsal  /)  quality.     Etymo- 
logically   it  is  either  derived  from  t  +  t  or  is  merely  pho- 
netic variant  of  I. 


L!.     .     .     .     "fortis"  consonant  of  L.     Related  to  L  (=/Z)  as  are  tc!,  ts! , 

to  tc,  ts. 

8    ....     glottal  catch,   momentary  closure  of  glottis.     Not  nearly  as 

frequent  as  in  Lower  Chinook. 

Tabular  View  of  Consonants. 

Voiceless  Voiced  Fortis  Voiceless     Voiced  Voiceless        Fortis       Nasal. 

Stop.       Stoj).     Stop.     Spirant.     Spirant.  Affricative.  Affricative. 




Velar         q,  (qc)        g 
Back-       I  k    kc 
palatal  \     '              to 
7^^«/-      [    _ 
palatal  \ 
Alveolar         .             j 
Labial           p            b 







X',    C 

s,  6 


tc!  — 


a,  a 
6,  a 

0,  o 

u,  u 

1,  i 
i  . 
e,  e 
e  ._ 
a,  a 

E  . 
A  . 

2,  4,  6,  8 

2.    VOWELS. 

short  and  long  a  in  German  Mann  and 

short  and  long  open  0-sounds.     Respectively  as  in  German 

voll  and  English  saw. 

short  and  long  close  ^-sounds,  as  in  German  Ton. 
short  and  long  as  in  English  full  and  fool. 
short  and  long  close  z-sounds,  as  in  German  sie. 
short  open  /-sound,  as  in  English  pin. 
short  and  long  close  ^-sounds,  as  in  German  See. 
short  open  ^-sound,  as  in  English  met. 
short  and  open  as  in  English  hat  and  bad. 
obscure  vowel  of  undefined  quality, 
as  in  English  but. 

denotes    elision    of  final    vowel.     Thus    wa'T  igi'ux  from 

wa'lu  igi'ux. 

denote  main  and  secondary  stress  accents, 
denote    abnormally    long   (rhetorically   lengthened)   vowels, 
approximately   2,  4,  6,  and  8  times  as  long  as  ordinary  long 

denotes  abnormal  length  of  preceding  consonant, 
denotes   that   vowels    so  separated  are  to   be   prononnced 
enclose  words  of  English  translation  not  found  in  Indian  text. 




— PUBL.    AMER.    ETHN.    SOC.    VOL.    II. 

I.  -      MYTHS. 

The  Origin  of  Fish  in  the  Columbia. 

Isklu'lEyE3  icqagi'lak  gatca'wiqiaxit  itcta'natck.  Kxwopt 
galicglu'ya,  tkla'munak  ickte'lgwiptck  wimalia'mt.  Ke'nua 
ikla'munak  gali'xox.  Gayuxu'ni.  Aga  kxwo'pt  na'qxi 
gacgigr/lga.  Ge£'lt£ptck,  gali'kta  ya'xiba  ca'xalix,  ikla'ckac 
5  gali'xox.  GasfxElutk,  gayaxa'limafx,  wi'tla  gayuxuxni. 
Gacke'gElkEl  yuqxslqt.  Gacxh/xwa^it :  "Itkxwa'-id  idE'l- 
xam  ;  Ihxni't  da'ulEx  ilk.'a'ckac."  Naxlu'xwa-it  axklE'skax : 
•AntklgElga'ya."  Aga  kxwo'pt  axgo'qunk  naxqxi  tq!ex 
gaklo'x  ilkla'ckac.  Aga  kxw67pt  luxu^it.  Axg6rqunk 
10  naxtu'xwa-it :  "Isklu'lEyE  ya^tau."  Wa'au  axkls'sgax 
gaklgE'lgax,  gaklakxa'-ima  ilkla'ckac  aknfmba. 

Gacxuk!wa'x  tctoqlia'mt.  Luqxwi'lqt,  galksu'klam.  Gal- 
kcu'x  dakda'k,  Twi  ixwi  galkcu'x.  Qucti'axa  ikala  ik!axc- 
kac.  Axk!F/skax  galaxkim:  alt!uxkti  ikla'ckac  ika'la  bam' 
itkia'munak."  Aga  kxwo'pt  galu'ya,  Iqlo'p  gagi'ux  iga'kwal, 

ndcr   thb   title   are   included   fourteen    short   myths    dealing   with    Coyote  as 

Iturc-hero    and    transformer,    often    as    trickster.     They,    very    likely    with    others 

I,   evidently    belong   together   as  a  sort  of  Coyote  cycle,  and  were,  with 

the   last    two,    told   by    Louis    Simpson  as  one  myth  in  the  order 

e  conception  that  keeps  them  together  is  that  of  Coyote  travelling 

olumbia   as,    in    the   main,    corrector    of   the  evils  of  the  mythic  or 

c   order  of  the  separate  incidents  being  determined  by  the  topo- 

I.         MYTHS. 

The  Origin  of  Fish  in  the  Columbia. 

<i>  J 

Coyote2  heard  about  two  women  who  had  fish  pre- 
served in  a  pond.  Then  he  went  to  them  as  they  were 
collecting-  driftwood  from  the  river.  He  turned  himself 


into  a  piece  of  wood  trying  (to  get  them  to  pick  him  up). 
He  drifted  along.  But  then  they  did  not  get  hold  of  him. 
He  went  ashore,  ran  off  to  way  yonder  up  river,  and 
transformed  himself  into  a  boy.  He  put  himself  into  a 
cradle,  threw  himself  into  the  river,  and  again  drifted  along. 
The  two  women  caught  sight  of  him  wailing.  They 
thought:  "Some  people  have  capsized,  and  this  child  is 
drifting  towards  us."  The  younger  one  thought :  "Let  us 
get  hold  of  it."  But  the  older  woman  did  not  want  to 
have  the  child.  Now  it  was  drifting  along.  The  older 
one  thought :  "That  is  Coyote."  Nevertheless  the  younger 
woman  took  the  child  and  put  it  in  a  canoe. 

The  two  women  started  home  towards  their  house.  The 
child  was  wailing,  and  they  arrived  home  with  it.  They 
took  off  the  cradle  from  it  and  looked  closely  at  it.  As  it 
turned  out,  the  child  was  a  boy.  The  younger  one  said : 

graphic  sequence  of  the  villages  at  which  they  are  localized.  Compare  the  Coyote 
myth  in  Boas's  Chinook  Texts  (pp.  101-106)  and  Kathlarnet  Texts  (pp.  46-49), 
though  the  establishment  of  taboos,  which  is  the  chief  conception  in  these,  is 
not  at  all  strongly  marked  in  the  Wishram  Coyote  cycle. 

2  Compare,  as  a  striking  parallel  of  this  myth,  Goddard's  Hupa  Texts  (pp.  124, 
125),  where  Yimantuwinyai,  the  Ilupa  culture-hero,  is  also  fed  with  eels  by  a  woman 
who  guards  all  the  salmon. 



delict  gagi'lukcmit  iak»cxa'tpa.  Na'wit  kxopt  _ 
tukc  '  sa'q"  sa'qu  gatccu'lxum.  Klu'na  gagi'lut,  wi'tla  gatc- 
cu'tu'kc  citll'xka.  Kxwopt  gayugo'ptit,  cikxa'-imat  ci'tlix 
yak'cxa'tpa.  Gackim :  'logo'ptit;  ag'  atxu'ya  itklu'na 
5  tkla'munak." 

Aga  kxwo'pt  gactu'ya  ya'xi.  GalixlE7tck,  gatccu'kct 
ya'xi'ctu'it.  Aga  kxwo'pt  dakda'k  galfxox.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
gatcu'gwiga  tcta'lxlEm.  Kxwopt  galixHqtck  uxwaq!ex- 
waial/  Gatkn'kst  aga  galixhdE'mtck.  Gatcugwegfilx  itc- 

10  ta'ixlEm  wila'laba  uxwaqleValal.  Aga  kxwo'pt  ixwi  i'wi 
gatci'uxix.  Tslfiks  gatcixlu'xix.  "Dab'  a'ntcuqxida'mi- 
daba.  Aga  kxwo'pt  atgi'a  yaga'tfpa  wi'mal."  GwE'nEma 
itga'bun  gatclu'x,  iga'bsnac  E'nEgi  gatdu'x.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
gatclxli'ma  kwo'ba.  Wi'tia  galixuk!wa'x  itctoqlia'mt. 

15  Wi'tia  da'ukwa  gasi'xlutk.  Wi't!a  kwo'ba  galikxa'-ima 
iga'k!wal  ci^'lict.  Wi'tia  gayugo'ptit. 

Aga  gactu'yamx.  "Ya'qxwiu  ikla'ckac,"  gacki'mx,  ttpa- 
lala'i  itlu'kti  ikla'ckac,  iage'wam."  Aga  kxwo'pt  gaLo'qwe. 
Gayutcu'ktix,  y^'qxwiu  ikla'ckac.  Wi'tia  gactu'ya  tkla'- 

20  munak.  Witla  gatccgE'lkEl  ya'xi  ctu'it.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
nixElga'-ulx.  Aga  kxwo'pt  tcta'hdEm  gatcu'gwigax.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  galixi'lqtck,  saqu  galixi'lxumx.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
na'wit  gayu'ix  liaga'bEnba.  Gayu'yam  ili£ga'bEnba.  Aga 
kxwopt  gatcigE'lga  yaga'bsn.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatcilga'mit 

25  wI'lExba  yaga'bEn;  gatci'xga,  dagwa't  wi'lsx  gali'xox ;  Lla'k 
gali'xox  yaga'bEn.  Wi'tia  i'xt  gatcigE'lga,  gatcilga'midix 
wi'tlax.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gu't  gatci'uxix  wilx ;  daLla'kLla'k 
gali'xox  yaga'bi-n.  Wi'tia  i'xt  gatcigE'lga  yaga'bsn.  Wi'tia 

•-   refers   to  icga'kwal  "eel"  (duale  tantum),  a  form  used  along- 
side of  ign'kwnl  (masc.). 

"A  boy  is  better  than  driftwood."  And  then  she  went 
and  cut  an  eel  and  put  its  tail  in  his  mouth.  Then 
straightway  he  sucked  at  it  and  ate  it  all  up.  She  gave 
him  another  eel,  and  again  he  sucked  at  it,  (eating  up) 
only  half.  Then  he  fell  asleep,  and  half  the  eel  was  lying 
in  his  mouth.  The  two  women  said:  "He  is  asleep; 
now  let  us  go  for  some  more  wood." 

And  then  they  went  far  away.  He  arose  and  saw 
them  going  far  off.  Then  he  made  himself  loose  and 
seized  their  food.  He  roasted  the  fish  on  a  spit;  they  were 
done  and  he  ate.  He  caught  sight  of  the  fish,  which  were 
their  food,  in  a  lake.  Then  he  examined  (the  lake)  carefully, 
and  discovered  a  spot  where  it  would  be  easy  (to  make 
an  outlet  from  it  to  the  river).  "Here  I  shall  make  the 
fish  break  out  (from  the  lake),  and  then  they  will  go  to 
the  Great  River."-  He  made  five  digging-sticks,  made 
them  out  of  young  oak.  And  then  he  put  them  down 
in  that  place.  He  started  back  home  towards  their  house. 
Again,  just  as  before,  he  put  himself  into  the  cradle.  Again 
there  (in  his  mouth)  lay  the  eel's  tail.  Again  he  fell  asleep. 

Now  the  two  women  arrived.  "The  boy  is  sleeping,"  they 
said;  "very  good  is  the  boy,  being  a  great  sleeper."  And 
then  they  retired  for  the  night.  Daylight  came,  the  boy  was 
sleeping.  Again  they  went  for  wood.  Again  he  saw  them 
going  far  away.  Then  he  got  up  and  took  their  food. 
He  roasted  it  on  a  spit  and  ate  it  all  up.  Then  straight- 
way he  went  to  where  his  digging-sticks  were.  He  took 
hold  of  one  of  his  digging-sticks.  Then  he  stuck  his 
digger  into  the  ground ;  he  pulled  it  out,  and  the  earth 
was  all  loosened  up ;  his  digging-stick  broke.  He  took 
hold  of  another  one  and  again  stuck  it  into  the  ground. 
Then  he  loosened  up  the  earth,  and  his  digger  was  all 

2  That  is,  Columbia  River.  The  word  wi'mal  of  the  text  is  never  used  to  refer 
to  any  other  river.  All  other  streams  are  denoted  by  wi'qxaL 

gatcilga'mitxix  ;  dagwa't  gateaux  wilx,  daiJakiJa'k  gali'xox 
yaga'bEn  Bahi'n.  GatcigE'lga  ilala'kt;  wi'tla  L!ak  gali'xox 
yaga'bKn.  A'ga  gatcigE'lga  ilagwE'nEma,  gatcilga'mitxix ; 
clagwa't  gatci'uxix  wilx.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gadigusgwa'-ix 
5  ux6q!e'walal  yaga'iliamt  wi'mal. 

Aga  kxwo'pt  naxlu'xwa-it  axo'qxunk ;  gagu'lxam : 
•Nimxatxulal,  'Htlu'kti  ilkla'ckac;1  nS1  ninxik/xwan, 
•Isklu'lEyE  ya'xtau.'  A'kcta  yakla'mEla-ix  itcftxox  txa'ika 
isklu'lEyE  da''uya  wi'gwa.  Niamtxu'lal,  'Na'qxe  atklgsl- 

10  ga'ya  tfkla'ckac,  isk!ulEyE  ya'xtau.'  A'kcta  itxa'giutkwox 
itxo'x,  itcl'teox  isklu'lEyE."  Aga  gactu'ya  tcto'qliamt. 
Aga  ya'xt!ax  galicglu'ya  tctoqlia'mt. 

Gatccu'lxam :  "Aga  Iga  pu  qx^ma  mtE  uxoqleValal 
nu'gw  omtktu'xwa?  Emtetsifnon,  ag'  ayamdulxa^a  mda7!- 

15  ka.     Aga    qloa'p    atgadrmama    idE^xam    da7uyaba    wflx  •, 
EmtxE'luitcatk."     Aga  idE^xam  qxawitcfmElit  "di/lululu." 
aAga  atgadixmama  daxuyaba  wixlx  •,  daxda^aitc  itga^xlEin 
idElxam.     Cma'nix    aqiurxwa    ixqleValal    kxwo^t  pu  am- 
tedi'mama     mda'ika.      Imda^leu     ig^xox    isklwo^atsintsin 

20  mda'ika.  Aga  daxuya  wixgwa  i^mtkulk ;  qexdau  yamdi/p- 
quna,  'Sklwo'latsintsin.'  Cmanix  atgad^mama  idElxam 
atkignlga'ya  ixqle'walal.  Aga  kxw67pt  amtedrmama  mda7!- 
ka,  aqEmdupquna/ya,  'Isklwo^latsintsin  icdrmam  ;  gatc- 
cu'pgEna  isklu'lEyE.'  Qe'dau  pu  alugwagi'ma  idE'lxam. 

25  "Da'uctax  gatctcxcks'in  isklu'lEyE  itctaxnatck ;  aga  cda'x- 
dax  icdi'mam.'"  Qe'dau  agatccu'pgEna  iskiu'lsyE. 

Coyote  and  the  Mischievous    Women. 

Aga  kxwo'pt  galilwilxt  wi'mal  isk!uxlEyE.  Gayuya'2 
gayu'yam  Ixtpo'  wilx.  GatcagE'lksl  anE'mckc  i'nad  wi'- 

1  Contracted  from  na'ya. 

broken  to  pieces.  He  took  hold  of  another  one  of  his 
digging-sticks.  Again  he  stuck  it  into  the  ground ;  he 
loosened  the  earth  all  up,  and  his  third  digger  was  all 
broken  to  pieces.  He  took  hold  of  the  fourth  one ;  again 
his  digger  broke.  Now  at  last  he  took  hold  of  the  fifth 
and  stuck  it  into  the  ground ;  he  loosened  the  earth  all 
up.  And  then  the  fish  slid  over  into  the  Great  River. 

Now  then  the  older  woman  bethought  herself.  She 
said  to  her  companion:  "You  said,  'The  child  is  good-/ 
I  myself  thought,  'That  is  Coyote.'  Now  this  day  Coyote 
has  treated  us  two  badly.  I  told  you,  'Let  us  not  take 
the  child,  that  is  Coyote.'  Now  we  have  become  poor, 
Coyote  has  made  us  so."  Then  they  went  to  their  house, 
and  he  too  went  to  them  to  their  house. 

He  said  to  them:  "Now  by  what  right,  perchance, 
would  you  two  keep  the  fish  to  yourselves?  You  two  are 
birds,  and  I  shall  tell  you  something.  Soon  now  people 
will  come  into  this  land.  Listen!"  And  the  people  could 
be  heard  "clu'lululu"  (like  thunder  rumbling  afar).  "Now 
they  will  come  into  this  land ;  those  fish  will  be  the  peo- 
ple's food.  Whenever  a  fish  will  be  caught,  you  two  will 
come.  Your  name  has  become  Swallows.  Now  this  day 
I  have  done  with  you ;  thus  I  shall  call  you,  'Swallows.' 
When  the  people  will  come,  they  will  catch  fish ;  and  then 
you  two  will  come,  arid  it  will  be  said  of  you,  'The 
swallows  have  come;  Coyote  called  them  so.'3  Thus  will 
the  people  say :  'From  these  two  did  Coyote  take  away 
their  fish  preserved  in  a  pond;  now  they  have  come.'" 
Thus  did  Coyote  call  those  two. 

Coyote  and  the  Mischievous    Women. 
Then   Coyote  travelled  up  the  river.      He  went  and  went, 

2  This  explains  why  the  coming  of  the  swallows  is  synchronous  with  the  first 
salmon-run  in  the  spring. 


mat.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gagigixlumnitck  i'nadmax  wi'mal : 
•QK'nEgi'  nxtuxxwan  maxikaba."  Qxexdau  gagiuxlxam  ax- 
DKmckc  isk.'u'lEyE.  Kxwopt  galixluxxwa-it :  "He  tq!exx 
ag'  ano'xw'  anE'mEckc  Iga."  Gayaxa'limalx,  IE'P  galixxox. 
5  GaliktcVptck  gatcgElkExlxpa.  Gasixluxtk;  k!axya.  Exwi  ga- 
li'xox  gayaxa'limatxpa.  Kxwo'ba  cka'xax.  Wixt!a  gaya- 
xalimatx  ;  IE'P  gali'xox  ihcqoxba.  Galixluxxwa-it :  "  Quctix- 
axa  tqle'x  cknuxt;  icExnqoq  k!ma  naxit!ax  incgextaql."  Ga- 
liktE'tck;  k!a'2ya. 

10  Cta'xya  i'nadix  qla'tsEnba  gatcgE'lgElx.  Nixhi'xwa-it : 
"Qucti'axa  k!waxlalaq  ckinu'xt."  Aga  tcic  iki'xax.  Ga- 
lixlu'xwa-it :  aQExnigiska!  qucti'axa  istsifnon  dsnu'x  k!wax- 
lalaq  cknuxt."  Galixlu'xwa-it :  ttK!wotk'  axga !"  Gatcgi7- 
luma:  "Aga  mdaxit!ax  kxw6xba  da/mino'  imtx^x  imttslf- 

15  non  iltcqcVba.  IdE^xam  alugwag^ma,  'Cda^ctox  isk!ux- 
InyE  gacki'ux  k!waxlalaq ;  ists!fn6n  gateci/pgEna.'  Da7- 
minua  vvila'laba  amtxuxxwa  istslfnon." 

(Tom  Simpson's  Version.8) 

Gayuxya  isk!uxlEyE;  Laxx  galixxux.     GatccgExlkEl  ctmockt 

icgagi'lak    ixnadix    ctuwixlal.     Gacgigiluma  :      "Mtix    'sk!ux- 

20  leyr;  ;  tqlfx  qmuxt."     Aga  kxwo'pt  galixluxxwa-it  :      "  LEXX!EX 

antcu'xwa  kaL.'axlatx,  'Axgixkal  naluxmqta.'"     Aga  kxwo'pt 

niktca'x.     Aga  kxwopxt  gatccuxlxam  :      "Kwaic  nigaxtEmxt 

Aga  wixt!ax  gacgiuxlxam  :  "Emtix;  tq!ixx  qmuxt." 

That  is,  with  which  to  catch  them,  so  elusive  were  they. 

docs    not    appear    what    sort    of  water-birds  the  mischievous  women  were 
transformed  into,  possibly  divers. 


and  arrived  at  a  certain  land.  He  caught  sight  of  two 
women  across  the  river.  And  then  each  shouted  out  to 
him  from  across  the  river:  "How  fond  I  am  of  you!" 
Thus  the  women  spoke  to  Coyote.  Then  he  thought : 
"Well,  now  I  should  like  to  have  the  women."  He  threw 
himself  into  the  river  and  dived  under.  He  came  to  land 
where  he  had  seen  the  two  of  them.  He  looked  about ; 
there  was  nothing  to  be  seen.  He  turned  about  to  where  he 
had  thrown  himself  into  the  river.  There  they  are  still. 
Again  he  threw  himself  into  the  river  and  dived  under 
the  water.  He  thought:  "Truly,  they  like  me;  but  I  for 
my  part  have  left  behind  a  fish-line."1  He  put  his  head 
above  water ;  there  was  nothing  to  be  seen. 

Across  yonder  were  the  two  women  where  he  had  first 
caught  sight  of  them.  He  thought:  "Truly,  they  make 
me  crazy."  Now  he  feels  cold.  He  thought:  "How 
now !  they  are  really  two  birds,  but  they  make  me  crazy." 
He  thought:  "Never  mind,  now!"  and  called  out  to  them: 
"Now  you  two  there  have  for  all  time  become  birds  in 
the  water.2  People  will  say,  'These  two  have  made  Coyote 
crazy,  so  he  called  them  birds.'  For  all  time  you  two 
shall  be  birds  in  the  lake." 

(Tom  Simpson's  Version.3) 

Coyote  went  along  (until)  he  came  to  open  country. 
He  caught  sight  of  two  women  dancing  on  the  other  side 
of  the  river.  They  called  out  to  him  :  "  Come,  Coyote ! 
we  love  you."  And  then  he  thought:  "I  shall  deceive 
them  by  pretending  that  my  wife  has  died."  So  then  he 

3  Tom  Simpson,  brother  of  Louis,  took  exception  to  the  transformation  in  the 
first  version,  when  this  was  read  to  him,  and  denied  its  correctness.  The  trans- 
formation to  water-birds  seems  more  appropriate  than  that  into  rocks,  however. 


Aga  kxwo'pt  gayukli'xa  q!w6'bixix;  IEP  m'xox.  Gali'k- 
tatck.  Aga  kla'ya  gatccgF/lkEl  i'nadix.  E'wi  gali'xux ; 
i'nadix  gatccgF/lkEl.  Aga'  wi'tla  gayukli'xa,  gaHcgElkli'xa. 
Aga  wi'tla  qloa'p  gatccu'x.  Aga  wi'tla  Isp  ni'xox.  Ga- 

5  li'ktatck.  Aga  wixt!a  k!axya  gatccgElkEl.  Aga  wixt!a  e7wi 
ni'xux;  gatccgE'lkid  wit!'  i'nadix.  Aga  kxwo'pt  nixhi'xwa- 
it:  aAg'  antcklwa'mida."  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatccklwa'mit. 
Gali'kim  iago'niEnilpa,  galixlu'xwa-it :  "Ag  atga'dya  Na- 
dida'nuit  k!ma  k!axya  pu  kwa'lalaq  amtktu'xwa  idElxam." 

10   Aga  kxwo'pt  ick!axlamat  gacxu'x. 

Coyote  as  Medicine- Man.1 

i'xat  iqlfyuxt  wfixatpa  yuxt,  yaga'lx'ix-  ixu'xt  atqxidi'w' 
ilt'paq.  Aga  kxwo'pt  galixla'gwa  isklu'lEyE;  mang  iaxa't 
gayu'ya.  Gatco'guekEl  idnE'mEckc  tksEnbnE'nhc  iltcqo'ba. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  nexlu'xwa-it :  "  Anixmictxa'ma  iqle'yuxt  ia- 
ga'lx'ix-."  Galiglu'ya;  gatciu'lxam  :  "Na'qe  tci  pu  Ika'la 
aminKlmi'ctxa  imiga'lx'ix-  ?"  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatciu'lxam : 
"Kwotka'  yamElmi'ctx."  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatcigs'lga,  ga- 
tci'ukul.  Kxwopt  gatcxutxumi't  iak!a'lx'ix\ 

Kxwopt  IE'P  gatci'ux  kxwo'ba  saiba'  IksEnbna'nlx.  Aga 
20  kxwo'pt  gakcu'bEn*  a'-ixad,  gala-tfa'-itam,  gayalga'xit  dapa't. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  tea  ko'pt  gala'xux. 

Kxwopt  galgagE'lga,  galgal  i'wa  Ixli'wi.  Galga'gElkEl 
dn'nEgi  i'algat.  Aga  kxwo'pt  kla'ya  qE'nEgi  galko'x  pu ; 

1  Compare  with  this  myth  Boas's  Traditions  of  the  Tillamook  Indians  (Journal 
of  American  Folk-Lore,  Vol.  XI,  pp.  140,  141);  Teit,  The  Shuswap  (Publications 
of  the  Jcsup  North  Pacific  Expedition,  Vol.  II,  p.  741). 

1 1 

burst  out  crying.  He  said  to  them  :  "  Not  long  ago  my 
wife  died,"  and  again  they  said  to  him:  "Come,  we  love 
you."  And  then  he  swam  up  close.  He  was  under  water. 
He  stuck  his  head  out,  but  did  not  see  them  across  (from 
where  he  had  started).  He  turned  around  and  saw  them 
on  the  other  side.  Then  again  he  swam,  swam  towards 
the  two  women.  Again  he  approached  them ;  again  he 
was  under  water.  He  stuck  his  head  out,  but  again  he 
did  not  see  them.  Then  again  he  turned  about,  and  again 
saw  them  on  the  other  side.  And  then  he  thought : 
"Now  I  shall  take  them  home."  So  he  took  them  home. 
He  said  in  his  heart,  he  thought:  "Now  the  Indians 
will  come,  but  you  two  shall  not  make  the  people  crazy." 
So  then  they  turned  into  rocks. 

Coyote  as  Medicine- Man.1 

A  certain  old  man  was  sitting  in  the  trail  with  his  penis 
wrapped  about  him  just  like  a  rope.  And  then  Coyote 
passed  by  him  and  went  on  a  little  beyond.  He  saw 
some  women  jumping  up  and  down  in  the  water.  And 
then  he  thought:  "I  shall  borrow  from  the  old  man  his 
penis."  He  went  over  to  him  and  said  to  him:  "Friend, 
would  you  not  lend  me  your  penis?"  And  then  (the  man) 
said  to  him:  "All  right,  I  shall  lend  it  to  you."  So  then 
(Coyote)  took  it  and  carried  it  along  with  him.  Then  he 
put  it  on  to  his  own  penis. 

Then  he  shoved  it  under  water  right  where  the  women 
were  jumping  up  and  down.  One  of  the  women  jumped 
up,  the  penis  got  between  her  legs,  and  it  remained  stuck 
a  little  ways.  And  then  she  became  ill(?). 

Then  the  (other)  women  took  hold  of  her  and  brought 
her  yonder  to  shore.  They  saw  that  something  was 


kla'ya  di-'n  Engi  *q!6'p  pu  galgi'axox.  Aga  kxwo'pt  ga*- 
gagn'lga,  mank  fxle'u  galko'x.  la'x'  isklu'lEyE^  i'nadix 
wi'mat ;  gatgi£lte'd£fx.  Galiglo'ma  isklu'hsyE  :  "  WaqE'nEkc 
tcKX  u'mckax;  axk'  E'nEgi  amcgi'uxa  Iqlo'p."  Gatki'm  : 
5  "QE'nEgi  IgElxtxulal  Ifxat?  GalkiX  ^WaqE^nskc  E7nEgi 
JqTo'b  Emckfx.'"  Aga  kxwo'pt  galgu'naxtck ;  galga'gslga 
waqn'nKkc.  TC!EX  ga'tgux  ka'xdau  ExnEgi  Iqlo'p  galgi'axux ; 
tcaxa'-i  gayalda'uixumx.  la'xt'  isklulEyE  yaxi'ba  lq!6p 
tq!6'p  gatci'ux;  saxqu  kwopt  gatcilxo'ktcgom  iaga'lxix. 

10  Na'wid  wixt!a  gayu'ix  isklu'lEyE.  Qa'matki  gayt/yam; 
kxwo'ba  galixa'-imaya.  Aga  daxua  agagi'lak  itcatcqu'mEm 
aki'ax;  gaqo'kla,  na'wit  gaqo'kctka.  Ga^gi'unaxl  ilage7- 
wam;  gaqigE'lgax  ickalax.  Galgiu'lxam  :  "Ag'  amugwi'- 
la-ida."  Kxwopt  ax-i  gal^xox.  GayuguHa-itum,  ar-i  nfxox. 

15  Aga  kxwo'pt  gayugwila-it,  gayugwila^itx.  Gairkim: 
"Kla'ya  dan  itca'lxpa,  k!arya  wi'mqt  itcalxpa."  Qxi'dau 
gali'kim  icka'lax. 

Aga    kxwo'pt    galu'gwakim :      "Ya'xib'    i'xat    isklu'kyE 

yuxt  idiage'wam."  Aga  kxwo'pt  gaqiulxa'mam :  "  Qfi'ngi 
20  mxlu'xwan,  amagi'la-ida,  qEmtga'lEmam."  Aga  kxwo'pt 
gali'kim :  "A'2,  na'qe  pu  anu'ya  ya'xi  itgE'xuit ;  ha'-e 
fgvvE'nEmikc  InK'mckc  dan  ilaka'lEmax.  Kla'ya!  algEnt- 
ga'lKmama  IgwE'nEmikc ;  aic  kia'la  algEnu'xa."  Aga 
kxwo'pt  galklulxa'mam  IgwE'nEmikc  dan  itlaxa'lukc:  "Ag' 
25  amckiuga'lKmama  iqle'yuqt  idia'gewam."  Ya'x'  isk!u'lEyE 
IC!EX  gatcu'xwa  apxa'dit  agaq!a'ptcxak ;  tcqa'q  tcqaq  ga- 
tcu'xwa.  Aga  gali'guqam  ;  gatdu'lExam  :  aItcqp:'mEm  ax- 
qxa'tcpa."  Kxwopt  gatclu'mquit ;  galixalxni'ma  dalpa'l 
gatctu'mquit  kaLla'latx  ilqa'wulqt. 

The    Raven    plays   the    part  of  the  medicine-man  in  Wishram  mythology  (cf. 
I!M>  the  story  of  « Coyote  and  Skunk,"  No.   15. 


sticking-  to  her,  but  they  could  do  nothing  with  her ;  they 
could  not  cut  it  out  of  her  with  anything".  And  then  they 
took  hold  of  her  and  carried  her  a  little  farther  away  from  the 
water.  Coyote  was  far  off  across  the  river,  and  they 
dragged  him  into  the  water.  Coyote  shouted:  "Split  a 
stone  (as  knife) ;  with  it  you  will  cut  it  off."  They  said : 
"Whatdid  some  person  tell  us?  He  said, 'Cut  it  off  with  a 
stone  knife.' "  And  then  they  looked  for  it  and  found  a  stone. 
They  split  it,  and  with  the  same  they  cut  off  the  (penis) 
from  her.  It  had  run  up  right  into  her.  That  Coyote  over 
yonder  cut  it  all  off.  Then  he  turned  his  penis  all  back 
(to  himself). 

Immediately  Coyote  went  on  again ;  he  arrived  some- 
wheres,  and  laid  himself  down  there.  Now  this  woman 
is  sick ;  they  took  her  with  them  and  straightway  carried 
her  (home).  They  looked  for  a  medicine-man  and  found 
the  Raven.1  They  said  to  him :  "  Now  you  will  treat  (her)  ;" 
then  he  assented.  He  went  to  treat  her ;  he  had  consented 
to  do  so.  And  then  he  doctored  and  doctored  (until)  he 
said:  "There  is  nothing  in  her  body,  there  is  no  sickness 
in  her  body."  Thus  did  speak  the  Raven. 

And  then  the  people  said:  "Yonder  is  a  certain  Coyote, 
who  is  a  medicine-man."  Then  they  went  and  said  to 
him:  "What  do  you  think,  will  you  treat  her?  We 
have  come  for  you."  And  then  he  said:  "Well,  I  could 
not  go  so  far  on  foot  -,  there  must  be  five  women  without 
husbands.  No !  five  women  will  have  to  come  for  me ; 
they  will  just  carry  me  on  their  backs."  And  then  they 
went  and  said  to  five  women  who  had  no  husbands : 
"Now  you  will  go  and  bring  the  old  medicine-man."  Coyote 
yonder  split  some  alder-bark  and  chewed  at  it.  Then  the 
women  came  to  meet  him,  and  he  said  to  them  :  "I  am  sick 
in  my  breast."  Then  he  spat ;  he  showed  them  that  what 
he  had  spit  out  was  red  and  pretended  that  it  was  blood. 

•Aic  k!aT  amcgEnu'xa  klEmEkE'dEc  gigwa'ladamt  itc- 
qla'qmq*  qa'datcix  ilqa'wulqt  daiaV  alu'ya  gigwaladamt 
wi'lxiamt.  Cma'nix  iwat  ca'xal  itcqla'qctaq  dala'x  pal 
anxu'xwa  Bqa'wulqt,  anE'mxta.1  Gigwa'ladamt  itcqla'qctaq 

5  itlu'kti;  kla'y'  anE'mqta."1  A^xaxt  naVit  k!axla  gagi'ux  ; 
a'niwat  axklfi'skax  k!axla  gagixux;  gigwa'ladamt  ^  iaq!a7q- 
ctaq  kla'la  gagi'ux.  Gagi'uk^.  'Aga  kxwo'pt  na'wit  ga- 
yaxalga'yapq.  Na'wit  Llma'n  L!man  idia'kcEn  gatctalga'mit. 
Naxhi'xwa-it  :  "A-iwa'u  ilakla'niEla  ilqle'yoqt  ;  naV  it!uxkt' 

10  itgKnu'x  itqle'yoqt.  Aga  kxwo'pt  L!a'xu  gagiula'da  wilxpa. 
Kxwopt  gatclE'mquit  tqaVulqt  gagiula'dabit.  Gala'kim 

waga'lxt,    gagulxam: 


mux  iq!e7- 

Aga  kxwoxpt  wi't!'  ae'xat  kla'la  gagixux.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
15  gagi'ukuh  NaVid  da'ukwa  wixt!a  gatcu'xa;  wi't!a  gatc- 
talga'mit  idia'kcEn.  Gagirukul  na'qe  y^lqdix ;  witla  gagiu- 
la'da.  Witla  gagulxam :  «Naxq'  itlu'kti  imiuta'da ;  tclfl 
imi'ux  iqle'yoqt.  Si'klslutk ;  wixt!a  ilqa'wulqt  liagE'lpx, 
kxvva'  kxwa  ik^xox."  Aga  kxwo'pt  wi'tla  klala  gagi7ux ; 
20  agagixukul  alalu'n.  Wi7t!a  da'uxwa  gatcu'xa;  Llma'n  Llman 
gatcu'xa.  Gagi'uk11!  naxqi  ya'lxdix  aga  wixt!a  gagiula'da. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  wi'tla  gaklu'lxam  a^xat :  "A"  naq'  itlu'kti 
mcki'uxt  iqle'yoqt.  Aga  la'blat  tdumgwe'lit,  Jqa'wulqt 
ligE'lpx;  tchd  tclE'l 

25  Aga  kxwo'pt  kla'la  gagi'ux  alala'kt.  Gagi'uk11!  wixt!a 
a'xta.  Wi'tla  da'uxwa  gatco'xwa  Llma'n  Llman.  Wi'tla 
gagiula'da.  Qo'ct  aga  q!6xp  Igi'uxdix  itquHxba  itca'mqtp' 

1  AnE'mxta  stands  for  anu'mqta. 


"You  will  just  carry  me  on  your  backs  so  that  my 
head  is  downward,  in  order  that  the  blood  may  slowly  go 
down  to  the  ground.  If  my  head  is  turned  upwards,  my 
mouth  will  perhaps  become  filled  with  blood,  (so  that)  I 
shall  die.  It  is  good  that  my  head  be  down ;  (so)  I  shall 
not  die."  One  of  the  women  straightway  took  him  on  her 
back;  the  youngest  one  carried  him  first;  she  carried  him 
with  his  head  turned  down.  She  went  along  with  him. 
And  then  straightway  he  put  his  hands  between  her  legs. 
Immediately  he  stuck  his  hands  into  her  private  parts 
and  fingered  them.  She  thought:  "Oh!  the  old  man  is 
bad ;  the  old  man  did  not  do  good  to  me."  So  then  she 
threw  him  down  on  the  ground.  Then  he  spat  blood 
when  she  had  thrown  him  down.  One  of  the  older  sisters 
spoke,  and  said  to  her:  "It  is  not  good  that  you  have 
hurt  the  old  man." 

And  then  one  of  the  women  again  took  him  on  her 
back.  She  went  along  with  him.  Straightway  again,  as 
before,  he  treated  her ;  again  he  put  his  hands  into  her 
private  parts.  She  did  not  carry  him  long ;  she  also 
threw  him  down.  Again  one  (of  the  sisters)  said  to  her: 
"It  is  not  good  that  you  have  thrown  him  down;  you 
have  hurt  the  old  man.  Look  at  him ;  again  blood  is 
flowing  out  of  his  mouth,  he  is  coughing."  And  then  she 
also  put  him  on'  her  back ;  now  she  was  the  third  to  carry 
him.  To  her  also  he  did  as  before;  he  fingered  her  pri- 
vate parts.  She  did  not  carry  him  long,  but  threw  him 
down  also.  And  then  again  one  of  the  women  said  to 
them:  "Oh!  you  have  not  treated  the  old  man  well. 
Now  he  is  continually  spitting  out  much  blood,  the  blood 
is  flowing  out  of  his  mouth ;  you  have  hurt  him  badly." 

And  then  the  fourth  woman  took  him  on  her  back. 
That  woman  also  went  along  with  him.  He  treated  her 
also  as  before,  fingering  her,  private  parts.  She  also  threw 


axi'mat.  Gaktu'lxam  aklu'na  a'exat  aga  saqu  axoqE'nk, 
a'xka  waJa'lxt:  "QE'nEgiska  mcgi'uxt  iqle'yoqt  idia'ge- 
wam!  si'kteiutk,  tfqa'wulqt  tegE'lpx ;  aga  qioa'p  ag' 
ayu'mqta.  QE'nEgi  qxfdau  Emcgi'uxt  iqie'yoqt?"  La'-itc- 
5  kaba  galki'm  ILa'ktikc :  "Qxi'dau  na'ya  itcnu'x  iqle'yoqt." 
A'exat  wirt!a  da'uxwa  na'kim :  "LIma'n  iJman  itcnu'x." 
GalxE'lxamx:  tfAg'  alema  a'xtiax  alaxElqla'xid'  alEma; 
alaxtuxwa'-ida  yak!axmEla  iqie'yoqt  qucti'axa." 

k!axla  gagi'ux  wi't!a  aklE'n'  a'-ixat  aiagwE'nEma ; 
10  aga  gagixukuL  Aga  w^tla  daxukwa  gatcu^a.  Aga  qloa^ 
itquJe/ba;  aga  gagiu}a7da  kxwo^a.  Aga  kxwoxpt  itca^xt- 
pa  aga  gaqxoxgwiga  idE'lxam  atgigi^alama  ayugwixla-ida ; 
gaqxo'gwigax  itslfnonks1  qxfdauEmax  wflxpama  itqcxila7- 
uwukc  idaga^Ex  idaxitCE^Elit ;  alugwa^alam'  a^Ema  cpak. 

15  Gairkim  idiage'wam  isklu'lEyE  :  "Aga  t!axya  mcgaxi'- 
ma."  Aga  kxwo'pt  gaqaxi'ma  ;  galuxwi'la-it  idElxam  da'- 
itcka  atgigi'lalama.  Gali'kim  idiaxi'lalit  :  3  "Na'qe  pu 
anugwHa-ida  na'-ima  na'ika.  Daba/  dan  mcg-iaxaia'dagw' 
a-ila'-u  qxa'datc'  itiu'ktix  anugwila-ida."  Aga  kxw6xpt 

20  gaqigE'lga  ilqloa'dit;  a-ila'-u  gaqxi^loxix.  Aga  kxwo'ba 
gayagu'nila-it,  agatctulxam  :  "Cma'nix  exwi  anltxa'  ilx- 
IccE'n  ca'xEl,  aga  kxwo'pt  amcklalama." 

gatctu'ckam  idk'ktmax  aga  galugwa'lalamtck.    Aga 
kxwc/pt    gayugwi'la-it  ;    a-iiJa'k    gatcto'x    itka'qwit.     Aga 
25  kxwo'pt  gatcielga'mit  iaklalx'ix-,  gatcu'ctga.     Galaglu'ma  : 

1  Its'i'nunks  stands  (or  it-ts!i'n6nks. 

Idiaxi'lalit    (cf.  -gila-it,     «to    doctor")    denotes     properly     «medicine-man"    in 

capacity    of   Moctor,"  of  dispeller  of  disease;  idiage'wam   is  used  as  equivalent 

to  «shanum"  in  its  -wider  sense  of  one  who  can  inflict  harm  on  otters  by  his  con- 


him  down.  Behold,  now  they  were  approaching  to  where 
the  girl  was  lying  sick  in  the  house.  Now  another  one 
of  the  women,  the  oldest  of.  all,  —  she  was  their  oldest 
sister,  —  said  to  them:  "How  you  have  treated  the  old 
medicine-man !  Look,  blood  is  flowing  out  of  his  mouth ; 
now  he  is  close  to  dying.  Why  have  you  done  thus  to 
the  old  man?"  The  four  women  said  among  themselves: 
"Thus  has  the  old  man  done  to  me  myself."  One  again 
said  in  like  manner:  "He  fingered  my  private  parts." 
They  said  to  one  another :  "  Now  she  too  will  find  out ; 
she  will  think  that  the  old  man  is  bad,  after  all." 

Now  also  the  other  one,  the  fifth,  took  him  on  her  back 
and  went  along  with  him.  Her  also  he  treated  as  before. 
Now  the  house  was  near  by,  and  there  she  threw  him 
down.  And  then  people  were  gotten  where  the  woman 
lay  sick  who  should  sing  for  him,  while  he  was  to  treat  (her) ; 
they  obtained  animals  of  such3  kind  from  the  land,  large 
deer  who  could  make  much  noise ;  they  were  to  sing 
out  loud. 

Coyote,  the  medicine-man,  said:  "Now  lay  her  down 
carefully."  And  then  they  laid  her  down ;  the  people  who 
were  to  sing  for  him  seated  themselves.  The  medicine- 
man said  :  "I  alone  would  not  treat  her.  Put  something 
around  her  here  to  hide  her  from  view,  so  that  I  may 
treat  her  well."  And  then  they  took  rushes  and  put 
them  over  her  to  hide  her  from  view.  Now  there  he 
sat  by  her,  and  said  to  them  :  "If  I  turn  my  hand  up, 
then  you  shall  sing." 

Then  he  took  up  the  song,  and  they  started  in  singing. 
And  then  he  treated  (her) ;  he  spread  apart  her  legs.  He 
stuck  his  penis  into  her  and  copulated  with  her.  She 

trol    of  spirits.     Not  every  idiaxi'lalit  or  "doctor"   was  such  a   "shaman"  or  "tama- 
noas,"    though    an  idiage'wam    could    generally  cure  disease.     In    the  text  the  two 
words  are  used  interchangeably  for  "dispeller  of  disease." 
3  Accompanied  by  a  gesture  in  the  recital.. 

2 — PUBL.    AMER.    ETHN.    SOC.    VOL.    II. 


•Lgna'2ctglEl  ttqle'yoqt."  Ca'xsl  gatctu'x  Ka'kcEn ;  gatc- 
hi'lxam:  "AgE  mcuda'2gwaltck,  cpak  mckla'temtcfc,11 
Aga  kxwo'pt  cpak  galugwa'lalEmtck  a'lalalala.  GacxEl- 
ga'xit  ickla'lx-ix-.  laka'xta  qucti'axa  ya'xta  yakla'lx-ix- 
5  Lqlo'p  galgi'ux  aqE'nEkc  ExnEgi-,  gaya'lkapq  cftlix  ya'xtau, 
qxfdau  gatcu'ctgax.  Gacxgla'qlkax,  gacxElga'xitx. 

Aga  kxwo'pt  xwo't  gatciaxu'xax.  Na'wit  tla'ya  galaxux- 
xwax.  GagugEmtcxu'qax  wa'kaq:  "QE'nEgi  aga  mki'- 
xax?  Aga  tci  mtlu'kti  imxu'x?"  -  -  "Aga  ntlu'kti  inxu'x 
10  klma'  dnux  Hgnu'ctk  ilqle'yoqt."  —  'Qxotk'  ax-u,  ga'n  a-ic 
rmxux;  aga  ti'aya  ilgmu'x  ilqle'yoqt."  Aga  kxwo'pt  ga- 
qiu'lxam  iqle'yoqt:  "Aga  ma'ika  ami'gikal  iga'xux."  Ga- 
irkim:  "Na'qi  tq!e'x  nluxt  Iqagi'lak.  Qxa'daga  ngucgir- 
wal;  na'qi  tqagilak  k!axxc."  Aga  gayu'pa-,  gali^glo'qlq. 

Coyote  and  the  Mouthless  Man. 

15  Wi'tlax  galHwilxt  w^mal  isklu'lEyE.  GatdgE^kEl  ilgoa7- 
tilx  qucti'axa  ilkaxla  ilaxni7!!!  ma%ix.  GatclgE^kEl  lEp 
gatxux  ihcqo'ba.  GalktExtck;  gixgad  ix't  ina^un,  dirgad 
ix*t  ina'gun  ilaxkcEn  ligE^gat-,  galgikxaMm'  aknfmba 
ina'gun.  Kxwopt  tk!f  gatdu'x;  gatdgE'lkEl  galklo'ql' 

20  alakcs'n  EnEgi,  Igioqte'lal  aknfmba.  Galixlu'xwa-it :  aLEr- 
pEt  afxi/xwa  anigElgaxya  anilxu^tga  !xt  ila^agun ;  gwax- 
nixtcla  qExnEg'  alxu'xwa." 

LE'P    gatxo'x.     Aga    kxwo'pt  gayuklwfxa  ilaxnfmtemt. 

Gatcignlga   txt   ila'nagun.     Gayu'ya,    gatcixukl    iJa^agun, 

25   gatci'upcut    itlo'xwatckpa.     Aga    kxwo'pt    yaxta    kxwo'ba 


called  out:  "The  old  one  is  copulating  with  me."  He 
put  up  his  hand  and  said  to  them  :  "Now  go  ahead, 
sing  hard."  And  then  hard  they  sang  and  sang.  The 
two  (parts  of  the)  penis  stuck  together.  Truly,  that  was 
the  same  penis  which  they  had  cut  off  with  the  stone 
knife ;  that  (Coyote)  penetrated  her  halfways,  thus  he 
copulated  with  her.  The  two  (parts  of  the)  penis  recog- 
nized each  other,  they  stuck  together. 

And  then  he  pulled  it  out  of  her.  Straightway  she 
became  well.  Her  mother  asked  her :  "  How  are  you 
feeling  now?  Have  you  now  become  well?"  -  "Now  I 
have  become  well,  but  the  old  one  has  copulated  with 
me."  -  "Well,  never  mind,  just  keep  quiet;  now  the  old 
one  has  done  well  to  you."  And  then  the  old  man  was 
told:  "Now  she  has  become  your  wife."  He  said:  "I 
do  not  want  a  woman.  I  am  walking  about  without 
particular  purpose;  I  desire  no  woman."  Then  he  went 
out  of  the  house ;  he  left  them. 

Coyote  and  the  Mouthless  Man. 

Again  Coyote  travelled  up  the  river.  In  the  water  he 
saw  the  canoe  of  a  certain  person,  as  it  turned  out,  a  man. 
He  saw  how  (the  man)  dived  into  the  water.  He  came 
up  out  of  the  water,  his  hands  holding  one  sturgeon  on 
that  side  and  one  sturgeon  on  this ;  he  put  the  sturgeons 
down  in  the  canoe.  Then  (Coyote)  looked  on  and  saw 
him  count  them  with  his  finger,  pointing  about  in  the 
canoe.  He  thought:  "When  he  dives,  I  shall  take  hold 
of  and  steal  from  him  one  of  his  sturgeons ;  let  us  see 
what  he'll  do." 

The  person  dived  under  water.  And  then  (Coyote) 
swam  towards  his  canoe.  He  seized  one  of  his  sturgeons. 
He  went  and  took  the  person's  sturgeon  with  him,  and 


gayula'-itx;  gali'xpsut.  Aga  kxwo'pt  ga*kta'ptck  ilaxnl'm- 
ba ;  galktakxa'-ima  aknl'mba  tfa'nagun  1'xt  wi'tla  fxt.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  gatkto'qhi;  wi'tla  gaMo'qla.  Blx2t  galklo'ql;  i'xt 

5  Aga  kxwo'pt  galku'qti  ala'kcEn,  ia'niwat  ca'xlix,  mank 
gi'gwal,  wi'tla  mank  tlugigwal,  anix  mank  tlu'gigwal  wflx^ 
pa.  Kxwo'ba  galgiu'qti  yu'xtpa.  Plx2t  kxwo'b'  ala'kcsn. 
Ki'nua  kfi'la'-ix,  wi7t!a  kxwo'b'  ala'kcEn ;  ki'nua  qxa'damt, 
kxwo'b'  aia'kcEn  iaxka'ba  isklulEyE.  Kxwo'b'  ala'kcsn, 
10  kxwo'ba  sa'iba  galu'ya  yaxka'ba.  Na'awit  galigo'qwam. 
Nax2wit  qlwo'bixix  galigo'qwom. 

Gatkriuqti'lalumx ;  galixtcklwa^anumx  •  t!axya  galksi- 
kllu'tkax.  Kwo'dau  yaxxt!ax  tk!ix  gatclu'x  ifgoa'lilx ; 
Ixlu'idEt  ilgoa'h'lx.  Qucti'axa  kla'ya  ila'k^xat;  ia'ima  ilax- 

15  gEtc  kwo'dau  ilsta^us  ila^Lioxwe.  Warwa  galgixux 
ilagErtcpa  kxmE  naxqxi  gatclxtcmo^ ;  aic  ki^wal  ilagE7tcpa  : 
ttDEn  dEn  dEn  dsn."  Quctixaxa  Igi^mela  ya'xtau  q^dau. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  qexdau  galgiu'lxam  ila^Etc  E^Egi :  "Naqx' 
itlu'kti  ma'ika;"  qe'dau  Igiuxu'lal  tfgoa'h'lx ;  xaxb  illuxt  ila- 

20  go'mEnit.  "K!ma  tq!^x  aga  Igi'uxt  fga  ina'gun  da'ulax 
itka'la;  algEnuwa'gwa  Iga."  Qe'dau  nixlu'xwa-it  isklu'lEyE. 

Aga  kxwoxpt  ga^u'ya  wi'tlax  alaxnfmiamt.  GalixElki'lx 
gahi'yapEt;  ilklalamat  gatdu'mitcki  •,  watu'lpa  gatchda'- 
max.  Aga  kxwo'pt  saqu  gahdilx.  Gatci'uxc  ina'gun  • 
25  tqlu'p  Iqiu'p  gatci'uxax  ;  t!a'ya  t!a'ya  gatclu'x  ilkla'lamat. 
Ina'gun  gatcikxwa'tklx,  gatciu'qxopk ;  sax2qu  gayu'kst. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  darg  gatci'ux,  gatcfxtklwa.  Aga  kxwo'pt 


hid  it  in  the  bushes.  And  then  that  (Coyote)  seated  him- 
self there  and  hid.  Then  the  person  came  up  out  of  the 
water  into  his  canoe;  he  put  his  sturgeons  clown  in  the 
canoe,  again  one  and  one.  A  nd  then  he  counted  them  •, 
again  he  counted  them.  Quite  silently  he  counted  them  • 
there  was  (only)  one  sturgeon  in  his  canoe. 

And  then  he  pointed  his  finger  out,  first  up  high,  (then) 
a  little  lower,  again  a  little  lower  still,  finally  a  little  lower 
still  on  the  ground.  There  he  pointed,  where  (Coyote) 
was  sitting.  Quite  silently  (he  held)  his  finger  there. 
(Coyote)  tried  (to  move)  to  one  side,  there  again  was  his 
finger.  No  matter  which  way  (he  moved),  there  was  his 
finger  (pointing)  at  him,  Coyote.  Where  his  finger  was 
(pointed  to),  there  he  went  straight  up  to  him.  Straight- 
way he  went  to  meet  him-,  straightway  he  came  quite 
close  to  him. 

He  kept  pointing  at  him  ;  (Coyote)  kept  dodging  from 
side  to  side;  the  person  kept  him  well  in  eye.  And  he 
also  looked  at  the  person ;  the  person  was  strange  in  ap- 
pearance. As  it  turned  out,  he  had  no  mouth ;  he  had 
only  a  nose  and  eyes  and  ears.  He  spoke  to  (Coyote) 
with  his  nose,  but  he  did  not  hear  him ;  just  deep  down 
in  his  nose  (could  be  heard):  "Dsn  dEn  dEn  dEn."  In  fact 
he  was  scolding  that  (Coyote)  in  this  way.  Thus  he  said 
to  him  with  his  nose:  "You  are  not  good."  Thus  the 
person  kept  telling  him;  his  heart  was  dark  within  him. 
"But  perhaps  now  this  man  desires  the  sturgeon ;  perhaps 
he  is  going  to  kill  me."  Thus  thought  Coyote. 

And  then  the  person  went  back  to  his  canoe.  (Coyote) 
made  a  fire  when  he  had  gone.  He  gathered  some  stones 
and  heated  them  in  the  fire.  And  then  they  all  became 
heated  up.  He  cut  the  sturgeon  in  two,  cut  it  all  up, 
and  carefully  made  ready  the  stones.  He  laid  the  stur- 
geon out  on  the  stones  and  steamed  it;  it  was  entirely 


wi't!a  galiglu'ya  yaka'xt'  ika'la  da'n  ia'kcxat ;  galigo'qwam 
ixtxF/lKmax  iskiu'lEyE. 

Aga   kxwo'pt   gatcigE'lga   ya'xta  yukst  it!u'kt'   ina'gun. 

Kwopt     nixhi'xwa-it     iskiu'lEyE:      "Qxa'tki'ax'    atciu'xwa." 

5  Gatsikllu'tk ;   gatcigE'lgax   yaxk'  itlu'kti;  aMc  xwi'xwi  ga- 

tciu'xox    ina^un;     kxwopt    gatciula'dax.       Aga     kxwo'pt 

isklu'lEyE:      "Naxx'     itlu'ktix"  galixhi'xwa-it.      Gatciugwa7- 

lEmamEx   ina'gun ;    baqbaxq   gatci'ux  dama'la.     Aga    ixlu- 

xwa'nit  isk!i/lEyE:      "QE7nEgi  atciu^wa?"     K!uxna  fxt  gat- 

10  cigElga;    wixt!a  da'ukwa  gatci'uxox. 

Galiglu'ya;  ixwi  ixwi  gatci'ux.  Aga  kxwoxpt  galixlux- 
xwa-it:  aLkuxn  qErngi  aniuxxwa  iaxkcxat  anil^xa."  Qanaxn 
gatcigE'lga  iqtaxix ;  capcaxp  gatci7ux  axnat ;  gali^ox  alqi- 
di'w'  aq!e'weqe  itcak!ixsiL  Aga  kxw6xpt  galigluxya  ;  qanarn 
15  tcigE'lgat  iqta^x ;  ixwi  i7wi  gatcixux.  Kx^nua  galixtcklwa7- 
nanEmtck.  Aga  gatcikxa^imax  iakwcxaxtpa;  xwfct  ga- 
tci'ux;  waxx  gaxlxux  ftagaVulqt;  galiqtu^k  :  "Ha4  ha4."3 
Gatciu'lxam :  "  Mxa'tcktcam  wimafta^t."  GaliktaxptckpEt 
pla'la  igi'xox;  aga  wa'wa  gatcixux. 

20  Gaqrulxam  isklu'lEyE :  "Na'qxe  Ika  yaga'il  imiu'qxopk 
ina'gun."  Aga  kxwo'pt  gali'kim  isklu'lEyE  :'  "Hi  imEnoa'q3 
pu;  tq!e'x  mitxt  ina'gun ;  imi'nEkux  ina'gun."  Aga  gado- 
xwi'Mitck  idE'lxam:  "Ika'la  yakwcxavt  iqi'lux."  Quct 
ka'nauwe,  idElxam  iaka'uxtau  i'xt  wflxam  da'n  idaxkwcxat. 

25  Aga    kxwo'pt    gatxi'gElukl  -,    itgakcxa'tkc    gatcta'wix  saqu 

idElxam  iaka'xtau  fxt  wflxam.     Gatcii/pqEna  wilx  iaka'x- 

'NimtcxaVa.114      Gaqh/lxam :      "AgagHak    aqa'mE- 

That  is,  the  mouthless  man.  2  Whispered. 

1  ImEnoa'q  is  for  imnu'waq. 

Nimlcxa'ya    was    a    village  of  the  Cascades  Indians  (Wala'la)  situated  on  the 


done.  And  then  he  removed  it  and  laid  it  down.  Then 
that  same  man  who  had  no  mouth  went  back  to  him ; 
he  met  Coyote  as  he  was  eating. 

And  then  he1  took  hold  of  that  good  well-done  stur- 
geon. Then  thought  Coyote:  "Wonder  what  he'll  do 
with  it!"  He  looked  at  him;1  he  took  the  good  (stur- 
geon). He  just  sniffed  at  the  sturgeon,  then  threw  it  away. 
And  then  Coyote  thought:  "It  is  not  well."  He  went 
and  brought  the  sturgeon  back  and  brushed  it  clean. 
Now  Coyote  is  thinking :  "  What  is  he  going  to  do  with 
it?"  Once  again  he1  took  hold  of  it  and  did  with  it  again 
as  before. 

He  went  up  to  him  and  looked  at  him  closely.  And 
then  he  thought:  "I  don't  know  what  I  shall  do  to  make 
him  a  mouth."  Secretly  he  took  a  flint  and  chipped  it  on  one 
side ;  it  became  just  like  a  sharp  knife.  And  then  he  went  up 
to  him  with  the  flint  secretly  in  hand  and  looked  at  him 
closely.  In  vain  the  man  tried  to  dodge  from  side  to 
side.  Now  he  put  the  flint  down  over  his  mouth.  He 
sliced  it  open,  and  his  blood  flowed  out.  He  breathed: 
"Ha4  hazj.."3  He  said  to  him:  " Go  to  the  river  and  wash 
yourself."  When  he  had  come  up  out  of  the  water,  he 
stopped  and  spoke  to  Coyote. 

Coyote  was  spoken  to  (thus):  "You  do  not  seem  to 
have  steamed  a  large  sturgeon."  And  then  Coyote  said : 
"Well,  you  would  have  killed  me;  you  wanted  the  stur- 
geon for  yourself.  You  got  after  me  for  the  sturgeon." 
Now  the  people  told  one  another:  "There  is  a  man 
whose  mouth  has  been  made  for  him."  In  truth,  all  the 
people  of  that  same  one  village  were  without  mouths. 
And  then  they  betook  themselves  to  him.  He  made 

Washington  side  of  the  Columbia,  about  half  a  mile  below  a  high  rock  (Ik'.a'lamat) 
now  known  as  "Castle  Rock."  To  make  amends  for  their  former  mouthlessness, 
the  people  of  Nimicxa'ya  are  (or  were)  said  to  possess  particularly  large  mouths. 

loda."     Gali'kim:     "Kla'ya!  na'qi  tq!e'x  Enhi'xt  pu  tfqagi'- 
lak;  na'qi  anlgE'lgaya." 

Coyote  and  the  Pregnant    Woman. 

Wi'tla  gayu'ya  isklu'lEyE  ;  gali'lwilxt  wi'mal.  Galigu'- 
qxom  ika'la  idia'pc  k!a'u  uxwe'xt;  idia'qxwit  de'luxt  pa't 
5  itk.'a'munak.  SixmrnlW;  iaq!axqctaq  E7nEgi  yutxulft-, 
"Ana^"  cixElge^xEnilx.  Galigu'qwom  ika'la  yaka'xta. 
"QE'nEgi  mki'ax?"  —  "Na'qe  qxada'ga  qxi'dau  Enki'xax. 
Axgikaxl  q!oaxp  aklgs'lgaya  ilkla'ckac.  Kxwo'ba  qxe'dau 
itkla'munak  fnti. 


10  GatcigExlga  ;  dakdaxk  gateaux.  T!ayax  gatctu7x  idia- 
kla'munak;  gatccu'gmatk  itpi7nalx  ExnEgi.  Aga  kxw67pt 
gatciogomtcxu'ga  :  "Qaxpo/  moxt?"  "la'xiba  next," 

gali'kim  ika'la.  "Atx^ya,"  gali'kim  isk.'u'lEyE,  "ma/niwat 
Emixa  naik'  axga  andu'ctxwa  daxuda  itkla'munak."  Aga 

15  kxwo'pt  gatciu'lxam  :  "Qxfdau  pu  amdu'xwa,  sfnEklitk, 
cma'nix  itkla'munak  amu'ya." 

Aga  kxwo'pt  gadixlu'ctxEinit  iaqla'qctaq  ';'  xol  gadi'x- 
lux  isklu'lEyE;  Aga  kxwo'pt  gactu'ya  idia'q^iamt  ikala  -, 
gactu'yam  itq^i'ba.  Gatctii'ctxuit  cpalc.  "Daqwa'u  qeA- 
20  dau  mka'la  pu  amdu'xwa  itkla'munak.  Amductxumfda 
cpa'k  qe'dau  pu  daqwa'u."  Gactu'pq  ;  gatca'gElkEl  aga- 
gilak;  p!axla  itca'lq,  faMma  Ika'kcEn  atk!ftk!iq;ux. 

Twi  i'wi  gatcu'xwax  IkakcE'nba ;  qucti'axa  alka't  agakcExn 

1  For   similar  cases  in    Pacific    coast   mythology  of  men  walking  upside  down, 


mouths  for  all  the  people  of  that  same  one  village.  He 
called  that  same  land  Nimicxa'ya.  They  said  to  him : 
"We  will  give  you  a  woman."  He  said:  "No!  I  should 
not  care  for  a  woman;  I'll  not  take  one." 

Coyote  and  the  Pregnant    Woman. 

Coyote  again  went  on  and  travelled  up  the  river.  He 
met  a  man  whose  feet  were  tied  together,  and  whose  legs 
were  full  of  pieces  of  wood.  He  was  turning  somersaults 
and  standing  on  his  head, 1  and  he  kept  crying  :  "  Alas  !" 
(Coyote)  met  this  same  man  (and  said) :  "What  are  you 
doing?"  —  "Not  of  my  own  accord  am  I  doing  thus.  My 
wife  is  soon  to  beget  a  child;  therefore  have  I  thus  come 
for  wood." 

(Coyote)  took  hold  of  him  and  disentangled  him.  He 
put  the  pieces  of  wood  in  order,  and  tied  them  together 
with  a  hazel-bush  rope.  And  then  he  asked  him  :  "  Where 
do  you  live?"  "Yonder  I  dwell,"  said  the  man.  "Let 
us  go,"  said  Coyote;  "go  first  while  I  carry  these  pieces 
of  wood  on  my  shoulders."  And  then  he  said  to  him  : 
"Thus  you  should  handle  it  -  -  look  at  me  -  -  whenever 
you  go  for  wood." 

And  then  he  packed  it  on  his  head;  Coyote  put  it 
around  on  himself.  Then  they  two  went  towards  the 
man's  house,  and  arrived  at  the  house.  He  had  packed 
the  wood  good  and  strong.  "  Moving  along  in  this  way, 
man,  should  you  handle  the  wood.  You  should  pack  it 
good  and  strong,  moving  along  thus."  They  entered  the 
house.  He  saw  the  woman ;  her  body  was  sound,  only 
she  had  one  of  her  hands  covered  up. 

He    examined    her  hand  carefully ;  it  turned  out  that  a 

cf.  Farrand's  Traditions  of  the  Quinault  Indians,   p.  85. 



axkte'skax  wakxa'ts  itcaklaits.  Datk!u'b  da'luxt  tgaxe- 
xwo'lal.  E'wi  gatcu'xwax ;  dafklwo'p  gatco'xwax;  xwo'i  ga- 
tcaxo'xwax  wakxa'ts.  "Kla'ya!"  gatciu'lxam,  "na'qe  qeMau 
aga'wan;  ida'xleu  wakxa'ts  da'ua  nigalga'xit.  Qe'dau 
5  knla'-lx  pu  amu'xwa,  aga'wan  amalo'xwa.  Sf  nEk!itk  anu'ct- 
ga."  Aga  kxwo'pt  aga'wan  galaxa'lux  ilkla'ckac  itca- 
wa'nba.  Kxwopt  gakhi'xtum.  "Qe'dau  pu  amlu'xwa 
ilqagi'lak.  A'kcta  da^ula  ilk!axckac  ma'ika  ilmi'xan  tfxo'x. 
Qe'dau  pu  amEcxu'xa  da'uya  fxt  wilxam." 

Coyote  makes  a  Fish-Trap. 

10  Aga  gayu'ya  isklulEyE.  Na'wit  gayu'ya;  gatco'guikEl 
itkla'uwan  iltcqo'ba.  Kxwo'pt  galixtu'xwa-it :  ^QE'ngi 
andu'xwa?75  Aga  kxwo'pt  galix  lu^wa-it :  "Anuxxw'  alax- 
lax."  Gatcu'guikEl  itkla^wan  itksubnaxiut.  Gatcuxx  axla- 
lax.  Aga  kxwo'pt  k!aru  gatcu'x  ala'lax,  k!aru  gatca'- 

15  iluxix*.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatssu'bEna  na'wid  datca'xa-i  ala'- 

Aga  kxwo'pt  gatcu'lxam  ala'lax  isk!u'lEyE:  "Cma'ni 
pa't  amxu'xwa  ala'lax,  cma'ni  pa'!  itk!a'uan  imi/kwcxat, 
aga  kxwo'pt  amgi'luma,  1U'4  nu'temst  \  amgi'luma, 

20  lAga  pa'2l  itkla'uwan  ala'laxpa.'"  Aga  kxwo'pt  galaglu'- 
ma :  u  U'4  nu'lEmst  ala'lax  ;"  galigi'luma  isklu'lEyE  :  a  U'4." 
Aga  kxwo'pt  gayu'ya  isklu'lEyE,  gatcu'guikEl  aga  pa'l. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  da'k  gatcu'x  a'lalax.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gali'kim 
Lsklu'lKyE:  uGwa'2nEsum  qe'dau  amckto'xwa ;  gatctu'x 

25  qc'dau  isklu'lEyE."  (Da'uya  wi'lx  SkalxE'lEmax 3  ia'xliu 
a'watci  Sq!K'ldalpl.) 

from   a   rope   held   by    two  posts  slanting  toward  each  other   is  suspended  a 
t  trap,  into  which  the  white  salmon,  in  attempting  to  jump  past,  fall  back. 
SkatxE'lEmax,  or  Sq'.E'ldalpt,  was  on  the  northern  shore  of  the  Columbia,  above 


small  thorn  was  sticking  in  her  little  ringer,  and  that  it 
had  white  pus  in  it.  He  turned  it  over  and  made  (the 
swelling)  burst,  and  pulled  the  thorn  out  from  it.  "No!" 
he  said  to  him,  "not  in  this  way  is  she  to  become  preg- 
nant; this  which  has  been  sticking  in  her  is  what  people 
call  a  thorn.  Thus  should  you  treat  her  from  now  on, 
and  you  will  cause  her  to  be  pregnant.  See  me  copulate 
with  her !"  And  then  she  became  pregnant  with  a  child 
in  her  womb.  Then  she  gave  birth  to  it.  "In  this  way 
should  you  deal  with  a  woman.  Now  this  infant  has 
become  your  own  child.  Thus  should  you  people  do  in 
this  one  village." 

Coyote  makes  a  Fish-Trap. 

Then  Coyote  went  on ;  straight  on  he  went.  He  saw 
white]  salmon  in'  the  water.  Then  he  thought:  "How 
shall  I  catch  them?"  And  then  he  thought:  "I  shall 
make  a  fish-trap."  He  saw  the  white  salmon  jumping 
along,  and  made  a  fish-trap.  And  then  he  tied1  the  fish- 
trap,  tied  it  on  to  the  string.  He  jumped  straightway 
right  into  the  fish-trap. 

And  then  Coyote  said  to  the  fish-trap:  "If,  fish-trap, 
you  become  filled,  if  your  mouth  becomes  filled  with  white 
salmon,  then  you  shall  cry  out,  'U'4,  I  am  full;'  you 
shall  cry  out,  'Now  the  fish-trap  is  quite  full  of  white 
salmon.'"  And  then  it  cried  out:  "U'4,  I,  the  fish-trap, 
am  full;"  Coyote  shouted  :  "U^."  And  then  Coyote  went 
and  saw  that  it  was  full  now.  Then  he  unloosened  the 
fish-trap.  Then  Coyote  said:  "For  all  time  shall  you 
people  catch  them  thus ;  thus  did  Coyote  do."  (The  name 
of  this  land  is  SkahtE'lEmax 2  or  Sq!Exldalpl.) 

the  Cascades,  at  the  spot  now  known  as  Cooks'  Landing,  about  half  a  mile  below 
Drano.  SkaixE'lEmax  means  "eating- place,"  while  SqlE'ldalpt  denotes  "it  keeps 
tearing  out,"  the  reference  being  to  a  lake  connected  with  the  river  by  a  narrow  creek. 


Coyote  spears  Fish. 

Aga  kxwo'pt  wi'tla  gayu'ya.     Gayuya'2  gayu'yam.     Aga 

kxwo'pt  gali'kim:     "Aga  palala'i  mElxa'cat  iltcqoa'."     Gal- 

giu'lxam:      "Kla'ya    iltcqoa'."      Aga    gatcigE'lkEl    wi'mal. 

Aga    kxwo'pt   gali'kim:      "tttcqoa'    k!axxc  Ignu'xt."      Aga 

5  kxwo'pt  galu'y'  agagilak  iltcqoa7;  gaklut!ixb'  atlfwat.     Aga 

kxwo'pt    gagu^ada.     GasixEli/tk    isklu^Eys    gaca^ElqliLx. 

Aga     kxwo'pt     gayu'ya    iskiu'lEys  •    gatca'gElga    atli'wat  • 

gayu'ya     ihcqoa7;     gatclu^Iiba.     Aga    kxwoxpt    gatch/k11! 

itq^ia'mt  iltcqoax.      Aga     kxwo^t    gaqLi/qxumct     qanaxn 

10  idE'lxam. 

Gatcu'guikEl  itk.'a'uwan  caxxw  itkw6/kcxot.  Aga  kxwo^t 
gatci'ux  isk!uxlEyE  itcuxlq.  Aga  kxwo^t  gatculxam  aq!ex- 
yoqt:  alLuxg  ilaxna  ;  aniuxxw'  itcu^q."  Aga  kxwoypt 
gaklHut  ilqla^ucEqcEq.  N^qxi  tq!exx  gatclu^.  Aga 
1  5  kxwoxpt  gayuxya  ;  gatcuxx  awoqrtca  cu^cux  ;  gatca^iginxda 

Aga  kxwoxpt  gatcrutem  ik!axuwan.  Aga  kxwo^t  gatcix- 
ukul  itquHa'mt.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatci'uqxopk.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
gayu'kst;  gayu'ximux  iga'pkwal  ;  qana'n  idE'lxam  gayu'xi- 
20  mux.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gali'kim  iskiu'lEyE  :  "Qe'dau  amcgi'- 
uxa  ikla'uan  da'uyaba  wi'lx  idE'lxam."  Aga  kxwo'pt  gat- 
giulxam  idE'lxam:  "Aga  agagi'lak  ama'gElga,"  Gali'kim 
iskiu'lEyE:  "Na'qxi  tq!e'x  Enlu'xt  ;  naqx'  anagE'lgaya 

Coyote  eats  Dried  Salmon. 

25  Aga  kxwo'pt  gayu'ya.  Kxwoba'2  gatcu'guikEl  wi'-ixatpa 
itkli'lak.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gadixs'lmux.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gayu- 
go'ptit,  gayu'mEqt.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gadiq!Elki'uba  icia'gitc- 
ba  yaVcxatpa  wamiJu'xiba.  Qucti'axa  .wi'npo  ya'xtau 


Coyote  spears  Fish. 

And  then  again  he  went  on.  He  went  and  went  (until) 
he  arrived  (at  a  certain  place).  And  then  he  said  :  "Now 
I  am  extremely  thirsty  for  water."  They  said  to  him : 
"There  is  no  water."  Then  he  saw  the  river,  and  said :  "I 
desire  some  of  [the  water."  And  then  a  woman  went  for  the 
water.  She  dipped  down  the  bucket  and  lost  hold  of  it. 
Coyote  saw  that  she  was  crying.  And  then  Coyote  went 
and  got  hold  of  the  bucket ;  he  went  to  the  water  and 
dipped  it  down.  And  then  he  took  some  water  along 
with  him  to  the  house.  Then  it  was  drunk  without  knowl- 
edge of  the  (other)  people. 

He  saw  white  salmon  with  their  mouths  agape.  And 
then  Coyote  made  a  salmon-spear.  He  said  to  an  old 
woman :  "  Give  me  a  string ;  I  am  going  to  prepare  a 
salmon-spear."  .  .And  then  she  gave  him  some  large  beads. 
He  did  not  want  them.  So  then  he  went  and  cut  up 
some  wild-cherry  bark  in  thin  strips ;  he  wound  it  around 
on  the  salmon-spear. 

And  then  he  speared  a  white  salmon.  Then  he  brought 
it  to  the  house  and  steamed  it.  Then  it  was  done,  and 
they  ate  a  side  of  split  fish  ;  they  ate  it  without  knowl- 
edge of  the  (other)  people.  And  then  Coyote  said : 
"Thus  shall  you  people  get  white  salmon  in  this  land." 
"Now  you  shall  get  a  woman."  Coyote  said:  "I  do 
not  want  any  woman.  Never  mind!  I'll  not  take  her." 

Coyote  eats  Dried  Salmon. 

And  then  he  went  on.  Over  there  he  saw  in  the  trail 
some  dried  salmon.  And  then  he  ate  it.  Then  he  fell 
asleep  and  died.  The  salmon  went  out  through  him  at  his 
nostrils,  at  his  mouth,  and  at  his  ears.  In  truth,  it  was 


lu'q!  gatci'ux  isk!u'lEyE.  Gatci'uwaq,  gayugo'ptit.  Aga 
kxw6'pt  gatciu'pgEna  wflx.  Gali'kim :  «Aga'  da'uya 
whx  alixu'xwa  ya'xliu  Itkli'lak.1  Aga  gwa^nEsum  amc- 
giu'pgEna  ya'xliu  Itkli'lak."  Qe'dau  ya'xliu  Lmuyaqs6'qu  .2 

77/£  Story  concerning  Coyote. 

b  Aga  kxwo'pt  gayu'ya-,  gayuya'2  ;  gayu'ia-it.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  gasi'xlmklna-uWtsk  isklu'lEyE.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
isklu'lEyE  gasi'xtuks.  Aga  kxwo'pt  qe'dau  gali'xox;  e'wi 
gali'xox  iaklalxixpa,  erwi  tcklfc  gali'xox  iaqla'qctaqba ; 
tcklfc  gaqi'ux.  Gali'kim  isk!uxlEyE  :  aNaqx'  itlu'ktix  imc- 

10  gno'x."  Aga  kxwo'pt  idwo'tca  gatcuxa'bu ;  narqxi  tq!exx 
gatcto'x  pu  gaqxawiqLa'xit.  Aga  idw67tca  nitcuxo'dwa-ix. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  dakda'k  galuxxwax  idwo'tca ;  itkcuqxi'dami- 
daba  idwo'tca. 

Aga   kxw67pt   kaxnauwe  can  galxElqla'xit  qs'nEgi  nigi'- 

15  xatx  isklu'lEyE.  Aga  kxwo'pt  isklu'lEyE  wa'lu  gag'iux. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  nixlu'xwa-it :  "Ag'  anxlxE'lEma."  Aga 
kxwo'pt  gali'kta  idE^xamba.  Aga  kxwo'pt  galu'gakim : 
a  lakla'mEla-ix  nigi'xatx  isklu'lEyE;  iakla'lxix  nici'xatukc." 
Aga  kxwo'pt  wi't'.a  gali'kta  isklu'lsyE.  Galixluxwa-it:  "  Yar- 

20  xiba  na'cqi  qxns'lqlat;  kla'ya  quct  a'ga  aqxnslqla'xida." 

Gali'kta  wi't!a  di'xt  i'tq^e.  Aga  wi'tlax  uxokla'iawu- 
lal;  "Aga  nici'xatukc  isklu'lsyE,"  duxikuinal  wi't!ax  ids'l- 

1  Itkli'lak,  or  "Dried  Salmon,"  is  now  called  "White  Salmon  Landing,"  and  was 
formerly  inhabited  by  both  Chinookan  (more  particularly  "White  Salmon")  and 
Klickitat  Indians.  Salmon  was  often  dried,  pounded,  and  preserved  in  baskets, 
for  use  in  winter,  and  to  be  traded  off  to  other  tribes  who  came  regularly  to  the 
Dalles  for  barter. 

Lmuyaqso'q",  or  Lmie'qsoq,  was  about  half  a  mile  up  the  river  from  Itkli'lak,  and 
on  the  same  (Washington)  side  of  it.  Its  site  is  now  occupied  by  "Burket  Ranch." 
It  also  was  occupied  by  "White  Salmon"  Indians  (Itk'.a'uanbam'  idE'lxam),  who 
spoke,  with  probably  only  slight  variations,  the  same  dialect  as  the  Wishram  and 

the  "story"  of  what  he  did,  which  would  spread  among  the  people  and 
make   Coyote   their  butt.     A   curious   materialization    of  the  mere  idea  of  a  naVra- 


a  flea  which  Coyote  had  swallowed.  It  had  killed  him, 
(so  that)  he  fell  asleep.  And  then  he  named  the  land. 
He  said:  "Now  the  name  of  this  land  shall  be  Dried 
Salmon.1  Now  forever  shall  you  people  call  its  name 
Dried  Salmon."  Thus  is  its  name :  Lmuyaqso'q11.2 

The  Story  concerning  Coyote. 

And  then  he  went  on.  He  went  and  went  (until)  he 
seated  himself.  And  then  Coyote  looked  all  around. 
Then  Coyote  sucked  himself.  Thus  he  did  :  he  turned  up 
his  penis,  and  bent  down  his  head  (so  that)  he  stooped 
down.  Coyote  said:  "You3  have  not  done  me  good." 
And  then  Coyote  locked  up  the  story  (of  his  obscene 
act) ;  he  did  not  wish  that  people  should  find  out  about  it. 
So  he  headed  the  story  off.  But  then  the  story  loosened 
itself;  they4  caused  it  to  break  out  (from  its  prison). 

And  then  everybody  found  out  what  Coyote  had  done 
to  himself.  Now  Coyote  became  hungry.  Then  he 
thought:  "Now  I  shall  eat."  And  then  he  went  among 
the  people.  But  they  said :  "  Coyote  has  acted  badly ; 
he  has  sucked  his  own  penis."  And  then  Coyote  went 
on  again.  He  thought:  "Yonder  I  am  not  known;  truly 
now  they  shall  not  find  out  about  me." 

He  went  on  (until  he  came)  to  another  house.  But 
again  the  people  were  laughing  among  themselves ;  "  Now 

live  or  report  into  an  entity  independent  of  the  narrator  is  here  exemplified,  simi- 
larly to  the  common  conception  of  a  name  as  a  thing  existing  independently  of 
its  bearer. 

4  The  text  is  obscure.  It  is  said  that  Coyote  requested  all  things  present  not 
to  carry  off  the  "story,"  but  forgot  about  the  clouds  (itka'),  just  then  sailing  above 
the  spot.  Not  bound  by  a  promise,  they  tore  out  the  "story"  from  its  fastness 
and  conveyed  it  to  the  people.  Thus  was  explained  how  all  had  heard  of  Coyote's 
obscenity,  though  no  one  had  witnessed  it,  and  though  he  himself  did  not  tell  any  one 
of  it.  North  of  the  Columbia  and  opposite  Mosier  may  still  be  seen  a  long,  high 
mountain  called  Idwo'tca  or  "Story,"  in  which  Coyote  attempted  to  lock  up  the 
"story."  Its  clefts  are  due  to  the  sudden  force  with  which  the  "story"  broke  out. 


xam.  Aga  kxwo'pt  nixhi'xwa-it :  _tfQu'ct~aga  qxnE'lqfet." 
Aga  kxwo'pt  gayu'ya.  Aga  wi'tla  gayu'pqa  Ju'xt  ilq!e'- 
yoqt.  Gali'Jlupq ;  gatdgE'lksl  ilgoa'lilx  palala'-i  lak!wa'iyukc. 

Aga  kxwo'pt  gali'kim:      "Walu  gnuxt."     Aga  kxwo'pt 

5  galgiu'lxam     Igoa^ilx  :       "Kla'ya    itlxlEm.       Dauya     naik' 

i'tciq    da'uya   mi'tqxEmit    iakla'mEla  i'tdq."     Aga  kxwo'pt 

gagi'lqwim    daxuya  itca'lq,  iqlmfba  gagi'lut.      Gagiu'lxam  : 

^Kla'ya  itfxlE'm.     Da'uya  na'ika  yakla'mEla  i'tclq  ayamEl- 

guE^ma."     Aga  kxwo'pt  gagriquim.      Aga  kxwo^t  galixE7- 

10  IEHIUX.     Na'qxi  sa'iba  galixE'lEmux  ;  naxqxi  luxqx  gateaux. 

Gatciu^ada.     Aga  kxwo^t  tslu^us  gal^xox.     Aga  kxwo^t 

galixu'tk  iagixtcxutpa,  k!a7u  gatcruW.     Aga  kxwo^t  ts.'u7- 

nus  gatcruldi     Gayuxpa.     Gayuxya. 

Gayuyax2-,    gayu'yam.       Galilla'klwatck.      Aga    kxwo'pt 

15  gairkim:      "  Mca'imadikc  mcxlxE'lEmax  ;  aga  naxit!a  tsiu'nus 

amcginglu'tka  ;      lu'qx     a'lEm'     alinxE'lEmuxuma     na'itla." 

Aga    kxwo'pt^  gayu'ya    itkla'lamat  ;    daLxopLxo'p  gatctu'x 

isk!uxlEyE.     Aga   kxwo'pt    gali'kim  :      "  Mca'imadikc    mcxl- 


20  Aga  kxwo'pt  gayu'la-it,  gadilmu'ya.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
e'wi  ga'lixox;  iage'tcxut  gatcigE'lga.  Daxk  xwo'l  gatci'ux. 
Qucti'axa  na'mEn  ixt  igu7nat  kxwo'ba  yagi'tcxutpa  yuxwa'xt. 
Gatcixixma;  na'mEn  igu'nat  da'k  gatci'ux.  Na'mEn  ik.'un' 
i'gunat  yu'xwaxt  ;  aga  kxwo'pt  gatcixi'ma.  GalixlxE7- 

25  kmtck;  galixE'lEmux  saqu.  Gatciu'lxum  sa7qu  iagi'tcxut; 
aya'faxit  gala-ixE'lEmux. 

Aga  kxwo'pt  gayu^a-it;  sa/qu  gatctu^xum  ia'gitcxut. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  nixh/xwa-it  :  "Wi'tlax  anuxya;  qucti'axa  igu'- 
nad  ya'xtau  ignE'lqxwim/  .  Aga  kxwo'pt  gayu'ya.  Na'wit 

30  kxwo'ba  gayu'yam.     Aga  kxwo'pt  gayu'pqa  gagilqxi'mba  ; 


Coyote  has  sucked  his  own  penis,"  again  the  people  were 
saying  to  one  another.  And  then  he  thought:  "Truly 
now  I  am  found  out."  So  then  he  went  on.  Then  again 
he  entered  a  house  (where)  an  old  person  was  dwelling. 
He  went  in  to  this  one  and  saw  that  the  person  had  sores 
all  over. 

And  then  he  said:  "I  am  hungry."  Then  the  person 
said  to  him:  "I  have  no  food.  I  have  this  flesh  of  mine 
which  you  see,  my  ugly  flesh."  And  then  she  gave  him 
to  eat  of  this  flesh  of  hers,  she  gave  it  to  him  in  a  plate. 
She  said  to  him:  "I  have  no  food.  This  bad  flesh  of 
mine  I  shall  give  you  to  eat."  So  then  she  gave  him  it 
to  eat.  Then  he  ate,  (but)  did  not  eat  in  real  truth ;  he 
did  not  swallow  it.  He  let  it  fall  down  (until)  there  was 
a  little  left  of  it.  And  tken  he  put  it  into  his  quiver 
and  tied  and  took  it  with  him.  He  took  a  little  of  the 
(sores)  with  him.  He  went  out  of  the  house  and  went  on. 

He  went  and  went  (until)  he  came  to  (some  people). 
He  got  scent  of  something  to  eat.  And  then  he  said : 
"You  are  eating  alone,  but  you  will  save  a  little  for  me 
also ;  I  too  will  swallow  and  eat  some."  And  then  he 
went  for  some  stones ;  Coyote  bored  them  through  with 
holes.  He  said:  "You  are  eating  alone." 

And  then  he  sat  down,  he  was  tired  out.  Then  he 
turned  and  got  hold  of  his  quiver.  He  untied  it  and 
pulled  out  (what  was  inside).  Behold,  there  in  his  quiver 
was  one  entire  salmon.  He  put  it  down  ;  he  had  taken 
out  an  entire  salmon.  There  was  another  entire  salmon 
inside,  and  he  put  that  down.  He  started  in  eating,  and 
ate  it  all.  He  ate  up  his  whole  quiver,  ate  his  bow. 

And  then  he  sat  down ;  he  had  eaten  them  all  up,  (in- 
cluding) his  quiver.  Then  he  thought :  "  I  shall  go  back  ; 
truly  it  was  a  salmon  which  she  had  given  me  to  eat." 
So  then  he  went.  Straightway  he  arrived  there.  And 

3 — PUBL.    AMER.    ETHN.    SOC.    VOL.    II. 


wi'tla  kxwo'ba  gayu'ya.  Kxwopt  gagiu'lxam :  "Kla'ya 
dEn  ayamEluxda  ithdE'm.  Aga  da'b'  igidi'mam  isklu'lEyE. 
Ini'lqxwim;  saqu  itci'utada  na'ika  i'tctq.  Na'qxi  tq!£'x 
itci'ux;  itci'ulada  sa'qu  naik'  i'tciq.  Aga  k!axya  dan 
5  ayamElgwrma."  Aga  kxwo'pt  isklulsyE  gatcu'mila  aq!ex- 
yoqt  na'qxiba  gagHqxwim.  Aga  kxwo'pt  iklma'kan  ga- 
tci'ux  isklu'lEyE.  Aga  kxwo'pt  wixt!a  gayu'ya  isklulEyE. 

Coyote  and  At'at'a'lia} 

Kxwo'pt  aga  galixE'ltcmaq  isklu'lEyE  Atlatla^ia  ika'uxau 

10  idE'lxam  luxlu'x  cktu'xt.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gayu'ya  isklulEyE  •, 
tqlo'p  gatclu'x  iskkt'kyE  ilkExnEkc.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatdx'ca7- 
mit-,  k!axuk!au  gali'xElux  ilkE^Ekc  sa7qu  iaqla'qctaqba 
kxwo'dau  idiaxkcEnba,  sarqu  kaxnauwe  qa/xpa.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  gayu'ya  isklu'lsyE.  A'dit  Atlatla'lia.  Aga  kxwo'pt 

15  gatca'gElkEl  isklu'lsyE  At!at!a7lia.  Ke'nua  e'wi  gali'xox 
aga  wixt!ax  gagi^wo-ix. 

Aga  kxwo'pt  gayu7txuit  isklu^Eys ;  kaxnauwe  ce^Llai- 
Llai  ya'lq  isk!uxlEyE.  Kxwopt  gagii/lxam  At!at!a7lia  • 
"QE'nEgi  gamxa'tx?"  Kxwopt  gatcu'lxam :  "Kla'ya  p'  a- 

20  mulxa'ma; 2  haaxi  pu  ma^tlax  ayam^xwa  daxukwa  pu 
kxwo'dau  ayamulxa'ma."  Aga  kxwo'pt  gagiu'lxam : 
aQExngi  ga'mxatx  c^iLlaiLlai  imi'lq?"  Kxwopt  gatcul- 
xam  :  "Htcklwi'an  gate'nxitx  sa'q11  i'tdq-,  kxwopt  gatcni't- 
galq  watu'lpa."  Gala'kim  Atlatla'lia :  "Itia'ktix  nai'ka 

25  amnu'xwa  da'ukwa ;  amte'nluxa  iitcklwia'n/  Gatci/lxam 
isklu'lEyE:  "Ala'mElux'  aga." 

Aga  kxwo'pt  gactu'ya  kanactmo'kct.    Na72wit  igitko'qba 

1  The  child-stealing  woman-fiend  Atlat'.a'Ha  of  this  myth  corresponds  to  the 
Aq!asxc'nasxcna  of  Kathlamet  mythology  (see  Boas,  Kathlamet  Texts,  pp.  9-19). 


then  he  entered  where  she  had  given  him  to  eat ;  there 
he  went  again.  But  she  said  to  him:  "I  shall  give  you 
no  food  whatever.  Just  now  Coyote  has  been  here.  I 
gave  him  to  eat,  (but)  he  threw  away  all  my  flesh.  He 
did  not  like  it,  (so)  he  threw  away  all  my  flesh.  Now  I 
shall  give  you  nothing  to  eat."  And  then  Coyote  scolded 
the  old  woman  because  she  did  not  give  him  anything 
to  eat.  Then  Coyote  became  angry.  And  then  Coyote 
went  on  again.  He  arrived  (at  another  place). 

Coyote  and  At.'at.'a'tia} 

And  then  Coyote  heard  that  Atlatla^ia  and  Owl  were 
stealing  people.  So  then  Coyote  went ;  Coyote  cut  up 
some  rushes.  And  then  he  dried  them ;  he  tied  the 
rushes  on  all  over  himself:  on  his  head  and  on  his  hands 

-  on  every  possible  part.  And  then  Coyote  went  along. 
At!at!axh'a  was  coming.  And  then  Coyote  caught  sight 
of  Atlatia'h'a.  He  tried  to  turn  aside,  but  without  success ; 
now  (Atlatia'h'a)  headed  him  off. 

And  then  Coyote  stood  still;  Coyote's  body  was  rat- 
tling in  all  its  parts.  Then  At.'atla'tta  said  to  him  :  "What 
did  you  do  to  yourself?"  Then  he  said  to  her:  "I  would 
not  tell  you.  I  would  first  have  to  do  that  same  thing 
to  you  yourself  before  I  should  tell  you."  And  then 
she  said  to  him:  "What  did  you  do  to  yourself  to  make 
your  body  rattle  ?"  Then  he  told  her :  "  I  put  pitch  all 
over  my  body,  then  burnt  myself  in  the  fire."  Atlatla'h'a 
said:  "It  is  good  that  you  do  that  same  thing  to  me, 
you  shall  put  pitch  on  my  body."  Coyote  said  to  her : 
"Well,  I'll  put  it  on  you." 

And    then    both    of  them    went    on.     Very    soon   both 

2  P'  amulxa'ma  is  for  pu  ayamulxa'ma. 


i'wi  gactu'yam  kanactmo'kct  iskhi'lEyE  Atlatla'iia.  Aga 
kxwcVpt  isklu'lEyE  gatcu'guikEl  idEFxam  Ikabla't  uxwi'nim  ; 
ma'kct  mokct  ida'qxoq  uxwi'la-itix  kxwo'ba  igitkxo'qba. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  gatctu'lxam  isk!uxlEyE  idE'lxam :  "Kanauw' 
5  Emttx'tri't."  Aga  kxwo'pt  gathui't  idE'lxam.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
gatctulxam :  "Htcklwran  EtntHgElga  k^nauwe."  Aga 
kxwo'pt  gatgi'a  idE'lxam.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatklgslga  idExl- 
xam  iltcklwi'an.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatkhi'kfam  iltck!wixan. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  gali'kim  isklulEyE :  "Tcfktcik  mtkla'lux." 

10  At!at!axlia  isga'xus  tcE^tcEk  gatdaxlux. 

Aga  kxw6xpt  gatci/lxam :  "Cma'ni  ma^tla  At!at!axlia 
qe'dau  ayamu'xw',  ala'mEluxw'  iltckiwi^n,  saf<f  imrtq 
atcmE'lgalgwa.  Aga  kxwo^jt  idmilxiVulx  amxi/xwa  ;  s^q11 
klwac  atxa'mxuxwa  idE^xam."  Kxwopt  axga  At!at!axlia 

15  gala'kim :  "Aga  'tlu'ktix  amtenlu^wa  ilteklw^an  nai- 
t!  a'ga." 

Aga  kxw6xpt  gactuxya  igitkxo^ba,  aga  gatdaxlux  ihc- 
k!wixan.  Gatcu^xam:  "Haa7!  naxika  iskiu^EyE  ayamul- 
xa'ma  arga  cman'  a'lEma  Atlatla'lia  atcmElga'lgwa."  Aga 

20  kxwo'pt  gatcut!ixwa ;  gatca7lgalq.  Kxwopt  gali^im  iskh/- 
lEyE:  aLq!6xp  itkla'munak  mtktxa7  la'kt  ugiLlie'qlqix'." 
Aga  kxw6xpt  galgda^gamit  itk^munak  aga^uguiba 
kxwo'dau  ka'namokct  itga'xuba  kxwo'dau  itga'qxuitba. 
Aga  kxw67pt  galga-iktqwo'xix-.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatca'lgalq 

25  At!at!axiia. 

Aga  kxwo'pt  gala'kim  At!at!a^ia :  "Aga  tcnE'lgalqt." 
Aga  kxwo'pt  isk!uxlEyE  gatcu'lxam :  "Haaxi  na'ika  isk!ux- 
lEyE,  na'qxi  ma'ika."  Gatca'-iktquix.  Aga  kxwo'pt  galix- 
kim:  "Haa'i  na'ika  ayamulxa'ma."  Aga  kxwo'pt  gala'- 

30  kirn  At!at!a'«a:  "Tcna2lga/lqt.7'  Gatcu'lxam  isklu'lsyE  : 
"Kxwa'ic  na'ika  ayamulxa'ma."  Gatca'lgalq  sa'qu;  galo'- 

1  At'.at'.a'Ha's    furnace,    or    perhaps    better    barbecuing-place,    was    located  on  a 

island    called    At'.at'.a'lia    itcagi'tkxoq,   near    the    Falls    or  "Tumwater,"  and 

only  a  short  distance  up  from  the  main  village  of  Wishram  or  Nixlu'idix.     It  was 


Coyote  and  At!at!axlia  arrived  at  the  furnace.1  Coyote 
saw  many  people  mourning;  there  in  the  furnace  their 
children  were  sitting  two  by  two.  And  then  Coyote  said 
to  the  people:  "Do  you  all  stand  up."  And  then  the 
people  stood  up.  Then  he  said  to  them:  "Do  you  all 
get  some  pitch."  The  people  went,  and  then  they  got 
some  pitch.  And  then  they  came  bringing  pitch.  Then 
Coyote  said:  "Do  you  rub  it  on  over  her  body."  He 
rubbed  it  over  the  eyes  of  Atiatla'h'a. 

And  then  he  said  to  her:  "If  I  shall  do  thus  to  you 
also,  O  Atlatla'h'a,  (if  I)  shall  put  the  pitch  over  you,  you 
will  burn  all  over  your  body.  And  then  you  will  become 
strong,  and  the  people  will  all  be  afraid  of  you."  And 
then  At!at!a'fta  said:  "Now  it  is  well  that  you  put  the 
pitch  on  my  body  also." 

And  then  they  two  went  to  the  furnace,  and  he  put 
the  pitch  on  her.  He  said  to  her:  "I,  Coyote,  must  let 
you  know  just  when  you,  At!at!axlia,  will  be  burnt  (suffi- 
ciently)." And  then  he  pushed  her  in,  and  she  burned. 
Then  said  Coyote:  "Do  you  (people)  cut  four  pieces  of 
wood  so  that  they  be  forked."  And  then  they  fastened 
the  pieces  of  wood  on  to  her  -  -  to  the  front  part  of  her 
neck  and  to  both  her  arms  and  to  her  legs.  Then  they 
turned  her  over,  and  Atlatla'lia  burned. 

And  then  Atlatla'lia  said:  " Now  I  am  burning."  Then 
said  Coyote  to  her  :  "I,  Coyote,  must  (tell  you  when  you're 
done),  not  you."  He  turned  her  over  and  said:  "I  must 
tell  you."  And  then  said  At ! at! alia :  "I  am  burrrning!" 
Coyote  said  to  her:  "Soon  I  shall  let  you  know."  She 

reckoned    as    the    extreme    eastern  point  on  the  river  of  the  Wishram   (hence  also 
Chinookan)  country. 


maqt     At!at!a'lia.      Aga     kxwo'pt     idE'lxam     gatctu'lxam 
isk.'u'lEyE :     u  Ag'amcxk!wa'yuwa." 

Aga  wi'tlax  gatci'gElkEl  ika'uxau  At!at!a'lia  aya'gikal 
qucti'axa.  Aga  wi'tla  tklu'na  tctu'kh  idE'lxam  ika'uxau. 
5  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatclgs'lga  nWrnxEm  isklu'lEys.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  gatciu'lxam  isklu'hyE :  "Lga  qa'ma  pu  ma'ika 
ika'uxau  idE'lxam  pu  amdu'xwa  qxi'dau?  Kla'ya!  Da'uya 
wi'gwa  imi'xleu  ika'uxau."  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatdi-ila'gwa ; 
dacpuqkpu'q  gal^xox  ikaxuxau. 

10  Aga  kxwo'pt  gali'kim  iskiulsyE :  "Qloa'b  atgadi'mama 
idE'lxam  Nadida'nuit.  Cma'nix  ika'uxau,  idE'lxam  alu- 
gwagi'ma,  lAg'  ika'uxau  qiltcfmElit  aga  quctixaxa  il- 
goaxlilx  ag'  alu'mEqta.'"  Aga  kxwo'pt  gali'kim  isklulsyE : 
"Aga  mtxklwa'yu  idE'lxam ;  ag'  inuwa'q  At! at! alia."  Aga 

15  kxwo'pt  galixkim  isk!uxlEyE :  aNa7qxi  pu  qxfdau  amduxw' 
idE'lxam  ma^ka  At!at!axn'a ;  aga  naxik'  isklu^EyE,  daxuya 
wi'gwa  imu'maqt  AtlatJalia."  Qxfdau  galixxux  Nixluxi- 
dix'ba1  k!Eck!E7cba. 

Coyote  in  Sklin. 

Aga     kxwoxpt     gayuxya     isk!uxlEyE ;    galHwilxt 

20  Na'wit  gayu'yam  Sklfnba  ;2  gayuxuga'nut  idslxam  Sklfnba. 

Qlwa'p  gayu'ya  isklu'kyE  kica'tckpa;  itla'ma  'ngi  kxwo'pt 

gayu'ya.     Galiglu'ma.     Aga    kxwopt    gali'kim :      "Qa'dac 

gwa^nislm  qxe'dau  amcxu'xwa  •,  amcglu'ma  -,  cma'nix  g!woxb 

1  Nixlu'idix,    across   and    up    about   five   miles    from    the    present  town  of  The 

Dalles,    was  the  chief  village  of  the  Wishram,  and  contains  the  same  stem  element 

(-xluid-)    seen    in    the    generic    name    tta'xliiit,    by    which  the  Wishram  call  them- 

iclves.     The    first    person    singular    of  this,  itcxlu'it  ("I  am  a  Wishram"),  is   prob- 

••Echeloot"  of  Lewis  and  Clarke.     The  etymology  of  Nixlu'idix  is  uncer- 

Louis     Simpson     suggested     that    it    was    connected    with    diglu'idix    ("they 

the  people]  are  heading  for  it  [i.e.,  the  village]"),  in  reference  to  the  coming- 

f  many    different    tribes    of   Indians    at    the    Falls    for  trading-purposes. 

s   probably  folk-etymology,  as  ni-  is  a  common    local   prefix  in  place-names. 


burned  all  up ;  Atlatla'fia  died.  And  then  Coyote  said  to 
the  people:  "Now  do  you  all  go  home!" 

Now  he  caught  sight  also  of  Owl,  of  whom,  in  truth, 
At!at!axHa  was  the  wife.  And  he  also,  Owl,  was  bringing 
along  some  more  people.  And  then  Coyote  took  hold 
of  some  ashes.  Then  Coyote  said  to  him :  "  By  what 
right,  perchance,  would  you,  Owl,  do  thus  to  people? 
No !  This  day  your  name  has  become  Owl."  And  then 
he  threw  the  ashes  at  him  ;  Owl  became  all  ashy  gray. 

And  then  Coyote  said:  "Very  soon  will  come  here  the 
Indian  people.  Whenever  an  owl  (is  heard),  the  people 
shall  say,  'Now  an  owl  is  hooting;  now  surely  some 
person  will  die.'*  And  then  said  Coyote:  "Now  do  you 
people  go  home  ;  I  have  now  killed  Atlatia'lia."  And 
then  Coyote  said :  "  No  longer  would  you,  Atlatla'lia,  do 
thus  to  the  people.  Now  I  am  Coyote,  you  have  this  day 
died,  Atlatla'h'a."  Thus  he  did  at  Wishram,  in  ...  (?). 

Coyote  in  Skfm. 

And  then  Coyote  went  on  ;  he  travelled  up  the  river. 
Straightway  he  arrived  at  Skiing  in  Sk!in  he  urinated 3  on 
the  people.  Coyote  went  across  to  the  Falls ;  he  went 
thither  by  means  of  a  round-pointed  canoe.  He  shouted. 
And  then  he  said  :  "  Mind,  now,  that  you  always  do  thus  •, 

2  Sklin    was    the    country    immediately    north    of   the  Columbia  and  east  of  the 
Falls  or  "Tumwater"  inhabited  by  Sahaptian  tribes. 

3  Coyote    is    supposed    by    the    Wishram    to   have    urinated    on  their  Sahaptian 
neighbors  to  show  their  inferiority  to  themselves.     This  inferiority  consists,  among 
other  things,  in  the  use  by  the  Sahaptians  of  a  smaller  and  more  rudely  constructed 
canoe  (it'.a'na),  as  contrasted  with  the  long,  elaborately  built  ikni'm  of  the  Chinoo- 
kan  tribes.     The  use  of  this  it'.a'na  is  anticipated  by  Coyote  himself. 


amcu'ya,    aga  kxwo'pt  amcglu'ma.     Mca'ika  Hka'imamt ; l 
qxe'dau  iamcu'pgEna." 

Coyote  and  IttiE'xyan. 2 

Aga  kxwo'pt  gayu'ya  iskhi'lEyE  wi'tlax.  Nax2wit  gayu'- 
yam;  galixE'ltcmaq  isklu'lEyE  gwa'nisim  ktutatia'mElqt1 
5  idK'lxam  itciE'xyan.  Qxa'damt  gayu'y'  iknl'm  na'wit  gatci- 
gE'lga  itc!fx-yan;  gatciuktla'mElq  ka'nauwe  dan.  "Nail!' 
aV  atcnulatla'mElEqEma,"  isklu'lEyE  galixluxwa-it.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  gayu'y'  isklu'lEyE;  gatcigE'lga  yaga'il  ik!axmunak. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  La'x  gali'xox.  GatcigExlga  itclE'xyan,  gaqiu- 

10  Jatla'mElEq. 

NaVit  ihcqo'ba  girgwal  isklu^EyE  galix^max'itam 
wt'lxpa.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatcugi'kEl  ikabla'd  idE'lxam  ;  Iga- 
bla'd  aknfm  axu'xt  kxwo'ba  gi'gwal  ihcqo'ba.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  gatcigE'lksl  isklu'lsyE  itc!Exx'yan  yago'mEnil  qxwo'L 

15  iki'ax.  Aga  kxw6rpt  gaqiu^xam  isklu^Eys :  "Ya7xtau 
itc!Exxyan  yago'mEnil."  Aga  kxwo'pt  Lq!67p  gatci'ux  • 
Lq!6'p  galixxox  itclE'xyan  yago^Enil.  Aga  kxwo^t  kax- 
nauwe  gatkxEni'utck  sarqu  akni^  kxw67dau  idElxam  kxwo7- 
dau  isklu'lEyE. 

20  Aga  kxwoxpt  gali'kim  isklulsyE  :  "Lga  pu  qa/ma  ma^ma 
itc.'p/xyan  qxerdau  amduxxwa  idE^xam.  Daxuya  wixgwa 
aga  kxwo'pt  qxe'dau  amdu''xwa  idElxam.  Na'ika  isk!ur- 
kyE  yamu'lxam.  Kwa'ic  da'uyaba  wflx  atgadi'mama  idExl- 
xam.  Kxwo'pt  alugwagi'ma,  'Qxe'dau  SEX  gatci'ux  is- 

1  The  Ilka'imamt  were  the  Sahaptian  tribes  living  on  the  northern  and  southern 
banks  of  the  Columbia,  east  of  the  Wishram  and  Wasco.  They  included  the 
people  of  Sklin  on  the  north,  and  the  "Des  Chutes"  Indians  (Wayam  andTenino) 
on  the  south,  of  the  river. 

The    itc'.E'xyan,    or   Merman,  of  the  Wishram,  is  evidently,  as  far  at  least  as 
his    name    is   concerned,    identical    with  the  gambler's  protector  itc!x-ia'n  (itslxia'n) 

the  Lower  Chinook,  among  whom  also  his  dwelling  is  supposed  to  be  in  the 
waters  (see  Boas,  Chinook  Texts,  pp.  220-222;  and  Kathlamet  Texts,  p.  19). 

you   shall  shout;   whenever  you  cross  over,  then  you  shall 
shout.      You  are  the  Ilka'imamt  •/  thus  I  have  named  you." 

Coyote  and  ltd  F!  xyan:1 

And  then  Coyote  went  on  again.  Straightway  he  ar- 
rived (at  another  place).  Coyote  heard  that  the  Merman 
was  always  swallowing  people.  Wheresoever  a  canoe 
went,  straightway  the  Merman  seized  it ;  every  one  he 
swallowed.  "Now  let  him  swallow  me  also,"  thought 
Coyote.  And  then  Coyote  went  and  got  a  big  tree. 
Then  he  came  into  view.  The  Merman  caught  hold  of 
him,  and  he  was  swallowed  down. 

Straightway  Coyote  fell  down  under  the  water  (appar- 
ently) to  the  bottom.  And  then  he  saw  many  people ; 
many  canoes  were  piled  together  there  under  the  water. 
Then  Coyote  caught  sight  of  the  Merman's  heart  hanging. 
And  then  Coyote  was  told:  "That  is  the  Merman's 
heart."  Then  he  cut  it  off;  the  Merman's  heart  was  cut 
off.4  And  then  everything  floated  up  to  the  surface  — 
all  the  canoes  and  the  people  and  Coyote. 

And  then  Coyote  said :  "  By  what  right,  perchance, 
would  you  alone,  Merman,  do  thus  to  the  people?  This 
day  you  will  have  had  enough  of  doing  thus  to  the  people. 
I,  Coyote,  have  told  you.  Soon  the  people  will  come 
into  this  land,  and  then  they  shall  say,  'Thus  did  Coyote 

Even  to-day  the  imagination  of  the  Wishram  peoples  certain  bodies  of  water 
with  mermen ;  e.  g.,  a  lake  in  the  mountains  south  of  Fort  Simcoe  (the  agency 
town  of  Yakima  Reservation)  is  said  to  be  ayatc'.E'xyanix  ("peopled  with 

3  This    word    is    used    only    in    reference  to  the  swallowing  of  anything  by  an 

4  Coyote  used  the  tree  to  climb  up  to  the  heart,  which  was  dangling  high  up 
out  of  reach. 

itdE'x-yan.'     Kxwo'pt    a'ga  itdE'x-yan  p!aT   am- 


Coyote  at  Lapwai,  Idaho.  l 

Aga  yu'it  iskiu'liyE  caxla'damt  aga  q!wa'p  tdu'xdix  quct 
iak!a'mEla-ixba  itdi'xiyEn2  ia'lxam.  Kinwa'  dan  idia'piqx 
5  yugwa'lal  ca'xElix  klrna'  dnux  qxa'daga  16xq!  atdu'xwa  ; 
ki'nwa  gi'gwalix  alu'ya  daxukwa  167q!  atdu'xwa.  Kwopt 
galixk'xwa-it  :  u  Qxa'ngi  anxtixwa  ?"  Gatca'gElksl  waxu- 
nEm.  Galixk'xwa-it  :  "Itbi'naLx  andu'xwa." 

Kwopt    gatctuxx;     a-ikla^i     gatcdaxlux.     Kwopt  yarxt!a 

10  a-ik!axu   gadixxlux;  aga  gatcigE^kEl  ix^mat  yaxagalcq!wax- 

yamit   ixi'mat;    s^q11    k!axuk!au    gatcu'xix  itbi^iaLx  il^paq 

gatci'iix.     Kwopt    galigslu^a;     a-itsxa7p    ia^ipaq    gali'xL- 

xumx.     Wixt!a   gateaux   ik!uxna    ilixpaq;    wirt!a  galigslu^a 

aga    mank    qlwa'p    tsxaxp    nixi/xwax.      Wixt!ax    gatctuxx  ; 

15  wi'tia   galigElu^a   tsxaxp.     Daxukwa    galixu^alEmtck  ;    ila- 

gwE'nmixba  aga  Lq!axp  galigugwa^x  qlwa^ixix  gwEnmaba/t 


KwcA)pt    galigfmx  isklu^iyE  :      "Hi  itdi'xian!  yamux^mul 

atxlat!a/manqma.w     Gaxn  ix^mat  itclfxiyan.      K!axya  qxarngi 

20  gairkim.     Wixt!a  gatdu^xam;  it^gwEnmixba  kwoda^i  xa7!: 

gatci'ukct.     A.'-i  gatdxux    yarxa    k!aru    ilu^dix   wo^nEmba 

iabina'Lx  Engi. 

Aga  fQV  gali'xux  itclfxiyan  ;  qatgi  cpa/k  gayupsakla'xit  •, 

sqxi'iak    p!axla  gatci'ux.     Aga    ya'xtlax  isklu'liyE  gali'xux 

25  ffl'2  -,    qatgi  WxYix    galixu'xwax   itcjfxiyan       Wi't!a    yarxt!a 

I.apwai  is  in  the  western  part  of  what  is  now  the  Lap  wai  or  Nez  Perces  Indian 

nervation,  and  lies  south  of  Clearwater  River,  an  eastern   tributary  of  the  Snake. 

The    same   word,    itc'.E'xyan,  is  here  used  for  the  "mountain  monster"  as  was 

used  in  the  preceding  myth  for  the  "Merman."     The  latter  is  supposed  to  be  half 


transform    the    Merman.'     And    then    you,    the   Merman, 
will  do  no  harm." 

Coyote  at  Lapwai,  Idaho} 

Now  Coyote  goes  towards  the  uplands,  and  he  ap- 
proaches truly  a  bad  place,  the  land  of  the  mountain 
monster.2  Anything  with  wings  would  try  to  fly  over- 
head, but  still  he  would  swallow  it  without  difficulty  ;  should 
it  try  to  go  by  underneath,  he  would  swallow  it  likewise. 
Then  (Coyote)  thought:  "What  shall  I  do?"  He  saw  a 
hill  and  thought:  "I  shall  make  a  hazel-bush  rope." 

Then  he  made  it  and  tied  it  on  to  the  (hill) ;  then  he 
tied  it  about  himself  also.  Now  he  saw  the  (monster) 
lying  down,  lying  with  face  and  belly  down.  He  tied 
some  hazel-bush  ropes  all  together  and  made  a  long  rope. 
Then  he  went  up  to  him ;  his  rope  ran  out,  falling  some- 
what short.  Again  he  made  another  rope ;  again  he  went 
up  to  him  and  came  a  little  nearer,  yet  fell  short.  Again 
he  made  a  rope ;  again  he  went  up  to  him  and  fell  short. 
Thus  he  kept  doing,  and  at  the  fifth  time  reached  close 
enough,  about  five  steps  off. 

Then  Coyote  said  :  "  O  mountain  monster !  I  am  chal- 
lenging you  that  we  two  swallow  each  other."  The  moun- 
tain monster  lies  silent.  He  did  not  say  anything  at  all. 
Again  (Coyote)  spoke  to  him ;  it  was  the  fifth  time  before 
he  looked  up  at  him.  He  said  "Yes"  to  him,  although 
(Coyote)  was  tied  on  to  the  hill  by  means  of  his  rope. 

Now  the  mountain  monster  drew  in  his  breath,  -  -  fu72  -,3 
the  (rope)  was  stretched  out  somewhat  forcibly.  In  a 
little  while  he  let  it  come  to  rest.  Then  Coyote  also 

fish  and  half  man,  while  the  former  is  described  as  resembling  rather  a   sphinx. 

3  The  monster  had  been  wont  to  devour  all  beings  that  passed  by  by  drawing 
them  to  himself  with  his  breath.  Fu2  represents  the  sound  made  by  sucking 


gatci'ux  fa' 2.  LagwE'nmix  qxi'dau  gacxu'x.  Aga  cpa'k 
gali'xux  itcllxiyan  ;  adl'2  sEm  ga'lixux  isklu'liyE ;  qatgi  a'nuit 
gayula'platcgwixlitEmtck ;  ca'xEli  ca'xEli  galixu'lalEtntck  aga 
qlwa'p  Iqiu'p  iki'xax  iabi'naLx;  aga  ya'xi  caltla'pqt  wou- 
5  na'mba  kwo'ba  qxi  kla'u  aki'xax.  Fu'4  ia'Lqdix  gatci'ux 
alalala  Iga'la  kwo'dau  p!alax  gatci'ux. 

Aga  ya'xtia  isk!uxliyE  gali'xux  fu'4  da'uka  Iga'la.  Kwopt 
gaqHtcmoq:  aA74  na,  a'4  na.  BuV1"  gaqi'ltcmoq ;  ia'wan 
Igu'p  galixu'xwax;  gadigs'lba  idiaq!axmcukc.  Qxidaruba 
10  da'minwa  ixi'mat;  ixkxa'-imat  ia'wan.  Cma'nix  aqxigat- 
gwa'iaaxdixa  na'wit  lguxp  alixu'xwa  ia'wan.  Aga  ya'xdau 
iskli/liyE  fu7  gatci'ux;  anwit  galiktgwo'xidix.  Aga  ya'xdau 
wa/x  galuxwa'xax  idiaqla^cukc ;  qxixdau  idiak!axni. 

Aga  kwo'pt  cuV  gatci'ux.     Aga  kwo'pt  idE'lxam  gatc- 

15  tu'x     yaka'yaxdau     sngi     idiagfwoq.     A-ilq!a'p    ts!u7nus, 

Lla'x11,    ixxt   wrixam ;    qxida7u  aga  gatct^x  idE^xam.     I'wi 

gali'xux    aga    k!axya    idiagfwoq ;    kwaic    k!axya    Wi'cxam 

idE'lxam    gatctuxx.     Ya^ima  imal^tklu^mat  ixixmat.      "Hi 

ya'xka    aga    aniu'xwa    idE^xam    Wrcxam."     Aga    ga7nwit 

20  Wi'cxam  idE'lxam  idapla'qxa  imalxutk!u/lmat  Engi ;  ya7xdau 

algi'ma  ilca'xlatkc    idElxam  Wi'cxam  imal^tklulmat  diwi 

ilaqlo'qxctaq  caipla^geq. 

Wi'tla  ixwi  galixu'x.     A7la!   K!axya  kwa'ic  kwp'ba  bama 

iclK/lxam    tcdu'xt    La'pwai    bama;    aga    kla'ya    dan.     Aga 

25  kwo'pt    wi'c  gali'xux.     La'-ima  ilga'wulqt  JHuxt  idia'kcEn. 

KwcA)pt  gu't  gatcu'x  wa'tckti ;  gala-ixi'naLx  idia'kcEnba ;  ga- 

tcuLa'da.     Ga1ixkim  :    "Ya'xdau  imcxu'x  Cwa'nic  idE'lxam." 


drew  in  his  breath  -  -  fu2  ;  the  mountain  monster  became 
somewhat  shaky.  Again  he  also  tried  to  draw  him  to 
himself,  -  -  fu'2.  The  fifth  time  the  two  did  thus.  The 
mountain  monster  went  at  it  with  great  force.  Oh, dear ! 
Coyote  became  uneasy.  Somehow  he  kept  rising  straight- 
way ;  he  kept  getting  higher  and  higher,  and  his  rope 
almost  snapped.  Now  the  hill  is  worn  far  in  at  that  part 
in  which  it  had  (the  rope)  tied  to  it.  Long  he  tried  to  draw 
him  to  himself  fu'4,  and  so  on  for  quite  some  time 
before  he  let  him  come  to  rest. 

Now  Coyote,  in  his  turn,  drew  in  his  breath,  --  fu"4,  also 
for  quite  some  time.  Then  the  (mountain  monster)  was 
heard  groaning:  "A^na,  a^na,  Buxxu,"  he  was  heard  ;  his 
belly  burst,  and  his  guts  went  out  of  him.  It  is  for  this 
reason  that  he  was  always  lying  down,  -  -  lying  down  on 
his  belly.  If  he  were  to  be  turned  over,  his  belly  would 
straightway  burst.  And  that  Coyote  tried  to  draw  him 
to  himself,  —  fu' ;  straightway  he  turned  over.  And  that 
(monster's)  guts  were  spilt  out.  Thus  was  his  character. 

And  then  he  skinned  him.  Then  he  made  people  out 
of  that  same  (monster's)  flesh.  (He)  cut  off  a  little,  threw 
(it)  away,  one  village  (came  into  being).  In  this  way  he 
made  people.  Then  he  discovered  that  he  had  no  more 
flesh,  (yet)  he  had  not  yet  made  the  Wishram  people. 
There  was  only  the  tongue  lying  down.  "Well,  then  I 
shall  make  the  Wishram  people  out  of  it."  And  indeed 
(he  made)  the  flat-headed  Wishram  people  out  of  the 
tongue.  Therefore  the  people  dwelling  farther  up  say 
that  the  Wishrams'  heads  are  like  a  tongue,  flat. 

Again  he  looked  around.  Behold !  As  yet  he  had 
not  made  any  people  belonging  to  that  place,  to  Lapwai ; 
but  there  was  nothing  left  at  all.  And  then  he  felt  sorry. 
There  was  only  blood  on  his  hands.  Then  he  plucked 
some  grass,  wiped  his  hands  with  it,  and  threw  it  away. 


Qxi'dau    algi'ma :      "Cwa'nic    ittlu'xialmax  tfga'wulqt  Engi 
idr/lxam;  ana'i  idE'lxam  idaxa'dinax."1 

Coyote  and  the  Sun? 

Aga  yu'it  isk.'u'liyE  aga  La'xiamt.  Aga  gayu'yam. 
"Hi,"  gatcu'lxam  aga'Lax,  "tlu'kdix  anxu'xwa  nla'-itix  ayam- 
5  uwa'lalma.  Qxa'daga  anxEmga'ba ;  Emcta'mx."  Yaxa  ax-i 
gagi'ux.  Ka'duxu  galugwa'wulx  aga'Lax.  Galu'ya ;  kwo'ba 
ya'xt!ax  isklu'liyE  gatcu'wa.  Adir2  tk!ix  gali'xux ;  ka'na- 
wi  dan  gatcigE'lkEl. 

Wi'tlax    kaxduxu   gacdu'ix ;    wi'tla    da'uka    da'nmax    ga- 

10  tcu'gegElx,    idslxam    qxa^gimax   ugak^xax,  qxaxngi  qxlu7- 

damit    Rgagexlak,    axwatci    dan    qxixuxtkt,    iakla'mEla  dan, 

qxlu'waqt ;    kaxnawi  dan  gatcigExlkEl  isk!uxlyE.     Anirx  ssm 

ni'xux.     Kwopt  niglu'ma:    "  Yamcu'qxEmit  dan  imcgi'uxt." 

Wi'tlax  gatcugexkEl ;  da7ukwa  wixt!ax  galiglu^a :      "  Yam- 

15  cu'qxEmit."     Kwopt    k!a7ya    tql^x11  gag^ux.      Gagiu^xam : 

"Aga  kwo'pt  ayamu^La.     K!waxtxala  imik!a/mEla ;  naxqxi 

itlu'ktix    pu    amduxxwa    idE^xam    mani7x    man^x.      Ku/ldix 

pu    aluxwaxxa  iak^mEla-ix."     Qxidaxu  Engi  da7uya  k!axya 

ilxalqxLa'xilit.       K!ma    cma^ix    pu    gal^xux    isk!uxlyE    pu 

20  da'uya  wi'gwa  kaxnawi  can  manixx  manixx  qxLC^xt.      Qxix- 

dau  ki'nwa  gali'xux  iskli/lyE.     Aga  kwoxpt  damixnwa  ga- 

li'xux.     Kwoba  p!arla  gali^xux ;  t!u7  gayuxyam. 

1  This  is  a  Neg  Perce  that  has  been  borrowed  by  the  Wishram  probably  in  recent 
times  (sec  Herbert  J.  Spinden,  in  Journal  of  American  Folk-Lore,  Vol.  XXI,  1908,  p.  14). 

*  This  myth  fitly  closes  the  Coyote  cycle,  as  in  it  Coyote  reaches  the  farthest 
point  to  the  east  possible,  —  the  home  of  the  Sun,  who  is  conceived  as  a  woman 
(a^a'Lax,  usun,"  is  feminine  in  gender).  A  widespread  myth,  of  which  this  seems  to  be 


He  said:  "Out  of  that  you  have  become  the  Nez  Perces 
people."  Thus  do  men  say:  "Nez  Perces  are  brave 
warriors,  a  people  made  out  of  blood.  They  are  a  dan- 
gerous people  of  warriors."1 

Coyote  and  the  Sim? 

Now  Coyote  is  going  towards  the  sun.  Then  he  arrived 
(there).  "Well,"  he  said  to  the  Sun,  "it  is  good  that 
I  shall  be  your  slave  and  that  1  shall  follow  you  about. 
I  shall  work  for  nothing,  you  are  chieftainess."  So  she 
said  "Yes"  to  him.  Early  next  morning  the  Sun  arose. 
(Wherever)  she  went,  there  he  also,  Coyote,  followed  her. 
Oh,  dear!  he  looked  on  and  saw  everything. 

Early  next  morning  they  two  went  again.  Again,  as 
before,  he  saw  various  things,  -  -  in  what  various  ways  peo- 
ple were  acting,  how  women  were  eloped  with,  or  what  was 
stolen,  what  bad  things  (were  done),  who  was  killed,  - 
everything  Coyote  saw.  At  last  he  became  uneasy.  Then 
he  cried  out:  "I  see  what  you  people  are  doing." 

Again  he  saw  them.  As  before,  he  cried  out  again : 
"I  see  you."  Then  she  did  not  want  him.  She  said  to 
him  :  "  Now  I  shall  have  taken  you  with  me  long  enough. 
You  are  too  mean.  It  would  not  be  good  that  you  should 
always  tell  on  people.  There  would  soon  be  trouble." 
It  is  because  of  this  that  we  do  not  find  everything  out. 
But  if  Coyote  had  become  (the  sun),  everybody  would 
to-day  be  betrayed  in  his  secrets.  In  this  way  did  Coyote 
in  vain  try  to  become  (the  sun).  And  then  he  gave  it 
up.  There  he  stopped ;  he  had  arrived  at  the  end. 

a  kind  of  variation,  or  with  which,  at  any  rate,  this  is  related,  represents  the 
various  animals  in  council  as  to  who  is  to  be  the  sun.  All  are  tried,  but  some 
objection  is  found  in  every  case  except  in  that  of  the  one  who  is  now  the  sun. 
Coyote  also  is  tried,  but  is  derided  for  his  tale-telling',  life  would  be  impossible 
with  him  for  the  sun. 


Ikla'n'    isklu'lEyE.     Qedau    gaqi'ux    iqa'nutck  ga'ngadix 
itqleyo'qtikc.     Da'uya  wigwa  kla'ya  itqleyo'qtikc. 


Aga  kxwo'pt  galgi'uwaq  igu'nat  tfcgi'lukc  IgwE'nEmikc 
isklu'lEyE  fa'itc  ipli'cxac.  Galga'gslga  aya^ikal  iguna7t. 
5  Sa'qu  galilxE^Emux.  Galxu^uktcu  iiiaxgapt  l^x't.  Kxwc/pt 
aga  gactugwe'Lkti.  Aga  kxwo^t  daxk  galxu^.  Galurya 
wimalia^t.  Aga  kxwo^t  galu7xuni  yagaxilpa  wi^al  ilga^t. 
Aga  kxwo^t  iguxnat  gali^ox  ag'  idiahceVulx  gali^ox. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  gali^ox  iagaxil  iguxnat. 

10  Aga  kxwoxpt  gayuxya ;  gatclu^axlam  galgiVaq  la^itcka 
wi'am.  Aga  gayagi^qxam  agagHak  wi-ixa7tpa.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  L.'axk  gatciuxx  itcaxqxuit.  Aga  kxwoxpt  galaxktcax  : 
aNaxqx'  itiu'ktix  LJa7k  imiux."  Gaca^alqxilx.  Aga  kxwo^t 
gatci/lxam  :  a  Aniu^wa  t!arya  imrqxuit  atcrnEmax  a^iEni." 

15  Aga  kxwo'pt  t!a/ya  gatcixux  itcarqxuit.  Aga  kxw6xpt  ga- 
giu'lxam:  aYaxta7ba  isklu^EyE  yuxxt  ip!ircxac.  KxwoMau 
yaxxiba  ilcgHukc  galgixdwaq  malka  wi'mam.  Iarxiba 
bcHa-itix  ikgi'lukc  IgwE'iiEmikc." 

Aga  kxwo'pt  gayu'ya  iguna't.  Na'wit  gayu'yam  isk!ux- 
20  lyaba  qa'xba  ctu'xt  ipli'cxac,  watcE'lxba  ctu'xt.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  i'wi  gatclu'x  ilie'kcEn  igu'nat.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gac- 
ki'm:  "Na'qxi  da'pt  alidi'a  hixwan  kla'ya."  Aga  kxwo'pt 
gali'clupq  iguna't.  GacgigElksl.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gacktca'x 
ip!ircxac  isklu'lEyE.  Galicgu'qxam .  Kxwo'pt  gacgi'ulxam. 

The  Salmon  myth  of  the  Wishram  presents  several  striking  analogies  with 
that  of  the  Lower  Chinook  (see  Boas,  Chinook  Texts,  pp.  60-87).  Salmon 
and  Eagle  are  the  two  most  heroic  figures  in  Wishram  mythology,  and  the  deeds 


(This  is)  the  story  of  Coyote.  Thuswise  did  the  men 
of  old  in  ancient  days  relate  the  tale.  To-day  there  are 
no  longer  (such)  men  of  old. 


Now  the  five  wolves  and  Coyote,  they  and  Skunk 
killed  Salmon.  They  seized  Salmon's  wife  and  ate  him  all 
up.  One  of  his  eggs  dropped  down.  And  then  it  rained. 
Then  it  was  loosened  up  and  went  on  to  the  river.  Now 
the  salmon-egg  floated  in  the  Great  River.2  And  then  it 
grew  into  a  salmon  and  became  strong.  He  became  a 
well-grown  Salmon. 

And  then  he  went,  went  to  look  for  those  who  had 
killed  his  father.  Then  he  met  a  woman  in  the  trail. 
And  then  he  opened  her  apron (?).  She  cried:  "It  is  not 
good  that  you  have  opened  it."  She  wept.  And  then 
he  said  to  her:  "I  shall  make  beautiful  your  apron  (?)  by 
means  of  dentalium-shells."  And  then  he  made  beautiful 
her  apron (?).  Then  she  said  to  him:  "Yonder  dwell 
Coyote  and  Skunk.  And  farther  yonder  are  the  wolves 
who  have  killed  your  father.  Way  yonder  are  dwelling 
the  five  wolves." 

And  then  Salmon  went.  Straightway  he  arrived  at 
where  Coyote  and  Skunk  were  dwelling ;  they  were  living 
in  an  underground  lodge.  And  then  Salmon  examined  his 
hand.  Then  they  two  said:  "He  will  not  corneas  far  as 
this  ;  I  think  not."  Then  Salmon  went  in  to  them,  and  they 
saw  him.  And  then  Skunk  and  Coyote  started  in  crying-,  he 
went  up  to  meet  them.  They  spoke  to  him.  Coyote  said  : 

of    the    former    form    what    is    evidently  one  of  the  most  popular  tales  of  the  Chi- 
nookan  tribes. 

2  That  is,  Columbia  River. 

4 — PUBL.    AMER.    ETHN.    SOC.    VOL.    II. 


Gali'kim  isk!uxlEyE:      "Qa'ntcix  gayuxmEqt  wi'mam  kxwopt 
bama'  nuqExlqt  gwaxnEsum  naxika  isk!uxlEyE  ag'  ip!ixcxac." 

•Ag'  amanElxExktcgwaya  ala'xit  wixnamc  ayaxlaxit  gamt- 

gi'dwaq."     GatcagExlga    isk!uxlEyE  _alaxxit  ;  kxwo'pt  gatca'- 

5  ilut   iguna't   ia'xan.     Gaqa'-ilut.     Exwi  gatcu'xwa;  daLlak- 

L.'a'k   gala'xox    ala'xit.      Aga    kxwo'pt    gatci'ugwilx.     Ga- 

tcrulxam:    "Aklo'n'  a'nid  ala'xit  wixnEmc  ayala'xit.    Qfi'nEgi 

gama'tx'     ala'xit?"     Gatca'-ilut    aklo'na    isk!uxlEyE    iguna't 

ia'xan;    gaqxa'-ilut    ata'xit.     Aga  wixt!a  daL!akL!a'k  gala'- 

10  xox.     Aga  kxwo'pt  wi'tla  gatci'ugwilx. 

Gaqxa'-ilut  ala'xit  alalu'n  ;  exwi  gatcu'xwa  ;  daL!a'kL!axk 
gala'xox  alaxxit.  Aga  kxw6xpt  wixt!a  gateau  gwilx.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  gatcar-ilut  aklo^'  alaxxit  alala^t;  exwi  gatcuxxwa; 
wixt!a  daxukwa  daL!akL!axk  galaxxox  alaxxit.  Aga  kxw6xpt 
15  wixt!a  gatciugwilx.  Aga  wixt!a  ax-ixt  ak!</na  gatcax-ilut. 
GatcagE'lga  ;  exwi  gatcuxxwa.  Gatcallaxda  ala^it-,  aga 
gatcagExlga  wram  ayafo/xit  ;  axk  ' 

Gatccu/lxam  :  "  Gamtg^dwaq  mdaxika  wixnEmc  ;  ayalaxxit 
aga  daxuya  wigxwa  inagExlga."  GaqigExlga  isk!uxlEyE.  Aga 

20  kxwo'pt  gaqixulada  isk!uxlEyE  gixgwal  wimaliaxmt  ;  itpoxqux- 
iamt  gaqixulada  wixt!ax  ip!ixcxac.  Qxexdau  gatciuxlxam  isk!ux- 
IsyE:  "Maxika  ag'  amgucgixwalEma  isk!uxlEyE  wixmalpa." 
Kxwoxdau  ip!ixcxac  wixt!a  daxukwa  gatciuxlxam.  Qexdau 
gali'kim  igunaxt  iaxaxn.  Ip!ixcxac  aga  isk!uxlEyE  qexdau 

25  gatccuxx  ctaxxka  gacgixwaq  wixam  iguxnat.  Aga  gatccin- 
k!ixmnagwa  ;  qexdau  gatccuxx. 

Aga    wixt!ax  gayuxya  iguxnat  iaxxan.     Nax4wit  gayuxya. 

Aga     kxwo'pt     gatdxtcmoxq     ilgagixlak     luqxExlqt.      Aga 

kxwo'pt  galixluxxwa-it  :      "Digutcixx  Ika  wixnamc  daxua  ayax- 

30  kikal  o'qxidqt."     Aga  kxwo'pt  gayuxya.      Nax4wit  gayuxya 

itquilrba.     Gagiuxkct,  gagiuxgulaqlk.    Naxhixxwa-it  :    "Naik' 

"When  your  father  died,  ever  since  then,  I,  Coyote,  have 
always  been  weeping,  also  Skunk." 

"Now  you  will  give  back  to  me  the  bow,  the  bow  of 
my  father  whom  you  have  slain."  Coyote  took  hold  of 
a  bow;  then  gave  it  to  Salmon's  son.  It  was  given  to 
him,  and  he  turned  it  about ;  it  broke  to  pieces.  And 
then  (Salmon)  beat  him  and  said  to  him:  "Give  me 
another  bow,  my  father's  bow.  What  have  you  done  with 
the  bow?"  Coyote  gave  Salmon's  son  another  one.  The 
bow  was  given  to  him,  but  again  it  broke  to  pieces.  And 
then  again  he  beat  him. 

A  third  bow  was  given  to  him.  He  turned  it  about, 
and  the  bow  broke  to  pieces.  And  then  again  he  beat 
him.  Then  (Coyote)  gave  him  another  bow,  the  fourth. 
He  turned  it  about ;  again,  as  before,  the  bow  broke  to 
pieces.  And  then  again  he  beat  him.  Now  he  gave  him 
still  another  one.  He  took  it  and  turned  it  around.  He 
spanned  the  bow  •,  now  he  had  gotten  his  father's  bow  •, 
now  he  recognized  it. 

He  said  to  the  two  :  "  You  two  have  killed  my  father ; 
now  this  day  I  have  obtained  his  bow."  He  seized  Coyote. 
And  then  Coyote  was  dragged  down  to  the  river,  while 
Skunk  was  thrown  up  to  the  mountains.  Thus  he  said 
to  Coyote:  "You,  Coyote,  shall  prowl  up  and  down  along 
the  river."  And  also  to  Skunk  did  he  speak  in  similar 
manner.  Thus  did  speak  Salmon's  son.  Thus  did  he 
treat  Skunk  and  Coyote,  two  of  those  who  had  killed 
Salmon's  father.  Now  he  had  taken  revenge  for  him  on 
them ;  thus  he  did  with  them. 

Now  Salmon's  son  went  on  again.  Straight  on  he  went. 
And  then  he  heard  a  woman  weeping.  Then  he  thought : 
"Perhaps  this  is  my  father's  wife  who  is  weeping."  And 
then  he  went  on.  Straight  on  he  went  into  the  house. 
She  looked  at  him  and  recognized  him.  She  thought : 


itcgika'l  digutci'x  *ka  ya'xan  igu'nat  gaqxe'doaq ;  digutci'x 
ia'xan."  Aga  kxwo'pt  gagiu'lxam:  "Lgws'nEmikc  ifcgi'- 
lukc  gaqxe'doaq  wi'mam.  Da'uya  dik'  itqule'ba  Iki'xax 
txe'la-itix.  Kwaic  atai'mama."  Aga  kxwo'pt  gayu'lait 
5  itqufexba;  Vx  gali'xox  iqle'yoqt. 

Aga  kxwo'pt  i'xt  gayu'yam  icgi'lukc  itq^e'ba.  Gali'- 
kim  icgHukc:  "HE'mm,  igu'nad  ia^tckc."  Aga  kxwo'pt 
galixigE'ltcim.  Aga  kxwo'pt  iq!e'yo'qt  gayula'daxElitimtck. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  gagiu'lxam  icgi'lukc  agagi'lak:  "ImiE'qcix 
10  ya'xtau  iqle'yoqt  na'ika  wi'nEmc.  P!aT  ixa/  Iklu'na  i'xt  ga- 
yu'yam  aga  wi'tlax  gali'kim:  "HE'mm,  iguna'd  ia'qutckc." 
Aga  kxwo'pt  galixigE'ltcim.  Aga  kxwo'pt  iqle'yoqt  gayu- 
la'daxElitimtck.  Gagiu'lxam:  uP!aT  ixa  iqle'yoqt  na'ika 
wi'nEmc  imiE'qcix." 

15  Wi'tla  iklu'na  ix't  gayu'yam  icgi'lukc.  Wi't!a  da'ukwa 
gatci'ux.  Gagiu'lxam:  "Imis'qcix  ya'xtau  na'ika  wi'nEmc. 
P!aT  ixa."  Hala'kt  icgi'lukc  gayu'yam.  Wi'tla  da'ukwa 
gatci'ux.  Gatciut!e'walalEmtck  iqle'yoqt.  Agagiu'lxam : 
"PlaT  ixa.  ImiE'qcix  ya'xtau  na'ika  wi'nEmc. "  Axa  wi't!a 

20  ixgo'qEnkt  icgi'lukc  gayu'yam  ;  aga  sa'qxu  gayu'yam.  Aga 
tlaya'  gatsklsk!lu'tk  iqle'yoqt. 

Aga  kxwo'pt  galgu'lxam  agagi'lak  IgwE'nEmikc  iicgi'lukc 

a'xka  itga'xalukc,  —  ilga'gikal  kanamlgwE'nEmikc  ilcgi'lukc, 

-  "Ag'  amiulxa'ma  wi'mam  iqle'yoqt,  aga  itga'matcx  atc- 

25  dintclu'xa  intca'qcix."     Aga  kxwo'pt  gagiu'lxam  iqle'yoqt: 

"Aga  amdu'xwa  itga'matcx  da'ula-itc  IgwE'nEmikc."  —  "  A'i," 

gali'kim,  uandu'xwa."     Galu'qxwui.     Ka'dux;  aga  kxwo'pt 

gatctu'x  iqle'yoqt  itga'matcx ;  ila'qcix  Icgi'lukc  agatctu'x. 

A'lxt    La'qu    gatcu'xwa;    wi'tla    a'-ixt   La'qu    gatcu'xwa; 
30  wi'tlax    a'-lxt   La'q*   gatcu'xw'    alatu'n ;    wi'tlax    a'ixt  La'qu 


"Perhaps  it  is  the  son  of  my  husband  Salmon  who  was 
slain ;  perhaps  it  is  his  son."  And  then  she  said  to  him  : 
"Your  father  was  slain  by  five  wolves.  In  this  very  house 
they  are  (to  be  found;  here)  they  dwell.  They  will  come 
presently."  Then  he  sat  down  in  the  house  and  trans- 
formed himself  into  an  old  man. 

And  then  one  of  the  wolves  arrived  in  the  house. 
The  wolf  said:  "Hp/mm,  there  is  a  smell  of  salmon." 
And  then  he  violently  pushed  against  him,  and  the  old 
man  staggered  to  and  fro.  Then  the  woman  said  to 
the  wolf:  "That  old  man  is  your  father-in-law  and  my 
father.  Let  him  alone."  Another  one  came  and  also  said  : 
"HE'mm,  there  is  a  smell  of  salmon."  And  then  he  vio- 
lently pushed  against  him,  and  the  old  man  staggered  to 
and  fro.  She  said  to  him  :  "  Let  the  old  man  alone,  he 
is  my  father  and  your  father-in-law." 

Still  one  other  wolf  arrived.  Also  he  treated  him  like- 
wise. She  said  to  him:  "That  is  your  father-in-law  and 
my  father.  Let  him  alone."  The  fourth  wolf  arrived. 
Also  he  treated  him  thus ;  he  pushed  the  old  man  about. 
Then  she  said:  "Let  him  alone.  That  is  your  father- 
in-law  and  my  father."  Now  also  the  eldest  wolf  arrived; 
now  they  had  all  arrived.  Then  the  old  man  took  a 
good  look  at  them. 

And  then  the  five  wolves  said  to  the  woman,  her  whose 
men  they  were,  -  -  all  the  five  wolves  were  her  husbands,  - 
"Now  you  will  tell  the  old  man,  your  father;  now  let  our 
father-in-law  make  arrows  for  us."     Then  she  said  to  the 
old  man:      "Now  you  will  make  arrows  for  these  five." 
"Yes,"    he    said,    "I    shall  make  them."     They  slept  over 
night.     It    was  morning  and  then  the  old  man  made  the 
arrows;  their  (supposed)  father-in-law  made  them. 

He  took  out  one  (arrow) ;  yet  one  (arrow)  he  took 
out ;  yet  a  third  one  he  took  out ;  yet  a  fourth  one 


gatcu'xw'  aJala'kt;  aga  wi'tlax  a'-brt  Laqu  gatcu'xwa  ala- 
gwE'nEma.  Gatctu'kt  gwE'nEma  itga'matcx  ba'ma  la'-itcka 
a'lEm'  atdudi'na.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gahi'qxui-  Gayutcu'ktix ; 
gatcLu'kwaLqk.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatcLlu't  idga'matcx.  Aga 
5  kxwo'pt  sa'qu  galixElxada'midagwa.  Aga  la'-itc  ilcgilukc 
aga  wi'tla  galxkloa'  ka'dux.  Aga  kxw^pt  gayu'pa.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  i'wi  i'wi  gatci'uxix  saxqu  wflx  igu'nat.  Aga  gali'- 
kim,  qe'dau  galixlu'xwa-it :  "Aga  da'uya  wi'gwa  anludi7- 
naya  ikgi'lukc  wixnEmc  galgi'dwoq." 

10  Aga  kxwo'pt  iltcqoa'  Vx  gatclu'x.  Ga'lupa  aga'lax ; 
galixli'x;  cpa'k  aga'lax  gala'xox.  Aga  kxwo'pt  saxqu 
galxca'q  ihcqoa7.  Kla'ya  ihcqoa'.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatchi'x 
ihcqoa'  igu'nad  li'xtka  itpoqo'xba;  Waxca'mba1  Iqu7ct  ga- 
tduxx  iltcqoa".  Sa7qu  datsma'nix  li'xtka  iltcqoa7  gatdu'x 

15  igu'nat.  Aga  kxwo'pt  galilxac'  icgttukc.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
ke'nua  gayu'ya  i'xtbo  wi'qal.  K!axy'  ihcqoa7  gatdgElga ; 
ixca'qH  wi'qal.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatclgs'lkEl  iltcqoa7  icgi'lukc. 
Ag'  ilxE'cEt;  kxwo'pt  gayu'ya  iltcqoa'ba. 

Aga  kxwc/pt  igunaxt  gatctoxx  idagaxitsax  itkia^iunak 
20  tslu'nus  itlo'xatck;  qloa'p  iltcqoax  gatctuxx.  Aga  kxw67pt 

t!ayax  gayu'la-it  it!6xxatckba  igunaxt  q!oaxp  iltcqoaxba.    Aga 

kxwo'pt    gayu'ya    icgi'lukc ;     gatclgE^kEl    iltcqoax ;    gayux- 

yanax2wit     iltcqoa'ba ;     gatdugu'mctEm    tftcqoa"    icgi'lukc ; 

kxwo'pt  gatdcYqxumct.  Vx  gatdurx  iguna'd  iltcqoa". 
25  Aga  kxwo'pt  man(g)  gi'gwal  galxu7x  iltcqoa'-,  a-ila'u  isi'a- 

xus     gasxo'x.      Aga     kxwo'pt     ia'maq    gatci'lux  icgi'lukc. 

Galixi'maxit  icgi'lukc  ;  gayu'mEqt.     Aga  kxwo'pt  gatdgslga 

iguna't  icgilukc.     Gatd'waq,  gatd'ulada. 

Wa'xcam  is  on  Yakima  Reservation,  four  miles  east  of  a  point  about  midway 


he  took  out;  and  one  (arrow)  besides,  the  fifth,  he  took 
out.  He  took  with  him  the  five  arrows  in  order  that  he 
might  kill  them.  And  then  they  slept  over  night.  Day- 
light came,  and  he  finished  the  (arrows).  And  then  he  gave 
the  arrows  to  (the  wolves).  Then  he  transformed  himself 
back  entirely  to  his  original  form.  Now  the  wolves  came 
back  home  in  the  morning,  and  he  went  out  of  the  house. 
And  then  Salmon  looked  all  over  the  land.  [He  said,] 
thus  he  thought:  "Now  this  day  I  shall  kill  the  wolves 
who  have  slain  my  father." 

And  then  he  exercised  his  magic  power  upon  the  water. 
The  sun  rose  and  it  became  warm  ;  the  sun  shone  strong. 
Then  all  the  water  dried  up.  There  was  no  water  to  be 
found.  And  then  Salmon  made  just  one  spring  of  water 
among  the  mountains  •,  at  Wa'xcam,1  indeed,  he  made  the 
water.  Just  one  spring  of  water  Salmon  made,  plainly 
seen  by  all.  Now,  then  one  of  the  wolves  became  thirsty. 
So  he  went  to  a  certain  small  river  to  quench  his  thirst, 
but  in  vain.  He  did  not  get  any  water;  the  river  was 
dried  up.  And  then  the  wolf  caught  sight  of  the  water 
(that  Salmon  had  made).  Now  he  was  thirsty,  so  he  went 
to  the  water. 

And  then  Salmon  made  some  small  trees,  a  few 
bushes-,  near  to  the  water  he  made  them.  Then  Salmon 
sat  down  well  prepared  in  the  bushes  near  to  the  water. 
Now  the  wolf  went  on  and  saw  the  water.  Straight  on 
to  the  spring  he  went.  The  wolf  went  to  drink  the  water ; 
then  started  in  drinking  it.  Salmon  exercised  his  magic 
power  upon  the  water.  So  then  the  water  sank  down 
a  little,  and  the  wolf's  eyes  just  disappeared  from  view. 
Then  he  shot  at  the  wolf,  and  the  wolf  fell  down  •,  he  was 
dead.  And  then  Salmon  took  hold  of  the  wolf.  He  had 
killed  him,  and  threw  him  away. 

between  Fort  Simcoe  and  Block  House. 


Wi'tla   gayu'ya   kxwo'ba;  gayu'la-it  iguna't.     Sa'qu  ga- 

td'waq,    gatciuta'da.     Wi'tla   iklu'na  i'xt  gayu'ya  icgilukc 

ittcqoa'ba.     Aga  wi'tlax  gatdo'qxEmct.      Aga  wi'tla  ya'maq 

gatci'lux.     Klu'na   fxt  wi'tla  gayu'maqt  icgilukc.     Wixt!a 

5  gatci'gF/lga ;  gatciula'da.     Wixt!a  k!uxna  fxt  gayu'ya  icgix- 

lukc    ilatu'n    ihcqoa'yamt.     Wixt!a    gatdo'qxEmct.     Wirt!a 

ya'maq     gatci'lux;     gatci'waq.       GatcigE7lga ;     gatciu'tada. 

Wixt!a   k!urna   fxt   gayu'ya   icgilukc    ilala'kt  iltcqoa'yamt. 

GatdoxqxEmct.  Wi'tla  ya'maq  gatcilut  iguna't.      Gatci'waq  -, 

10  gatcigE^ga;  gatciula'da. 

laga'its  ixkls'skax  icgilukc  wixt!a  gayu'ya  ihcqoa'yamt. 
Gayu'yam  iltcqoa'ba.  Na'qxi  gatdu'qxumct  Ke'nua  ga- 
lixk'xwa-it  igu'nat :  "  AtdugE'mcta."  K!a'ya  gatclu'gEmct 
ixkte'skax  icgi'lukc.  Aga  '  kxwo'pt  gali'ktcax :  "U'6;" 

15  qe'dau  gali'xox  ixkls'skax.  Aga  kxwo'pt  iguna't  galix- 
Ju'xwa-it:  "Na'qx'  itlu'ktix."  Itkla'munakiamt  gayu'yam 
icgi'lukc.  Aga  gatchi'dina  lla'ktikc  iguna't  ia'xan ;  la'-itcka 
galgi'waq  wi'am  iguna't.  Pu  gatchi'dina  ka'nauwe  JgwEx- 
nEmikc  pu  kla'ya  ilcgi'lukc  da'uya  wi'gwa ;  k!ma  lla'ktikc 

20  gatdu'dina,  i'xt  nixwo'axit  ixk!s'skax  ila'-uxix. 

Aga  kxwo'pt  gayu'ya  itqulia'mt  iguna't  qa'xba  a'yagutx 
u'xt.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gayu'yam  itquh"'ba.  Kxwo'pt  gatcu'l- 
xam:  "Aga  inlu'dina  ikgi'lukc  lla'ktikc ;  ixa'tk'  ixkls'skax 
icgi'lukc  igixwo'axit."  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatcu'lxam  agagi'lak: 

25  ttAg'  atxk!wa'ya."  Aga  kxwo'pt  gactu'ya ;  aga  gatcu'kia. 
Luwa'n  qa'uadix  gactu'goyom,  aga  kxwo'pt  gatcaxi'ma, 
gatsaltsgi'ma  iguna't  agagi'lak.  Ilk!a'ckac  la'luxt ;  qucti'- 
axa  ilcgi'lukc  itcawa'nba. 

Aga   kxwo'pt   gayaktxui't.     Aga    kxwo'pt  galagslga'ba 
30  itakla'its   ilskli'luks   li'x't.     Wi'tla '  gaya'ktxuit    itca'wanba; 


He  went  back  to  his  place ;  Salmon  seated  himself. 
He  had  killed  him  completely  and  thrown  him  away. 
Again  one  other  wolf  went  to  the  water.  Now  he  also 
started  in  to  drink  it,  and  again  (Salmon)  shot  at  him. 
Again  one  other  wolf  died.  Again  he  took  hold  of  him 
and  threw  him  away.  Again  one  other  wolf,  the  third, 
went  towards  the  water.  He  also  started  in  to  drink  it. 
Again  (Salmon)  shot  at  him  and  killed  him.  He  took 
hold  of  him  and  threw  him  away.  Again  one  other  wolf, 
the  fourth,  went  towards  the  water.  He  started  in  to 
drink  it,  and  again  Salmon  shot  at  him.  He  killed  him, 
took  hold  of  him,  and  threw  him  away. 

The  smallest  and  youngest  wolf  also  went  towards  the 
water.  He  arrived  at  the  water,  but  did  not  drink  of 
it.  Salmon  thought:  "He  will  drink  of  it,"  but  in  vain. 
The  youngest  wolf  did  not  drink  at  all.  And  then  he 
cried  :  "U6  ;"  thus  did  the  youngest  do.  And  then  Salmon 
thought:  "It  is  not  well."  The  wolf  escaped  to  the 
woods.  Now  Salmon's  son  has  killed  four  (wolves) ;  they 
had  slain  his  father  Salmon.  If  he  had  slain  all  five,  there 
would  be  no  wolves  to-day ;  but  he  killed  (only)  four,  (for) 
one  had  been  scared  away,  their  youngest  brother. 

And  then  Salmon  went  to  the  house  where  his  step- 
mother was  living.  Then  he  arrived  at  the  house,  and 
said  to  her:  "Now  I  have  slain  four  of  the  wolves ;  only 
one,  the  youngest  wolf,  was  scared  away."  And  then  he 
said  to  the  woman:  "Now  let  us  two  go  home."  Then 
the  two  went  on ;  he  took  her  along  with  him.  I  do  not 
know  how  many  times  they  camped  over  night  when  he 
laid  her  down,  Salmon  laid  the  woman  down  belly  up. 
There  was  a  child  inside  of  her ;  as  it  turned  out,  there 
were  wolves  in  her  womb. 

And  then'  he  stepped  on  her;  one  tiny  little  wolf  came 
out  of  her.  Again  he  stepped  on  her  belly;  a  tiny  wolf 


gafagE'lba  itcawani'amt  ifekli'luks.  Da'ukwa  IgwE'nEma 
itakla'itsax  gala'gElba.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatdu'dina  ilakla'i- 
tsax.  Kxwo'ba  i'wi  gatcu'x  watu'l,  kxwo'ba  gatdu'x  wa- 
tu'fpa.  Qxi'dau  ga'lixox  iguna't.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gactu'ya. 
5  Kxwo'pt  aga  gatcu'kl'  agagi'lak  wi'am  a'gikal.  Da'uax 
atk!u'ntk!un,  qxuct  gaqxi'waq  itca'gikal  iguna't.  Atk!u'n- 

tk!un  uqxE'lqt :  E feEE^E^Ei^l     E±H  gwa'nESEm.    Cma'- 

u  u 

nix    alidi'mama    iguna't     aqxe'dwagwa    Nixlu'idixpa;    aga 
kxwo'pt  alaktca'xEma  atk!uxntk!un. 

10  Nar2wit  gatcu'kla,  na'wid  iltcqo'ba  gatcu'klam.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  gacgigE'lg'  iknfm,  gact^kta-it.  Aga  kxw67pt  ga- 
tculxam:  "Ag'  anugopti'da,  aga  ma'im'  amqli'watcgwa/ 
Iguna't  gali'kim  :  "  Ag'  anxu'qcida  ;  aga  ma^ma  agag^lak 
amqli'watcgwa."  Aga  kxwo'pt  galixo^cit.  Gactuxxuni 

15  iltcqo'ba  y^lqdix.  Aga  kxwo'pt  itka'pcba  li'xlix  gala'xux. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  ixwi  galarxux;  w^mwa  gagigExlga  itka'pcba. 
Aga  kxwo^t  ixwi  gagixux ;  gagagE^ksl  waxmw'  a-ik!ixL- 
xeugwax  ya^qpa.  GacaxElqxfLx  agagi^ak.  Aga  kxw67pt 

20  Aga  kxwo'pt  gali'kim :  "Na'qx'  itlu'ktix  imnu'qutck, 
q!urm  imnux."  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatcigslg'  icki7,  gatcia'x- 
cgam.  Itklalamat  eVi  gatcto'x ;  gatctigEldi'ba-ix  itk!axla- 
mat;  daLxoa'b  galu'xax  itk!axmunak.  KXU'L  gatcie'lux 
icki'.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatca'gElg'  agagilak.  E'wi  ickix  'ngi 

25  gatcu'lada  itkla'lamatba.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gayagE'ltaqlq  aga- 
gilak;  ma'sa  gali'xox  qlu'mba  gagi'ux  iguna't.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  gayu'y'  igu'nat  aga  ya'-ima.  Aga  kxwo'pt  ia'l- 
qdix  gayu'ya,  ia'xi  aga  gayu'ya. 

Aga    kxwo'ba    pla'la    gayu'la-it;    luwan    qxa'uad   ifc'lx, 
30  qa'ntcipt   aga   ya'lqdix    gayu'la-it.      Aga    kxwo'pt  gatccx- 


came  out  from  her  belly.  In  this  way  five  little  (wolves) 
came  out  of  her.  Then  he  killed  the  little  (wolves). 
There  he  built  (?)  a  fire,  there  in  the  fire  he  put  them. 
Thus  did  Salmon.  And  then  they  two  went  on ;  he  took 
with  him  the  woman,  his  father's  wife.  This  woman  was 
the  Dove ;  truly  it  was  her  husband  Salmon  who  had  been 
killed.  The  Dove  is  always  wailing:  "U'  u'."  Whenever 
the  salmon  comes,  they  kill  him  at  Wishram,  and  then 
the  Dove  cries. 

Straight  on  he  went  with  her,  straightway  he  came 
with  her  to  some  water.  And  then  they  got  hold  of  a 
canoe  and  seated  themselves  in  it.  Then  he  said  to  her : 
"Now  I'll  sleep,  while  you  alone  will  paddle."  Salmon 
said:  "Now  I'll  lie  down  to  sleep,  while  you,  woman,  will 
paddle  alone."  And  then  he  lay  down  to  sleep.  The 
two  long  drifted  about  on  the  water.  And  then  she  be- 
gan to  feel  ticklish  in  her  feet.  Then  she  looked  and 
found  a  maggot  on  her  feet.  And  then  she  looked  care- 
fully at  him,  and  saw  maggots  crawling  about  all  over  his 
body.  The  woman  cried,  and  he  awoke. 

And  then  he  said :  "  It  is  not  good  that  you  have 
awakened  me  ;  you  have  disturbed  me  in  my  sleep."  Then 
he  got  hold  of  the  paddle,  took  it  away  from  her.  He 
transformed  the  rocks  and  hollowed  out  the  rocks ;  the 
rocks  had  a  hole  bored  into  them.  He  wedged  the 
paddle  under  her  and  took  hold  of  the  woman.  He 
moved  it  and  threw  her  off  with  the  paddle  into  the  rocks. 
Then  he  abandoned  the  woman ;  he  had  been  disgraced 
because  she  disturbed  him  in  his  sleep.  So  then  Salmon 
went  on  all  alone.  Long  he  went,  and  far  away  he  went. 

Now,  there  he  remained  quietly ;  I  know  not  how  many 
years,  how  long  he  remained.  Now,  then  he  heard  two 

60  i 

tcmo'q  icqle'yoqt:  "IminiEla'mak ;  na'qx'  itlu'kti.  A'nad- 
max  amElu'ktan  atgu'xwa.  Na  nExiu'xwan  kxwo'dau 
i'nadmax  iqxu't.  Kxwo'dau  a'nadmax  wo'qti  atgu'xwa." 
Qe'dau  gatciu'lxam  :  "Aga  du'xi.  Na'-ima  ansgE'lga  is- 
5  qxu's."  Gatciulxam:  "Na'qxi  pu  maMma  amsgExlga.  Af- 
nadmax  atgsuxxwa  ha'-ai."  La'ktix  gatccxtcmo'q  qe'dau 
cxixtcx,  cxElp.'a'lawulal.  Qucti'axa  icka'lax  cda'xdau. 

Aga  kxwo'pt  gatccu'lxam:  "QE'nsgi  mtxu'lal?  Dan 
^ilal?"  K!axya  qExnEgi  gacgiu'lxam.  Aga  wixt!a 

10  gacxElpia'lawulalEmtck;  galixacgElu'itcatk.  Aga  wi'tla 
da'ukwa  gacki'm.  Aga  wi'tla  gatccu'lxam :  "Da'naska 
mdrxitcx?  Na'it!a  mtgE'nLxam."1  Wi7t!a  kla'ya  qs'nEgi 
gacki'm.  Cpa'q  ts!uxm  cki'xax.  Wi'tla  gatccu'lxam :  "QE"- 
nEgi  dan  imtxE'lk^ilal ?"  Wixt!a  k!axya  qs'nEgi  gacki'm. 

15  Aga  wixt!a  daxukwa  gacxElpla^awulalEmtck.  Wit! a  gatc- 
culxam:  "Qs'nEgi  dan  imtxE'lk^ilal  ?"  Aga  kxwo'pt 
gacgiuxlxam :  "Hgoa^ilx  nintklg^tka." 

Aga  kxwo'pt  gatccu^xam  :      "Qaxxba  nimtklg^tga  ilgoax- 
lilx?"     Aga  kxwo'pt  gacgiu'lxam  :      "  Yalqdi'x  nintklgi'tga." 

20  Aga    kxwo'pt    gatcculxam :       "QE'nEgiba     nimtklgi'tga  ?" 
Gacgiu'lxam :      aK!axya!    itklalamatba  nintklgi'tga."     Aga 
kxwo'pt  gatccu'lxam :      "Dan  iaka'xtau  tfgoalilx,  ilqagi'lak 
tci8    a'watci8  ilkala  tcis?"      Gacgiulxam  :      "HqagHak."  - 
uQaxntcix     ni'mtklqxEmit  ?"      Aga     kxwo'pt    gacgiu'lxam : 

25  uDaruax  aklmi'n  nigaxa'lxum  wixt!ax  ax-ixt  aklmi'n  ak!un 
(t)cixtix  nintklgi'tga."  Aga  kxwo'pt  nixlu'xwait :  "Luwaxn 
ga'nuid  nilkcgi'tka  ilgoa;lilx.w 

1   MtgE'nLxam  is  for  mtgE'ntlxam. 


old  people  (talking  to  each  other):  "You  are  a  bad 
distributer,  and  not  good.  Let  us  two  put  a  cheek  on 
each  side.  I  myself  think  there  should  be  also  an  eye 
to  each  side.  And  let  us  put  half  a  vulva  on  each  side." 
Thus  did  the  one  say  to  the  other:  "Oh,  well!  I  shall 
take  both  eyes  for  myself."  The  other  one  said  to  him  : 
"You  should  not  take  both  to  yourself.  We  two  must 
divide  them,  -  -  one  to  each."  Four  times  did  he  hear  the 
two  thus  argue  and  talk  to  each  other.  As  it  turned 
out,  those  two  were  ravens. 

And  then  he  said  to  them :  "  What  are  you  talking 
about  ?  What  are  you  speaking  of  to  each  other  ?"  They 
said  nothing  at  all  to  him.  Now  they  still  kept  talking 
to  each  other,  and  he  listened  to  them.  Now  they  spoke 
again  as  before.  And  once  more  he  said  to  them  :  "Well, 
what  are  you  talking  to  each  other  about?  Tell  me  too  !" 
Again  they  said  nothing  at  all.  They  were  arguing  ex- 
citedly. Again  he  said  to  them:  "What  are  you  telling 
each  other?"  Again  they  said  nothing  at  all.  And  then 
again  they  kept  talking  to  each  other  as  before.  Again 
he  said  to  them:  "What  are  you  telling  each  other?" 
And  then  they  said  to  him  :  "  We  two  have  found  a  person." 

Then  he  said  to  them:  "Where  did  you  find  the  per- 
son ?"  They  answered  him  :  "  Far  away  (from  here)  we 
found  him."  And  then  he  said  to  them:  "In  what  way 
did  you  come  to  get  him?"  They  replied  to  him:  "No! 
we  found  him  among  some  rocks."  Then  he  said  to  them : 
"What  is  that  same  person,  a  woman  or  a  man?"  They 
said  to  him:  "A  woman."  -  "How  long  is  it  since  you 
have  seen  her?"  And  then  they  said  to  him:  "Let  this 
present  moon  have  become  exhausted  (and  add)  yet  one 
moon  and  a  half,  -  -  (so  long  is  it  since)  we  have  found 
her."  And  then  he  thought:  "Perhaps  they  have  really 
found  a  person." 


Aga  kxwo'pt  gatccu'lxam :  "A'tema  ka'dux  amdu'ya, 
amtklukcta'ma."  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatccu'lxam :  "Qsngiska7 
gamdu'yEm  ?"  Aga  kxwo'pt  Vx  gatci'ux  iago'mEntfpa  ikxa'- 
lal.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatccu'lxam :  "Qs'ngi  gamtxu'lal  gam- 
5  du'yEm  ?"  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatcxtcmo'q  aga  gacxixni'ma.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  gactilga'wulx  igu'cax.  Aga  kxwo'pt  ikxa'lal  gali- 
cilakwit.  Aga  kxwo'pt  qxatgix  nu'it  wflx  q!oaxp  gacti-ila7- 
kwit;  ia'xka  Vx  gatccu'x  igu'nat  icka'lax. 

Aga  kxwo'pt  gacgu'naxLx;  gacgu'kctam  qa'xba  gacga- 

10  gE'lkfilba.    Aga  gactu^a.    Na^wit  luwaxn  qa^adix-  gactu'- 

qxui.     Aga   kxwo'pt   gactu^am    wirt!a.     Aga  gacx'uk!wax 

wi'tia  itq^ia'mt.     Aga  gacgiu^xam :     "La'xt  ilgoa'lilx  qloa'b 

ag'     ah/mEqt'     aga    luLlElxt."      Gatccu'lxam :      "QE'nEgi 

p'  amtWu'xwa?"     Kxwo'pt  gali'kim  fxat:      "KJala  p'  ant- 

15  kltxa'."     Aga   kxwo'pt  gatccu'lxam :      "Akla'lamat  ayamt- 

kxa/-imaya.7'     A7u  gacgixiix. 

Aga  kxw6xpt  kE7L  gacguxxix  itctarpiq.  Aga  kxw67pt 
gatcackxaMma  mang  itsak!axits.  Gacgugwo'mit ;  gacgu7- 
klam ;  daxk  gatca'cxux.  Aga  mang  itcaga^l  gatcackxa7- 
20  ima.  Aga  wftla  gack^kl-,  ag'  ackxaMmat  p!axl'  ak!a7la- 
mat.  Wi'tla  gacgu'klam  •,  gacxiluxta'makwotcgix.  Wi'- 
t!ax  da'k  gatca'cxux.  Wixt!a  da'ukwa  la'ktix.  LagwE'nE- 
mix  wi'tlax  gatcackxax-ima.  Wi'tia  gacgugo'mida-ulx, 
gacguktca'nEmx,  gacga'-iluklam. 

25       Aga  gatcci/lxam :      "Aga  na'ikabam'amtklni'dama  iiqa- 
gttak."      Aga     kxwo'pt     gacgiulxam :       "Kla'ya!"      Aga 


Then  he  said  to  them  :  "To-morrow  you  two  will  go, 
you'll  go  and  look  for  her."  And  he  asked  them  :  "Well, 
how  have  you  been  going  all  along?"  Then  in  his  heart 
he  wished  for  a  wind,  and  it  arose.  And  he  asked  them  : 
"How  have  you  been  managing  to  go  all  along?"  And 
then  he  heard  them  as  they  showed  him  (how  they  man- 
aged). They  flew  up  to  the  sky,  but  then  the  wind  struck 
against  them ;  and  then  almost  immediately  they  came 
near  striking  down  against  the  ground.  (But)  he,  Salmon, 
endowed  the  two  ravens  with  magic  power. 

And  then  they  looked  for  her  •,  they  went  to  look  for 
her  where  they  had  seen  her.  Now  they  went  on.  Straight 
on  (they  went,  and)  I  know  not  how  many  times  they 
slept  over  night.  And  then  they  arrived  (there)  again. 
Then  they  turned  back  home  towards  the  house.  They 
said  to  him:  "There  is  a  person  who  is  near  to  dying 
and  is  thinned  out."  He  said  to  them:  "What  could 
you  do  with  her?"  Then  one  of  them  said:  "We  might 
carry  her  on  our  backs."  And  then  he  said  to  them : 
"I  shall  lay  down  a  stone  on  you."  They  said  "Yes"  to 

And  then  they  interlocked  their  wings,  and  he  put  down 
on  them  a  rather  small  (stone).  They  flew  off  with  it 
and  came  back  with  it ;  and  he  loosened  it  off  from  them. 
Then  he  put  a  somewhat  larger  (stone)  on  them.  And 
again  they  carried  it  with  them,  and  the  stone  rested 
quietly  on  them.  Again  they  came  back  with  it,  swaying 
their  bodies  from  side  to  side.  Again  he  loosened  off 
the  (stone)  from  them.  Again  (they  did)  as  before,  four 
times  in  all.  The  fifth  time  also  he  put  a  (stone)  on 
them.  Again  they  flew  up  with  it,  carried  it  about  with 
them,  and  brought  it  back  to  him. 

Then  he  said  to  them :  "  Now  for  my  sake  you  will 
go  and  get  me  the  woman."  And  then  they  answered 


kxwo'pt  gatccu'lxam:  tf  Amtkhigwa'lEmama  bama  na'ika." 
Qe'dau  gatccu'lxam  icka'lax  igu'nat.  Qucti'axa  ya'xtau 
igu'nat  ya'xka  gatcaxi'ma  a'xtau  agagi'lak;  tq!e'x  aga 
tcu'xt.  Aga  a'  gacxu'x.  uAg'  aqa'midam'  -agagHak,"  gac- 
5  giu'lxam.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gactu'ya,  gacgugwa'lEmam.  Na^- 
wit  gactu'ya;  naVit  gacta'guqxom.  K!waxc  galaxa'cxux ; 
galaxlu'xwait :  "Ag'  ickfnuwoq."  Aga  kxwo'pt  gacgul- 
xam:  "Na'qxi  klwa'c  amxu'xwa;  iqEmtga'lEmam.'' 

A'-u  gakcuxx.  "Qxa'damt  amtgEnu'kla  ?"  gakci/lxam. 
10  Aga  kxwo'pt  gacgu'lxam:  "  Indacta'mxiamt  aqEmu'kla." 
Aga  kxwo'pt  gakcu'lxam :  "Qfi'nEg'  amtgEnu'xwa  ?"  Gac- 
gu'lxam:  aAg'  amxantkxa'-imaya  indagiko'uba."  Aga 
kxwo'pt  a-ikwa't  gacgu'xix  itcda'piq ;  kxwo'ba  naxackxa'- 
ima  itctapi'qba.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gakcgs'lga. 

15       Aga   kxwo'pt    gatu'ya;   gacku'kl.      Na^wit  gacku'klam 

itquli'ba.     Naxwit   gacgax^ma.     K!arya  dan  itcanaxlxat  agv 

uL!Exlxt  gacgu'ktem.     Aga  kxwo'pt  gatclgE'lg'  igu'nad  .Ba- 

-  ka'tcla.     Aga  kxwo'pt  wa'x  gatda'kux  ilka'tcla.     GWE'HE- 

mix*  warx  gatclaxkux.     Aga  kxw6xpt  saxqu  gatcalxaxdagwa. 

20  Ag'  atlu'kti  galaxxux  saxqu.  Ilga^alxat  galaq!Exlba; 
sa'qu  itlu'kt'  itca'lq.  Axka'xdau  itca'xliu  atklu'ntklun  igu7- 
nat  a'gikal.  "Mda^tla,"  gatccu'lxam,  "dEmi^nua  imda'x- 
liu  icka'lax ;  qe'dau  amtxu'xwa  mda'itla.  Cma^ix  amtxu7- 
xwa  lKaxk  ka'k,'1  alugwagi'ma  idElxam,  lDang'  icgigE'lkEl 

25  icka'lax,  da'ngi  qxa'tgi.'"     Qe'dau  iqxa'nutck. 

1   Very  high  pitch. 


him:  "No!"  Then  he  said  to  them:  "You  will  go  to 
get  her  for  me."  Thus  did  Salmon  speak  to  the  two 
ravens.  In  truth  that  Salmon  it  was  who  had  laid  down 
that  woman ;  now  he  wanted  her.  Then  they  consented. 
"Now  we  shall  go  and  get  you  the  woman,"  they  said 
to  him.  And  then  they  went,  went  to  get  her.  Straight 
on  they  went  and  straightway  they  came  to  her.  She 
was  afraid  of  them  and  thought:  "Now  they  have  killed 
me."  But  then  they  said  to  her:  "Do  not  be  afraid; 
we  have  come  for  you. 

She  consented  to  their  proposal.  "Whither  will  you 
take  me?"  she  asked  of  them.  And  then  they  said  to 
her:  "We  shall  carry  you  to  our  chief."  Then  she  said 
to  them  :  "  What  will  you  do  with  me  (so  as  to  carry  me)?" 
They  answered  her:  "You  will  lay  yourself  down  on  our 
back."  And  then  they  neatly  interlocked  their  wings; 
there  on  their  wings  she  lay  down.  So  then  they  took 
hold  of  her. 

And  then  they  went  on,  the  two  bearing  her  along. 
Straight  on  (they  went  and)  brought  her  home  into  the 
house.  Straightway  they  put  her  clown.  She  had  no  hair 
(left)  at  all  and  they  brought  her  home  lean.  And  then 
Salmon  took  some  oil.  Then  he  poured  the  oil  out  over 
her.  Five  times  he  poured  it  out  over  her  and  she  came 
to  completely. 

Now  she  was  beautiful  all  over.  Her  hair  grew  out 
from  her  and  her  body  was  beautiful  in  every  way.  The 
name  of  that  same  woman  was  Dove,  Salmon's  wife.  "As 
for  you  two,"  he  said  to  the  two  (ravens),  "your  name 
(shall  be)  for  all  time  Raven ;  thus  shall  you  be.  When- 
ever you  shall  cry  "ka'k  ka'k,"  people  will  say:  The 
two  ravens  have  seen  something,  no  doubt.' "  Thus  the  tale. 

5 — PUBL.    AMER.    ETHN.    SOC.    VOL.    II. 


Gayu'ya   isklu'kyE.     Aga   kxwo'pt  galixE'ltcmaq  isklu'- 
ya'xiba  uxwo'qt  idE'lxam.      Quctia'xa  ickla'lkal  gaq- 
cu'ktam.     Aga  kxwo'pt  galu'ya  isklu'lEyE  ya'qxoq  kxwo'dau 
icpu'xyatin  icya'xan  ctmo'kct.    Galu'ya  hsinmo'kstikc  la'-itc 
5  ickla'lkaliamt ;  galxE'lxaq.     Galu'yam.     Ixa'd  ia'xleu  Sipa7- 
glatsin  iarxan  isk.'u'lEyE ;  ixard  iaxxleu  Sipaxksalguts ;  ik!urn' 
ixa'd    isk!uxlEyE    ia'xan    Sapa7gwinan ;  ik!urn'  ixa^  ia^leu 
Sapagartkutgwax ;    ak!uxn'    ax-ixad    itcaxxleu  ayaxxan  isk!ur- 
IsyE    axk!Erskax     StwaVinLxt     itsaqlwa^asup ;     kxwoxdau 
10  ctmo'kct  icpu'xyatin  icya'xan  itctaba-icxixlal  cta'xta. 

Galu'y'  aga  ickla'lkalba;  galkcuda'mitam  ickla'lkal. 
Galu'yam  galki/gikEl  lgablaxd  idE'lxani.  Kxwo'ba  ckixxax 
ila'lik  kxwoxdau  idaxuapdauap  ctmokct  ist!aq!waxlasup. 
Aga  kxwoxpt  gaqci'lut  ick!axlkal  Sapaxgalatsin  ixgo'qunk. 
15  Hia'kcEnba  gatccgE'lga.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatccu'damit  ick!axl- 
kal.  Aga  gacgixwa  ilaxlik  k!m'  ag'  ida'uapdauap  ;  gactixk- 
taq.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gacgigE'lga  ;  gactrkdaqxwom.  Gacgi7- 
waq.  Gackci'xckEm  ickla'lkal. 

wit!a  Lu7gu  gackcu'x  ick!axkal.  Wixt!a  gackci'lut 
20  ilie'kcEnba  -,  gatccgE'lga  Sapa'ksalguts.  Gatccu'damit  ic- 
k.'a'lkal.  Agar  witla  gacgi'wa  ida'uapdauap  ila'lek.  Ga- 
cti'ktaq-,  galicgE'ltaql.  Gacti'ktaqxom.  Gacgi'waq;  Lq!6rp 
gacgiu'x  iaga'qstaq.  Aga7  wit!ax  gaqci'lut  icklalkal  Sapax- 
gwinan.  Wirt!a  gatccuda'mit  icklalkal.  Aga  wi'tla  gac- 
25  ti'ktaq;  gacti'ktaqxom  ;  gacgigE'lga.  Gacgi'waq  •,  Lqlo'p 
gacgi'ux  i^'tuk.  Wixt!a  gackcilut  Sapagartkutgwax.  Aga 
wi'tla  gatccuda'mit.  Aga  wi'tla  gacti'ktaq  ila'lik  k!ma 
ida'uapdaup.  GacgigExlga.  Gacgi'waq;  Lq!6xp  gacgi'ux 
ia'tuk.  Aga  gaqc^lut  Stwa'winLx  isk!uxlEyE  aya'xan  waliq 


Coyote  went  on.  Now  then  Coyote  heard  that  way 
yonder  people  were  gathered  together.  In  truth  they 
came  to  get  a  shinny-ball.  So  then  Coyote's  children  and 
Antelope's  two  sons  went.  They  seven  went  for  the 
shinny-ball,  went  to  where  people  were  assembled.  They 
arrived  (there).  The  name  of  one  of  Coyote's  sons  was 
Big-Gristle ;  (another)  one's  name  was  Big-Backbone ;  an- 
other one  of  Coyotes  sons  (was  named)  Big-Fin ;  another 
one's  name  was  Big- Adipose-Fin ;  there  was  one  other, 
a  daughter  of  Coyote  and  the  youngest,  whose  name  was 
Head-Fat  —  she  was  a  good  runner.  And  there  were 
Antelope's  two  sons  -  -  those  two  were  clumsy  ones. 

Now  they  went  where  the  shinny-ball  was ;  they  had 
come  in  order  to  run  away  with  it.  They  arrived  and 
saw  many  people.  There  were  Rabbit  and  Fox,  both  of 
them  fast  runners.  And  then  the  shinny-ball  was  given 
to  Big-Gristle,  the  oldest..  He  took  it  in  his  hand  and 
ran  away  with  the  shinny-ball.  Then  Rabbit  and  Fox  pur- 
sued him  and  gained  on  him.  And  then  they  seized  him  • 
they  had  overtaken  him.  They  killed  him  and  took  the 
shinny-ball  away  from  him. 

Now  they  brought  the  shinny-ball  back  again.  Again 
they  put  it  in  the  (next)  one's  hands ;  Big-Backbone  got 
hold  of  it.  He  ran  away  with  the  shinny-ball  and  again 
Fox  and  Rabbit  pursued  him.  They  ran  after  him  and 
he  ran  away  from  them.  They  overtook  him  and  killed 
him,  cutting  off  his  head.  Now  this  time  the  shinny-ball 
•was  given  to  Big-Fin.  He  also  ran  away  with  the  shinny- 
ball  and  again  the  two  ran  after  him,  overtook  him,  and 
seized  him.  They  killed  him,  cutting  his  neck.  Next  they 
gave  the  (ball)  to  Big- Adipose-Fin.  Now  he  also  ran 
away  with  it  and  again  Rabbit  and  Fox  ran  after  him. 


itga'kcEnba.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gakcuda'mit  ickla'lkal  Aga 
kxwo'pt  gacta'ktaq.  Aga  kxwo'pt  galacgE'ltaql  Gacgu'a  • 
gacga'gElga.  Gacgu'aq;  Lqlo'p  gacgi'axux  itca'tuk. 

Sa'q"  gabda'-it  iskiu'lEyE  ia'qxoq  IgwE'nEmikc ;  sa'qu  gaq- 
5  fu'dina ;  kla'ya  galkcgE'lga  ickla'lkal     Aga  kxwo'pt  cta'xta 
icpu'xyatin  icya'xan  gaqcclu't  ickla'lkal  cta'xta  itcta'kcEnba. 
Kxwo'pt   gacxE'lEktcu ;  ki'nua  gackcgE'lga.     Aga  kxwo'pt 
galugwa'kim :      "Ag     aqcwa'gwa    di'kxa."     Aga    kxwo'pt 
galki'm:      aAg'  aqcu'kla  yaxta'ba  ;  aqcwa'gwa  mang  i'axi." 
10  Aga    kxwo'pt    gaqcu'kl    mang    i'axi.     Aga    kxwo'pt  xarp 
dagapga'p  gahco'x  ilia'.   Aga  kwo'pt  galu'gwakim  :   "Da'uya 
ig'  inigE'lga,  itgilx." 


Aga  qucti'axa  gackcuda'mit  icpuxia'tin  icya'xan  ;  ickla'l- 
kal gackcuda'mit.  Qucti'axa  cda'xtau,  ictla'miniEn.  Aga 

15  kxwo'pt  gackcu'kl  icpu'xiatin  icya'xan.  Aga  kxwo'pt  kla'ya 
gackcu'a  ila'lik  ida'uapdauap.  Gackcu'kct ;  gackcgE'lkEl 
ag'  ia'Iqdix  ckcu'klt  ickla'lkal  Aga  itpo'gomax  icda'bagal 
lacgwu'lxt ;  cxEtta'dntf  ickla'lkal.  A-itcxa'p  gacxi'luxix 
ila'lik  klma  ida'uapdauap;  ag'  ie'Lqdix  ctu'it ;  ckcu'klt. 

20  Icta'xtax  iskiu'lEyE  kxwo'dau  icpu'xyatin  itquli'ba  pla'la 
ctu'xt.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gacglu'ma  : 

qxiLq        i  -  t!a  -        la  -  pas 

qxoq;     saq"    niqt    -    dl  -  na. 
Aga  kxwcVpt    wi'tla  gacglu'ma:      "Do'yaxka  nintca'cqxiLq 


They  seized  him  and  killed  him,  cutting  his  neck.  Now 
the  (ball)  was  put  into  the  hand  of  Head-Fat,  Coyote's 
daughter,  a  maiden.  And  then  she  ran  away  with  the 
shinny-ball.  Then  the  two  ran  after  her  and  she  ran  away 
from  them.  They  pursued  her  and  caught  her.  They 
killed  her,  cutting  off  her  neck. 

All  the  five  children  of  Coyote  had  died ;  they  had  all 
been  killed  and  had  not  held  on  to  the  shinny-ball.  Now 
then  those  two  sons  of  Antelope  were  given  the  shinny- 
ball,  (it  was  put)  into  the  hands  of  those  two.  Then  they 
dropped  it;  they  did  not  succeed  in  holding  on  to  the 
(ball).  And  then  the  people  said:  "Now  they  will  be 
killed  here."  Then  they  said:  "Now  they  will  be  brought 
right  there;  they  will  be  killed  a  little  farther  on."  And 
then  they  were  brought  a  little  farther  on.  Then  the  fog 
became  dark,  all  misty  dark.  And  then  they  (all)  said : 
"Now  here  I've  caught  him,  hit  him!" 

Now  in  fact  Antelope's  two  sons  ran  away  with  it ;  they 
ran  away  with  the  shinny-ball.  Truly  that  (ball)  was 
worth  a  chieftain's  realm.  Now  then  the  two  sons  of 
Antelope  took  it  along  with  them,  but  Rabbit  and  Fox 
did  not  pursue  them.  They  looked  at  them  and  saw 
them  now  far  off  taking  the  shinny-ball  along  with  them. 
Now  they  climb  up  to  two  summits  of  the  mountains  and 
keep  throwing  the  shinny-ball  between  them.  Rabbit  and 
Fox  gave  up  (following) ;  they  had  now  gone  far  off  and 
had  the  (ball)  with  them. 

Those  two  people  Coyote  and  Antelope  -  -  were 

sitting  quietly  in  the  house.  Now  then  the  two  (sons  of 
Antelope)  sang  out :  "  Far  away  we  two  have  left  the 
children  of  Coyote  ;  killed  were  they  all."  And  then  they 
sang  out  again:  "Far  away  have  we  left  the  two  sons 
of  Antelope;  slain  were  the  two."  And  then  they  sang 
out  again  :  "  All  were  they  killed,  the  children  of  Coyote  ; 


icpuxya'tin  icya'xan ;  sa'qu  niqci'dwoq."1  Aga  kxwo'pt 
wi'tla  gacglu'ma:  "Sa'qu  niqldl'na  Itlala'pas  ya'qxoq ;  do'- 
yaxka  ninda'JqxiLq."1  Aga  kxwo'pt  wi'tla  gacglu'ma: 
"Sa'qu  niqci'dwoq  icpuxya'tin  icya'xan ;  do'yaxka  nintca'- 
5  cqxiLq."1  Aga  kxwo'pt  wi'tla  gacglu'ma :  "Do'yaxka 
nindalqxiLq  ItJala'pas  ya'qxoq ;  saxqu  niqldl'na." l 

Na'wit  gactu'ya.  Aga  kxwo'pt  isklu'lEyE  gatca'xima 
akla'lamat  itca'gail  icqxi'ba.  Aga  kxwo'pt  ilkli'lxamat 
gatclxi'nx'  ak!axlamatpa ;  a-isda'x  gatda'gEmunxa.  Kxwo'ba 

10  gayu'txuit  isklu'lEyE.  Aga  kxwo'pt  galixlu'itcatk  yaxa  ya'x 
icpu'xyatin  ixa'imat ;  cixgia'gwax  icixaxan  icpu'xyatin.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  gali'gluma  icpu'xyatin  ya'xan  gwE'nEmix.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  gayugi'luktcu  isklu'lEyE  daga'mui ;  nu'it  gay'umaqt ; 
akla'lamatpa  gayakxaMmaxit ;  saxqu  galilga'xit  ilklilxamat. 

15  Aga  kxwo'pt  gacdula'dapgEx'id  ickla'lkal.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
galixls'tck  icpu'xyatin;  gayu'la-it. 

Aga  kxwo'pt  capca'p  galkcu'x  ickla'lkal.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
tcEktcE'k  saxqu  ilalqpa  galcxs'lux.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gahd'- 
inalx  isk.'ulEyE  yu'msqtpa.  Galxe'nalx  ia'gitcpa  kxwo'dau 

20  idia'mL.'uxiba  kxwo'dau  idia'qxuitba.  Aga  isklu'lsyE  yo7- 
mEqt  ixi'mat.  Aga  kxwo'pt  galki'm  icpu'xyatin  icya'xan : 
"Qfi'ng'  alxu'xwa?"  Aga  kxwo'pt  gahrpa.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
galki'm:  "Qa'xb^  alxu'ya?"  Aga  kxwo'pt  gaiki'm  :  UA1- 
xu'ya  'guca'xba."  Wi't!a  galki'm:  "Na'qxi  p'  alxu'ya 

25  'guca'xba."  Kxwo'pt  a'ga  gali'kim  fxat:  "Alxu'ya  wax- 
tcktib'  itga'qpuks,  qxa'dagatci  na'qx'  atcElgE'lga  isklu'lEyE." 
Aga  kxwo'pt  galu'ya  wa'tcktib'  itga'qpuks  icpu'xyatin 
icya'xan.  Galu'ya ;  galo'qxui  hi'nix.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gat- 

30  Gatcilxa'dagwa  isklu'lEyE;  galixgo'itk.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
gali'kim  :  "Qxwotxala'  yalqdi'x  inogo'ptit."  Aga  kxwo'pt 
gatchi'wa ;  i'wi  i'wi  galixailudE'lkEmtck  ilaqx'a'tba.  Kxwo'pt 

1  Same  tune. 

far  away  we  two  have  left  them."  And  then  again  they 
sang  out:  "Slain  were  the  two  sons  of  Antelope-,  far 
away  have  we  left  them."  And  then  again  they  sang 
out :  "  Far  away  we  two  have  left  the  children  of  Coyote  ; 
killed  were  they  all." 

Straight  on  the  two  went.  Now  (meanwhile)  Coyote 
had  laid  down  a  big  stone  in  the  doorway.  And  then 
he  stuck  in  spits  about  the  stone,  stuck  them  circlewise 
near  it.  There  Coyote  stood.  And  then  he  listened  while 
he,  Antelope,  lay  down  •,  Antelope  knew  about  his  two 
sons.  Then  one  of  Antelope's  sons  sang  out  five  times. 
Coyote  fell  down  senseless  and  died  straightway ;  he  fell 
over  on  the  stone  and  all  the  spits  pierced  him.  And 
then  suddenly  the  shinny-ball  was  thrown  into  the  house. 
Then  Antelope  arose  and  seated  himself. 

And  then  they  chipped  up  the  shinny-ball  into  little 
pieces  and  rubbed  it  all  over  their  bodies.  Then  they 
wiped  themselves  on  Coyote  where  he  lay  dead;  they 
wiped  themselves  against  his  nose  and  against  his  ears 
and  against  his  legs.  Now  Coyote  is  lying  dead.  And 
then  Antelope  and  his  two  sons  said:  "What  shall  we 
do?"  Then  they  went  out  of  the  house  and  said  :  "Where 
shall  we  go?"  And  then  they  said:  "Let  us  go  to  the 
sky;"  (but)  on  second  thoughts  they  said:  "We  should 
not  go  to  the  sky."  So  then  one  of  them  said:  "Let 
us  go  on  the  tops  of  the  grass  so  that  Coyote  may  not 
find  us."  So  then  Antelope  and  his  two  sons  went  on 
the  tops  of  the  grass.  On  they  went  and  passed  three 
nights.  And  then  they  went  to  sleep. 

Coyote  came  to  and  awoke.  And  then  he  said:  "I've 
slept  altogether  too  long."  Then  he  started  to  pursue 
them  and  looked  all  around  to  follow  them  by  their  tracks. 
Then  he  thought:  "How,  where  have  they  gone?"  He 


•QE'nEgi,"  galixlu'xwa-it,  "qa'xba  hi'it?"  Na'qxi  gatcu'- 
guiga  iLa'qxat.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gayu'ya  ca'-iwatk!acka 
gatchi'a.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gayu'ya  isk!u'lEyE.  Gayuya'2. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  galilxa'ca.  Aga  kxwo'pt  iltcqo'ba  gayu'ya; 
5  gatclo'qxEmct  iltcqoa'.  Aga  kxwo'pt  fwi  gali'xox.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  gatdgE'lkEl  ilgoa'lilx  iltcqo'ba.  Aga  kxwo'pt  galix- 
wo'xit;  k!wavc  gali'xox.  Aga  kxwo'pt  galixlu'xwa-it : 
"Alglnua'gwa  ilgoa'lilx."  Aga  kxwo'pt  dakda'k  gatctu'x 
idia'gamatcx ;  gatcu'gwiga;  XU'LXUL  gatctu'x  iagitcxu'tpa. 

10  Agalixlu'xwa-it :      aAnlwaxgwa  ilgoa'iilx." 

Aga  kxwo^t  i'wi  gali'xox;  iltcqo'ba  ilgoalilx.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  itxa'maq  gatctlilux  so'q11  soqu  idiaga'matcx.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  galixhi'xwa-it :  "Lku'n  aga  ihi'mEqt."  Gayu'ya; 
gatstskllu'tk  ilgoa'lilx.  P!a7la  lu'xt  ilgoa'lilx.  Aga  kxwo'pt 

15  wi't.'a  gatci'gElga  ik.'a'lamat.  Galixki'xwa-it :  "Aga  ik!a'- 
lamat  anili'lagwa  'laq.'a'qctaqba.  Alu'mEqta."  Gayu'ya 
isklu'lEyE  •  gatci'gElga  ikJa'lamat.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatcili'- 
lagwa.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatclgE'ltcim  ilk!a'lamat.  Gatclu'- 
kctEm  ilgoa'lilx ;  k.'a'ya  lu'mEqt.  Aga  kxwo'pt  galixlu'- 

20  xwa-it :  "Qfi'nEgi  qe'dau?"  Kxwo'pt  gatssugi'tsxaba  isia- 
gi'kulan.  Gatssu'lxam :  "Qs'nEgi  qe'dau?"  Aga  kxwo'pt 
gatsu'lxam:  "Aga  mtxa'nitkuLitck." 

Aga  kxwo'pt  gacgiu'lxam :  "  Ag'  aqcxa'mElukli'tckwa. 
Nitu'ya  imi'qxoq  isk.'u'kyE,  nilu'ya  ickla'lkaliamt  IgwE'nE- 

25  mike-,  kxwo'dau  icpu'xyatin  icya'xan  (n)ictu'ya  cta'xta 
ctmo'kct.  Kxwo'ba  niqldi'na  imi£'qxoq  isklu'lsyE.  Cta'- 
ima  icpu'xyatin  icya'xan  nickcu'kl  ickla'lkal.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
nicglu'ma,  'Isklu'kyE  imi'qxoq  niqldi'na.'  Qe'dau  nicxt- 
ki'm  icpu'xuyatin  icya'xan.  Aga  nicdi'mam  itqule'ba.  laxa 

30  ma'ya    nimdE'muqt;    sa'qu    ilkl'i'lxamat    nilmi'tgat  imi'lqpa. 

Aga    kxwo'pt    ickla'lkal    nicdi'mam.      Aga    kxwo'pt    sa'qu 

nikxi'tx  icpu'xyatin  icia'xan.     Lku'p  Lku'p  nilkctxa'  ickla'l- 

Aga  kxwo'pt  tci'ktdk  nilcxi'tx.     Aga  kxwo'pt  nihi'ya  ; 

iux-Ju'x-  nilgE'mtx  la'-itcka.    Aga  kxwo'pt  nilki'm,    "Qa'xb* 


could  not  find  their  tracks,  so  he  went  and  pursued  them 
in  any  direction  at  random.  And  then  on  Coyote  went. 
He  went  and  went  (until)  he  became  thirsty.  So  he  went 
to  the  water  and  drank  of  the  water.  Then  he  looked 
closely  and  caught  sight  of  a  person  in  the  water.  He 
was  scared  off  and  was  afraid.  Then  he  thought:  "The 
person  is  going  to  kill  me."  So  he  loosened  his  arrows 
and  got  hold  of  them ;  he  pulled  them  out  of  his  quiver. 
Now  he  thought:  al  shall  slay  the  person." 

And  then  he  looked  closely;  the  person  was  (still)  in 
the  water.  Then  he  shot  every  single  one  of  his  arrows 
at  him  and  thought:  "Perhaps  he  has  died  now."  He 
went  and  looked  at  the  person ;  the  person  was  there 
just  as  before.  And  then  again  he  took  a  stone.  He 
thought:  "Now  I  shall  throw  the  stone  at  his  head.  He 
will  die."  Coyote  went  and  got  a  stone  and  then  threw 
it  at  him.  He  struck  him  with  several  stones.  He  went 
to  look  at  the  person ;  he  was  by  no  means  dead.  And 
then  he  thought:  "How  is  this?"  Then  he  defecated 
his  two  faeces  and  asked  them:  "How  is  this?"  He 
said  to  them:  "Now  tell  me." 

And  then  they  said  to  him:  "We  two  shall  tell  you. 
Your  children,  Coyote,  did  go,  the  five  went  for  the 
shinny-ball;  also  Antelope's  two  sons  did  go,  those  two. 
There  your  children,  Coyote,  were  killed ;  the  two  sons 
of  Antelope  alone  took  the  shinny-ball  with  them.  And 
then  they  cried  out,  'Coyote,  your  children  have  been 
killed.'  Thus  said  the  two  sons  of  Antelope.  Now  they 
arrived  home  at  the  house,  but  you  died ;  all  the  spits 
remained  stuck  in  your  body.  Now  then  the  shinny-ball 
came,  and  Antelope  and  his  two  sons  put  it  all  over  them- 
selves. They  broke  the  shinny-ball  up  into  small  pieces 
and  then  rubbed  it  over  themselves.  And  then  they  went ; 


alxu'ya?"  Aga  kxwo'pt  nihi'ya  wa'tcktiba  itgaqie'liqpukc. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  ya'xtau  ma'ika  tfmi'pul  isklu'lsyE  I'wi  gam- 

Gali'kim     isklu'kyE:       "Aga     ga'nuit     da'ukwa     qxuct. 

5   Qa'xba  nitu'ya  icpu'xyatin  ici'axan  ?"     "Fwad  niJu'ya."     Aga 

kxwo'pt    gayu'ya.      Gatcu'guiga    idiaga'matcx.      Gayuya/2 

tcxa'p    gayuya7    waxpul.      Wixt!a    wi'gwa    gayu'ya;    wi'tla 

wa'pul     gatclu'a    isklu^EyE    icpu'xyatin    icya'xan.       Wi't!a 

waxpul    gayu'ya.     Galuyar2  gwa'p   wi'mal.     Aga    kxwo'pt 

10   gaJge'witx-it.     Aga    kxwo'pt    gatdgE'lkEl    Jge'witEm    itpox- 

qxuxba.     GatclgElksl  aga  ka'dux.     Gatclgs'lga  ilge'ninua ; 

gatdHagwa.     Gatdulxam:      "Kla'ya  mcta'mx  amxu'xwa-, 

mtsll'non ;  im^xleu  icpu'x'yatin  amxu'xwa." 

Aga  kxwo'pt  gakwo'tck  cpu'q  cpu'q.  Aga  k!axya 
15  ibqxklE'cEmax  ila^qpa.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatclu'lxam  :  "Kla'ya 
pu  mcta'mx  amcxu'wa.  ISfa'ika  isklti'kyE.  Ag'  alugwa- 
gi'ma  qe'dau  idE'lxam,  lAga  da'ula-itcka  isk!uxlEyE  Vx 
gatch/x  icpu'xyatin  icya'xan.'  Nadida'nuit  itka'naximct 
aluxwa'xa;  ma'itlax  icpu'xyatin.  Alugwagi'ma,  'Dauya 
20  icpu'xyatin  SE'X  gatci'ux  isklu'lEyE/"  Gali'kim  isklu'lEyE : 
"Iguna't  icta'mx,  itcli'non  icta'mx,  kxwo'dau  idE'lxam 
itka'naximct  aluxwa'xa.  Na'ika  isklu'lsyE  kia'ya  ncta'mx." 
Qwa'b  wi'mal  qe'dau  galxu'x  i'nad  wi'mal  isklu'lEyE  icpu'x- 
yatin icia'xan  xatlEna'uwab' 1  ilE'mqa. 

25       Aga   kxwo'pt   gaigwu'h<m    wa'lxaiu    itcli'non    kxwo'dau 

«  Now  Goldendale  Valley,  Klickitat  Co.,  Wash. 

For   a   very   similar   myth    of   a    non-Chinookan  tribe  cf.  Farrand  and  Kahn- 
wcilcr  :   Traditions  of  the  Quinattlt  Indians,  pp.  102 — 105.     The  places  of  Eagle, 


they  stretched  you.  They  said,  'Where  shall  we  go?' 
And  then  they  went  on  the  very  tops  of  the  grass. 
Now  that  is  your  own  reflection,  Coyote,  that  you  have 
been  looking  at  all  along." 

Coyote  said:  "Why  certainly!  Just  so,  of  course. 
Where  did  Antelope  and  his  two  sons  go?"  -  -  "Yonder  they 
went."  And  then  he  went  on  and  took  his  arrows.  He 
went  and  went,  (also)  over  night;  all  night  he  went. 
Again  all  day  he  went ;  again  all  night  Coyote  pursued 
Antelope  and  his  two  sons.  Again  all  night  he  went.  He 
went  and  went  and  crossed  the  river.  Now  then  they  were 
sleeping.  And  he  caught  sight  of  them  sleeping  in  the  moun- 
tains. He  saw  them  in  early  morning.  He  got  some  dust, 
threw  it  at  them,  and  said  to  them  :  "You  shall  be  no  chief. 
You  are  an  animal  and  your  name  shall  be  Antelope." 

And  then  they  started  to  run  away,  all  gray  (now). 
They  were  no  longer  of  golden  hue  in  their  bodies.  Now 
then  he  said  to  them:  "You  should  be  no  chiefs.  lam 
Coyote.  And  thus  shall  people  say,  'Now  these 
Antelope  and  his  two  sons  -  -  Coyote  did  magically  trans- 
form.' The  Indians  shall  be  chiefs  (some  of  them),  but 
you  are  Antelope.  They  will  say:  'This  Antelope  did 
Coyote  change  by  magic.'"  Coyote  said:  "Salmon  is  a 
chief,  Eagle  is  a  chief,  and  (some)  people  also  shall  be  chiefs. 
I  am  Coyote,  I  am  no  chief."  Across  the  river  did  they  do 
thus  -  -  on  the  other  side  of  the  river  (did  thus  do)  Coyote, 
Antelope,  and  his  two  sons,  in  the  valley  of  xatlEna'uwa.  * 

Now    Eagle    and    Bluejay    and    Beaver  they    three 

Sparrow  Hawk,  and  Chicken  Hawk  are  in  the  Quinault  myth  taken  by  "Bluejay's 
chief,"  Landotter,  and  "another  man"  respectively.  Bluejay  and  Beaver  are  charac- 
ters in  both  myths. 


i'i'c'ic  kxwo'dau  iga'nuk  fa'-itc  fu'nikc  kxwo'dau  ga'yaloqstk 
kxwo'dau  iqxaqxi'nua.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gakhi'kl  iltcqo'ba; 
na'2wit  gaktu'kl.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatciu'lxam  itcli'non  iga'- 
nuk:  aAg'  itcqxE'mEm  itfi'kcEn ;  aga  Lq!6xb  itx'  iirpaq." 
5  Aga  kxwo'pt  gayu'ya  iga'nuk ;  gatci'uqc  5  dadakda'k  galxu'x 
ilia'kxatc  iga'nuk ;  galalimalxi'x'it  ilia'kxatc. 

Aga  wirt!a  iklu'na  ya'xta  gayaloqstk.  Wit!'  axga  gatc- 
IcEnqlwa'lg'naba  illi'paq;  wixt!a  gadalimahdVit  iitcqo'ba 
idiaxwoxwo'lagodit.  Wixt!ax  itcifnon  gatclcEnqiwa'lg'naba. 
10  Wi'tla  Llla'p  gatgi'a  idiaxoxwolagodit.  Wi't!a  ya'xta 
iqxaqxe'nua  gatctcEnqlwa^gunaba.  Ag'  e'wa  wflxpa 
galxi'max-itEm ;  galxigilaxidix'.  Akni'm  quct  la'gla-itix* 
itcifnon  ilio'uxwikc.  Walxa'iu  galgvvu'LEm  ;  gaklu'kl  qu'ctia 
ikni'm  ligla'-itix-. 

15  Aga  kxwo'pt  galklgE'lkEl  iJgagi'lak.  Da'xtau  ilaxwo- 
xwo'lagodit  kxwo'dau  ila'kxatc  kanauwa7  dob'  uxwaxxt ; 
kxwob'  ilgagi'lak  lurxt  kxwob'  uxwa'xt.  Quctiarxa  wa7lxai' 
a'xtau  gaklu'kl.  Aga  kxworpt  galgi'ulxam  i^i'c^c:  "Aga 
tgalman  idE'lxaxaxwo'lagodit."  Gatci'ulxam  itcifnon:  "Ag' 

20  amdugwa'lmama  itkxwo'xwolagodit  kxwoxdau  ili^kxatc 
iga'nuk. "  Aga  kxwo'pt  gayu'ya  i8i'csic.  Gatcu'lxam  aga- 
gi'lak :  uAg'  int^tga'lmam  qxe'wulx."  Aga  kxwo'pt  ga- 
gi'ulxam :  "Kla'ya  mna'wulx.  Qxe'dau  amEnLxa'ma : 
'qxigika'l.'  Aga  kxwo'pt  ada'milxoqtcqwa'ya." 

25  Aga  kxwo'pt  gaklu'kl;  galu'y'  itqulia'mt.  Kanauwa' 
ifgwK'nEmikc  gaklu'kl  na'2wit  itko'qlba.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
gakh-;'lquim  -.  itlxE'lEm  gaktllu't.  Qucti'axa  na'mEnmox  ilgoa'- 
\\]\  ala'lxus.  Gakhi'lxam:  "Iduna'yax."  Quctie'nax  wa'l- 
xus,  kla'y'  auna'-ix.  Aga  kxwo'pt  galxE'kktcu  ildu'du 


and  Sparrow  Hawk  and  Chicken  Hawk  speared  a  seal. 
And  then  it  dragged  them  along  over  the  water,  dragged 
them  on  and  on  with  it.  Then  Eagle  said  to  Beaver : 
"Now  my  hands  are  sick,  so  do  you  cut  off  the  rope." 
So  then  Beaver  went  and  bit  at  the  (rope).  Beaver's 
teeth  all  came  loose,  and  his  teeth  fell  over  into  the  water. 
,  And  next  another  one,  that  Sparrow  Hawk  (went)  and 
again  he  took  hold  of  the  rope  with  his  claws;  this  time 
also  his  claws  fell  overboard  into  the  water.  Next  Eagle 
took  hold  of  it  with  his  claws;  also  his  claws  sank  under 
water.  Next  that  Sparrow  Hawk  took  hold  of  it  with  his 
claws.  Now  by  that  time  they  had  been  thrown  on  to 
land  and  come  ashore.  Truly  Eagle  and  his  younger 
brothers  had  been  on  board  a  canoe.  They  had  speared 
a  seal  and  it  had  dragged  them  along  with  it,  (as)  in  truth 
they  were  in  a  canoe. 

And  then  they  saw  a  woman.  Those  claws  of  theirs 
and  their  teeth  were  all  gathered  here ;  where  the  woman 
dwelt,  there  they  were  gathered.  As  it  turned  out,  that 
woman  was  the  seal  that  had  dragged  them  along  with 
her.  And  then  they  said  to  Bluejay :  "Now  go  and 
get  our  claws."  Eagle  said  to  him:  "Now  you  will 
go  and  get  my  claws  and  Beaver's  teeth."  So  then  Blue- 
jay  went  and  said  to  the  woman:  "I  have  now  come 
for  the  (claws  and  teeth),  O  niece."  And  then  she  said 
to  him:  "I  am  not  your  niece.  Thus  shall  you  speak  to 
me  :  'O  wife ;'  and  in  that  case  I  shall  return  them  to  you." 

And  then  she  took  them  with  her  and  they  went  to- 
wards the  house.  All  five  of  them  she  took  with  her 
straight  on  into  her  house.  And  then  she  gave  them  to 
eat  and  put  food  before  them.  In  truth  it  was  all  per- 
sons' eye-balls.  She  said  to  them:  "They  are  huckle- 
berries." In  fact  they  were  eye-balls,  not  huckleberries. 
And  then  they  sank  down  tubes  in  themselves  through 


i!6kucxa'tpa   na'wit   bcoa'b  wilx.     Aga  kxwo'pt  galahffi'lE- 
mux  wa'lxus. 

Aga    wi'tlax    gaktE'lquim;    gakiJu'd    itklE'm;    qucti'ax' 

ifqu'mxum.     Aga   wi'tlax    galxE'lEmux;    na'wit    gafgE'lba ; 

5  qu'ctiax'    itgoa'tilx    ita'qxumxum.      Gakhi'lxam    agagi'lak: 

"Da'udaxid^nExt."1     Qucti'axa  la'xlax  gakh/x.     Qucti'axa 

qxe'dau  axlu'xwan  :      "Anlu'dina  da'ula-itc  itka'lukc  itc!fn6n. 

itio'uxikc/    Axlu'xwan  :     "Qxuct  anludi'naya."    Aga  wirt!ax 

gaklu'W  dixt  i7tquli.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gagillu't  iqtca'mat  qucti'ax' 

10  ilkcfi'n,  ilgoa'lilx  ita'kcEn  tfme'mEluct.     Aga  kxwo'pt  xa'u- 

xau  gafxu'x  ng' 

Aga  kxw6xpt  gakh/lxam:  uWixt!ax  tarxyax  daxb'  am- 
cuxya  dixt  i'tq^i."  Quctiraxa  idme'mEluctikc  itgarq!utcu 
qxuxigi'ixal ;  kxw6xba  gaklu^l.  Aga  kxw6xpt  galurpga ; 

15  dagabga'p  itxMli't;  quctixaxa  itqlu^cu  tca'uwigaloq ;  idme^ 
mEluctikc.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatdgExlga  Ko^xikc  itclfnon ; 
sa7qu  kxwo7L  ICXWOL  idiapfqxba  galfxElux  ilio^xikc.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  I'wi  gatctu/x  idiaxpiq ;  dalaulaxu  ga?xuxx  ilio^xikc 
rtclTnon.  Qucti'ax'  axlu'xwan  agagi'lak  :  a  AnLudi'naya  ; 

20  ahda'-ida  itcli'non  tfio'uxikc."  Aga  kxwo'pt  galxi'la-it  itqu- 
fi'ba  dagapga'p  iixMli't;  idme'niEloctikc  itgaxq!utcu  ga- 
qxu'xikik.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gaqi'ulxam  ikaxla  :  "  Ag'  iJxla'-it ; 
daud1  itxMli't  aga  da'k  amdu'xwa."  Aga  kxwo'pt  qe'dau 
gayuxuguma'lilx,  qucti'axa  i^tlHili.  Aga  kxwo'pt  lu'q! 

25  gatctu'x  itxudirt;  yok^xa'tpa  gadilustsu.  Aga  sarqu  lu'qx 
gatctu'x  ixut!nili  it^Mli't.  Pla^la  Ixe'la-itix  ilio'uxikc  i- 
tcH'non ;  saqu  iltluxia'luimax. 

.  an  Indian  stew  made  of  two  roots  (adwo'q  "wild  carrot"  and  amu'mal 
•wild  potato")  to  which  dried  fish  was  sometimes  added. 


their  mouths  reaching  down  straight  to  the  ground.  So 
then  they  (pretended  to)  eat  the  eye-balls. 

The  she  gave  them  to  eat  again  and  put  food  before 
them.  In  truth  it  was  brains.  And  again  they  ate  it 
and  it  went  straight  through  them  -  truly  a  person's 
brains.  The  woman  said  to  them:  "This  is  an  'idY- 
nExt' l  stew,"  but  in  fact  she  was  deceiving  them.  Truly 
thus  she  thinks :  "  I  shall  kill  these  men,  Eagle  and  his 
younger  brothers."  She  thinks:  "Indeed  I  shall  kill 
them."  And  again  she  took  them  along  with  her  to  a 
certain  (other)  house.  And  then  she  gave  them  a  comb 
-  in  fact  a  hand,  a  dead  person's  hand.  And  they  com- 
bed themselves  with  the  hand. 

And  then  she  said  to  them:  "Again  to  that  one  house 
yonder  you  shall  go."  In  truth  (where)  dead  men's  bones 
were  being  burned  up  as  fuel,  there  she  brought  them. 
And  then  they  went  inside  the  house.  The  smoke  (went 
up)  all  murky;  truly  dead  men's  bones  were  smouldering. 
And  then  Eagle  took  his  younger  brothers  and  complete- 
ly sheltered  his  younger  brothers  under  his  wings.  Then 
he  turned  to  look  at  his  wings  -,  Eagle's  younger  brothers 
were  all  covered  up  out  of  sight.  In  truth  the  woman 
thinks:  "I  shall  kill  them.  Eagle  and  his  younger  bro- 
thers will  die."  So  then  they  stayed  in  the  house  (while) 
the  smoke  (went  up)  all  murky  •,  dead  men's  bones  were 
being  burned  as  fuel.  And  then  a  man  was  told  :  "Now 
they  have  died,  so  you  will  remove  this  smoke."  So  then 
he  moved  forward  while  sitting  down  in  this  manner3  -  in 
truth  he  was  Ixut!i'lili 3.  He  swallowed  the  smoke  and  it  slid 
down  into  his  mouth.  Now  Ixut!i'lili  had  swallowed  all  the 
smoke.  Eagle  and  his  younger  brothers  were  sitting  per- 
fectly unharmed;  they  were  all  brave  heroes. 

2  Indicated  by  appropriate   movement. 

3  This  is  some  species  of  bird,  but  my  interpreter  was  unable  to  identify  it. 


Aga  kxwo'pt  pla'la;  kla'ya  gahi'mEqt.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
wi'tla  gaqhilxa'mam ;  gafu'ya  di'xt  itquli.  Gakli'lqwim 
itku'lal  kxwo'dau  idona'yax  kxwo'dau  gakli'lqwim  itsi'nxt. 
Qucti'ax'  axtau  gakft'lqwim  agu'sgus;  gakiJu't  it0t!u'kt' 
5  itfxlK'm.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gahtbdE'mtck  it!u'ktix  itclfnon  ilio'u- 
xikc.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gaqlulxa'mam :  "Hu'gum'  amcx- 
cga'ma  ;  iqxEmctlxa'mam."  Aga  kxwo'pt  gali'kim  itclfnon  ; 
"Ar-i  qwo'tk'  alEm'  ancxcga'm'  -,  aga  na'qxi  ncgi'ukEl  ib'- 
guma,  ag'  alEma  qwotk'  ancuxya." 

10  Aga  kxwo'pt  gahi'ya ;  galu'yam.  Kxwo'pt  axga  galx- 
cka'm  ih^guma  itclinon  ilio^xikc.  Ictlo^uyal  iqxaq^nua 
gaya'loqstk  cdax  ka^actmokct ;  kxwo'dau  igaxnuk  idk!ar- 
munak  iatxElE'm.  Htslfnon  ia^xlEm  iqxaqernua ;  k^nau- 
.we  dan  k!warc  tcfuxt;  karnawe  dan  tciud^nax  ixe^ax. 

15  W^tlax  daukw'  itclfnon,  ka^nauwe  dan  idialx^wulx  itclf- 
non ;  p!axla  pu  atcigslga^a  iqwaxqwa  iaxxan.  Daxuya  wi7gwa 
aga  garnuit  k!warc  tci'uxt  itclinon  kxw6xdau  iqwaxqwa. 
Kxwo'dau  ya'xta  i^c^'c  ifa/-uxix  cmanix  a^Ema  algixlgwa 
Uu'gumaba  akma  kxwo'pt  iaxt'  atctudirnaya  idE^xam  iata- 

20  la'mEqsqit  a^Eni ;  alEm'atciugwitci^na  idE^xam ;  atctu- 
walalma.  Qucti'axa  saxqu  ilalxe'wulxumax  la'-imadikc  la7- 
itcka  Ixa'-uxikc. 

Aga  kxwo'pt  galuxwaxckam  ili/gumaba.       Quctixaxa  ya- 
xu'lal  ila'lik  ya'xacgEnil  ilu^uma   kxwo'dau    iklastHa    ya'- 

25  xacgEnil  ihi'guma.  Qucti'axa  galxcka'm  nVguma  la'-itcka. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  gatcigp/lga  ilu'guma  iklastila  kxwo'dau  ila'lik 
gatci'gElga  ilu'guma  •  icia'gitc  galilda'-ulx.  Qucti'axa  icia'- 
gitcpa  iki'xax  ilu'guma.  Aga  kxwo'pt  L!U  gatci'ux  itclinon 
ila'ltk;  na'wit  daLlaxLla'x  gacxu'x  icia'gitc  ilaTik;  nigElga'ba 
30  iciagitcia'mt.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatcigE'lga  ilu'guma  ya'xta  ik!a- 
sti'la  ;  iJu'ya  gali'xox.  Aga  kxwo'pt  galigla'lamtck  iklasti'la. 
Aga'  witlax  L!U'  gaqi'ux  ikla'stila ;  daLpaqLpa'q  idia'kcEn 


So  then  (they  sat)  unharmed  ;  they  had  not  died.  And 
then  again  people  came  to  tell  them  and  they  went  to  a 
certain  (other)  house.  A  woman  gave  them  to  eat  nuts 
and  huckleberries,  and  she  gave  them  to  eat  "idYnxt" 
stew.  In  truth  she  who  gave  them  to  eat  was  the  Squirrel, 
and  she  gave  them  good  food.  And  then  Eagle  and  his 
younger  brothers  ate  well.  And  then  people  came  to 
tell  them:  "You  will  gamble  at  bones;  we  have  come 
to  tell  you."  Then  Eagle  said:  "Well,  yes,  we  shall 
gamble.  Although  we  do  not  know  how  to  play  bones, 
still  we  shall  go." 

So  then  they  went  and  arrived  (there).  And  then  Eagle 
and  his  younger  brothers  gambled  at  bones.  Sparrow 
Hawk  and  Chicken  Hawk,  both  of  them  are  brave  heroes ; 
also  Beaver,  who  eats  sticks.  Sparrow  Hawk  is  an  eater 
of  birds ;  he  strikes  fear  into  everything,  kills  everything 
and  eats  it.  Thus  is  also  Eagle,  and  Eagle  is  strong 
above  everybody ;  he  could  easily  seize  a  grizzly-bear's 
son.  And  in  fact  nowadays  Eagle  makes  even  a  grizzly- 
bear  afraid.  Also  that  Bluejay,  their  younger  brother,  if 
they  should  win  in  bones,  then  that  one  was  to  kill  the 
people  with  his  battle-ax ;  he  was  to  strike  the  people 
with  it  and  to  chase  them  around.  Truly  they  were  all 
strong,  they  all  alone,  the  brothers. 

So  then  they  gambled  at  bones.  In  truth  Rabbit  was 
a  player,  a  gambler  at  bones ;  also  Crab  was  a  gambler 
at  bones.  In  truth  they  (all)  gambled  at  bones.  Now 
then  Crab  took  hold  of  gambling  bones,  and  Rabbit  took 
hold  of  gambling  bones  and  they  were  forced  up  into  his 
nostrils ;  the  gambling  bones  were  really  in  his  nostrils. 
And  then  Eagle  guessed  Rabbit ;  straightway  did  Rabbit's 
nostrils  tear  open  and  the  (bones)  flew  out  of  his  nostrils. 
And  then  that  Crab  took  hold  of  the  gambling  bones 
and  started  in  to  avenge  (Rabbit).  And  then  Crab  sang. 

6— PURL.    AMER.    ETHN.    SOC.    VOL.    II. 


galu'xwax;  galigE'lgab'  tfu'guma;  idia'kcEn  LE'XLEX  galu'- 
xwax.  Sa'qu  gatci'lgalq  ikla'stila ;  mtgiu'qumit  yalpa'l- 
umit.  Kxwo'pt  gayu'ya  iltcqo'yamt  ikla'stila;  dEme'nua 
gayu'ya.  Da'uya  wi'gwa  ittcqo'ba  gwa'nisim  ikla'stila. 
5  Qe'dau  L!U'  gatci'ux  itclfnon. 

Aga  kxwo'pt  galkilk  ilu'gumaba.  Aga  kxwo'pt  i'ic^'c 
gatctu'dina  idExlxam ;  galki'ikpEt  gatci'ugwitcim  yata'la- 
mEqsgit  ya'xdau  daxb'  iki'xax  iaga'qctaqba.  Aga7  wi'tlax 
gaqhilxa'mam :  "  Amcu'xa  aqla'lgilxal  irfago'ulalxam." 
10  Aga  kxwo'pt  galu'ya  aqlalgilxalia'mt ;  gahta'lutkam ;  ga- 
qxa'llux  aqla'lgilxal  qucti'axa  na'mEn  itklalamat  a'mEni. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  gala'lupqa  aqlalgilxal ;  axtelt  gi'gwalix  kwox- 
dau  sa'qu  itkla'lamat  a'mEni  aki'xax.  Galxila-it  gi'gwalix. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  gwE'nEm'  itkla'lamat  gaqta'xpu. 

15  Aga  kxwo'pt  gali'kim  itclfnon,  gatdu'lxam  tfio'uxikc: 
"QEnEgi  mcxhi'xwan  ag'  ilxla'-it."  Aga  kxwo'pt  gali'kim 
iga'nuk:  "Na'ika  nkala  ;  kwa'-ic  iltcqo'a'mlgE'lgEla." 
Aga  kxw6xpt  gasixm^Lgwa  ;  aga  wi'tlax  gasixm^Lgwa  ; 
aga  wixt!ax  gasixmixLgwa  ;  aga  wi'tlax  gasixmixLgwa.  Aga 

20  kxwo'pt  iltcqoa'  galxu'x  wflxpa.  Aga  kxwoxpt  wi'tla  gasix- 
mi'i.gwa  gwE'nEmix  ;  ilala  gali^ox.  Aga  kxw6xba  gahce'- 
la-it;  galxqwo't  iltcqo'ba. 

Aga  kxwo'pt  galklgExlga  gwE^Em'  ilkla^amat  ilak!axi- 
tsax.  Aga  kxwo'pt  galgi'ulada  ikla'lamat  ihcqo'ba  ;  aga 

25  kxwo'pt  lpu'2  galimalxi'x-it  ikla'lamat.  Aga  kxwo'pt  ga- 
lu'gwakim  idElxam  :  "Igwa^lilx  i8ic8ixc  ;  aga  Iku'p  igfxox 
iago'mEnil  i8i/ceic;7)  La'xEnix  idE'lxam  galu'gwakim.  Aga' 
wit'  I  iklu'na  galgikla'da  iltcqo'ba.  Aga7  witla  lpu'2  ga- 
qritcmuq.  Agax  wit!'  iklu'na  irxt  galgi'ulada  iklalamat; 

30  lpii'2  gaqfltcmoq  ;  aga  lu'n.     Aga'  wit!'  iklu'na  iklalamat 


Also  Crab  was  guessed  and  his  hands  were  all  cracked; 
the  gambling  bones  flew  out  and  his  hands  suffered  big 
tears.  Crab  was  burned  all  over,  and  you  can  see  that 
he  is  red.  Then  Crab  went  to  the  water,  went  to  stay 
there  for  all  time.  Nowadays  Crab  is  always  in  the  water. 
In  this  manner  did  Eagle  guess  him. 

And  so  they  won  at  gambling  bones,  and  Bluejay  killed 
the  people.  Whenever  they  won  he  struck  the  people 
with  his  battle-ax,  which  is  here  on  his  head.  Now  people 
again  came  to  tell  them  :  "You  strangers  will  go  to  the 
sweat-house."  And  then  they  went  towards  the  sweat-house 
and  came  to  put  themselves  into  it.  The  sweat-house 
had  been  built  for  them,  in  truth,  entirely  out  of  stones. 
So  then  they  went  inside  of  the  sweat-house.  It  was  heated 
down  below  and  it  was  made  entirely  out  of  stones.  They 
stayed  down  below  and  then  the  (sweat-house)  was  covered 
with  five  stones. 

And  then  Eagle  spoke  and  said  to  his  younger  brothers : 
"What  do  you  think?  Now  we  have  died."  Then  Bea- 
ver said:  "I  am]  a  man;  soon  you  shall  see  water."  And 
then  he  turned  a  somersault;  and  again  he  turned  a 
somersault ;  and  again  he  turned  a  somersault ;  and  again 
he  turned  a  somersault.  Now  then  some  water  had  come 
to  be  on  the  ground.  And  then  again  he  turned  a  somer- 
sault, five  times  in  all ;  a  lake  had  come  to  be.  So  there 
they  stayed  and  bathed  themselves  in  the  water. 

And  then  they  took  five  small  stones.  Then  they  threw 
a  stone  into  the  water  and  the  stone  fell  in  with  a  splash  : 
"Ipu2."  And  then  the  people  said:  "Poor,  poor  Bluejay! 
Now  Bluejay's  heart  has  burst."  (Thus)  said  the  people 
outside.  And  again  they  threw  another  (stone)  into  the 
water,  and  again  it  was  heard  splashing:  "Ipu2."  Then 
again  they  threw  one  other  stone  in ;  it  was  heard  splash- 
ing :  "Ipil2."  Now  three  (had  been  thrown  in).  And 


gatgiula'da   ittcqo'ba;    aga    wi'tla  '  Ipux2  gaqi'ltcmoq.     tta- 
gwE'nEma  gatgia'limalx  iltcqo'ba  lpu'2. 

Aga  galu'gwakim  :  aAg'  i'umEqt  itdinon."  Galu'gwa- 
kim  idE'lxam":  "Aga  sa'qu  ihda'-it  ia'-itcka  itcli'non  itio'- 
5  uxikc.  Aga  sa'qu  Ikuplki/p  igu'xwax  ilagwo'mEnilmax." 
Aga  kxwo'pt  daxk  gaqtu'x  tklalamat  da'xput  aqlalgilxal. 
Wi'tia  daxk  gaqi'ux  iklalamat  -,  wi'tla  daxk  gaqiu'x  ;  wixt!a 
da'k  gaqi'ux  ila'lakt  ;  wi'tia  ilagwE'nEma  da'k  gaqi'ux. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  i'ic^c  gayu'lait  icqxi'ba  5  gatcigE'lga  yatax- 
10  lamqsgit.  Saxqu  L!axk  gaqu'x  aqxa'budit  ikla'lamat  ila- 
gwE'nEma.  Agax  witla  yu'xt  i8ic8ixc  icqxi'ba.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
gayugwo'b'  iYc^c  ;  gatctudi'na  wit!'  idE'lxam.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  kanauwa'  galu'pa  ;  galagE'lba  aqla'lgilxal.  Kla'ya 

15  Aga7  wit!a  kxwo'pt  gaqlulxa'mam  :  "IqxEmcLxa'mam 
a'him'  alxcga'ma  waqilukck."1  ttA7i;  antcu'y'  alEma,"  ga- 
li'kim  itc!fnon.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gah/ya.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatc- 
lulxam  itcii'non  ilio'uxikc  :  "Can  aylEm'  amtxu'xwa!" 
Gali'kim  iga'nuk  :  "Na'ika  anxu'xwa."  "A'u,"  galfkim 

20  itclfnon.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gayu'ya  iga'nuk  itkla^unakiamt. 
Aga  kxwo^t  itk!axmunak  quxLquL  gadi7xElux  iawaxnba 
iga'nuk.  Aga  kxwo'pt  galixax-ima  gasixExltsgi  iski^txoa. 
Aga  yaxxta  igarnuk  gasixE^tsgi  ;  gasxs'ltsgi  kanactmo^ct 
iga'nuk  k!m'  axg'  isk^ntxca.  Aga  kxw6xpt  ya7x  gaqigE7lga 

25  ickaxn  n^mEn  iikla^amat  linqlw^yayut  yatcfnba.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  gaqiulatla'-ulx  ickaxn  ilkla^amat  linq!wexyayut  ya- 
tsla'imtsla-imba.  Aga  kxwo'pt  galigEluktcuo^om  iawarnba 
iga'nuk  icka'n.  la^xi  gatssu'bsna  icka7n  ;  gwa7p  gwop  gali- 
xi'maxitam  icka'n.  Pla^l'  ixi'mat  iga'nuk.  K!arya  gayur- 

30  rnEqt;  galixk'tck.  Aga  .yaxt'  iskixntxoa  galixa'-ima,  gasi- 
xE'ltski.  Aga  kxwo'pt  iku'ma  tfkla'lamat  iinqlwe'yayut 
idiatsla'-imtsla-imba  gaqiulata'-ulx  ;  galigs'lEktcu  iku'ma 

1  A    term    used    to    refer    to    any    contest    designed    to    test  physical  power  or 


again  they  threw  another  stone  into  the  water,  and  again 
it  was  heard  splashing:  "lpu"2."  The  fifth  (stone)  they 
threw  down  into  the  water  with  a  splash:  "Ipiia." 

And  they  said:  "Now  Eagle  has  died."  The  people 
said:  "Now  they,  Eagle  and  his  younger  brothers,  have 
all  died.  Now  all  their  hearts  have  burst."  And  then 
they  took  off  the  stones  which  were  covering  the  sweat- 
house.  Again  they  took  off  a  stone  •,  again  they  took 
one  off;  again  they  took  off  the  fourth ;  again  they  took 
off  the  fifth.  Now  Bluejay  had  seated  himself  in  the 
doorway  and  had  taken  his  battle-ax  in  hand.  (With)  the 
fifth  stone  the  door  was  entirely  uncovered,  and  still  was 
Bluejay  sitting  in  the  doorway.  And  then  Bluejay  rushed 
out  and  again  killed  the  people.  Then  they  all  went  out 
of  the  sweat-house.  They  were  not  dead  at  all. 

And  then  again  people  came  to  tell  them:  "We  have 
come  to  tell  you  that  we  should  all  gamble  at  'waqi'lukck. '" 
"Yes,  we  shall  go,"  said  Eagle.  So  then  they  went  and 
Eagle  said  to  his  younger  brothers:  "Who  of  you  will 
do  it?"  Beaver  said  :  "I  shall  do  it."  -  -  "Yes,"  said  Eagle. 
And  then  Beaver  went  to  the  woods;  and  Beaver  stuck 
sticks  on  to  himself  all  over  his  belly.  Now  then  the 
Black  Bear  lay  down,  lay  with  belly  up.  And  that  Beaver 
lay  down  with  belly  up;  both  Beaver  and  Black  Bear  lay 
down  with  belly  up.  And  then  a  cedar  tree  was  taken 
with  pebbles  all  clinging  to  its  butt  end.  Then  the  cedar, 
the  pebbles  clinging  to  its  roots,  was  slung  up  into  the 
air.  The  cedar  came  falling  down  on  Beavers'  belly. 
Far  off  bounded  the  cedar ;  the  cedar  fell  down  broken 
to  splinters.  Beaver  was  lying  quite  unharmed.  He  was 
not  dead  at  all,  and  arose.  Now  that  Black  Bear  lay 
down,  lay  with  belly  up.  And  then  a  cottonwood  tree 
with  pebbles  clinging  to  its  roots  was  slung  up  into  the 

endurance.     The  one  that  stood  the  most  pain  won  the  game. 


iski'ntxoa.  SE'X  gatci'ux  itclfnon,  idialxe'wulx  gatcdi'lux 
itclfnon  iku'ma ;  yagwa'lapik  galfxox  iku'ma.  Lgwa'p 
fgwo'p  ia'wan;  tslu'nusmax  gatssu'bEna  ia'lq  iskin'txoa. 
Gayu'mEqt  iski'ntxoa.  Gattci'lk  itclfnon  ilio'uxikc.  Aga' 
5  witla  kxwo'pt  gatctu'dina  isirc8ic  idElxam. 

Aga  wi't.'a  gaqlulxa^am :  a  IqxEmcLxa'mam  amcktu- 
gwalmama  wa'liq  itgaqlutsu^xlEm  itktuklwa'itsax."  Aga 
kxwo'pt  galu'ya;  na72wit  galu'ya.  GalgfgElkEl  quct^axa 
dsnu'x  iqxwoxqxw6max  gwExnEma.  Aga  kxwoxpt  Vx  ga- 

10  tcFux  itc.Tnon  iqxwo^xwomax  giuk!waxitsax  gali7x6x.  P!axla 
gatcigExlga  isi/csic  iqxwo^xwo  iak!a7its.  GatcigE^ga  p!arl' 
itclfnon  iaxxta  fxt.  Kanauwa/  gwExnEma  galgigslga  lax- 
itcka  a'xt  fxt.  Aga  kxwo'pt  galgi'ukl  itqulia'mt ;  galgiu7- 
klam.  Nax2wit  itq^fba  galgixfma.  Aga  kxw67pt  gali- 

15  xElga'yu  itqulixba  iqxwo^xwomax.  Aga  kxwo'pt  galu- 
gwakfm  idE'lxam:  "Da'n  bam'  imcgi'Luk?"  Gaqlu'lxam  : 
"Imcgftkam  wftla  kxwo'ba  qa'xb'  imcgi'gElga."  Aga 
kxwo'pt  gali'kim  itclfnon  :  "  Mca'ika  mcxatxu'lal  amcgi'La." 
Aga  kxwo'pt  galgigElga  iqxo'qxomax ;  wi'tia  galgfukl; 

20  wixt!a  galgi'utkam.  Aga  kxwo'pt  wi'tia  galu'yam.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  wftla  i8ixc3ic  gatctudi'n'  idE'lxam.  Aga  wirt!ax 
galki^k  laMtcka. 

Aga  kxwo'pt  wi'tia  gaqhilxa'mam :  "  Wi'tlax  alxcga'ma  •, 
alxmu'ya  ili'paq  lukli't  iltcqo'ba."  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatclu'l- 
25  xam  itcli'non  ilio'uxikc :  "Can  amcxu'xa  iti'paqba?"  Aga 
kxwo'pt  gali'kim  i8i'c8ic:  "Na'ika  anxu'xa  nka'la."  Quc- 
ti'axa  agu'sgus  axtau  ili'paq  algucgi'wogwox.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
i'axta  i^'c'ic  kxwo'ba  gacxu'x  ili'paqba  ka'nactmokct  agu's- 


air  and  the  cottonwood  tree  fell  down  on  Black  Bear. 
Eagle  had  exercised  his  magic  influence  upon  it,  Eagle 
had  put  strength  into  the  cottonwood  tree,  and  the  cot- 
tonwood became  heavy.  (Black  Bear's)  belly  burst  into 
pieces  and  the  body  of  Black  Bear  bounded  off  in  frag- 
ments. Black  Bear  was  dead.  Eagle  and  his  younger 
brothers  won,  and  then  Bluejay  again  killed  the  people. 

And  again  people  came  to  tell  them:  "We  have  come 
to  tell  you  that  you  should  go  and  get  a  maiden's  tiny 
little  dogs."  So  then  they  went,  straight  on  they  went. 
They  saw  what  proved  indeed  to  be  five  grizzly  bears. 
And  then  Eagle  exercised  his  magic  power  upon  the 
grizzly  bears,  so  that  they  became  quite  small.  Bluejay 
quietly  took  hold  of  a  small  grizzly  bear.  Eagle  quietly 
took  hold  of  that  (other)  one.  All  five  of  them  took  hold 
of  the  (grizzly  bears),  each  one  taking  one  (grizzly  bear). 
And  then  they  took  them  with  them  towards  the  house 
and  came  home  with  them.  Straightway  they  put  them 
down  in  the  house,  and  then  the  grizzly  bears  started  in 
fighting  in  the  house  among  themselves.  And  then  the 
people  said:  "For  what  reason  have  you  brought  them  ?" 
They  were  told  :  "  Go  and  put  them  back  again  in  that 
place  in  which  you  got  them."  And  then  Eagle  said : 
"You  people  were  saying,  'Bring  them.'"  And  then  they 
took  hold  of  the  grizzly  bears,  took  them  back  again, 
and  went  to  put  them  down  again.  Then  they  arrived 
back  again  and  Bluejay  again  killed  the  people.  So  they 
had  won  once  more. 

And  then  again  people  came  to  tell  them:  "Let  us 
gamble  again..  We  shall  wrestle  on  a  rope  stretched  out 
across  the  water."  And  then  Eagle  said  to  his  younger 
brothers:  "Who  of  you  will  wrestle  on  the  rope?"  And 
then  Bluejay  said:  "I  shall  do  it,  I  am  a  man."  Truly 
that  was  Squirrel  who  was  going  backwards  and  forwards 


gus.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatcugwi'lx  i'i'c'ic  agu'sgus  iatala'm- 
qsgit  E'nEgi.  Galu'maqt  agu'sgus;  galuxu'ni.  IdE'lxam 
uxwe'la-itix ;  tk!f  qcuxt;  su'xwitk.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gaqxa'- 
gElkEl  uxu'nit  u'mqt  agu'sgus.  Qucti'axa  gatcugwi'lx  i^Vic ; 
5  qucti'axa  gatcwo'q.  Aga  kxwo'pt  galikta'ptck  iWic. 
Aga  wixt!a  gatctudi'na  idElxam. 

Aga  wi'tla  gaqlulxa'mam  itclfnon  ilio'uxikc  iltlo'xyalu- 
wimax.  Aga  kxwo'pt  galki'm  :  "  A7-i ;  antcu'ya."  Galu'ya. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  gaqlu'lxam :  "Alxmu'ya."  Aga  kxwo'pt 

10  gali'kim  itdi'non :  "Na'ika  itcli'non  nda'ika  antxmu'ya." 
Qucti'ax'  anti'x'wa  a'xtau  gacxwmu'ya  itcli'non.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  gacxgE'lga ;  Lxoa'p  Lxoap  gacku'xwix  itcta'piqx ;  na'- 
wid  wi'lxpa  Lxoa'p  Lxoa'p  gacgdi'loxix  itcta'piqx.  Gacx- 
gE'lga itcta'kcEn  a'mEni  Lxoa'p  Lxoa'p.  Aga  kxwo'pt 

15  gacdi'lwilxt  igu'cax. 

Aga  kxwo'pt  gatclu'lxam  ilio'uxikc  itdinon  :  "Cma'nix 
alilkutcwo'ya  na'ik'  itclq  itcli'non  na'wit  ilatsu'mitpa  iltcqoa' 
kxwo'ba  Ifi'b  amcgi'txa ;  cmani  a'xka  alilkutcwo'y'a  anti'xwa 
itca'lq  na'wit  amcgi'txa  Ixte'ltpa."  Gayu'lsktcu  itcli'non 
20  ia'lq ;  na'wit  ilatsu'mit  iltcqoa'  IE'P  galgi'ux  itclinon  ia'lq. 
A'xtlax  anti'xwa  gayu'lsktcu  itca'lq ;  na'wit  Ixte'lt  iltcqoa' 
IE'P  galgi'ux. 

la'xta  8i'c8ic  iltcqoa'  tclu'gwiptckt  aga  la'uxlaux  isi'axus ; 
idElxa'mba  aga  ila'-itix  qi'uxt.  Kwo'dau  ga'yaloqstk  ia'xta 
25  itquli'ba  yu'xt;  aga  Iqoa'b  ya'xut.  Kwo'dau  ia'xtax  iqxa- 
qe'nua  aga'  yuxt  itquli'ba  itlu'xyal ;  aga  dagapga'b  isi'axus 
yuxt.  Kwo'dau  iaxtax  iga'nuk  ag'  itkla'munak  dixi'lax. 
Yaxa'  yax  ila'lxt  itcli'non  aga  gacti'lwulxt  igu'cax.  Aga 
cxgE'lgat  Lxoa'p  Lxoa'b  icta'lq  anti'xwa  kxwo'dau  itcli'non. 


on  the  rope.  So  then  both  that  Bluejay  and  Squirrel 
wrestled  there  on  the  rope.  Bluejay  struck  Squirrel  with 
his  battle-ax;  Squirrel  died  and  drifted  down  stream.  The 
people  were  seated  while  the  two  had  them  look  on  •,  the 
(people)  looked.  And  then  Squirrel  was  seen  drifting 
down  dead.  Truly  Bluejay  had  struck  her  and  truly  he 
had  killed  her.  And  then  Bluejay  returned  to  land  and 
killed  the  people  again. 

And  again  people  came  to  tell  Eagle  and  his  younger 
brothers,  all  brave  heroes.  And  then  they  said:  "Yes, 
we  shall  go."  They  went  and  then  they  were  told  :  "We 
shall  wrestle."  Then  Eagle  said:  "I  Eagle  and  another 
shall  wrestle."  Truly  that  was  Buzzard  who  was  wrest- 
ling with  Eagle.  And  then  the  two  took  hold  of  each 
other,  interlocking  their  wings.  Straightway  on  the  ground 
they  interlocked  their  wings  and  caught  hold  of  each 
other  by  clinching  each  others'  claws.  And  then  up  they 
went  to  the  sky. 

Now  then  Eagle  said  to  his  younger  brothers :  "If  my, 
Eagle's,  body  should  fall  down,  straightway  shall  you  dip 
it  there  in  cold  water;  if  her,  Buzzard's,  body  should  fall 
down,  straightway  shall  you  put  it  into  warm  water." 
Eagle's  body  fell,  and  straightway  they  dipped  Eagle's 
body  in  cold  water.  Also  her,  Buzzard's,  body  fell,  and 
straightway  they  dipped  it  in  warm  water. 

That  Bluejay  is  carrying  water  and  his  eyes  have  be- 
come blinded;  now  he  has  been  made  a  slave.  And  that 
Chicken  Hawk  is  sitting  in  the  house  and  one  of  his  eyes 
has  burst.  And  that  Sparrow  Hawk,  the  hero,  is  now 
sitting  in  the  house ;  now  he  sits  with  his  eyes  bedimmed. 
And  that  Beaver  is  now  eating  sticks.  But  Eagle,  their 
elder  brother,  and  (Buzzard)  had  now  mounted  up  to  the 
sky;  now  Buzzard  and  Eagle  are  holding  on  to  each 
other  by  interlocking  their  bodies.  They  have  reached 


Cti'lwllxt    igu'cax;    aga    da'-im'    itq!a'tcu  icta'lq.     Qe'dau 

Kxwopt  a'ga  galiglu'ma  itdi'non : 

Qa'x  -  ya    do'x'    i    -    tcu'    -  xwix 

ga'  -  ya  -  16'qstk  i  - 

tcu'  -  x*ix,  a'g'  i  -  na'n-ga  -  gwa'  wopl  -  q!6a'  -  mat.1 
Aga  wi't!a  galiglu'ma  itdi'non  ;  gatciu'pgEna  ;  wi'tla  daukwa 
5  gatcigi'luma.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gaqi'ltcmaq  ga'yaloqstk  itqllli'- 
ba ;  aga  Lqoa'b  ya'xut.  Aga  wi't!a  gatcigi'luma  gayaxila'da3 
it.'o'xyal;  gatciu'lxam  itc!f  non  :  "Qa'xya  dox' itcu'xwlx  ga- 
yaxila'd'  itcu'xwlx,  ag'  ina'ngagwa'  w6plq!6a'mat."3  Qe'dau 
galiglu'ma  itcli'non.  Aga  gaqi'ltcmaq  ga'yaloqstk:  "gk'l 
10  glfi'l"4  iago'mEnilpa.  Aga  wi'tia  iqxaqe'nua  gaqigi'luma  : 
"Qa'xya  dox'  itcO'^x  iqxaqe'nu'  itcu'xwlx,  ag'  ina'ngagwa' 
woplq.'oa'mat."3  Aga  kxwo'pt  galixgu'itk,  gatcilxa'dagwa. 
Wi't!a  da'ukwa  iqxaqe'nua  gali'xox  :  gaqi'ltcmoq  :  "gls'l 

15  Aga  kxwo'pt  ik!m6xkan  gatccu'x  ga'yaloqstk  kxwo'dau 
iqxaqe'nua.  Aga  kxwo'pt  qe'dau  gacxu'x  Lxoa'p  Lxoa'b 
ixtquli.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gactHwilxt  igu'cax,  gacgi'unaxLam 
icta'lxt.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gactu'ya;  na'2wit  a'ga  gacgi'gElkEl 
tel-h  iguca'xpa.  Aga  kxwo'pt  q!oa'b  aga  gackcu'xam. 

20  Kxwo'pt  a'ga  gacga'gElga ;  Lqlo'p  gacgi'axux  itca'tuk 
anti'xwa  ga'yaloqstk  iqxaqe'nua  icio'uxix  itclinon.  Gacgi'u- 
fada  itcaxa'qctaq.  Gayugwi'lEktcu  kxwob'  gi'gwal  uxwe'- 
la-itix  idr/lxam.  Na'wit  iltcqo'ba  txte'lt  IE'P  gaqi'ux 
itcaxa'qctaq  -  ixlfi'ltpa. 


Kxwopt    lawa'2    dakda'g  gackdi'xux  itgaxaxwo'lagodit ; 

Probably  a  mythical  name  of  anti'xwa,  buzzard. 

This   is  another  species  of  hawk,  whose  identification  is  uncertain ;  it  is  des- 
ribed  as  a  small  hawk  with  sharp  wing  bone. 

up    to    the    sky    and    their   bodies  are  nothing  but  bones. 
Thus  did  the  two  wrestle. 

And  then  Eagle  cried  out:  "Where  now  is  my  brother, 
Sparrow  Hawk,  my  brother?  Now  I  have  been  overcome 
by  Buzzard."  And  again  Eagle  cried  out  and  called  upon 
him ;  again  as  before  he  cried  out  to  him.  And  then 
Sparrow  Hawk  was  heard  in  the  house ;  now  one  of  his 
eyes  was  burst.  Then  again  (Eagle)  cried  out  to  Gaya- 
xila'da,2  the  hero.  Eagle  said  to  him:  "Where  now 
is  my  brother,  Gayaxila'da,  my  brother?  Now  I  have 
been  overcome  by  Buzzard."  In  this  way  did  Eagle  call  out. 
And  Chicken  Hawk  was  heard  saying  " gte'l  glfiT 4  in  his 
heart.  Then  again  Chicken  Hawk  was  called  out  to : 
"Where  now  is  my  brother,  Chicken  Hawk,  my  brother? 
Now  I  have  been  overcome  by  Buzzard."  And  then  he 
awoke  and  came  to  himself.  Also  Chicken  Hawk  did  as 
before;  he  was  heard  saying:  "gb/l  glE'l."4 

And  then  Sparrow  Hawk  and  Chicken  Hawk  became 
frenzied  and  tore  thus  right  through  the  house.  Then  the 
two  rose  up  to  the  sky  and  went  to  look  for  their  elder 
brother.  And  then  they  went  on  and  straightway  caught 
sight  of  him  as  a  tiny  dark  speck  in  the  sky.  Then  they 
came  up  close  to  the  two  (combatants)  and  they  seized 
her ;  Sparrow  Hawk  and  Chicken  Hawk,  the  two  younger 
brothers  of  Eagle,  cut  off  the  neck  of  Buzzard  and  threw 
down  her  head.  It  fell  down  there  below  where  the 
people  were  dwelling.  Straightway  her  head  was  dipped 
in  warm  water. 

Then  slowly  the  two  unloosened  her  claws  from  him, 
(for)  she  had  pierced  through  and  caught  hold  of  his 

3  Same  tune.  *  High  pitch. 


gigE'lgat  Ixoa'b  iagoxmEntf.  Na^wit  gacguxx*v6qwiq,  ;gaq- 
da'limahc.  Aga  kxwoxpt  gacgi'uki  wixt!a  wflxiamt  ;  gac^ 
gi'gslga  idiaxxoba;  gacgi'uklam  wflxpa.  Aga  kxwoxpt 
nixElxaxdamidagwa  ;  gatdgExlg'  ilka'tcla  itclfnon.  Aga 
5  kxwo'pt  wa7x  gali'xux.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gwE^Emix  wa'x 
gati'xux  ilka'tcla.  Saxqu  gatcilxa'dagwa  ia'iq.  laxa  arx 
anti'xwa  .  gal^maqt  na'wit  ;  iaxa'-ix  itdinon  kla'ya  gayu7- 
mEqt.  Qe'dau  gacxmi/ya  itclfnon  kxwoMau  antixxwa. 

Aga  kxw67pt  gal^kim  igaxnuk  :      "  Na'itla  da^inu'  anuxya 

10  ihcqoxba,  kxwob'  itkja^unak  adnxElmuxuma."     We  ga- 

irkim  :      "Nait!'   arga  dika   dabax2    'nxi^xwa-,   ag'    alugwa- 

gixma,    lDaxuyax    iaxxta    ^iVic,'    idE^lxam,    (aga  dika72   ga- 

irxox."1     Aga   yaxxta  gairkim  ga7yal6qstk  :      "Aga  na'it!a 

dabax4    anxuxxwa    itk!axmunakba  ;     alugwagrma,       llaxxta 

15  ga'yaloqstk    tk!ix    'ki'xax.'"      Iaxxta    gali'kim    iqxaqe'nua  : 

aNaxit!a  caxiwatk!ack'  anxuxxwa,  qaxbax2  'nxuxxwa;  naxit!ax 

alugwagixma    idExlxam,      'Iqxaqexnua    it!6xxyal    qaxbax  dan 

ihslfnon  atduwaxgwa;  kaxnauwe  dan  luxq!w  atduxxwa.'" 

Aga   yaxxt'    itc!ixn6n  galixkim:      "Aga  naxit!a 

20  fxlixwix    anxuxxwa;    k!a2y'    aqxangElglaxya,    aic    qaxma 

aqEngExlgEla.      Alugwagixma    idE;lxam,      "Itc!ixn6n     igidix- 

mam,  dax2uyax  iuxgwat  itc!ixnon,  qxadagaxtd  itc!ixnon  p'  a- 

tcixcgaxma    iaxxan    iqwoxqwp  ;   k!waxc  tcixuxt.      Idiatxexwulx 

itc!lxnon;  daukwox  wit!a  k!waxc  tcixuxt  itdaxnk  ;  p'  atdgExlga 

25  wi'tla  yaxxka  itdfnon  ;  aic  pu  tcqaxk  tcqak  atciuxwa  itc!axng 

iap!axskwal,    asaxqsaq    p'  alaxuxxwa.     Qexdau  p'    atcuxxwa 

itclfnon.'"     Qexdaii  galixxox  iqxaxnutck. 


heart.  Straightway  they  threw  the  (claws)  down  and  they 
fell  into  the  water.  And  then  they  carried  him  back  with 
them  to  the  ground ;  they  took  hold  of  him  by  his  arms 
and  arrived  with  him  on  the  ground.  And  then  he  brought 
himself  to.  Eagle  took  some  grease  and  then  poured  it 
over  himself.  Five  times  he  poured  the  grease  over  him- 
self and  he  recovered  entirely.  But  she,  Buzzard,  died 
straightway,  while  Eagle  did  not  die  at  all.  Thus  did  Eagle 
and  Buzzard  wrestle. 

And  then  Beaver  said:  "For  my  part  I  shall  go  to 
stay  always  in  the  water,  and  there  I  shall  eat  wood." 
Bluejay  said:  "Now  I  for  my  part  shall  be  here  in  this 
place,  and  the  people  will  say,  'This  is  that  Bluejay 
and  he  did  (his  deeds)  hereabouts.'"  And  that  Sparrow 
Hawk  said:  "Now  I  for  my  part  will  be  in  this  place 
in  the  woods  and  they  will  say,  'That  Sparrow  Hawk  is 
looking  on.' "  That  Chicken  Hawk  said  :  "I  for  my  part  will 
be  anywhere  at  all,  all  over  shall  I  be.  As  to  me  the 
people  will  say,  'Chicken  Hawk,  the  hero,  kills  birds 
everywhere;  everything  he  swallows."5 

And  that  Eagle  said :  "Now  I  for  my  part  shall  be 
in  the  mountains  for  ever  and  ever.  I  shall  not  be  seen 
at  all,  only  once  in  a  great,  great  while  ,will  any  one  see 
me.  The  people  will  say,  lEagle  has  come ;  here  is 
Eagle  flying  about,  in  order  that  Eagle  may  take  from 
the  grizzly  bear  his  son  -  -  he  fills  him  with  dread.  Strong 
is  Eagle.  So  also  he  fills  a  deer  with  dread  and  also 
him  could  Eagle  seize.  He  could  just  chew  at  a  deer's 
hide  and  it  would  become  buck-skin.  Thus  could  Eagle 
do  with  it.'r  In  this  way  took  place  the  tale. 



Kwo'dau  wi't!ax  galugwa'lalamtck  tcagE'lqlix.  Ka'nau- 
wi  dan  galigla'lamtck  ;  ia'xtlax  isklu'lfiyE  galigla'lamtck 
kxwo'dau  isklu'lfiyE  aya'xan  itca'xliu  Stwo'winlx  wa'liq 
galagla'lamtck.  La'-im'  ilka'tcla  galagE'lba  itc6'kucxat. 
5  Aga  kxwo'pt  gaqi'ulxam  isklu'lEyE  :  "Ami'xan  agla'lam." 
Aga  kxwo'pt  gali'kim:  "Daxn  iagE'lpx?"  Aga  kxwo'pt 
gaqiu'lxam:  "Hka'tcla  lagE'lpx."  Aga  kxwo'pt  gali'kim 
isklu'lEyE:  "Itgage'wam  alaxuxxwa  na'ik'  akxa'n."  Aga 
kxwo'pt  galixElk^tk,  ayakla^amat  ngi  waxnux  —  igunard 

10  aya'nux.  Ilka'titck  gatdalutk  ;  galixElki'tk  isklu'lEyE  idia- 

Aga  kxw67pt  galigla^amtck  wit!'  fxat.  Gaqiu^xam  : 
"Imi'xan  isk!u7lEyE  igla'lam."  Aga  kxw6xpt  gairkim  : 
aDaxn  igElpx?"  Galugwakim  :  attga'wilqt  IfgElpx."  Ga- 

15  li'kim  isklulfiyE  :  "Qxa'daga  tccudi^Ii."  Aga  kxwo'pt 
ka'nauwe  dan  galigla^amtck.  Aga  kxw6xpt  iaxxta  gali- 
gla'lamtck  itqlwol  ;  kwordau  axt'  ak!urstxulal  galagla^amtck  : 

I    >/^IJ    JN    JNJS;  J  /    fffjf: 

"K!a'  -  la   ga  -  no'-  xwax    a'  -ca  wa  -  gi'-  xan     ga'-qEn-du  -  la'  -  pax." 
Aga    kxwo'pt    gaqu'lxam:       "ALuxg    ami'xan,    alamxElEk- 
tcwa'ya."     Aga   kxwo'pt  gala'klm:      "Kla'ya!  doukw'  axga 
20  klala    ganu'xwax,    gaqEndu'lapax."     Qucti'ax'  aklu'stxulal 
itca'xliu  akla'lakia. 

Ag'  a'xtax  axdwoq  arxta  galagla'lamtck.  Gala^im  qerdau  : 

i  x  ;u  //>;>  if  j  ;;i>/  t 

"Stai  -  ma  -  p!a'     gi  -  ski  -  p!i'  -  ast    stai  -  ma  -  p!a'     gi  -  ski  -  p!i'  -  ast     ga  - 

qnu  -  la'  -  pax." 

A    root   referred   to  as  "wild  potato1'  and  said  to  be  similar  to  the  amu'mal 
though  of  a  finer  grade  and  grain. 


And  again  the  (people)  sang  in  winter.  Everybody 
sang ;  also  that  Coyote  sang  and  Coyote's  daughter,  whose 
name  was  Salmon-Head-Fat,  a  maiden,  sang.  Nothing 
but  grease  was  flowing  out  of  her  mouth.  And  then 
Coyote  was  told:  "Your  daughter  is  singing."  Then 
he  said:  "What  is  flowing  from  her?"  And  then  they 
told  him:  "Grease  is  flowing  from  her."  Then  Coyote 
said:  "My  daughter  will  be  a  medicine-woman."  And 
then  he  smoked  -  -  his  pipe  was  made  out  of  a  stomach, 
a  salmon's  stomach.  Dried  salmon-flesh  he  filled  into  the 
(pipe)  and  Coyote,  the  medicine-man,  smoked. 

And  then  yet  another  one  sang.  (Coyote)  was  told : 
"Your  son,  Coyote,  is  singing."  Then  he  said:  "What 
is  flowing  out  of  him?"  They  said:  "Blood  is  flowing 
from  him."  Coyote  said:  "He  is  merely  lying."  Now 
then  everybody  was  singing.  Now  that  Itqlwo'l1  was 
singing  and  that  Aklu'stxulal2  was  singing :  "On  my  back 
I  carry  my  daughter;  we  two  are  dug  up."  And  then 
she  was  told :  "  Give  (us)  your  daughter,  you  will  let  her 
fall."  But  then  she  said:  "No!  just  in  that  way  am  I 
accustomed  to  carry  her  on  my  back ;  we  two  are  dug 
up."  Truly  Aklu'stxulal  was  her  name,  Akla'lakia. 

Now  that  A'dwoq3  was  singing.  Thus  she  said  :  "Only 
by  my  tail,  only  by  my  tail  am  I  dug  up."  And  just  in 
that  way  would  one  dig  her  up  to-day ;  one  would  not 
dig  up  all,  but  only  half  of  the  "wild  carrot."  Now  that 
Amu'lal  sang,  that  Aq!6'lawa-itk,  and  also  that  Butter-cup 
sang.  Now  that  Grizzly  Bear  sang.  Thus  he  sang : 

2  A  root  referred  to  as  "wild  onion;"  it  is  similar  to  the  ak'.a'lakia  but  smaller 
in  size.  3  Known  as  "wild  carrot." 


Aga    da'ukw'  aqxwo'laba    pu    da'uya    wi'gwa  ;    na'qxi  pu 

sa'qu   citi'xka  aqxwo'lab'    a'dwoq.     Ag'  a'xta  amu'lal  ga- 

lagla'lamtck,  aq!6'lawa-itk     a'xta,     akxa'nakwoLk     a'xtia 

nagla'lamtck.  Aga  ya'xta  nigla'lamtck  iqwo'qwo.    Qe'dau 


1  ' 

5  galigla'lamtck: 

"Ho  ho     ho'!        ho  ho  ho      ho'!" 

Kxwo'pt  gali'kim  iqwo'qwo  :  "Ha^!1  Can  wa-a'u  il- 
gnu'x  pu  k.'E'cklEc  aniuxxwa  ilaqxa^ctaq."  Aga  gatctu- 
gwHx  idE'lxam  iqwo^wo.  Aga  kxwo^t  galki^  :  fc  Can 
wa'-au  algiu^wa  iqwo^wo?"  Kxwo^t  arga  gali^im  ia- 

10  kla'its  ikala:  "Na'ika  wa-axu  aniu'xwa."  Aga  kxwo'pt 
ia'xka  gayu'txuit  ikala.  Kxwo'pt  gali'kim  ika'la  :  "Qxa"- 
matgi  waxgw'  aqdu^alama,  'KlEcklEc  itqxa^ctagokc.'" 
Kxw6xpt  gatcii/lxam  :  "Nalka  wa-axu  ia^ux.  Kwaxl 
qanEgixntxa  !  kwal  klE'cklEc  itx'  itcqxa^ctaq!  Kwaxl  gaya- 

15  mElda'wilxEmx   imiwa'nba.     Gamu'mEqtx   iqwo^wo   kwaxl- 
dix."     Gatsi'klElutk.     Kxw6xpt  gatciu'lxam  :      "  Axwi,  nacqi" 
pu  atxwaxgwa  ;  atgatxugwaxnimtcga  idE^xam  digu^cix." 
Wixt!ax  galigla'glamtck  igaVulx.     Gal^kim  qexdau  : 

Qa'x  -  ba    nxad  -  li  -  ma  -  lal    wa'  -  pictx    it  -  ga  -  bul  -  max    nxa'd  -  li  - 


ma  -lal   wa-  pictx"  etc. 

Aga  kxwoxpt  gali'kim  iga'wulx  :     "Can  wa-axu  ilgsnu'x  anl- 

20  tstlxa'tgwaya  cawala'ptin."  Aga  kxwo'pt  gayu'txuit  ika'la. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  gatciulxam  iqlalalac  :  "Qa'matgi  wa'gwa 
aqdulalama,  'Itpfctmax  itga'bulmax,  ganuxwagwo'mitx 
idElxam.'"  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatciu'lxam  :  "Na'ika  wa-a'u  ia'- 
mux.  Kwal  cni'txatk,  kwal  Entquca/!  Kwaldix  daL.''  a'nduxwa 

25  itgF/kcEn,  a-itgo'b  ami'lxus  alaxu'xwa  ;  iga'wulx  amu'mEqta." 
Aga  wirt!ax  at!axntsa  galagla'lamtck.     Qucti'axa  ugwa'la- 

1  In  loud  whisper. 


"Ho  ho  ho'!  ho  ho  ho  ho'!"1  Then  said  Grizzly 
Bear:  "Ha'^.!1  Whoever  shall  have  challenged  me,  his 
head  shall  I  eat  up."  And  Grizzly  Bear  struck  the  people. 
And  then  they  said:  "Who  will  challenge  Grizzly  Bear?" 
So  then  a  man,  small  of  size,  said:  "I  will  challenge 
him."  And  then  he  arose  and  the  man  said:  "Some- 
where it  is  sung  all  day  long,  'Eat  up  heads.'"  Then 
he  said  to  (Grizzly  Bear):  "I  have  challenged  you.  Be 
quick  and  do  something  to  me !  Be  quick  and  eat  up 
my  head !  Quickly  shall  I  run  up  into  your  belly  and 
you,  Grizzly  Bear,  will  quickly  die."  (Grizzly  Bear) 
looked  at  him;  then  said  to  him:  "O  younger  brother, 
we  should  not  kill  each  other.  Perhaps  the  people  will 
laugh  at  us." 

Also  Rattlesnake  sang.  Thus  he  said :  "  Where  I 
shoot  my  arrows,  there  is  the  sunflower's  shade."  And 
then  Rattlesnake  said :  "  Whoever  has  challenged  me, 
him  shall  I  put  cheat-grass  into."  So  then  a  man  stood 
up  and  then  he,  Raccoon,  said  to  him:  "Somewhere  it 
is  sung  all  day  long,  'The  shade  of  the  sunflowers, 
(there)  I  shall  destroy  the  people.'"  And  then  he  said 
to  him:  "I  have  •  challenged  you.  Be  quick  and  put  the 
(cheat-grass)  into  me !  Be  quick  and  bite  me !  Quickly 
shall  I  warm  my  hands  and  your  eye-balls  will  become 
all  white.  You,  Rattlesnake,  will  die." 

Now  also  Crow  sang.     In  truth  they  were  (all)  singing, 

7 — PUBL.    AMER.    ETHN.    SOC.    VOL.    II. 


lam  ;  qucti'axa  bdu'xwan :  "  Aga  L!'  alixu'xwa'-axdixa."  Quc- 
ti'axa ikxa'lal  Igi'gElximu* ;  L!a'  Igiuxu'lalix.  Quc(t)  tci'c 
iki'xax.  Ka'nauwi  dan  galigla'lamtck,  a'xk'  ag'  atla'ntsa 
galagla'lamtck.  Aga  kxwo'pt  ikxa'lal  gayu'ya.  Aga 
5  kxwo'pt  gactugwfLti  kxwo'dau  ikxalal.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
galu'ya  at!arntsa;  itcaqla'bEnx  gagigElga.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
gakdu'mitcki  uxoqle'walal.  Cpa'q  gayu'ya  ikxa'lal;  nu'it 
Jxliu  galu'xwax  uxoqle'walal.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gagigExlga 
at!arntsa  yaga'il  igu'nat.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gayaxE'lEmux  a- 

10  tla'ntsa.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gagagElkfil  atcli'qtcliq  ia'xilax  igu'nat 
atla'ntsa.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gagi'axcgam  -,  gagiugwo'mida-ulx. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  gala'kim  atla'ntsa :  "Na'itlax  wo'pkal !" 
GagigE'lga;  gaga'-ilagwa  at!a'ntsa  kxwo'dau  ilga'wulqt 
saqu  dalal  gala'xux.  Da'uya  wi'gwa  dala'l  atla'ntsa  itca'x- 

15  leu.  laxa  a'xta  atc!fqtc!iq  datgu'p  gala'xux  itcaxa'qctaq. 
Daruya  wi7gwa  itcarxleu  atclfqtcliq,  datgurb  itcaxa^ctaq. 


Gatgi"  idElxam,  gayuxy'  isk!uxlEyE.  Aga  kxwo'pt  ga- 
luxwadi^na;  iaxxtax  iskli/lEyE  gatclucga^agwa,  ilax-itix  ga- 
tcixux,  quctixaxa  wfnpo  uxwadi'naxpa  gatcigE^ga.  Kxwo^au 
20  wixt!ax  ilkla^kac  gatclucga^nagwa,  gatdgExlga  •,  quctirax' 
ikxa^al  iaxxtau  isklu^Eys  ila^itix  gatdu7x.  Aga  kxw67pt 
p!axla  galu'xwax  iqxa'dinaxiamt. 

Aga  kxwoxpt  gadagla'-it  aknim,  galuxok!waxyu  idE'lxam. 
IsklulEyE  i^laMtix  gadiglax-it ;  p!axl  p!al  gali'xux  ialq,  quc- 
25  ti'axa  wi'npu  ia'xtau.  Kxwo'dau  apla'lali1  gadaxgla-it  pla'l 
p!al  itca'xleu  apla'lali ;  da'uya  wi'gwa  itsakla'its  ak!axdaqxi 
itsa'xleu  aka'xtau.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatgi'am.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
gada'giduk  akni'miamt.  GaqixgElga  isklu'kyE  i^'la-itix, 

Said  by  Pete  MC  Guff  to  mean  "shiner,  a  small  freshwater  fish  of  the  minnow 


and  truly  they  were  thinking :  "  Now  it  will  become 
warm."  Truly  they  were  calling  the  West  Wind  and 
trying  to  make  warm  weather,  (for)  indeed,  they  were 
feeling  cold.  Everybody  was  singing  and  now  she,  Crow, 
sang.  Now  then  the  wind  was  blowing ;  it  rained  and 
the  West  Wind  blew.  And  then  Crow  went  out  and 
took  her  fish-bag  and  then  found  fish.  The  wind  was 
blowing  hard  and  the  fish  were  forced  clear  up  to  shore. 
And  then  Crow  caught  a  big  salmon,  and  then  Crow  ate 
it.  Then  Bald  Eagle  caught  sight  of  Crow  as  she  was 
eating  the  salmon.  And  then  (Bald  Eagle)  took  it  away 
from  her  and  flew  up  away  with  it.  Then  Crow  said : 
"Let  me  have  a  fish-gill!"  (Bald  Eagle)  took  one  and 
struck  Crow  with  it,  and  she  became  all  covered  with  black 
blood.  To  this  day  she  is  black  and  her  name  is  Crow. 
But  that  Bald  Eagle  became  white  about  her  head.  To 
this  day  her  name  is  Bald  Eagle  ;  she  is  all  white  in  her  head. 


The  people  went  and  Coyote  went.  And  then  they 
fought  with  one  another.  That  Coyote  captured  some 
one  and  made  him  a  slave ;  in  truth  he  had  caught  a 
flea  where  the  (people)  were  fighting.  And  again  he  cap- 
tured a  child  and  took  him ;  in  truth  that  was  the  West 
Wind,  whom  Coyote  made  a  slave.  And  then  the  (peo- 
ple) stopped  fighting. 

And  then  they  sat  in  the  canoes,  and  the  people  start- 
ed out  for  home.  They  sat  down  on  Coyote's  slave, 
(so  that)  his  body  became  mashed  to  pieces  ;  in  truth  that 
was  the  flea.  They  also  sat  down  on  Apla'lali1  (so  that 
she  became)  mashed  to  pieces,  she  whose  name  is  Ap!axlali ; 
nowadays  she  is  small  and  Chub  is  that  same  one's  name. 

kind."     Both  shiner  and  chub  belong  to  the  genus  Leuciscus. 


pla'l  plat  ia'lq.  Aga  kxwo'pt  galu'gwakim  idE'lxam : 
"Da'uyax  isklu'lEyE  i£'la-itix."  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatci'uqtck 
itquli'ba,  kanactmo'kct  gatcco'qtck  ici£'la-itix  itquli'ba;  ga- 

5  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatcigE'lksl  isklu'lEyE  ie'la-itix  ixgoqs'nk 
aga  saxqu  lilwulxt  isi'axus  idiamiJo'ximax,  dalaula'u  gali7- 
xux  ia'lq.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gali'kim  isklu'kyE  :  "latcgE'mEm 
igi'xux  itcila'-itix."  Aga  kxwo'pt  idF/lxam  gayaxa'wikuutck 
isklu'lEyE:  tt  Ayu'mEqta."  Aga  kxwo'pt  ka'tcag  wa'pul 
10  galikhi'tk  ila'-itix.  Isklu'lsyE  dadakda'g  galu'xwax  idi- 
a'quh  Galixgu'-itk  isklu'lEyE;  k!ay'  i^'la-itix.  Gayu'yam 
isklu'lEyE;  k!ay'  i^'la-itix.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatciu'naxL  is- 
klu'lEyE; sa'quba  galigucgi'walEmtck ;  na'qxi  gatcigs'lga. 

Aga   kxwo'pt   gatsugi'tsxaba    isio'utxix.      Aga    kxwo'pt 

15  gatsu'lxam  :     "  Mtxa'nitkuutck  da'n  ia'xtau."    Aga  kxwo'pt 

gacgiu'lxam :      "Ag'    a'lma    ma'yax    amgi'ma,     lDa'ukwa 

nxi'Luxwan.'     Na'qxi    La'xtau    ilkla'ckac,    ikxa'lal    ia'xtau." 

Gacgiu'lxam  ici^'gikulan,  gacxi'lkulitck ;  gwa'2nisim  cxiluk- 

li'lal  icio'utxix  cta'xka.     Aga  kxwo'pt  gacgiu'lxam  :     "  Cma'- 

20  ni  tq!^'x  amiu'xwa  kxwo'pt  amxigEltkli'xEma."     Aga  kxwo'pt 

gacilda'-ulx ;    daga'mui   gagiula'da   a'ixat;  aklu'na  na-ilda'- 

ulx  iawa'nba  pla'la.     Gacgiu'lxam:      "AmExtkli'xEma  itpo- 

qo'xba,    kxwo'b'    amigs'lgaya    ia'xtau  imi'la-itix.      Cma'nix 

ihka'  aha'-ida  dala'l  wi'lx  alixa'txa  itpoqo'xba.  Aga  kxwo'pt 

25  amxigitk!i'xEma,  kwo'b'  amigi'tga  imila'-itix,  alimxa'tskuda." 

Aga    kxwo'pt    gatcigE'lksl    iskiu'lsyE    wi'lx    itpoqo'xba. 

1  It  is  not  at  all  clear  what  is  meant  by  this  statement. 


And  then  they  arrived  home  and  got  out  of  the  canoes. 
Coyote's  slave  was  taken  hold  of,  he  whose  body  was 
mashed  to  pieces.  And  then  the  people  said:  "This 
one  is  Coyote's  slave."  Then  he  took  him  in  into  the 
house  both  of  his  slaves  he  took  into  the  house  — 

and  set  him  down. 

And  then  Coyote  saw  that  his  older  slave  was  all 
swollen  in  his  eyes  and  in  his  ears  and  that  his  body  had 
become  all  covered  over  (with  swellings).  So  then  Coyote 
said:  "My  slave  has  become  sick;"  and  then  Coyote  told 
the  people:  "He  will  die."  Now  then  in  the  middle  of 
the  night  the  slave  breathed  and  Coyote's  house  became 
loosened.  Coyote  awoke ;  his  slave  was  not  to  be  seen. 
Coyote  went  to  (where  he  had  left  him) ;  his  slave  was 
not  to  be  seen.  And  then  Coyote  looked  for  him,  went 
about  everywhere,  (but)  did  not  find  him. 

And  then  he  defecated  out  his  two  younger  sisters. 
He  said  to  them :  "  Do  you  two  tell  me  what  has  become 
of  that  one."  And  then  they  said  to  him  :  "  Now  you 
yourself  will  say,  ljust  so  did  I  think/  That  is  not  a 
child,  that  is  the  West  Wind."  His  two  faeces  spoke  (thus) 
to  him  and  told  him  (what  to  do) ;  always  were  they  two, 
his  younger  sisters,  wont  to  tell  him.  And  then  they 
said  to  him:  "If  you  wish  to  get  him,  then  you  must 
set  a  trap  for  him."  And  then  the  two  jumped  up  into 
him ;  the  one  threw  him  down  senseless,  (while)  the  other 
one  jumped  up  into  his  belly  quietly.  The  two  said  to 
him:  "You  will  set  a  trap  in  the  mountains  and  there 
you  will  catch  that  slave  of  yours.  When  snow  will  fall, 
black1  will  be  the  land  in  the  mountains;  and  then  you 
will  lay  a  trap  for  him  and  there  you  will  catch  your 
slave ;  he  will  be  caught  by  your  trap." 

And  then  Coyote  saw  the  land  in  the  mountains  and 
then  set  a  trap  for  him.  He  was  caught  in  (Coyote's) 


Aga  kxwo'pt  galixigE'ltkliq.  Galixu'tskut.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
ka'dux  gayuya  itpoqo'xumaxba  isk!u'lEyE  ;  gatsiukuctam. 
Aga  gatcigE'lkEl  yu'xt  k!a'u  iki'xax  ili£'pcba.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
ga'tcigF/lga  isk.'u'lEyE,  gatciu'gulaqlq  ;  gatciii'kul  itqulia'mt 
5  ia'la-itix.  Aga  wi'tia  da'ukwa  gali'xox  ik!a7ckac;  saxqu 
galttwilxt  ia'Jq.  Aga  wi'tla  gatcigE'lkEl.  Aga  wi7t!a  ga- 
li'kim  isklu'lsyE;  "Luwaxn  ayu'mEqta."  Wirt!a  xa'bixix. 
Aga  wi'tla  nigExltaqlx.  Qexdau  la'ktix  galigE'ltaqlx.  Quc- 
ti'axa  lagwE'nEmix  gatcigE7lga  ikxa'lal  isklu'hyE.  Aga 
10  wi'tla  nigE^taqlx. 

Aga  kxw67pt  gacgiu'lxam  icio'utxix  :  "Kl^y'  ag'  ami- 
gElga'ya  iktiexna  ikxaxlal  ya^xtau.  Aga  kxwoxpt  ag'  igi'm- 
gEltaqht  gwa^ntsim.  Cma^ix  pu  nimiMwoq  pu  k!ay' 
ikxaxlal  ;  k!ma  kla/y'  imiVoq,  gwa^nislm  ikxalal.  Cma7ni 
15  pu  alidi7a  ikxaxlal,  aga  kxwo^t  alugwagrma  idE^xam, 
'Isklu'lEyE  gatciu^amEgwa  ikxa^al!'  Qexdau  alugwag^ma 
idE'lxam.  Qxaxdagatci  gw^nisim  ikxaxlal,  qxa7ntcipt  idExl- 

xam  aluxwa'xa  da'uyaba  wflx."     Qe'dau  iqxaxnutck. 




Gacxmu'ya  ikxa'lal  ika'q  (wa'lawala  wi'n).     Aga  kxwo'pt 

20  wa'x  gatclu'x  ikxa'lal  tfkaxtc!a  gacxgE'lgabEt.     Aga  kxwo'pt 

ia'xtau  ika'q  ika'ba  gatciulgwi'amit.      Gaqxiqla'-it  ikaxq,  ga- 

qiula'da.     Aga  wi't!a  gacxgs'lga  ;  gatci'ulada  ikxa'lal  ikaq. 

Aga    wixt!a  gacxgElga  ;  aga  wi'tlax  ikxa'lal  wa'x  gatdu'x 

itka'tcla;    gaqiu'lad'    ika'q.     Wi't!a    gacxmu'ya  ;  wi'tia  ga- 

25  qiu'lada  ika'q.     Wi'tia  gacxmu'ya  ;  wi'tia  gaqi'ulada  ika'q. 


trap.  Now  then  next  morning  Coyote  went  into  the 
mountains,  went  to  look  for  him.  Now  he  saw  him  sit- 
ting; he  is  bound  fast  at  his  feet.  And  then  Coyote 
seized  him  and  recognized  him-,  he  took  his  slave  with 
him  to  the  house.  And  again  it  happened  to  the  boy 
as  before;  his  body  swelled  all  up.  And  again  (Coyote) 
saw  (how)  he  (was).  And  again  Coyote  said:  "Perhaps 
he  will  die."  Again  it  was  night.  And  again  he  escaped. 
In  this  way  he  escaped  four  times.  Truly  Coyote  caught 
the  West  Wind  for  the  fifth  time.  And  again  he  escaped. 
And  then  his  two  younger  sisters  said  to  him :  "  Now 
you  will  not  catch  that  West  Wind.  This  time  he  has 
escaped  from  you  for  all  time.  If  you  had  killed  him, 
there  would  be  no  west  wind ;  but  you  did  not  kill  him, 
(so)  there  will  always  be  a  west  wind.  Whenever  a  west 
wind  will  come,  then  the  people  will  say,  'Coyote  made 
a  mistake  about  the  Wrest  Wind.'  Thus  will  say  the 
people.  So  that  there  will  always  be  a  west  wind,  as 
long  as  people  will  be  in  this  land."  Thus  is  the  tale. 


The  West  Wind  and  the  East  Wind  (Wallawalla  wind) 
wrestled  with  each  other.  And  then  the  West  Wind 
poured  out  grease  when  the  two  took  hold  of  each  other. 
Now  then  that  one,  the  East  Wind,  caused  ice  to  be 
spread  out.  The  East  Wind  was  thrown  down,  he  was 
laid  low.  Then  the  two  again  took  hold  of  each  other ; 
the  West  Wind  threw  down  the  East  Wind.  Then  the 
two  again  took  hold  of  each  other,  now  the  West  Wind 
again  poured  out  grease ;  the  East  Wind  was  thrown 
down.  Again  the  two  wrestled  with  each  other,  again 
the  East  Wind  was  thrown  down.  Again  the  two  wrestled 
with  each  other,  again  the  East  Wind  was  thrown  down. 

Gaqiu'lxam  ika'q :  "Kla'y*  idmilxe'wulx  ika'q.  Qe'dau 
alugwagi'ma  idr/lxam,  'Gacxmu'ya  ikxa'lal  ika'q.'  DE- 
ml'2nua  na'ika  itklxe'wulx  i'nxux."  Galu'gwakim  idE'lxam: 
aDEmi'2nua  idiafxe'wulx  ikxa'lal,  ika'q  kla'y'  idialxe'wulx." 
5  Qe'dau  iqxa'nutck;  gaqi'ux  itqleyo'qtikc.  Kla'ya  can 
da'uya  wi'gwa. 


Aga  kxwo'pt  isklu'lEyE  Ixela'-itix  aya'kikal  kxwo'dau 
iaxqoq.  Aga  kxwo^t  gal^kim  isklu'lEyE  :  "Aga  daruya 
naxika  kwaic  ands^uqta.  Cmaxnix  andE^uqta  na7wit 

10  akxa'n  atcaxtcgama  itci^lpEt1  alidrmama,  qardac  naika  da/wi 
itcE'lgulit  —  qerdau  ya^guilit  itci£xlpEt  naika7  dawi."  Aga 
kxwo'pt  gayi/mEqt  isk!uxlEyE.  Aga  kxwo^t  gaqi^tkam 
isklu'lEyE  wflxpa. 

Aga    kxwo'pt    gayu'yam.     Aga    kxwo'pt    na'wid    galu- 

15  xwfhixwa-it  :  "Igidfmam  ya'xka  ika'la."  Aga  kxwo'pt 
gaqa'-ilut  wa'liq  isklu'lsyE  aya'xan  iciwa'nic3  isklu'lEyE 
i^'lpEt.  Aga  kxwo'pt  galu'gwakim  :  "la'ima  nigixtki'm 
isklu'lEyE,  l  Andfi'muqta  ;  alidi'mam'  ika'la,  amcga'-ilud' 
akxa'n.'"  Agaqa'-ilut  agagi'lak;  ctula'-ida,  luwa'n  gwE'- 

2o  nsmix  gactu'qui. 

Aga   kxwo'pt   galu'gwakim:      "Qfi'nEgiska!    klman  alq- 

di'wi    isklu'lEyE."      Aga    kxwo'pt    galu'gwakim:      "Qa'xba 

nimcki'tk     amcgiu'kctama."       Aga     kxwo'pt     gaqiu'kctam 

qa'xba   gaqi'utk.      Nixlu'xwa-it  isklu'lEyE:      "Aga  iqnu'gu- 

25  laq^q,  qa'xba  niqxs'ntgaba  niqnu'kctbama."     Nikta'  'sk!u'- 

1  My    interpreter,    Peter    McGuff,    explained    the    term    "trading    friend"  thus: 

N\  hen    one   has    a    friend  in  another  country   (i.  e.  among  another  tribe),  he  comes 

see  you  or  you  go  and  see  him.     Both  are  glad  to  meet  each  other;  one  gives 


The  East  Wind  was  addressed  (by  the  West  Wind) : 
"Thou  art  not  strong,  O  East  Wind!  Thus  shall  the 
people  say,  'The  West  Wind  and  the  East  Wind  wrest- 
led with  each  other.'  For  all  time  to  come  have  I  be- 
come strong."  The  people  said:  "The  West  Wind  is 
strong  for  all  time  to  come,  the  East  Wind  is  not  strong." 
Thus  is  the  tale  and  was  made  (by)  ancient  men.  Now- 
adays there  are  not  such. 


Now  Coyote,  his  wife,  and  his  children  were  living  to- 
gether. And  then  Coyote  said :  "  Now  I  here  shall  soon 
die.  When  I  shall  have  died,  straigtway  my  'trading 
friend',1  looking  exactly  like  me,  will  come  and  marry  my 
daughter  -  -  thus  will  my  'trading  friend'  look,  like  me." 
And  then  Coyote  died ;  so  then  they  buried  Coyote  in 
the  earth. 

And  then  (Coyote)  arrived,  and  straightway  the  people 
thought :  "  He  (who)  has  come  is  the  man  (that  Coyote 
spoke  of)."  So  then  the  maiden,  Coyote's  daughter, 
was  given  to  the  stranger,3  Coyote's  "trading  friend." 
And  then  the  people  said:  "Coyote  himself  said,  'I 
shall  die.  A  man  will  come  and  you  shall  give  him  my 
daughter.'"  So  the  woman  was  given  to  him.  The  two 
lived  together,  slept  together  about  five  nights. 

And  then  the  people  said:  "How  is  this!  But  he  is 
just  like  Coyote!"  And  they  said:  "Where  you  people 
have  buried  him,  (there)  do  you  go  and  look  for  him." 
And  then  they  went  and  looked  for  him  where  he  had 
been  buried.  Coyote  thought :  "  Now  they  have  recog- 

the    other  a  horse  or  anything  valuble,  the  other  gives  something  in  return.     Such 
are  each  other's  ie'lpEt. 

2  Ciwa'nic :  "stranger"  in  Yakima.     Used  regularly  for  Nez  Perce. 


InyE;  nixa'-ima  qa'xba  iuqi'xtba;  galixo'qcit.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
gali'kim  isklu'lEyE:  "lamcuqlwa'lxwalxt."  Aga  kxwo'pt 
isklu'lEyE  gali'kim:  "Gwa'nisim  qe'dau  amcxu'xwa  idE'l- 
xam  ilEmca'-utxix.  Naik'  a'ga  da'uyax  qe'dau  i'nxux ; 
5  akxa'n  inu'cgam,  inu'xtga  da'uya  wi'gwa.  Aga  gwa'nisim 
qe'dau  aluxwaxxa 


Galu'mEqt  aya'gikal  isklu'lEyE  kxwo'dau  ctmo'kct  icia'xan 
gactu'mEqt.  Kxwo'dau  ia'xta  itclfnon  galu'mEqt  aya'gikal 
kxwo'dau  ctmo^ct  ici^xan  itclfnon  gactuxmEqt.  Kxwoxpt 

10  arga  galfkim  isklu^EyE :  "Naqx'  itli^kti-ix  inxlu^wan 
naik'  isk!uxlEyE  qxaxdamt  nictu7ya  axgika7!  itcxa^."  Aga 
kxwo'pt  gatciulxam  itclfnon  :  "  NxExlqlat  qxaxdamt  niguxya 
amfgikal.  Cmaxnix  tq!erx  muxt  atxurya  atgcugwa^mama 
naik'  axgfkal  k!ma  malk'  amfgikal  k!ma  imixa7n  kxwo7- 

15  dau  na'ik'  itcxa'n.     NxExlqlat  qa'xba  cki'xax." 

Aga  kxwo'pt  gactu'ya  ka'nactmokct  isklu'lEyE  k!ma 
itclfnon;  gackcu'gwalEmam  icta'gikal.  Nar2wit  gactu^a-, 
gactifyam  iaga'ilba  wi'mal.  K!a7ya  wflx,  sa'q11  iltcqoa" 
la'-ima.  Aga  kxwoxpt  gatcigExlg'  idu'du  itclinon.  Aga 

20  kxwo'pt  gatciHu'tk  iduxdu  itclfnon.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatciu'l- 
xam  isklulEyE:  "Itlifkti  asEmxlu'tka  isklu'kyE ;  na'qxi 
amsEnklftka,  iwat  ss'mxElutk  fnadix.  AlEma  amugi'gEla 
idE'lxam."  Aga  kxwo'pt  gasixElu'tk  isklulEyE  fnadixiamt. 
GatciUu'tk  idu'du,  galigla'lamtck  itclfnon. 

25       Aga   kxwo'pt  gatciiflxam  itclfnon:      "QE'nEgi  dan  imi- 

This   refers    to   the  belief  that  the  howl  of  the  coyote  foretells  the  approach 
of  death. 

Coyote    is    thus   the  first  to  commit  incest.     The  incestuous  conduct  of  some 
people  is  traceable  to  him. 

nized  me,  since  they  have  gone  to  look  for  me  where  I 
have  been  buried."  Coyote  ran  off  and  laid  himself  down 
where  he  had  crawled  out,  and  slept.  And  then  Coyote 
said:  "I  give  you  people  the  death  omen."1  And  then 
Coyote  said:  "Always  shall  you  people  do  thus  (to)  your 
younger  sisters.  Now  I  here  have  done  thus ;  I  have 
married  my  daughter,  have  stolen  her  this  day.  Now 
always  shall  people  thus  do."2 


Coyote's  wife  died  and  also  his  two  sons  died.  And 
also  Eagle's  wife  died  and  Eagle's  two  sons  died.  Now 
then  Coyote  said:  "It  is  not  well,  I  Coyote  am  thinking, 
whither  my  wife  and  my  son3  have  gone."  And  then 
Eagle  said  to  him:  "I  know  whither  your  wife  has  gone. 
If  you  wish  to  have  her,  let  us  two  go  to  bring  both  of 
them  back  —  my  wife  and  your  wife,  also  your  son  and 
my  son.  I  know  where  the  two  of  them  are." 

And  then  both  of  them,  Coyote  and  Eagle,  did  go ; 
they  went  to  fetch  their  wives.  Straight  on  and  on  they 
went  and  arrived  at  a  great  river.  There  was  no  land 
in  sight,  water  alone  was  all  there  was.  And  then  Eagle 
took  a  flute.  And  then  Eagle  blew  into  the  flute  and 
said  to  Coyote:  "It  is  good,  O  Coyote,  that  you  should 
look;  you  shall  not  look  at  me,  look  across  yonder.  You 
will  behold  the  (ghost)  people."  And  then  Coyote  looked 
over  to  the  other  side.  He  blew  into  the  flute,  Eagle 

And  then  Eagle  said  to  him  :      "Did  you  see  anything 

3  We  have  just  been  told  that  Coyote  and  Eagle  had  each  lost  two  sons. 
Itsxa'n  "my  son"  (instead  of  ickxa'n  "my  two  sons")  is  inconsistent  with  this 
statement,  but  it  has  been  thought  advisable  to  leave  Louis  Simpson's  inconsisten- 
cies uncorrected. 


i'nadix?"  -  •  «K!a'ya  dan  imgE'lks!."  Gatciu'lxam 
itclfnon:  "Ga'nuit  kla'ya  pu  amlgE'lgEla  ilgoa'lilx  ma'ika 
isklu'lEyE.  Aga'nuit  uxwala'-it  idE'lxam."  Gatciu'lxam  : 
"Nxhi'xwan  fga  isk.'u'lsyE  na'cqxi  idialxe'wulx,  aga'nuit 
5  na'ika  itc!f  non  itklxe'wulx.  Ag'  ilxdi'mam.  Tnadix,  isk!ux- 
lEyE,  i'nadix  ami'gikal,  gala'dEmqt;  naVit  gala'ti  i'nadix 
kxwo'dau  imixaxn  kxwo^au  naik'  itclfnon  axgixkal  kxwo7- 
dau  itcxaxn,  qxa^agatci  k!axya  can  pu  k!67b  algitx^kla 
uxwala'-id'  idE^xam.  Axksta  sE^xslutk  ;  iniltutk  iduxdu  ; 
10  k!arya  can  imtgE^kEl  ma^k'  isklu^EyE.  Aga  kxw67ba 
txu'it.  Qa'dac  itlu^tix  amxluxwa^ida  l  isk!uxlEyE,  lAg' 
itxdixmam.'  Aga  qaxdac  k!E7b  icm^xus  amsu'xwa;  aga 
ayamgElga'ya,  quL  a^amxslux'  aga." 

Gatciu'lxam   itclfnon:      aQaxdam(t)  na72qxi  assmxElutka 

15  k!waxcka  ;    atxE'mEqta,  tcx'  atxi/ya."     Aga  kxw67pt  gatci- 

gfi'lga.      Aga    kxwo'pt    gactu'txtiit.       Aga    kxwo'pt    tca'x 

gali'xox    itclfnon    k!wa'b    iltcqoa7    i'nadix.     Aga    kxwo'pt 

gasi'xElutk    isklifkyE,     tftcqo'ba     gacxu'x  ;     gacdalilakwit 

ihcqoa"     itcta'psb'     itcdoqwftba.       Gactutxui'tam     wflxpa. 

20  Aga   gaqiula'da   isklulEyE.      "Na'q*  it!uxktix  ma'ika  isk!u7- 

lEyE  'gax  pu  tcx'  i'txya.     Yamtxu'lal,   lNaqx'  asEmxElu'tka  ; 

har-ay     atxutxwi'dama     wi'lxba     kxwo'dau     assmxElu'tka.' 

Qe'dau  yamtxu'lal." 

Gatciulxam :      "Qa'dac    bft    amxu'xwa   isklu'lEyE.      Ag' 

25  itxdi'mam.     Ag'  amxEluitca'tgEma.     Kwaic  amugi'gEl'  idExl- 

xam  •  kwaic  amagE^gEla  ami'gikal  k!ma  imixa'n ;  da'ukwa 

na'ika  itc!f  non  axgi'kal.    Kwaic  amlgElgEla."    Aga  kxwo'pt 

xa'p    gali'xuxix.      Kxwo'pt    axga    galu'xwaq  idE;lxam  quc- 

ti'axa    idme'mEluctikc.       Aga    kxwo'pt    akLmi'n    gala-ilga- 

30  tcu'-ix,  nuxit  qa'tki  dawa'x  galixo'xix.     Aga  kxwo'pt  galur- 

Terhaps  this  means  :     "Probably  you  think  that  — ."     Qadac  it'.u'ktix  =  probably. 

on  the  other  side?"  -  "I  saw  nothing  at  all."  Eagle  said 
to  him:  "Indeed  you,  O  Coyote,  would  not  see  any  per- 
son, but  truly  people  are  dwelling  (there)."  He  said  to 
him :  u  I  think  perchance  Coyote  is  not  strong,  but  truly 
I,  Eagle,  am  strong.  Now  we  two  have  come  here.  On 
the  other  side,  O  Coyote,  on  the  other  side  is  your  wife, 
she  who  has  died.  She  has  come  to  right  across  from 
here,  also  your  son  and  my,  Eagle's,  wife  and  son,  so 
that  no  one  would  take  us  two  across  to  where  the  people 
are  dwelling.  Now  look !  I  have  blown  into  the  flute ; 
you  Coyote  did  not  see  anyone.  Now  there  we  are.  It 
is  just  good  that  you  Coyote  will  think,1  lNow  we  have 
arrived.'  Now  just  close  your  eyes ;  then  I  shall  take 
hold  of  you  and  you  will  hang  on  to  me." 

Eagle  said  to  him :  "  You  shall  not  look  in  any  direc- 
tion ;  (if  you  do),  we  two  shall  die,  we  shall  be  drowned." 
And  then  he  took  hold  of  him.  And  then  the  two  of 
them  stood  up.  Now  then  Eagle  stepped  across  to 
the  other  side  of  the  water.  And  then  Coyote  looked 
and  they  both  fell  into  the  water ;  they  struck  the  water 
at  their  feet  and  legs.  They  came  to  a  stand  on  the 
ground  and  Coyote  was  thrown  off.  (Eagle)  said  to  him : 
"It  is  not  well,  you  Coyote,  that  we  two  should  now  be 
drowned.  I  said  to  you,  'You  shall  not  look ;  we  must 
come  to  a  stand  on  the  land  before  you  look.'  Thus  I 
said  to  you." 

He  said  to  him :  "Just  you  remain  quiet,  Coyote. 
Now  we  two  have  arrived.  Now  you  shall  listen.  Soon 
you  will  see  the  people,  soon  you  will  see  your  wife  and 
your  son ;  likewise  I,  Eagle,  (shall  see)  my  wife.  Soon 
you  will  see  them."  And  then  it  became  dark.  Just  then  ! 
people  came  together,  in  truth  the  dead.  And  then  the 
moon  came  down  to  the  ground,  straightway  it  became 
somewhat  light.  And  then  a  certain  person  came  forward 


gErnalx     ifgoa'lilx.      Aga     kxwo'pt    gatgags'lga    akLmi'n. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  lu'qx  galku'x  tfgoa'tilx  akivini'n. 

Aga  kxwo'pt  galixE'ltcmaq  isklu'lEyE  aya'gikal.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  galki'm  itgoa'lilx :  "Da'uwax  a'gikal1  isklu'lEyE; 

5  da'uax  itclfnon  aya'gikal,"  gaiki'm  ilgoa'lilx.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
gacxlu'itcatk  kanactmo'kct  aga  gackcu'gslaqlq  icta'gikal. 
Galixtu'xwa-it  isklu'lsyE :  "Quct  da'bax  axgixkal  aki'xax, 
itclfnon  wixt!a  aya'gikal/  Kxwo'pt  nixlu'xwa-it  isklu'lEyE: 
aDa/ulax  iJgoa^ilx  antuwa'gwa  kwa'ic  *  aga  itclfnon  bft 

10  gayuxla-it. 

Aga  kxwoxpt  gactuxqui ;  wixt!a  gactu'qui ;  wixt!ax  ga- 
ctu'qui.  Kxwopt  axga  gatckfwoq  ilgoaxlilx  isk!uxlEyE ; 
a-ica'x11  gatclu'x.  Aga  kxworpt  nixEnLixtcu.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
gatciuxlxam  itclfnon :  "Enkcta'm."  Kxwoxpt  gayuxya 

15  itclfnon.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatciu'kctam ;  gatcigE'lksl  aga 
dsng'  ixlu'idEt  inu'tcx11  isklu'lEyE ;  klwa'c  galixi'xox.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  gatciu'lxam  itclfnon:  "Itl^ktix  imuwa'q  axkax 
daua  itcaxxleu  Nikciamtca^3;  alu^Eqta  pu  ilgoalilx ;  imu- 
warg  aga  kla/ya  pu  wixt!ax  aldi^ama  dikax  daba  ilgoa^ilx 



Aga  kxwoxpt  xa'b  galfxuxix;  galu'xwaq  idE^xam  idme'- 
mEluctikc  quct  (d)ax  da'ua-itc.  Gada7ckupq  idE'lxam,  nu- 
xwo'qxom  •  iaxta  kxwo'ba  uxwo'qt.  Quct  alu'mEqta,  na'wit 
kxwob'  akfy'  ala'lutk.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gala-ixEnLftcu  is- 
klu'lEyE  aka'xtau  gatcuwo'q.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gayuxla-it  is- 
klu'lEyE  dab'  akLmi'n  a-ilga'tcxix.  Kxwo'pt  gatssu'bEna 
isklu^EyE,  kxwo'ba  gayula'-itam.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatcagE'lg* 
akLmi'n.  Aga  kxwo'pt  lu'qx  gatcu'xwa.  Qa'tgi  gayula7- 
itam  isklulEyE  a-itsxa'p.  Aga  kxwo'pt  galu'gwakim 
)  idr/lxam:  "Lxloida't  ilgoa/iilx.7J  Tqa'uadikc  qaxdaga  tq!er- 

For  aya'gikal.     In  rapid  speech  aya  is  often  contracted  to  a. 
Nikciamtca'c  is  now  supposed  to  be  the  person   represented  by  the  markings 
in  the  moon.     The  name  Nikciamtca'c  occurs  also  in  a  Kathlamet  myth  (see  Boas, 

1 1 1 

and  got  hold  of  the  moon  ;  and  then  the  person  swallowed 
the  moon. 

Now  then  Coyote  heard  (speak  of)  his  wife.  And  then 
the  person  said:  "This  here  is  Coyote's  wife-,  this  here 
is  Eagle's  wife,"  said  the  person.  Now  then  both  of  them 
listened  and  they  recognized  their  wives.  Coyote  thought : 
"Truly  just  here  is  my  wife,  also  Eagle's  wife."  Then 
Coyote  thought :  "  I  shall  kill  this  person  here  soon ;" 
but  Eagle  remained  quiet. 

And  then  the  two  of  them  slept  over  night ;  they  passed 
another  night ;  they  passed  still  another  night.  And  then 
Coyote  killed  the  person  ;  he  gradually  skinned  him.  And 
then  he  put  (his  skin)  down  over  himself  and  said  to  Eagle  : 
"Come  look  at  me!"  So  Eagle  went  and  then  came  to 
look  at  him.  He  saw  now  that  Coyote  had  something 
strange  on  himself  and  became  afraid  of  him.  And  then 
Eagle  said  to  him  :  "  It  is  well  that  you  have  slain  her  whose 
name  is  Nikciamtca'c.2  She  would  kill  people ;  you  have 
slain  her,  so  people's  spirits  would  no  longer  come  here 
to  this  place." 

And  then  it  became  dark ;  the  people  assembled  to- 
gether, truly  those  (were)  the  dead.  The  people  entered 
and  they  arrived  to  assemble ;  that  (is)  where  they  are  as- 
sembled. Truly  (if)  any  one  died,  straightway  his  spirit 
went  there.  And  then  Coyote  put  down  over  himself  her 
whom  he  had  killed.  Now  then  Coyote  sat  down  here 
(where)  the  moon  is  descending  to  the  ground.  Then  Coyote 
jumped,  there  he  landed.  And  then  he  got  hold  of  the  moon 
and  swallowed  it.  Coyote  landed  somewhat  too  short.  And 
then  the  people  said:  "It  is  another  person."  Some  of 

Kathlamet   Texts   (Bureau    of   American    Ethnology,    Bui.  26,  pp.  20 — 23),  though 
n  an  entirely  different  connection. 

I  12 

yoqt    galu'gwakim:      "Qucti'axa    isklu'lEyE    ya'xtau ;    quc- 
ti'axa  ga'ngadix  gatcuwo'q." 

Aga  kxwo'pt  gatcagE'lga  itcli'non  aya'gikal.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  na-ixu'tk.  Kxwo'dau  ia'xan  gatcigE'lga ;  galixu'tk 
5  wi'tla.  Kxwo'dau  gatcagr/lga  isklu'lEys  aya'gikal ;  wi'tla 
na-ixuxtk ;  kxwo^au  iaxxan  isklu^Eys  wixt!ax  nixuxtk.  Ga- 
tca'xpu  itclfnon  waskarn  ;  kxwo^'  ayaxgikal  kxwo'dau  ia^an 
kxwo'dau  isklu^EyE  ayaxgikal  kxwo^au  isklu^EyE  iaxxan. 
Aga  kxworpt  gatci/mquit  akLmi^  isk!uxlEyE,  gatcu^ada. 

10  Aga  kxworpt  gactuxya  aga  gacxklwa7.  Gatcuxctxwa  itc!f- 
non  waskaxn.  Gactu7qui ;  wixt!ax  gactuxqui ;  wixt!ax  gac- 
tuxqui ;  wirt!ax  gactiixqui. 

Aga    kxwo'pt    gatcuxwa^cmaq    idE^xam  isklu^EyE ;  da- 
wo'wowowowo    uxwipla^awulal    idE^xam,     uxwik!a/yawulal 

15  idE'lxam  hihihihihi  qx^gEmtkixiamt  yagika^ba.  Hala/ktbo/ 
wigwa  wi7t!ax  gacti^qui.  Aga  kxw6xpt  gactuxya;  wixt!a 
tcpaxg  aga  idE^xam  uxwiplalawulal ;  quctiraxa  iskli/lfiyE 
a'xtau  ayaxgikal  kxwoMau  itclfnon  aya'gikal  kxwo^au 
itcli'non  ia'xan  isklu'lEyE  wi't.'a  ia'xan.  Aga  kxwo'pt 

20  lagwF/nEtna  wi'gwa  gatciu'lxam  isk!uxlEyE :  "  Aga  naxika 
andu'ctxwa  axxdau  wa'skan  na'ik*  aga  isklu'lEyE-,  naqx' 
itlu'ktix,  ma'ika  mcta'mx"  itclfnon.  Na'ika  isklu'lsyE 
na'ik'  amu'ctxwa."  Kxwopt  gali'kim  itdfnon :  "K!axya! 
naik'  a'ga  qwotk'  axga  na'ika  nu'ctxt."  Kxwopt  gatciurl- 

25  xam  isklulEyE:  "Aga  na'ika  isklu'lEyE  anu'ctxwa."  Aga 
kxwo'pt  gali'kim  itclfnon:  "Kla'ya!"  K!waxc  gali'xux 
itclfnon;  galixhfx  wa-it:  " Atca'xElaqlqa." 

Aga    daxba   ctagika7-uba   uxwipla'lawulal,   uxwakla'yawu- 
lal    hihihihihi.      Kxwopt    a'ga    da'k    gatctu'x   itclfnon  idia- 

30  ctxu'lal.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gaqdflut  isklulEyE.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
gatctu'ctx  isklu'kyE.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatciu'lxam  itcli'non, 
gali'kim:  "Qa'dac  na'qxi  ia'x'  amxu'xwa ;  ka'natxmo'kct 
atxu'ya."  Aga  qloa'p  aga'Lax  alqidi'wi.  Aga  kxwo'pt 

1  In  other   words,  it  was  near  daylight. 

the  old  men  said:      "Truly  that  is  Coyote;  truly  he  killed 
her  before." 

And  then  Eagle  took  hold  of  his  wife  and  hid  her. 
And  he  took  hold  of  his  son ;  he  hid  him  also.  And 
Coyote  took  hold  of  his  wife-,  he  hid  also  her.  And 
Coyote  hid  also  his  son.  Eagle  closed  the  box-,  there 
(were)  his  wife  and  his  son  and  Coyote's  wife  and  Coyote's 
son.  And  then  Coyote  spit  out  the  moon,  he  threw  her 
away.  Now  then  the  two  of  them  went  and  started 
homewards.  Eagle  carried  the  box  on  his  back.  They 
passed  the  night ;  they  passed  another  night ;  they  passed 
another  night;  they  passed  another  night. 

And  then  Coyote  heard  the  people ;  the  people  are 
talking  among  themselves,  the  people  are  laughing  among 
themselves  behind  his  back.  On  the  fourth  day  they 
passed  another  night.  And  then  they  went  on.  Now 
the  people  were  again  talking  excitedly  among  them- 
selves ;  truly  that  was  Coyote's  wife  and  Eagle's  wife  and 
Eagle's  son.  And  then  on  the  fifth  day  Coyote  said  to 
him:  "Now  I  will  carry  that  box  on  my  back,  I,  Coyote. 
It  is  not  well  (that  you  should  carry  it),  you  are  a  chief, 
Eagle.  I,  Coyote,  I  shall  carry  it  on  my  back."  Then 
Eagle  said:  "No!  I,  never  mind,  I  am  carrying  it  on 
my  back."  Then  Coyote  said  to  him:  "Now  I,  Coyote, 
shall  carry  it  on  my  back."  And  then  Eagle  said  :  "No  !" 
Eagle  was  afraid  ;  he  thought :  "  He  will  open  the  (box)." 

Now  here,  back  of  the  two  of  them  they  are  talking 
among  themselves,  they  are  laughing  among  themselves. 
And  then  Eagle  freed  himself  of  his  burden.  And  then 
it  was  given  to  Coyote ;  so  then  Coyote  carried  it  on  his 
back.  And  then  Eagle  said  to  him,  he  said  :  "Just  don't 
you  go  far  ahead ;  both  of  us  will  go."  Now  (it  seemed) 
just  as  if  the  sun  (were)  near.1  And  then  he  said  to 

8— PUBL.    AMER.    ETHN.    SOC.    VOL.    II. 

1  14 

gatciu'lxam:  KAg'  anxkiftcxaya,  dik'  a'g'  anxklftcxaya." 
Aga  kxwo'pt  gatciu'lxam  isklu'kyE:  "Kla'ya!  mcta'mx 
mang  i'axi  mxux."  Aga  kxwo'pt  ya'xi  gali'xox  itclfnon. 

Aga   kxwo'pt    da'k   gatctu'x   isklu'lEyE.      Aga    kxwo'pt. 
5  La'k   gatcu'xwa   wa'skan.     Aga    kxwo'pt    gatca'gElkEl    is-- 
k!uxlEyE    aya'gikal    kxwo'dau  ia'xan  gatci'gElkEl  kxwo'dau 
itc!fnon    aya'gikal    kxwo'dau    ia'xan.      Aga    kxwo'pt   i'wi 
L!a'k    gatcu'xwa   wa'skan    isklu'lEyE.      Aga   kxwo^t  galu- 
gwo'ba  waskania'mt  isklulsyE  ayaxgikal  kxwo'dau  itclfnon 
10  aya'gikal,    kanactmo'kct    gacxu'x  ;    gatccgE'lkEl    isklu'lsyE. 
Kxwopt   gactugw6rba  ;    kernua    galixakxax-im'    aqxaxbudit  ; 
L.'a'k    gatcula'd'    aqxa'budit;    ia'xi    galixi'max'itEm    isklu'- 

Kxwopt    axga    gali^tcax    iskli/lsyE    kxwoMau    galfkim 

15  itclfnon,  gatciiflxam  itclfnon:  "Naxit!a  inxiiu^wan  tq!exx 
amfgikal  kxwo'dau  imixa'n  kxwo'dau  na'ika  itc.'f  non  axgf- 
kal  kxwoMau  itcxaxn.  Dau'  agaxLax  ag'  iml^mamogwa  ; 
k!axya  wi't!ax  pu  qa'ntcix  amlgE'lgElaya.  DEmf2hua 
ilxla^it  a'ga.  Daifax  aga7Lax  alxuguxya  p'  ag'  a^Ema 

20  atctelxa^agwa,  kanauwa7  p'  ag'  a^Em'  alxu'ya  icgagflak 
k!ma  ickla^kac  •,  ag'  iml^mamogwa.  Cma^ix  p'  ah/mEqt' 
ilgoaxlilx  dEml2nua  al^mEqta.  Daxuya  wfgwa  ma7ika 
qfdau  imfuxix  isklu^EyE.  Laxtaxu-aitc  a^Em'  alEkl^klama1 
alxk!waxya  p'  alsma  kanauwa7,  Aga  kxwo^t  pu  gwa7- 

25  nislm  qe'dau  aluxwaxxa  Nadidarnuit  k!m'  axga  kxwo^t  im- 
hfmamogwa.  Cma7nix  pu  alu^Eqta  ilgoa^ilx  k!ma/lalidix 
ga'uaxEmdix  px  alxatklwo'ya-idEma,  k!m'  axga  imdu'ma- 
mc)gwa.  K!a'ya  wixt!a  da'ukwa  alxo'xwa  ilgoa'lilx  ;  alu'- 
mEqta  pu  dEmfnua  ;  kla'ya  p'  aqlgElgsla.  Qi'dau  imfuxix 

30  isklu'kyE.     Qe'dau    alugwagi'ma    idE'lxam,     'Gactu'ya  is- 

1  AlEklu'ldama    is    equivalent    to    a-lx-k-1-u-kl-am-a.      One    would    rather    have 
expect.d  atklukta'ma  (=  a-tx-k-),  «we  two  shall  arrive  with  them." 

him:  "Now  I  shall  defecate,  right  here  I  shall  defecate." 
But  then  Coyote  said  to  him :  a  No !  you  are  a  chief, 
go  a  little  farther."  So  then  Eagle  went  farther  on. 

And  then  Coyote  relieved  himself  of  the  (burden)  and 
opened  the  box.  And  then  Coyote  saw  his  wife,  and  he 
saw  his  son  and  Eagle's  wife  and  son.  Now  then  Co- 
yote slowly  opened  the  box ;  and  Coyote's  wife  escaped 
from  the  box,  also  Eagle's  wife,  both  of  them  got  out ; 
Coyote  saw  the  two.  So  the  two  escaped ;  in  vain  he 
seated  himself  upon  the  lid ;  he  threw  the  lid  away ; 
Coyote  fell  some  distance  away. 

Then  Coyote  cried  and  Eagle  spoke ;  Eagle  said  to 
him:  "I  for  my  part  was  thinking  that  you  wanted  your 
wife  and  your  son,  and  I,  Eagle,  my  wife  and  my  son. 
Now  this  day  you  have  made  a  mistake  in  regard  to 
them ;  you  shall  never  see  them  again.  Now  they  have 
died  for  all  time.  (After)  we  should  all  have  passed 
through  this  day,  they  would  have  returned  to  life  and 
we  would  all  of  us  go  (together,  we,)  the  two  women  and 
the  two  boys;  but  you  made  a  mistake  in  regard  to  them. 
If  any  person  dies,  he  will  die  for  all  time.  This  day 
you,  Coyote,  have  brought  it  about  thus.  We  should 
have  brought  those  people2  with  us,  we  should  all  have 
gone  homewards.  And  then  Indians  would  always  be 
doing  thus,  but  then  you  made  a  mistake  in  regard  to 
them.  Whenever  a  person  died,  he  would  have  come 
back  home  for  the  fall  (and)  the  spring,  but  you  made 
a  mistake  in  regard  to  them.  Never  again  will  a  per- 
son do  thus ;  he  is  to  die  for  all  time  and  will  not 
(again)  be  seen.  Thus,  Coyote,  have  you  brought  it 
about.  Thus  people  will  say,  'Coyote  and  Eagle  went, 

2  That  is,  our  wives  and  sons. 


k!ma  itclfnon  gackcugwa'temam  icta'gikal.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  isklu'lEyE  gatchi'mamogwa ;  isklu'hyE  qe'dau  ga- 
li'xox,  iakla'mEla  gali'xElox.'"  Qe'dau  iqxa'nutck. 


Gactu'ya  wadeVade  k!ma  itclfnon;  kxwo'ba  gackcgE7!- 
5  kEl    icgagi'lak.     Kxwo'pt    ke'nua  gatciu'lxam  itclfnon  wa- 
de'wade :       "Na'qx'    amu'ya;"    a'-i    gatciux.       Mang    i'axi 
gactu'ya.     Aga    kxwo'pt  nikta7  wadeVade,  icgagilak  nic- 
gE'ltatck.     Kxwopt    a'exat    gatcagElga  wade'wade ;  LlaV 
gatcula'da     agagi'lak.      Aga    kxwo'pt    gacxE'ltcmoq    wi'lx 
10  silu'skwax.    Quctiarxa  iktie'na  gayaba'xEm1  aya'gikal  gatca- 
gExlga  wadeVade.     Aga  kxwo'pt  gatccuxwa.      Aga  kxw6rpt 
cpa'q  gaqiltcmo'q  ayak!a'tcatcaba,  qatgi  La^i  gaqi'ltcmoq  ; 
wflx  gali'xEla;  saqu  iklma'kan  gatci'ux  gayaba'xEm. 

Aga   kxwoxpt    gacgigExlkEl    aga    tccw6xt.     Aga  kxwo^t 

15  k!warc    galfxox    wadeVade.     Aga    kxworpt  gatcdiltaxguix 

itk!axlamadi^mt      ipa8a/l     kxworba  •,      gactilka^gix.        Aga 

kxwoxpt  gatcto'qcam  tklalamatpa  gayaba^Em ;  galuxwaxla- 

lalEmtck    itkla^amat.      Aga    kxw67pt    gayugwoxba    wadex- 

wade;  gatciu'kct.     GatcigExlkEl  dalaula'u  isfaxus,  tkla^amat 

20  tcdu'qct.     Aga   kxw67pt    galixlu^wa-it  wadeVade :      u  KE- 

lax-ix  p'  aqiugwilxsma  ia'gEtcpa."    Aga  kxwo'pt  gatcigExlga 

wadeVade    ikla'munak    da'pt    ia'Lqt.     Aga    kxwo'pt  gali- 

glu'ya  iawax ;  naVit  galigEmu'txuit. 

Lawax  gatciugwHx ;    wi'tla    gatciugwi'lx ;    wi'tla    gatciu- 

25  gwilx ;  wftla  gatciugwilx ;  wi'tla  gatciugwflx.    Aga  kxwo'pt 

gayu'msqt    gayaba'xEm.     Aga    kxwo'pt    gatciulxam  itc!f- 

n(A>n:      uAg'  ini'uwoq ;  ma'itla  klwa'c  mka'xax.      Aga  mtix 

'tkcta'm    aga    yu'mEqt."     Aga    kxwo'pt   gayu'ya   itclfnon-, 

1   A  mythical  monster  said  to  look  like  an  alligator  (!). 

went  to  fetch  their  wives.  And  then  Coyote  made  a 
mistake  in  regard  to  them.  Thus  Coyote  did,  badly  he 
did.'"  Thus  the  myth. 


Weasel  and  Eagle  went  along;  there  they  saw  two 
women.  Then  Eagle  told  Weasel,  to  no  purpose  (as  it 
turned  out):  "Don't  go  (to  them)-,"  he  assented  (to  him). 
They  went  on  a  little  farther,  and  then  Weasel  ran  off, 
ran  after  the  two  women.  Then  Weasel  seized  one  of 
the  women  and  knocked  the  woman  over.  And  then  the 
two  heard  the  earth  tremble.  In  truth,  Eagle  had  seized 
the  wife  of  a  certain  Gayaba'xEm.1  And  then  he  pur- 
sued them  and  made  a  terrible  noise  with  his  rattles, 
something  like  La2i  it  sounded ;  the  earth  shook ;  all  an- 
gered was  Gayaba'xEm. 

Now  then  the  two  saw  that  he  was  pursuing  them. 
And  then  Weasel  became  afraid,  and  they  went  back  to- 
wards the  rocks,  where  there  was  a  cave ;  they  entered 
into  it.  And  then  Gayaba'xEtn  came  and  bit  at  the  rocks ; 
the  rocks  kept  shaking.  And  then  Weasel  went  out  and 
looked  at  him.  He  saw  how  his  eyes  were  shining,  and 
how  he  was  biting  the  rocks.  And  then  Weasel  thought : 
"When  standing  at  his  side,  one  could  strike  him  on  his 
nose."  So  then  Weasel  took  hold  of  a  stick  this  long.2 
And  then  he  slowly  went  up  to  him,  straightway  stood 
close  to  him. 

Slowly  he  struck  him ;  again  he  struck  him ;  again  he 
struck  him;  again  he  struck  him;  again  he  struck  him. 
And  then  Gayaba'xEm  died.  Now  then  he  said  to  Eagle : 
"I  have  killed  him  now;  you  for  your  part  are  still  afraid. 
Now  come  !  come  here  and  look  at  him.  He  is  dead  now." 

2  Indicated  by  gesture. 


gatsi'ktelutk  aga  ga'nuit  iu'mEqt  gayaba'xEtn  ;  aga  gatci'- 
uwoq  wade'wade.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gacgi'ucxux  sa'qu  iapla's- 
kwal  iaqla'qctaq  aya'klatcatca ;  saqu  dadakda'k  gacgi'ux 
wade" wade  k!ma  itclfnon. 

5  Aga  kxwo'pt  L.'a'k  gactu'ya.  Aga  kxwo'pt  galixEnLi'- 
tcu  itclfnon  gayaba'xEm  iapla'skwal.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gaqi'l- 
tcmoq  qatgi  uaf-i  ayakla'tcatcaba.  Aga  kxwoxpt  gali'kim 
wade' wade :  "Ganuitca7  maxika  mcta^x  aga  wixt!a  maxik' 
ag'  ImxEnLi'tcu.  Naxika  ag'  inxEnLixtcu  wadexwade." 

10  Qixdau  gatciu^xam  wadeVade.  Aga  kxw6xpt  gatciulxam 
wade'wade :  "Cma^i  naq'  amfnEluda  ayamuwaxgwa  i- 
tc.'fnon."  Aga  kxwoxpt  gatciu'lxam  :  "Ag'  ayamEluxda  * 
galixli/xwa-it  itclfnon:  aGaxnuid  axu'lal1  iakla'msla  wade7- 
wade.  Aga  maxika  ag'  imxE'nLitcu  wadexwade."  Aga 

15  kxw6xpt  gatci'lut  aga  nixEnLixtcu  wadexwade. 

Aga  kxw6rpt  gactu'ya;  qergEmtq  gayuxya  wadeVade, 
gayi/ya  itclfnon  ia^ma.  AgalixEnLi'tcu  wadeVade  gaya- 
ba'xEm  iapla'skwal.  Aga  kxwo'pt  La/2l2  gaqiltcmoq 
waderwade.  Quctixaxa  galixElu^tcatk  itclfnon  kxwoba/2 

20  qiltcE'mElit  wadeVade.  Aga  kxwoxpt  nixE7luitcatk  aga 
ca'xsl  qiltcE'mElit.  Aga  wftla  nixE^luitcatk  itc!fnon,  yax- 
uxix  nixEgilu'itcatk.  Aga  kxwo'pt  nixhi'xwa-it  itclfnon: 
"Naqx'  it!uxktix  ilgoa'lilx  itcifxix  idia'giutgwax."  Aga 
kxwo'pt  Vx  gatcfux  ya'-uxix.  Na'wit  gayulsktcu  wf Ixba 

25  wade'wade.  Kxwo'pt  da'k  gatci'xux.  Aga  kxwo'pt  ga- 
qiu'lxam  wade'wade  :  "Kla'ya  ma'ika  Lqla'p  da'uya  wade'- 
wade-,  da'ng'  ixluxida(d)  da'uya  idialxe'wulx  gayaba'xEm." 
Kxwo'pt  daxk  gatcfxux.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatci'uctx  itcif non 
ieke'xte  ip!axskwal. 

Aga   kxwo'pt   gactu'y'    io'uxix.     Kxwopt   a'ga   galixlu7- 
xwa-it  wade'wade:      uNaqx'  itlu'ktix  itclfnon  wixt!a  itci'nx- 

1  Incorrect  for  ixu'lal? 


So  then  Eagle  went;  he  looked  at  him,  and  indeed,  Gaya- 
ba'xEm  was  dead;  now  Weasel  had  slain  him.  And  then 
they  cut  him  up ;  everything  (they  cut  off) :  his  skin,  his 
head,  his  rattle;  everything  Weasel  and  Eagle  cut  loose. 

And  then  the  two  started  off  and  went  on.  Now  then 
Eagle  put  the  skin  of  Gayaba'xEm  over  his  head ;  so  then 
he  made  a  noise  with  his  rattle  something  like  La'-i.  And 
then  Weasel  said :  "  Well !  you  are  a  chief  and  again  do 
you  now  put  it  over  your  head.  Now  I,  Weasel,  (shall) 
put  it  over  my  head."  Thus  Weasel  said  to  him.  And 
then  W'easel  said  to  him:  "If  you  do  not  give  it  to  me, 
I  shall  kill  you,  Eagle."  So  then  (Eagle)  said  to  him : 
"Now  I  shall  give  it  to  you."  Eagle  thought:  "Truly 
Weasel  says  that  he  is  bad."  (To  Weasel  he  said:) 
"Now  do  you,  Weasel,  put  it  over  your  head!"  And  then 
he  gave  it  to  him,  and  Weasel  put  it  over  his  head. 

Now  then  the  two  went  on ;  Weasel  went  behind,  Eagle 
went  on  alone.  Now,  Weasel  had  the  skin  of  Gayaba'- 
xEm over  his  head.  And  then  Weasel  made  a  noise : 
La/2l2.  Truly  Eagle  listened,  there  yonder  Weasel  was 
making  a  noise.  And  then  he  listened  and  (Weasel)  was 
making  a  noise  above.  And  again  Eagle  listened,  listened 
to  his  younger  brother.  And  then  Eagle  thought :  "  It 
is  not  well  that  my  poor  brother  be  a  person  (?)."  So 
then  he  exercised  his  supernatural  power  upon  his  younger 
brother.  Straightway  Weasel  fell  down  to  the  ground. 
Then  (Eagle)  loosened  the  (skin)  from  him,  and  then  Weasel 
was  spoken  to:  "You  are  not  fit  for  this,  Weasel;  this 
strong  Gayaba'xEm  is  something  different  (from  what  is 
fit  for  you)."  Then  he  loosened  it  from  him.  And  then 
Eagle  carried  that  same  skin  on  his  back. 

Now  then  he  and  his  younger  brother  went  on.  Then 
indeed  Weasel  thought:  "It  is  not  well  that  Eagle  took 
it  back  again  from  me.  Now  I  shall  kill  him."  And 


tckEm ;  ag'  aniuwa'gwa."  Aga  kxwo'pt  gayu'ya  wade'wa- 
de;  ia'xiba  gayu'fa-it.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatcu'gwiga  idiaga'- 
matcx  wade'wade;  gayu'ia-it  i'nadix  wfxat.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
idia'maq  gaqdi'lux  itclfnon.  Kfnua  ia'maq  gatci'lux; 
5  na'qxi  ia'maq  gatci'lux.  Gayu'ya  p!axla  itclfnon.  Aga 
wi'tla  gatctugwalEmam  idiaga'matcx  wade'wade.  Aga 
wixt!a  galigEmla'-itam.  Aga  wi'tla  idia'maq  gatcdi'lux  falxt ; 
wixt!a  k!axya  ia'maq  gatcilux.  Qexdau  gacxu'x  itclfnon 
k!ma  wade'wade.  Qe'dau  iqxa'nutck.1 

(Told  by  Pete  M'Guff). 

10  LgwE'nEmikc  fxo'uxikc  wika'q  Ixela'-itix  ksla'-ix  fxtpa 
wflx.  Aga  kxwo'pt  galfkim  ixgo'qEnkt :  "Aga  a'wimax 
ag'  ayamcgl^qtqa,  ank!ixnaxLa  qaxxb'  uxwoxqt  idE^xam. 
Qa'dac  cmaxnix  itci^'gomEnil  ayamcgatgwo'ma  gwE^Ema- 
bat  ilgwo'max;  cma'ni  k!axya  qxuxct  amcxiLuxwa^ida, 

15  lAga  qxa'tki  nigrxatx.'"  —  "A'-u,"  galgfuxwox. 

L!ark  gayuxya.     Y^ait,  gayagu'qxom  aq!exy6qt  daxu'ab 

itkarqul.     Kobax   gayuxpqax  •  xa^x  gaksfklslutkax-,   ielqdfx 

ga'n  ctu'xt.     Aga  kxwo'pt  gagiulxamx:    "Alax  ikla'ckac!2 

da'n  quct  miwa'lal?"  —  "Hi  inkfnaxt  qa'xb'  uxwo'qt  ids'l- 

20  xam/     -  aAx-u,"  gagiu'xwax,  "ya'xib'  uxwo'qt;"  gagixnfma- 

1  This  is  all  that  Louis  Simpson  knew  of  the  myth,  but  it  is  by  no  means  all 
of  it.  It  was  said  to  be  more  particularly  a  Clackamas  myth,  and  to  consist  of  a 
long  chain  of  incidents  located  in  the  Willamette  region.  It  corresponds  doubtless, 
in  a  general  way,  to  the  Kathlamet  "Myth  of  the  Mink"  (see  Boas,  Kathlamet 
Texts,  pp.  103 — 117),  the  mink  and  panther  of  that  myth  corresponding  to  the 
weasel  and  eagle  respectively  of  the  Wishram  version.  A  fragmentary  account  of 


then  Weasel  went  on ;  he  sat  down  far  away.  And  then 
Weasel  took  his  arrows  and  sat  down  across  from  the 
trail.  And  then  they  were  shot  at  Eagle.  In  vain  he 
tried  to  wound  him,  he  did  not  wound  him ;  Eagle  went 
on  unharmed.  Then  again  Weasel  went  to  fetch  his 
arrows  and  again  went  and  sat  down  close  to  him.  Now 
again  he  shot  at  his  elder  brother;  again  he  did  not 
wound  him.  Thus  did  Eagle  and  Weasel.  Thus  the 


The  five  East-Wind  brothers  were  dwelling  far  away  in 
a  certain  land.  And  then  the  oldest  one  said:  "Now, 
O  younger  brothers !  now  I  shall  leave  you,  I  shall  seek 
to  find  where  the  people  are  assembled  together.  Mind 
you,  if  I  am  alive,  I  shall  come  back  to  you  within  five 
days  ;  if  not,  truly  you  shall  think  to  yourselves,  'Now 
something  has  happened  to  him.'"  —  "Yes,"  they  said  to  him. 

He  started  out  on  his  journey.  He  goes  and  goes ; 
he  came  to  an  old  woman  whose  house  was  smoking. 
Therein  he  entered ;  she  turned  her  head  and  looked  at 
him ;  for  a  long  time  the  two  remain  silent.  And  then 
she  said  to  him:  "O  boy!3  What,  pray,  are  you  jour- 
neying for?"  —  "W7ell,  I  am  seeking  to  find  where  the 
people  are  assembled  together."  —  "Yes,"  she  said  to 
him,  "yonder  they  are  assembled  together;"  she  directed 

the  myth,  obtained  in  broken  English  from  another  informant,  contained  the  incident 
of  a  violent  rain  following  upon  the  divulging  by  Weasel  of  the  name  of  a  cer- 
tain place,  confided  to  him,  after  much  coaxing  on  his  part,  by  the  unwilling 
Eagle.  The  exact  correspondent  of  this  incident  is  to  be  found  in  the  Kathlamet 
myth  referred  to,  pp.  112,  113. 
2  In  surprise. 


xix  u'lpqtyamt  aga'lax.  "Qa'dac  ayamulxa'ma  k!a'ya 
qa'dag'  uxwo'qt;  sa'qu  ag'  idE'lxam  Ikdulxu'mt  ki'tuiwa'q- 
cumax  ko'uxikc,  Itcgu'qt  Igla'lam.  Cma'nix  yax'  imxiu'- 
xwan,  lAnu'mEqt'  aga,'  yaxa  mi'a.  Qa'dac  mxElqte't 
5  k!axy'  imigo'mEntf.  Aga  qxa'daga  dnu'1  ina'tkadix  dac- 
gu'pqt  idElxam.  Qfdau  iaf-im  iqxaxqut  di'ka*  —  "A'-u," 
gatcu'xwa,  "hi  da'xka  qa'daga  ndwa'lal." 

Tcxaxb    i6g6xit    gwE'nEmix;    k!ary'    idrmam  ilio'uxikcba. 

Ha'mokct  gali'kim :  "Ag'  aniunaxla'ma  ilxa'lxt.  QE'IIE- 
10  giska  yuk!waxlal6qt?  Palala'i  igf  uxwo'qt."  -  -  "A7-u," .  gat- 

gi'uxox  ilio'uxikc.     Yaxxt!a  daxukwa  gatdu'lxam  ilio'uxikc  : 

"  GwE'nEmaba'd    ilgwo'mEx    antklwa'lalaqwida."     Daxukwa 

yaxxt!a     gayaguxqx6m     aql^yoqt;     daxukw'     axa-ilukii^al. 

GwE'nEm'  ilgwo'mEx  yuklwalaloqt.  "QE'nEgiska!"  gali'- 
15  kim  ilalu'n,  apalalax-i  uxwo^t.  Narit!'  ag'  antcu^axlama." 

Yaxxt!a  daxukwa  yuklwa^aloqt ;  kxwo^a  quct  iarxt!a  yagu'- 

gomt  aqle'yoqt-,  da'ukwa  gixnfmanix. 

Ilalaxkt  gairkim  :    "Na^tlax  ag'anlu^axtama."    Da^ikwa 

gatciu'lxam   ila'-uxix :      "  Cma^i    gwE^nEmix  antguxya  quct 

20  k!axy'  Endrmamx."     Tcxaxp  tcxap  gwE'nEmix  ;  k!arya  marnix 

iki'ax.     Aga  kxwoxpt  galixE'lthwitck  ixkls^kax.     Gayi/ya 

ia'xtla;  ia^it;  lq!a'p  gatci'ux  isklulsyE. 

uAlax  ikla'ckac!  qxa'damt  mu'it?"  gali'kim  isklu'lsyE. 
"Hi  nki'naxl  qa'xb'  uxwo'qt."  -  -  "Ga'nuitca  Ikala3  Iklu'n 
pu  txa'ik'  atxu'ya.  Da'ukwa  na'ika  iqxa'qut  iniu'naxL."  — 

1  Aga  qxa'daga  dnu  is  difficult  to  translate  adequately;  qxa'daga  ("for  nothing, 
of  no  consequence")  here  implies  the  matter-of-courseness,  as  it 'were,  of  the  de- 
struction of  the  people:  "they  just  go  right  in,  and  are  destroyed  without  further  ado." 


him  towards  the  setting  sun.  "I  shall  just  tell  you  that 
they  are  not  assembled  together  for  nothing.  Now,  the 
Thunder  brothers  have  consumed  all  the  people,  they  are 
singing  their  supernatural  dance-song.  If  indeed  you 
think  to  yourself,  'Now  I  am  going  to  die/  then  go !  You 
will  just  find  out  that  you  are  no  longer  alive.  Now, 
surely  indeed1  the  people  go  in  one  way.3  Such  alone  is 
the  assemblage  here."  —  "Yes,"  he  said  to  her,  "just  for 
that  indeed  am  I  journeying." 

He  camped  over  night  five  times ;  he  did  not  come 
home  to  his  brothers.  The  second  (brother)  said  :  "  Now 
I  shall  go  and  look  for  our  elder  brother.  How  is  it 
that  he  is  absent?  Perhaps  many  people  have  assembled 
together."  —  "Yes,"  said  his  younger  brothers  to  him.  He 
too  said  thus  to  his  younger  brothers :  "  I  shall  be  away 
from  home  for  about  five  days."  He  too,  just  as  before, 
came  to  the  old  woman  •  just  as  before  she  tells  him  about 
the  assemblage.  He  is  away  from  home  five  days.  "How 
is  it!"  said  the  third;  "they  are  assembled  in  great  num- 
bers. Now  I  for  my  part  shall  go  and  look  for  the  two." 
He  too,  just  as  before,  was  absent ;  truly  he  too  comes 
there  to  the  old  woman;  just  as  before  she  directs  him. 

The  fourth  said :  "  I  for  my  part  shall  go  now  and 
look  for  them."  Just  as  before  he  said  to  his  younger 
brother:  "If  I  shall  have  camped  over  night  five  times, 
then  I  shall  not  come  home."  Five  nights  passed;  he 
does  not  appear.  And  then  the  youngest  got  ready. 
He  too  went ;  he  goes  and  goes  (until)  he  met  Coyote. 

"O  boy!  whither  are  you  going?"  said  Coyote.     "Well,  I 
am  seeking  to  find  where  they  are  assembled  together." 
"  Well,    friend !    we    two    might  very  well  go  together.     I 

2  That  is,  they  do  not  return. 

3  The  use  of  Ika'la  (cf.  masc.  ika'la,  "man")  as  "friend"  is  said  to  be  a  Wishram 
colloquialism,  not  recognized  in  other  Upper  Chinook  dialects. 


"QE'nEgi  dnu  ma'ika  iaxa  qwa'tk'  atxu'ya."  Aga  kxwo'pt 
gactu'ya;  cta^it  i'xtpa  kEla'-ix  wi'xat ;  ctugogo'mt  idE'lxam. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  gatctuxwfmtck  idE'lxam  isk!u'lEyE  higma'  ngi. 
A'-i  gaqcu'x.  Gahccka'm  wa'2pul.  Gaqcu'lk ;  iaxa'la 
5  da'kdak  isklu'lEyE  nu'it  kla'ya  dan  idiakli'tit. 

Ka'dux   wixt!a   gactu'ix ;  gactu'yamx  fxtpo  wi7t!a  wHx ; 
adex2    qucti'axa    dnu    da'uy'    uxwo'qt.     Gaqiu'lxam   isk!ux- 
lEyE:      "QE'nEgi  mxlu'xwan  da'n  EnEgi  qExnEg'  atxi^gwa?" 
-  aAx-u  hi  daxnEgi  itcq!waxlacEp  Ika7la  qxadaxtci  saxqu  am- 
10  xEmgftga."    Gacktuxwi'mtck  idE'lxam :     "Ca'n  antktaxya?ni 
Ga'n   galuxxwax    ialqdfx ;  gaqlgE'lga  ilgoa'h'lx  qxa'tg'  ila- 
k!axits   tfadu'mt   qucti'ax'  ikna'an.     Gacktaxx  laq !     Gacta- 
xix;  ya72ima  isk!uxlEyE;  gacdilda^coxwix  iaq!ixxpa; 
xix ;    ia^im'    isklt^kyE ;    kl^y*    ikna7an    gaqi- 
15  gElgElx,  dagapgaxb   ilg^ninua ;   quctiraxa  kxwo^a  tciVat. 
Gal^gwakim  idE^xam  :      "Quct  ilxulgu'xwit." 

Lamo'kct  gactilda'tcuxwix ;  ctigElga^ulxix ;  wi'tla  da^u- 
kwa  iax-im'  isk!ulEyE.  Halu'n  wi't!a  iaMma.  Hala'kt  wi't!a 
da'-ukwa.  LagwErnEma  gacdilda^cuxwix ;  gacdigElga^ul- 
20  xix;  ag'  ama'kctikc  gaqa'g-ElgElx.  Aga  kxwo'pt  tsl^m 
nu'xwax  idE'lxam;  tqa'uadikc  galu'gwagimx  "Isklu'lsyE," 
tqa'uadikc  galugwagi'mx  "KJa'ya!  kna'an."  Aga  cxda't 
dagapga'b  tfge'ninua;  gactawiga'pgEmx  idE'lxam.  Kxwo'ba 
gaqixdaxkwax  isklu'hyE;  act  gacdulxu'xwitx. 

25       T!u  kla'ya  daxn  aga  wixt!a  gactux-ix  k!un'  ixxt  wflxam. 

1  Literally,  "Who  we  two  shall  run?" 


also  am  seeking  to  find  the  assemblage."  -  "Just  as  you 
like !  Let  us  then  go  together."  And  then  they  two  went. 
They  go  and  go  on  a  certain  trail  far  away •,  they  come 
to  people.  And  then  Coyote  challenged  the  people  (to 
play)  at  gambling-bones.  They  agreed  (to  gamble  with) 
the  two.  They  gambled  all  night  long.  The  two  were 
beaten ;  his  friend  was  deprived  of  everything,  Coyote  now 
had  no  clothes  at  all. 

Next  morning  the  two  went  on  again ;  again  they  ar- 
rived in  a  certain  land.  Behold !  truly  indeed  (people) 
were  assembled  together  (at)  this  (place).  Coyote  was 
spoken  to:  "How  think  you,  with  what  shall  we  two 
join  in  (in  this  assemblage)?"-  -  "Oh,  well!  I  am  somewhat 
of  a  fast  runner,  friend,  so  that  you  will  bet  everything." 
They  two  challenged  the  people:  "Who  will  run  with 
me?"1  For  a  long  time  the  (people)  were  silent.  Acer- 
tain  person  was  taken,  rather  small  and  tall,  in  truth, 
Magpie.  He  and  (Coyote)  ran  there  and  back.  Both 
started  out  to  run  fast ;  Coyote  alone  (was  seen).  They  two 
ran  down  into  a  hollow ;  they  ran  up  from  out  of  it.  Coyote 
alone  (was  seen) ;  Magpie  was  not  seen,  (only)  a  cloud 
of  dust  (was  seen) ;  there  truly  he  was  following  upon  him. 
The  people  said:  "It  seems  that  we  have  been  beaten." 

The  two  ran  down  into  a  second  (hollow) ;  they  run 
up  out  of  it.  Again,  as  before,  Coyote  alone  (was  seen). 
The  third  time  again  he  was  alone.  The  fourth  time  again 
as  before.  The  fifth  time  the  two  ran  down  into  a  (hol- 
low) ;  they  ran  up  out  of  it ;  now  both  of  them  were 
seen.  And  then  the  people  got  to  disputing ;  some  of  them 
said  "Coyote,"  some  said  "No!  Magpie."  Now  the  two 
are  coming  in  a  cloud  of  dust;  they  ran  into  the  people. 
There  Coyote  was  passed  by ;  he  and  (his  friend)  lost. 

Having  absolutely  nothing,  the  two  now  went  on  to  a 
certain  other  village.  "Well,"  said  Coyote,  "I  shall  try 


"Hi,"  galigi'mx  isk!uxlEyE,  awo'wotk!'  a'nxuxwa,  ihi'gum* 
anxcgaxma."  Aga  kxwoxpt  galigimx  wikxaxq:  "K!ma 
dansk'  axg'  alitxmuxtka  ?"  -  -  uK!axya  *kaxla,"  gatciu'lxamx, 
tfaxlEma  itp!ax-isk'  6qdEnluxda.wl  Quctiaxxa  yaxxdau  atc- 
5  tuxxw'2  itp!ax-iskwa  iku'mamax  idiaklwa'xa,  qa'ua  daptsa7- 
xEmax,  qa'ua  daga'cEmax,  qa'ua  datbE'lEmax  gatcu'xwa. 
Q!waxLk  gatctu'x  idakli'nuLmax  itpla'-iskwa.  GatcLlu'la- 
mitx;3  xa'bixix  k!axya  tlama'-oac  Iktu'xt.  Palala'i  gac- 
xmu'tkax  itp!ax-iskwa ;  gacgrtkwax. 

10  Ka'dux  Lla'k  gacdugi'daqlqax  idE'lxam.  Gactu'-ix  •  fxt 
wflxam  cta'it.  Aga  kxwo'pt  isklu'lEyE  gali'kim :  "  Hi 
axga  narit!a  ba^  anxurxwa ;  iwaxd  anuxy'  atpxia^t  aga^ax." 
"A'-u,"  gatci'ux,  "naxit!a  aga  dnj  4  iwaxd  nu'it  u'lpqtyamd 
aga'fax."  Kxwoba7  ba^x  gacxlu^. 

15       Ya/2id     wikxaxq ;     gatco^ikEl    idakla^ts     ixtquK 
Kxwoba7  gayuxpgax ;  ar2xt  aq!e7y6qt.    Gagiu^xamx  : 
quct  miwa^al  ikla^kac?" —  "Hi  qadaxga  ngucgKwal,  i 
ni'unaxl."     Gagiuxlxam :     "la^ima-ix   iaxta7ba  kxw6xba  wa- 
tcExlx   kxwob'    6gwala/lam    kEnEwaxqcumax   Ix6xuxikc."    — 

20  "Daxxka  ndwaxlal,"  galixkim.     Llaxk  gayaxy'  iwaxtga. 

Gayuxpqax  watcExlxba;  axga  tcu^ictix.  GayulaMtx  tc!axm- 
dix;  gatssuk!wixtkax  uxwolux-imax  idExlxam,  Ipal  lpaxl  itaxlq, 
soxu  sou  sou  sou  sou  uxwip!axlawulal.  Lixaxt  gafgiugum- 
tcxuxga :  "  Daxn  quct  qExnEgi  miwaxlal  ?"  —  "  Ax-i  nxEltcEx- 
25  mElit  ugwalaxlam  dixka  uxw6xqt."  -  -  "  Ax-u,"  galixkim  ixaxt, 
adaxuyax  yax  iglaxlam ;"  gaqexlqd'  ixaxt.  "He  laxlaxx 

1  Itp!a'-isk'  oqdEnlu'da  is  equivalent  to  itp'.a'-iskw(a)  aqdEnlu'da. 

2  Literally,  "Come-to-find-out  that-one  he-will-make-them." 


again ;  I  shall  gamble  bones."  And  then  the  East-Wind 
said  :  "But  what,  pray,  are  we  going  to  bet  with?"  -  "No, 
friend,"  he  said  to  him,  "I  shall  be  given  blankets."  As 
it  turned  out,  that  (Coyote)  made  the  blankets  out  of 
the  leaves  of  cottonwood-trees,  some  greenish,  some 
yellowish,  some  reddish  he  made ;  he  patched  together 
blankets  with  colored  decorations.  He  deceived  them  in 
regard  to  the  (blankets);  since  it  was  dark,  they  did  not 
see  them  clearly.  Many  blankets  did  the  two  stake ; 
they  won. 

Next  morning  they  started  off  and  left  the  people  be- 
hind. They  went  on  ;  they  go  and  go  (up  to)  a  certain 
village.  And  then  Coyote  said:  "Well,  now  I  for  my 
part  shall  depart ;  yonder  I  shall  go  towards  the  rising 
sim."  -  "Yes,"  he  said  to  him,  "and  I  for  my  part,  indeed, 
am  going  yonder  towards  the  setting  sun,"  There  they 
parted  from  each  other. 

The  East-Wind  goes  and  goes ;  he  saw  a  small  house 
smoking.  Therein  he  entered ;  an  old  woman  was  sitting 
(there).  She  said  to.  him  :  "What,  pray,  are  you,  boy, 
journeying  for?"  -  "Well,  I  am  going  about  without  par- 
ticular purpose,  I  am  seeking  to  find  the  assemblage." 
She  said  to  him :  "  All  by  itself  in  that  place,  there 
is  an  underground  lodge,  there  the  Thunder  brothers  are 
singing."  —  "To  them  I  am  journeying,"  he  said.  He 
started  off  and  went  in  that  direction. 
:  He  entered  the  underground  lodge;  it  was  evening 
now.  He  sat  down  close  to  the  wall ;  he  looked  at  the 
strange-looking  people  with  bodies  all  reddish  ;  they  were 
talking  to  one  another  in  whispers.  One  of  them  asked 
him:  "What,  pray,  are  you  journeying  for?" —  "Indeed,  I 
hear  that  they  are  singing  here,  that  they  are  assembled 

3  GatcLlu'lamitx  is  equivalent  to  gatctHu'lamitx. 

4  Dn'  is  equivalent  to  dnu,   "indeed." 


tcmuxt;  da'uyax  yax  ixa'd  igla'lam."  la'xtia  gali'kim  : 
"Kla'ya!  dau'yax  yax  igla'lam."  Kxwopt  qfdau  galxEn- 

Gatctu'lxamx  :     "Kw&'lt  kult  mcgla'lamtck."     Aga  ga'n 

5  iatqdi'x  bdlaMtix.    WaV  gayutxui'tx  ixa't  :    "AM  'kla'ckac 

aga  qwo'tk'  angla^ama."     Galigla^amtck  ixuqxu7nkt  ;  gwEr- 

nEm'     idla'lamax    gatctu'x.      LogwE'nEmaba    gatctu'x    da- 

tcE'x-h    nu'it    watcE'lx.     GayulaMtx.     Gayutxui't  lamokct; 

gali'gimx:     "Qwotka"    yaxa  na^t!'  angla'lama."     Galigla'- 

10  lamtck;  na'wid  datcE'x-h  alatcE^x.    LagwE'nEma  gatctu'x  ; 

anu'it  xu^b  itcqaxlit;  plala/  galixu^wox. 

gayu'txuit.  Galigla^amtck  ;  mank  cpark 
LogwE'nEma  gatctu'x  ;  anu'it  xurp  xu'p  xu'p  xuxp  gatcil- 
ga'lgulitu'mtckix.  Qaxn  gali'xwox  ;  sgitli'q  kla'ya  galu- 
15  xwa'xax  itxMli't.  GalsxElu'tkax  ;  ya/2xt  kxwo'ba.  Qatgi 
sa'u  sa'u  saxu  galxElpIa'lawulalEmtck  :  "Qxu'ct  ya'xa 
Ixlu'-idEt  dau'lax  ilgoalilx  Iga'tqwom  luwa'n  qa'xba  bama." 
Gatdu'lxam  :  a  Ska  kult  ku'lt  Emcxdla'lamtck  ;  qatgi  qi- 
kEla'ix  gamcxdlala'mnintck  ;  daLla'  galxi'dlalit." 

20  WaV  gayu'txuitx  itala'kt.  Galiglalamtck ;  na'wid  aga 
gatcilga'lgulitu'mtckix.  LagvvE'nEma  gatctu'x  ;  sa'qu  watu'l 
gala'xux  ala'tcElx.  Ga'n  gali'xox.  Galxfla-it  ialqdl^x; 
daiJa'c  gala'xux  wa'tul.  Galsxlu'tkax ;  ya'axt  ikla'ckac. 
Wi'tla  sa'u  sa'u  sa'u  galxElpIa'lawulalEmtck.  Gatclul- 

25  xamx:  aKwa'lt  kslt  i'ax'  aga  tcic  i'nxux ;  qekElaMx  daLla' 

1  Wa'x    has  reference  properly  to  the  burning  of  fire,  with  which  the  Thunder 
brothers   are    associated.     He  rises  slowly   to    his   song   like   a  fire   starting    in  to 


together."  "Yes,"  said  one,  "this  one  here  sings;"  a 

certain  one  was  pointed  to.  "Well,  he  is  lying  to  you-, 
this  one  here  sings."  That  one  too  said:  "No!  thi$  one 
here  sings."  And  thus  they  kept  putting  it  off  on  one  another. 

He  said  to  them:  "Hurry  up  and  sing!"  Now  for  a 
long  time  they  sit  silent.  One  of  them  stood  up  slowly,1 
(saying):  "Yes,  boy,  now  indeed  I  shall  sing."  The 
eldest  sang ;  five  songs  he  sang.  When  he  sang  the  fifth 
song,  straightway  the  underground  lodge  became  nice  and 
warm.  He  sat  down.  The  second  one  stood  up ;  he 
said  :  "Now,  indeed,  I  also  shall  sing."  He  sang  ;  straight- 
way their  underground  lodge  warmed  up.  He  sang  the 
fifth  song ;  immediately  steam  streamed  up  •,  he  ceased. 

The  third  one  stood  up.  He  sang ;  it  got  to  be  rather 
hot.  He  sang  the  fifth  song ;  immediately  it  got  to  be 
burning  here  and  there,  smoke  streaming  up  in  different 
places.  He  became  silent;  after  a  little  while  the  smoke 
disappeared.  They  looked  ;  he  is  still  sitting  there.  They 
talked  to  one  another,  somewhat  like  whispering:  "It 
seems,  indeed,  that  this  person  is  different  (from  those  that 
came  before) ;  he  has  come  I  don't  know  where  from." 
He  said  to  them:  "Why,  hurry  up!  start  in  singing! 
(One  feels)  rather  comfortable  (when)  you  keep  singing ; 
we  were  all  sitting  around  nice  and  warm." 

Quickly3  the  fourth  one  arose.  He  sang;  straightway 
now  it  began  to  burn  here  and  there.  He  sang  the  fifth 
song;  their  underground  lodge  was  all  fire.  He  became 
silent.  They  sat  for  a  long  time ;  the  fire  died  away. 
They  looked ;  the  boy  is  still  sitting.  Again  they  talked 
to  one  another  in  whispers.  He  said  to  them:  "Hurry 
up  !  now,  indeed,  I  have  become  cold  ;  (it  was)  comfortably 
warm  (when)  you  were  singing." 

burn.     It  is  not  probable  that  the  literal  meaning  of  wax  is  here  lost  sight  of. 
2  Here  wa'x  denotes  the  opposite  of  "slowly  rising,"  because  of  the  short  vowel. 

9 — PUBL.    AMER.    ETHN.    SOC.    VOL.    II. 


Gayutxwft  ixk!Exskax  *agWExnEma-,  aic  galiklaxtgEmx  ; 
watirt  gala-igF/lbax  yoxkucxat.  Galigla'lamtck,  galiglax- 
lamtck,  galiglaxlamtck.  LagwExnEma  gatctu'x  ;  saxqu  watul 
gaxlaxux.  Qaxn  gali'xux.  Gigax  gatcaxlgalq  -,  gafogumla'- 
5  itx  ialqdlr2x;  daLla'c  galaxu'xwax.  GalsiklElu'tkax;  ya72xt 
kxwo'ba.  Galki'm:  "Da'nEgi  hdu'-idEt  ilgoa'iilx  -,"  sa'u 
sau  JxElpIa'lawulal.  Gatch/lxam  :  "Kwa'lt  kult  ia'xa 
mcxdlalamtck."  Galki'm  :  "Aga  kxwo'pt  incglalamtck." 

"A'-u,"    gatclu'x,    "na'itlax    angla'ma."      A'-i    galgi'ux. 

10  Gayutxiii'tx  ;  na'wid  datcfc-h  wika'q.  Galgi'm  :  "Atq' 
antcuba'-iwa."  -  -  "K!a'ya!"  gatciulxam,  abird  imcxfla-id." 
Gayu'txuit  aqa'buditba.  Lamo'kct  gatctu'x  idla'lamax  ; 
cpa'g  wika'q  gayu'yix  watcE'lxba.  lLahi'n  gatctu'x  ;  mank 
cpa'k  gayu'yix.  lLala'kt  gatctu'x  ;  aga  kla/ya  pia'la  gal- 

15  xila-it.  Aga  gatxLlVananEmtck  ;  anui'd  ika'ba  galixux- 
xwax,  itanali/quliqu  gayugwanxa'xitx.  LogwE'nEma  gatctu'x 
idiaxlalamax  ;  saxqu  ika7ba  daq!apq!a7p  gal^xox.  Kxwoba/ 
gatclflbo  kEnEwo^cumax  Ixou^xikc. 

Qatgiaxa^ax     dadakdark    gatcuxxwa    watcExlx     ixk!Exs- 

20  kax  -,     galixxpa.      Quxctiaxa     qexdau     lktudixnax    idExlxam  •, 

hi'yamEnil    lagixtk!i    kxwoba/xtaba l    qlolax-imalit ;  kxwobax 

tclElgaxlElq ;     kxwobax     liexlExtikc     Max-it.       Gatcuxgwigax 

ilaq!uxtcu ;    k!ux   gatctuxxwax ;    gayugwak!axlakwax  gwExnE- 

mix ;  saxqu  gatclElxadaxyugwa  yaxxt'  ilalgwixlit.     Pu  yaxxtau 

25  saxqu  gatdudixna  kaxnEmgwExnEma  kEnEwoxqcumax  daxuya 

wixgwa  pu  k!axya  kEnEwoxqcumax.     K!anik!anix2.     KVdux 

alEm'    agaxiax    alaxuxxwa    yaxtadixwi    galixxux    galxoxqbEt 

kEnEwo'qcumax  kxwoxdau  ikxaxq. 

1  Kxwoba'xtaba  is  equivalent  to  kxwoba'  ya'xtaba. 

The  fifth  and  youngest  arose.  He  just  took  a  breath, 
and  fire  darted  out  of  his  mouth.  He  sang,  he  sang,  he 
sang.  He  sang  the  fifth  song-  everything  became  afire. 
He  became  silent.  It  burned  continually,  they  sat  by  the 
(fire)  for  a  long  time ;  it  died  out.  They  looked  at  him  •, 
he  is  still  sitting  there.  They  said:  "The  person  is  some- 
thing different ;"  they  were  talking  to  one  another  in 
whispers.  He  said  to  them  :  "  Hurry  up  !  start  in  singing 
now!"  They  said:  "We  have  sung  enough." 

uYes,"  he  said  to  them,  "I  too  shall  sing."  They  con- 
sented to  what  he  said.  He  arose ;  straightway  an  east 
wind  (blew)  nice  and  cool.  They  said  :  "We  shall  each 
of  us  go  out  for  a  short  while."  -  "No  !"  he  said  to  them, 
"sit  quiet."  He  stood  at  the  door.  He  sang  the  second 
song ;  an  east  wind  blew  strongly  in  the  underground 
lodge.  He  sang  the  third  (song) ;  it  blew  stronger.  He 
sang  the  fourth  (song) ;  now  they  did  not  remain  quietly 
seated.  Now  they  started  to  shift  in  their  seats ;  straight- 
way ice  formed  and  icicles  projected.  He  sang  his  fifth 
song ;  everything  became  congealed  into  ice.  There  the 
Thunder  brothers  froze. 

Somehow  or  other  the  youngest  broke  through  the  un- 
derground lodge ;  he  escaped  from  him.  Truly  thus  they 
used  to  kill  people ;  (whenever)  onlookers  arrived,  they 
used  to  seat  them  there  in  that  place ;  there  they  always 
burned ;  there  his  elder  brothers  had  died.  He  took  their 
bones  and  heaped  them  together ;  he  stepped  over  them 
five  times ;  they  all  came  back  to  life  in  their  proper 
likeness.  If  he  had  killed  all  five  of  the  Thunder  (broth- 
ers), there  would  be  no  thunder  to-day.  Story  story. 
May  the  weather  to-morrow  be  as  it  was  when  the  Thun- 
der (brothers)  and  the  East-Wind  came  together. 



Gatcu'cgam  itcli'non  isklu'lEyE  aya'xan.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
gactu'ia-it  tslu'nus  ie'lqdix'.  Aga  kxwo'pt  itca'wanb'  \\- 
kla'ckac  gafa'lla-it.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gaklu'xtum  ilkla'ckac 
ilka'la  ia'xan  itcli'non.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gali'xqlo'  itcli'non. 
5  A'xt  itq^i'b'  aya'gikal  itcli'non.  Aga  kxwo'pt  galaxlu'- 
xwa-it:  "Ag1  anxk!waxy'  ag'  anigElda'qlqa  itclfnon."  Aga 
kxwo'pt  gala'kt'  agagilak.  Nakta72.  Kxwopt  qw67L 
gaklu'x  ilkla'ckac  wi'xatba  itclfnon  ilia'xan.  Na'kta  na72- 
wit;  nakta'-a-itam  idio'qlba  isklu'lEyE  aya'xan. 

10  Aga  kxwo'pt  yaxxta  itclfnon  gayu'yam  itcto'qlba ;  kla'y* 
agagi'lak.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gali'kta  wixatba'  itdfnon ;  gatcu/J 
agagi'lak  aya'gikal ;  ni'kta  wixatba^.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatc- 
IgE'lkEl,1  qu'L  iki'xax  wi'xatpa  ya'xan  itcli'non;  aya'xan 
isklu'lEyE  qu'L  gagi'ux  itca'xan.  Aga  kxwo'pt  Iga'p  ga- 

15  tcigE'lga;  da'k  gatci'ux.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatci'ukl  ikla'ckac 
ya'xan  itqulia'mt.  Aga  kxwo'pt  nEgu'  gatci'ux.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  gayu'mt  ikla'ckac;  gali'xox  idialxe'wulx ;  yaga'il 
ika'la  gali'xux. 

Yaxa    ga'x   isklu'lEyE    aya'xan  galu'ya.     Na'wit  wa'limx 

20   gala'xux.     GaklgE'lg'  itka'la  itclinon  a'gikal;  ya'xliu  ika'la 

itcIo'ligEn  gatcu'cgam.      Aga  kxwo'pt  gatcu'lxam  isklu'lEyE 

aya'xan  :     tt  Qfi'nEgiska   qxa'tgi  muduksa'x  a'ca,  na'qxi  tci 

kxwob'    itmi'xan    nimlgi'taqlq  ?"     Aga  kxwo'pt  gagiu'lxam 

wi'tcam  :      "Palala"   imikla'mEla  isklu'lEyE;  da'nbama  qxe'- 

25  dau    mxu'lal?     Cma'nix  p'  ilkxa'n  pu   na'qxi  ninlgi'taqlq." 

Aga   kxwo'pt   gali'xux    idiaxEmatla'iutck  isklu'lEyE  ya'qcix 

aya'xan    itca'gikal.      Aga    kxwo'pt    gayugwida'lEqlqxEmct 

sa'2qu  idE'lxam;  idiaxEmatla'iutck  yaqlwa'lasup  gali'xux. 

1  This    should    be    gatci^E'lkEl ;    probably    the  narrator  had  the  word  iik'.a'ckac 
("child")  in  mind. 



Eagle  married  Coyote's  daughter.  And  then  they  two 
dwelt  for  some  time.  And  then  a  child  was  seated  in 
her  womb  and  she  gave  birth  to  a  male  child,  Eagle's 
son.  Now  then  Eagle  went  out  hunting.  Eagle's  wife 
is  sitting  in  the  house.  And  then  she  thought  to  herself: 
"Now  I  will  return  homewards  and  leave  Eagle  behind." 
So  then  the  woman  ran  away.  She  ran  and  ran.  Then 
she  hung  the  child,  Eagle's  child,  up  along  the  trail. 
Straightway  she  ran  on,  ran  until  she  arrived  at  Coyote's 
house,  (she  being)  his  daughter. 

And  then  that  one,  Eagle,  arrived  in  his  and  (his 
wife's)  house.  The  woman  had  disappeared.  And  then 
Eagle  ran  along  the  trail ;  he  followed  the  woman,  his 
wife ;  he  ran  along  the  trail.  And  then  he  saw  the  (child) ; 
Eagle's  son  is  hanging  up  along  the  trail ;  Coyote's  daugh- 
ter had  hung  up  her  son.  Now  then  he  slowly  took  hold 
of  him  and  released  him.  And  then  he  took  the  boy, 
his  son,  with  him  to  the  house.  And  then  he  kept  him 
to  himself.  Now  then  the  boy  grew  up  and  became  strong, 
a  big  man  he  became. 

Now  she,  Coyote's  daughter,  had  gone  on.  Soon  she 
became  a  married  woman.  Eagle's  wife  took  a  husband ; 
the  man  (who)  married  her  was  named  Fish-Hawk.  Now 
then  Coyote  said  to  his  daughter :  "  How  is  it,  daughter, 
that  you  are  somewhat  sucked?  Did  you  not  leave  be- 
hind your  child  there  ?"  And  then  she  said  to  her  father : 
"  You  are  very  wicked,  Coyote ;  wherefore  do  you  speak 
thus  ?  If  I  had  had  a  child,  I  should  not  have  abandoned 
him."  Now  then  Coyote's  son-in-law,  his  daughter's  hus- 
band, became  a  racer,  and  always  left  behind  (in  running) 
all  the  people-  a  racer,  a  fast  runner,  he  became. 


Aga  gali'xux  itcli'non  ia'xan  iaga'if  ika'la.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
gali'kim  yake'xtau  itcli'non  ia'xan  :  "Ag'  alxu'ya  Ixa'itlikc 
algiukcta'ma  isklu'lsyE  ya'qcix."  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatgi" 
idE'lxam  dati'fx  gatctu'kl  itclfnon  ia'xan.  Aga  gahi'yam 
5  qa'xb'  isklulEyE  yuxxt.  GadixLa'gwa  wflxam,  gaduxwa'- 
Lagwa  itq^i'max.  Gaqi'ukl  ila'lik  idiaxEmat!axiutck.  Twi 
galu'xwax  idElxam.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatcu'lxam  isklu'lsyE 
aya'xan:  "Qs'nEgisk'  aca  la'xi'  itkala  ilcta'mx11  a*qidixwi 
ma'ika  imngwilit?"  Kxwopt  gagiulxam  aya'xan  :  "  Kxwo'pt 
10  aga,  gaxn  mxux!  QExnEgi  qe'dau  mxu'lal  naxik'  ilkxa'n 
la'xia  ilcta'mx11?"  Aga  kxwo'pt  pla'la  galu'xwax  idE'lxam ; 
aga  gatkqu'i.  KVdux-  alEma  ackta'y'  acxumtla'iwitcgwa 
isklu'lEyE  ya'qcix*  ila'lik. 

Aga  kxwo'pt  gayutcu'ktix-.      Galu'gwakim:       "Aga  ac- 
15   kta'ya    acxumtla'iwitcgwa    isklu'kyE    ya'qcix-  k!ma  ila'lik. " 
f  isklulsyE  gali'kim  (loud  and  beating  his  hips): 

"Sa-paY  wi-le'-luk  wi-     le'-luk     sa'-pa  wi-     le'-luk  wi-le'-luk!" 

Aga  kxwo'pt  gackt'  a'ga  isklu'lsyE  ia'qcix  k!m'  ag'  ila'lik. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  gactugwl'Lti.     Aga  kxwo'pt  L!EP  L!E'P  gali'- 

20  xux  itc!o'ligEn.  Kinua'  gali'kta;  dapo'm  gayu'kktcu ; 
SE'X  gatci'ux  itcli'non.  Gayugita'qlq  ila'lik.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
galugwaki'lk  itcli'non  idia'lxam. 

Adati'lx   idE'lxam    gatctu'klam    itc!i'non.     Aga    kxwo'pt 
gatkqxu'i     itcli'non    idia'lxam.       KVdux*.      Aga    kxwo'pt 

25  galuxwaklwa'yu.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatctu'lxam  itcli'non  idia'l- 
xam :  uSa'qu  Lqlup  Lqlu'p  amtktu'xwa  aga'matcx  k!ma 
ala'xit  da'ua  wa'pul  •,  —  igu'liu  amdu'xwa  Lq!up  Lqlu'p,  da'u- 

Sapa-   or  Sipa-    is    sometimes   used   as  a  "high-sounding,"  apparently  titular, 
prefix   to  the   names   of    mythological  characters.     Compare  the  names  of  Coyote's 


Now  Eagle's  son  became  a  full-grown  man.  And  then 
the  same,  Eagle's  son,  said :  "  Now  let  us  go,  let  us 
also  go  and  look  at  Coyote's  son-in-law."  So  then  the 
people  went  (whom)  Eagle's  son  took  along  with  him  in 
great  numbers.  Now  they  arrived  where  Coyote  was 
dwelling.  They  marched  around  the  village,  passed  the 
houses.  Jack  Rabbit,  a  racer,  had  been  taken  along. 
The  people  looked  about  slowly.  And  then  Coyote  said 
to  his  daughter :  "  How  is  it,  daughter,  that  yon  man 
looking  like  a  chief  resembles  you?"  Then  his  daughter 
said  to  him:  "Enough  now,  be  quiet!  How  can  you 
say  thus,  that  yon  chief  is  my  son?"  And  then  the  people 
stopped  (marching)  and  camped  for  the  night.  Next 
morning  Coyote's  son-in-law  and  Jack  Rabbit  are  to  run, 
are  to  race  against  each  other. 

And  then  daylight  came.  The  people  said :  "  Now 
the  two  of  them,  Coyote's  son-in-law  and  Jack  Rabbit, 
are  to  run,  are  to  race  against  each  other."  And  Coyote 
said:  "Sir1  Jack  Rabbit,  Jack  Rabbit!  Sir  Jack  Rabbit, 
Jack  Rabbit!"  Now  then  the  two  ran,  Coyote's  son-in- 
law  and  Jack  Rabbit.  And  then  it  rained  and  Fish-Hawk 
became  wetted  through.  He  tried  to  run,  but  in  vain ; 
he  fell  right  down,  (for)  Eagle  exercised  his  supernatural 
power  upon  him.  Jack  Rabbit  left  him  far  behind.  So 
then  Eagle's  people  won  out. 

Many  were  the  people  that  Eagle  had  brought  with 
him.  And  then  Eagle's  people  camped  over  night.  It 
was  morning.  And  then  they  all  started  to  go  home,  and 
Eagle  said  to  his  people:  "You  shall  cut  to  pieces  all 
(their)  arrows  and  bows  to-night.  - -You,  Mouse,  will  cut 
them  to  pieces  ;  -  -  you  too  likewise,  Rat,  will  cut  the  arrows 

four  sons,  p.  66.     It  is  noteworthy  that  Jack  Rabbit's  name  is  here  provided  with 
the  archaic  wi-pronominal  prefix,  instead  of  the  ordinary  i-. 


kwa   ma'itlax    ala'kss   Lqlu'p    Lq!up    amdu'xwa  itga'matcx 
aLa'xit."     Qe'dau  gatccu'lxam  itcli'non. 

Aga   kxwo'pt  xa'p  gali'xoxwix.     Aga  kxwo'pt  gatciu'l- 

xam  igu'liu  :      "Aga  ckcta'm  isklu'lEyE  ia'qcix-  k!ma  aya'xan 

5  qa'xba  gacxu'qclit."    Aga  kxwo'pt  gali'kt'  igu'liu  ;  gatccukc- 

tam ;    a'ga    gatccgExlkEl.      NaVit    gali'kta ;    wi'tlax    galix- 

da'gwa;    na'wit   itc.Tnonba    nikta'-a-itam.      "Ag'  incgE'lksl 

ya'xiba    cto'qiu."     Ya'xk'  itdfnon  gali'kim :      "Ag'  antcu- 

wo'gwa  na'ika."     Aga  kxwo'pt  gayu'ya.     Na'wit  gayu'ya ; 

10  galicgo'qxom. 

Aga  kxwo'pt  gatcigE'lga ;  e'wi  gatci'ux  iaqxa'qctaq. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  Lq!6'p  gatci'ux  ia'tuk,  daLqio'p  na'wit.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  gatcagE'lg'  a'xtlax  wa'yaq ;  I'wi  gatcu'xwa  itca- 
qxa'qctaq.  Aga  kxwo'pt  Lqlo'p  gatci'ux  itca'tuk  daLqio'p 

15  na'wit.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatcu'lxam  itcli'non  :  "Ma'ika  yakia'- 
mEla-ix-  gamE'ntxa  ;  kxwo'b'  ia'muwaq.  GamE'niAik  nkla'c- 
kac.  Aga  kxwo'pt  qxwo'L  gams'ntxa  wi-ixa'tba.  Na'cqxi 
gamEngEmatxa'ulutkwaitck.  Kxwo'ba  wi'-ixatba  gamEn- 
La'da.  Palala"  imik!a'mEla.w  Aga  gatccuwo'q.  Aga 

20  kxwo'pt  gatcuxiga'mit  itctaqxa'qctagokc ;  gatccxi'ma;  ga- 
tcck!i'tkiq ;  aga  cta'umEqt. 

Aga  kxwo'pt  kVdux  galuxwi'txwitck  ag'  aluxwoklwa'- 
yuwa  itcli'non  idia'lxam.  Aga  kxwo'pt  isldi/lsyE  ya'xtax 
gatcu'lxam  aya'xan  :  "Aga  mxgu'itk  a'ca ;  ag'  alixklwa'ya 

25  itcli'non  ia'xan  icta'mx."  Aga  kxwo'pt  galuxwi'txwitck. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  gadixLa'gwa-ix-  itcli'non  idia'lxam.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  isk!u'lEyE  gatcu'lxam  aya'xan:  "Aga  mxk'tck, 
si'klElutk  ma'it!a  itcli'non  ia'xan."  Wi'tla  gadixLa'gwa-ix\ 
GwE'nEmix-  gadixLa'gwa-ix\  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatgi"  idE'lxam. 

30  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatccu'qxutck  isklu'lEyE  aya'xan  ia'qcix'. 
Kanauwa'2  gacxla'lalEmtck.  Aga  kxwo'pt  L.'a'g  gatccu'x. 


and  bows  to  pieces."  Thus  Eagle  spoke  to  the  two  of 

And  then  it  became  dark.  Now  then  he  said  to  Mouse : 
"Now  go  and  look  for  Coyote's  son-in-law  and  his  daugh- 
ter, where  they  are  accustomed  to  sleep."  And  then 
Mouse  ran  off,  he  went  to  look  for  them,  then  caught 
sight  of  them.  Straightway  he  ran  and  came  back  again ; 
straightway  he  came  running  to  Eagle,  (and  said :)  tt  Now 
I  have  seen  the  two,  they  are  sleeping  yonder."  He, 
Eagle,  said:  "I  am  going  to  kill  them  now."  And  then 
he  went  off.  Straight  on  he  went  (until)  he  got  to 
the  two. 

And  then  he  caught  hold  of  (Fish-Hawk)  and  turned 
his  head  about.  And  then  he  cut  his  neck,  cut  it  right 
through.  Then  he  caught  hold  of  his  mother  too,  and 
turned  her  head  about.  And  then  he  cut  her  neck,  cut 
it  right  through.  Now  then  Eagle  said  to  her:  "You 
acted  badly  towards  me,  that  is  why  I  have  killed  you. 
You  carried  me  when  I  was  a  child,  and  then  hung  me 
up  on  the  trail.  You  did  not  take  pity  on  me,  (but)  there 
on  the  trail  you  threw  me  away.  You  are  very  wicked." 
Now  he  had  killed  the  two.  And  then  he  stuck  their 
heads  on  to  their  (bodies) ;  he  laid  them  down  and  covered 
them  over.  Now  they  two  are  dead. 

And  then  in  the  morning  Eagle's  people  got  ready,  and 
were  all  about  to  go  home.  And  then  that  Coyote  said 
to  his  daughter  :  "Now  wake  up,  daughter!  Now  Eagle's 
son,  the  chief,  is  about  to  go  home."  And  then  Eagle's 
people  got  ready  to  go,  and  passed  around  him.  Now 
then  Coyote  said  to  his  daughter :  "  Now  arise,  do  you 
too  look  at  Eagle's  son !"  Again  they  passed  around 
him.  And  then  the  people  went  off.  Now  then  Co- 
yote (tried  to)  wake  up  his  daughter  and  his  son-in-law. 
They  kept  shaking  and  shaking.  And  then  he  saw 


Aga     kxwo'pt     gatccgs'lkEl     Lq!up    Lqlu'p    itcta'tuk    aga 

Aga     kxwo'pt    gali'kim   isk!u'lEyE :       "Ga'ngadix-    inxi'- 

Luxwan    na'qxi    qxa'daga    nigi'ti    itcli'non  ia'xan.      Qxa'tgi 

5  da'nEgi    gagitxa'    dalaVx    p'    a'xka    itca'xan    qxa'dagatci 

itcu'woq  itca^an.    Aga  daxuya  wixgwa  inxElEqfa/xit."    Aga 

kxwo'pt   gali'kim  isklu'lEyE:      "Tea!   ag'   amtgu'gwiga  idE- 

mdaga'matcx    ifcmdala'xit    ag'    alxdi'naya."      Kxi'nua    ga- 

qxu'gwiga  itga7matcx  kxw67dau  alarxit.     K!axya  dan  alaxxit 

10  icgalE'pqtit ;    kla^ya    dan    itga^atcx    itgaxpiq ;    k!a/ya    dan 

idalaptla'lamax  idaxa^iLqdit.1    Sa^11  gatcxE^Emux  x 

igu'liu  kxwo'dau  ala'kEs.     Qe'dau  itkla'nl. 


Ga/ngadix    galgiu^xam   ik!axckac  :       "  Ag'  alxuxya  i 
nEkc."    Yakla'mEl'  ik!axckac.    Aga  kxwo'pt  galki'm  :     ftAg' 

15  amcgii/kta  ilkE'nEkc."  Aga  kxw6xpt  gatklu^xam  :  UA'- 
lEma  kxwo^'  amcx^gidwoqlxa."  Aga  kxwo/pt  gwop  goxp 
gatgi7'  idE'lxam  wi'malpa.  Galuya'2  ;  galu^am  ilkExnEkcba. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  Lq!u7p  Lqlup  galklu^x.  Aga  kxw6xpt  galk^m  : 
"Cma'nix  a'lEma  ikla'ckac  aligi'ma,  'Mcka'xax  tci?' 

20  amcgiu'xwa  'u7.'"2 


Aga    kxwo'pt  galxwo'tck  ;   na'wit  galxwo'a-itEm  ;  na'wit 
o'p  galu'ya.    K!axya  dan  ilgoa'lilx  gi'gat  ;  sa'q11  i'nadix'. 
Aga   kxwo'pt   ya'xt'    ik!axckac   galttdm  :      "Ag'    alxklwa'- 
yuwa."-  -  aUV  galgi'ux  ilks'nEkc.    Kinuax2  galikli'naxLtck  ; 
25  k!ay    ilgoa'lilx.      Aga    kxwo'pt   gali'xklwa   ya'xt!a  ;  gatc- 
lu'wa    qxe'gEmtgix-    ya'xtla  ;  nikta'ia-itam  aga  k!a'y'   idfil- 
xam.     Aga   kxwo'pt   gali'ktcax    ik!axckac.      Aga    kxwo'pt 

1  Both  this  and  the  preceding  word  mean  "their  arrow-heads"  without  apparent 
difference  in  meaning. 


that    their  necks    were    cut    through,    and   that  they  were 
dead  now. 

And  then  Coyote  said:  "Before  now  I  was  thinking 
that  Eagle's  son  had  not  come  for  nothing.  Perhaps  she 
has  somehow  done  something  (wrong)  to  her  son,  so  that 
her  son  killed  her.  Now  to-day  I  have  found  out."  And 
then  Coyote  said  (to  his  people) :  "  Well !  Now  do  you 
get  your  arrows  and  your  bows  and  we  shall  fight."  The 
arrows  and  the  bows  were  gotten,  but  to  no  purpose. 
None  of  the  bows  had  its  bowstring,  none  of  the  arrows 
had  its  feathers,  none  of  them  had  their  arrow-points. 
Mouse  and  Rat  had  eaten  them  all  up  at  night.  Thus 
the  myth. 


Some  time  long  ago  the  (people)  said  to  the  boy : 
"Now  let  us  go  for  reeds."  The  boy  was  (considered) 
bad.  So  then  they  said:  "Now  you  people  shall  take 
him  along  (when  you  go  for)  reeds."  And  then  they 
said  to  them:  "You  shall  abandon  him  there."  So  then 
the  people  all  went  across  the  river.  They  went  on  and 
arrived  where  the  reeds  were.  And  then  they  cut  off 
the  reeds  and  said  (to  them):  "If  the  boy  says,  'Are 
you  people  still  there?'  you  shall  answer  him,  1UV" 

And  then  they  all  ran  off;  straight  home  they  ran, 
went  right  across  the  river.  No  person  at  all  (was  left)  on 
this  side ;  they  were  all  on  the  other  side.  And  then  that 
boy  said:  "Now  let  us  all  go  home!"  -  -  "U,"  said  the 
reeds  to  him.  He  looked  about  long,  but  in  vain  ;  there 
was  nobody.  And  then  he  too  started  to  go  home,  he 
too  went  following  behind  them  ;  he  ran  until  he  arrived 
(at  the  river),  but  there  were  no  people  to  be  seen.  So 

2  Rather  high  pitch. 


galixE'ltcmoq :  "L!  L!  L!"  Aga  kxwo'pt  e'wi  gali'xux  isi'a- 
xuspa;  gasi'xElutk.  Gatchi'nalx  ilie'loqctq.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
ts!a'2nus  gatca'gElksl  wa'tul  waltki'ba.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
yaka'xtau  gatcagE'lga  watu'l.  Aga  kxwo'pt  galixElki'ht. 

5  Aga  wi'tla  gatcagE'lksl  amu'tan;  wi7t!a  tslu'nus  aki'xax. 
Na'wit  gatcagExlga.  Aga  wi'tla  gayu'ya  ik!waxyatba;  ga- 
tcagE'lkEl  gwE'nEma  waqxa't.1  Aga  kxwo'pt  galixtu'xwa-it : 
"Agwoli'layax  akkii'c  igangslu'tk  waqxa't  kxwo'dau  wa'tuf 
iga'ngslutk  akkli'c ;  kxwo'dau  akcki'x'  iga'ngslutk  amu'tan." 
10  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatssu'x  isE'nqxoq  ikla'ckac  kxwo'dau  idla'xu- 
tat  ila'n'  EnEgi  gatctu'x.  Gayuxugwi'tkiq  itkna'anukc. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  gadixu'tckut.  Kxwo'pt  ismA'sEn  gatssu'x 
EnEg'  ikna'an  iapla'skwal.  Lqla'b  gasixs'ldi ;  wi'tla  gali- 
xo'qcit  wi't.'a  gasi'xtkiq. 

15  Aga  kxwo'pt  nixEnk!a'nqxut ;  gatcutla'b'  a-ix't  akla'daqxi. 
A'nad  lu'qx  gatcu'xwa;  a'nad  na-ix*lu'tk.  Wit!a  kVdux 
lu'qx  gatcu'xwa  a'nat.  Aga  wi't.'a  nixEnkla'ngutam.  Gato 
cutla'ba  mo'kct ;  a'-ix't  lu'qx  gatcu'xwa ;  a'-ix*t  gala-ix'lu'tk. 
Wi't.'a  kVdux  a'-ix't  lu'qx  gatcuxwa.  Aga  wi'tla  ka'dux 

20  nixEnkla'ngutam.     Gatccutla'ba  lu'n  ickla'daqxi ;  lu'qx  ga- 
tcu'xwa   a'-ix-t    ak!u'n    ci't!ix- ;  wi'tla  ka'dux  a'-ix't  aklu'n 
ci'tlix-    lu'qx    gatcu'xwa.     Aga    wi'tla    galixEnkla'ngutam ; 
gatccutla'ba     la'kt    ickla'daqxi.       Mo'kct    lu'qx    gatccu'x 
mo'kct  gaci'xslutk ;  k'a'dux  lu'qx  gatccu'x  sa'qu  aga  mo'kct. 

25  Aga  wi'tla  nixEnkla'ngutam  ilagwE'nEmix-  •,  aga  galixEn- 
kla'nqxut  ikla'ckac  lagwE'nEmix'.  Aga  yaga'il  ika'la 

Aga   kxwo'pt   i'2wi  gatssu'x  isi'&nqxoq;  qucti'axa  pa'2l 
atslE'ptslEp 2  a'lgixt  aqxuta'nba.    GatcutxEmi't  wi'lxba.    Aga 

1  Known  generally  as  "wappatoo." 

then  the  boy  cried.  And  then  he  heard  (something 
sound):  "L!  L!  L!"  And  then  he  turned  his  eyes  and 
looked ;  he  dried  his  tears.  Now  then  he  caught  sight  of 
a  wee  bit  of  fire  in  a  shell.  And  then  that  same  (boy) 
took  the  fire  and  built  up  a  fire. 

And  further  he  caught  sight  of  some  string ;  also  of 
that  there  is  only  a  little.  Straightway  he  took  it.  And 
further  he  went  to  the  cache  and  saw  five  "Indian  pota- 
toes."1 And  then  he  thought:  "My  poor  paternal  grand- 
mother has  saved  for  me  the  'Indian  potatoes,'  and  my 
paternal  grandmother  has  saved  for  me  the  fire ;  and  my 
maternal  grandmother  has  saved  for  me  the  string."  And 
then  the  boy  made  a  fish-line  and  he  made  a  trap  out 
of  the  string.  He  set  his  trap  for  magpies  and  then 
trapped  them.  Then  he  made  a  magpie-skin  blanket  out 
of  magpie's  skin.  He  put  it  nicely  about  himself;  also 
(when)  he  went  to  sleep,  he  wrapped  himself  nicely  in  it. 

And  then  he  fished  with  hook  and  line  and  caught  one 
sucker.  Half  of  it  he  consumed,  half  he  saved  for  him- 
self. Next  morning  he  consumed  also  the  other  half. 
Then  he  went  to  fish  again  and  caught  two  (suckers)  ; 
one  he  consumed,  and  one  he  saved  for  himself.  Next 
morning  again  he  consumed  the  other  one.  Now  next 
morning  he  went  to  fish  again  and  caught  three  suckers. 
One  and  a  half  he  consumed ;  next  morming  again  he  con- 
sumed the  other  one  and  a  half.  Then  again  he  went  to  fish 
and  caught  four  suckers.  Two  he  consumed,  two  he  saved 
for  himself.  Next  morning  he  consumed  two  all  up.  Now 
again  he  went  to  fish  for  the  fifth  time  ;  the  boy  had  now 
fished  five  times.  He  had  now  become  a  full-grown  man. 

And  then  he  turned  to  look  at  his  fish-line ;  behold ! 
ground  roasted  fish2  was  contained  [brimful]  in  a  hollow 

2  Ats'.E'pts'.Ep  was  a  mixture  of  dried  fish  and  pieces  of  flesh  mashed  up  fine 
and  kept  in  fish-oil. 


kxwo'pt  galigla'lamtck  ikla'ckac.  Aga  kxwo'pt  ka'nauw' 
edE'lxam  tk!i'  gatgi'ux.  Aga  kxwo'pt  galu'gwakim  :  "Qs'- 
nE'g'  igi'xux?"  Qucti'axa  klwan  k.'wa'n  gali'xux  gatcut!a'- 
baba  atste'ptslEp.  Qe'dau  galigla'lamtck  :  l 


5         "A-tse'  a-tse'     ga  -  sEn  -  gat  -  k!a  -  gwa'x       gas-kte-na  -klwa'st." 
Qucti'axa  gaga'-iluqxwim  itc.'E^yan3  aya'xan  wa'liq. 

Aga  kxwo'pt  gayu'qxui  ik!axckac  la'ktix-  •  lagwE^Emix'ba 
gayu'qxui.  Aga  kxwo'pt  galixgoMtk  ;  ilgagi'lak  ctoqxi'u. 
Palala"'  iltlu^ti  ilgagHak;  ala'nalxat  itca'lqdax  kxwo'dau 

10  ihska'gEmax  na'wid  daptma'x  iLaxxuba  kxwo'dau  iqwi'a- 
qwiamax  iflu'xt  iLaxkcEnba  pa^max;  kxw6xdau  i'tcpli  sarqu 
idakli'nuimax4  gigwa^adamt  gatci/guikEl  ;  kxwoxdau  gatcf- 
gE'lkEl  iltcwo'qcu  ItcEktgi^xux-  ka^actmokct  aya7gikal. 
Quctixaxa  arxtau  itclE'xyan  ayarxan  gagaMloqxwim  •  kxwo^ 

15  dau  pa/1  itgunaxt  kxwoMau  ilna^un  kxw6xdau  watsi/iha 
kxwo^au  agarkwal,  kaxnauwe  dan  pa/1  gagiu^lam.  Axga 

Aga  gaktuxx  ittxlE'm  agagixlak  ;  aga  kVdux  yaxxtau 
gayutcu'ktix.  Aga  gacdu^a-it  p!axla  wixgwa  •,  aga  gactux- 

20  la-it  yaxlqdix'.  Aga  kxw67pt  galix6xxwix'  ga^axEmdix*. 
Aga  kxw67pt  galuxwiqla^it  idE^xam.  Aga  kxw6xpt  ga- 
ctu'ya  gwo'p  ayaxk!ic  kxwo'dau  aya'ckix*  na'wit  idio'qlba. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  galixhi'xwa-it  :  "  Itcta'giutgwax  icqle'yoqt. 
Da'ukwa  na'ika  gackEngEmatxa'ulutkwaitck  a'kklic  kxwo7- 

25  dau  akckiV."  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatccE'luqxwim  ;  gatctcElu7! 
itguna't  icq!exyoqt  kxwo'dau  ihia'gun  gatdtcslu't.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  gacxk!wax  icqle'yoqt;  gwo'p  gactu'ya. 

He  sang  while  waving  the  blanket  over  his  shoulders.  The  song  is  repeated 
several  times. 

The  Merman  (see  pp.  41-43)  was  the  guardian  of  the  fish-supply.  Compare 
Chinook  its'.xia'n  ("gambler's  protector"). 


vessel.  He  stood  it  up  on  the  ground.  And  then  the 
boy  sang.  Now  then  all  the  people  were  looking  on  at 
him,  and  then  they  said:  "What  has  happened  to  him?" 
Truly,  he  became  glad  because  he  had  caught  ground  fish. 
Thus  he  sang:1  "Atse',  atse'!  my  feathered  cloak  waves 
freely  over  me."  In  truth,  it  was  ItdE'xyan's3  virgin  daughter 
that  had  given  him  to  eat. 

Now  then  the  boy  had  slept  four  nights  ;  he  slept  through 
the  fifth  night.  And  then  he  awoke ;  a  woman  was 
sleeping  with  him.  Very  beautiful  was  the  woman.  Her 
hair  was  long,  and  she  had  bracelets  reaching  right  up 
to  here  on  her  arms,3  and  rings  were  on  her  fingers  in  great 
number ;  and  he  saw  a  house  all  covered  with  painted 
designs  inside ;  and  he  saw  a  mountain-sheep  blanket 
covered  over  both  of  them,  him  and  his  wife.  Truly, 
that  woman  was  ItdE'xyan's  daughter,  (and)  she  had  given 
him  to  eat;  and  plenty  of  "Chinook"  salmon  and  sturgeon 
and  blue-back  salmon  and  eels,  plenty  of  everything,  she 
had  brought.  Now  he  married  her. 

Now  the  woman  made  food,  and  it  became  daylight 
that  morning.  Then  the  two  remained  together  quietly 
all  day,  and  they  remained  together  for  a  long  time.  And 
then  spring  came.  And  then  the  people  found  out  (that 
he  lived  with  her).  So  then  his  paternal  grandmother 
and  his  maternal  grandmother  went  across  the  river  straight 
to  his  house.  And  then  he  thought  to  himself:  "The 
two  old  women  are  poor.  Thus  also  on  me  did  my  pater- 
nal grandmother  and  my  maternal  grandmother  take  pity." 
So  then  he  gave  the  two  of  them  to  eat ;  he  gave  the  old 
women  salmon,  and  he  gave  them  sturgeon.  And  then  the 
two  old  women  started  home;  they  went  across  the  river. 

3  Indicated  by  gesture. 

4  This  word  is  used  indifferently  of  painted  and  basket  designs. 


Yafqdi'x-  kxwo'ba  gacxu'x.  Aga  kxwo'pt  idwo'tca  ga- 
lu'xwax;  galu'gwakim :  UA2  itgu'nat  fga'blad  ik!a'ckacba 
kxwo'dau  ilna'gun  la'blat  kxwo'dau  aga'kwal  kxwo'dau 
watsu'iha."  Ag'  tftga'  ts!u'nus  ts!u'nus.  K!a'ya  dan  itlx- 
IE'ITI  idElxa'mba;  wa'lu  ktu'xt  idE'lxam.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
galu'gwakim  idE^lxam  :  "Alxa^tlikc  alxi/ya  ikla^kaciamt." 
Aga  kxw6rpt  wi7t!a  gwo^  gactu'ya  ctaxniwad  aya^lic 
aya'ckix*.  Aga  kxwo'pt  q!oaxb  itqulixba.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
gatgi7'  idE^xam  gwoxp  adatrtx  ikla^kaciamt. 

10  Aga  kxwo^t  lxwi  galfxux  ikla^kac ;  gas^xEJutk ;  ga- 
tcuxguikEl  palala7!  idE^xam  gwoxp  tg!7t  iknfmba.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  galixlu'xwa-it :  "Naqx'  itli/ktix-  da'ukwa  naxika 
galxangE^Ewoqlq."  Kxw67pt  aga  gateaux  ikarq ;  tcpa'g 
ikaxq  gali'xux  kxw6xdau  iltga7  galxu'x.  Saxqu  galuxwa7- 

15  La-it  iltcqo'ba ;  tcxar  gatgi7'  idE'lxani.  Yakla'mEla-ix-1  ga- 
lixli/xwa-it  ik!axckac :  "Da'ukwa  naxika  galgExntx ;  gal- 
xangE'lEwoqlq."  Aga  wixt!a  gwo'p  gatgi'a  itk!uxna-itc. 
Aga  wixt!a  da'ukwa  gatdu'x;  ika'q  idialxe'wulx  gayu'ya 
k!m'  ag'  iltgax  galxu'x.  Aga  wi'tla  galuxwa'La-it ;  mo'kctix- 

20  galuxwa'La-it  idElxam.  Aga  cta'im'  icqe'yoqt  gahd'la-it. 
Qxe'dau  itk!axm. 


Gayuya"    sklulEyE;    na'wit    gayu'yam    itcla'nkb'    idio'qt. 

Aga   kxwo'pt    cta72xt.     Aga    kxwo'pt    gali'kim  isklu'lsyE : 

'Ag'    anxklwa'ya."     A'-u  gatci'ux  itc.'a'nk.     Aga  kxwo'pt 

25    gatcagE'lg'      aq!e'wiqxe ;      a-iLq!oa'2b3     gatci'ux     ige'wok 

ia'lqba.      Aga    kxwo'pt    gaqxi'lud    isklu'kyE.       Kxwo'dau 

That  is,  without  pity,  with  sinister  thoughts. 

s  myth  is  perhaps  only  an  incident  in  a  longer  tale  of  Coyote  as  unsuc- 
l  imitator  of  the  host.     Compare  Farrand,  Traditions  of  the  Quinault  Indians, 
pp.  85—91,  especially  pp.  87,  88. 


For  a  long  time  they  were  there.  And  then  the  story 
got  about,  and  (the  people)  said :  "  Oh !  there  is  much 
salmon  and  plenty  of  sturgeon  and  eels  and  blue-back 
salmon  at  the  boy's."  Now  snow  (had  begun  to  fall) 
gently,  gently.  There  was  no  food  among  the  people ; 
the  people  were  hungry.  And  then  the  people  said  : 
"Let  us  too  go  to  the  boy."  Now  then  his  paternal  grand- 
mother and  his  maternal  grandmother  again  went  across 
the  river  first.  And  then  (they  got)  close  to  the  house. 
And  then  a  great  many  people  went  across  the  river  to 
the  boy. 

Now  then  the  boy  turned  his  head  and  looked ;  he  saw 
the  people  crossing  in  a  canoe  in  great  numbers.  And 
then  he  thought  to  himself:  "It  was  not  well  thus  (when) 
they  abandoned  me."  Then,  indeed,  he  caused  an  east 
wind  to  arise ;  a  strong  east  wind  arose  and  there  was 
snow.  All  died  in  the  water,  the  people  were  drowned. 
Badly1  the  boy  thought  to  himself:  "Thus  they  did  to 
me,  they  abandoned  me."  And  again  others  went  across 
the  river.  And  them  also  he  treated  as  before ;  a  strong 
wind  blew,  and  snow  arose.  And  again  they  died ;  twice 
the  people  died.  And  only  the  two  old  women  remained. 
Thus  the  myth. 


Coyote  went  on  and  on ;  straightway  he  arrived  at  Deer's 
house.  And  then  the  two  of  them  sat  and  sat.  And 
then  Coyote  said:  "Now  I  shall  go  home." —  "Yes,"  said 
Deer  to  him.  And  then  he  took  a  knife  and  just  cut 
off  a  piece  of  meat  from  his  body.  And  then  it  was 
given  to  Coyote.  And  he  also  stuck  in  a  piece  of  wood 

3    a-i-    denotes    the    ease    with    which    the    cutting   was    done ;  the  over-long  a 
in  Lqioa'ab  implies  the  continuous  slice-like  character   of  the  cut. 
10— PUBL.    AMER.    ETHN.    SOC.   VOL.    II. 


icia'gEtcb'  ikla'munaq  galixElu'qlkwatck.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
gatigE'lb'  tfia'gawulqt;  pa'2*  atli'wat.  Aga  kxwo'pt  isk!u'- 
lEyE*  gaqlHut.  Aga  kxwo'pt  itqulia'mt  galixklwa'. 

Aga  wit!a'2  gayu'y'  isklu'lEyE-,  na'wit  aga  wit!'  itcla'nkba. 

5  Aga  wi'tla  Lqlu'p  gatci'ux  ige'wok  ia'lqba ;  wi't!a  gaqi'lut 

ige'wok  isklulEyE.     Kxwo'dau  wi't!a  icia'gEtcb'  ikla'munaq 

galixElu'qJkwatck ;     galigExlb'    tfiaga'wulqt ;    par2l  atli'wat. 

Aga   wi'tla  isklu'lEyE  gaqlilut.     Aga  kxwo'pt  gatciu'lxam 

itcla'nk  isklu'lEyE:      "Cma'ni  pu  waT  agmu'xwa  p'  amdi'a 

10  naika'ba."     A'-u  gali'xux  isklu'lsyE.     Aga  kxwo'pt  gali'kim 

isklu'lEyE    ia'xtlax:      "Itlu'ktix    amdi'a    na'ikaba    ma'itlax." 

A'-u    gatci'ux:      "Ag'    anu'ya    na'itia    isklulyEb'    idmi'ql-," 

qe'dau  gatciu^xam. 

Aga  kxwo'pt  gayu'y'  itc!axnk  iskiu'lyab'  idio'qt  yaxxt!a ; 
15  na'wit   gayu^am.     Aga  kxw6xba  p!a7la  gayi/la-it  itc!a7nk. 
Aga    kxwo^t    galixk/xwa-it    isk!uxlEyE:       "Aga    yaxxt!ax 
ige'wok    anilu'd'    itda'nk    tslu'nus."      Aga    kxwo'pt    gatca- 
gExlg'  a7gikal  gatcaxi'matcu  wixlxba.      Aga  kxw67pt  Lq!uxp 
gatcu'xwa;  kxwo'pt  gacaxElqixLx  agagilak.     Kxwopt  gats- 
20  su'bsn'    itda'nk;    kxwo'pt    gatci'ulxam :      "Pial'    ax'    aga- 
girlak.      Naxik'    aya'mElud'    ige'wok."      Aga    kxw67pt  a-i- 
Lq!oaxb    gatcfux  igexwok  ia7lqba ;  kxwopt  gaqxi'cElut  ige'- 
wok   isk!u7lEyE    aya'gikal.     Kxw67dau    ilga'wulqt  icia'gEtc- 
iamt    gatclurx ;  gatcltcElirt   ilgaVulqt    isklu^EyE    ayaxgikal. 
25  Aga  kxwo'pt  galixxk!w'  itcla'nk  idio'qliamt.     Aga  kxwo'pt 
gatccu'lxam :      "Cma^i   pu   waT    agEmd^xwa  p'  amd^ya 

Kxwo'pt  gagiu'lxam  agagi'lak :  "Imikla^El'  isklidEyE. 
Naxcqxi  na'it!'  itc!axnk.  Ya'xtau  si'klElutk  itda'nk;  kax- 
30  nauwe  can  lu'qx  algiu'xwa  ia^ewok.  Na^qxi  na'ik'  it!urkt' 
itcge'wok.  Da'ukwa  ma'ik'  isklu'kyE  mxlu'idEt,  mgoa^ilx 
isklu'lEyE-  naxqxi  pu  can  lu'qx  algiu'xw'  imige'wok.  Qer- 
dau  alugwagi'm'  idE'lxam,  'Hme'mEluct  ia'lxlEm  isklu'lEyE.'" 


into  his  nose.  And  then  his  blood  flowed  out;  the  bucket 
was  full.  And  then  it  was  given  to  Coyote.  Now  then 
he  went  home  to  the  house.  • 

Now  once  more  Coyote  went,  and  again  (came)  straight 
to  Deer.  And  again  he  cut  off  a  piece  of  meat  from 
his  body;  again  the  meat  was  given  to  Coyote.  And 
again  he  stuck  in  a  piece  of  wood  into  his  nose ;  his 
blood  flowed  out ;  the  bucket  was  full.  And  again  it  was 
given  to  Coyote.  And  then  Deer  said  to  Coyote:  "If 
ever  you  should  be  hungry,  you  should  come  to  me." 
Coyote  assented.  And  then  Coyote,  on  his  part,  said: 
"It  is  well  that  you,  on  your  part,  should  come  to  me." 
He  said  "yes"  to  him:  "I,  on  my  part,  shall  go  to  your, 
Coyote's,  house."  Thus  he  spoke  to  him. 

And  then  Deer,  in  turn,  went  to  Coyote's  house  ;  straight- 
way he  arrived.  Now  there  Deer  was  sitting  quietly.  And 
then  Coyote  thought  to  himself:  "Now  I,  in  turn,  shall 
give  a  little  meat  to  Deer."  So  then  he  seized  his  wife 
and  laid  her  down  on  the  ground.  And  then  he  cut  her, 
whereat  the  woman  burst  into  tears.  Then  Deer  jumped 
up  and  said  to  him :  "  Let  the  woman  alone.  I  shall 
give  you  meat."  So  then  he  just  cut  off  a  piece  of  meat 
from  his  body ;  then  the  meat  was  given  to  Coyote  and 
his  wife.  And  he  caused  blood  to  come  out  of  his  nose 
and  gave  the  blood  to  Coyote  and  his  wife.  And  then 
Deer  started  off  home  to  his  house.  And  then  he  said 
to  the  two :  "  If  ever  you  two  should  be  hungry,  you 
should  go  to  me." 

Then  the  woman  said  to  (Coyote):  "You  are  wicked, 
Coyote.  I  am  not  Deer.  Look  at  that  Deer;  everyone 
will  swallow  his  meat.  My  meat  is  not  good.  Likewise 
you,  Coyote,  are  different;  you,  Coyote,  are  a  person. 
No  one  would  ever  eat  your  meat.  Thus  people  will 
say,  'Coyote  is  an  eater  of  dead  things."1 


Ipli'cxac    io'uxix    isklu'lsyE.      Aga    kxwo'pt  iatcgE'mEm 

gali'xux    ipli'cxac.     Aga    kxwo'pt  'gatciu'lxam    isklu'lEyE  : 

"A'wi   ag'    aqxEmgi'la-ida.     Aga'nuid    anigE'lgay'    idia'ge- 

wam;  anigE'lgay'  icka'lax,  aniulxa'm'  alimgi'la-ida."     Aga 

5  kxwo'pt  gatctu'lxam  idE'lxam  isklu'lEyE  idak!ig6rug6u  :   u  Ag' 

ayugwixla-id'  icka'lax."    Aga  kxwo'pt  gatctgE'lg1  iltcklwi'an. 

Aga    kxwo'pt  gatclilux    iaqla'itsgElitb'    ipli'cxac.     Kxwopt 

a'ga    gayugwi'la-it   icka'lax.     Aga   kxwo'pt  gali'kim  ickax- 

lax:      "K!axy'    iatcgE'mEm   ia'lqba,  saxqu  ia'-im'   iawa'nba." 

10  Qucti'axa  kxim'  ilia'qlitcxa  aya'qxucqxuc  iawa'nb'  ipli'cxac. 

Kxwopt  gali'kim  isklulsyE:  "Ag'  algiu'Ha  La'xEnix- 
itcuxxwix,  alixu'nudama."  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatclu'lxam :  "Ka7- 
nauwi  exwi  amcgiubu'natcgwa  ;  amcgigExlg'  iapi^tcba."  Aga 
kxwo'pt  gaqiu'kctpa.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatdgE'lga ;  tclu'x 
15  gatcli'xux  iltcklwi'an.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gala-ixElqxu'cqxuc  i- 
pli'cxac.  Aga  kxwo'pt  saxqu  galuxwo'La-it  idakla'itsax 
it$tc!axnk.  Aga  kxw67pt  isklu^EyE  gayuxpga.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
lxwi  Iwi  gatctuxx  it$tc!arnk  idak!axitsax.  Adapxl^umax  ga- 
tcu'gwig'  isklu^EyE  saxqu ;  gatcuxgwig'  ipi^cxac  saxqu  tkLte'li- 
20  yuxt.  Aga  kxwo^t  gatcit/lxam  isklu^EyE  :  "Daukw'  axga 
ma'ik'  ip!ircxac  ilmiqleyo^tikc  k!a7y'  ila^laxc  ipxl^u. 
Naxik'  isklu^EyE  ilkql^yoqtikc  ila^xlEtn  ipxl^u." 

Aga   kxw6xpt   wixt!a    gactuxia-it;   plala  gatcxE'lEmux  it- 

ge'wok.     Ag'  ia'lqdix-  gactirta-it.     Aga  wixt!a  iatcgE'mEm 

25  gali'xux    ipli'cxac.      Aga    wixt!a    gatctulxa^am    isklu^EyE 

idE'lxam    it^tcla'nk    idaga7ilax.     Wixt!a    darukwa    gacx^x. 

Aga  wirt!a  iatcgExmEm  gali^xux  ipl^cxac.     Aga  wixt!a  gatc- 

1  Compare  Boas,  Kathlamet  Texts,  pp.  79-89,  where  ip'.e'cxac  (—  Wishram 
ipli'cxac)  is  translated  as  "badger."  The  Kathlamet  story,  however,  would  seem 
to  apply  better  to  the  skunk  than  to  the  badger;  and  it  is  possible,  as  confidently 



There  were  Coyote  and  his  younger  brother  Skunk. 
Now  then  Skunk  got  sick.  And  then  Coyote  said  to 
him:  "Brother,  now  you  will  be  doctored.  Surely,  I1 
shall  get  a  medicine-man ;  I  shall  get  Raven,  I  shall  tell 
him  and  he  will  doctor  you."  And  then  Coyote  told  the 
people  (who  were  to  act  as)  drummers  to  beat  time : 
"Now  Raven  is  going  to  doctor."  And  then  he  got  some 
pitch  and  stuck  it  up  into  Skunk's  rectum.  Then  indeed 
Raven  doctored.  And  then  Raven  said:  "He  is  not 
sick  in  his  body,  it  is  all  in  his  belly  alone."  In  truth, 
Skunk  had  only  excrement  and  discharges  of  wind  in 
his  belly. 

Then  Coyote  said:  "Now  let  us  take  my  younger 
brother  outside,  he  will  go  to  urinate."  And  then  he  said 
to  them:  "All  of  you  will  go  and  slowly  lift  him  up, 
you  will  take  hold  of  him  by  his  anus."  So  then  he  was 
carried  out.  And  then  (Coyote)  took  hold  of  the  (pitch)  • 
he  pulled  out  the  pitch  from  him.  And  then  Skunk 
discharged  wind.  And  then  the  small  deer  all  died.  Now 
then  Coyote  went  out.  And  then  he  closely  examined 
the  little  deer.  Coyote  took  all  the  fat  ones,  Skunk  took 
all  the  lean  ones.  And  then  Coyote  said  to  him :  "Just 
so,  indeed,  your  ancestors,  O  skunk,  were"  not  fond  of  fat; 
my,  Coyote's,  ancestors  were  eaters  of  fat." 

And  then  the  two  of  them  lived  together  again ;  the 
pieces  of  meat  they  ate  in  quiet.  Now  they  lived  to- 
gether for  a  long  time.  And  again  Skunk  got  sick.  And 
again  Coyote  went  to  tell  the  people,  the  big  deer.  Again 
the  two  of  them  did  as  before.  And  again  Skunk  got 
sick.  And  again  Coyote  went  to  tell  the  people,  the 

affirmed  by  my  interpreter,  that  there  is  here  an  error  on  the  part  of  the  Kathlamet 
informant.  Skunk  is  ap'.e'sxas  in  Kathlamet. 


tulxa'mam  isklu'lEyE  idE'lxam  icpuxyati'nmax.  Wi't!a 
da'ukwa  gacxu'x.  Aga  wi'tla  iatcgE'mEm  gali'xux  ipli'c- 
xac.  Aga  wi'tla  gatctulxa'mam  isklu'lEyE  idE'lxam  itkxa'- 
qwiq.  Aga  wi'tla  da'ukwa  gacxu'x. 

5  HagwE'nEmix-  ipli'cxac  iatcgE'mEm  gali'xux.  Kxwopt 
axga  gatciu'lxam  isklulsyE  imu'lagEmax  :  "Amcu'y',  ayu- 
gwHa-id'  idia'gewam,  go'u  gou  amcxu'xwa."  Aga  kxwo'pt 
gayu'y'  imu'lagEmax  idio'qliamt  isklulsyE.  Kxwo'pt  axga 
gatctflux  ihcklwi'an  io'uxix  iakla'itsgElitba.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
10  gayuxwila-it  imulagEmax.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gayugwixla-it 
icka'lax.  Aga  kxwo^t  gou  go'u  gali'xux  imu'lagEmax. 
Qxe'dau  galigla'lamtck  icka'lax  : 

"A'i-ma  wa'  -  tckti   al-gix-  ta'-         xa  Lla'k  wa-  gwa'-       li^ai'-ma 





wa'-       tckti  al  -  gix  -  ta'-         xa   cu' 

Aga  kxw6xpt  gal^kiin  isklulEyE:  "Ag'  algiukctbaxya 
itcu'x^x*  ag'  alix^nudama."  Aga  kxw6xpt  gatc^gElg' 
ip!ixcxac  imu^agEmax  ;  gaqi'ukctba  LaxxEnix'.  Aga  kxwo^t 
yaxniwad  isklu'lEyE  ca'xalix*  La^Enix*  gal^xux.3  Aga 
kxwo^t  gatcigs'lg'  io^xix*  i^xnalxatba.  Kxwopt  kaxnauwe 
20  gaqigExlga;  gaqiubu'natck  ipli'cxac.  Kxwopt  dadakda'k 
gatdi'xux  isk!uxlEyE  iltcklwi'an.  Aga  kxw6xpt  gatcluwa- 
qli'tcxa,  gala-ixElqxu'cqxuc.  Gatssubsna'yu  imu'lagEmax  ; 
da'kdak  gatcu'xwa  watcE'lx;  saxqu  gayu'ba.  K!axya  dan 

Wi'tla  gatctu'lxamam  isk!uxlEyE  ids^xam  itquctxi/Lawa.3 
Aga  gaqi'ulxam  :  "Na'cqx1  antcu'ya."  --  "Qucti'axa  na'qx' 
itlu'kti  cki'xax  isklu'lEyE  k!ma  ipli'cxac;  cma^i  wi'tla  ali- 
dixmama  isklulEyE  aga  na'qx'  alxu'ya,"  gali'kim  yaga'il 

These  two  words  seem  to  have  no  assignable  significance.  Raven  means  that 
Skunk  has  nothing  the  matter  with  him,  except  that  his  belly  is  all  filled  up 
with  grass.  Cu'  cu'  cu'  is  whispered. 


antelopes.  Again  the  two  of  them  did  as  before.  And 
again  Skunk  got  sick.  And  again  Coyote  went  to  tell 
the  people,  the  wild  mountain-sheep.  And  again  the 
two  of  them  did  as  before. 

For  the  fifth  time  Skunk  got  sick.  So  then  Coyote 
said  to  the  elks:  "You  people  shall  go,  the  medicine-man 
will  doctor,  you  shall  drum."  And  then  the  elks  went 
to  Coyote's  house.  Then,  indeed,  he  put  some  pitch  up 
into  his  younger  brother's  rectum.  And  then  the  elks 
sat  down.  Now  then  Raven  doctored.  And  then  the 
elks  drummed.  Thus  Raven  sang:  "Only  grass  is  filled 
into  (his  belly),  iJak  wagwa/li  •, l  only  grass  is  filled  into 
(his  belly),  cu'  cu'  cu'."1 

And  then  Coyote  said:  "Now  let  us  carry  out  my 
younger  brother,  and  he  will  go  and  urinate."  And  then 
the  elks  took  hold  of  Skunk  and  he  was  carried  outside. 
Now  then  Coyote  was  first  on  top,3  outside  of  the  house. 
And  then  he  took  hold  of  his  younger  brother  by  his 
head-hair.  Then  he  was  taken  hold  of  (by)  all  •,  Skunk 
was  lifted  up.  Then  Coyote  removed  the  pitch  from  him. 
And  then  he  defecated  and  discharged  wind.  The  elks 
all  jumped  off,  cleared  the  underground  lodge,  and  all 
went  out.  None  of  them  died. 

Again  Coyote  went  to  tell  the  people,  the  large  deer.8 
But  he  was  told:  "We  will  not  go."  -"Truly,  Coyote 
and  Skunk  are  not  good.  If  Coyote  comes  again,  then 
we  shall  not  go,"  said  the  big  deer.  Then  Coyote  said  : 

2  The    exit   to    Coyote's   house   (watcE'lx,   "underground  lodge,  cellar")  is  here 
implied  to  have  been  by  way  of  the  roof. 

3  Itqllctxi'Lawa  properly  means  deer  and  other  kinds  of  big  game. 

itcla'nk.  Aga  gali'kim  isk.'u'lEyE:  "Ag'  amcu'ya ;  wi'tlax 
go'u  gou  amcxu'xwama ;  iatcgE'mEm  itcu'x^x-  igi'xux." 
Kxwopt  gafgiu'lxam  iskiu'lEyE  :  "Kla'y'  ag'  antcu'ya."  Aga 
wi'tla  iwa't  gayu'ya  icpuxyati'nmax.  Gatch/lxam  :  "Ag' 

5  amcu'ya;  wi'tlax  go'u  gou  amcxu'xwama ;  iatcgE'mEin 
itcuxxwix'  igixxux.w  Gaigiu'lxam :  "Kla'y'  ag'  antcu'ya." 
Aga  wixt!a  iwa't  gayu'ya  itkxa'qwiq.  Wi'tia  da'ukwa  ga- 
li'xux.  Aga  wi'tia  iwaxt  gayu7ya  imu^agEmax.  Wi'tla 
daukwa  gali'xux.  KIwa'c  galu'xwax  idE'lxam ;  kla'ya  can 

10  gah/ya. 


Iq!axlalEc  ayak!i7c.  Aga  kxw6xpt  gatcu'xtg'  agu^ul. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  galury'  ayak!ixc  iklwa^atba.  Aga  kxwo^pt 
gagugwa^lEmam  agulul  axxt!a;  galu^am ;  k!axy'  agu'lul 
ik!waxyatba.  Aga  kxwo^t  galuxy'  itq^ia^t.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
15  gagiugwHx  ayark!ic  iaxgitcba ;  kxw6xdau  wixt!a  mank  ca'- 
xalix*  ia^itcba  gagiugwilx ;  kxwoxdau  wKt!'  ayacqurba 
gagiugwHx ;  arga  gagiugw^lx  ayaxitcba  mo'kctix*. 


Cdu'xt   iqla'lalEc    ayaldic   aqle'yuqt.     Kwapt  tcagwa'-ix 

kwapt    ackdu'xulal  itgu'lul.      Ani'x  aga  qlfi'm  qlsm   nixu'- 

20  xwax     iqla'lalEc     qxEdumi'tcklinan ;     aga  La'x  gagiu'xwax. 

Aga    kwo'pt  iklEma'kan  gatci'uxwax  a'-ima  ak!alalaxxutakc 

gatcu'xwa.     Ya'xtlax  kfnwa  agiulxa'ma:      "A'-ima  atlu'k- 

short  text  is  merely  a  fragmentary  version  of  the  myth  that  next  follows, 
supplements   the   latter,   however,   by    the    somewhat  more  detailed  explanation 


"Now  you  people  shall  go;  again  you  shall  go  and  drum. 
My  younger  brother  has  become  sick."  Then  they  said  to 
Coyote:  "We  shall  not  go  now."  Then  he  went  off 
again  to  the  antelopes.  He  said  to  them :  "  Now  you 
people  shall  go ;  again  you  shall  go  and  drum.  My 
younger  brother  has  become  sick."  They  said  to  him : 
"We  shall  not  go  now."  Then  he  went  off  again  to  the 
big-horn  sheep.  Again  his  experience  was  as  before. 
Then  he  went  off  again  to  the  elks.  Again  his  experience 
was  as  before.  The  people  had  become  afraid ;  none  of 
them  went. 


There  were  Raccoon  and  his  paternal  grandmother. 
And  then  he  stole  the  acorns.  Now  then  his  paternal 
grandmother  went  to  the  cache.  And  then  she  too  went 
to  get  acorns.  She  arrived ;  there  were  no  acorns  in  the 
cache.  And  then  she  went  to  the  house.  And  then  his 
paternal  grandmother  whipped  him  on  his  nose ;  and  again 
she  whipped  him  on  his  nose  a  little  above ;  and  again 
she  whipped  him  on  his  forehead ;  then  she  whipped  him 
twice  on  his  tail. 


Raccoon  and  his  paternal  grandmother,  an  old  woman, 
were  living  together.  Whenever  it  was  summer,  then 
they  used  to  gather  acorns.  Now  finally  Raccoon  got  to 
be  lazy  in  picking  them  •,  the  sun  made  him  (so).  And 
then  he  became  angry ;  he  gathered  only  acorns  with 
worm-holes.  She  used  to  tell  him  too,  but  in  vain : 

it  gives  of  the  markings  of  the  raccoon.  With  both  versions  cf.  Boas,  Kathlamet 
Texts,  pp.  142-154- 


timax   amitckli'nanimtck."  "Kla'ya!"     Aga  iklEma'kan 

wao'u  gatci'ux;  aga  k.'a'ya  gatcumi'tckli. 

TcaxE'lqftx  galixu'xwix.  Kwopt  wa'lu  gagi'ux.  Ya'xi 
yuxt  bd'liu;  ga'n  yuxt  k.'a'ya  qxa'ngi  "wa'wa.  Kwopt 
5  aya'k!ic  gagiu'lxam  :  "Qxa'ngiska  g^n  muxt,  gaxya? 
Walu  tci  gmuxt?"  A-i  gatcu'x.  "Da'n  au  aya'mluda?" 
Iwa'dan  gagixni^a  klxnwa.  "K.'a^a!"  Kwopt  gagiu7!- 
xam:  "Qxa'ngi  pu  iya'mlut  agulul?"  —  "AM,  ak!ixc, 
ama^luda."  Gagii/lxam :  "Amu^a  itxaklwa^atamt."  — 
10  "AM"  gatcuxxwa.  GatcagE7lgax  acdaxk!walq ;  kw67pt  ga- 
yuxix  icdakiwa^atamt,  gatc^gwalmam  agulul.  Gw^nma 
icdak!waxyat.  Gayu'yam.  Kwopt  iJa'g  gatcu'xwax  ax-ixt 
arniwad ;  naVid  galixE^mux  axniwat  saxqu. 

Wi'tlax  a'-ixt  L.'a'g  gatcu'xwa;  galixE'lmux  galixE'lmux 
15  wi'tla  sa'qu;  a'-ima  aqla'ptcxaq  kwo'dau  aklalalaVtakc 
tca'xgwilxl;  sa'qu  gatcu'Lxum.  Gatcdalqle'latcu  itqla'p- 
tcxaqukc  kwo'dau  itkla'lalax^akc  wi'tla  iklwa'yatamt.  Wi'- 
t!ax  a'-ixt  L!a'g  gatcu'xwa  alalu'n  aga  ya'xdau  Lla'g  ga- 
tcu'x.  Wi'tia  da'uka  mEq  niE'q  galixE'lmux,  dasaqusa'qu 
20  gatcu'Lxum.  Wi'tla  da'uka  gatcalqle'latcu  aq!a'ptcxaq 
kwo'dau  ak.'alalaVtakc.  Alala'kt  L.'a'g  gatcu'x.  Kwopt 
galglu'ma  ilgwa'lilx :  "Kla'lalac  iklu'xtgalal !  VE!"  Ga- 
lixElwi'tcatk ;  mank  wi'tlax  galixE'ltcmoq  da'ukwa :  "K!ax- 
lalac  ik.'u'xtgalal  ;w  kwo'dau  tla'ya  gasi'xlutk. 


Aga     gatcagE'lgElx     at.'a'ntsa     a-igi'dit.        Gatculxam : 

^Kla'ya!    Naxqxi    ngu'xtgElal;    ignulxam    agttdic;    kwopt 

AkgwExnma  L!axg  gatcu'xwa.    Kwopt  gatca'gElxim  : 

"Mti   maxit!a."      Aga    gala-igElu'ya ;   qlwa'p  gagi'ux.      Ga- 

'  Aga  kwo'ba  Iqla'p ;  na'qxi  anwi'd  iklwa'yatba 


"Keep  picking  only  the  good  ones!"  —  "No!"  And  he 
got  angrier  than  ever  and  picked  none  at  all. 

Winter  came  on  and  he  was  hungry.  Yonder  he  sits 
back  in  the  house ;  silent  he  sits,  saying  nothing.  Then 
his  paternal  grandmother  said  to  him :  "  Wherefore  do 
you  sit  silent,  grandson?  Are  you  hungry?"  -"Yes,"  he 
answered  her.  "What,  pray,  shall  I  give  you?"  She 
showed  him  all  sorts  of  things,  but  to  no  purpose.  "No!" 
(he  said.)  Then  she  said  to  him:  "How  would  it  be  if 
I  gave  you  acorns?"-  -"Yes,  grandmother,  you  shall  give 
them  to  me."  She  said  to  him:  "You  shall  go  to  our 
cache."  "Yes,"  he  said  to  her.  He  took  their  basket 
and  went  on  to  their  cache ;  he  went  to  get  acorns.  They 
had  five  caches.  He  arrived  there.  Then  he  uncovered 
one  of  them,  the  first;  immediately  he  ate  up  all  (there 
was  in)  the  first. 

Again  he  uncovered  one  of  them ;  again  he  ate  and 
ate  all  there  was.  Only  the  shells  and  the  worm-eaten 
acorns  he  always  threw  away.  He  ate  up  everything. 
The  shells  and  worm-eaten  acorns  he  swept  back  down 
into  the  cache.  Again  he  uncovered  one,  the  third  ;  also 
that  he  uncovered.  Again,  as  before,  he  chewed  and 
ate,  ate  up  every  bit  of  the  (acorns).  Again,  as  before, 
he  swept  the  shells  and  worm-eaten  acorns  down  into  the 
(cache).  He  uncovered  the  fourth.  Then  a  certain  per- 
son shouted:  "Raccoon  is  stealing!  ho!"  He  listened. 
After  a  short  while  he  heard  (him  shout)  again,  as  be- 
fore:  "Raccoon  is  stealing!"  and  he  looked  carefully. 

Then  he  caught  sight  of  Crow  coming  towards  him. 
He  said  to  her:'  "No!  I  am  not  stealing.  My  paternal 
grandmother  told  me  (to  get  acorns),  that's  why  I  came." 
He  uncovered  the  fifth  (cache).  Then  he  called  her:  "Do 
you  too  come !"  So  she  went  up  to  him,  approached  him. 
He  said  to  her :  "  Now  there  (you  have  come)  far  enough  ; 


qlwa'p  amdi'a.  Aic  yaxi'mt  ayamgEtta'dnihna."  A'-i  ga- 
gi'ux.  Aga  kwo'pt  galixE'lmux ;  a'xka  itcakla'mEla  a'xka 
tcagElla'dntf ;  a'xka  agakla'lala^takc  iwa'tka  L!a'xu  atcu- 
fa'daya.  Aga  qxi'dau  galacxE^mux.  Kwopt  gatcu^xam : 
aK!axya  ma'nix  amnu'xwa."  A'-i  gagi'ux.  Wi'tla  daxuka 
gatcalq!exlatcu  aq!a7ptcxaq;  qxaVat  wabaxna  galaMxux, 
a^xka  gatcaxlkitk. 

Gali^k.'wa.  Aga  ia^qdix  kwoMau  axxt!a  galu^ya  ayaxk!ic 
icdak!wa'yatamt.  Galu^am.  L!axg  gagixux.  Adix  a^ima 

10  aqla'ptcxaq  kwo'dau  aklalalaVtakc.  A'-ixtba  da'uka. 
KanEmgw^nma  daxuka  L.'^g.  Gala^klwax.  Gal^yam ; 
k!a7ya  iq!axlalEc.  Qxuct  a'ng-adix  gali'xpcut  aba'xEtba. 
GagigErlgax  daxuya  yuxt  k!axdc  tcianxa^awunxt  ayaxk!ic. 
GagixgElga  ikla^unoq ;  gagrugwilx  iaxgitcba.  GacixExl- 

15  qxit;  gali'kta,  gayu'gaba.  Wi'tJax  gagiu'gwelx  ;  aga  da'uka 
qxidaxu  gagiugwe^ilxl.  Gagixuwa  saqu  gayugwa^am  •, 
gagiu'gwelx  ks'mkit  aya'itcba.  Ya'xdau  qxi'dau  da'uya 
wi'gwa  iqlalalEc  tel  M  iage'kau,  kwo'ba  ya'xdau  qxi'dau 

20  Kwopt  yaxka'ba  gali'kim  iqlalalsc :  "Aga  anu'ya  da7- 
minwa;  kla'ya  wixt!ax  agEngElgEla'ya  agi'klic."  Kwopt 
gali'ktcax.  Qxi'dau  gali'kim :  "La'p  Lap1  igi'nux  agl'kllc. 
Laxp  Lap  igl'nux  agl'k.'lc."  Aga  qxida'u  gayu'ya.  Larx 
gayugwa'qxwam  idE'lxam  uxwa'qxt  uxwa'cgEnil  wakla'lkal. 

25  Gatgiu'lxam:  "Amtfa ;"  gatgigiluma.  K!axya  gatctu'kct ; 
na'wit  gayu'ya  yuqxwE'lqt.  "Ha  ha  hax,"  galuxwakla'ya- 
wulalEmtck,  "ga'nwitca  iqlalakc  nigi'katxtk ;  ya'xdau  qxix- 

1  La'p  Lap  is  said  to  mean  "whip"  in  the  myth  language  of  Raccoon. 


do  not  come  right  up  to  the  cache.  I'll  just  throw  you 
(acorns)  from  a  distance."-  -"Yes,"  she  said  to  him.  And 
then  he  ate ;  those  which  were  bad,  those  he  always 
threw  to  her.  Those  that  were  worm-eaten  he  would 
throw  in  her  direction.  And  thus  the  two  of  them  ate. 
Then  he  said  to  her:  "Don't  you  tell  on  me."  -  -  "Yes," 
she  said  to  him.  Again,  as  before,  he  swept  the  shells 
down  into  the  (cache).  A  few  of  his  (acorns)  were  left 
over ;  those  he  packed  into  the  (cache). 

He  went  home.  Then  a  long  time  (elapsed),  and  his 
paternal  grandmother  also  went  to  their  cache.  She  ar- 
rived there.  She  uncovered  it.  Alas !  there  were  only 
shells  and  worm-eaten  acorns.  Similarly  in  another  one. 
Similarly  all  five  were  uncovered.  She  went  home.  She 
arrived  there.  Raccoon  was  nowhere  to  be  seen.  In 
truth,  he  had  already  concealed  himself  in  the  rear  of  the 
house.  She  seized  him  here,  where  he  was  sitting,  looking 
up  smilingly  at  his  paternal  grandmother.  She  took  hold 
of  a  stick  and  whipped  him  on  his  nose.  He  cried,  ran 
off,  ran  out  of  the  house.  Once  more  she  whipped  him, 
and,  as  before,  she  thus  kept  whipping  him.  She  fol- 
lowed him,  and  at  last  he  got  quite  outside  •,  she  whipped 
him  at  the  tip  of  his  tail.  That  is  why  to-day  Raccoon's 
back  is  black  in  places  •  it  is  thus  wherever  she  whipped 

Then  Raccoon  said  to  himself:  "Now  I  shall  go  away 
for  good ;  never  again  shall  my  paternal  grandmother  see 
me."  Then  he  cried.  Thus  he  said:  "My  paternal 
grandmother  whipped  me !"  And  thus  he  went  on.  He 
approached  people  (who)  were  assembled  together,  gam- 
bling at  shinny.  They  said  to  him:  "You  shall  come-," 
they  shouted  to  him.  He  did  not  look  at  them  at  all ; 
he  went  straight  ahead,  wailing.  "Ha,  ha,  ha!"  they  all 
laughed,  "oh,  yes!  Raccoon  has  been  stealing,  that  is  why 

dau  yuqxwE'lqt."  Gali'kim  wi'tlax:  "La'p  Lap  igl'nux 
agl'nux  agl'k.'ic.  La'p  Lap  igl'nux  agl'kllc.  Emca'dEnux 
k.'wa'fa  mckl'xax  klma'dsnux  na'ya  La'p  Lap  igl'nux 

5  Na'wit  gayu'ya.  Wi'tla  La'x  gali'xux  ;  adl'  wao'u  ids'l- 
xam  i^ga^Elat.  Wixt!ax  daxukwa  gatgignuma  :  "Amtfa." 
Wixt!a  daxukwa  gali^im:  "L^p  Lap  igfnux  agfkllc.  La7p 
Lap  igfnux  agl'kllc/  —  "  Ha  ha  ha7!  iq!a7lalEc  nigixkatxtk  •, 
nigi'twaq  aya^Iic,"  gatgiugwa^imtcgwax  idElxam.  Wixt!a 
10  daxukwa  gal^kim :  a EmcaMEnux  k!waxi:a  mckfxax  k!max- 
dEnux  naxya  Laxp  Lap  igfnux  agfkilc." 

Aga  mank  yaxxi  gayuxwaLa7gwa.  Gayu'ya  naxwit 
gayugwa^wamx  itkla^unoq  kaxnawi  dan  yuk!waxnxat 
ilxElEm.  Kwo'ba  gayuxla-it  aga  ga7n  nixu'xwax  sqxi'Lak. 

15  Kwopt  gayaklaLxiVulx  aslaVaitk1  agakla^unoq ;  kwopt 
gala-ixp/lmux  aslaxwaitk. 

Aga  a^t.'ax  ayark!ic  qlE'ctu  galaxu7xwax ;  galaxh/xwa-it: 
aLuxwaxn  da^bamat  qxi7dau  ninixtxa  itcgixyEn ;  aga  anyu- 
na'xLama."  Kwo'pt  galaxEltxwitck.  Aga  kwo'pt  galu'ya. 

20  Galaktca'xmax :  "Axna  witcigi'ysn  —  Ga'iya  witciglysn!3 
Da'ngiya'bama  Laxp  Lap  -  -  Ini^x  witcigfyEn.  Gatcw^q- 
wax  aqle'xcap  -  -  Ama'ltoq  ganu'xwax  —  Da'uka  itgak!ux- 
k!u.  Ga'iya  witcigfysn !  Gatcanlu'klamx  aqle'xcap  — 
Amaltoq  ganu'xwax  —  Iwa'tka  itgaklu'klu."3 

25  Yu'gwaxt  iqla'lalEc  a-ixilax  asla'waitk.  Kwopt  ixwi  ga- 
li'xux  -,  gatcagE'lkEl  axdit.  Plala  gayugwala-it  gaxn.  Htsli'- 
nun  alugwa'ya  dE/m+,  alaglu'maya  :  "  Ma'ika  tci8  ga'ya  ?" 

Species   uncertain.     In   the  corresponding  Kathlamet  myth  the  word  aszla'wa 
is  translated  "haws." 

:  is  customary  in  VVishram,  when  apostrophizing  a  relative,  as  in  mourning, 
to   use   both    the    non-pronominal   vocative   and    the    1st   per.   sing.    poss.  form  of 


he  is  crying."  Again  he  said:  "My  paternal  grandmother 
whipped  me !  My  paternal  grandmother  whipped  me ! 
You  people,  indeed,  are  happy,  but  as  for  me  -  -  my 
paternal  grandmother  whipped  me !" 

Straight  on  he  went.  Again  he  approached  (some 
people) ;  behold !  there  were  many  people  again.  Again 
as  before,  they  shouted  to  him  :  "You  shall  come." 
Again,  as  before,  he  said:  "My  paternal  grandmother 
whipped  me!  My  paternal  grandmother  whipped  me!" 
"Ha,  ha,  ha!  Raccoon  has  been  stealing.  His  paternal 
grandmother  killed  him,"  the  people  made  fun  of  him. 
Again,  as  before,  he  said  :  "You  people,  indeed,  are  happy, 
but  as  for  me  -  -  my  paternal  grandmother  whipped  me." 

Now  he  passed  by  them,  a  little  farther  ahead.  He 
went  straight  on  (until)  he  came  to  trees  (on  which)  all 
sorts  of  food  were  growing.  There  he  sat  down  and 
remained  quiet  for  a  short  time.  Then  he  climbed  up 
on  a  berry1  bush.  Then  he  ate  the  berries. 

Now  his  paternal  grandmother,  for  her  part,  became 
sad.  She  thought:  "I  don't  know  why  I  treated  my 
grandson  in  that  way ;  now  I  shall  go  and  look  for  him." 
Then  she  got  ready  to  go.  And  then  she  went.  She 
cried:  "Oh,  my  grandson!  grandson,  my  grandson!2  I 
know  not  why  I  whipped  my  grandson.  He  killed  a  fawn ; 
a  breech-clout  I  made  of  it,  thus  with  its  hoofs  on.  Grand- 
son, my  grandson !  He  brought  me  a  fawn ;  a  breech- 
clout  I  made  of  it,  just  that  way,  with  its  hoofs  on."3 

Raccoon  was  perched  on  top,  eating  the  berries. 
Then  he  turned  to  look,  and  saw  her  coming.  Quietly 
he  was  sitting  above,  saying  nothing.  Whenever  a  bird 
flew,  whirring  its  wings,  she  would  shout:  "Is  that  you, 

the  noun  (as  if  one  were  to  say  in  English:  "Papa,  my  father!").  Compare 
a'ca  wagl'xan  ("my  daughter!")  in  the  first  song,  p.  94. 

3  The  exact  rhythmical  values  of  the  syllables  of  this  song  are  undetermined, 
as  the  myth  was  written  down  and  forwarded  by  my  interpreter. 


I'wi  alaxu'xwax  ;  kla'ya  tfgwa'iilx.  Wi'tla  uqxws'lqt.  Ga- 
iixtu'xwa-it  :  "Aga  wa'wa  anu'xwa."  Kwopt  wi'tla  galix- 
lu'xwa-it:  "Kwa'tqxa  na'qxi  wa'w'  ana'txax.  Aic  anu- 
wa'gwa."  Kwopt  wi'tlax  nixhi'xwa-it  :  "Aic  itlu'kdix 
5  anakxaluda'itcgwa."  Aga  gala-igu'gwamx  ;  gagiu'lxam  : 
"Ma'ika  tci8  gaxya?w  Ga'n  yugwa'xt  •,  kla'ya  qxa'ngi  ga- 
tcu'lxam.  Ki'nwatci  gagiu'lxam  :  "Ma'ika  ga'ya?"  K!arya 
wa'wa  gatcurxwa. 

Kwopt  gagiulxam:     "Naxit!ax  asla'wait."     Kwopt  k!wa't 

10  k!wat   gatcu'xwax    paxL    ilia^cEn;    qxwaxL  qxwaL  gatcda7- 

luxwax     waqxaxts     aslaVait.       Gatculxam  :       "  Caxxu     ixxa 

imi/kucxat;    naxika  ayamluMa."      Kwopt   da7ukwa    galaxu7- 

xwax.  GatcagExRada  daqxwaxL  itca/kucxat.   Nanqlwa^guxit-, 

kixnwa  gaglu^xam  ihcqwa^     K!axya  gayuxya.     Aga  kwo'pt 

15  galaxcgHalEmtck.      Kwopt    nixkta    kirnwa    k!ma    a^gadix 

aga  axElu7idat  naxxux  ;  m^nk  aga  dululu  galuxkwa. 

Lgwap  gali^tcax  iqla^alsc  ;  kixnwa  gatcuValalEmtck  ; 
kixnwa  atcagE'lgaya.  DuMu  alugwa^alma  ;  ki^watci8  : 
"Akli'c  aga  mti"  ;  aga  kla'ya  wi'tlax  qxi'dau  ayamu'xwa  ; 

20  aga  atxklwa'ya."  Ki'nwa  gatc^walalEmtck  aga  a'-ic  pExs- 
pEsps1  gala^ux;  galaxxux  acmuMmud  akaxxdau  Iqxuct 
aya'klic  iqla'lalEc.  Aga  kwo'pt  ya^ima  ni7xux.  Aga 
gayu'ya.  NaVid  galig^gwam  isk!uxlyE.  Aga  gacdu'la-it 
cda'-ima.  Kwopt  gatciu'lxam  :  "K!a7ya  ya'xi  mia",  dala- 

25  a'x  lq!axb  atgEmu'xwa  wala'lap2  da'ngi  ilakla'mElamax." 

Aga     kwo'pt     gayu'ya     iqla'lalac     wi't!a ;    galigu'qwam 

1  A  sound  supposed  to  be  characteristic  of  the  pheasant. 

No  explanation  could  be  obtained  of  the  meaning  of  wala'lap  beyond  the  fact 
that  it  signifies  some  sort  of  mythical  being.  One  of  the  old  men  of  the  tribe  said 
that  Coyote  himself  did  not  know  what  it  was,  but  merely  wished  to  excite  Rac- 

grandson?"  She  would  turn  to  look;  it  was  not  a  person 
at  all.  Again  she  wails.  He  thought  to  himself:  "Now 
I  shall  talk  to  her."  Then  again  he  thought:  "Never 
mind !  I  shall  not  talk  to  her.  I  shall  just  kill  her." 
Then  again  he  thought:  "I  shall  just  associate  kindly 
with  her."  Now  she  reached  him.  She  said  to  him  :  "Is 
that  you,  grandson  ?"  He  is  perched  on  top,  saying  nothing  ; 
he  said  nothing  at  all  to  her.  In  vain  she  said  to  him  : 
"Is  that  you,  grandson?"  He  did  not  speak  to  her  at  all. 

Then  she  said  to  him:  "(Let)  me  also  (have)  some 
berries !"  Then  he  picked  them  .(until)  his  hand  was  full ; 
he  stuck  thorns  into  the  berries.  He  said  to  her:  "Open 
your  mouth  wide  and  I  shall  give  you  some."  Then  she 
did  thus.  He  threw  them  at  her  so  as  to  just  fill  her  mouth. 
She  choked  ;  she  tried  to  tell  him  (to  get)  water,  but  in  vain. 
He  did  not  go  (for  it).  And  then  she  rolled  about.  Then 
he  ran  (after  her),  but  in  vain,  as  she  had  already  become 
different.  A  short  time  elapsed  and  she  flew:  du'lulu. 

Raccoon  burst  out  crying.  He  kept  running  after  her, 
but  in  vain ;  he  would  try  to  seize  her,  but  without  suc- 
cess. She  would  keep  flying  about :  du'du.  In  vain  (he 
called  to  her):  "Grandmother,  come  now!  Not  again 
shall  I  do  thus  to  you.  Let  us  now  go  home."  He  kept 
following  her  about,  but  in  vain ;  now  she  just  uttered : 
"PE'spEsps."1  That  same  paternal  grandmother  of  Rac- 
coon, in  truth,  had  become  Pheasant.  So  then  he  re- 
mained alone.  Then  he  went  on.  Straightway  he  came 
to  Coyote.  Now  they  two  lived  together  alone.  Then 
(Coyote)  said  to  him :  "  Do  not  go  far  away ;  perhaps  a 
lwala'lap'  will  meet  you  —  they  are  wicked  beings."2 

And  then  Raccoon  went  on  again  and  came  to  Grizzly 

coon's  curiosity  so  as  to  get  a  chance  to  waylay  him,  kill  him,  and  eat  him.  Com- 
pare Boas,  Kathlamet  Texts,  pp.  152-154,  where  the  wa'LaxLax  invented  by  Coyote 
evidently  correspond  to  the  Wishram  wala'lap.  The  rest  of  the  myth  was  given 
as  a  second  instalment,  and  there  is  evidently  a  break  in  the  narrative. 

II — PUBL.    AMER.    ETHN.    SOC.   VOL.   II. 

iklwa'qwa.  "Qxa'ngi  gamxa'tx  ya'xdau  imiga'tcba 
—  "Gana'dla  aksklu'tsian  ;  aga  kwo'pt  galanxi'tlagwa,  kwopt 
wax  gadanxi'tx  itlasxu'ait  kwo'dau  ihi'nut."  —  "Da'ukwa 
na'it.'a  amnu'xwa,  a'wi."  -  "Cma'ni  au  imiga'iLmxac  yaxa 
5  dauka  ayamu'xwa."  Kwopt  nikfm  ik!warqwa  :  "Daukwa 
amnu'xwa."  -  -  aAx-i,"  nikfm  iq!axlalac.  Aga  kwo'pt  gac- 
gurla  ayaksk!uxtsian  iklwa'qwa,  sa'qu  gacgu'la.  Kwopt 
qlwul  qlwul  gaxcktux  itlasxu^it.  Kwopt  galixxaMma 
ik!waxqwa  ;  kwopt  gatca-ila7gwa  aksklu^sian  iyaga^cba. 
10  Nawit  wa7x  gatctixgux  itlasxu^it  k!ma  ilu7nut.  Kwopt 

Kwopt  gayuyar;  nawit  isklu^iya  galigu^wam.  Kwopt 
gatcii/lxam  :  "Ik.'wa^wa  tcErndwad,  ina-ila^wa  aksk!ux- 
tsian."  Kwopt  gatcii^pcut.  Kwopt  iskli/liyE  gatcigE^ga 
15  itclHaq  ;  a-ifa/1-h  gatcixux  iya^atcba.  Kwopt  lurq!  gateaux. 
Kwopt  gala'-ixilupct  iskiu'liyE,  wax  gatciu'gEmaxix  ittcli'- 
laqukc.  Vx  gatctux,  qxaiJa'lEt  itqxadu'tinkc. 

Kwopt    gatciruwa;     naxwit    galigElda^cgwam 
Gatci'ulxam  :      "Na'qxi  tci  ilmgi'datcgwam  ilkla'ckac,  di'ka 

20  itcE'ntqxa  ilgfnlux."  -  -  "Tcli'tqxala  tcIitqxalaV1  isk.'u'liyE 
gali'kim.  Wi'tla  gatciugwa'mtcxugwa  :  aNaxqxi  tci  il- 
kla'ckac  ilmgi'datcgwam  ?"—  aTc!i7tqxala  tclitqxala7."—  "Ha 
ha,  kla'ya  naxit!a  itcdama'xul,  awi."  (Yaxa  a'ngadix  lu'q! 
gatci'ux  itcli'laq  ;  a-ite'H-  gatci'ux  iyaga'tc  iqlalalac  diwi.) 

25  a  Yamu'xulal,  dala/8Ex  luq!  intu'x  anga'dix."  —  "Tcla'niau,  a'x 
mxux,"  gali'kim  iklwa'qwa.  Kwopt  ax  ni'xux  isk!uxliyE  • 
galigExlba  ilgwalilx  te'l  ila'gatc. 

Kwopt  ga'nwit  gatclu'gwakqxL  la'xka  da'ula  itgwalilx. 

1   This   word  is  apparently  quite  meaningless.     It  is  perhaps  a  humorous  con- 
tortion of  itc'.i'laq  ("grasshopper"). 

Bear.  "What  did  you  do  to  yourself  so  as  to  be  striped 
black  on  your  nose?" —  "I  sharpened  an  adze.  And  then 
I  hit  myself  with  it,  then  poured  black  pitch  and  urine 
on  myself."  "You  shall  do  thus  to  me  too,  younger 

brother!"  -  "If  indeed  you  are  nervy,  then  I  shall  do  thus 
to  you."  Then  Grizzly-Bear  said:  "You  shall  do  thus 
to  me."  -  "All  right,"  said  Raccoon.  And  then  the  two 
of  them  sharpened  Grizzly-Bear's  adze,  sharpened  it  per- 
fectly. Then  they  prepared  the  black  pitch  very  hurriedly. 
Then  Grizzly-Bear  lay  down ;  then  (Raccoon)  hit  him  on 
the  nose  with  the  adze.  Immediately  he  poured  the  black 
pitch  and  urine  on  him.  Then  he  ran  out  and  left  him. 

Then  he  went  on  and  on ;  straightway  he  came  to 
Coyote.  Then  he  said  to  him  :  "  Grizzly-Bear  is  following 
me,  I  hit  him  with  an  adze."  Then  he  hid  him.  Then 
Coyote  took  a  grasshopper  and  just  made  him  black  on 
his  nose.  Then  he  swallowed  him.  Then  Coyote  started  a 
fire  and  made  it  blaze  near  the  grasshoppers.  He  magically 
transformed  them,  (so  that)  they  appeared  to  be  children. 

Then  (Grizzly-Bear)  pursued  him ;  straightway  he  came 
upon  Coyote.  He  said  to  him:  "Did  not  a  boy  come 
upon  you?  He  made  a  scar  on  me  right  here."  —  "Tc!i't- 
qxala,  tditqxala',"1  said  Coyote.  Again  he  asked  him: 
"Did  not  a  boy  come  upon  you?" — "Tdi'tqxala,  tditqxa- 
la'." "Ha,  ha!  I,  for  my  part,  do  not  speak  Molale,2 
younger  brother!"  (Indeed,  (Coyote)  had  already  swal- 
lowed the  grasshopper;  he  had  just  made  his  nose  black 
(to  make  him  look)  like  Raccoon.)  "I'll  tell  you,  perhaps 
I  swallowed  him  some  time  ago." —  "Let's  see,  then,  vom- 
it!" said  Grizzly-Bear.  Then  Coyote  vomited;  a  person 
came  out  of  him  whose  nose  was  black. 

Then,  surely,  he  recognized  this  person  as  him.     Then 

2  Molale  is  the  western  dialect  of  the  Waiilatpuan  stock. 


Kw6pt  ni'kim  ildwa'qwa:  "Qxa'ngi  aic  ga'mxatx  yaxdau 
imik.'a'itsEm!"-  -  "Cma'ni  au  imiga'iLmxac  yaxa  pu  da'uka 
ma'itiax  ayamu'xwa  na'ika  diwi."-  -  "Hi,  da'ukwa  aga  na'itla 
amnu'xwa,  awi."  Aga  kwo'pt  gacdu'ya,  ilk!axlamat  gac- 
5  kfa'xlama.  Kwopt  gayu'ya  isk!u'liyE,  Iqlu'p  gatcuxxwa  atci7^- 
tcix.  Kwopt  Ixwa7p  gatcuxxwa.  Kwopt  qxwa'L  gala-ixxE- 
lux  iyawa^ba.  Aga  kwoxpt  gayuxya,  galixE'lgwitcu  ilkla'- 
lamat  ihcte'lt  gwa'nEma  a'xt  axt. 

Gatciu^xam  iklwa^wa:      uQxixdau  pu  axnxuxwa."     Luq! 

10  luxq!  gatclux  gwa'nma  ilklalamat.  Kw67pt  gatclu^wEmct 
iltcqwa';  lE'b  \Eb  galxux  iyawa7nba.  Galixxux  guaxt  guat. 
Kwopt  galigla^amtck :  "Itcmu^a  mu^a."  Kwopt  gatci- 
u'lxam  iya^xt:  "Qxi'dau  ganxatx  itsmala^umit  kwodau 
itskla'itsEm/  Gali'kim  ik!waxqwa :  "Da'ukwa  amnu'xwa, 

15  a'wi."  Gali'kim  isk!uxlyE :  "Cma^i  au  imiga'iLEmxEtck 
yaxa  darukwa  ayamu^wa."  Gayuxtxwit  isk!uxlyE ;  dawarx 
galxi^Elwaba  ilkla^amat  iyadu7duba.  Kworpt  aga  gayux- 
la-it  ik!warqwa;  gatciu^xam :  "K.^p  Emxux."  Kwopt 
gatdilgwi'tcu  ilkla'lamat;  sa'q11  gatci'lgalqx  iya'wan.  Ga- 

20  yumqxa'tEmtck ;  gatci'ulxamnintck :  "Emki'm  maxit!a, 
'Ma'la  ma'la'  na'ika  diwi  ganxtgimni'nxL."  Gay^mEqt ; 
cuxx  gatci'xux;  kwopt  galixE'lmux. 


Icta'mx   aya'gikal    ma'la    gduxt    i'tqxuK.       Aga    kwo'pt 

gahi'ya   wa'tckti.     Aga   Lq.'o'pLqlop   guxt.      Kwopt    gagi- 

25  xi'ma  itca'xan;  aga  ya'xi  gala'-igsluqxl,  guxt  Lq!6xpLq!6p 

wa'tckti.      Aga    gakla'kuLqx;    kwopt    na-iglu7ya    itcaxa'n. 

1  This  myth  was  taken  down  in  phonetic  Wishram  and  forwarded  with  inter- 
linear translation  by  Pete  McGuff,  the  original  source  being  an  old  Indian  woman 
named  AnEwi'kus.  Despite  several  attempts  to  get  the  whole  myth  in  its  com- 

Grizzly-Bear  said:  "Just  what  did  you  do  to  yourself, 
that  you  are  thus  small?"  —  "If,  indeed,  you  are  nervy, 
then  I  could  do  thus  to  you  too,  just  like  me."  —  "Surely, 
you  shall  now  do  thus  to  me  too,  younger  brother!"  And 
then  the  two  of  them  went  and  heated  some  stones.  Then 
Coyote  went  and  cut  off  an  elder-bush  limb.  Then  he 
bored  it  all  through  and  hung  it  inside  of  himself  in  his 
belly.  And  then  he  went  and  threw  down  five  hot  rocks 
into  himself,  one  by  one. 

Grizzly-Bear  said  to  him:  "Thus  I  should  like  to  do." 
(Coyote)  swallowed  five  rocks  one  after  another.  Then 
he  drank  water  and  they  boiled  in  his  belly.  He  rubbed 
himself.  Then  he  sang:  "I  am  clean,  clean."  Then  he 
said  to  his  elder  brother :  "  In  this  way  I  became  clean 
and  small."  Grizzly-Bear  said:  "Thus  you  shall  do  to 
me,  younger  brother!"  Coyote  said:  "If,  indeed,  you 
are  nervy,  then  I  shall  do  thus  to  you."  Coyote  stood 
up  and  the  rocks  just  went  pouring  out  of  him  from  his 
tube.  And  then  Grizzly-Bear  sat  down.  (Coyote)  said 
to  him:  "Shut  your  eyes."  Then  he  dropped  the  rocks 
down  into  him.  His  belly  all  burned  up.  He  began 
to  die.  (Coyote)  kept  telling  him:  "Do  you  too  say, 
'Clean,  clean,'  just  as  I  kept  saying."  He  died.  He  took 
off  his  skin  from  him;  then  he  ate  him. 


The  chiefs  wife  is  cleaning  up  the  house.  And  then 
they  went  to  get  grass  and  she  cuts  it.  Then  she  laid 
her  child  down  and  went  off  far  away  from  him,  (while) 
she  is  cutting  the  grass.  Now  she  finished  (her  work) 

plete  form,  it  had  to  be  left  unfinished  as  here  given.  It  is  evidently  a  variant 
of  the  Kathlamet  "Myth  of  Aqlasxe'nasxena"  (see  Boas,  "Kathlamet  Texts," 
pp.  9—19), 

1 66 

Galu'yam;  kla'ya  itca'xan,  yaima  da'ngi  gagigE'lkfil  idia'- 
qxat  di'xtka  ickla'li  diwi  datcli'p  itcaxa'nba  ixadi'mat. 
Kl'nwa  galgi'unaxhck.  K!a'ya.  Aga  kwo'pt  galxklwa'yu. 
Aga  kwo'pt  tla'ya  gatgi'a  itka'lukc,  gatkdu'kl  itgaga'matcx. 
Wft!a  daxuka  gafgi/giga  itqxa't  da'ima  da'ukwa  wirt!a 
datcll'p  ickla'li  diwi.  Aga  kwo'pt  gahcda'gwa,  galu'yam. 
Galki'm:  "Kla'ya  ik.'a'ckac."  Aga  kwoxpt  ka'nawi  idv'l- 
xam  galuxinrmtck. 

Qu'ct    yaxa    axxdau    Atlatla'iiya1   gag^ux^tk.      Gagi'ukl 

10  nawit    itca'qxuqba    bama   li/q!.     Aga    kw6xpt  wixt!a  tq!ixx 

gagixux,    aga  aic  gagiumda'mit  bama  a'xka.     Aga  aluxya 

akdu'laba  itlalftsyauks  kwoxdau  itqwaxdEdukc  dan  agalE^- 

gwa,     akduxkla.      Luxxu    akduxxwa,    atgExksta     saitla'mEl- 

tta^El.     Aga  kw67pt  adixE'lmuxma.    Aga  kuxldix  gayi/mt, 

15  iya'gaiL     ni'xux.      Aklulxa^a     itca'qxuq:       "  Imca^x^x." 

Aga    gatdgE'lkEl   ilxElu'idEd,    tfa^qx   ixlu^dsd    yaxa  yarx  •, 

iyaxlqx  ilgwa'lilx  diwi,  la^itc  ila^qx  datc!irp  iyakirnulmax. 

Kwopt    nixluxxwa-it :       "Qxa'ngi    Iga    qxixdau?"       A-ila'x 

iki'xax.     K!ma    da'minwa    giuxxulal    itca'xan    aga  yaxxt!ax 

20  tcagE'mluxan ;  qxa'ngi  algiuxxwa  itca'qxuq  tq!i'x  agiu'xwa, 

aklulxa'ma :     "Imca'uxix." 

Aga    da'nmax  gatcdu'dina,  ittsl^nunks  da'nmax  idiaga7- 

matcx   Engi.     Da'minwa    agiulxa'ma :      aNaxqxi    iwa't    iwa 

galu'ix."2     Yaxa    da'minwa  ixqlwa'lal  aga  dan  atciwa'gwa 

25  itc!axnk.     Aga  kwo'pt  nixlu'xwa-it :     "Da'nba  Iga  gagnul- 

Compare  pp.  35—39  and  footnote  on  p.  34.     Pete  writes  in  regard  to  this  mythi- 
cal  being   that  she  uis  supposed  to  be  a  kind  of  a  person^  but  much  larger   than 


and  went  to  her  child.  She  arrived  there.  Her  child 
was  not  to  be  seen  ;  only  something  she  saw,  a  single 
track,  striped  like  a  basket,  where  her  child  had  lain. 
They  sought  to  find  him,  but  in  vain.  He  was  not  to 
be  seen.  And  then  they  all  went  home.  Now  then  the 
men  went  (to  search)  more  carefully,  took  their  arrows 
along.  Again  as  before  they  found  only  a  track,  again 
as  before  striped  like  a  basket.  So  then  they  turned  back 
and  arrived  home.  They  said:  "There  is  no  boy."  And 
then  all  the  people  mourned. 

Now  in  truth  it  was  that  Atlatla'liya1  who  had  stolen 
him.  She  took  him  straight  to  her  children  for  eating. 
But  then  again  she  liked  him  and  just  raised  him  for 
herself.  Now  she  used  to  go  to  dig  up  black  snakes  and 
frogs,  or  toads,  and  took  them  home  with  her.  She  used 
to  roast  them,  and  when  tender,  they  were  done.  And 
then  he  used  to  eat  them.  Now  he  grew  up  quickly  and 
became  big.  She  used  to  say  to  her  children:  "He  is 
your  younger  brother."  Now  he  saw  that  they  looked 
different  (from  himself),  their  flesh  looked  different  from 
his  own  ;  his  flesh  was  like  a  human  being's,  as  for  them 
—  their  flesh  was  marked  in  stripes.  Then  he  thought 
to  himself:  "Why,  perchance,  is  it  thus?"  He  is  puz- 
zled. But  ever  she  speaks  of  him  as  her  son,  and  he,  for 
his  part,  thinks  much  of  her.  Whatever  her  children 
would  do  to  him,  she  would  take  his  part ;  she  would 
say  to  them:  "He  is  your  younger  brother." 

Now  he  killed  various  (animals),  various  birds  with  his 
arrows.  Always  she  would  say  to  him:  "Do  not  go  off 
in  that  direction."  Now  he  is  always  hunting,  and  even 
kills  a  deer.  And  then  he  thought:  "Why,  perchance, 

an  ordinary  person.  No  one  to-day  can  give  the  exact  description,  nor  anyone 
ever  saw  one." 

2  Gatu'ix  means  "they   went."     One  would  rather  expect  amu'ya  ("you  shall  go"). 


xa'mnil,  lK!a'ya  amu'ya  iwa't  iwa'?"  Kwopt  nixhi'xwa-it : 
aAga  iwa'tka  anu'ya."  Aga  iwa'tka  gayu'ya.  lyakla'i- 
tsEm  wi'xat  gali'gugwam,  kwo'ba  daya  ikla'munak  ixi'mat. 
Qwob  nikk!a'lagwa  pu.  kwopt  ca'xsl  nixux ;  nixLa'gwa  pu, 
5  wi'tla  kwo'ba  da'uya.  Kwopt  nigu'txwit,  daLla'k  nixux. 

tf  A^nanana,"  galxi/x  ilgwa^ilx.      "Na^ka  Iga  gani^xtga 
k!rrT    aga  L!axk  itcixux  itcqw^t  k!ma  yaxa  pu 
lya'waq   itcqwrt,  ikla^amgwadid1    Engi    itcmE^q, 
cfikcEk  Engi  akq!uxxl,  alxarplxap2  Engi  axk!uxxsk!uKS,  war- 

10  tcin  Engi  itsExkal."  Kwopt  gatcu^xam  :  "Au,  k!ma  naxqxi 
imnu^xam  a^gadix."  Aga  kwopt  t!axya  gatcixux  itcaxquit 
wirt!a  da7ukwa.  Kwopt  gagh/lxam  :  "Alqxi  anyulxa^ 
mEma  imilxt.^max."3  Kwopt  narkta,  daLa^  wagflti  gala7- 
xux.  Quxct  yaxa  ikinwa^cumax  ya7xdau  itcagfkal  naxa- 

15  nkuh'tckwam. 

ayaxEmilkuhvtckwa  ;  narqxi  a'xdau  waxmaqx,  ax- 
lu'idEd  a'xdau.  ImHkau  qxi'gEmtgix  watcE7lxba  abaxaxtba. 
Amuya^abEt,  alma  amhi'xwa  ilqla^uskan  tc.'E^tc.'Ex. 
Kw67pt  alma  kwaxLkwaL  amliluxa^axdixa  kaxnawi  qaxxba 
20  watcE'lxba.  Kwo'pt  alma  wa'x  armVxwa  aluxyabEt  qxar- 
damt,  atdilga'lgwa  itcaxqxuq.  Cma'nix  saqu  atclitga'lgwa 
itca'qxuq,  kwopt  ya'xiba  kwo'ba  iqlfyuqt  yuxt."  Gagix- 

Aga   kwo'pt    nixklwa'.     Kwopt  da'ukwa  ni'xux;  kwaxL- 
25  kwaL  gatclu'x  ilqla'xuskan  alatcE'lxba.     Aga  kwo'pt  wixt!a 

The  ikla'lamgwadid  is  described  as  a  tin  ornament  of  the  shape  of  a  funnel; 

several  were  tied  close  to  one  another  to  a  belt  or  saddle,  and  produced  a  jingling 

Pete    adds   that    surely   the    "ik'.a'tamgwadid  was  made  before  Indians  ever 

tin.  To  my  knowledge,  it  was  made  of  horn  or  bone  in  olden  days."  Per- 
haps dew-claw  rattles  are  referred  to. 


has  she  always  been  telling  me,  'You  shall  not  go  off  in 
that  direction'?"  Then  he  thought  to  himself:  "Now  I 
shall  go  just  yonder."  And  off  he  went  in  just  that  direc- 
tion. He  came  to  a  narrow  trail ;  there  lies  this  stick. 
He  was  about  to  step  across  over  it ;  then  it  arose.  He 
was  about  to  pass  by  it ;  again  there  was  this  (stick). 
Then  he  stepped  on  it;  it  broke  right  in  two. 

"A'nnanana,"  groans  the  person  (in  pain).  "Was  it 
I,  perchance,  that  stole  him  ?  And  yet  he  broke  my  leg, 
and  indeed  I  was  about  to  let  him  know  something.  My 
leg  is  valuable,  my  thigh-bone  is  of  jingles,1  of  beads  is 
my  knee,  of  ahca'plxap3  my  ankle,  of  dentalium  my  shin 
bone."  Then  he  said  to  her:  "Oh!  but  you  did  not  tell 
me  before."  And  then  he  made  her  leg  well  again,  as 
it  was  before.  Then  she  said  to  him :  "  Wait,  I  shall 
go  and  tell  your  great-grandfather."3  Then  she  ran  off 
and  a  sprinkle  of  rain  arose.  Now  in  truth  that  was 
Thunder  who  was  her  husband,  and  she  came  to  tell  him. 

"Now  I  shall  tell  you.  That  one  is  not  your  mother, 
that  woman  is  different  (from  you).  Your  cradle-board  is  in 
the  back  part  of  the  underground  lodge,  at  the  rear  end. 
When  you  get  there,  then  you  shall  split  up  pitch-wood. 
Then  you  shall  stick  some  of  it  into  every  part  of  the 
underground  lodge.  Then,  when  she  goes  off  somewheres, 
you  will  set  fire  to  the  (pitch),  and  her  children  will  burn. 
When  her  children  will  have  all  burned,  then  (go)  to  yon- 
der place,  where  an  old  man  is  dwelling."  She  pointed 
it  out  to  him. 

And  then  he  went  home.  Then  he  did  as  directed ; 
he  stuck  in  the  pitch  in  their  underground  lodge.  Now 

2  No    explanation    of   this   term    was   given.     Probably    some    sort   of  beads  or 
other  ornament  is  referred  to. 

3  All    progenitors    from    the    fourth  generation  back,  i.  e.,  beginning  with  one's 
great-grandparents,  are   included   in  the  terms  ilxt'.a'max  (masc.),  alxt'.a'max  (fern.). 

galu'ya,  galaldi'lapam.  Kwopt  ya'xtla  nixq!wa'  qxaiJa'LEt. 
Kwopt  wi't!a  Lu'k  nixux,  galtfgu'qwam  bdla'-itix.  Gatc- 
hTlxam:  "Alqxi  Lte'kijEk1  ayamcu'xwa."  Aga  kwopt 
Lte'kiJEk  gatdux.  Gabd'qxatq  idia'qwitba,  saq11  galikgu'p- 
5  dit.  Kwopt  k!a'uk!au  gatclxElu'x  ilaxnalxat  Engi.  Kwopt 
a-iwaxx  gatclux. 

Aga  kwopt  nu'it  gayu'ya.  Wixt!a  Luxk  nixux,  wi'tla 
gayu'ya.  Gw^nmix  Luxk  nixux ;  gatctux  gw^nmix  itqxart. 
Kwopt  kwo^au  gayuxya  iq.'fyuqtyamt :  (ya^iwadix  iya7lkau 

10  gatcigElga).  Kwaic  ak!ixulal  At!at!axiiya,  daLia'k  nixux 
itcaga'bEn.  "Am,"  na'kim,  "iyagE'lmakcti !  aga  daxngi 
itci^gElux  itcqxuxq.w  Aga  kwopt  naxwit  naxk!wax ;  galu7- 
yam,  aga  tcaVigaluqt  itla^ul  saqu.  Kwopt  naxxa-ilutk 
da'niwatba  gatctuxx ;  wixt!a  Luk  na7xux.  Aga  kworpt  a-i- 

15  klwa'lalfik  naxxux;  gw^nmix  gaktux  kw67dau  sa7iba  ga- 

Yaxa    ya7x    galigu^wam    iqlfyuqt   a-ixflxul  Tnadix  inat 

wixmal.      Kwopt    gatciu'qdi    iyaxqxwit  gwob  vti'msA.      Ga- 

tciu'lxam  :    aNaxqxi  alma  amingutxwrda  axqlu^lba."    Aga 

20  niguxya    nawit   ayaq!uxxlba,   nikk!axlagwa.     Qu7ct    yaxa    i- 

gwa'cgwac  daxuya  iqlfyuqt  iyaxLqt  iya^xwit. 

Aga  kwo'pt  gatci'ukl  idia'qulyamt.  Gatciumgu'gmit 
saxqu  da'xdau  daxnmax  dixilax  idakla'mElamax.  Kwopt 
gatcdilut  da'nmax  ittlu'ktimax  icawaxiyumax  itk!axdaqxi 
25  ik!waxnixmax  apgE'liumax  itgwa'natmax.  Gadi'xElmux, 
nixkli'Lxum.  Kwopt  gatciuk.Tdi,  gatcdi'lut  aklwa'tauwias 
kwodau  ka'nawi  dan  itkli'tit.  Kwo'dau  gatcdi'lut  gwExnma 
itgi'tcxutkc  paL  itga'matcx  kwodau  aia'xit. 

Aga    kwo'pt    gatcixni'ma-ix :      "Alma    amu'ya    da'xiaba 
30  itbu'xux;     alma     kwo'ba    amxli'maya    caxla'damt   ka'nawi 

1  L'.E'kL'.Ek    properly    means    "to    uncover    or   open"  something  by  taking  off  a 

then  she  went  off  again,  went  digging.  Then  he,  for  his 
part,  pretended  to  go  hunting.  Then  he  turned  back  again 
and  came  to  where  they  all  were.  He  said  to  them : 
"Let  me  louse1  you."  So  then  he  loused  them.  He  laid 
them  on  his  legs  and  they  all  slept  on  him.  Then  he 
tied  their  hair  to  one  another's  and  set  fire  to  them. 

Now  then  he  went  off  immediately.  Again  he  turned 
back,  again  he  went  off.  Five  times  he  turned  back, 
five  tracks  he  made.  And  then  he  went  to  the  old  man ; 
(first  he  got  his  cradle-board).  While  Atlatla'liya  is  dig- 
ging, her  digging-stick  broke  right  in  two.  "Oh,  the 
stinker!"  she  said,  "now  he  has  done  something  to  my 
children."  Now  then  she  went  straight  home.  She  arrived 
there  ;  their  house  was  all  burning  now.  Then  she  tracked 
him  at  the  first  (track)  he  had  made ;  again  she  turned 
back.  And  then  she  became  puzzled.  Five  times  she 
tracked  (him)  before  she  followed  him  rightly. 

As  for  him,  he  had  reached  the  old  man.  He  is  fishing 
with  a  dip-net  on  the  other  side,  across  the  river.  Then 
he  stretched  out  his  leg  across  the  river.  He  said  to 
him:  "You  shall  not  stand  on  my  knee."  So  he  went 
straight  up  to  his  knee  and  stepped  over  it.  Now  in 
truth  this  old  man  with  the  long  leg  was  Crane. 

And  then  he  took  him  to  his  house.  He  made  him 
vomit  all  those  various  bad  things  that  he  had  been  eating. 
Then  he  gave  him  all  sorts  of  good  things  -  -  bull  trout, 
chubs,  steel-head  salmon,  trout,  Chinook  salmon.  He  ate 
them,  finished  eating.  Then  he  clothed  him,  gave  him 
a  leather  cape  and  all  sorts  of  clothing.  And  he  gave 
him  five  quivers  of  arrows  and  a  bow. 

And  then  he  pointed  out  his  way:  "You  shall  go  to 
yonder  mountains ,  there  you  will  shoot  upwards  all  these 

lid.  The  idea  of  "lousing"  is  here  derived  from  that  of  "opening  or  parting  the 
hair"  when  looking  for  lice. 


gwE'nma    dauda    idmigVtcxutkc."     Kwopt  da'ukwa  ni'xux. 

Galixli'ma     nawit    iguca'xba,     gatcaxu'txmalitEmtck    aga'- 

matcx     nawit     wi'lxba.       Kwopt    kwo'ba    gayugwa'wulxt  ; 

da'uka    gayugwa'wulxt    da'uka    dakda'k    gatctux    idiaga'- 

5  matcx.     La'x  gayu'yam  iguca'xba.     Adi',  gatcu'gikEl  ids'l- 

xam.     Lq!axp  gatctux;   gatchi'lxam  :     '"Qxa'damt    mcu'it?" 

"K!axya!     Nadlda^wit  ncugwala'-idamit   itgaq!axqctaq- 

ukc."     Quxct  yaxa  waxqxcti  a'xdau  cartel  uk!ixtit. 

Wi'tla  gayuxya  yaxxat  ;  wixt!a  Lq!axp  gatctux  itklu^a-itc 

10  idElxam.      Gatcdugumtcx^gwa  :      "Qxa^amt    mcu^t?"    — 

K.'a'ya!  Entcxtigwa^imamt  Nadlda^wit  ilga^aLxat."    Qurct 

yaxa    watsklE'nL    axdau.       Wixt!a    yaxat    gayuxya  ;    wi7t!a 

gatcu'gikEl    itklu'na-itc    tga'dit.      "Qxada'mt    Emcu'it?"    — 

aK!a7ya!  Nadldaxnwit  ncawila^idamt  itgaxE^yakukc."  Quxct 

15  yaxa  waqxudi7xat. 

Yaxxat  gayurya  ;  gatclgE^kEl  ilgwa^ilx  Hit.  Lq!axp  gate- 
lux.  Da'ngi  Igi'uctx,  qls'pqlEp  ts!axts!a  ikixxax.  Kwopt 
gatciugumtcx^gwa  :  "Da'n  dauya  miu'klt?"  —  "Kla'ya! 
abu^max  dauwa  n^klt."  Kwopt  L.'axk  gatcax-ixux  •,  dagap- 
20  gaxb  nixu7xix.  Kwopt  wixt!ax  gatcuxaxbu  ;  wixt!a  waxxwax 
nixu^xix.  Aga  kwopt  wi'tlax  nixLaxgwa. 

wixt!a  ilgwa'lilx  Hit;  Iqia'p  gatchix.      "Ah, 
ah,"  alxElga'yax,  ila^naq  ilagwa^ntfba,  alilgat  aga'matcx! 
Mank    ya'xat    kwo'ba     galu'lktcu;    galu'moqt.       Gayu'ya 
25  ya'xat;  gatd^lkEl  Ixdat  ilgwa'lilx.1 

The    myth   doubtless   continues   very    much  like  its  Kathlamet  correspondent 
Boas,  Kathlamet  Texts.  D.   iiV 

(see  Boas,  Kathlamet  Texts,  p. 


five  quiverfuls  of  yours."  Then  he  did  just  in  that  way. 
He  shot  clear  to  the  sky ;  he  caused  the  arrows  to  stand 
one  on  top  of  another  clear  (down)  to  the  ground.  Then 
he  climbed  up  there ;  as  he  climbed  up,  then  also  he 
took  off  his  arrows.  He  arrived  up  in  the  sky.  Behold! 
he  saw  people.  He  met  them  and  said  to  them  :  "Whith- 
er are  you  going?"  —  "No!  We  are  going  to  ride  on 
the  heads  of  Indians."  Now  in  truth  those  were  the  Lice, 
dressed  all  in  black. 

Again  he  went  farther  ahead ;  again  he  met  still  other 
people.  He  asked  them:  "Whither  are  you  going?" 
"No!  We  are  going  to  hang  on  to  the  hair  of  Indians." 
Now  in  truth  those  were  the  Nits.  Again  he  went  on  far- 
ther ahead ;  again  he  saw  still  others  coming.  "  Whither 
are  you  going  ?"  -  "  No !  We  are  going  to  stay  in  the 
breech-clouts  of  Indians."  Now  in  truth  they  were  the 

He  went  farther  ahead  and  saw  a  person  coming.  He 
met  him.  He  carries  something  on  his  back ;  it  is  tightly 
closed.  Then  he  asked  him:  "What  is  this  that  you  are 
taking  along  with  you?"  "No!  These  are  nights  that  I 
am  taking  along  with  me."  Then  he  opened  his  (box)  and 
it  became  entirely  dark.  Then  he  closed  it  again  and  it 
became  all  light  again.  And  then  he  passed  him  again. 

He  saw  a  person  coming  again ;  he  met  him.  "Ah, 
ah!"  he  was  groaning;  he  was  shot  in  the  heart,  an  arrow 
stuck  to  him.  A  little  farther  ahead  there  he  fell 

down  and  died.  He  went  farther  ahead  ;  he  saw  a  per- 
son coming  in  haste.1 



Aga  k!a'xc  gi'uxt  akla'ckac  itcxa'n1  atcucga'ma.  Ag' 
a'lEma  wikxi't  aniu'xwa  na'ika.  "Itla'ktix  ka'nauwe  amc- 
xElqla'xida  ag'  a'lEma  kVdux-  wiki'd  aniu'xwa.  Aga 
mcgilxa'mam  ika'la  iqle'yoqt.  Aga  wikixd  aniuxxwa  •,  ag' 
5  ana-ixmEla'lEma  ikal'  aya^an.  Wikird  anilurda  ag'  a^Ema 
atciu'gwia  wixkit  ikaxla."  Aga  'gidi^am  iq!exy6qt.  "Ag' 
andi'luda  ika'la  wiki't.  Ag'  a'mdilukla  da'udax."  Aga 
wikird  inixux. 

Ag'  ItcdHut  idia'kt'  ikala.  Ag'  itctilut  Ju'nikc  i«a'- 
10  itix2  ilgrxEltkiu2  wikx^t  kwoxdau  mo^ct  itk^udaniukc 
itgaxamatla^yutckEmax  itcdHut  ayaxarnba  •,  itca-ixE'mElal. 
Aga  daxuda  itkdnftk^ck  naxit!ax :  i'x't  ikaMmak  kwoMau 
i'x't  idu^ha  qexE^dEnit  kwoxdau  mo^ct  itp!axsiskwa,  wixt!ax 
naxit!a  iqdnixtkutck. 

15  Ag'  atcucga/m'  itcxaxn  ak!axckac ;  aya'gikal  alaxi/xwa; 
iga'xux.  Aga  alugwigE'liudama ;  ag'  algiu'kfa  itcxa'n  aya- 
gika'lba;  alxugwigE'liudama.  Ag'  a'lEma  kwoba"  'lixa'txa 
iaqcixxba  kw6rdau  aya^cix  kwoxdau  aya^ikal.  Aga  wHimx 
igi'xux  itcxa^.  Ag'  tfkctka'm  naikaxba  wo'kcti  itcxa^ 

20  aya^ikal,  wandaxcti  axgi'kal  inda'xan  aya^ikal.  Qxfdau 
ga'ngadix  galuxtki'xax  itqle'yoqtikc,  wikxi7t  gayuxwiti'm. 

The  father  of  the  bridegroom  is  to  be  thought  of  as  telling  this  account. 

Of  these  two  words  for  "slave,"  ila'-itix  belongs  more  properly  to  Lower 
Chinook,  but  has  become  current,  probably  through  the  medium  of  the  Chinook 
jargon,  in  Wish  ram  as  well. 



Now  my  son1  likes  a  girl  and  wants  to  marry  her. 
So  I  am  to  make  the  bridal  purchase.  (I  say  to  my  as- 
sembled acquaintances :)  u  It  is  good  that  you  all  learn 
that  I  intend  to-morrow  to  give  the  bridal  purchase-money. 
Now  do  you  all  go  and  tell  an  old  man.  Now  I  shall 
give  the  purchase-money,  now  I  shall  buy  from  the  man 
his  daughter.  I  shall  give  him  the  purchase-money,  and 
the  man  will  take  the  purchase-money."  Now  the  old  man 
has  come  (and  I  say  to  him) :  "Now  I  am  to  give  the  man 
these  (things)  as  purchase-money.  Now  you  shall  take  these 
here  to  him."  Now  I  have  made  the  bridal  purchase. 

Now  he  has  given  the  man  his  things.  He  has  given 
him  as  purchase-money  three  slaves  and  he  has  given 
him  two  fast-running  horses  in  return  for  his  daughter. 
He  has  bought  her  from  him.  And  also  to  me  they  have 
brought  back  as  wedding-gifts  these  things  :  one  tanned 
elk-skin  and  one  ox-hide  blanket  and  two  blankets ;  they 
have  been  brought  back  to  me,  for  my  part,  as  return  gifts. 

Now  my  son  is  ready  to  marry  the  girl ;  she  is  to  be- 
come his  wife.  She  has  become  (his  wife).  Now  the 
bridegroom's  relatives  are  to  go  to  meet  his  wife  at  her 
house.  Now  we  are  to  take  my  son  to  his  wife ;  we  are 
to  meet  her  at  her  house.  Now  there  he  is  to  remain 
with  his  father-in-law  and  his  mother-in-law  and  his  wife. 
Now  my  son  has  become  a  married  man.  Now  they 
have  brought  back  the  two  of  them  to  live  with  me, 
him  and  my  daughter-in-law,  my  son's  wife;  she  is  my 
and  my  wife's  daughter-in-law,  our  son's  wife.  Thus  long 
ago  the  men  of  old  used  to  do ;  they  used  to  get  women 
by  giving  each  other  purchase-money. 



Cma'nix  p'  ag'  ili'axan  tfk!axckac  p'  ag'  axligima  ika'la:1 
"Aga  kanawox  mcti ;  ag-'  itcxaxn  ilixaxan  ilak!6xits  ilk!axs- 
kas  aga  LxoxpLxop  aqluxxa  nVmiJoxi  itcxaxn  tfixaxan." 
Aga  kxwoxpt  kanauwax2  'tqulixb'  aluxwa'x'  idE'lxam.  Aga 
5  kxwo'pt  ts!uxnus  itlxlfi'm  aqiu'xwa.  Aga  kxwo'pt  aluxil- 
xE'lEm'  idE'lxam,  saxqu  aluxilxE'lEma.  Aga  kxwo'pt  ilk!aV 
kas  aqhi'da  ilqle'yoqt  ilka'la.  Aga  kxwo'pt  Lxo'pLxop 
alklu'xwa  ilamLlo'x^ba ;  gwa'nimix  ilamLlo'xi  a'nat,  wi'tlax 
arnat  gwa'nimix  Lx6rb  alkli/xwa  ilql^yoqt  cma^i  pu 

10  Ikdu'kul.2 

Aga  pu  ika^-imak  dab'3  ix^mat  yu'lgwiat  pu  kw6xb* 
ilkla'ckac  Lx6pLx6xb  aqlu^wa.  Aga  kxwoxpt  pu  aqh/xwa 
Lq!uxpLq!up  ikaMmak  lq!arb  itgi^pa  Ifxad  ilgoa^ilx.  Aga 
kxwoxpt  aqia^wimagwa  da^Emax  at!uxksai  kwoxdau  ilk!ax- 

15  muat  kw67dau  ak!waxlq ;  bu  cixkc  aqduxxwa  idE^xam  tq!e- 
6'qtikc.  Ag'  it!uxkt'  igixxux  ik!axckac  axwatc'  ak!axckac. 
IttcrnEmax  aqxixlluxwa  lomL.'o^imaxba  Lxo/pLxop.  Cmaxni 
pu  kla'ya  Lx67pLx6p  aqlugwaxnimtcgw6  pu. 

Aga     kxw6xpt    ilaqla^ctaq    iqi'limatsudit 4     aqilkxa^ima 

20  ilap!axqx'    aqillu'xwa.     Cma'ni  pu  kla'ya  dap!axl  ilap!axqxa 

ilaq!axqctaq    p'    aqlugw6xnimtcgwa.     Cmaxni    pu    ilqaxgilak 

ilaxwanb'  ilk!axckac  p'  aluxmEqt'  aluxwixnimitcgwa  idExlxam 

gwExnEm'  ilgoaxmax;  tq!^xx  aqlu'xw'  ilk!axckac.      GwExnEm' 

agaYax    aluxwixnEmitcgwa    idExlxam.     Wixt!a   dax-itck'  alu- 

25  xwilxExlEma  kVdux  ix'tka'dix-  aga  wix2gwa  daxnE  luqx  k!ma 

Iga'blad    itgaxlxlEm.5     Qxexdau   ga'ngadix  galxtkixxax  ilax- 


1  That    is,  his    father.     This    account    is    told    from  the  point  of  view  of  the 
child's  paternal  grandfather. 

8  That  is,  one  who  is  practised  in  the  operation  is  selected,  not  any  one  at  random. 


If  now  he  should  have  a  child,  a  baby,  then  the  man: 
would  say:  "Do  you  all  now  come!  Now  my  son  has 
a  child,  a  little  baby,  and  the  ears  of  my  son's  child  will 
have  holes  pierced  into  them."  And  then  all  the  people 
get  to  be  in  the  house.  And  then  a  little  food  is  pre- 
pared. Now  then  the  people  eat,  all  eat.  And  then  the 
baby  is  given  to  an  old  man.  Now  then  he  pierces  holes 
into  the  child's  ears,  —  five  holes  in  one  of  his  ears, 
again  five  holes  in  the  other  does  the  old  man  make,  if 
he  should  know  how  to  do  it.2 

Now  here3  a  tanned  elk-skin  lies  spread  out,  thereon 
the  baby  has  his  (ears)  pierced.  And  then  the  tanned 
elk-skin  is  cut  up  into  pieces  enough  for  one  pair  of  moc- 
casins (as  gift)  for  each  person.  And  then  various  (other) 
things  are  distributed  :  small  baskets,  and  horse-hair  rope, 
and  twined  basket-bags.  Gifts  would  be  made  to  the 
people,  the  old  people.  Now  the  boy  or  the  girl  has 
become  good.  Beads  are  strung  through  holes  in  the 
child's  ears.  If  it  did  not  have  its  (ears)  pierced,  it  would 
be  laughed  at. 

And  then  a  head-flattener4  is  laid  on  its  head,  is  put 
on  its  forehead.  If  its  head  should  not  have  a  flattened 
forehead,  it  would  be  laughed  at.  If  a  woman  should  die 
with  a  child  in  her  womb,  the  people  would  mourn  for  five 
days ;  they  like  a  child.  Five  days  the  people  mourn. 
Again  they  eat  once  in  the  morning  and  are  without 
swallowing  anything  all  day  long,  yet  they  have  lots  of 
food.5  Thus  long  ago  the  Wishram  used  to  do. 

3  Indicated  by  gesture. 

4  Any    piece   of  hard    wood    or  skin  made  to  fit  on  the  child's  forehead  as  it 
lies  wrapped  on  the  cradle-board. 

•  5  That  is,  it  is  not  for  lack  of  food  that  they  refrain  from  eating. 

12 — PUBL.    AMER.   ETHN.   SOC.   VOL.    II. 


3.  DEATH. 

Cma'nix  p'  ika'la  ixi'al  p'  ayu'mEqta  pu  aluxwi'nimto 
gwa  idE'lxam.  Tq!&'x  p'  aqiu'xwa ;  ka'nauwe  dan  p'  itlu'kt' 
aqi'luda.  Sa'2qu  k!a'uk!au  aqdi'luxwa  itci'nEmax  ilt!a'- 
inikc1  tfqla'mucEkcEk  kwo'dau  ika'lxalukc2  ialqba  aqlil- 
5  Jxwo'ya.  Aga.kxwo'pt  p'  aluxwi'mmtcgwa  tca^ilxam  aga'lax. 
Wi'tla  da'ukwa  agagi'lak  wa'liq  pu  'lu'mEqta.  Alu'mEqta 
pu  wa'liq  saxqu  itk!ixmax  ilqla'mucEkcEk  iltla'-inikc  itcixnE- 
max  aqfe/luxwa  kwoxdau  iltska^Emax.  Lq!u7p  alax^uxwa 
wakxa'q  itgomLlu^iba  ca^aladamt.  Wixt!ax  da7ukwa  wi- 
10  tcErm  a-iLqloa'b  alixu'xwa  iliena'fxat.  Wi'tlax  do'ukwa 
kaxnauwe  lac^xtikc. 

Aga  y^mEqt.  Ag'  aqiu'kla  tkifmxatgEmaxiamt ;  idme7- 
mEluctikcpa  aqiu/tgama.  Aga  qiu'klt ;  tgixd  aga  palala^ 
fga'blad  idE^xam  tgi\vad  itm^mEluct  qluxklt.  Cma'nix 
15  p'  ayu'mEqt'  ikaxla  p'  aluxw^nEmitcgwa ;  tq!£rx  aqiuxxwa ; 
it.'u'kti  yago^Enil  ka^nauwe  caxnba.  Tca^ilxam  aga7Lax 
ak!uxn  gwE'nEma  agaxLax  p'  aluxwixnEmitcgwa.  Wixt!ax 
da'ukw'  agagilak ;  it!urkt'  itcago^Enil  kw67dau  qxoxqE- 
mitp'  at!u'kt'  itca^gulitpa. 


20  Cma'nix  pu  imrtcgEmEm  amxu'xwa  aga  kxwo^t  amx- 
luxwa'-ida:  "Ca'n  anlgE'lgaya  iltlu'kti  itla'gewam  ?w  Am- 
Lu'da  luxn  itki^daniukc  kwordau  mo^ct  iduiha^ax  kwo7- 
dau  mokctte'at  ida'la.  Ixulal  idia'gewam  :  tt  Na'qxi  t!a7i' 
aniu'xwa;  cpa'g  iatcgE'mEm  iki'xax."  Ik!urn  Txat  idia'ge- 

1  ihla'-inikc:    said    to    be    very    valuable  and  to  have  been  made  by  California 

Probably  Chinese  coins,  which  were  current  along  the  Columbia  River  at  the 

a  P 

3.   DEATH. 

If  a  young  man  should  die,  the  people  mourn.  He  is 
liked;  he  is  given  all  kinds  of  good  things.  All  over 
(his  body)  are  tied  on  to  him  beads  of  sea-fish  bones, 
sea-shell  beads,1  round  glass  beads,  and  strings  of  brass 
square-holed  coins  ;3  they  are  put  around  him  on  his  body 
(on  neck  and  arms).  And  then  they  mourn  for  ten  days. 
Again,  so  also  (it  is  done)  if  a  virgin  woman  dies.  If  a 
virgin  dies,  there  are  put  all  over  her  woven  cloth,  round 
glass  beads,  sea-shell  beads,  fish-bone  beads,  and  brace- 
lets. Her  mother  cuts  off  (her  hair)  down  to  her  ears. 
Again,  so  also  her  father  just  cuts  off  his  head-hair. 
Again,  so  also  all  her  relatives. 

Now  (suppose  a  man)  is  dead.  Then  he  is  to  be  taken 
to  the  burial  vault3  and  deposited  among  the  dead.  Now 
he  is  being  carried  and  very  many  people  go  following 
him,  (as)  the  dead  person  is  being  carried.  If  a  man 
should  die,  the  (people)  mourn.  He  is  liked ;  his  heart 
was  good  to  everybody.  Ten  days  and  five  days  they 
mourn.  Again,  so  also  (in  case  of)  a  woman.  Good 
was  her  heart  and,  when  looked  at,  good  her  appea- 


If  you  should  become  sick,  then  you  think  to  yourself: 
"Whom  shall  I  take  that  is  a  good  medicine-man?"  You 
give  him  three  horses  and  two  oxen  and  twenty  dollars. 
The  medicine-man  says:  "I  shall  not  succeed  in  making 
him  well,  he  is  too  sick."  One  more  medicine-man  has 

time  of  the  early  coast  traders.     Cf.   Chinook  iqa'lxal  "gambling  disks." 

3  See  A.  B.  Lewis,  Tribes  of  the  Columbia  Valley  and  the  Coast  of  Washing- 
ton and  Oregon,  Memoirs  of  the  American  Anthropological  Association,  Vol.  I,  p.  171. 


warn  iqigF/lga;  ag'  ictmo'kct  icxu'x.  Iqdi'lut  la'kt  itki'u- 
daniukc  a'-ix't  adu'iha  k!ma  ya'lilxam  ida'la  kwo'dau 
mo'kct  itpa'iskwa. 

Ag'    ixu'lal   idia'gewam:      "Ag'   itlu'ktix  atxugwi'la-ida  • 

5  saiba'    'txugwi'la-ida.     Aga   t!a'y'    atgiu'xwa."     Ag'  ixulal 

idiaVewam :       ttMaxika     Iga     nimxlu^wa-it     yak^mEla-ix- 

idmigeVom.      Daxuya    Iga    kwoxba    yatcg^mEm    nigi^ux 

qxa'dagatci    ag'    atxigHa-ida.     Aga  t!aT  alixu^wa.     QEX- 

nEgi    mxlu'xwan  idia'gewam  ma'itiax?"     Ixu'lal :      "Aga  a7 

10  atxigila-ida    aga  ka'nactmokct."     Acdigila-ida  aga  n^qx- 

it!i/kt'  igi'xux.     Ag'  iu^Eqt  ikaxla.     Ka^actmokct  iqcu'- 

woq    itcda^ewam    nictigidla^it.      Aga    cdaxxdau    icdakla7- 

mEla ;  tgeVam  nicg^ux. 

Wixt!'    fxat    yatcgE'mEm    igi'xux.     Aga    wi't!'    iqi 

15  idia'gewam ;     iqdilut    mo^ct    itkrudaniukc    kw6xdau    lu'rt 

itpar-iskwa    kwordau    yalilxam    ida^a.       Wixt!'    iqxaxgElg' 

agagixlak  alugwila-ida.    Iqdaxlut  iqda^mimtum  i'x't  ikiuxtan 

kwo'dau  aMx't  aduxiha  kwoxdau  mo^ct  itpax-iskwa  kwoMau 

gwE'nEm'    idala.     Ag'    actugw^la-ida,    ag'    icguxa^ima    it- 

20  go'ugoumat2  ag'  igla'lam;  yugwi'lalit  idia'gewam. 

Ag'  ixuxlal  idia'gewam;  "Aga  na'qx'  ayu'msqta ;  aga 
tia'1  'ntgiu'xwa."  Wi'tla  da'ukw'  axulal  agagi'lak  itga'- 
gewam:  "Aga  na'qx'  ayu'mEqta;  aga  tla^i'  antgiu'xwa." 
Aga  cxu'lal:  "Ag'  a'kma  kVdux  antxuk!waxya  aga  sa'q11 
25  andigHa-ida."  Aga  dai  ictugwixla-it  saxqu.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
acxuk! wa'ya ;  cxu'lal :  "  Aga  qa'xb'  itkiu'daniukc  ?" 3  Tctu- 
gwa'kmamt  ik!axckac  itkiu'daniukc.  Aga  p!aT.  iula'-it  ia'tc- 

1  Equivalent  to  tla'y'  antgiu'xwa. 

2  IQ  both   the   medicine-man's   song  and  the  gambling  song  a  deafening  accom- 

been  taken  ;  now  they  are  two.      He  has  been  given  four 
horses,  one  cow  and  ten  dollars,  and  two  blankets. 

Now  the  medicine-man  says:  "Now  it  is  well  that  we 
two  doctor,  we  shall  doctor  right.  Now  we  two  shall 
make  him  well."  And  the  medicine-man  says  (to  his  com- 
panion):  "It  seems  that  you  thought  you  are  a  poor 
medicine-man.  It  seems  that  this  man  over  there  has 
become  sick,  so  that  we  two  shall  doctor  him  now.  Now 
he  will  get  well.  What  do  you  think,  O  medicine-man, 
for  your  part?"  He  says:  "Yes!  now  both  of  us  shall 
doctor  him."  The  two  of  them  doctor  him,  but  he  has 
not  got  well.  Now  the  man  dies.  Both  of  the  medicine- 
men are  killed,  (who)  were  doctoring  him.  Those  two 
were  wicked,  they  had  "shot"  him. 

Again  one  man  has  become  sick.  And  again  a  me- 
dicine-man has  been  taken ;  he  has  been  given  two  horses, 
and  three  blankets,  and  ten  dollars.  Also  a  woman  has 
been  taken  (who)  is  to  doctor.  She  has  been  given,  has 
been  paid  as  her  fee,  one  horse,  and  one  cow,  and  two 
blankets,  and  five  dollars.  Now  the  two  of  them  doctor; 
now  they  have  put  down  time-beating  sticks2  and  he  sings ; 
the  medicine-man  keeps  on  doctoring. 

Now  the  medicine-man  says:  "Now  he  will  not  die, 
now  we  two  shall  make  him  well."  Again,  just  so  the 
medicine-woman  says:  "Now  he  will  not  die,  now  we 
two  shall  make  him  well."  Now  the  two  of  them  say : 
"  Now  to  morrow  we  two  shall  go  home  and  we  shall 
completely  doctor  him."  Now  the  two  of  them  have  just 
completely  doctored  him.  And  then  they  are  about  to 
go  home.  They  say:  "Now  where  are  the  horses?"8 

paniment    is  made  by  the  beating  of  sticks  (itgou'goumat)  on  a  long  plank  spread 
out  before  the  medicine-man's  or  gambler's  assistants. 
3  That  means,  horses  in  payment  of  their  services. 


gEmEm;  ag'  itclo'qxEmct  ihi'luck1  kwo'dau  iltcqoa'  ia'mqt. 
Aga  t!aT  alixu'xwa;  aga  t!aT  igi'xux. 


Qa'ngadix    k!a'y'    itqui'tquit;    aic   tslu'nus  dan  iqla'lalEc 

iana'lxat    a-ik!a'u    ilaqui'tba.      K!axy'    itsta'gin;    ga'ngadix 

5  waxtckti     aqaxi-ilguramida     itgi%aba.      KwoMau    itc!a7ng 

iapla'skwal  da7ukw'  iena^xat  aqduxxw'  itgi^pa  idaiJa^umit. 

Isk!u7ly'     amEni     isga^Iaps    aqsuxxwa    ili^xaxqctaq    daxuk' 

istaxnalxat.     Isk!u7lyJ  EnEgi  iap!a7skwal  aqduxxwa  itkcie7nE- 

mat,  kwordau   aqexsllxwaya.     Alk!waxdit   amsni    aqiuxxwa 

10  sik!Exnxat;  a-ist^x  alilxEl^xwa  ilapu^cba  daLJa7  tftga^a-ix. 

Aqoxxwa  w6xqlq2  ilaxlqpa,  algiuxxwa  isk!uxly' 

nix  iq!axlalEc  iap!axskwal  yaxxliu  T 

Gaxngadix    k!axy'    at!ixwat-  k!axy'    aq!exwiqxe  ;    k!axyj  ic- 

gwo'lala;   k!axy'    iqlfstEn.     Itqlu'tc'3  a'mEni  tsE'xtsEx  gaq- 

15  tuxx    itkia'munak.      Akaxcat,4   amu'tan:4      Gax2ngadix   ga- 

qxo'x'    alxu'Lat;   gatku'x  Nadida'nuit  daxuax  a'xka.      Aga 

daxuya  wixgwa 


QlatsE'n5  aqxigE'lgay'  igu'nat  walxixba.      Aqxiugwo'pga. 
Kanauwax2    ayuxwi'mux'    itqie'yoqtikc  tslu'nusmax.     A'xt' 
20  aqxo'xwa  su't  wa'lxi. 

u'luck  is  a  kind  of  soup  made  of  heads  of  salmon  and  white  salmon. 

words   may    be    translated    «sleeveless    shirt."     They  contain  the  same 
em  (-qtrj)  and  differ  only  in  gender  (fern,  and  neut.  respectively). 

A  boy  goes  to  get  the  horses.  Now  the  sick  man  has 
remained  quiet ;  now  the  sick  man  has  drunk  fish-soup l 
and  water.  Now  he  will  get  well ;  now  he  has  got  well. 


In  olden  times  people  wore  no  trousers ;  just  a  slight 
affair  (made  of)  a  raccoon's  scalp  was  fastened  about 
one's  legs.  There  were  no  stockings ;  long  ago  a  man 
would  spread  out  grass  in  the  moccasins.  And  warm 
moccasins  were  made  out  of  a  deer's  hide,  its  scalp,  as 
above.  A  hat  was  made  out  of  a  coyote's  head,  two  of 
their  scalps,  as  above.  Out  of  a  coyote's  hide  gloves 
were  made,  and  (coyote  skin)  was  worn  around  the  neck. 
Out  of  tule  a  twined  fabric  was  made ;  a  person  would 
wrap  it  about  his  buttocks  so  as  to  keep  warm  wherever 
there  was  snow.  A  "woqlq"3  was  put  on  a  person's  body  •, 
he  would  make  it  out  of  coyote  (skin).  If  (made  out  of) 
raccoon's  skin,  its  name  was  "Mqlq."5  There  was  no  shirt. 

In  olden  times  there  was  no  bucket,  no  knife,  no  gun, 
no  ax.  Trees  were  split  by  means  of  bones.3  In  olden 
times  dip-nets  were  made  out  of  "Indian  string";4  this  it 
is  {pointing  to  specimen)  out  of  which  Indians  made  them. 
But  nowadays,  not  so. 


A   salmon  is    caught    at    the    fishing    post    for  the  first 

time.5     It   is  steamed  on  hot  rocks.     All  of  the  old  men 

eat  it,  each  a  small  piece.  That  fishing  post  is  (thus) 
made  lucky. 

3  That  is,  elk  antler  wedges. 

*  aka'cat  is  the  material  itself  (Apocynum  cannabinum,  Indian  hemp),  amu'tan 
the  string  ready  for  use.  *  The  first  catch  of  the  season  is  meant. 


Aga  tca'gwa-ix'  aqcutx'wi'tcgw'  icE'lxlxmax.  Lxo'p- 
Lxop  aqiawi'xa  ittslE'mEnEmax.1  Ag'  ittcqoa'  'Idi'a  tca- 
gwa'-icq.  KEla'-ix*  Igoa'filx  LaxEma'gapx- 3  quxwinxa'nan 
ittslE'mEnEmax,  tlafxe'wulx  ifka'la.  K'atkVdmax  lugwa- 
5  k!axnq3  hcqoa7.  Qarxw'  alakxkia^w'  a^k'  axniwad  aqxa- 
gEtnxa'gaba.  AqlgE7lgaya  te/xka  da7ut'  ilka^a  la^Emagapx* 
walxi'ba.  Aquqt!ixLx'  ads^dEx.  A-ik!aru  aqlu'xw'  ila- 
waxnba  iHpa'g  EnEgi.  Aga  kxwoxpt  Ixli'wix*  k!axu  lilu'xtix* 
bama  na'qxi  tcxa7  kluyEm.  Aga  kxwoxpt  aligu^x'  ik!a'- 
10  munak  qxE'mkxit  adiglax-id'  idE^xam  bama  na7qx'  ayula- 

Lga'gslgat  atslfi'mEna;  aga  IxElsqla't  qa'xba  yaglu'xtix-.4 
Aga  tslsklElu'tkt  iltcqoa"  qxExnEgi  lu'xwunit.  Daluklu'g 
alxa'tx'  iltcqoa'.  Aga  kxwo'pt  lExb  alga'tx'  atslE'mEna 

15  dakxwo'L  na'wit;  qxatgi'a  kwo'ba  datsagwou'  qa'xlkun 
algutxEmi'da.  Na'wit  k!a'u  algagu'xw'  adE'xdEx  a'xka 
qx'  ilaku'lx;  na'wit  aqlakxa'tgwaya  tklalamat  Ixli'wix. 
Wixt!a  da'ukwa  i'nat.  Kwoda'u  aqdaktc!exqlgw'  itkla7- 
munak;  k!auk!a'u  aquxxwa  itbi'nalx  snEgi.  Ag'  alcx'u^- 

20  gaxid'  icElxlx.  Ak!uxn'  alakta'gwa;  daxukwa  wixt!'  aqxa- 
gEmxa'gaba.  Cda'xtau  qxelxu;i:  bam'  icExl?J?.  Qxe'd' 
icda'xEmagapx-.5  K!arya  ceiwatkla'ck'  ilgoa'Hlx  afcgEmxa'- 
gaba;  qxa'daga  kElax-ix-  ilgoalilx  ila'xEmagapx-.  Qxf- 

Borings   have   been    made    some  distance  out  from  the  shore  when  the  water 
low.     Into  these  holes  the  poles  are  later  to  be  set  as  supports  for  the  fishing 
platform.  ;        ; 

1  Equivalent  to  tiaxEma'gapx'. 


Now  in  summer  stagings  are  prepared.  Holes  are  made 
for  the  staging-poles.1  Now  the  water  comes,  summer 
water.  A  special  person,  a  workingman,  is  set  aside  for 
setting  in  the  staging-poles ;  he  is  a  strong  man.  Every 
now  and  then  the  water  comes  up  in  time  to  use  them.3 
Whichever  fishing-post  it  fits,  that  one  is  first  worked  at. 
He  is  taken  to  the  fishing-post,  this  workingman ;  a  fir 
sapling  is  pushed  out  from  shore  so  as  to  balance  and 
the  man  is  tied  with  a  rope  about  his  belly.  And  then 
the  rope  is  (also)  tied  on  to  the  shore,  so  that  he  may 
not  be  drowned.  And  then  he  walks  out  on  the  tree 
trunk  and  at  the  other  end  the  people  sit  on  it,  so  that 
it  may  not  tilt  up. 

The  man  holds  a  staging-pole  and  he  knows  where  it 
is  prepared  for  it.4  Now  he  looks  to  see  how  the  water 
flows.  The  water  slackens  in  its  course.  And  then  he 
drives  the  staging  pole  under  water  so  that  it  fits  right 
in  its  place.  Sometimes  it  misses  there,  but  after  a  while 
he  sets  it  up.  Immediately  he  ties  on  to  it  the  fir  sapling 
on  which  he  has  walked  out ;  immediately  rocks  are  piled 
on  it  on  shore.  Again,  (it  is  done)  thus  on  the  other 
side.  And  logs  are  put  crosswise  over  the  saplings  and 
they  are  tied  by  means  of  hazel  ropes.  Now  the  staging 
is  finished.  The  water  comes  up  to  another  fishing-post; 
again,  as  before,  they  work  at  it.  That  staging  is  for 
fishing  with  dip-nets.  Thus  is  the  work  done  on  it.5  Not 
any  person  taken  at  random  can  work  at  it ;  a  person 
just  for  that  particular  purpose  (is  employed)  as  working- 
man.  That  is  how  things  are. 

3  Literally,  "it  fits  them." 

4  He    knows   just    where    the  holes  are  which  have  been  dug  for  the  reception 
of  the  staging-poles. 

5  Literally,  "thus  is  its  work." 

1 86 

Alxi'lxul'  a'watci  IgutxEnii't  ilgoa'lilx  kwo'ba  pa'l  i 
xam  idabl'tcEm  tqle'yoqtikc.  AltfiLa'-idam'  ixqle'walal. 
Cma'nix  p!aT  algigatxa'-ima-axdix'  icE'lxlxb'  altxui'da  lixa't 
itabl'tcEm ;  igiwo'gw'  algiugwi^Elxl'  aga  yaxxtau  laxka7 
5  bama  fgiubftcEma.  Cma^'  aliliLa^idama  daxukwa  mo^ct 
daxukwa  Juxn  aLiLa'-idama  aluxta^cgwam'  alkdugwatxa'- 
ima-ulxEma.  Cma'ni  p!arla  Jixaxd  wftlax  alkdugwflElxl' 
alkdudi7naya  laxka7  bam'  alkdubl'tcEma.  Cma^'  alitiLa7- 
idama  daxukw'  aLiLa^idam'  aluxta^cgwam'  ahx-wixda  daxb' 
10  itabl'tcEm  alxatge'lxEm'  alalxul  ilapu'tcb'  aga  daxxtau 
taxka"  bama;  l^p  aiuta'-id'  ilabl'tcEm.  Aga  da'ukw' 


y  l  ilkla'ckac  alkdu'naxl'  iLxe'wulx  ;  sa7qu  qE'nEgi 
wi'lx    kwo'dau   itpogo'xmax  aluwacgi'wagwo'tcgwa.     IkV- 

15  qxEmlt  algiuktca'nEma  ;  ya'xka  qxi  tdula  tci'llud  ikV- 
qxEmit.  Qfi'nEgi  yaxa'qxsmit  hax-ai  daxukwa  alxfluxwa 
kwo'dau  atclxi'maya.  Cma'nix  atchd'maya  bamv  iLxeVulx 
atklugwi''  ilklalamat.  Qa'xb*  atcihmi'ma-axdix'a  kwob' 
alktugwi'a.  Qxa'ntcipt  alklxa'tgway'  atdulxamab^t.  Cma'- 

20  nix  kwo'pt  alklugwi'a  aga  ya'xdau  pa7!  algiu'xwa  yaxax- 
qxEmit.  Cma'nix  a-itsxExp3  wi't.'a  kVdux-  xa'bix'ix-  atctxi'- 
maya;  ha'-ai  yaxa'qxEmit  paxl  algiu'xwa  kwo'dau  stu'x'w 

Hagikcta'mEnil8  fi'xat  aga  daxka7  bama  h/pgEnat  Ikdu- 

>  Literally,  "moves  himself." 


(Where)  a  person  fishes  with  dip-net  or  sets  his  net, 
there  it  is  full  of  old  people  who  have  come  to  get  fish. 
A  fish  comes  into  his  net.  If  he  quietly  puts  it  down  on 
the  staging,  some  one,  who  has  come  to  get  fish,  stands 
up ;  that  one  kills  it,  keeps  tapping  it,  and  that  (fish)  he  has 
obtained  for  himself.  If  a  fish  comes  into  his  net,  just 
so  if  two,  just  so  if  three  come  into  his  net,  they  come 
out  to  the  surface  of  the  water  and  he  hauls  them  up 
on  to  the  staging.  If  he  lets  them  lie,  again  some  one 
keeps  tapping  them,  kills  them,  and  obtains  them  for 
himself.  If  a  fish  comes  into  his  net,  just  so  if  several 
fish  come  into  his  net,  they  come  out  to  the  surface  of 
the  water ;  a  person,  who  has  come  here  to  get  fish,  stands 
up,  (but)  the  dip-net  fisherman  slaps  himself  on  his  but- 
tocks and  those  (fish)  belong  to  himself;  those  who  have 
come  to  get  fish  sit  squatting.  Now  thus  the  tale. 


A  boy  trains,1  he  looks  for  strength;  he  travels  over 
all  kinds  of  land  and  mountains.  He  takes  a  command 
with  him  ;  he  who  trains  him  gives  him  a  command.  What- 
ever the  (trainer)  commands,  that  he  must  do  for  him  before 
he  lets  him  go.  If  he  sends  him  off,  he  carries  rocks  for 
strength.  Wherever  the  (trainer)  directs  him  (to  carry 
them),  there  he  carries  them  ;  he  piles  up  as  many  (rocks) 
as  he  tells  him  to.  If  he  carries  that  many,  then  he 
fulfils  that  command  of  his.  If  he  falls  short, 2  the  (trainer) 
sends  him  off  again  next  day  in  the  evening ;  he  must 
fulfil  his  order  before  he  is  released. 

An  inspector,3  a  certain  person  appointed  just  for  those 

2  Of  he  gets  exhausted  before  the  directed  amount  of  work  is  done. 

3  Literally,  "his  always  coming  to  look  after  things." 


xwokcta'mEnil  da'-itcka  qxi  uxwa'la  idaxEtna'gapx'.  Da'u- 
yax  i'x't  ikVqxEmit  wi't!'  iLxe'wulx  bama.  Ahi'ya  xa'bi- 
x-ix-  inatcka'nlit  EnEgi  idbi'nalx  afttduxwa'ma.1  Ya'xka 
ikVqxEmit  atciu'xwa  yakli'la ;  qa'uad  idbi'naix  afkdu'xw' 
5  ilk.'a'ckac,  atclxukcta'ma  yagikcta'mEniL  Cma'nix  atcdi- 
iLa'ma  yak.'Ha  kwo'pt  natcdupgEnayaba7t  stuxxw  alxu'xwa 
fa'xka  qxi 


A'ngadix'  nkia^kacbst  itql^yoqtikc  qxarnutck  atgiu'xwa 
tcagExlqlix'.  Aga  kwo/ba  nxugui^catkt.  Aqnolxa^a  : 

10  "Cma'n*  amugopti'da  a^itsxEp  na'wit  amxqwo'dama ; 
cma'nix  k.'a'y'  amugopti'da  kl^y'  amxgwa'dama."  Yax' 
itckla^c  iqxaxnutck  nkla^kacbEt  ag'  adnEnklna^xida 
da'xka  daxud  aqxnuka'm'  ag'  anxuguwi^catkEma.  Cma^i 
a'-itsxEb  anugopti'da  sa7qu  alixu'Jgw'  aqxEnugo'tcgEma. 

15  AtgEnulxam'  ilqle'yoqt :  "Mxgwa'tam."  Kfnua  qte'm 
anxuxxw'  aga  dnu  qxa'daga  ha'-ai  'nuxya.  Da'kdag  aq- 
nu'xwa  ngaquda/tx  qaxxb'  itelEqla^  liablaxd  ikaxba  oVatci 
daxukwa  daq!axb  ixi7gat. 

AlgfnEluda    iqlfstEn    bama    capca'p    qiuxi/nntf  ikaxba. 

20  AJgEnulxa'ma :  "Saqu  Lx67b  amiu'xwa-axdix-a ;  Is'b  am- 
xuxxwa,  amxkta^cgw',  amxElga^w',  asErnxslu^ka  a^pxiamd 
aga'Lax,  wa"  'mxu'xw'  amglu'maya ;  Is'b  amxu'xw',  amx- 
ta'tcgw'  asEmxElu'tka  tcIe'qlkEmt  giga'd,  wax  na'wid  wi't!' 
amxu'xwa;  Is'b  amxu'xw',  amxda'tcgwa,  wi'tla  daukw'  am- 

25  glu'maya,  iwa'd  asEmxElu'tka  tcIe'qlkEmt ;  k'b  amxu'xw', 
amxda'tcgw',  asEmxElu'tk'  u'lpqdiamd  aga'Lax,  wa'  'mxu'- 

Ropes    made    like    twisted    hazel   switches,  such  as  were  commonly  employed 
to  tie  timber. 


things,  looks  after  the  work  of  those  who  are  training. 
This  one  command  is  also  for  strength.  He  goes  out  at 
night,  he  goes  to  make  twisted  wood-ropes1  out  of  a 
grove  of  oak  saplings.  He,  the  trainer,  gives  the  order-, 
the  inspector  goes  to  see  how  many  wood-ropes  the  boy 
makes.  If  he  reports  to  the  trainer  (that  he  has  done) 
as  many  as  he  had  apportioned,  the  one  that  trains  is 
released.  (If  not,  he  must  try  again.) 


A  long  while  ago,  when  I  was  a  boy,  the  old  men 
would  tell  myths  in  winter.  Now  there  I  was  listening 
to  them.  I  would  be  told :  "  If  you  fall  asleep  before 
it  is  finished,  straightway  you  will  have  to  go  and  bathe. 
If  you  do  not  fall  asleep,  you  will  not  go  and  bathe." 
Now  I  was  fond  of  myths  when  I  was  a  boy,  so  I  would 
be  satisfied  with  the  things  that  I  was  told  and  would 
listen  to  them.  If  I  fell  asleep  too  early,  (when)  it  was 
all  finished,  they  would  wake  me  up.  An  old  man  would 
say  to  me:  "Go  in  bathing!"  I  would  try  to  refuse, 
but  in  vain,  so  I  just  had  to  go.  I  was  undressed  entire- 
ly naked  where  he  knew  there  was  lots  of  ice  or  also 
where  it  was  pressed  together  tight. 

He  would  give  me  an  ax  for  chopping  up  the  ice.  He 
would  say  to  me:  "You  will  chop  right  through  it,  you 
will  dive  under  water,  you  will  stick  your  head  out,  you 
will  turn  around,  you  will  look  to  the  rising  sun,  you 
will  cry  out  lwa!',  you  will  shout.  You  will  duck  down 
under  water,  you  will  stick  your  head  out,  you  will  look 
across  this  way  (i.e.,  north],  straightway  you  will  again 
shout  4wa!'  You  will  duck  down  under  water,  you  will 
stick  your  head  out,  again  you  will  shout  as  before,  you 
will  look  across  yonder  (i.e.,  south).  You  will  duck  down 

i  go 

xwa;    lE'b    amxu'xwa   lagwE'nEtnix*,    mxda'tcgw',  aminxa'- 
nauEnx'  igu'cax,  wa'  'mxu'xw',  aga  ko'pt,   amxatkiwa'ya." 

ya'xdau  andi'mamabEt  aga  a'ngadix-  ugwi'hrix- 
watu'l,  tfgna'fxat  qxEmx'i'udEmax  itanft'qliq  ilxklwa'iulkl. 
5  Qxnulxa^a:  "Na'qxi  qsakli'dfilk  waxtul;  iwa'd  EmxEl- 
gaxgwa,  imipu'tc  ya'lud  wa'tul;  pcux  agsmu^wa  k^E'ldix', 
agEmu'xwa  kVldix*  amu^da."  Yaxxtau  qxexdau  ga- 
qxE'ntx  bama  kl^y'  i^mqt  kwoxdau  iLalxeVulx,  axwatci 
daxukwa  iyu^max  gilgElxulal.  Aga  gaxnuit  nk!axckac  bama7 

10  k!axya  qxaxntcix  itctcgE^Em ;  da^inua  tklxeVulx ;  k!ma 
kla'ya  ganigixtkEl  dan  iaxxleu  iyu'lmax,1  qExnEgi  lkaxn 
ialgwilit.  Cmaxni  k!axy'  ikaxba  wrmalba  ix'tma^ix'  aknfm 
a'watci  abu'd  i^luxt ;  Jakaxxt'  iltcqoa"  'tenxElgwo'da.  Abuxd 
a'watci  'knfm  ktaxcq  tcagE'lqlix-  tclElbo'nil  da/minua  ax-ic 

15  qxi  maxnk  ts!uxnus  a-its^s.     Qxfdau. 


Incakle'cmanix  wimaxi:  bama.  Cmarnix  ayutxwi^a2  imqxaxtc 
quctixaxa  yaxxdau  alxduxma  ilgagixlak.  Qaxxba  Lixxatmax 
iakla'mEla  iia'mqxatc.  Cma'nix  tcagwax-ix  cpa'k  agaxiax 
alaxu'xa,  annErnEna  ala'xlaya;  yaxa  cma'nix  itlu'kti  ila'm- 
20  qxatc  yaxa  tca'ctcic.  Da'ukwa  tcaxE'lqxlix  aga  alulaMda 
ittga' ;  cma'nix  ia'klamEla  imqxa'tc,  ka'nawi  dan  alixuxxwa 
icgfhi  ikxa'lal  dan  wika'q-,  yaxa  da'uka  ila'mqxatc  it!u'kti 
alixu'xwa  LJa^Ia  k!ma  tcaxslqxlix.  Da'uya  t.'u'nwit  inca- 
kl^cmanix  na'qxi  nca'imadikc  incaxE'luit;  qxi'dau  ya'xka 

1  Literally,  "what  its  name  a  guardian  spirit."     "Not  what"  =  nothing. 

under  water,  you  will  stick  your  head  out,  you  will  look 
to  the  setting  sun,  you  will  shout  4wa!'  You  will  duck 
down  under  water  for  the  fifth  time,  you  will  stick  your 
head  out,  you  will  look  up  to  the  sky.  Then  enough ; 
you  will  return  home." 

Now  when  I  came  home,  a  fire  was  already  burning. 
On  the  ends  of  my  head-hair  icicles  were  dangling.  I 
would  be  told:  "Don't  be  looking  at  the  fire-,  turn  away 
from  it,  present  your  buttocks  to  the  fire.  It  will  quickly 
blow  at  you  and  make  you  grow  quickly."  That  is  how 
I  was  done  to  in  order  not  to  be  sick  and  in  order  to 
be  strong,  or,  just  so,  in  order  to  prepare  one  for  a 
guardian  spirit.  And  indeed  ever  since  I  was  a  child  I 
have  never  been  sick ;  I  have  always  been  strong.  But 
not  at  all  have  I  seen  anything  that  they  call  a  guardian 
spirit, l  I  do  not  know  what  it  is  like.  Sometimes, 
although  there  is  no  ice  in  the  river,  it  is  present  in  a 
canoe  or  a  boat ;  in  that  same  water  I  would  bathe 
myself.  In  winter  the  water  of  a  boat  or  canoe  always 
freezes,  which  is  just  a  little  bit  cool.  Thus. 


(These  are)  our  signs,  who  dwell  along  the  river.  If 
a  rainbow  appears,3  truly  (it  signifies)  that  a  woman  will 
give  birth  to  a  child.  Once  in  a  while  some  one  has  a 
bad  rainbow.  If  it  is  summer,  (this  signifies  that)  the 
sun  will  be  strong,  he  will  sting  and  burn;  if,  howe- 
ver, he  has  a  good  rainbow,  then  it  will  be  nice  and 
cool.  Just  so  in  winter  snow  will  fall,  when  the  rainbow 
is  bad ;  everything  (bad)  will  happen  —  rain,  west  wind, 
or  east  wind.  Just  so,  however,  (if)  one  has  a  good 
rainbow,  it  will  be  nice  and  warm,  even  though  it  be 

2  Literally   "stands." 


we'mai;  qxi'dau  ka'nawi  da'-itcka  ki'kct  ada'wawat.1  Ixt- 
ma'x  aqxigElgEla'ya  mokct-  ixtka'dix ;  quct  ya'xdau  ic- 

Cma'nix    aqxagE'lgslaya    ak^mfn    xa'bixix    iqlexa'nEba 

5  qlwa'p    tcu'wat  ina^kadix  ya'xdau  quct  aga  q!waxp  ilpa7!- 

qau  alxi/xwa  ilgagixlak.     Cma^ix  aqxagE^gElaya  akuLmi<n 

cgu'wat  ctmokct  icq!^xarnEba  ya'xdau  ilgagi'lak  alu'mEqda 

kwo'dau    icga'xan  alxLar-ida.     Yaxa  cma'nix  wa'xix  aqxa- 

gE'lgElaya    akuLmrn    imqxa'tc    yaxLaxdakut    quct    ya'xdau 

10  aqxlxitpo/da.      TcaxE'lqlix    wa'xwax    akuLmixn  atkbaMwa 

tsman^x    qxu'qEmit;    klaya7    aluxwa'nimananma    ada'kcEn 

Engl.     Itk!l'lawa  iaga'il  itca'tcaq  alixu'xwa ;  ma'sa  pu  ala- 

xu'xwa  akuLmixn. 


Ma'ri   na'ika    wa'naqc!     Ag*  inigE'mla-it   ila'dam.     Ag' 

15  ipte/x  anie'lux'  aldu'.tk.     Ngitxudi'nEmtck  Ji'd  tfke'wax  Ha- 

da'm.3     Daxuya  (pointing  with  right  hand  to  head)  wia'm, 

'da'uya  (pointing  to  ^^^^yaxaxnv  daxuy'  (pointing  to  heart) 

it!uxkti.  yago'mEntf.     Qfdau  gw^nlsim  itlu'kti. 

»  Literally  "they  'kikct'  their-speech."  "Kikct"  is  a  term  that  embraces.the  various 
probably  mutually  intelligible  dialects  of  Upper  Chinook  :  Wasco,  Wishram,  White 
Salmon  (=  Mooneys'  Chiluktwa),  Hood  River  and  Cascades  (Kwikwulit),  and 
Kathlamet  and  Clackamas. 

*  Of  the   three   Christian  sects  now  represented  among  the  Indians  of  Yakima 


winter.     This,    to    be   sure,    is    not    the    sign   of  us  Wish 
rams  alone.     Thus  indeed  all  along  the  river ;  thus  (believe) 
all  those  who  speak  as  we  do.1     Sometimes  two  (rainbows) 
are  seen  at  once.     Truly  that  (signifies)  twins. 

If  at  night  the  moon  is  seen  with  a  star  closely  follow- 
ing her  to  one  side,  that  truly  (signifies  that)  now  some 
woman  is  soon  to  become  a  widow.  If  the  moon  is  seen 
with  two  stars  following  her,  that  (signifies  that)  the 
woman  will  die  and  her  two  children  will  die.  Now  if, 
when  it  is  yet  daylight,  the  moon  is  seen  with  a  rainbow 
about  it,  truly  that  (signifies  that)  somebody  will  be 
murdered  secretly.  In  winter,  (when)  the  moon  shines 
very  brightly,  the  people  all  go  out,  plainly  she  is  seen  ; 
they  never  point  her  out  to  one  another  with  their  fingers. 
It  is  a  bad  sign,  a  great  frost  will  take  place ;  the  moon 
would  become  ashamed  (if  pointed  at). 


Mary,  my  mother !  Now  I  am  sitting  at  the  table. 
Now  I  shall  put  medicine  into  my  spirit.  Help  me,  give 
light  for  the  tables.3  This  is  the  father,  this  his  son, 
this  his  good  heart  (=  the  holy  ghost).  Thus  always 
good  (=  Amen). 

Reservation  (Catholics,  Methodists,  and  Shakers),  the  Shakers  are  probably  the  most 
religious.  A  number  of  Wishram  hymns  and  religious  texts  are  in  use  among 
them.  See  Mooney,  The  Ghost-Dance  Religion  (i4th  An.  Report  Bur.  ofEth.,  Pt. 
2,  pp.  746-763). 

3  This  probably  means,  "Illuminate  my  spirit  while  I  eat." 

13 — PUBL.   AMER.    ETHN.   SOC.    VOL.    II. 



Ninigt'tg'  imitda'xwi.  Aga  sa'qu  ninxi'tx-witckut  pu  ninu'- 
ya  ninix-matkli'nuaba  itcE'lx  k!m'  aga  ninigi'tg'  imitda'xwi 
nimxtki'm  k.'a'ya  kwo'ba  yaxEmakli'q^nil  ya'lqdix-  alitklwa'- 
alakwida.  Aga  da'yax  tql&'x  E.ndu'xt  anxElEqla'xjda  cma'- 
5  nix  Lqla'p  pu  aniugumakli'nuaba  itcE'lx  da'uya  klmala- 
lidix*.  Tq!erx  Endu'xt  anxitqla'xida  ma^kayamt  kVlt. 
Ninxi'tluxwan  pu  anurya  k'uldix*  qla^ssn  ag'  acsnxat- 
wo'gw'  aga  naxqxi  nxs^qlat  dafn  aniuxxwa.  QaxdEe  garnuit 
anxitqla'xida  maika'yamt.  Naxqx'  it!uxkti-ix'  inxgigla7- 
10  gwax  k!ma  na'qxi  dnux  Enxi'mad  •  itctcgE'mEm  k!ma/  dnux 
a'-ic  naxqx'  itlu'kti-ix'  inxg^glagwax  lux'wa'n  qxErn'Egi. 
Amixa'n  M.  W. 


NiniqixLgix,  ninxatklwa7,  timd^mam  mo'kctba  wixgwa 
ya^ilxam  di'ndin.  Ninigi'tg'  igoa'lilx  itcxa'n  kwaic  ia'- 

15  gwomEntf  k!max  dnux  na'ikab'  itkxa'dagwax  k!arya  ya- 
gwo'mEnil  wi't!'  ix*t  wi'gwa.  Iba'ctEn  idiaxilalit  nigixtki'm 
kla'ya  yago'mEnil  nio'kct  tfgwo'm.Ex  qla'tsEn.  Nadida'nuit 
tgaxi'lalit  digEmxa'gapx*.  AyamElu'xwam'  itc!arxwi  qxa'n- 
tcix  wi't.'a  cma'nix  itcx-a^  alidE'niEqta.  Inxlu'xwan  k!ary' 

20  ayamgi'tgElx  ya'lqdix'.  Cma'ni  can  lgnuxkwul  na'gwatx 
amxaLik^i'tcgwa  itcxa'nba.  Akx'a'n  nigi'mElutam  itc!ar- 
xwi;  luxwa'n  nimigi'tga.  Ya'xtau  itcla'xwi  nimi'nit  nigi- 
ninu'yabEt.  Qxfdau  da'uda  saxqu. 

1  The  four  letters  here  given  were  translated  into  Wishram  by  my  interpreter, 
Pete  McGuff,  from  the  English  versions  given  unaltered  above,  written  by  Indians 
who  have  been  to  school.  The  idea  that  prompted  the  procuring  of  these  trans- 



I  got  your  letter.  I  was  ready  to  go  and  change  my 
land,  but  after  I  got  your  letter  you  said  the  allotment- 
agent  would  be  gone  for  a  while,  so  then,  now  I  want 
to  know  if  I  will  be  in  time  to  change  my  land,  if  I  wait 
until  this  fall.  You  let  me  hear  from  you  soon.  I  thought 
I  would  go  over  and  stay  two  weeks  but  now  pretty  soon 
I'll  be  busy  and  I  don't  hardly  know  what  to  do.  Be 
sure  and  let  me  hear  from  you  soon.  I'm  not  feeling 
very  well  although  I  am  not  down  sick,  but  I  just  don't 
feel  good  somehow.  Your  daughter  M.  W. 

2.  '   ••/    . 


I  started  for  home  and  got  here  Tuesday  at  10  o'clock, 
found  my  poor  boy  still  alive  but  still,  in  my  judgment, 
he  won't  live  another  day.  The  white  doctor  said  he 
could  not  live  for  two  days  at  first.  The  Indian  doctors 
are  working  on  him.  I'll  write  some  time  again  if  my 
son  dies.  I  don't  think  I'll  see  you  for  a  long  time.  If 
anyone  knows  me  I  wish  you  let  them  know  of  my  poor 
son.  My  daughter  wrote  you,  I  suppose  you  got  the 
letter.  The  letter  you  wrote  me  came  when  I  was  gone. 

This  is  all. 

.  .    . 

lations    was  mainly  to  secure  a  small  body  of  illustrations  of  verb  forms,  not  ordi- 
narily found  except  in  conversation. 


Wi'namAc,    tu'xEmAc,    ya'nawiAc   ns'pftdwipa   pu'tAtntpA 

I  came,  I  came  home,    I  arrived  here      second-day-on  ten-at 

wie'slikt.     Au'yaxnAc   inEmi    cnua'i   mi&'nEc  a/xwi  wa'qUc 

time.  I  found  my  poor  child  still  alive 

ku  inmi'pa  pxuf  tcaw  iwa'da  anatda'xi  na'xc  Iklwi'.   Kxu'ix 

and       my-in     judgment    not        he  will          again  one         day.  White 


twa'ti   (i)na'txaana    tcaw    iw6'iitkuta    m'pt.     Tl'n    twa'tima 

doctor  he  said  not          he  will  stay         two.          Indian         doctors 

over  night 

paku'tkutca  bowapl'tACA.    A'natdaximAc  mun  nfikta  ti'mAC 

they  are  working    they  are  helping  Again  I  you  some    will  give      letter 

him.  time 

MxExlq}at  qExnEgi  ninxtk^xax  niamqi^qbEt.  Ninxa^x 
tcuxarnba  gox{q  ilgwo^ax.  May  la'ktix*  nigatgu^it  mo^ct 
di7ndin  iklu'n  cftlix-  niga-ixaLa'^dix-  sitkum  szm^  itcxa'n 
itcinx^ma.  Ancgiuxtg'  a/lEma  kVdux*.  Itcgwo^Enil 
5  L!arg  ikirax;  inxlu'xwan  naxikaba  qVdaga  p'  inxuVoq. 
Naxqxi  nxExlEqlat  qE^Eg'  anxi/xwa;  saxqu  itcxaxn  i^mEqt. 
Yaka'xtau  wixlx  ninilxiga^am ;  na7qxi  nxE^Eqlat  pu  wirt!' 
anu'ya  yaxdaxubo  wflx.  AmxtkligEmtcxi/gwaya  cma^ix 
p'  anigElga7ya  wixlx  bam'  ilxga^Enkc ;  cmanix  k!axya, 

10  k!a'ya  pu  wirt!ax  gwio'qt  anxi/xwa.  H^ai  nki'ax ;  k.'a'ya 
yakla'mEla-ix-  inxli/x'wan  aga  saqu  s'nEg'  inxklwo'kct. 
K!axya  t!a7y'  iqixux.  Ninigi'tg'  iba'ctEn  idiaxilalit  kwo'dau 
wixt!'  alu'nikc  Nadidaxnuit  tgaxHalit.  Na'qxi  nxE'lsqlat 
qs'nEg'  anxu'xwa.  K!axya  dan  nigEmtu'xwan  itcgwo'mE- 

15  nit.     Da7uda  sa'q0. 

1  Inasmuch  as  very  little  western  Sahaptin  material  has  ever  been  published, 
the  above  short  text  may  not  be  entirely  unwelcome.  Doubtless  the  phonetics  of 
the  Sahaptin  have  suffered  somewhat  through  the  fact  that  the  letter  was  transla- 

pa'iAcnAc    miin    iJia'uida    A'SWAU.      Pa'-icmac    tca'u    mun 

if  my  some  time     will  die  boy.  If  I  you  not         some 


q!i'nuda    a'natclaxi    wi'at!ic    mi'ckmnAmAca    bacu'gadaxnai 

shall  see  again  for  long  time       I  wish  you  me  would  let  know 

inEmi'ki     cE'nwai    a'swan    mie'nAc.      InEmi    mie'nAc    a'iat 

my-about  poor  boy  child.  My  child  female 

ini'am    ti'mac ;    pa'-icnAm    wu'npA.     Ti'mAc   nAmni'ma  wi'- 

she  gave        letter;      perhaps  you  did       get  it.  Letter         you  me  gave       I 


nAnAc  k'u'k^Ac  tcau  watcA'. 

went  then  I  not         was. 

You  know  in  what  condition  I  was  in  when  I  left  you. 
Well,  I  stayed  with  my  son  eight  days.  Yesterday,  May 
4th,  at  2  :  30  P.M.  my  son  passed  away.  We  will  bury 
him  to-morrow.  Well,  my  heart  is  broked.  I  feel  like 
I'd  like  to  kill  myself.  I  don't  know  what  to  do,  lost 
my  only  sweet  son.  The  boy  I  was  there  to  get  land 
for,  but  I  lost  him  and  don't  know  if  I'll  come  that  place 
again.  You  ask  if  I  can  get  land  for  my  grandchildren ; 
if  not,  well,  I  won't  try  noway  again.  Well,  I  am  satis- 
fied, nothing  to  make  me  feel  still  bad,  as  I  got  all  I 
can  try  to  save  my  son.  But  they  failed  to  cure  him. 
I  got  white  doctor  and  besides  three  Indian  doctors.  I 
don't  know  what  I'll  do.  I  don't  care  for  my  life.  This 
is  all. 

ted   by   Pete    McGuff,   a    Wishram.    A  is  to  be  pronounced  like  u  in  English  but, 
ii  is  long  open  e. 

2  Chinook  Jargon  for  "noon;"  literally,   "half  day." 


'  rijrri    :/,  4. 

Ninigi'tg'  imitcla'xwi  a'ngadix-  •  klwale'  ninxitqla'xit 
maika'yamt  wi'tla.  Idia'giutgwa'xix'  ninxithi'xwa-it  nin- 
xi'tcmoq  S.  k!ma  Mrs.  M.  icdatcgE'mEtn ;  nagwa'tx  aga 
pla'Ia  da'ya  da'pt.  Ka'nauwe  pla'la  di'ka  yaMma  cpa'g 
5  ixifldix*  da'ya  da'pt.  Nintguxwatca'mit  qa'uatk'  iguna'd 
idiaga'qctagokc  nintxatklwa'-itambEt.  James  F.  Grand 
fio'nde-iamt  nigidi'mam ;  aga  kxwo'pt  nitctu'kl  q'a'uat. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  Mrs.  A.  di'ka  nigaxtki'ax ;  niktu'kt  q'a'uat. 
Wi7t!'  agEwu'lx'  ZteY&r-iatnt  di'ka  nigaxtki'ax;  niktu'kl 

10  q'a'uat.     Aga  kxwo'pt  kla'ya  ta'blat  duk!wax-itix\ 

Nintx^matga'b'  \\£a' nnerybz.  sqfLak  k!ma  A.  nigi- 
gi'tga  wi'mqt  agakcE7nb'  ix'qle'walal  ielE'xlEx.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
p!axla  ni'ntxatx  k!axya  Iga'blad  uxwoqle'walal.  \\.ca'nnery 
aga  q!oaxb  aluxwatbu^ida  qxe'waba  k!a7ya  fga'blad  u- 

15  xwoqle'walal  wi'malba.  K!ay'  itlu'kti-ix  inxgigEla'gwax  nin- 
dimamba't  Ya'&zma-yamt ;  aga  kxwo'pt  k!a'ya  Iga'blad 
inuxwaca'mit  uxwoqle'walal.  Da'uya  sa'q11  da'uyaba  da'pt; 
qxe'dau  ag'  anixbua'ya^  Andu'y'  iduna'yaxiamt  qxa'uat- 
b*  Hgwo'max  nxlu'xwan.  Nki'ax 

ami'utxix  — . 

j  :i;'%I>I;jivi.»i.un^  \{f:t  *iol   LjfijKi   j'v*.i  run  i '":;. 
r     ; ;  .•  •'  i  T  " 

"  :.l » ;".•'•:-     ..  '•  i.'     >        i»OVV  . 'llJi'^ii     "/"i»''''V  \  •;. '      v";^      -'    _; 

:  !!,;  JIT«    i  ;      iiKtl  IfUfi   [:i:ft   off!   r^^ 


I  received  your  letter  some  time  ago  and  was  glad  to 
hear  from  you  again.  I  was  sorry  to  hear  that  S.  and 
Mrs.  M.  were  sick.  I  hope  they  are  well  by  now.  We 
are  all  well  down  here  but  the  weather  is  very  warm  at 
present.  We  dried  only  a  few  salmon-heads.  After  we 
came  home  and  James  F.  of  Grand  Ronde  took  some 
and  Mrs.  A.  was  here  and  took  some  and  my  niece  from 
the  Dalles  was  here  and  took  some  and  we  haven't  very 
many  left. 

We  worked  in  the  cannery  awhile  but  A.  got  salmon 
poison  in  her  thumb  and  we  quit  as  there  is  not  many 
fish  anyway.  The  cannery  will  soon  close  as  there's  not 
many  fish  in  the  river.  I  haven't  felt  very  well  since  I 
came  home  from  Yakima  and  I  didn't  dry  much  fish. 
This  is  all  I  can  think  of  for  this  time.  So  I  must  close. 
We  are  going  to  start  for  the  huckleberry  patch  in  a 
few  days,  I  think.  I  remain 

Your  cousin  — . 




Luxwa'la-itix-  tfa'xluit  Wa'qlsmaba -,2  Iqa'uadikc  fxe'la- 
itix-  Wa'qlEmaba  tqa'uadikc  hce'la-itix*  wi'lxamba  Nix-- 
lu'idix-ba.  Aga  kxwo'pt  galu'kw'  agwi'xqwix  ca'xalix'. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  gaiga'xtcmoq ;  gaqa'ltcmoq  cu'lulululu.3  Aga 
5  kxwo'pt  i'x-ad  ikala  gali'kim  :  "Iqaltcmoq  itcoVcxatpa." 
Fxat  gali'kim:  "Icga'gitcpa  iqa'ltcmoq."  1'xat  gali'kim : 
"Itga'piqba  iqa'ltcmoq."  Aga  kxwo'pt  tslu'm  galxu'x. 
Aga  kxw6xpt  galgu'gwig'  ilaga^atcx.  Kxwopt  a'ga  galx- 
di'na,  galxwo'q  ka^amokct.  Galxdina'4 ;  pla'la  galxuxx. 

10  Aga  kxwo'pt  alalxi'luxula  daxukwa  itctagi'tcxutkc  icta- 
xala  ctixgEmuxt,  watch  cx^gEmuxt ;  yaxax  yax  ayaxi^xulx* 
itguna't  ctuxu Tal,  iciaxa^a  ctrgsmuxt.  Luxn  ite^x  gaxlxux 
kwo'ba  galxe'la-it;  kwo'ba  galxdixna ;  p!axl'  aga  ga'lxux. 
Aga  kxw6xpt  gtiflcim  ita^luit :  "Lluya7  qatgi  ag'  alxuxya 

15  qxa'damt;  LJuya7  nilxaxtx  Mxaxa^ukc ;  ag'  algiu^axla 
wflx."  Aga  kxw6xpt  galguxgwiga  icgE'nEmax.  Aga 
kxw6xpt  galu^ya.  Yaxtabax2  galu'ya  Walawalaba/2 ;  Ac- 
nEmbax2  galuxya  •,  NuLla-ikba^  gak/ya;  naxwit  NuL!ar- 
nuL!abax2  gatu'ya ;  na^wit  Sts!Emtsibax2  gahixya ;  naxwit 

20  Wisu'mba  gah/ya-,  naVit  Ta^alanba  galu^a;  naVit  Txaxi- 
aunaba  galu'ya;  naxwit  wiqxalba72 4  galiglu^a-ix* ;  naVit 
Po'uwankiutba^  galaxgluya;  naxwit  Xitla'iba  gahi'ya;  na'wit 

See  Mooney,  op.  cit.,  pp.  740,  741,  according  to  whose  version  the  emigrant 
Wishram  travelled  up  the  Spokane,  not  the  Yakima.  Of  course  the  tale  is  purely 
mythical,  but  is  separated  from  the  myths  because  of  its  pseudo-historical  character. 

1  A  Wishram  village  which  was  a  short  distance  up  the  river  from  the  main 
village  Nixlu'idix  or  Wu'cxam. 

*  Very  high  pitch. 



The  Wishram  were  dwelling  at  WVqlEmap;2  some  of 
them  were  dwelling  at  Wa'qlEmap,  some  of  them  were 
dwelling  at  the  village  Nixlu'idix.  Now  then  a  duck  flew 
over  their  heads.  And  then  they  heard  it,  it  made  a 
noise:  shu'lulululu.3  Now  then  one  man  said:  "It  made 
the  noise  with  its  beak."  One  said:  "It  made  the  noise 
with  its  nostrils."  One  said:  "It  made  the  noise  with 
its  wings."  So  then  they  got  to  arguing.  And  then 
they  seized  their  arrows.  Then  indeed  they  fought,  both 
parties  killed  each  other.  They  fought  and  fought  (until) 
they  ceased. 

And  then,  (whenever)  any  one  fished  with  dip-net,  thus 
two  men  provided  with  quivers  remained  near  their  friend, 
kept  watch  over  him ;  while  he,  the  dip-net  fisherman, 
caught  salmon,  his  two  friends  staid  near  him.  Three 
years  passed  by  and  there  they  dwelt;  there  they  fought 
(until)  at  last  they  ceased.  And  then  (one  party  of)  the 
Wishram  said:  "Being  in  some  way  disgraced,  let  us 
now  go  off  somewheres ;  we  have  become  disgraced  be- 
fore our  friends.  Now  let  us  go  to  look  for  (another) 
country."  So  then  they  took  cedar  planks  and  then  went 
off.  Way  yonder  they  went,  among  the  Wallawalla. 
They  went  on  past  AcnE'm.  They  went  on  past  NuiJa'-ik. 
They  went  straight  on  past  NuiJa'nuiJa.  They  went 
straight  on  past  StslE'mtsi.  They  went  straight  on  past 
Wisu'm.  They  went  straight  on  past  Ta'malan.  They 
went  straight  on  past  Txa'iauna.  Straight  on  they  went 
to  a  small  river.4  They  went  straight  on  to  Po'uwankiut. 

4  Without  doubt  the   Yakima  is  meant. 


ixco/qutba    wi'qxal    galu'ya ;    gahi'ya    SAtA'sba;  na'wit  ga- 
lu'ya  IiJu'mEniba;  na'wit  Pata'xiba1  gahi'ya. 

Aga  kwo'ba  gabd'la-it.  Aga  kxwo'pt  itguna't  itsu'iha 
aga'kwal  ickla'daqxi  gafktu'x,  galxE'lEmux.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
5  galki'm:  "Qxwotxala'  yak!a'its  wi'lx.  Ag'  alxu'ya  i'wat 
iklu'n'  alg^unaxlama  wrix."  Gafu'ya  nax2wit  Patixkwi'utba, 
aga  da'uya  wixgwa  itba'ctEn  algii/pgsna  \Gafp ?  Kwoba" 
gatxHa-it.  Yax-ima  xa'bix'ix*  atkduxxwa  itgu'nat  alalxi'- 
luxuk;  yaka'xdau  ya'xliu  wilx  IxElExtgi'dix'.3  Aga  wixt!a 

10  galki'm:  "Qxwotxa'la  yakia'its  wi'lx."  Aga  wi'tla  galu'ya 
galgiu^axlam  wi^x.  Daxuya  wirgwa  nio^xumit  qarxba 
galxidla^itix*  ifo/xluit  ga^gadix*.  Itk!axlamatpa  ickE^max 
ixixnxat;  qxe'wa  nxE'lqlat  galgi^kl  icgE^Emax  qxaMagatci 
nxli/xwan  la'-itcka  ilacgE^Emax  ita^luit ;  dala'x  pu  gal- 

15    dExmqt. 

Aga  wi7t!a  galuxya  galgiu'naxfam  wixlx,  galkla^u.  Ga- 
Wu'xwa-it:  uAlguxgwiga  itgunaxt  lgaxblat  qa'matg'  it!uxkti 
wixlx  aga  kwo'ba  alxfla-ida."  Galu'ya  nax2wit  W^natc- 
caba-,4  galu'yam  ila'xluit.  Aga  kwoxba  galxfla-it  galxi- 
20  Iax2it.  Aga  wixt!a  galki'm :  "Ag  alkla'yuwa."  Aga 
kxwo'pt  wi'tia  galkla'yu.  Lga'p  galgigE'lga  wilx  itgu'nat 

-1  It  was  not  found  possible  to  definitely  locate  all  of  these  Sahaptin  place-names. 
NuLla'-ik  was  somewhat  east  of  Wasco;  NuLla'nuLla  was  about  2\  miles  east  of 
Nixlu'idix;  Txa'iauna  was  at  Summit,  within  the  limits  of  Yakima  Reservation  and 
some  distance  south  of  Fort  Simcoe;  Po'uwankiut  was  at  Canyon,  near  Summit; 
>A'tAs  .is  represented  by  Satus  Creek  of  to-day;  iL'.u'mEni  was  at  the  head  of 
Canyon  Creek;  Pala'xi  was  said  by  Pete  to-be  near  Wenatchee,  north  of  North 
Yakima  (if  this  is  correct,  the  name  is  evidently  misplaced  in  the  narrative,  as  it 
should  come  after  "The  Gap").  The  course  of  the  supposed  migration  was  thus 
cast  for  a  short  distance  along  the  Columbia,  then  north  across  the  divide  between' 
the  Columbia  and  the  Yakima,  and  then  along  the  Yakima  to  the  Wenatchee. 


They  went  straight  on  past  Xit!a'i.  They  went  straight 
on  past  a  dried-up  small  river.  They  went  straight  on 
past  SA'tAs.  They  went  straight  on  past  IJLu'mEni.  They 
went  straight  on  to  Pafa'xi.1 

Now  there  they  remained.  And  then  they  caught 
Chinook  salmon,  blueback  salmon,  eels,  and  suckers ;  they 
ate  them.  And  then  they  said:  "Behold!  the  country 
is  small.  Now  let  us  go  off  yonder,  let  us  look  for 
another  country."  They  went  straight  on  to  Patixkwi'ut ; 
now  to-day  white  people  call  it  "The  Gap."2  There  they 
remained.  Only  at  night  do  people  catch  salmon  (there), 
they  fish  with  dip-nets.  The  name  of  that  same  country 
is  IxElExtgi'dix.3  And  again  they  said:  "Behold!  the 
country  is  small."  And  again  they  went  on,  went  to  seek 
(another)  country.  To  this  day  I  see  where  (those)  Wish- 
ram  used  to  live  long  ago.  Among  the  rocks  cedar 
boards  are  standing.  That  is  how  I  know  that  they  took 
cedar  boards  with  them,  so  that  I  think  they  are  the 
cedar  boards  of  them,  the  Wishram ;  perhaps  some  may 
have  died  (there). 

And  again  they  went  on,  went  to  look  for  (another) 
country.  They  moved.  They  thought  to  themselves : 
"  We  will  get  lots  of  salmon  ;  far  away  somewheres  there 
is  a  good  country,  and  there  we  will  dwell."  They  went 
straight  on  to  Wenatchee;4  (there)  the  Wishram  arrived. 
And  there  they  dwelt,  dwelt  long.  And  then  they  said: 
"Now  let  us  all  move."  And  then  again  they  moved. 
They  took  a  country  for  themselves  (where  there  were) 

2  "The    Gap"    is    the    narrow    pass  through  which  the  Yakima  flows  in  break- 
ing through  the  low  range  south  of  the  town  of  North  Yakima. 

3  This    is    its    Wishram    name,    and    may    be    approximately    translated    as  "the 
place   where    two    mountains    nearly    touch."     Patixkwi'ut    is    the  Klickitat  or  Ya- 
kima term. 

*  In  the  country  of  the  Salish  Piskwaus  or  Winatshi,  who  dwelt  along  the 
Wenatchee  R.,  a  western  tributary  of  the  Columbia.  See  Mooney,  op.  cit.,  p.  736. 


Jga'blat  kwo'dau  itquctxi/Lawa  fga'blat.  Da'uya  wi'gwa 
kwo'ba  Jxe'la-itix-  agf  a'ic  ila'xluit.  Cma'nix  p'  anu'ya 
na'ika  na'wit  p'  anuya'ma  ilaxlu'itpa,  algnu'gulaqfxa ; 
na'wit  p'  alginuwo'gwa.  Da'uya  wi'gwa  fa'-itcka  ila'xluit 
5  galgigF/lga  wi'lx  palala'i  'tgu'nat  palala'i  'tquctxixLawa 
k!ma  na'qxi  incklu'qxumit  nca'ika.  Qe'dau  klu'xwan 


Na'ika  Louis  Simpson  soldier  ganixtkixxax  mo^ct  ils^x 
galuxwadixnaxba  idE^xam  aqhrwa'gwa  pu  hluwa^xayukc.3 

10  Gaqxi'ntcit  iqa'kEmit ;  icta^x  {soldiers  gatci'ntcit:  "Amc- 
khi'wagwa  iltlua'nxayukc;  a-iLaxx  ilaVan,  a-iLqloa'b  amo 
klu'xwa  Iaqxa7qctaq,  amcgagE^g'  ala^alxat.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
Lq!uxb  amcklu'xwa  ilat^k ;  cta^ilxam  ick!ixtcax  amcgix^ma 
ilaqxaxqctaq  ilt!uxanxayukc.w  la^liu  fxat  \chief  Palaxi-ini 8 

15  fxat  ia'xliu  YaViwa;3  tcdalxexwulx  icdakla^Ela  icka^la 

Itca^ilxam  aga^ax  gantcuxya.  Naxqxi  gancklgixtkEl 
wfxatba;  guxLqb'  agaxLax  gantcu'guix.  Gantcu'ya  fxt 
intcakla'munak  k!un  sfnEmokctlgal,  da'pt  gancu'ya  idE'l- 

20  xam  hlu'anxayukciamt.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gantcklgs'lgax  wf- 
xatba  luwaxn  gwE'nEmikc  iltlua^xayukc.  NaVit  k!axu- 
k!au  gantckhi'xax ;  kla'ya  ilka'lukc  Ja7-ima  ifqa'dotin  k!ma 
ilnp/mckc.  Gantco'guix.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gantcgiguo'qox 
sarqu  itgaVulqt  gantcxu'xwox  ka/nauwe.  Aga  kxwo'pt 

25  ka'dux  gali'kim  intca^tamx :      "Aga  mcxE'lkilx  ag'  amcE- 

The  Paiute  or  Snake  Indian  War  spoken  of  in  this  personal  narrative  of 
Louis  Simpson  has  been  described  in  detail  under  the  title  of  "The  Shoshone 
War"  (1866-1868)  in  H.  H.  Bancroft's  History  of  Oregon,  Vol.  II.,  Chap.  XXI. 
(pp.  5 12-5 54)-  The  war  was  conducted  against  the  Oregon  Shoshones  of  Mal- 
heur  River  and  Camp  Warner,  the  whites  being  assisted  by  a  considerable  body  of 
Indians  from  Warm  Spring  Reservation. 


lots  of  salmon  and  lots  of  deer.  To  this  day  they 
dwell  there  and  they  are  just  nothing  but  Wishram.  If 
I  should  go  off,  should  go  off  until  I  came  to  (those) 
Wishram,  they  would  recognize  me;  straightway  they 
would  kill  me.  To  this  day  they,  the  Wishram,  hold  the 
land  (where  are)  many  salmon  and  many  deer,  but  we 
people  have  not  seen  them.  Thus  believe  the  Wishram. 


I,  Louis  Simpson,  was  soldier  for  two  years  when  the 
people  fought,  (when)  the  Paiutes2  were  to  be  killed. 
The  order  was  given  to  us,  the  chief  gave  it  to  us  sol- 
diers:  "You  shall  slay  the  Paiutes.  You  shall  rip  open 
their  bellies  and  cut  their  heads ;  you  shall  take  hold  of 
their  scalps.  And  then  you  shall  cut  through  their  necks ; 
you  shall  put  the  heads  of  the  Paiutes  ten  paces  off." 
The  name  of  one  (Paiute)  chief  was  Pala'i-ini,3  the  name 
of  another  was  Yawi'wa ; 3  they  were  both  of  them  strong 
and  wicked  men,  chiefs. 

At  10  o'clock  we  started  off.  We  did  not  see  any 
(Paiutes)  on  the  way.  At  8  o'clock  we  camped.  We 
started  off  one  hundred  and  seventy  of  us,  this  many  did 
we  people  start  off  towards  the  Paiutes.  And  then  we 
caught  about  five  Paiutes  on  the  trail.  Immediately  we 
bound  them  ;  they  were  not  men,  only  children  and  wo- 
men. We  camped.  And  then  we  dreamt  that  we  all 
became  covered  with  blood.  And  then  in  the  morning 
our  chief  said:  "Now  do  you  make  a  fire  and  I  shall 
tell  you  something."  So  then  we  got  up  from  bed,  and 

2  Ih'.ua'nxayukc,  used  to  refer  to  the  Paiutes,  really  means  "enemies." 

3  These    names   are   probably    Bancroft's  Panina,  the  leader  of  the  Paiutes,  and 
Wewawewa  (op.  cit.,  p.   550). 


lukli'tcgwa."  Aga  kxwo'pt  gantcxla'i-itckox.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
gantcktgE'lgax  itqta't.1  Aga  kxwo'pt  gantcgla'lamx ;  aga 
tcpa'q  gantcgla'lamx.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gali'kim  itlo'xyal : 
tfAg'  amcElukli'tcgwa  mca'ika  qE'nEg'  inixgigwa'gwa. 
5  Dau'  aga'lax  ag'  alxla'-id'  ag'  MgE'lkEl  tftlu'anxayukc. 
Cma'nix  a'lEm'  alxklgE^gsla  acxu'xwa  icgi'lti.'7  Qi'dau 
gal^gimx  itiu'xyal.  Aga  wi't!a  gantcgla^amx  iqta't  gantc- 
gi'guqhdx.  Aga  wixt!a  fxad  ikaxla  gairgimx :  "Ag' 
amcElukl^tcgwa  qExnEg'  inikigw^gwa  na7it!ax.  Nigi^gsl- 

10  taql  iqwo'qwo  'g'  ulpgd^emd  agaxlax.  Aga  kxw6xpt  ilgi7- 
gElga  iqwoxqwa  ia^an3  ia^ima.  Qfdau  inixkigwo^wo." 

Aga  kxwo^t  wa^8  aLgi  ma/84  galuxwaxxax  idE^lxam. 
Htlu'anxayukc  k!waxc  gaho/xwax;  galktca^umx.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  gayutcu'ktixix.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gantcgurgigax  idki^ 

15  udanikc;  gantckdaVixax  itkala^idmat  tkiuda^ikcba.  Aga 
kxwoxpt  gatcintcu^xamx  icta'mx11 :  "  Ma/kct  mokct  amc^ya ; 
na'cqxi  amcxElpIa^awulalama  daruya  w^gwa."  Aga  kxwo^t 
gali'gimx  icta'mx11:  "Da'ulax  iltsE'ndi  itlu'ktix  amtsklkli'tka. 
Cma^ix  axlEma  amtcklgE^gsla  daxulax  iltsExndi 

20   ixw'   alxuxxwa   wflxba  lu^ix  ag'  a^Ema  kxwo^t  iV 

xartxa  karnauwe ;  a^Ema  darukw'  amcxu^wa.57  Aga 
kxwo^pt  gantcuxix ;  quctixaxa  ilt!uranxayukc  klwo^ixix ; 
agatu'ya  iltsE^di  galuskE^Emux.  Aga  kxwo^t  iVi  gal- 
xu'xwax ;  lu'nix  ixwi  galxuxxwax  wilxba.  Aga  kxwo^t 

25  i'wi  gantcu'ix  ntca^kaba.  GantcklgExlgElx  iltlua^xayukc 
ila'qlimax  sfnEmokct  alaxtul. 

Kxwopt  a'ga  icgi^ti  gacx^xwax.  Aga  kxwo^t  Llaxku 
gatci'uxwax  icta'mx11  qxeligikctim.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gali'- 
gimx  icta'mx11:  "Na'cqxi  Paiute  so  Idler  ste-itokz.?  Kxwo'pt 

30  gaqxa'gElgax ;    capcaxp  gaquxxwax;  pa7!  itga'matcxv5 

1  The  i(lta^J^^Pjece  of  hard  wood  that  has  a  series  of  semicircular  notches 
cut  into  it :  I  s-^.^^^t  Another  piece  of  wood  was  rubbed  up  and  down 
over  it,  a  "thrilling"  sound  resulting.  In  the  war  dance,  as  practised  by  the 
Wascos,  singing  and  the  simultaneous  rubbing  of  the  iqta't  accompanied  the 


then  we  took  hold  of  iqta't-sticks.1  And  then  we  sang, 
now  strongly  we  sang.  And  then  the  hero  said:  "Now 
I  shall  tell  you  people  what  I  dreamt.  Now  this  day  we 
shall  die,  I  have  seen  the  Paiutes.  If  we  are  to  see  them, 
it  will  rain."  Thus  said  the  hero.  And  again  we  sang, 
rubbed  the  iqta't-sticks  together.  And  again  one  man 
said :  "  Now  I  shall  tell  you  what  I,  for  my  part,  dreamt. 
A  grizzly  bear  ran  away  from  us  towards  the  setting  sun. 
And  then  we  caught  only  the  grizzly  bear's  son.2  Thus 
did  I  dream." 

And  then  the  people  yelled  their  war-whoop  :  wa-f- 3  and 
jna-f.4  The  Paiutes  became  afraid,  they  cried.  And  then 
daylight  came.  And  then  we  got  the  horses  and  put  the 
saddles  on  the  horses.  Now  then  the  chief  said  to  us : 
"You  shall  go  two  by  two;  you  shall  not  talk  to  one 
another  to-day."  And  then  the  chief  said:  "This  flag 
you  shall  well  keep.  Whenever  you  see  this  flag  move 
three  times  from  the  ground,  then  you  shall  all  look 
about.  Thus  you  shall  do."  And  then  we  started  off. 
Truly  there  were  Paiutes  not  very  far  away ;  now  the 
flag  went  on,  went  ahead.  And  then  it  moved,  three 
times  it  moved  from  the  ground.  So  then  we  went  and 
looked  about  among  ourselves.  We  saw  houses  of  the 
Paiutes ;  they  had  seven  fires. 

Then  indeed  it  started  in  to  rain.  And  then  the  chief 
took  out  a  spy-glass.  And  then  the  chief  said:  "They 
are  not  Paiute  soldiers."  Then  a  box  was  taken  and 
chopped  open ;  it  was  full  of  bullets.5  And  then  they 

2  That  is,   "male  cub." 

3  This    sound   is    broken   up    into    short    periods   by    quickly  beating  the  palm 
against   the    open    mouth.     The    pitch   of  the   vowel    is    very    high,    a  shrill  effect 

4  As  before,  but  whispered.  5  Literally,  "arrows." 


Aga  kxwo'pt  gaqhi'tx  tt'xat  tfka'la  gwE'nEm  algal.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  t!a't!a  gaqtu'xwax  itgoa'lala  ka'nauwedan  'tipistol; 
gaqa'wigitkax  itgoa'lala  kwo'dau  itkJE'nEt.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
tla'ya  tla'ya  galuxwa'xax  idE'lxam.  I'xt  ikiu'tan  t!a't!a 
5  gaqi'uxax;  da'b'1  itpixq  gaya'-its  ikiuxtan  kla'u  gaqdi'luxax 
itp^q.  Aga  kxwo'pt  "Ag'  alxu'ya  saxqu  alxkl^xwa"  gal- 
g^mx.  Aga  kxwo'pt  itkixudaniukc  gantcugwa'la-itx. 

Aga  kxwo'pt  gantcuxix  sa'qu  gantcklu^wax  ilt!uaxn- 
xa)fukc,  sfnEmokct  ala^ul  sfnEmokct  Wqlimax.  Aga 

10  kxw6rpt  tc!paxk  gatgi^  itkiu'daniukc ;  q!woxp  gantcklu^ 
xwamx.  Aga  kxwoxpt  qe7dau  gantckluxwax  inxixamxulu- 
max  wa/8;2  lk!uxp  lk!uxp  galuxwaxxax  itgwa^ala.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  gatktxwi^x  \\,Paiutes  aga  gafgi/gwigax  ilagax- 
matcx.  Aga  kxwoxpt  lk!uxp  Iklup  galuxwaxxax  qa'daga 

15  dagapgaxp  itxudll/t  iWqlba.  Twi  gantcxuxxwax ;  wirgwa 
gantcxd^nax.  Yaxta'b'  aga'lax8  pla'la  gantcxu'xwax.  A-i- 
Lla'x  ila'wan,  a-itqloa'b  tfa^uk,  a-ilq!oaxb  ana^xat,  cta7- 
lilxam  icki'tcax  itaqxa'qctaq.  GantckcgE7lgax  ctmo^ct 
ickla'ckac  ax-ixad  agagixlak  fxad  ika'la  ik!axckac. 

20  Gantckhi'dinax  akti'lx  labla'd. 

Kwo'pt  xaxbixix  galixuxxwax.  Kxwopt  watch  gantcxu^ 
xwax;  wa'pul  ganckca'wiglagwatckox  itkiuxdaniukc.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  ittslfnonks4  gaqxa'witcmoqax ;  qucti'axa  a'-ixad 
akla'ckac  galgaxgElga  xaxbixix  galgantcxta'mitx.  GanxErl- 

25  tcmoq  na'ika  (whistling].  Aga  kxw6xpt  gatcnu'lxamx  ika'la : 
"Mi'a  lElxa'mam.  Wi'tla  Iklu'na-itc  watch  alxu'xwa."  Aga 
kxwo'pt  ganlu'lxam:  "  Mcgu'yutk ;  lk!uxna  wi'tlax  iW- 
mam  iltlua'nxayukc."  Aga  kxwo'pt  watch  gantcxu'xwax 
antca'tilx  tkiuda'niukcba.  Gayutcu'ktixix.  Aga  wi'tla  gan- 

30  tcu'ix.  Aga  wixt!a  gantcklgElgax  ih!uaxnxayukc.  Aga 
wi'tla  kwo'ba  galuxwadi'nax ;  ax-ixad  agagHak  a'niwad 
gaqxwo'qox.  Aga  kxwo'pt  galuxwadi'nax ;  ftdu'p  Iklup 

1  Indicated  by  gesture.  2  AS  above. 

8  With  gesture  towards  the  western  horizon. 


were  given  out,  fifty  to  each  man.  And  then  the  guns 
and  all  the  pistols  were  carefully  cleaned,  the  guns  and 
revolvers  were  loaded.  Now  then  the  people  were  all 
prepared.  One  horse  was  carefully  fixed  up ;  here l  feath- 
ers were  tied  on  to  a  bob-tailed  horse,  feathers.  And 
then  they  said:  "Now  let  us  all  charge  on  them."  And 
then  we  rode  the  horses. 

Now  then  we  started  out  and  all  charged  on  the  Pai- 
utes ;  they  had  seven  fires,  seven  houses.  And  then  swiftly 
the  horses  went,  we  came  up  close  to  them.  Now  then 
thus  we  followed  them  with  war-whoops :  wa+  ;2  the 

guns  were  shot  off.  And  then  the  Paiutes  came  to  a 
stand  and  seized  their  bullets.  Now  then  they  shot ; 
the  smoke  just  darkened  everything  up  about  their  houses. 
We  looked  about  and  fought  all  day.  (When)  the  sun 
(was)  over  there,3  we  stopped.  (We)  ripped  open  their 
bellies,  cut  through  their  necks,  cut  off  the  scalps,  (put 
down)  their  heads  ten  paces  off.  We  caught  two  chil- 
dren, one  girl  and  one  boy.  We  killed  many  of  them,  a 
great  number. 

Then  it  became  night.  Then  we  kept  watch,  looked 
after  the  horses  all  night.  Now  then  the  horses4  were 
heard  to  neigh;  in  truth  the  (Paiutes)  had  under  cover 
of  darkness  seized  one  girl  and  run  off  with  her  from  us. 
I  whistled,  and  then  a  man  said  to  me:  "Go  tell  them! 
Let  some  more  of  us  keep  watch. "  So  then  I  went  and 
then  I  told  them:  "You  fellows  wake  up!  Some  Pai- 
utes have  come  again."  And  then  many  of  us  kept  watch 
over  the  horses.  Daylight  appeared.  Now  again  we 
started  off,  and  again  we  caught  some  Paiutes.  And 
again  they  fought  there ;  one  of  the  women  was  killed 
first.  And  then  they  fought ;  bang,  bang !  went  the  guns. 
We  caught  some  women.  I  killed  a  Paiute,  we  shot  at 

*  Literally,  "birds",  (=  "animals"),  somewhat  slangy  for  "horses." 

!4 —   PUBL.    AMER.    ETHN.    SOC.    VOL.    II. 


galu'xwax  itgwo'lala.  Gantcgu'gwigax  idnE'mckc.  Na'ika 
ganidwo'q  itlu'anxa;  ftdu'p  gantci'katx;  ya'xka  ika'la  it!u'- 
anxa  da'n  iatca't  iga'qutEtx.  A-iiJa'x  ia'wan  gani'uxwax, 
a-iiq!wa'b  ia'tuk,  a-ilq!wa/b  ayana'lxat.  Kwo'ba  gali- 
5  xi'maxitx  itiu'anxa  da'n  iaqla'qctaq. 

Gani/yamx  qaxxba  gantcxdi7naxba,  palalaxi  idns^ckc 
fkabla't.  Palala'i  agati'lx  ana'lxat  luxwa'n  laktlga^.  Gaq- 
tudixnax  ada7nal:xat.  Qexdau  galuxwadixna  Paxutobb  wflx 
ia'xleu  Gwoph^ni1  kwoxdau  wflx  iaxxleu  Malhe'wa.1  Aga 
10  kxwo'pt  gantckluMinax  saxqu  adatrix  gantcgi/gwigax  Paiute 
idnE'mckc.  Xa^ixix  k!a7uk!au  gantckturxwax. 

Aga  kxwo^t  gaqxE'ntculx  gantcuxix  iaga^l  wilala  ada- 
tixJx  it!uxanxayukc ;  na^wit  ilklala^imatpa  gaqxExntcukla- 
max.  Aga  kxw67pt  lk!uxp  gaqcEntcluxxax.  Aga  kxwoxpt 

15  gaqEntcupgna^wanananumx  mokcdga^  ilka^ukc  la^ilxam 
ilka'lukc  ihloxi^luwimax  ilalx^wulxumax  wixt!ax.  Kxwopt 
la/lilxam  qx^gEmtkix  galxu7xwax  •  galuxwaxxax  qxiq!a/q- 
ba  gactxwo^ox  itkiuxdanikc.  Aga  kxw6xpt  galuskE7- 
nEmx  ilka^ukc  mo^ct  mokct,  gantsu^gEnEm  intcaxniwa- 

20  dike.  Aga  kxw6xpt  naVid  idE'lxam  intca^ikouba  gat- 
gExntcuwax  kwoxdau  intcaxiuManiukc  itga^atcx  gactx6x- 
mox  qxiq!axqba  idE'lxam.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gantcu'ix  ilk!a- 

GatcEntcu'lxamx    \captain:      "Na'qxi    a'lEma    Lu7k  amc- 

25  xa'txa;  amcu'ya  a'natkadix.  Cma'nix  a'lEma  lk!uxb  alu- 
xwa'txa  itgwo'lala  ag'  a'lEtna  mco'it;  na'qxi  k!wa7c  amc- 
xu'xwa.  Aga  da'ukwa  Igucgi'wal,  iqxa'kEmit  niqe'lxElut. 
Aga  iax-ima  alxlaMda,"  gatcEntculxamx  •,  "qs'nEgi  mcxlux- 
xwan?  arga  tci  da'ukw'  amcxu'xwa?  ate'  amcxla'-ida,  ca'xEl 

30  imcktxa'  idEmca'kcEn."  Aga  kxwo'pt  e'wi  gantcktu'xwax 
Intca'kcEn.  Wi'tla  nixE'lgakwax  gatdu'lxamx :  "Dau' 

1  It  is  practically  certain  that  these  names  are  nothing  but  disguised  forms  of 
the  English  Camp  Harney  and  Malheur  River. 

him ;  he,  the  Paiute  man,  had  no  shirt  on,  he  was  naked. 
I  ripped  open  his  belly,  cut  through  his  neck,  cut  off  his 
scalp.  There  lay  the  Paiute  without  his  head. 

I  arrived  where  we  had  been  fighting ;  there  were  very 
many  women.  There  were  very  many  scalps,  perhaps 
forty.  Those  to  whom  the  scalps  belonged  had  been 
killed.  Thus  they  fought  in  the  Paiute  country  named 
Gwopha'ni1  and  the  Paiute  country  named  Maine' wa.1 
So  then  we  killed  them  all  and  caught  many  Paiute 
women.  At  night  we  bound  them. 

Now  then  we  were  taken,  we  went  to  a  large  lake 
(where)  there  were  many  Paiutes.  Straightway  we  were 
brought  to  the  bridge,  and  then  we  were  shot  at.  And 
then  we  were  called  out  by  name,  twenty  men  ;  ten  men 
were  brave  warriors,  also  strong.  Now  ten  were  put  in 
the  rear ;  the  pack-horses  were  put  in  the  middle.  And 
then  the  men  went  on  in  front  two  by  two,  we  first  went 
on  in  front.  And  then  straightway  the  people  followed 
us  in  back  of  us,  and  our  pack-horses  for  the  bullets 
in  the  middle  of  the  people.  Now  then  we  went  up  to  the 

The  captain  said  to  us :  "  You  shall  not  go  back,  you 
shall  go  ahead  to  the  other  side.  If  the  guns  will  be 
shot  at  us,  just  go  ahead.  You  shall  not  be  afraid.  Now 
that  is  how  we  are  travelling ;  the  command  has  been  given 
to  us.  Now  we  can  only  die,"  he  said  to  us.  "What  do 
you  think?  Now  will  you  do  thus?  Are  you  willing  to 
die?  (If  so),  lift  up  your  hands!"  And  then  we  showed 
our  hands.  Again  he  turned  round  and  said  to  the 
(others) :  "  Now  this  day  we  shall  die.  What  do  you 
think?  Now  will  you  do  thus?  Are  you  willing  to  die?" 


aga'lax  ag'  alxlax-ida.  Qs'nEgi  mcxhi'xwan?  axga  tci 
daxukw'  amcxuxxwa  ?  ate'  amcxfax-ida  ?"  Galuxgwakim : 
"A'-a!  it!uxktix  intcxluxxwan  saxqu  ncaxika  dau'  agaxlax  ag' 
antcxla'-ida."  Aga  daxukwa  ax  nixntcxux :  "Aga  daxuya 
5  wixgwa  antcxla'-ida."  Cma'ni  la'xya-itc  aluxya  alasgE^Em- 
nan  datcxa'-i  daxuda-itc  qxiqla'qba  datcxax-i  atgixa.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  gantcuxix.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatgi'x  idE'lxam ;  gwa'p 
gantcuxix.  K!a7y'  itli/anxayukc  gwaxp  gatgixx,  intcaxniwa- 
dikc.  Aga  kxwoxpt  idE^xam  gatgixx  gwoxp.  Da^m'  it- 

10  gaxqxat  kwoxdau  itgaqulixmax  daxim'  itk!axmunak. 

Aga  kxwoxpt  kwoxba  gantcuxguix.  Aga  kxwoxpt  xaxbi- 
xix  watch  gantcxuxxwamx  itpoqoxxba.  Iwaxd  ndmoxkct 
ganduxix ;  iwaxd  ctmoxkct  gactuxix ;  wixt!a  ctmoxkct  iwaxd 
gactuxix  yaxxtau.  Ag'  alatuxlpa  watch  antcxuxxwa  waxpul; 

15  agantgaxgElgElx  watuxh  Aga  kxwoxpt  gatcnuxlxamx  naxik' 
anuxya  antulxaxmama  itguxyEmxatpa :  "QExnEgi  tc!axl' 
amuxy'  axwatci  naxika?"  Kwopt  gangixmx  :  "Naik'  anuxya." 
Yaxxi  iaxJqdix  ganluxlxamam ;  aga  gaxnuix.  Aga  kxwoxpt 
ganuxyamx;  ganlulxamamx :  "Waxtul  iaxxiba  intgagExl- 

20  kEl."     Galigixmx  \captain:     "Ax-u  alxuxya." 

Aga  gantcuxix;  nax2wit  gantcuxyamx  ikaxlaba.  Kxwopt 
gantcuxix  watu'lpa.  Kxwopt  kaxnauwe  gantcgaxgElgax 
watuxt  daq!ax2p  idExlxam.  Dawaxx  galixuxwaxxix.  Aga 
kxwoxpt  lk!uxp  lk!up  galoxxwaxax.  Gantckluxdinax  ilt!uaxn- 

25  xayukc  saxqu  luwaxn  laxlilxam  lk!un  gwExnEma.  Aga 
kxwoxpt  gantcguxgwigax  ilaxiudaxniukc  mokct ;  ixxt  iatcgEx- 
mEm  iaxqxuit  ikiuxtan  kwoxdau  ixxt  dadakdaxg  iaxguL. 
Plala  lax-itcka  galixkla-itx  ilt!uaxnxayukc  dadakdaxg  iaxguL 
ih!uaxnxayukc  ila'xiutan.  Wixt!ax  kaxdux  alqidixwi  daxukwa 

30  wixt!ax  watch  gantcxuxxwax  watuxlpa.  Waxpul  gancklaxyux 
gantcgaxgElgElx  waxtut  kaxnauwa;  wixt!a  kaxdux  ganckf- 
gE'lga  alati'lx.  Wixt!a  gancxdixnax;  ganckfuxdina  saxqu. 
Wixt!ax  iLaxqxat  gancguxguigElx  iltkaxba.  Aga  kxwoxpt 

1  That  is,  my  companion. 


They  said:  "Yes!  We  all  think  it  well  that  we  should 
die  this  day."  Now  thus  we  agreed:  "Now  this  day  we 
shall  die."  Whenever  those  who  were  in  front  advanced 
fast,  these  in  the  middle  would  advance  fast.  So  then 
we  went  on.  So  then  the  people  went  on  •,  we  went  across. 
The  Paiutes  did  not  go  across ;  we  were  first.  Now  then 
the  people  had  gone  across.  There  were  only  their  tracks 
and  their  houses,  nothing  but  logs. 

And  then  we  encamped  there.  Now  then  we  kept 
watch  at  night  in  the  mountains.  Two  of  us  went  off 
that  way ;  two  went  off  that  way ;  two  again  went  off  that 
way.  Now  we  were  to  keep  watch  all  night  for  their 
fire.  Now  we  two  caught  sight  of  the  fire.  And  then 
he *  said  to  me :  "  How  about  it,  will  you  go  or  shall 
I?"  Then  I  said:  "I  shall  go."  Way  off  yonder  I  went 
to  tell  them  ;  now  I  went.  And  then  I  arrived  and  told 
them:  "We  two  have  seen  a  fire  over  yonder."  The 
captain  said:  "Yes,  let  us  go." 

So  on  we  went ;  straightway  we  came  up  to  the  man. 
Then  we  proceeded  towards  the  fire.  Then  we  all  got  at 
the  fire,  the  (Paiute)  people  all  standing  around.  It  be- 
came light.  And  then  they  shot.  We  killed  all  the 
Paiutes,  about  fifteen.  And  then  we  caught  two  of  their 
horses ;  one  horse  had  a  sick  leg  and  one  was  sore-backed, 
his  skin  all  coming  off.  The  Paiutes  quietly  sat  on  their 
sore-backed  horse  with  his  skin  coming  off.  Again  next 
day,  just  as  before,  again  we  kept  watch  for  a  fire.  All 
night  long  we  moved  and  saw  all  the  fires ;  in  the 
morning  we  again  caught  many  of  them.  Again  we 
fought ;  we  killed  them  all.  Again  we  saw  their  tracks 
in  the  snow.  And  then  we  followed  them  (until)  it  be- 
came quite  dark.  And  then  one  man  said:  "I  shall  go 


gancldi/wax  daxapxa'p  nixu'xwaxix.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gali- 
gi'mx  t'xat  ika'la:  "Naik'  anu'ya  ya'xtaub'  ika'la  idia'- 
qxatba."  Aga  kxwo'pt  gayu'yix ;  gantcu'ix.  Gali'gimx : 
"Qatgi'ng1  inxux  ca'niamt." —  "Anu'ya  na'ika  idiaqxa'tba 
5  it!uxanxa  na'ik'  aniwad,"  gali'kim  fxad  ika'la.  Gatci'wax 
idia'qxatba.  Aga  kxwo^t  dagapga'b  galixuxwa'xix. 

Aga  kxwo'pt  gali'kim  ika'la :  ttDik'  axgj  alxugu'ya." 
Aga  kxwo'pt  gantcu'guix  kwo'ba  iltka'ba.  Ka'dux  ganto 
gu'itgEmux.  Aga  wixt!a  gantcgixwax  itli/anxa  idia^xatba. 

10  Laxx  gantcxuxxwax  aga  tca-itgaxluqt  watul.  Aga  gantc- 
ga7gElgElx  kaxdux.  Aga  kxwo^t  iVi  gantcxuxxwax ;  a-i- 
kia'u  gantcxuxxwax  li/lu  gaxn.  Aga  kxwoxpt  dakdaxk 
gantcgu'xwax  idEntcagwoxlala ;  gantcktuxxax  t!axya  t!axya; 
gantcga'wigitkax ;  itga^atcx  quxLquL  gantckt67wixax. 

15  Aga  kxwo'pt  gantcu7ix ;  gantcgilgfiluxta^max  so^11  gantc- 
kluxxax  wa^S.1  GalksubEna7iux  naVit  iltcqo^amt  iltlua'n- 
xayukc ;  ilqaxuadikc  gantcklgE^ga  gantckluxdinax.  Ixxad 
dabax  ik!arskas  gantcgigExlgax ;  fxad  niktaxx  ikaxla  itk/anxa 
nixwo^itx.  Aga  kxwo^t  galgixwo'xix.  Aga  kxw67pt 

20  ikaxla  Ik.'u^  gatccfguxax ;  ia^aq  gatcixluxax  K^'kcEnba 
itli/anxa  naxwid  dalxoa^.  Aga  kxwo^t  nixElgaxkwax 
it!uxanxa  iaxxt!ax  ciagwolala.  Aga  kxwo^t  iaxxt'  it!uxanxa 
ik!uxp  gatccuxxwax.  Aga  kxwo'pt  wi'tia  Iklu'p  gaqdi'gu- 
xax.  Aga  kxw67pt  nixi'maxidEmx.  Aga  kxwo'pt  iatu'kba 

25  Iqlo'b  gaqi'uxax  kwo'dau  iaq.'a^ctaqba  Lq!67p  gaqi'uxax 
kwo'dau  L!E'X  ia'wan.  Qucti'axa  ia'xtau  it!uxanxa  ia'maq 

Aga  kwo'ba  galgi'waqxox ;  iciagwa'lala  gantckcgExlgax 
it!uranxa-,  iaqla'qctaq  iaxxi  galgiufa'dax.  Dawa'x  aqle'yoqt 

30  atlu'anxa  dan  isga'xus  agaplu'nsnkau  kwo'ba  gaqugwilxE- 
mux    ing'    icgwolala    itcaqla'qctaq.     Aga    kxwo'pt    p!ala 
gantcxu'xwax.     K!a'ya  iltlua'nxayukc.     Aga  kxwo'pt  gantc- 
ia^xi     ca'xElix     itklalamatba    ala'tilx.       Aga 

1  As  above. 


in  the  man's  footprints."  So  then  he  went  on,  we  went 
(after  him).  He  said:  "I  give  up;  let  somebody  else 
try."  -  "I  shall  go  in  the  Paiute's  footprints,  I  first,"  said 
one  man.  He  followed  him  in  his  footprints.  Now  then 
it  had  become  very  dark. 

And  then  the  man  said:  "Now  let  us  camp  here  over 
night."  So  then  we  camped  there  in  the  snow.  In  the 
morning  we  awoke  and  again  followed  the  Paiute  in  his 
footprints.  We  came  in  view,  now  (we  saw)  the  fire 
burning.  Now  in  the  morning  we  saw  it.  And  then 
we  looked  about  and  got  together  in  a  bunch  without 
saying  anything.  And  then  we  loosened  our  guns,  care- 
fully cleaned  them,  and  loaded  them ;  we  put  bullets  into 
them.  And  then  we  went  on.  We  made  a  charge,  we 
all  yelled  wa-f-1  at  them.  The  Paitites  all  jumped  straight 
into  the  water;  some  of  them  we  caught  and  killed.  We 
caught  one  little  boy  here.  One  Paiute  man  ran  away, 
he  dashed  off.  And  then  they  headed  him  off.  And 
then  a  man  fired  at  him  and  wounded  the  Paiute  in  his 
hand,  pierced  it  right  through.  And  then  the  Paiute  was 
surrounded ;  he  also  had  a  gun.  Now  then  that  Paiute 
shot  it  off.  And  then  he  was  again  shot  at,  and  then 
he  fell  down  dead.  And  then  his  neck  was  cut  through, 
and  he  was  cut  in  his  head,  and  his  belly  was  ripped 
open.  In  truth,  that  Paiute  had  been  wounded  in  his  arm. 

So  there  they  killed  him;  the  Paiute's  gun  we  took,  his 
head  they  threw  way  off.  At  daybreak  there  was  an 
old  Paiute  woman  there,  without  eyes,  blind ;  her  head 
they  mauled  with  a  gun.  And  then  we  ceased.  There 
were  no  Paiutes  to  be  seen.  Now  then  way  off  we  caught 
sight  of  many  of  them,  high  up  among  the  cliffs.  And 
then  we  went  on  slowly,  we  went  up  a  small  river.  And 


kxwo'pt  iawa'  gantcu'ix  gantci'lwilxtx  wi'qxai.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  i'wad  tclpa'g  gahdlp!a'lawulalEmEx  tftiua'nxayukc. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  gi'gad  galgi'mx  itlu'anxa.  Qe'dau  gali'- 
gimx itlu'anxa:  "Ga'du  dabi'bo,  agaidzi'."1  Aga  kxwo'pt 
5  iklu'na  gali'gimx:  "Dabi'bo,  ga'du  agaidzi'."3  Aga  wi'tla 
da'ukwa  gali'gimx  ia'niwad:  "Gadu  dabi'bo,  agaidzi'."2 
Aga  kxwo'pt  mte&captain  gali'gimx:  "Na'qxi  saxEmat- 
klna'iugants.  Aga  tslu'm  Ixa'lguxt ;  aga  Ixu'lal  'agaidzi" 
Jaxta'uaitc,  qada'ga  bi'd  imcxu'x." 

10  Aga  kxwo'pt  da'uya3  ika'la  Paiute  gali'gimx :  "Ag' 
inu'gikEl  ga'nuit  soldiers?  Aga  kxwo'pt  k!wan  klwa'n 
galuxwa'xax ;  inxi'amxul  wa'8.4  Aga  kxwo'pt  gali'gimx 
ia'xia  i'nadix :  "Na'qx'  anu'ya."  Aga  kxwo'pt  wa'x 
gatctu'xwax  idio'ql.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gatca'wigaluqwax 

15  idio'q'l  itlu'anxa.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gali'kta  itlu'anxa  gali- 
xwo'xitx.  Aga  kxwo'pt  da'ba  ctmo'kct  gactu'ix  ntca'ika- 
bama  kwodau  lla'ktikc  galu'ix ;  tclpa'k  e'wi  galu'ix  itkiu'- 
danikc  a'mEni.  Da'ba  galxo'xamx.  Aga  kxwo'pt  \\Paiutes 
lk!u'p  galkcu'xax;  1'xt  ikiu'tan  ia'maq  galgi'luxax  ayatc- 

20  kJE'nba  kwo'dau  i'xt  iatu'kba.  Aga  kxwo'pt  i'wi  i'wi  ga- 
li'ktax,  gatciuda'mitx  ikiu'tan;  ki'nua  gatci'xgax.  Antca'i- 
tikc  kwo'ba  gantcu'yamx.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gali'gimx  ika'la : 
"  Ia'maq  tfgi'lux  itcxiu'tan  iltlu'anxayukc  mo'kct  itga'maq 
ilkto'wix."  Aga  kxwo'pt  bl'd  gantcxu'xwax. 

25  Aga  kxwo'pt  gali'gimx  ika'la:  "lak.'a'mEla-ixpa  hd'la- 
itix  ilt!u'anxayukc ;  aq!E'lax  aki'xax ;  k!a'ya  qs'nEgi  al- 
klu'xwa."  Ctmokct  icka'la  cta'xta  itkla'lamatba  gactu'La-itx. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  gacxklwa'x  nca'ikaba;  na'wit  gactu'yamx. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  gacgi'mx:  "Iak!a'mEla-ixba  hd'la-itix  ilt!u- 

30  a'nxayukc."  Aga  kxwo'pt  p!a'la  gantcxu'xwax  ka'nauwe. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  I'xad  ika'la  i'wad  gayu'yax.  Aga  kxwo'pt 

»  Literally,  « Fish-eaters."     This  sentence  is  in  Shoshoneau, 
*  This  sentence  is  in  Shoshonean. 

then  farther  on  some  Paiutes  were  talking  excitedly  among 
themselves.  Now  then  the  one  towards  us  spoke,  a 
Paiute.  Thus  said  the  Paiute :  "They  are  not  whites, 
they  are  Wascos."1  And  then  another  one  said:  "They 
are  whites,  not  Wascos."3  And  again  as  before  the  first 
one  spoke:  "They  are  not  whites,  they  are  Wascos."2 
Now  then  our  captain  said:  "Do  not  look  around!  Now 
they  are  uncertain  as  to  who  we  are.  Now  those  men 
are  saying  'Wascos,'  (but)  do  you  just  keep  quiet." 

And  then  this3  Paiute  man  said:  "Now  I  have  surely 
seen  that  they  are  soldiers."  And  then  (our  people)  be- 
came glad  and  yelled  their  war-whoop  :  wa+.4  And  then 
yonder  man  across  the  river  said:  "I  shall  not  go  (to 
meet  them)."  So  then  he  set  fire  to  his  house.  Now 
then  the  Paiute's  house  burned,  and  then  the  Paiute  ran 
off  and  escaped.  And  then  here  two  of  our  men  went 
on,  and  four  of  their  men  went  (to  meet  them);  very 
quickly  they  went  ahead  on  horseback.  Here  they  came 
together.  And  then  the  Paiutes  shot  at  the  two ;  they 
wounded  one  horse  in  his  shoulder  and  one  in  his  neck. 
Now  then  (one  man)  looked  about  as  he  ran  off,  the 
horse  ran  away  with  him  ;  in  vain  he  tried  to  hold  him 
back.  We  arrived  there.  And  then  the  man  said  :  "The 
Paiutes  have  wounded  my  horse,  they  have  wounded  the 
two  of  them."  And  then  we  quieted  down. 

Now  then  the  man  said:  "The  Paiutes  are  staying 
in  a  bad  place.  There  is  a  fence  (there)  and  we  can't 
do  anything  to  them."  Two  men  (went  over  and)  staid 
there  at  the  cliffs.  And  then  they  came  back  to  us, 
straightway  they  arrived.  And  then  the  two  of  them 
said:  "The  Paiutes  are  staying  in  a  bad  place."  And 
then  we  all  stopped.  Now  then  one  man  went  off  a 

3  That  is,  the  one  near  us.  *  As  above. 


gantcxEltcmo'qwax  wo'81  inxi'amxul  galgi'uxwax.  Qucti'- 
axa  ia'maq  galgi'luxwax  ilt!uaxnxayukc  ika'la  iaqui'tba. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  galksubEiia'iux ;  galgi'gElgax  ika'la.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  gi'gad  gatgi'ukl.  Aga  kxwo'pt  kwo'ba  wi'gwa 
5  pia'la  gantcxu'xwax. 

Aga  kxwo'pt  gali'gimx  \captain:  aKwaxic  adamcEluxda 
mo'kct  itk^munak  ag7  axlEm'  amsksu^Ena  ilt!uxanxayukc- 
ba."  Aga  kxw67pt  ikarla  ia^aq  galHwulxtx  aga  nixix- 
maxitx  qe'dau :  "V  V  V  etc*  aga  q!oa''b  iaxiba^ 

10  'galax.     Aga  kxwo^t  gali^imx  \captain  ia7xleu  Billy  Chi- 
nook'.    "Naqxa7    dik'    alxuxxwa  ag'  alxk!waxy'  aga 
dik'  a7lxuxwa,  saxqu  a^Em'  alktuxdinaya  ilt!uxanxayukc  i 
xaxixudaniiikc   qxardagatci  alxk!wa7y'  aga.     Yaxxtau  i 
iaxmaq   ia^cgEmEm    kwaic   hi'xwan    ayu^nEqta    ag'    a7lEm' 

15  algi'ukla."  -  -  uA'-u  qwoW  alxklwa'y'  aga."  Aga  kxwo'pt 
gantcxE^txuitckax  ag'  alxk!waxy'  aga.  Aga  kxwo^t  ikaxla 
ia7maq  iaxi7utan  gantckcikla^aqwox.  Aga  kxwoxpt  gantc- 
gikla'-imitx.  Aga  kxwo^t  ikaxla  a-ik!axu  idia^uit  gantc- 

20  Aga  kxw6xpt  gantcu7ix  naVid  w^qxat;  gantci/pgiux 
iltcq6xba.  Aga  kxw6xpt  Ik!u7p  gali/xwaxax  itgwolala ; 
na'qxi  can  i^maq  gaqxrtluxax.  Waxx  wax  nuxit  lk!uxp 
nuxwax  itgwo'lala ;  ka'nauwe  gaqsntcu'qlpax.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
inxi'amxul  galgi'uxax  iltlu'anxayukc  nca'ikaba  •,  wax8 3 

25  gahcu'xwax.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gali'gimx  \captain\  "Ag' 
anhi'lxama  iltlu'anxayukc,  caxn  alganElge'laba."  Aga 
kxwo'pt  gali'gimx  ikala :  "Na'ik'  anlulxa'ma  iltlu'anxa- 
yukc.  Qfi'nEgi  mxlu'xwan  qE'nEg'  amlulxa'ma?"  —  "Anlul- 
xa'm'  aga  ax  nigi'xux  iaga'il  icta'mx3  alxdi'naya  gwE^nEma- 

30  lat  \b:'\x  aVatci  ixxt  ilakla'munak  ite'lx  qxa'dagatci  na'qxi 
pu  Iklu'b  amckcu'xwa.4  Qxa'daga  haxe  amEncgE^lgEla  kwo'- 

i.bove,  in  a  high  pitch.  2  AS  above. 

3  That  is,  the  President  of  the  United  States. 


ways.  And  then  we  heard  yelling:  wo-)-,1  the  (Paiutes) 
yelled  the  war-whoop.  As  it  turned  out,  the  Paiutes  had 
wounded  the  man  in  his  leg.  And  then  some  (of  us) 
jumped  up  and  seized  the  man.  And  then  they  brought 
him  hitherwards.  And  then  we  stopped  there  all  day. 

Now  then  the  captain  said:  "Soon  I  shall  give  you 
all  two  hundred  (bullets),  and  you  shall  jump  upon  the 
Paiutes."  And  then  the  injured  man's  wound  swelled,  and 
he  lay  groaning  thus:  V  V  V  etc.  Now  the  sun 
was  nearly  (down)  way  yonder.  And  then  the  captain, 
his  name  was  Billy  Chinook,  said:  "Let  us  no  longer 
stay  here,  but  let  us  return  home.  If  we  stay  here,  the 
Paiutes  will  kill  off  all  of  our  horses,  so  that  we  had 
better  return  home  now.  That  wounded  man  is  sick,  and 
perhaps  he  will  die  soon ;  now  we  shall  take  him  with 
us."  (We  said):  "Yes,  indeed,  let  us  return  home  now!" 
So  then  we  got  ready  and  were  now  about  to  return 
home.  And  then  we  bound  the  wounded  man  to  his 
horse  and  put  him  astride  him.  And  then  we  tied  the 
man's  legs. 

Now  then  we  went  on  straight  to  the  river  and  waded 
in  the  water.  And  then  the  guns  were  shot  (at  us),  but 
no  one  was  wounded.  Immediately  when  it  was  daylight, 
the  guns  were  shot ;  they  missed  all  of  us.  And  then 
the  Paiutes  yelled  a  war-whoop  to  us ;  wa-f3  they  yelled. 
And  then  the  captain  said :  u  Now  I  want  to  speak  to 
the  Paiutes;  who  will  interpret  for  me?"  And  then  a 
man  said :  "  I  will  speak  to  the  Paiutes.  What  do  you 
think?  What  are  you  going  to  tell  them?"-  -  "I  shall  tell 
them  that  the  Great  Chief3  has  made  up  his  mind  that 
we  fight  for  fifty  years  or  one  hundred  years,  so  that 
you  had  better  not  be  shooting.4  You  must  first  see  us 
before  you  shoot  at  us ;  maybe  you  will  run  out  of  am- 

4  Sarcastic.     "Don't  waste  your  powder." 


dau  ttdu'b  amcEncgu'xwa,  di'gutcix  aluxwa'ixuma  idEmca'- 
gamatcx.1  Da'uax  a'-ixt  aga'matcx  na'ika  qxa'dag'  ayamc- 
lu'da ;  mca'ika  iltlu'anxayukc  amcxi'duitcatk,  mcxa'ngi- 
duitcatk."  Aga  kxwo'pt  Hdu'p  gatccu'xwax. 
5  Xa'bixix  gatchi'lxamx :  "Axxtau  a^matcx  qxa'daga 
yaxmclut.  Ag'  a7  igi'xux  iaga'tf  icta'mx  ag'  alxdi'naya 
luwa'n  ila/k!amunak  itelx."  Aga  kxwo^t  gantcxuxxwax 
qexdau:  wa^.3  Aga  kxw67pt  gantcu7ix  xa^ixix  idEntca- 
gu^imxadiamt.  Gantcgiuxkt  ikaxla  ia^aq  k!axu  gaqir- 

10  uxax  idiaxquitba ;  ag'  iatcgE^Etn  nixuxxwax  ikarla.  Aga 
kxwo'pt  mo^ct  itkiuxdaniukc  gatgi7x  gadinsxsgE^Emux 
idEntcogu'yimxadiamt.  Aga  kxwo'pt  galkcu'lxamx :  "At- 
ga'dit  idE'lxam  fxad  ika'la  ia'maq  iqi'lut,  aga  qixLt." 
Aga  kxwo'pt  da'ba  gayuxwigi'lxax ;  wi'tla  da'ba  gayu- 

15  xwigi^xax;  la'kt  watu'l:  gaqo'xwax.  Aga  kwo'ba  gantci/- 
yamx.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gantcaxLa'kwax  watu'h  Daxuda-itc 
itkaxlukc  idEntcagu^imxatba ;  aga  kxw67pt  galgE^tcgslgax 
idEntca^cEnba ;  shake  hands  galgE7ntcuxwax. 

Aga    da'ba    gantcaxLa'kwaxix  watu%a.     Aga  kxwo'pt 

20  galgintcu'lxamx :      "Ca'n  ila'maq  igixa'llux  ?"    Aga  kxwo'pt 

gantcgiu'pgEnax  ia'maq  igixi'lux  Tia'mlauwai.      Gantckhi'l- 

xamx  Igabla't  gantcga'gElgax  ana'lxat  iltlu'anxayukc  aga- 

ti'lx.     Aga    kxwo'pt  na'wid  nugwa'lalamx  ana'lxat  itga'la- 

lamax;    wa'pul    gatgu'yutckwax   gada'nLakwax  itga'kcEnb' 

25  ana'fxat.     Aga    kxwo'pt    fxad    ikla'skas  gaqi'gElgax  it!ux- 

anxa   ilisa'qba   gaqixu'tgax ;    iaxta'ba    watu'l  gantcu'yamx. 

Kwo'ba   gaqiuxwala'dapax    kwo'ba  nikta'lalEmax  watu%a 

gaqiucga'makwox  ikla'skas  it!u7anxa.     Wa'pul  galugwa'la- 

lamx  dawaxwa'x  nu'it  a-iLa'x  aga'lax.     Aga  kxwo'pt  p.'a'la 

30  nuxwa'xux   idExlxam. 

IkaT    aga   iatcgE'mEm    galixu'xwax.     Aga  kxwo'pt  ga- 

Literally,  "Your  bullets  will  be  eaten  up,  consumed."  2  As  above. 


munition.1  This  one  bullet  I  shall  give  you  just  for  fun. 
Do  you  Paiutes  listen,  listen  to  me !"  And  then  he  shot 
off  his  gun. 

In  the  evening  he  said  to  them:  "That  bullet  I  gave 
you  just  for  fun.  Now  the  Great  Chief  has  made  up  his 
mind  that  we  fight  perhaps  a  hundred  years."  And  then 
we  yelled  thus :  wa-f-.3  And  then  at  night  we  went  to- 
wards our  camp.  We  took  the  wounded  man  along  with 
us  and  he  was  tied  by  his  legs;  the  man  had  now  be- 
come sick.  And  then  two  horses  went  on,  went  on  ahead 
of  us  towards  our  camp.  And  then  the  two  men  (riding 
them)  said  to  those  (in  camp):  "The  people  are  coming, 
and  one  man  has  been  wounded  •,  now  they  are  bringing 
him."  And  then  they  made  a  fire  here,  another  fire  they 
made  here ;  four  fires  were  made.  Now  there  we  arrived. 
And  then  we  passed  around  the  fire.  These  men  were 
in  our  camp ;  and  then  they  took  us  by  our  hands  and 
shook  hands  with  us. 

Now  here  we  passed  by  the  fire.  And  then  they  said 
to  us:  "Who  has  been  wounded?"  And  then  we  named 
who  had  been  wounded  —  TIa'mlauwai.  We  told  them 
that  we  had  taken  many  scalps,  many  Paiute  (scalps). 
And  then  straightway  the  people  sang  the  scalp  song ; 
all  night  long  they  danced  and  went  around  with  scalps 
in  their  hands.  Now  then  a  certain  Paiute  boy  was  taken 
and  enclosed  in  a  sack.  We  went  right  there  up  to  the 
fire.  There  he  was  taken  out,  there  he  ran  about  near 
the  fire,  and  the  Paiute  boy  was  captured  (as  though  in 
war).  All  night  long  they  sang,  right  up  to  early  dawn, 
when  the  sun  just  began  to  appear.  And  then  the  people 

Now  the  man  had  become  sick.  So  then  a  long  pole 
was  set  up,  and  then  ceremonial  feathers  were  tied  on 


qiu'txEmitx  ik!a'munaq  ia'lqdix.  Aga  kxwo'pt  itklicgE- 
la'lamax  kla'u  gaqti'luxwax  icgi'lukc  ia'kutc  ikla'munaqba 
ca'xlix  ika'la  ya'yulmax.  Gali'gimx  ika'la:  "Ag'  a'numEqta 
ag'  amcgEnxtcmo'gwa  qE'nsg'  angina  da'n  inE'lqlat  na'ika 
5  nk!a'ckac  ganExtki'xax.  Aga  kxwo'pt  da'n  ganigE'lksl1 
nkla'ckac  qxa'dagatci  ag'  axamcEluk^tcgwa  dan  woVo 
gatci'ntxa  nk!axckac  dan  ganitgla^lq.  Aga  tsh/nus  icgixhi 
acxartxa.  Qe'dau  nxExlqlat  ganxElEqlaxxit  nk!axckac.  Ga- 
yuxya  dala^max  igi/cax  ganigExlkEl  kwoxdau  datk!uxb  igur- 

10  cax  gayi/ya.  Aga  kxwo^t  gacti/y'  icgi^ti.  Cma^ix 
a'lEma  na'qxi  ackgrttia  kw67dau  cma^ix  axlEma  naxqxi 
watsi/ptsup  ag'  a'lEma  Iquct  anu^Eqta."  Aga  gactugrt- 
tix  kwo'dau  watsurptsup  aga  gali^imx  ikarla  iaxmaq : 
aAg'  anxgwaMa  iltcq67ba  ag' amcgEn^kla."  Aga  kxwoxpt 

15  ihcqo'yamt  gaq^ukl  gaqi^^imalxax.  Aga  kxwoxpt  t!axya 
galixuxxwax  ikaxla ;  ya^ulmax  ga^iuit  t.'u^uit  ya7maq 
galgi'tx  iltii/anxayukc.  Naxcqi  gali^Ernqt  •,  t!axya  galixaxtx. 
Ka'nauwe  can  galgixtqxEmit ;  na7it!a  daxuya  gan^tqEmit. 
Qxfdau  Nadida^uit  itgahteVulxEmax  idago'mEnil: ;  k!arya 

20  daxukwa  Ba^tEn.  Pu  gwE^Emix  alugu7ya  Nadida^uit 
k!ay  alxlxs'lEma  k!a'ya  pu  alugE'mcta  iltcqoa'.  Qe'dau 
iLalxe'wulxEmax  Gala'sqlo ;  kla'y'  idaklwa'cumit.  Da'ukwa 
lax-it!ikc  ilt!u7anxayukc  k!ary'  ilaklwa^umit. 

Lu'nix-  gantcugu'ix  k!a'y'  itlxlE'm.     Aga  kxwoxpt  gantc- 

25  gi'gElgax  iuklo'its  ila'lik  lu'nlgal  idE'lxam.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
li'xat  tslu'nus  gaqxi'llutx  -,  lu'qx  galgi'uxwax.  Ya'xi  idsn- 
tco'guyimxat ;  da'uyax  ila'lik  yoklo'its  lu'qx  gantcki'tx 
kmlga'l  idElxam.  Aga  gantcxuk!wa/yux ;  naVid  idEn- 
tco'qtba  gantcu'yamx. 

30  Aga  wi'tla  gantcu'ix;  wixt!a  gantcklu'naxLamx  ih.'u'an- 
xayukc.  Aga  gantcklgExlgax  ca'ib'  aga'Lax.  Aga  kxwo'pt 
naxwid  iltcqo'ba  gantckhi'wax  galxantcgE'luwoqlqax ;  galu- 

That  is,  "dreamt  when  training  during  the  puberty  rites  for  a  guardian  spirit." 


top  of  the  pole  to  a  wolfs  backbone,  the  man's  guar- 
dian spirit.  The  man  said:  "Now  I  shall  die,  and  do  you 
all  hear  what  I  have  to  say,  what  I  learned  when  I  was 
a  boy.  Now  then  I  saw1  something  as  a  boy,  so  that  now 
I  shall  tell  you  all  what  it  was  that  spoke  with  me  as  a 
boy,  what  I  recognized.  Now  it  is  going  to  rain  a  little. 
Thus  I  know,  I  found  it  out  as  a  boy.  I  saw  black  (clouds) 
passing  over  the  sky,  and  the  sky  turned  white.  And 
then  it  rained.  If  it  will  not  rain  and  if  it  will  not  hail, 
then  truly  I  shall  die."  Then  it  started  in  to  rain  and 
to  hail,  and  the  wounded  man  said:  "Now  I  shall  bathe 
in  the  water,  and  you  will  carry  me."  So  then  he  was 
carried  to  the  water  and  put  into  it.  And  then  the  man 
recovered ;  surely  indeed  the  Paiutes  had  shot  at  his  guar- 
dian spirit.  He  did  not  die,  he  became  well.  Every  one 
saw  him,  also  I  here  saw  him.  Thus  the  Indians  have 
strong  hearts ;  not  thus  are  white  people.  Indians  could 
pass  five  days  and  eat  nothing,  nor  would  they  drink  any 
water.  So  strong  are  the  Wascos,  they  are  not  cowards. 
So  also  they  too,  the  Paiutes,  are  not  cowards. 

We  passed  three  nights  and  there  was  no  food.  And 
then  we  caught  a  very  small  jack-rabbit ;  (we  were)  thirty 
people.  And  then  to  each  one  a  little  bit  (of  meat)  was 
given  •  each  one  ate  (his  share).  Far  away  was  our  camp ; 
this  small  jack-rabbit  we  thirty  people  ate.  Then  we  went 
each  to  his  own  home,  straightway  we  arrived  at  our 

Now  again  we  set  out ;  again  we  went  to  look  for  the 
Paiutes.  Then  we  caught  them  when  the  sun  was  straight 
overhead.  And  then  straightway  we  chased  them  into 
the  water,  they  escaped  from  us ;  the  Paiutes  all  swam 


kli'x'iyux  tftlu'anxayukc.  Aga  kxwo'pt  ia'xiba  tftcqo'ba 
La'2x  aixa'txa  iitlu'anxayukc.  Aga  kxwo'pt  Lgu'b  antckl- 
tcgu'xa  iftlu'anxayukc.  Kxwo'ba  gantcu'guix ;  kVdux- 
wi'tlax  gantcklgE'lgslx  tftcqo'ba.  Aga  kxwo'pt  gantcxu- 
5  k!wa'x;  gantckhi'lxamx :  "Da^ba  mcxpci/iwalit  iltlu^n- 
xayukc?  Mctix  alxdi'naya."  Aga  kxwo'pt  Lkuxp  gantc- 
kcu'xwax;  gantckhi'lxamx :  "Da'u'  aga^atcx  qxa'daga 
iqa'mcElut."  Aga  kxwo^t  gantc^klwa^ux ;  gantcklgE^- 
gax  wixixatpa  iit!uxanxayukc.  Aga  wixt!a  kwoxba  gantcx- 

10  di'nax.  Tx*ad  ikaxla  itlu^nxa  iciagw6xlala  k!axuk!au 
idiaxpiq  ikna^n.  Aga  kxwoxpt  ia^aq  gaqixluxwax  itli/anxa  ; 
Lkuxp  gaqci^uxwax ;  naVid  gayu^Eqtx.  Lgo^qdikc  gaq- 
luxdinax  ilt!uxanxayukc;  k^nauwe  daxk  gaqa^xuxax  anaxl- 
xat  kwoxdau  a-iLqlo^b  ila^uk  a  iLa/x  ilaxwan ;  safq"  ka7- 

15  nauwe  qxfdau  gaqlu^wax.  GanckcgExlgax  ilctagwo^ala ; 
ncarika  saxqu  gantcklu'dinax.  Aga  kxwo^t  galugwaxla- 
lamx  idE'lxam  analxard  amEni ;  k!wan  k!waxn  nuxwarxax 
idE'lxam  Galasqlc/. 

Aga     p!axla    galxu'xwax   ittlu'anxayukc    iqxaMinaxiamt. 

20  Aga  kxwo'pt  galxtki'm  iltlu'anxayukc:  "Aga  p!axl'  intc- 
xux;  kwo'pt  aga  ilxd^na."  P!axla  gantcxa'tx  kaxnauwe. 
K!axya  gantcg^gitkEl  Pala'-ini  ilt.'u^nxayukc  ila'ctamx  kwo7- 
dau  k.'a'ya  gancg^gitkEl  Ya'wiwa  ih!uxanxayukc  ila'ctamx. 
Aga  kxwo'pt  na'wid  gantcklm'q  kaxnauwe ;  na'wid  Wala- 

25  wala'ba  gantcklLu'q ;  kwo'ba  gantcklxa'dima  iltlu'anxayukc. 
Qe'dau  gantcxadi7na  tftlu'anxayukc ;  iakla'mEla-ix  gantcxa- 
di'na.  Aga  tfakla'mElamax  itt.'u'anxayukc  ilagu'liumax. 
Qe'dau  ax  galixxatx  \goverment  qxardagatci  gantcxaxdina 
naika  Pa'pkss1  ganxa7dina. 

30  Aga  na'-ima  ka'nauwe  galxaxla-it  Galasqlo";  da'uya 
wi'gw'  aga  ctmo'kctka  Warm  Springy  k!ma  na'ika 

Pa'pkEs  is  one  of  Louis  Simpson's  Indian  names ;  it  was  said  by  him  to  have 
been  borne  by  a  former  Wishram  chief.  His  common  Indian  name  to-day  is 


off.  And  then  way  yonder  in  the  water  some  Paiutes 
would  just  appear.  And  then  we  would  shoot  at  the 
Paiutes.  There  we  camped  over  night;  in  the  morning 
we  again  caught  sight  of  them  in  the  water.  And  then 
we  started  home ;  we  said  to  them :  "  What  do  you 
Paiutes  all  keep  hiding  yourselves  for?  Come,  let  us 
fight !"  And  then  we  shot  off  one  volley.  We  said  to 
them:  "This  bullet  we  have  given  you  for  nothing.". 
Now  then  we  started  home.  We  caught  some  Paiutes 
on  the  road.  Now  again  we  fought  there.  One  of  the 
Paiute  men  had  magpie-feathers  tied  on  to  his  gun.  And 
then  the  Paiute  was  fired  at,  he  was  shot ;  straightway 
he  died.  Eight  Paiutes  were  killed ;  their  scalps  were  all 
taken  off,  and  their  necks  cut  through,  their  bellies  ripped 
open ;  to  every  one  of  them  it  was  thus  done.  We  took 
their  guns,  we  killed  them  all.  And  then  the  people 
sang  with  scalps ;  happy  the  Wasco  people  became. 

Now  the  Paiutes  ceased  from  the  war.  Now  then  the 
Paiutes  said:  "Now  we  have  stopped,  we  have  fought 
enough."  We  all  stopped.  We  did  not  see  Pala'-ini, 
chief  of  the  Paiutes,  nor  did  we  see  Yawi'wa,  chief  of 
the  Paiutes.  And  then  we  took  them  all  back  with  us. 
Straight  to  Wallawalla  we  took  them  back ;  there  we 
left  the  Paiutes.  Thus  we  and  the  Paiutes  fought,  fierce- 
ly we  fought.  And  the  Paiutes  are  bad  people,  they 
are  thieves.  Thus  the  government  agreed,  so  that  we 
fought.  I,  Pa'pkEs,1  fought. 

Now  I  am  alone,  all  the  Wascos  (who  fought)  are 
dead.  This  day  there  are  now  only  two  at  Warm  Spring 
and  I  -  -  we  three  fought  with  the  Paiutes.  Now  to-day 

15 — PUBL.    AMER.    ETHN.    SOC.    VOL.    II. 


nchi'nikck'  aga  gantcxa'dinax  iltlu'anxayukcba.  Da'uya 
wi'gw'  aga  iltlu'ktimax  ag'  ala'wowot  Ba'ctEnEmt  fap!a'- 
lamExtsEmEx  tftlu'anxayukc.  Da'uya  wigwa  itlu'anxa 
ya'xan  k!m'  ag'  ayasqlu'  ika'la  aya'xan  tcu'cgamt.  Qxfdau 
5  government  gatcuguitxu'dinEmtck. 


A'ngadix  fga  wa'lu  gaktuxx  idE'lxam ;  la^Elat  galuxwa^ 
la-it,  Aduxixixklxa  ikaxla  gatcudukwaxckwax  ayaxgikal  : 
"Aga  tli/ktix  amu^a  agu^xixiamt  ag^mluda  dan  tfxEr- 
IEITI  alilxE^lmuxma  itxa^xuq."  —  "Tli^kdi-ix,"  gagiu^xam, 
10  aanuxya."  Kwopt  gali/ix ;  gagiaxlut  icima^q  baxma  iklrt- 
xwalalmat  iagaxilbat  icima^q.  Kwapt  lq!6xp  gagiurxwax 
ixco'qt  ikaxtitck  kwoMau  isklfmks ;  gagiuxklam.  Gatcuxl- 
xam :  "K!axya  amifli/da  itxaxqxuq;  qaxxba  hatla^ixba 
amyu^ka."  —  "A^u,"  gagiu^xam.  Kwopt  gagixutk. 

15  LaxbElat  idiage'xEltkiu  kaxnawi  waxlu  gElu'xt.  Quctiaxxa 
qlwa'p  aga  gawaxE'mdix.  Ka'dux  gayu'ix  wima^iamt ; 
gatcu'xwa  ala'lax  ikica'tckba.  Kla^a  can  Igiu'qxEmit 
kwaic  ka'dux  yu'yEm.  Ka'lqun  aga  gatcgs'lgax  ickla'- 
taqxi  mo'kct.  Wixt!ax  gayu'ix  ka'dux  ;  dau'kwa  gatcgE7!- 

20  gEnil.  Kwo'ba  tcu'dslk ;  la'bElat  gacxu'x  kwo'dau  ga- 
tcu'kl  itla'q^iamt.  Gatcu'lxam :  "T.'a'ya  amcukstE'mita 
da'ucta  ickla'taqxi.  Ts!uxnus  tslu'nus  amiWu'da  itxa'qxuq 
qxa'datci  k!axya  ilatcgE'mEm  alkcu'xa."  —  "  A'-u,"  gagi'ux. 
La'-it!ikc  iliage'xEltkiu  gaklclu'tx  ma'kct  mokct,  yaxa  sa'qxu 

25  aga  walu  gElu'xt.  Kwaic  kla'ya  stu'kst  kwopt  galcxE'lmux- 
bax  alumqxta. 

This  account  of  a  famine  at  the  Cascades  was  taken  down  in  Indian  from 
an  old  woman  by  my  interpreter,  Peter  McGuff,  who  supplied  also  an  interlinear 
translation.  The  events  took  place  about  1835. 


the  Paiutes  are  good  and  speak  English,  they  are  peace- 
ful. To-day  a  Paiute's  son  and  a  Wasco  man's  daugh- 
ter marry.  Thus  Government  helped  them. 


Long  ago,  I  believe,  the  people  suffered  hunger ;  many 
of  them  died.  They  tell  about  a  man  (who)  sent  his  wife 
(to  get  food):  "Now  it  is  good  that  you  go  to  my  elder 
sister,  she  will  give  you  some  food,  our  children  will  eat." 
-  "It  is  well,"  she  said  to  him.  "I  shall  go."  Then  she 
went  away.  She  gave  her  (sister-in-law)  a  sea-shell  for  a 
necklace,  so  large  a  sea-shell.  Then  (her  sister-in-law)  cut 
some  dried  pounded  salmon  and  dry  fish-skin.  She 
brought  it  home.  He  said  to  her:  "You  will  not  give 
it  to  our  children ;  you  will  put  it  away  in  some  hidden 
place."  -  "Yes,"  she  said  to  him.  Then  she  put  it  away. 

He  had  many  slaves;  all  of  them  are  hungry.  Behold, 
springtime  is  now  near  at  hand.  In  the  morning  he  went 
off  to  the  river ;  he  constructed  a  fish-trap  at  the  falls 
(when)  no  one  sees  him,  very  early  in  the  morning  he 
always  goes.  Finally  he  caught  two  suckers.  Again  he 
went  off  in  the  morning ;  as  before  he  kept  catching  them. 
There  he  always  puts  them  away ;  they  got  to  be  many 
and  he  brought  them  to  their  house.  He  said  to  her : 
"You  shall  cook  these  suckers  carefully.  You  shall  give 
our  children  just  a  little  bit,  so  that  it  will  not  make 
them  sick."  -  -  "Yes,"  she  said  to  him.  To  them  too,  his 
slaves,  she  gave  each  two  suckers ;  indeed  they  are  all 
hungry  now.  The  stickers  are  not  yet  done;  then,  when 
some  of  them  ate  of  them,  they  died. 


T!u'  LalLla  ga'lixuxix ;  ma'nk  la'bElat  gatdgs'lga.    Am'x 

anix    aga    gatcigElga'nif    igu'nat-,    aga    it!u'ktix   Ixi'la-itix. 

Aya'-utxix  itca'qxuq  gahi'yamx  a'-ixat  yattxwa't  ilacima'lq. 

Gala'kim  agage'lak,  da'k  gagi'uxwax  ak!a7ckac,  gagia'lutx. 

5  Gaqxulxamx     akla'ckac :       « Aya'mEllxwaya    imca'sklimks 

kwo'dau  imcaka'titck."     Galu'yam  ak!axckac  itlo'qlba.    Ga- 

gi'uguloql    ilasa'mun ;     galaxxEmasa-it.     Ka'nawi    idE'lxam 

gatga'xslk^itck    itgatqlfxumit.      LaxbElat    idE^xam    kwopt 

galu'xwala-it    wa'lu    ngi.     Ka'nawi    qaxxba    laxbElat    ihgax 

10  kwo'dau  ika'ba  wima%a. 


A'ngadix  fga  galu'xiqlaxit  idE^xam  aga  qlwa'p  atgadi'- 
mama  BaxctEn.  Ixaxt  Iga  gal^xslqlaxit  iq!i7uqt  xaxbixix. 
Kwopt  galixgigwa^wax ;  gatcugixgElx  uxaluxidat  idE^xam, 
waxwa  gatgi'ux,  gatkdi^nimananfmtck  kaxnawi  dan ;  kwor- 

15  dau  itca'waclalamax 2  gatcaVitcmoq  qxaxwat  Iga  lurn  tci 
la'kt.  Kaxduxu  galigi'mx  sa'quba  idslxam.  Aga  kwo'pt 
gadigExlxaq  k^nawi  can  ilgag^lak  ilkaxla  ilkla^kac  ilqli^qt 
saxqu  can.  GayaxaxwikuLitck  idE'lxam  dan  gatcigExlgElx 
itqxixuba  xa^ixix.  Aga  kworpt  gadigE^xaq ;  gatguwixutck 

20  ka'nawi  wixgwa  kaxnawi  xa'bixix;  k!waxn  k!wan  galuxwa7- 
xax  Engi  idia'watca. 

Gali'kim:  "KwaMc  adilga'tgwama  da'nmax  uxalu'idat; 
k!a'ya  wi'tlax  anga'dix  diwi;  k!arya  wi'tlax  da'uda  idfil- 
xa'kdi  kwaic  alkdu'cima ;  atkLa'ma  karnawi  dan  uxalu'idat ; 

1  This  text,  like  the  preceding,  was  taken  down  in  Indian  and  provided  with 
an  interlinear  translation  by  my  interpreter,  Peter  M^Guff,  the  source  being  an 


It  became  quite  warm  and  he  caught  a  little  more. 
Finally  now  he  began  to  catch  Chinook  salmon ;  now 
they  are  living  prosperously.  His  elder  sister's  children 
came  to  (them),  one  of  them  has  their  sea-shell  around 
her  neck.  The  woman  told  her  (about  it),  the  girl  took 
it  off  of  herself,  and  gave  it  to  her.  The  girl  was  told : 
"I  shall  put  the  dried  fish-skin  and  the  dried  pounded 
salmon  of  you  people  around  your  neck."  The  girl  ar- 
rived at  their  house.  (Her  mother)  recognized  their  fish, 
she  was  ashamed.  All  the  people  talked  about  her  being 
stingy.  Many  people  then  died  of  hunger.  Everywhere 
there  was  much  snow  and  ice  in  the  river. 


Long  ago,  I  believe,  the  people  learned  that  now  whites 
would  soon  come.  One  old  man,  I  believe,  learned  of 
it  at  night.  Then  he  dreamt ;  he  saw  strange  people, 
they  spoke  to  him,  and  showed  him  everything;  and  he 
heard  something  like  three  or  four  Indian3  songs.  In  the 
morning  he  spoke  to  all  the  people.  And  then  every- 
body gathered  together  to  hear  him,  women,  men, 
children,  old  men,  —  everybody.  He  told  the  people 
what  he  had  seen  in  his  sleep  at  night.  And  then  they 
gathered  together  to  hear  him ;  they  danced  every  day 
and  every  night.  They  were  made  glad  because  of  his 

He  said:  "Soon  all  sorts  of  strange  things  will  come. 
No  longer  (will  things  be)  as  before ;  no  longer,  as  will 
soon  happen,  shall  we  use  these  things  of  ours.  They 
will  bring  to  us  everything  strange ;  they  will  bring  to  us 

old    woman  named  Sophia  Klickitat.     The  events  are  supposed  to  have  taken  place 
at  the  Cascades  long  before  the  coming  of  the  whites. 
2  Ca'wac  ("Indian"),  from  Chinook  jargon  sa'iwac. 


atkLa'ma  a-ic  amikllu'qdia  ixF/lalal  dan  ya'xiba,  dapa'u 
ayu'lktcwaya,  ayu'mEqta."  Qucti'axa  icgwa'lala  ya'xdau 
gatccu'lxam.  "Aqxa'Lama  atli'wat  qxalkli'tcxEmal ;  k.'a'ya 
wi'tlax  amu'cima  anga'dix  bama  amitli'wat  akla^amat 
5  Engi."  Qu'ctiaxa  gaxnuit  gatkLa7!!!  gatcdu^xam  idE^xam. 
ttK!axya  wixt!ax  ala'mxpcta  anga^ix  diwi."  Waxou  k!waxn 
kiwan  galuxxwax ;  cpaxk  galuViutck.  "AqxtLa'ma  darngi 
idak.'a^tsax  itk.^munoq  daxkax  ngi  alamxlgi'Lxa."  Qurc- 
tiaxa  amE^sis  axxdau  gatci^lxam. 

10  Wfgwamax  wa^ulmax  gatguwi7utck ;  k!axya  waxlu  gak- 
duxx,  t!uxnwit  buxt  gali/xwax.  K^nawi  dan  gatgi^Elksl 
iqlfstin  aq!fstin  aq!irwiqxi  astu'p.  "  Uxalu'idat  idfilxam 
atkLa'ma  qxi'dau  da'nmax ;  datgu'pmax  idE'lxam  itgami'q- 
cumax  wataxxba  agaxLaxiamt  atga'dimama.  Tcu'xEnika 

15  mcxa^x."  Agar  yaxa  cpa'k  wixt!ax  asuxibu^oninxla ;  bu't 
nuxwa'x  cpa'k.  Aga  ga'nuit  da'uka  da'nmax  da'uya 
wigwa  aga  t!uxnwit  darukwa  galixgigwa'qwa  iqlfuqt.  Kwopt 
ya'xpt  k!axya  dan  iduiha'max ;  kwaic  gatgixLam  Ba'ctEn ; 
ya'-ima  caxEla'damt  bama  ica'wacduihamax.  K.'a'ya  wi'tlax 

20  dan  iki'utan,  da'ima  itqlu^suLxlEm.  Qxi'dau  axngadix 
galu'xwax  wi'mal  bama  idE'lxam. 


(something  which)  you  just  have  to  point  at  anything 
moving  way  yonder,  and  it  will  fall  right  down  and  die." 
As  it  turned  out,  it  was  a  gun  of  which  he  spoke.  "There 
will  be  brought  to  us  a  bucket  for  boiling-purposes;  no 
longer  will  you  use  your  old-fashioned  bucket  made  out 
of  stone."  As  it  turned  out,  they  really  brought  to  us 
what  he  told  the  people  of.  "No  longer  will  you  make 
fire  by  drilling  with  sticks  as  before."  Still  more  were 
they  made  glad,  they  danced  with  energy.  "Certain 
small  pieces  of  wood  will  be  brought  to  us  with  which 
you  will  make  a  fire."  As  it  turned  out,  it  was  matches 
whereof  he  spoke. 

For  days  and  nights  they  danced.  They  were  not  at 
all  hungry,  truly  they  did  their  best  (in  dancing).  Every- 
thing they  saw  —  ax,  hatchet,  knife,  stove.  "Strange 
people  will  bring  us  such  things.  White  people  with 
mustaches  on  their  faces  will  come  from  the  east.  Do 
you  people  be  careful!"  Then  indeed  they  would  again 
jump  up  and  down ;  they  did  their  best  strongly.  And 
truly  things  are  just  so  to-day ;  now  surely  the  old  man 
dreamt  just  that  way.  Up  to  that  time  there  were  no 
cattle  at  all.  Presently  white  people  brought  them  •,  only 
farther  up  there  were  buffaloes.  Nor  were  there  any 
horses  either,  only  dogs.  Thus  long  ago  did  it  happen 
to  the  people  dwelling  along  the  river. 



(Recorded  by  Franz  JBoas.)1 

Nictaxt  sklu'lia2  kwoda'u  ia'-uxix  itdi'nun.  A'ga  nigi- 
qlwo'lalEm3  itcli'nun,  maga4  sklu'lia2  qlawilExa'm 5  nigi- 
xu'lalmntf  isklu'lia  tquli'ba.  Maga  tcli'nun2  nitctudi'nntf 
tcla'nk.6  Maga  nitctu'ctx  tc!ank,6  qa'wat  mokct  a'watci 
5  tun  tquli'ba.  Aga  kwo'ba  ni'hdmnil  La'xanix  tquft'ba,  maga 
nicgu'lplq  tqulixba.  Maga  sklu'lia2  niyi/yamnil,  da'-im' 
ala^asks  nitcta/mnil.  Maga  nitctucilalEmnil  tq^i^a,  maga 
itc!ixnun  nitctu^cxmalmann  tqexwaq. 

Maga  klmaka^2  nitciuxu'lalamnit  isklulia.  A-ic  da^uka 
nitcixi'tpcut  ia'-uxix  isklu^ia,  tcli'nun2  nilgixdwaq.  Kwapt 
axga  qaamaila/xna 7  nilula^idnil.  Maga  nigixkim  yaxxkaba : 
"Qwa'tka,  anu'ya  tkla'munaqba.  Skwapkadfx  tgadi'ma- 
ma  Nadida'nuitkc."8 

1  This  short  Wasco  text,  as  well  as  the  Clackamas  text  that  follows  it,  was 
collected  by  Dr.  Franz  Boas  in  1892  at  Grand  Ronde  Reservation  in  northwestern 
Oregon,  and  has  been  kindly  put  at  my  disposal  by  him.  The  phonetic  system 
of  the  original  has  been  modified  to  accord  with  that  used  in  this  book.  The  text 
is  linguistically  interesting  for  two  reasons.  In  the  first  place,  it  exhibits  a  con- 
siderable number  of  frequentative  verb-forms  in  -nit  (and  -1-  ....  -nit,  -almEnit, 
-lalEmnil).  In  the  second  place,  the  narrative  verb-forms  have  as  tense-prefix,  not 
the  ga-  or  gal-  of  remote  past  time  characteristic  of  my  own  \Vishram  texts,  but 
the  ni-  or  nig-  of  indefinite  past  time.  This  latter  tense-prefix  is  identical  with  the 
ni-  or  nig-  of  the  forms  found  in  the  Wishram  letters  above,  pp.  194-198.  It  is 
important  to  observe  that  the  ni-  forms  of  this  Wasco  text  have  -u-  as  directive 
prefix,  while  the  Wishram  ni-  forms  referred  to  have  the  correlative  -t-  prefix;  the 
change  from  -n-  to  -t-  implies  a  change  from  action  in  the  distant  past  to  action 
nearer  the  present  day. 

These   forms   are   masculine   nouns,   but  lack  the  regular  pronominal  prefix  -i. 





Coyote  and  his  younger  brother  Eagle  were  living  to- 
gether. Now  Eagle  used  to  go  out  to  hunt,  but  Coyote 
was  left  at  home,  Coyote  used  to  be  in  the  house.  And 
then  Eagle  always  killed  deer,  and  he  carried  the  deer 
on  his  back,  (bringing)  about  two  or  three  to  the  house. 
Now  there  they  always  lay  outside  of  the  house.  And 
then  he  used  to  go  inside  in  the  house.  Now  then  Coyote 
used  to  arrive,  (but)  he  always  brought  merely  mice.  And 
then  he  used  to  roast  them  in  the  ashes  in  the  house,  but 
Eagle  used  to  boil  meat. 

Now  then  Coyote  always  got  angry.  So  Coyote  just 
secretly  killed  his  younger  brother,  they  slew  Eagle.  Then 
he  never  used  to  stay  long  in  any  place.  And  then  he 
said  to  himself:  "Never  mind!  I  shall  go  to  the  woods. 
Very  soon  the  Indians  will  come  here."8 

This  omission  of  i-  seems  to  be  phonetically  parallel  to  the  not  infrequent  drop- 
ping of  the  i-  in  the  neuter,  dual,  and  plural  prefixes  of  the  noun  (1-,  c-,  and  t- 
instead  of  il-,  ic-,  and  it-). 

3  Very  probably  an  error  for  nigiq'.wo'lalEmntf,  as  [the  -Em-  is  a  mere  connective 
between  the  continuative  -lal-  and  the  frequentative  -nit  or  non-frequentative  -tck. 

4  It    is    possible    that    ma'ga    is    a  'stereotyped  rapid  pronunciation  of  k!m'  a'ga 
("but  now,  and  now").     Compare  ga'ngadix  (as  well  as  a'ngadix),  "long  ago"  (from 
ag'  a'ngadix,  "now  long  ago"). 

5  This  form  seens  to  involve  the  word  wi'lxam  ("village"). 
8  For  (i)t-tc!a'nk,  plural  of  i-tc!a'nk. 

7  I  am  entirely  unable  to  explain  this  word,  if  indeed  it  is  a  single  word. 

8  Notice    the    typical  "Transformer    motive"  in  the  last  sentence.     The  idea  im- 
plied   is:     "When   the    Indians    come  to  inhabit  the  country,  things  will  be  as  told 
in   the    myth.     Eagles   will  always  get  large  game,  but  coyotes  will  have  to  wander 
about  and  content  themselves  with  rodents." 



(Recorded  by  Franz  Boas.} 

Ikala  agiuxu'tum  itca'xan.     Aqa  gayu'ya  itE'mEqo,  aqs'- 
lEmuq   atco'xa.     Aqa    de'ka    daba3  qayalga'xit  qa'lamuq.8 
Aqa    iqle'uqt4    nexox    ia'xan.       Aqa    cli'keqiqct5    ia'qlaq- 
ctaqba;    ia'cxalxt   tce'gilga  ia'q.'aqctaqba.      Nelga'xitx  qEx- 
5  lamuq3  iaqla'qctaqba  nilgyoxtE'mbEt.     Aga  gatcio'lExamx  : 
"Qada  gamErxatx  em^cxalx  daViax?"     Kwaxbd  atcfuwaq 
ia'xan.    Aga  gatcio^xamx  :     "Qaxpo  mgwa^elx  mk^xax?"6 
"Kema'txo7    nax-ika   ela^ax    di^qtcam    gatcne^agwa." 
"Rwanda    mxa^qwat,"    gatcio'lExamx    iaxxan.       Aga 
10  ik!axckac  galixqwa^x.     Aga  qleyi/qt3  n^xox  ya'xka  k!axc- 
kac.8     Aga    yaxxkaba    qanaxgaba8    emo^ak.      Aga   kwobd 
,  qleo^t3  ne^ox.     K!anek!aner. 

1  This  text,  short  and  incomplete  as  it  is,  is  the  only  specimen  of  Clackamas 
yet  published.  Linguistically  Clackamas  seems  to  be  very  close  to  Kathlamet,  if  not 
identical  with  it.  The  main  points  of  difference  from  Wishram-Wasco,  as  exempli- 
fied here,  are:  1st,  the  presence  in  Clackamas,  as  in  Kathlamet,  of  accented 
inorganic  vowels  (agiuxu'tum  and  gamE'xatx  would  be  gagiu'xtum  and  gamxa'tx  in 
Wishram);  2d,  the  presence,  it  seems,  in  some  verb  forms,  of  the  tense  prefix  a-, 
found  also  in  Lower  Chinook,  alongside  of  the  ga-  regularly  used  in  Wishram;  3d, 
a  few  lexical  differences  (e.  g.,  itE'mE'qo  ["wood"];  cf.  Kathlamet  e'mEqo  ["stick"] 
and  aqa'lamuq  ["stick"]  for  Wishram  ikla'munaq  ["stick"]  itk'.a'munaq  ["wood"]). 


She  gave  birth  to  a  male  (child),  her  son.  Now  he 
went  to  get  wood,  sticks  he  gathered.  Then  a  stick  ran 
into  him  right  here.3  Now  his  son  became  older.  Then 
(his  father)  louses  him  on  his  head  and  finds  his  scar  on 
his  head.  After  they  had  given  birth  to  him,  a  stick 
had  run  into  him  on  his  head,  (whence  his  scar).  Then 
(his  father)  said  to  him:  "How  did  you  come  to  get 
this  scar  of  yours?"  Then  he  whipped  his  son.  Then 
he  said  to  him :  "  Where  did  you  get  to  be  so  ?"6 
"Once  a  deer  struck  me  with  its  horns."  -  "Then  bathe !" 
he  said  to  his  son.  Then  the  boy  bathed.  Now  he,  the 
boy,  became  older,  but  elks  never  appeared  to  him  (when 
he  hunted,  for  he  had  falsely  accused  them  of  inflicting 
the  scar  upon  him).  Now  then  it  is  finished ;  he  got  to 
be  old.  Story,  story. 

2  Pointing  to  head, 

3  These  nouns  lack  the  masculine  pronominal  prefix  i-. 

4  Iqle'uqt  means  properly   "old  man."     It  is  here  used,  probably  unidiomatically, 
for   "old,  older." 

5  Probably  tdtigE'qiqct  ("he  louses  him"). 

6  Literally,  "Where  you-person  (or  you-poor-one)  you-become?" 

7  -txo    occurs    in    Kathlamet    in    ta'ntxo    ("why?")     Perhaps    this  should  be  tke- 
watxo  ("thus"). 

8  Related  to  qana'x  ("how  many?") 




Edited  by  EDWARD  SAPIR. 


The  twenty-five  tales  and  myths  that  make  up  the  follow- 
ing collection  of  Wasco  folk-lore  were  obtained  by  the  late 
Jeremiah  Curtin  in  the  first  months  of  the  year  1885  at 
Warm  Spring  Reservation,  Oregon  (see  6th  Ann.  Rep. 
Bur.  Eth.,  1 884-' 85,  pp.  xxxvu-xxxvm).  Permission  to 
publish  Curtin's  Wasco  mythological  material  in  this 
volume  has  been  kindly  granted  by  the  Bureau  of  Amer- 
ican Ethnology.  Curtin  is  well  known  to  students  of 
American  mythology  by  his  set  of  Wintun  and  Yana 
myths,  published  under  the  title  of  "Creation  Myths  of 
Primitive  America"  (Boston,  1903);  J.  Mooney  has  also 
arranged  and  published  five  Seneca  historical  traditions, 
obtained  by  Curtin  from  the  Senecas  of  New  York  State, 
in  his  "Myths  of  the  Cherokee"  (see  iQth  Ann.  Rep. 
Bur.  Am.  Eth.,  1897-98,  pp.  359~364.  365~37°)-  The 
larger  part,  however,  of  Curtin's  collection  of  American 
myths,  is  still  in  manuscript. 

Outside  of  comparatively  unimportant  changes  in  titles, 
wording,  and  paragraphing,  the  text  of  Curtin's  manuscript 
has  been  allowed  to  stand.  For  the  grouping,  however, 
of  the  material  into  the  five  heads  of  Tales,  Guardian- 
Spirit  Stories,  Coyote  Stones,  At!at!axlia  Stories,  and 
Miscellaneous  Myths,  for  the  arrangement  of  the  tales 
and  myths  within  each  group,  and  for  the  footnote  com- 
ments, the  editor  is  responsible.  It  has  also  seemed  best 
to  replace  Curtin's  Indian  names  of  the  characters  by 
their  English  equivalents;  for  where  the  names  of  the  myth 
characters  and  the  ordinary  animal  names  are  identical, 
as  is  generally  the  case  in  American  mythology,  there 
seems  to  be  little  point  in  treating  the  Indian  names  as 
untranslated  proper  nouns. 


The  Wasco  Indians  (calling  themselves  Gatasqlo'1)  for- 
merly occupied  the  southern  shores  of  Columbia  River  in 
the  region  of  The  Dalles,  and  formed,  with  the  closely 
related  Wishram  (more  properly  Wi'cxam)  or  Ila'xliiit  On 
the  northern  shore  of  the  river,  the  most  easterly  mem- 
bers of  the  Chinookan  stock.  To  the  east  and  south  the 
Wasco  were  contiguous  to  tribes  of  Shahaptin  stock,  to 
the  north  and  west  to  members  of  the  same  stock  as 
themselves.  At  present  they  reside  on  Warm  Spring 
Reservation,  in  what  was  originally  mainly  Shahaptin  ter- 
ritory; they  are  here  closely  associated  with  Shahaptin 
(chiefly  Tenino)  Indians  and  with  Oregon  Shoshones  (Pai- 
utes,  Snakes).  Excepting  Boas'  "Traditions  of  the  Tilla- 
mook  Indians"  (in  Journal  of  American  Folk-Lore,  Vol. 
vi.,  pp.  23-38,  133-150)  and  the  rather  small  number 
of  Klamath  mythical  texts  contained  in  Gatschet's  "Kla- 
math  Indians  of  Southwestern  Oregon"  (Contr.  N.  Am. 
Eth.,  Vol.  IL,  Pt.  i,  pp.  64-132),  these  Wasco  tales 
and  myths  are  practically  the  first  specimens  of  Ore- 
gon mythology  yet  published.  It  will  be  observed  that 
they  exhibit  a  considerable  number  of  close  resemblances 
to  and  identities  with  incidents  already  published  in 
Boas's  "Kathlamet  Texts"  and  in  my  preceding  "Wishram 
Texts."  Were  more  comparative  material  available  from 
Washington  and  Oregon,  it  would  probably  be  found  that 
the  Chinookan,  at  any  rate  Upper  Chinookan,  tribes 
formed,  in  comparison  with  neighboring  tribes,  pretty  much 

1  Wasco  (more  properly  Wa'sqlo)  was  the  chief  village  of  the  Wascos.  It  was 
situated  a  few  miles  above  The  Dalles,  opposite  Nixlu'idix,  the  main  village  of 
the  Wishrams.  The  name  is  derived  from  wa'cq'.o  ("small  bowl"  or  "cup"  [gen- 
erally of  horn]),  the  reference  being  to  a  cup-shaped  rock  near  the  village,  into 
which  a  spring  bubbles  up,  or  formerly  did.  The  Wasco  tribal  name  Galasq!o' 
simply  means  "those  who  have  the  cup."  Mooney's  suggested  explanation  of 
Wasko  as  a  Tenino  word  meaning  "grass"  or  "grass  people"  (i4th  An.  Rep.  Bur. 
Eth.,  1892-93,  Tt.  2,  p.  741)  is  apparently  an  example  of  Shahaptin  "popular 


of  a  unit  in  regard  to  mythology  as  well  as  language ; 
material  from  the  Clackamas  Indians  of  Grand  Ronde 
Reservation  would  be  of  value  in  this  connection.  Only 
some  of  the  more  striking  myth  cognates  have  been 
given  in  the  notes ;  the  steadily  increasing  bulk  of  North 
American  mythology  makes  anything  like  an  exhaustive 
listing  of  cognate  myths,  incidents,  and  myth  motives, 
impracticable,  and  accentuates  from  day  to  day  the  need 
of  a  concordance  to  the  already  published  material. 


1 6 — PUBL.    AMER.    ETHN.    SOC.    VOL.    II. 

I.  TALES.1 


A  man  and  his  wife  and  four  children  lived  at  Wasco. 
It  was  the  time  of  year  when  the  women  were  cutting- 
grass  to  pack  their  dried  fish  in.  One  day,  while  this 
woman  was  getting  grass,  a  man  from  Tenino3  came  and 
talked  with  her.  They  fell  in  love  with  each  other  and 
planned  to  deceive  the  old  husband.  The  woman  said, 
"I  will  go  to  a  creek  and  eat  alder-bark  till  I  spit  it 
up ;  he  will  think  I  am  spitting  blood.  After  a  time  I'll 
pretend  to  die."  -  "All  right,"  said  the  man.  She  chewed 
the  bark.  At  night  she  came  to  the  house,  apparently 
suffering  terribly,  and  said,  "I  can't  live."  "What's 

the  matter?"  asked  her  husband.  "Oh,  I  must  have  bro- 
ken something  inside."  She  had  told  the  other  man, 
Til  die  at  daybreak.  They  will  bury  me,  and  you  must 
be  near  to  dig  me  up  quickly." 

At  daybreak  she  died.  Before  dying  she  said  to  her 
husband,  "When  I  die,  take  my  cup  and  mountain-sheep 
horn  dish  and  cover  my  face.  Don't  cover  it  all  up." 

1  Under   this   title   are   included    five    narratives    that    deal    with   the  doings  of 
human   beings   as   such;    in    other   words,  the  idea  of  a  mythic  or  pre-Indian  age, 
the   people   of  which    are    the  untransformed  prototypes  of  present-day  animals  or 
plants,  is  either  absent  or  kept  in  the  background.     The  word  "tale,"  as  contrasted 
with    "myth,"    is    not   meant   to  imply  that  supernatural  or  mythical  elements  are 
lacking,  but  merely  that  such  elements  are  thought  in   these  tales  to  have  entered 
into   the  life  of  human  beings  as  now  constituted.     The  last  few  sentences  of  No. 
i    almost   wilfully    turn   a  pure  tale  into  a  myth  by  the  introduction  of  Coyote  in 
his  familiar  role   of  transformer.     With    these  tales   as  a   class   compare  Wishram 
Texts,  pp.  201-231  of  this  volume,  and  Boas's  Kathlamet  Texts,  pp.   155-230. 

2  For  the  myth   motive    of  pretended  death  in  order  to  satisfy  forbidden  lust, 
compare  Wishram,  pp.  105-107  of  this  .volume  (Coyote  and  his  Daughter). 

3  Tenino  (or  Ti'naino),  a  village  of  the  Wa'yam  Indians  (known  to  the  Wasco 
as   ttk'.a'imamt),   was   situated  nearly  five  miles  above  The   Dalles,    being    the    first 
Shahaptin  village  on  the  south  side  of  the  Columbia  east  of  Chinookan  territory. 



The  husband  buried  her  soon  after  sunrise.  As  soon  as 
he  went  away,  the  other  man  dug  her  up,  and  she  went 
with  him  to  Tenino.  The  old  husband  built  a  sweat- 
house,  sweated  five  days,  and  mourned  much.  He  did  not 
know  what  to  do  with  his  children,  they  cried  and  wor- 
ried so.  One  day  he  took  the  children  out  and  made 
pictures  on  the  rocks  to  amuse  the  youngest  child  — 
pictures  of  deer,  birds,  and  weapons.  To  amuse  his  little 
girl  he  placed  five  stones  in  the  road,  one  after  another, 
and  made  holes  in  each  stone. 

Towards  midnight  of  the  following  day  the  fire  went 
out,  and  in  the  village  the  fires  went  out  in  every  house. 
Next  day  the  father  said  to  the  eldest  boy,  "  Go  over  to 
Tenino  and  get  fire."  The  two  boys  started.  Towards 
sundown  they  reached  Tenino,  peeped  into  the  door  of  a 
house,  and  the  youngest  boy  said,  "That  woman  looks 
like  our  mother."  The  other  said,  "It  is  our  mother." 
Their  father  had  made  a  stick  of  cedar-bark  for  them 
with  little  cracks  in  it,  good  to  hold  fire ;  they  crept  up 
to  the  fire  and  lighted  this  stick.  The  mother  had  a 
young  baby.  She  saw  the  two  boys  and  asked,  "Does 
your  little  brother  cry  much?"  -  •  "Yes,"  said  the  eldest 
boy,  "he  cries  all  the  time." 

A  few  days  after  this  the  fire  went  out  again.  The 
boys  went  four  times  for  fire ;  the  fifth  time  they  told 
their  father  that  when  they  went  for  fire  they  always  saw 
their  mother.  He  said,  "You  must  not  talk  that  way." 
They  laughed,  and  he  scolded,  saying,  "It  is  wrong  to 
say  that.  Your  mother  is  dead."  They  said,  "No,  she 
is  not.  We  see  her  every  time  we  go."  At  last  he  went 
to  her  grave  and  found  it  empty.  Then  he  went  to 
Tenino,  looked  into  the  house,  and  saw  her  with  the 
other  man.  She  went  out  for  water,  he  followed  her, 
touched  her  on  the  shoulder,  and  said,  "Why  have  you 


done  this?"  She  threw  her  arms  around  him  and  begged 
him  to  save  her  life.  She  said,  "I  am  sorry,  and  I  want 
to  live  with  you  again.  This  man  whips  me  all  the  time ; 
I  have  no  peace  with  him.  I'll  tell  you  what  to  do. 
When  he  puts  his  head  on  my  lap  and  goes  to  sleep, 
you  can  slip  in  and  cut  his  head  off."  This  was  done, 
and  the  man  and  his  wife  went  home  together. 

Next  morning,  when  it  was  time  for  the  man  to  get 
up,  he  still  lay  covered  up.  People  came  in,  took  the 
cover  off,  and  found  that  his  head  was  gone.  They 
could  not  find  the  head.  They  went  up  to  Celilo1  and  to 
four  different  villages  to  hunt  for  it.  At  last  they  heard 
that  the  woman's  husband  had  stuck  it  up  on  a  pole. 
Then  they  made  war  on  the  man  and  his  people.  When 
both  sides  were  ready  to  fight,  Coyote  came  along  and 
asked,  "What  does  this  mean?"  They  told  him.  "No," 
said  he,  "I'll  not  have  such  a  thing;  this  must  end  here. 
A  woman  should  never  cause  war.  I'll  end  all  such 
things.  Right  here  you  people  of  Tenino  become  rocks, 
and  you  Wascos  be  rocks."  Both  sides  are  standing 
there  to  this  day,  all  rocks, 


During  a  hard  winter  among  the  people  at  Dog  River, 
twenty-five  miles  below  The  Dalles,  a  great  snowstorm 
set  in.  It  snowed  for  seven  months  without  stopping. 
The  snow  had  buried  the  tallest  trees  out  of  sight,  and 
the  people '  lived  under  the  snow. 

1  Celilo   (Si'lailo)  was  a  Wa'yam  village  about  eleven  miles  above  The  Dalles. 
Twenty  or  thirty  Wa'yam  Indians  are  said  to  live  there  yet. 

2  See   a  similar  tale,  Kathlamet  Texts,  pp.  216-220.     In  this  a  trivial  but  for- 
bidden  act  done   by  a  child  (a  boy  plays  with  his  excrements)  brings  on  an  unu- 
sually   severe    storm;    compare   also  Teit,  The  Shuswap  (Publications  of  the  Jesup 
North  Pacific  Expedition,  Vol.  II,  p.  744). 


At  the  Cascades  people  were  catching  salmon  •,  there 
was  no  snow  there  or  at  The  Dalles.  It  snowed  in  one 
place.  The  people  under  the  snow  did  not  know  that  it 
was  summer  everywhere  else.  The  way  they  found  it 
out  was  this :  - 

A  little  bird  came  with  a  strawberry  in  its  bill  to 
an  air-hole  they  had  made  up  out  of  the  snow.  They 
asked  what  it  was  that  had  brought  such  a  storm,  and 
at  last  discovered  that  one  of  the  girls  in  their  village 
had  struck  a  bird.  It  was  proved  against  the  girl,  and 
they  offered  her  parents  a  great  price  for  her.  The  par- 
ents would  not  sell  her  for  a  long  time.  At  last  the 
people  bought  her,  and,  putting  her  on  the  ice  as  it  floated 
down  the  river,  pushed  the  ice  into  the  middle  of  the 
stream.  In  that  way  they  got  rid  of  the  snow.  A  few 
days  later  a  Chinook  wind  came  bringing  heat.  The 
snow  melted  away  at  once,  and  things  began  to  grow. 

The  girl  floated  on,  day  and  night,  down  the  river. 
Five  years  she  floated.  At  the  end  of  that  time  she 
came  back  to  the  place  where  she  had  been  put  on  the 
ice.  When  she  returned,  there  was  but  a  small  bit  of  ice 
under  her,  just  enough  to  hold  her  bones  up.  For  she 
was  almost  gone,  only  skin  and  bones  remained.  They 
took  her  into  the  village.  She  died.  She  was  no  longer 
accustomed  to  the  smell  of  people,  and  died  from  the 
odor  of  them.  After  a  time  she  came  to  life,  but  it  was, 
a  year  before  she  could  eat  much. 

Every  summer  after  that  she  was  nearly  frozen  to 
death,  and  went  all  bundled  up ;  but  in  winter  she  was 
too  warm,  would  take  off  all  her  clothes,  and  go  naked. 



There  was  an  arrow-point  maker  on  the  right  side  of 
Columbia  River,  three  miles  below  The  Dalles.  One  day 
this  man  cut  his  finger  with  flint,  so  that  it  bled.  He  put 
his  finger  in  his  mouth,  liked  the  taste  of  the  blood,  ate 
his  finger  off,  then  his  hand,  pulled  the  flesh  from  his 
arms,  legs,  and  body,  and  ate  it.  At  last  he  had  only 
a  little  bit  of  flesh  left  that  was  below  his  shoulders  on 
his  back,  where  he  could  not  reach  it.  He  was  a  skele- 
ton now ;  nothing  but  the  bones  were  left,  only  his  heart 
hung  in  his  body.  He  went  to  the  next  village  and  ate 
all  the  people.  They  could  not  kill  him,  nothing  would 
penetrate  his  bones. 

Now  his  wife,  carrying  a  little  son,  escaped,  went  south, 
travelling  on  the  grass,  right  on  the  tops  of  the  blades 
of  grass,  so  that  he  could  not  track  her  for  a  long  time.2 
At  last  he  found  the  tracks.  The  moment  he  found  them, 
his  wife  knew  it. 

She  travelled  day  and  night  in  great  fear.  The  hus- 
band gained  on  her,  came  nearer  and  nearer  all  the  time. 
Far  ahead  of  her  was  a  blue  mountain.  She  hurried  on. 
When  she  reached  the  foot  of  the  mountain,  she  saw  a 
house,  and  went  in.  A  very  old  man  sat  on  one  side 
making  bows  and  arrows,  his  daughter  sat  on  the  other 
side  making  little  tobacco-sacks. 

The  woman  called  him  by  a  kinship  name,  but  the  old 
man  did  not  answer.  The  north  wind,  which  had  grown 

1  This    tale    is    evidently    a   composite   of  two   distinct  stones.     The   first   part 

f  the   tale   as   here    given    is    a    variant  of   the    wide-spread  Rolling  Skull  myth. 

See,   for  example,    Curtin's    Creation   Myths  of  Primitive  America,  pp.  325-335,  for 

x  Yana  parallel.     The    second  part  of  the  tale,  the  hunting  of  the  Tobacco  people 

as  game,  is  only  loosely  joined  on  to  the  first. 

Travelling   on  the  tops  of  blades  of  grass  in  order  to  avoid  making  tracks  is 
a  myth  motive  found  also  in  Wishram  (p.  71  of  this  volume). 


stronger,  began  to  blow  terribly,  and  almost  carried  the 
house  away,  threw  down  great  trees.  At  last  she  begged 
so  hard,  that  the  old  man  said,  "Hide  behind  me."  That 
moment  the  skeleton  came  in  with  a  frightful  wind,  walked 
around  the  fire,  and  stamped  on  the  old  man's  arrows, 
which  broke  into  bits.  The  old  man  seized  a  long  arrow- 
point  and  thrust  it  into  the  skeleton's  heart.  That  instant 
the  skeleton  fell  to  the  ground  -  -  a  pile  of  bones.  The 
wind  stopped  blowing  when  it  fell.  The  old  man  said  to 
the  wife  of  the  skeleton-man,  "Come  and  throw  these 
bones  out  doors." 

There  was  plenty  of  tobacco  growing  on  the  hill  above 
the  old  man's  house.  He  made  arrow-points  all  the  time; 
and  when  his  quiver  was  full,  he  would  start  out  and 
return  with  it  empty,  but  with  tobacco  in  his  hand.  The 
old  man  and  his  daughter  lived  on  smoke,  neither  ate 
anything;  they  lived  on  smoke  from  the  kind  of  pipe 
that  is  made  straight.  The  old  man  always  shot  the 
tobacco ;  those  whom  he  shot  were  Tobacco  people. 
When  he  brought  home  the  tobacco,  his  daughter  put  it 
into  the  sacks,  and  they  smoked  till  all  was  gone.  Then 
he  went  again  for  another  hunt  of  these  people. 

The  woman  and  child  lived  with  the  old  man  and  his 
daughter  a  long  time.  When  the  boy  got  old  enough, 
he  hunted  squirrels  for  his  mother.  One  day  when  the 
old  man  went  out,  the  boy  followed  him.  He  saw  the 
old  man  shoot  up  at  a  bluff  of  high  rocks.  The  Tobacco 
people  all  lived  on  these  high  rocks.  He  crept  down, 
sat  behind  the  old  man,  took  an  arrow,  and  wished  it  to 
hit  the  tobacco.  The  arrow  left  the  bow  at  the  same 
instant  that  the  old  man's  arrow  left  his  bow,  and  five 
bunches  of  tobacco  came  down.  The  old  man  was  delight- 
ed, and  danced  for  joy ;  he  had  never  shot  so  much  in 
a  whole  day.  "You  are  my  son-in-law,"  said  the  old 


man,  and  went  home.  The  daughter  was  glad  that  her 
father  had  so  much  tobacco.  The  old  man  said,  "I  don't 
know  but  that  'it  is  a  death-sign."  The  boy  laughed  to 
himself.  The  old  man  said  to  his  daughter,  "This  is  your 
husband,"  and  added,  "The  people  of  the  future  will  be 
willing  to  give  their  daughters  to  a  good  hunter,  and  the 
girl  must  wait  till  the  father  and  mother  find  such  a  man. 

The  old  man  now  rested,  and  the  young  man  hunted 
tobacco  for  him.  He  filled  the  house  with  tobacco.  The 
old  man  was  satisfied.  Then  the  young  man,  his  wife 
and  mother,  came  to  Columbia  River.  When  they  came 
to  the  village  where  the  young  man's  father  had  turned 
into  a  man-eater,  they  found  only  bones.  The  young 
man  gathered  up  the  bones,  threw  paint  into  the  air  five 
times,  spoke  five  times  to  the  sky,  and  the  people  all  rose 
up  as  they  were  before  the  man-eater  had  devoured  them. 

When  the  mother  was  old,  she  had  food  given  her 
every  day  by  her  daughter-in-law.  She  grew  weak  fast, 
and  her  son  said,  "It  will  be  the  duty  of  a  daughter-in- 
law  to  care  for  her  mother-in-law  among  the  people  to 
come."  The  mother  said,  "My  daughter  and  I  will  go 
south,  and  we  will  be  guardian  spirits  to  medicine-women, 
and  will  give  authority  to  women  to  smoke.  When  a 
woman  smokes,  she  will  be  a  medicine-woman."  The  son 
said,  "I  will  be  a  guardian  spirit  to  help  people.  Those 
whom  I  help  will  be  good  hunters."1 


There  was  a  chief  who  lived  near  the  mouth  of  Colum- 
bia River.  His  feet  were  three  feet  long,  his  whole  body 

The    last  paragraph,  in  which  arrangements  are  made  for  the  world  to  come, 
helps  to  give  this  tale  much  of  the  character  of  a  myth. 

:ompare   Kathlamet  Texts,  pp.  158-165.     The  cognate  Kathlamet  tale  begins 
'Uh  the  incident  of  a  woman  giving  birth  to  dogs  which  later  become  human  beings, 


was  in  proportion.  He  had  a  long  house  with  five  fire- 
places. The  house  was  nicely  fixed,  with  fish  and  animals 
carved  around  on  every  side.  He  had  a  hundred  wives,  - 
fifty  beds  on  one  side  of  the  house,  and  fifty  on  the  other. 
A  short  distance  to  one  side  he  had  a  house  in  which 
lived  one  hundred  slaves.  These  slaves  took  great  bas- 
kets every  evening  at  sundown,  brought  sand  from  a  bank 
at  the  seashore,  and  scattered  it  around  the  chief's  house 
for  fifty  yards  in  width.  Then  they  smoothed  the  sand 
perfectly;  not  even  a  mouse  could  move  around  the  chief 's 
house  without  leaving  tracks. 

This  big-footed  man  was  chief  of  all  the  people  about 
there.  After  nightfall  nobody  went  near  the  chief's  house. 
The  chief  went  around  his  house  every  night  to  each 
one  of  his  wives.  About  midnight  he  would  be  halfway 
around,  and  the  sun  would  come  when  he  was  with  the 
last  wife.  He  had  a  great  many  daughters,  but  not  one 

News  came  to  Diabexwa'sxwas  that  there  was  a  chief's 
daughter  in  the  Wasco  country,  and  he  made  up  his  mind 
to  go  and  buy  her.  He  had  fifty  canoes  filled  with  pro- 
visions and  men  to  take  him  up  the  river.  They  landed 
near  Wasco  and  came  on  foot  to  the  village.  He  brought 
fifty  slaves  to  give  for  the  chief's  daughter,  -  -  twenty-five 
men  and  twenty-five  women.  Nadaiet  was  the  name  of 
the  girl  he  had  come  for.  They  camped  beside  a  bluff 
of  rocks.  He  bought  the  girl ;  her  people  were  willing 
to  sell  her,  as  he  was  a  great  chief.  Whatever  he  asked 
for,  he  got.  He  took  her  home.  Next  morning,  when 
he  returned,  he  asked,  "How  many  children  were  born 

when  their  dog-blankets  are  burned.  This  is  evidently  an  absolutely  distinct  story 
in  origin.  The  connection  between  the  two  tales  is  loosely  established  by  having 
Tia'pexoacxoac,  the  Kathlamet  correspondent  of  the  Wasco  Dia'bexwasxwas,  woo 
one  of  the  dog-children,  a  daughter,  of  the  woman. 


while  I  was  gone?"  —  "Five  girls."  He  had  no  sons, 
because  he  killed  them  as  soon  as  they  were  born,  for 
he  did  not  want  any  one  to  be  greater  than  himself.1 

Nadaiet  bore  him  a  child  in  time.  The  slaves  brought 
sand  every  evening;  it  was  perfectly  level,  so  that  no 
person  could  come  near  to  meddle  with  his  wives.  After 
her  child  was  born,  he  asked,  "What  is  it?"  Five  of  the 
women  had  made  a  plan  to  deceive  him,  and  they  said, 
"It  is  a  girl."  They  had  been  with  their  husband  when 
he  bought  Nadaiet,  and  they  sympathized  with  her.  They 
put  girl's  clothes  on  the  baby.  The  five  women  thought 
and  cared  for  the  child  even  more  than  the  mother  did. 
Word  went  out  that  the  chief  was  killing  all  his  sons. 
Everybody  was  angry.  The  boy  grew  fast.  He  was 
large  and  heavy,  and  began  to  look  like  a  boy;  he  was 
very  wise.  The  girls  were  very  large;  at  three  or  four 
years  of  age  they  were  as  large  as  women.  And  it  is 
from  this  that  the  Chinook  people  are  so  large  and  have 
such  big  feet. 

The  mother  of  the  boy,  as  he  grew  older  and  began 
to  show  by  his  behavior  that  he  was  a  boy,  began  to  cry. 
She  felt  very  anxious.  The  chief  noticed  this,  and  thought 
that  she  was  homesick.  He  said,  "If  you  wish,  you  may 
take  the  child  and  go  home  to  your  father  for  a  visit. 
I'll  come  for  you."  This  was  just  what  pleased  the  wo- 
men ;  they  got  a  canoe  ready,  and  the  five  women  went 
with  her.  They  told  all  not  to  tell  about  the  child,  and 
they  promised  to  keep  the  secret.  As  they  got  up  the 
river  out  of  sight  of  the  old  man,  they  took  off  the  girl's 
clothes  that  the  child  was  wearing,  and  put  on  a  boy's. 
All  that  were  with  her  were  delighted,  and  said,  "The 
old  man  shall  not  be  our  master  any  longer."  The  boy 
was  named  after  his  father. 

1  For  the  killing  of  one's  male  children,  compare  also  Kathlamet  Texts,  p.  187. 


The  others  returned,  the  mother  remained  at  Wasco. 
The  mother  told  the  boy  about  his  father  and  how  many 
boys  he  had  killed.  The  boy  was  angry,  and  hunted  in 
the  mountains  for  guardian  spirits,  that  he  might  get 
strength  to  fight  his  father.  The  fifth  night  he  came 
home  and  said,  "Mother,  the  five  Thunders1  and  Light- 
nings have  given  me  their  strength."  His  mother  said, 
"That  is  not  enough."  He  went  again,  came  home  the 
fifth  day,  and  said,  "I  have  the  strength  of  five  bands  of 
Grizzly  Bears."  "That  is  not  enough."  He  went  the 

third  time,  and  said,  "There  are  five  bands  of  Elk,  and 
the  strength  of  them  is  mine-,  they  promised  it."  -  "That 
is  nothing,  get  more." 

The  old  chief  was  very  bad  among  his  people.  He 
could  walk  on  the  water;  when  people  were  coming  along 
on  the  water  in  a  canoe,  he  could  walk  out  and  destroy 

Now  the  boy's  mother  wanted  him  to  get  the  power 
of  running  on  the  water  so  that  he  might  overcome  his 
father.  She  said,  "Do  not  seek  power  any  longer  on 
the  mountains,  but  seek  by  the  water."  He  went  to  the 
water  and  got  the  power  of  the  five  Whirlpools.  His 
mother  said,  "That  is  not  enough."  When  he  came  the 
fifth  time,  he  said,  "I  have  the  power  of  the  five  long- 
legged  Water-Spiders  (tsia'xitilul).  They  said,  lWe  will 
give  you  strength  to  run  on  the  water,  as  we  do.'"  His 
mother  went  to  the  water  and  saw  him  run  on  it;  he 
already  had  large  feet.  Now  she  told  him,  "You  had 
better  look  for  still  another  power  of  someting  that  runs 
on  the  water."  He  got  the  power  of  five  bands  of  yel- 
low Flies  running  on  the  water  (iqli'naxwixwi).  His  mother 
said,  "This  is  enough." 

The  old  chief  had  not  come  for  his  wife  and  daughter, 

1  Compare,  for  the  five  Thunder  brothers,  Wishram,  pp.  121-131  of  this  volume. 


as  he  had  intended  to.  The  young  man  was  now  half 
grown,  and  was  larger  and  stronger  than  his  father.  He 
gathered  fifty  canoes  and  men  and  weapons,  took  his 
mother,  and  went  down  to  make  war  on  his  father  for 
killing  all  his  half-brothers.  They  landed  on  the  side  of 
the  river  opposite  the  house  of  the  old  chief,  who  sent 
his  servants  to  ferry  them  over.  He  did  not  yet  know 
who  the  people  were.  The  young  man  told  the  men  to 
remain  with  him,  and  all  were  glad  to  do  so.  At  night 
he  walked  over  on  the  water  to  the  other  side,  and  got 
to  the  house  just  as  his  father  rose  up  from  one  of  the 
women.  As  his  father  went  to  the  next  woman,  the 
young  man  lay  down  at  the  foot  of  the  first  woman's 
bed.  All  that  night,  as  his  father  went  from  one  woman 
to  another,  he  followed  him.  The  women  all  wondered 
how  it  was  that  he  came  a  second  time  to  their  bed. 
They  talked  together  and  said,  "It  must  be  the  young 
chief,  our  son,  who  has  come." 

The  second  night  he  did  the  same.  Next  morning  the 
chief  saw  tracks,  measured  them,  and  found  that  they 
were  larger  and  broader  than  his  own.1  He  now  suspect- 
ed that  he  had  a  son,  and  told  his  people  to  get  ready 
for  war.  The  old  chief  brought  fifty  canoes  with  weapons 
and  made  an  attack  on  the  young  man.  He  came  with 
a  Chinook  Wind  of  great  force,  while  the  young  chief 
brought  the  East  Wind.  The  young  man's  canoes  were 
urged  forward  by  the  East  Wind,  and  the  Chinook  Wind 
drove  onward  those  of  the  old  man.  When  they  met, 
there  was  a  terrible  crash;  the  canoes  were  broken  and 
sunk.  The  young  man  drove  the  old  chief  all  the  way 
home,  and  a  great  many  men  were  drowned.  Four  days 
they  fought  in  this  way,  the  East  Wind  driving  the  Chinook 

1  In  the  Kathlamet  tale  the  son's  feet  are  of  the  same  length  as  his  father's, 
but  are  broader. 


Wind.1  The  fifth  day  the  old  man's  strength  began  to 
fail  him.  The  father  and  son  did  not  fight  in  the  canoes, 
but  on  the  water,  hand  to  hand.  As  the  old  man's 
strength  began  to  fail,  he  began  to  sink  in  the  water;  it 
would  not  hold  him  up  any  longer.  He  was  overcome 
by  his  son  and  killed.  The  young  chief  liberated  all  his 
father's  wives ;  only  ten  he  took  for  himself.  His  mother 
went  back  to  the  Wasco  people  and  lived  with  them. 
The  young  chief  ruled  his  people  well. 


A  chief  of  the  ttqa'ditix3  people  lived  about  four  miles 
below  The  Dalles.  He  had  a  daughter  whom  he  prized 
beyond  anything.  One  time  a  dog  came  and  stole  away 
this  young  woman's  paint.  She  followed  the  dog  for 
four  days,  and  was  nearly  dead  when  she  came  out  of 
the  woods  and  saw  a  house  at  the  farther  end  of  a 
valley.  She  saw  a  fire  there,  went  near,  and  saw  a 
family  of  small  dogs  that  were  carrying  fire  from  the 
house  and  making  fires  in  the  woods.  She  entered  the 
house  and  found  three  old  dogs  there.  One  had  a 
whole  family  of  young  dogs  •,  another  old  dog  lay  on  one 
side  -  -  he  had  but  one  eye  and  both  ears  were  cropped 
off-,  and  still  another  dog  lay  there.  She  saw  a  great 
deal  of  venison,  and  wished  she  had  some.  That  moment 
a  dog  jumped  up  and  put  venison  in  front  of  her.  She 
said,  "You  should  not  do  that;  they  will  say  I  stole  it." 
Then  she  saw  a  nice  buckskin,  and  thought,  "I  should  like 

1  Compare,     for    a     fight    between    the    Chinook   and    East    winds,    Wishram, 
pp.   103-105  of  this  volume. 

2  Curtin's  manuscript  has  Ickaditiq,  to  be  read  probably  as  Ilqa'ditix;  iqa'ditix 
is   the   Wasco   word   for    "cinnamon  (?)    bear." 


that."  Another  dog  jumped  up,  pulled  it  down,  and  put 
it  before  her.  She  slapped  him  and  said,  "You  should 
not  do  that;  they  will  say  I  stole  it." 

After  sundown  she  woke  up,  -  -  she  was  so  tired  that 
she  had  fallen  asleep.  She  heard  talking,  looked  around, 
saw  that  the  dogs  were  all  gone.  Young  men  were  in 
the  house  now.  One  of  them  said,  "We  are  afraid  to 
give  you  anything  —  you  slap  us  so."  (The  dogs  had 
all  turned  into  young  men  when  the  sun  went  down.) 
This  was  the  very  one  who  had  stolen  her  paint.  She 
said,  "I  will  stay  here  to-night,  to-morrow  I  shall  go  home. 
I  came  for  my  paint." 

Now  the  young  man  who  had  stolen  the  paint  lay  down 
beside  her.  This  was  the  marriage;  he  took  her  for  his 
wife.  She  staid  now  all  the  time  with  her  husband. 
After  a  while  a  son  was  born.  The  relatives  of  the  man 
took  the  child,  wrapped  it  up,  opened  the  ashes  carefully, 
put  the  baby  in,  covered  it  up,  and  roasted  it.  The 
mother  was  frightened.  The  husband,  seeing  this,  said, 
"You  can't  take  care  of  this  boy,  you  are  fond  of  sleep- 
ing. I  have  sent  him  to  where  his  grandmother  and 
grandfather  are." 

Five  days  and  five  nights  after  the  child  was  roasted 
to  ashes,  it  walked  out  of  the  ashes.  He  could  now 
walk  around.  He  came  to  his  mother  and  said,  "Mother!" 
She  could  scarcely  believe  what  she  saw.  The  father 
said,  "Didn't  I  tell  you  that  it  was  well  cared  for?"1  In 
time  a  girl  was  born.  She  was  treated  in  like  manner. 

When  the  children  grew  to  be  quite  large,  they  seemed 
sad.  The  mother  said,  "They  want  to  see  their  grand- 
parents, I  have  told  them  many  times  about  the  old 
people."  The  man  told  his  relatives  to  pack  plenty  of 

1  Compare  Boas,  Chinook  Texts,  p.  189.  The  same  kind  of  adventures  are 
told  by  the  Chinook  of  a  woman  who  married  the  Salmon-Harpoon. 


dried  meat.  The  woman  wondered  who  could  carry  such 
a  load.  Her  husband  said,  "You  go  ahead  with  the 
children  •,  camp  while  the  sun  is  still  up.  If  you  hear  a 
great  noise,  pay  no  heed  to  it,  don't  look  back."  They 
started,  travelled  till  near  sunset,  then  camped.  Soon  she 
heard  a  great  noise  in  the  direction  from  which  she  had 
come ;  it  grew  louder  and  louder.  She  did  not  look  up. 
Great  packs  of  meat  rolled  in  and  stacked  themselves  up 
around  the  fire,  kept  coming  till  all  she  had  seen  at  home 
was  there. 

The  second  day  she  camped  near  sunset,  the  meat 
came  in  the  same  way.  Every  evening,  as  soon  as  she 
camped,  with  a  great  roar  and  noise  the  meat  came  in 
and  piled  itself  up  around  the  fire.  The  fifth  evening 
fresh  venison  came.  The  husband  and  several  of  his 
people  came  soon  after.  In  the  morning  they  all  travelled 
on  together;  about  night  they  reached  her  parents.  The 
dried  meat  followed,  and  also  fresh  venison,  newly  killed. 

All  the  time  she  had  been  gone,  her  father  and  mother 
had  cut  off  their  hair  and  mourned  for  her.  All  rejoiced 
at  her  return ;  she  gave  meat  to  every  one.  The  fourth 
day  after  her  return  the  woman  called  the  people  of  the 
village  together;  all  came  into  the  house. 

The  husband  lay  on  a  shelf  or  bed  and  watched  his 
wife ;  he  was  jealous.  Two  nice-looking  men  came  in ; 
she  chanced  to  look  at  them.  Her  husband  was  very 
angry.  He  didn't  eat  for  five  days  and  nights.  The 
fifth  day  he  took  his  son  and  started  for  home.  At  the 
gathering  the  woman  had  given  a  skin  robe  to  each  per- 
son, and  meat  to  all.  When  the  man  started,  these 
robes  followed  him,  no  matter  where  they  were  or  what 
use  they  had  been  put  to,  and  all  the  venison  that  had 
not  been  eaten  rose  up  and  left. 

When  the  woman's  father  found  that  her  husband  had 


gone,  he  questioned  her.  She  said,  "He  left  me  because 
I  looked  at  the  two  men  who  wished  to  buy  me  when 
I  was  a  girl."  The  man,  after  getting  home,  lived  many 
days  and  nights  without  eating;  he  was  sorry  for  what 
he  had  done.  At  last  he  destroyed  himself. 

Since   that  time,  if  an  Indian  leaves  his  wife,   he  takes 
all  he  has  given  her  people. 


There  was  a  man  at  Dog  River, 2  in  days  gone  by, 
whose  wife  was  with  child.  Pretty  soon  she  gave  birth 
to  the  child.  While  she  was  sick,  he  carried  wood,  and 
one  day  a  piece  of  bark  fell  on  his  forehead  and  cut 
him.  When  the  boy  was  large  enough  to  shoot,  he 
killed  birds  and  squirrels ;  he  was  a  good  shot.  One  day 
the  father  said,  "You  don't  do  as  I  used  to.  I  am 
ashamed  to  own  you.  When  I  was  of  your  age,  I  used 
to  catch  young  elks.  One  day  when  I  caught  a  young 
one,  the  old  one  attacked  me  and  made  the  scar  you 
see  on  my  forehead." 

The  boy  had  a  visit  from  an  elk ;  and  the  elk  said, 
"If  you  will  serve  me  and  hear  what  I  say,  I  will  be 
your  master  and  will  help  you  in  every  necessity.  You 
must  not  be  proud.  You  must  not  kill  too  many  of  any 
kind  of  animal.  I  will  be  your  guardian  spirit." 

The  young  man  became  a  great  hunter,  knew  where 
every  animal  was,  -  -  bear,  elk,  deer.  He  killed  what  he 
needed  for  himself,  and  no  more.  The  old  man,  his 
father,  said,  "You  are  not  doing  enough.  At  your  age 
I  used  to  do  more."  The  young  man  was  grieved  at 
his  father's  scolding.  The  elk,  the  young  man's  helper, 
was  very  angry  at  the  old  man.  At  last  she  caused  the 
young  man  to  kill  five  herds  of  elk.  He  killed  all  except 

1  The   main    point    in   the   tales   of  this  group  is  the  more  or  less  involuntary 
acquirement    of  supernatural  power.     No.   I  is  at  the  same  time  a  warning  against 
the   abuse    of  such    power.     The  idea    that  moderation    must   be   exercised   in   the 
use  of   magic    comes    out    strongly    also    in    several    stories    in  Jones's  Fox  Texts, 
Vol.  I  of  this  series,  pp.   183-193. 

2  Now    generally  known  as  Hood  River,  a  southern  tributary  of  the  Columbia. 


17 — PUBL.    AMER.    ETHN.    SOC.    VOL.    II. 


his  own  elk,  though  he  tried  to  kill  even  her.  This  elk 
went  to  a  lake  and  pretended  to  be  dead;  the  young 
man  went  into  the  water  to  draw  the  elk  out,  but  as 
soon  as  he  touched  it,  both  sank. 

After  touching  bottom,  the  young  man  woke  as  from 
a  sleep,  and  saw  bears,  deer,  and  elks  without  number, 
and  they  were  all  persons.  Those  that  he  had  killed 
were  there  too,  and  they  groaned.  A  voice  called,  "Draw 
him  in."  Each  time  the  voice  was  heard,  he  was  drawn 
nearer  his  master,  the  Elk,  till  he  was  at  his  side.  Then 
the  great  Elk  said,  "Why  did  you  go  beyond  what  I 
commanded?  Your  father  required  more  of  you  than  he 
himself  ever  did.  Do  you  see  our  people  on  both  sides? 
These  are  they  whom  you  have  killed.  You  have  inflict- 
ed many  needless  wounds  on  our  people.  Your  father 
lied  to  you.  He  never  saw  my  father,  as  he  falsely  told 
you,  saying  that  my  father  had  met  him.  He  also  said 
that  my  father  gave  him  a  scar.  That  is  not  true ;  he 
was  carrying  fire-wood  when  you  were  born,  and  a  piece 
of  bark  fell  on  him  and  cut  him.  He  has  misled  you. 
Now  I  shall  leave  you,  and  never  be  your  guardian 
spirit  again." 

When  the  Elk  had  finished,  a  voice  was  heard  saying 
five  times,  "Cast  him  out."  The  young  man  went  home. 
The  old  man  was  talking,  feeling  well.  The  young  man 
told  his  two  wives  to  fix  a  bed  for  him.  They  did  so. 
He  lay  there  five  days  and  nights,  and  then  told  his  wives, 
"Heat  water  to  wash  me,  also  call  my  friends  so  that  I 
may  talk  to  them.  Bring  five  elk-skins."  All  this  was 
done.  The  people  came  together,  and  he  told  them, 
"My  father  was  dissatisfied  because,  as  he  said,  I  did 
not  do  as  he  had  done.  What  my  father  wanted  grieved 
the  guardian  spirit  which  visited  and  aided  me.  My 
father  deceived  me.  He  said  that  he  had  been  scarred 


on  the  head  by  an  elk  while  taking  the  young  one  away. 
He  said  that  I  was  a  disgrace  to  him.  He  wanted  me 
to  kill  more  than  was  needed.  The  spirit  has  left  me, 
and  I  die."1 


The  Chinook  people,  who  lived  at  the  mouth  of  Co- 
lumbia River,  moved  some  distance  to  the  east.  At  the 
end  of  the  first  day's  journey  they  camped  on  the  shore. 
One  of  the  men  had  a  little  boy.  After  they  had  fixed 
the  camp,  he  went  with  the  boy  to  mend  his  canoe. 
After  a  while  the  boy  disappeared.  The  father  thought 
he  had  gone  back  to  the  camp,  When  he  had  finished 
the  canoe,  he  went  to  the  camp  and  asked  his  wife  where 
the  boy  was.  She  had  not  seen  him.  They  went  to  the 
river,  tracked  him  to  the  water,  and  all  said  that  he  was 
drowned.  Next  morning  the  people  moved  on  still  farther 
up  the  river.  The  parents  hunted  everywhere  for  the  child, 
but  at  last  they  too  went ;  they  could  not  find  the  child. 

Two  or  three  years  after  this  another  party  went  up 
the  river.  On  an  island  in  the  river  there  were  a  great 
many  seals,  and  among  them  a  boy.  Word  was  sent  to 
the  parents  of  the  boy.  People  went  out  and  watched 
for  the  seals  to  come  to  land,  so  that  they  might  see 
the  boy.  They  watched  till  the  seals  came  up  on  the 
island,  one  by  one,  and  soon  the  island  was  covered. 

1  The    fact    that    the  young  man  divulges  his  guardian  spirit  is  itself  indicative 
of  approaching    death,  for  only  upon  the  death-bed  was  it  customary  to  communi- 
cate this,  the  greatest  secret  of  one's  life. 

2  The    visit    of  human    beings    to  the  land  of  the  whales,  seals,  or  other  food- 
animals,    and    their    return   to  the  people  of  this  earth,  to  whom  they  grant  power 
to    obtain    a   large    food-supply,    is    a    characteristic    type    of    tale    or  myth  among 
the    Coos    of   Oregon    (Journal    of   American    Folk-Lore,    Vol.    XXI T,    pp.    25-41). 
Compare  also  Swanton's  Haida  Texts  and  Myths  (Bulletin  29  of  Bureau  of  American 
Ethnology),  pp.   7—14,  for  a  similar  tale  of  a  visit  to  the    salmon. 


At  last  the  boy  came  up  out  of  the  water  and  lay  down 
•by  the  seals.  The  people  crept  up,  caught  the  boy,  and 
took  him  to  shore  by  force.  He  struggled  to  get  away 
from  them,  and  tried  to  return  to  the  water.  At  first  he 
refused  to  eat  anything  but  raw  salmon  and  other  fish, 
and  he  would  not  talk ;  but  by  degrees  he  came  to  act 
like  other  human  beings.  Finally  his  parents  got  him 
back  to  his  right  mind,  and  he  became  very  industrious. 
He  carved  bows  and  arrows  and  worked  all  the  time. 

As  he  grew  up,  he  used  to  tell  many  stories  of  how 
he  had  lived  down  with  the  seals.  He  said  that  seals 
were  just  like  people ;  they  moved  from  place  to  place, 
camped  at  night,  and  would  go  as  far  as  The  Dalles. 
They  moved  around  as  the  Indians  did  on  land.  The 
people  had  to  watch  him  when  he  was  in  a  canoe,  for 
fear  he  would  go  back  to  the  seals.  The  seals  were  al- 
ways floating  around  when  he  was  near.  He  always 
called  them  by  name.  His  parents  always  covered  his 
head  when  he  was  in  a  canoe.  One  day  he  threw  the 
cover  off,  saw  the  seals,  called  them  by  name,  said,  "I 
am  going,75  and  jumped  into  the  water.  He  came  to  the 
surface  far  out,  and  said  to  his  father  and  mother,  who 
were  in  the  canoe,  "I  have  a  home  down  in  the  water. 
I  will  remain  there  hereafter."1 



There  was  a  village  opposite  The  Dalles,  and  in  the 
village  lived  a  boy  who  was  very  quarrelsome.  He 

1  The   implication   doubtless   is    that  he  becomes  a  guardian  spirit  for  seal-hun- 
Compare  the  end  of  the  tale  in  Boas's  Kathlamet  Texts,  pp.  166-174. 
Compare    Wishram    tale,    pp.    139-145    of  this   volume  (The  Deserted  Boy). 
Itcli'xyan    is    the    protector    of   fishermen    and  hunters  of  water-animals.     Compare 
also  Boas's  Chinook  Texts,  p.  221. 

26 1 

whipped  the  other  boys,  killed  one  or  two.  At  last  the 
chief  told  the  boys  to  take  this  bad  one  away  to  some 
distance,  leave  him,  slip  off,  and  come  home ;  then  they 
were  all  to  move  away.  The  bad  boy  had  two  grand- 
mothers who  had  reared  him.  The  boys  took  him  off 
to  the  place  agreed  upon,  then  slipped  off  and  left  him. 
He  staid  till  sundown,  then  began  to  shout  to  the  boys 
that  it  was  time  to  go  home.  The  boys  had  left  their 
voices  there  to  answer  for  them,  and  they  said,  "No,  it 
is  not  time  yet."  It  was  then  almost  dark. 

The  two  grandmothers  had  left  fire  for  him  between 
two  mussel-shells  hid  in  the  ashes,  a  deer-rib  which  the 
Indians  used  to  make  fish-hooks  out  of,  and  ten  wild- 
potatoes.  They  did  not  want  to  go  and  leave  him,  but 
the  people  forced  them  to  go.  Now  the  boy  discovered 
that  he  had  been  left,  and  he  ran  home  as  fast  as  he 
could,  found  the  village  gone,  the  place  cleared  off.  He 
looked  across  to  the  other  side  of  the  river,  and  saw  the 
whole  village  camped  there.  He  felt  very  lonely,  and 
every  now  and  then  began  to  cry.  He  searched  around 
where  his  grandmothers  had  lived,  and  found  the  fire 
and  rib. 

In  the  morning  a  great  many  magpies  came  around. 
He  set  a  trap  and  caught  three  of  them.  He  skinned 
them  and  made  a  robe,  which  he  spread  over  his  breast 
at  night.  Next  day  he  caught  three  more.  He  ate  one 
potato  a  day  as  long  as  they  lasted.  Each  day  he  caught 
three  magpies.  On  the  fourth  day  he  had  twelve  skins, 
his  blanket  now  came  to  his  knees.  He  made  a  fish- 
line  out  of  his  trap-strings  and  went  fishing.  He  threw 
his  line  out,  and  said  to  the  river,  "Give  me  all  kinds  of. 
food."  He  fished  five  days,  caught  a  fish  each  day. 
The  people  saw  him  from  the  other  side. 

All    at    once,    on  the  fifth  day,  he  jumped  up  and  ran 


back  and  forth  from  the  bank  to  the  water.  Then  he 
danced  along  the  river  and  sang  very  loud.  The  words 
he  sang  were,  "Now  I'll  make  my  magpie  robe  fly,  now 
I'll  make  my  magpie  robe  fly."  They  heard  his  words 
on  the  other  side.  They  watched,  and  saw  him  draw 
something  long  and  white  out  of  the  water.  He  threw 
it  on  his  back  and  went  to  his  camp.  The  bundle  was 
made  of  different  kinds  of  wood,  and  was  full  of  roots, 
salmon,  and  all  kinds  of  Indian  food.  Towards  evening 
the  people  saw  that  he  had  a  large  fire  and  was  eating. 

That  night  he  slept  warm  and  well.  After  a  time  he 
felt  something  cold  under  his  head,  and  then  something 
cold  between  his  feet.  He  woke  up,  and  felt  a  person 
lying  at  his  side.  The  person  said,  "Are  you  awake?" 
"Yes."  He  raised  up  his  robe,  thinking  that  it  was 
his  robe.  As  he  raised  it,  he  found  he  had  a  blanket  of 
mountain-sheep  skin  over  him,  the  blanket  of  the  chiefs 
daughter.  He  looked,  and  found  a  woman  at  his  side. 
He  was  in  a  house,  and  everything  was  beautiful  with 
skin  and  carving  around  him. 

Early  next  morning  the  people  on  the  other  side  went 
out,  and,  looking  across  the  river,  saw  that  the  boy  had 
a  nice  house  where  their  village  had  been.  Itcli'xyan's 
daughter  had  come  out  of  the  water  in  the  night,  while 
he  slept,  made  the  house,  and  lain  down  by  his  side. 
Towards  sunrise  he  and  she  arose.  His  people  saw  all 
this;  and  the  chief  called  the  people  together  and  told 
them  to  go  over  and  see  the  young  woman,  and  say, 

The  chief  of  the  village  had  a  purpose  in  leaving  you. 
He  left  you  so  that  you  might  get  this  house.  Now  that 
you  have  the  house,  he  will  come  back." 

When  the  messengers  came,  they  were  astonished  at 
what  they  saw.  The  house  was  much  greater  than  they 
had  expected.  While  Itcii'xyan's  daughter  was  sleeping 

with  the  young  man  that  one  night,  food  was  brought 
out  of  the  river.  "All  right!"  said  the  boy.  "Let  him 
come  with  his  people,  but  he  must  come  last."  The  next 
day  the  boy's  two  grandmothers  came,  then  the  whole 
village,  and  last  of  all  the  chief;  but  as  he  was  crossing 
the  river,  the  young  man  raised  a  storm  and  drowned 
him.  The  young  man  then  became  chief  and  fed  all  the 
people  for  years  with  the  food  which  came  out  of  the 
river  for  his  wife. 

Even  now  the  Indians  on  Columbia  River  send  their 
boys  to  fish  after  dark  to  get  the  spirit  of  Itdi'xyan.  She 
lives  in  the  water  and  helps  people  yet. 


WITH    FlSH.2 

i.  Eagle's  grandfather  was  Coyote.  Eagle  was  hunting 
most  of  the  time  in  the  mountains,  and  when  he  came 
home  one  day,  Coyote  said  to  him,  "I  have  found  some- 
thing for  you,  —  a  nest  of  eagles  on  a  rock,  They 
have  nice  feathers  for  arrows." 

Next  day  they  went  out  to  a  rock,  and  Coyote  said, 
"Take  off  your  clothes."  Eagle  was  handsomely  dressed 
in  beads,  had  long  shells  all  over  his  leggings  and  robe. 
He  took  off  his  clothes  and  went  up  the  rock.  He  pulled 
the  feathers  out,  tied  them  in  a  bundle,  put  the  bundle 
on  his  back,  then  looked  down  and  saw  that  he  was  very 
high  up ;  the  rock  had  gone  up  nearly  to  the  sky.  Then 

1  In    these   myths    Coyote  appears  in  his  dual  capacity  of  culture-hero  and  un- 
successful  trickster.     With    them    are  to  be  compared  Chinook  Texts,  pp.  101-106, 
110-112;    Kathlamet    Texts,   pp.    45-49,    79-89,     148-154;    Wishram,    pp.    3-49, 
49-5',   67-75,   95-99,   99-103,    105-107,    107-117,    123-127,    133-139,    I45-M7, 
I49~I53,  161,  of  this  volume.     It  will  be  seen  that  the  mythological  importance  of 
Coyote   increases   as   we   ascend  the  Columbia  and  approach  the  Great  Basin  area, 
his  place  on  the  coast  (Chinook  and  Quinault)  being  largely  taken  by  Bluejay.    A 
few  of  the  incidents  that  in  Wishram  appear  woven  into  a  loosely  jointed  culture- 
hero  composite  are  here  found  as  separate  myths  or  amalgamated  with  quite  differ- 
ent elements;  compare  Wishram,  pp.  3-7  and  41-43  of  this  volume,  with  the  second 
part  of  this  story  and  with  Story  2,  p.  267. 

2  Two   absolutely    distinct   myths   have    here    been    welded    into    one.     For  the 
first   part,    compare   Gatschet,  The  Klamath  Indians  of  Southwestern  Oregon,  Con- 
tributions  to  North   American  Ethnology,  Vol.  2,  Pt.  I,  pp.  94-97  (Eagle  and  his 
grandfather   Coyote  respectively  correspond  to  A'ishish  and  his  father  K'mukamtch 
of  the    Klamath   myth) ;   Teit,   Traditions   of   the  Thompson  River  Indians,  p.  2 1 ; 
Teit,   The   Shuswap  (Publications  of  the  Jesup  Expedition,  Vol.  II,  pp.  622,  737). 
This    is   distinctly    a    myth    of  the  Plateau  region,  and  presumably  adapted  by  the 
Wasco  to  the  Coyote  and   Eagle   cycle.     For  the  second  part,  compare  Wishram, 
pp.    3-7    of  this   volume;   Spinden,   Myths   of  the    Nez  Perc6  Indians  (Journal  of 
American  Folk-Lore,  Vol.  XXI,  pp.  15,  16). 


he  looked  at  the  feathers  on  his  back;  they  were  not 
eagle-feathers  at  all,  but  coyote  entrails. 

Coyote  had  already  put  on  Eagle's  clothes,  made  him- 
self look  like  Eagle,  and  gone  home.  He  had  Eagle's 
flute,  and  played  on  it.  When  he  entered  the  house,  he 
said,  "I  wonder  why  my  grandfather  does  not  come,  I 
told  him  to  come  quickly."  At  bed-time  Coyote  lay 
between  two  of  Eagle's  wives,  Mouse  and  Woodpecker. 
Next  morning  Coyote  moved  away  to  another  place,  said 
nothing  more  about  his  grandfather.  Every  day  he  moved 
his  camp. 

Eagle  spent  many  days  on  the  high  rock,  and  grew 
thin.  At  last  old  Thunder  came  and  split  the  rock; 
along  the  split  came  brush  and  sticks.  By  means  of 
these  Eagle  came  to  the  ground.  Then  he  followed  his 
grandfather.  Two  of  the  wives  had  not  gone  with  Coyote. 
They  knew  he  was  not  Eagle,  but  they  followed  on  be- 
hind. One  of  these  two  wives  cried  all  the  time,  "My 
husband,  my  husband !"  Eagle  found  every  day  the  ashes 
of  a  camp.  One  day  he  found  the  ashes  warm,  and  said, 
"To-morrow  I'll  catch  up  with  them."  Next  day  he  over- 
took the  two  wives,  and  they  told  him  everything.  He 
said,  "Go  to-night  and  camp  with  Coyote.  I  shall  be 
there."  He  came.  Old  Coyote  saw  him,  and  began  to 
cry,  took  off  his  clothes.  Eagle  said,  "I  don't  want  them 
now."  Coyote  said,  "I  have  been  crying  all  the  time; 
I  thought  you  were  dead."  Eagle  said,  "All  right!  Keep 
my  clothes  and  keep  my  two  wives."  The  old  man  was 
very  glad.  They  lived  together  many  days,  and  Eagle 

One  day  he  said  to  Coyote,  "I  killed  two  nice  bucks; 
to-morrow  I'll  show  you  where  they  are."  Next  day  they 
started,  went  down  five  gulches,  and  saw  the  bucks.  The 
old  man  said,  "Til  stay  here  to-night,  to-morrow  I'll  cut 


up  the  meat."  He  made  a  fire  and  lay  down  to  sleep. 
It  began  to  rain,  rained  all  night.  Next  morning  the  old 
man  woke  up  and  found  that  his  bucks  were  nothing  but 
hanging  bushes.  He  said,  "I  see,  I  did  this.  This  is  my 
fault.  My  grandson  has  paid  me  back."  He  did  not 
feel  badly,  and  started  home.  He  passed  the  first  gulch, 
full  of  deep  roaring  water;  he  swam  way  down  to  the 
next  one  the  water  was  still  higher  there;  came  to 

the  third,  the  fourth;  there  always  more  water.  The 
fifth  he  could  not  cross. 

2.  He  was  carried  down  to  the  great  ocean.  There 
he  saw  two  women  with  a  large  canoe.  They  were  very 
bright,  shone  more  brightly  than  the  sun;  their  paddles 
were  of  white  wood,  very  beautiful.  The  women  staid 
there,  and  kept  the  fish  from  leaving  the  sea  and  going 
into  the  river;  they  worked  there  every  day.  Coyote 
thought  to  himself,  "How  can  I  manage  so  that  these 
women  will  take  me  into  their  canoe?"  He  turned  him- 
self into  a  piece  of  wood  and  floated  down.  The  elder 
woman  said,  "Oh,  that  is  very  nice  wood;  catch  it,  catch 
it!"  but  the  younger  one  said,  "Don't  touch  it,  don't 
touch  it!"  and  they  let  it  pass. 

Now  he  turned  himself  into  beautiful  white  wood,  and 
floated  along.  The  elder  sister  said,  "Oh,  catch  that!" 
The  younger  one  said,  "No,  no!  let  it  pass."  It  passed. 
He  turned  into  a  different  kind  of  wood.  Every  time 
the  elder  one  wanted  to  catch  it;  but  the  younger  one 
said,  "No,  let  it  pass."  After  the  fourth  time  he  turned 
himself  into  a  little  baby  on  a  cradle-board.  As  it  floated 
down,  crying  and  rolling  on  the  water,  the  elder  sister 
said,  'See  that  little  boy!  Catch  it,  catch  it!  Its  father 
and  mother  must  be  dead;  we  must  save  the  baby." 

The  younger  sister  had  grown  tired  of  talking.  The 
elder  sister  took  the  baby  and  carried  it  to  their  house. 


They  had  all  kinds  of  fish.  The  elder  sister  put  an  eel's 
tail  in  the  baby's  mouth  for  it  to  suck.  They  went  for 
wood,  and  left  the  baby.  While  they  were  gone,  Coyote 
cooked  himself  all  kinds  of  fish,  ate  a  great  deal.  When 
they  came  home,  he  was  a  baby  again,  sucking  the  eel's 
tail.  Next  day,  while  the  sisters  were  gone,  he  made  a 
long  stick  to  dig  roots.  When  they  got  home,  he  was 
a  baby  sucking  the  eel's  tail. 

Next  day,  when  they  went  off,  he  went  out  to  dig  roots. 
He  told  his  stick  to  be  strong ;  but  when  he  dug  into 
the  ground,  it  broke.  The  next  day  he  made  another 
stick,  dug  deeper.  With  the  last  stick  he  broke  down 
the  dam  the  sisters  had  made  to  keep  the  fish,  and  all 
the  salmon  crowded  up  Columbia  River.  Then  Coyote 
took  ashes  and  blew  on  the  sisters,1  saying,  "Hereafter 
you  will  be  birds.  People  will  soon  come  who  will  want 
these  salmon.  You  will  be  birds  henceforth." 

2.  COYOTE  is  SWALLOWED  BY  iTC.'i'xYAN.2 

Over  at  Nixlu'idix,  where  the  Wi'cxam  village  now  stands, 
Coyote  was  going  east  up  the  river.  He  looked  north 
at  the  hills,  and  saw  five  men  running  down  towards  him. 
They  said,  "Old  man,  don't  you  go  up  along  the  river; 
go  by  the  hills.  If  you  go  along  the  river,  you  will  be 

"WTho  will  swallow  me?" 


"Oh,  I'll  run  away;  he  can't  swallow  me.  I  run  like 
the  wind."  Coyote  went  on.  Finally  he  thought,  "Per- 
haps there  is  such  a  thing  that  can  swallow  me."  Then, 

1  For  the  throwing  of  ashes  or  dust  in  transformation,  compare  Wishram,  p.  45 
of  this  volume. 

2  Compare  Wishram,  pp.  41-43  of  this  volume. 


thinking  awhile,  he  said,  "I'll  go  up  on  the  hill  and  get 
a  long  log  and  put  it  across  my  shoulders ;  then  Itdi'xyan 
won't  be  able  to  swallow  me." 

He  got  the  log,  came  down,  and  travelled  up  the  river. 
As  he  went,  he  called  out,  "Itdi'xyan,  swallow  me!" 
He  plagued  Itdi'xyan.  At  last  Coyote  lost  consciousness; 
he  did  not  know  anything.  When  he  revived,  he  found 
himself  in  a  dark  place.  He  wondered  where  he  was ; 
could  it  be  that  Itdi'xyan  had  swallowed  him?  He  heard 
a  sound  as  of  a  bell  a  little  way  off,  and  the  voices  of 
people  whispering.  He  sat  with  the  log  on  his  back,  and 
said,  "People,  make  a  fire,  and  I'll  stay  all  night."  He 
felt  around,  and  found,  as  he  thought,  grass  and  pieces 
of  wood,  and  said  again,  "Why  don't  you  make  a  fire?" 
No  one  answered.  What  he  took  for  grass  was  people's 
hair,  the  large  pieces  of  wood  their  bodies,  the  smaller 
pieces  of  wood  their  bones,  which  had  been  there  for  years. 

Coyote  didn't  yet  know  where  he  was.  So  he  sat 
down,  brought  out  his  two  sisters,  the  two  Cayuse  girls, 
as  he  called  them,  two  pieces  of  his  own  excrement,  and 
said,  "My  sisters,  what  is  the  matter?  Where  am  I?"  — 
"Oh,  we  won't  tell  you.  You  are  such  a  man  that  if 
we  tell  you,  you  will  say,  'Oh,  yes!  I  knew  that  before, 
but  forgot  it  for  a  moment.'"  Coyote  began  to  throw 
up  spittle  with  his  hand,  and  said,  "Here,  let  rain  come." 

aOh,  don't,  don't  do  that!  we  will  tell  you.  You  were 
warned  by  the  five  men  not  to  go  up  along  the  river,  but 
you  would  go;  you  wouldn't  listen  to  advice.  Now  you 
are  in  the  belly  of  Itdi'xyan." 

"That's  just   what    I    thought,"    said    Coyote.     He    put 
away  his  sisters  where  they  were  before.1     Then  he  took 

3ther   instances   of  Coyote    asking   advice    of  his  excrement  sisters  are  to  be 
in  Wishram,  pp.  73-75,  IOi,  103,  of  this  volume.     Compare  also  Boas,  Kath- 
Us,   pp.   45-49;    Chinook    Texts,    pp.    101-106.     On  the  coast  of  British 
Columbia  similar  acts  are  told  of  the  raven. 


his  fire-drill  and  made  a  fire,  taking  pitch  from  the  log 
on  his  back.  When  there  was  light,  he  saw  the  remains 
of  all  the  people,  some  with  canoes,  others  without.  He 
called  to  the  fire  all  that  were  able  to  come  to  warm 
themselves.  Eagle  came,  also  Weasel,  his  younger 

Itcli'xyan  now  said,  "Come  out,  Coyote,  I  didn't  want 
to  swallow  you."  "How  can  I  come  out?  There  is 

no  door,"  said  Coyote.  He  looked  up  and  saw  something 
moving  above  his  head,  breathing,  growing  larger  and 
smaller.  This  was  Itcli'xyan's  heart.  "It  is  too  high  to 
reach,"  thought  Coyote.  He  made  a  ladder  of  two  canoes, 
went  up,  and  with  his  flint  knife  cut  at  the  root  of  the 

Itcli'xyan  said,  "Get  out  of  me,  Coyote!  I  didn't  try  to 
swallow  you.  I  don't  want  you." 

Coyote  said,  "I  don't  know  how  to  get  out."  Then 
he  told  all  the  people  to  lock  arms.  When  Itdi'xyan's 
heart  was  cut  and  dropped,  he  blew  a  tremendous  breath, 
and  threw  all  the  people  out  near  Celilo,  but  Coyote 
about  six  miles  farther  south  over  the  Celilo  hills. 

Eagle  went  west,  and  Coyote  east. 



i.  Coyote  was  hungry.  He  ran  down  the  river  where 
Fish-Hawk  and  his  wife  lived,  and  asked  for  something 
to  eat.  They  gave  him  a  good  deal  of  food.  He  was 
not  satisfied ;  then  they  gave  him  food  five  times,  and  at 

1  Eagle  and  Weasel  are  elder  and  younger  brothers  also  in  Wishram,  pp. 
117-121  of  this  volume. 

*  This  again  is  a  composite  myth.  The  first  part  consists  of  two  episodes  of 
the  wide-spread  story  of  the  unsuccessful  imitation  of  the  host  5  the  second  part  is 
a  string  of  four  loosely  connected  Coyote  anecdotes. 


last  asked,  "When  are  you  going  home?"  -  "Oh,  soon." 
Fish-Hawk  said,  "Come  down  to  the  creek  with  me." 
There  was  a  tall  stump  by  the  water,  and  a  hole  in  the  ice. 
Fish-Hawk  jumped  on  to  the  stump,  and  from  that  into 
the  water.  Coyote  was  terribly  frightened,  and  ran  around 
crying,  "My  grandson  is  drowned!"  But  soon  Fish-Hawk 
came  out  with  five  different  kinds  of  fish,  and  gave  them 
to  Coyote;  he  told  him  to  carry  them  home.  Coyote 
took  them,  and  said  to  Fish-Hawk,  "Come  and  visit  me." 
"Very  well,  I'll  come  some  time." 

One  day  Fish-Hawk  remembered  Coyote's  invitation, 
and  went  to  his  house.  Coyote  was  glad  to  see  him,  and 
said,  "When  you  are  ready  to  go  home,  let  me  know." 
Soon  Fish-Hawk  said,  "Now  I  am  going  home."  Coyote 
said,  "Come  down  to  the  creek  with  me."  Coyote  climbed 
up  on  a  stump  near  the  place  where  he  used  to  get 
water  from  under  the  ice.  Fish-Hawk  smiled  and  won- 
dered. Coyote  began  to  shout  as  Fish- Hawk  had ;  then 
he  jumped,  hit  his  head  on  the  ice,  and  was  stunned. 
Fish-Hawk  was  sorry  for  him,  and  called  his  wife.  She 
came,  and  said,  "He  will  do  anything  that  he  sees  others 
do.  He  told  me  that  you  jumped  in  and  got  fish  for 
him."  Now  Fish-Hawk  sprang  on  to  the  stump,  dived 
down,  and  brought  out  fish.  He  gave  them  to  the  woman 
and  went  home.  Coyote  had  not  come  to  his  senses  yet. 
About  evening  he  recovered-,  she  helped  him  up.  He 
was  as  angry  as  he  could  be.1 

A  few  days  later  Coyote  got  hungry,  and  went  to  visit 
Mountain-Sheep  and  his  wife,  who  lived  by  the  bluff. 
He  met  Mountain-Sheep,  who  said,  "  My  wife  is  at  home. 
I'll  come  soon."  Coyote  went  into  the  house.  The  man 

»  With   this    episode    compare   Jones,    Fox  Texts,  pp.  263-267.     Kingfisher  and 
kster  Wlsacka  of  the  Fox  myth  closely  correspond  to  the  Wasco  Fish-Hawk 
and  Coyote.     Compare  also  Boas,  Kwakiutl  Texts  (Publications  of  the  Jesup  Expe- 
dition, Vol.  X,  p.   153). 

soon  came,  and  said,  "I'll  get  you  something  to  eat." 
He  took  his  wife  by  the  nose  and  stuck  a  straw  into  it; 
blood,  fat,  and  meat  streamed  out.  They  cooked  all  that 
came  out  of  her  nose.  Coyote  ate  it,  and  thought  it  very 
nice.  When  he  had  finished  eating,  he  said,  "I'm  ready 
to  go  home.  I  want  you  to  come  and  visit  me."  -  "All 
right!  I'll  come."  As  Coyote  started,  Mountain-Sheep 
took  his  knife,  cut  pieces  of  meat  off  his  wife's  sides,  and 
gave  them  to  Coyote,  who  was  very  glad,  and  said,  "Be 
sure  and  come  to  my  house." 

One  day  Mountain-Sheep  went  to  visit  Coyote.  They 
had  a  good  talk.  Then  Coyote  thought  he  would  cook 
something  for  Mountain-Sheep.  He  got  his  bucket,  made 
a  fire,  then  took  hold  of  his  wife  and  ran  a  straw  up 
her  nose.  She  sneezed,  struggled,  and  ran  away.  Coyote 
went  outside,  as  angry  as  he  could  be.  Mountain-Sheep 
said,  "I'm  not  hungry.  I  only  came  to  visit."  He  took 
a  knife  and  cut  off  meat  from  his  own  two  sides,  put  it 
down  by  Coyote's  wife,  and  went  home.  Coyote  had 
gone  off  angry.  When  Coyote  came  home,  he  saw  the 
meat  and  was  glad.1 

2.  Some  time  after  this,  Coyote  got  hungry,  and  deter- 
mined to  move  out  near  the  Deer  people.  The  Deer 
people  were  glad  to  have  him  come.  He  got  there  in 
the  evening,  and  they  brought  him  food.  He  began  to 
tell  his  adventures  to  them,  and  said,  "Friends,  I  am 
alarmed;  you  and  I  are  in  danger.  I  see  the  tracks  of 
the  Wala'lap  out  here.  These  people  always  feather 
their  arrows  with  the  tail-feather  of  an  eagle.  We  must 
be  on  the  watch ;  I'm  afraid  they  will  kill  some  of  us." 
Next  morning  Coyote  slipped  out,  and  lay  hidden  by  the 

1  Compare  the  Wishram  tale,  pp.  145-147  of  this  volume,  and  Chinook  Texts, 
p.  1 80,  for  a  similar  procuring  of  food  from  one's  own  nose  and  body.  Mountain- 
Sheep  is  in  these  replaced  by  Deer  and  Black-Bear. 


path  where  the  deer  went  to  hunt.  When  the  largest 
one  came  along,  he  shot,  killed  him,  and  took  his  carcass 
home.  In  this  way,  as  he  needed  meat,  he  killed  the 
five  brothers.  The  whole  family  consisted  of  five  Deer.1 

He  now  decided  to  visit  the  Wolves.  When  he  got 
to  the  Wolf  house,  they  made  him  a  servant  to  carry 
wood  and  water.  He  got  very  angry  at  this.  A  race 
was  arranged.  Coyote  decided  to  go,  so  he  made  a 
couple  of  running  dogs  with  horns  on  them.  The  Wolves 
ran  on  one  side,  and  the  dogs  were  with  the  party  coming 
back ;  the  dogs  beat,  won  the  race,  and  after  that  Coyote 
ran  away  from  the  Wolves. 

After  a  time  he  came  to  an  empty  house ;  he  went 
on.  As  he  travelled,  he  heard  a  noise,  looked  back,  and 
saw  a  rock  as  large  as  a  house  rolling  after  him.  He 
wondered  what  this  could  mean.  Soon  the  rock  was  al- 
most on  him.  He  ran  with  all  his  might,  the  rock  came 
on  all  the  faster.  It  hit  Coyote  and  knocked  him  sense- 
less. Towards  daybreak-  of  the  next  morning  he  came 
to  his  senses,  and  remembered  that  the  rock  had  struck 
him.  "I'll  run  away  from  it,"  said  Coyote.  He  jumped 
up,  stole  off,  and  ran  with  all  his  might ;  but  about  noon 
he  heard  a  great  noise,  and  again  the  rock  was  pursuing 
him.  Wherever  he  ran,  the  rock  followed,  gained  on 
him  continually.  He  did  not  know  where  to  go.  At 
last  he  came  to  a  soft  muddy  bottom  between  hills,  and 
thought,  "I'll  go  there.  Let  it  follow  if  it  can."  The 
rock  rolled  on,  got  stuck  in  the  mud,  and  Coyote  es- 

*  Compare  Kathlamet  Texts,  pp.  152-153;  and  Wishram,  p.  160,  note  2,  of 
this  volume.  The  Wasco  wata'lap  corresponds  to  the  Wishram  wala'lap,  and  Kath- 
lamet wa'LaxLax. 

This  rolling-rock  episode  is  oerhaps  to  be  considered  a  variant  of  the  rolling- 
skull  myth.  Compare  Grinnell,  Kackfoot  Lodge  Tales,  p.  165;  Lowie,  The  Northern 
Shoshone,  pp.  262-265. 


He  went  on  towards  the  east,  and  came  to  a  great 
pile  of  buffalo-bones.  He  thought,  "Oh,  I  am  so  hungry! 
I'll  take  these  bones  and  carry  them  till  I  camp,  then 
gnaw  them,"  but  he  decided  not  to  take  them.  Soon  he 
heard  a  noise,  looked  back,  and  saw  a  buffalo-cow  behind 
him.  She  came  up  and  said,  "I'll  give  you  meat.  Those 
bones  back  there  were  my  bones.  You  did  not  take 
them ;  I'll  give  you  meat  now."  She  cut  off  flesh  all 
around  her  body,  and  gave  it  to  him.  He  ate,  was  satis- 
fied, and  remained  some  time.  At  last  he  said,  "I  can't 
stay  here,  I  must  travel  to  the  east."  He  started  off, 
and  still  he  travels. 

1 8 — PUBL.    AMER.    ETHN.    SOC.    VOL.    II. 



Two  Ikinickwai2  children  went  out  to  gather  flint.  A 
boy  and  his  sister  went  every  day  for  this  purpose.  They 
had  each  five  good  paddles,  the  sixth  was  full  of  holes 
its  entire  length.  The  little  girl  said,  "Hurry  and  pick 
up  the  flints;  the  At!at!a'tia  may  come."  And  sure  enough, 
she  was  right  there.  The  moment  the  words  were  out 
of  the  girl's  mouth,  she  looked  behind,  and  there  was  the 
Atlatla'lia.  The  brother  and  sister  ran  with  all  their 
might.  The  boy  had  one  of  the  flints  in  his  hand;  he 
held  it  tight. 

The  At!at!a'iia  caught  them,  put  them  in  her  great 
basket,  and  tied  the  mouth  of  it  with  buckskin  strings. 
She  was  all  spotted  and  striped,  a  terribly  ugly-looking 
creature,  and  very  large.  She  lived  on  people,  and  was 
especially  fond  of  eating  children.  She  hurried  along  with 
the  two  children.  The  girl  was  larger  than  the  boy ;  she 
sat  on  his  foot  in  the  basket.  His  foot  was  tender  from 
the  itch  which  he  had  had  on  it ;  she  hurt  him  greatly, 
and  he  said,  "Sister,  you  hurt  my  foot  where  I  had  the 
itch."  The  woman  said,  "What  is  the  matter?  My  chil- 
dren are  burning  up,  surely."  The  girl  heard  what  she 
said,  and  felt  that  she  could  frighten  her.  She  repeated 

i  These  five  myths  show  that  the  At'.at'.a'lia  story,  the  story  of  the  stupid,  child- 
stealing  ogress,  who  at  the  end  has  the  tables  turned  on  her,  is  a  well-marked 
Upper  Chinook  type,  similar  in  content  to  the  familiar  ogre  fairy-tales  of  European 
folk-lore.  The  Atlatla'tia  is  characterized  by  her  immense  size,  striped  body,  fondness 
for  children's  flesh,  and  stupidity;  her  own  children  she  feeds  on  frogs,  lizards,  and 
such  other  food.  Her  Kathlamet  correspondent  is  called  Aq'.asxe'nasxena.  Compare 
Kathlamet  Texts,  pp.  9-11;  Wishram,  pp.  35-39,  165-171,  of  this  volume. 

*  Translated  by   Curtin  as  «a  kind  of  fish." 



the  A t!at .'aria's  words:  "Your  children  are  burning  up,  sure- 
ly." The  woman  was  terrified  at  this,  and  said,  "Somebody 
tells  me  my  children  are  burning  up."  She  called  over 
their  names  on  her  fingers.  The  fourth  time  the  girl 
called  out  very  loud,  "Your  children  are  burning  up!" 
The  woman  put  down  the  basket  and  ran  towards  home ; 
but  she  came  back,  and  hung  the  basket  up  on  an  oak 
tree,  one  of  the  trees  near  The  Dalles  on  the  Wi'cxam 
side.  The  two  children  were  hung  up,  could  not  get  out 
of  the  basket.  The  boy  gave  his  sister  the  flint.  She 
cut  the  strings  of  the  cover,  and  they  got  out.  They 
filled  the  basket  with  stones  and  dirt,  and  hung  it  up 
again ;  then  they  ran  to  the  river. 

The  woman  hurried  home,  found  her  children  all  safe, 
and  said,  "Oh,  I  thought  you  were  burned  to  ashes!  I 
have  a  nice  pair  of  children  out  here,"  and  she  told  how 
she  had  got  them.  Then  she  started  to  bring  the  brother 
and  sister.  She  pulled  down  the  basket;  it  was  heavy. 
She  put  it  on  her  back,  went  home,  and  took  off  the 
basket.  All  her  children  got  around  it.  She  unstrapped 
it.  Behold!  there  was  nothing  but  stones  and  dirt.  She 
knew  they  had  got  out  and  run  away.  She  put  the 
basket  on  her  back  and  started  after  them. 

The  boy  now  made  five  rivers,  for  he  was  very  powerful. 
The  old  woman  jumped  over  the  first  river;  she  went 
over  so  nicely  that  she  said,  "I  must  try  that  again." 
She  jumped  over  the  first  river  five  times.  When  she 
came  to  the  second,  she  leaped  over  that  too ;  high  in 
the  air  she  jumped  this  river  five  times.  She  jumped  the 
third  river  five  times ;  the  fourth  river  the  same  way, 
also  the  fifth. 

She  saw  the  children  now  about  a  mile  ahead.  She 
drew  in  her  breath,  and  the  children  came  in  with  it. 
They  were  almost  in  her  jaws  when  she  stopped,  for  she 

had  to  blow  out  again.  That  sent  the  children  off  about 
as  far  as  they  were  before.  She  drew  in  her  breath ; 
they  were  nearly  at  her  mouth,  but  she  could  not  draw 
in  another  bit.  She  had  to  blow  them  away. 

They  reached  Columbia  River,  jumped  into  a  canoe, 
and  pushed  it  way  out.  They  told  the  crawfish,  the 
turtles,  and  all  the  fish  in  the  water,  to  eat  her,  and  the 
big  rocks  to  roll  on  to  her.  When  the  old  woman  came 
to  the  river-bank,  she  drew  in  her  breath,  and  the  canoe 
came  almost  to  her  hand ;  then  she  had  to  blow  out,  and 
it  went  far  out  again.  She  tried  many  times  to  draw 
them  in,  but  her  breath  was  not  long  enough.  Then 
she  ran  into  the  water  and  waded  out  part  of  the  way. 
The  fish  began  to  eat  her  body  all  over,  and  the  rocks 
came  rolling  down  from  the  cliffs  on  to  her.  At  last, 
barely  alive,  she  waded  out  of  the  water,  and  the  chil- 
dren escaped. 


On  the  right  side  of  Columbia  River,  fifteen  miles  below 
The  Dalles,  lived  a  woman  who  had  a  child.  She  had 
also  five  sisters-in-law  who  lived  in  another  house.  The 
woman  sang  every  night.  When  the  sisters-in-law  heard 
the  singing,  they  took  the  child,  carried  it  home,  and 
kept  it  till  morning. 

Now  five  At!at!a'lia  sisters  said,  "If  we  pretend  to  be 
the  sisters-in-law,  we  can  get  the  child."  These  five 
sisters  could  not  speak  Wasco  well.  They  had  their  own 
language,  but  nobody  knows  what  it  was.  All  tried,  and 
at  last  the  youngest  could  speak  best.  They  heard  the 

1  Compare  Kathlamet  Texts,  pp.  9-19;  Wishram,  pp.  165-173  of  this  volume. 
The  last  part  of  the  Kathlamet- Wishram  myth,  evidently  a  distinct  story  in  origin, 
is  closely  related  to  a  seperate  tale  of  Curtin's  Wasco  series  (p.  303  of  this  volume). 


mother  singing.  The  youngest  went  to  the  door,  and 
without  showing  her  face  called  out,  "I  want  the  child." 
The  child  was  given  to  her,  and  the  five  went  off;  they 
were  hardly  out  of  sight  when  the  sisters-in-law  came  and 
said,  "Give  us  the  child."  "You  have  it  already,"  was 
the  answer.  "No,  we  have  not." 

They  struck  a  fire  and  looked  at  the  tracks.  They 
were  the  tracks  of  the  five  At!at!a'h'a  sisters.  While 
running  off,  the  four  sisters  tried  to  get  the  child  from 
the  youngest  sister,  but  she  held  to  it ;  they  wanted  to 
eat  it  as  they  ran.  When  they  were  home,  the  eldest 
sisters  would  often  beg  to  eat  the  boy,  but  the  youngest 
kept  them  off,  and  the  boy  grew  up  with  her.  The 
mother  mourned  long  for  her  son. 

He  grew  to  be  about  twelve  years  old ;  he  used  to  go 
hunting,  and  brought  in  rabbits,  squirrels,  and  other  game. 
The  woman  liked  him  more  and  more.  The  other  sisters 
wanted  to  feed  him  on  frogs  and  snakes,  such  as  they 
gave  their  own  children  to  eat  and  ate  themselves,  but 
she  always  gave  him  good  food.  They  often  begged  of 
her  to  let  them  eat  him,  but  she  would  say,  "No,  he 
brings  food ;  you'll  eat  me  first."  At  last  they  all  called 
him  son.  He  began  to  wonder  why  the  other  children 
were  striped  and  spotted.  An  old  man,  Sandhill  Crane, 
lived  near  the  five  sisters.  He  knew  all  about  this,  and 
it  troubled  him. 

Once  in  a  while  the  woman  gave  the  boy  snakes,  and 
he  ate  them.  One  day  the  woman  said,  "You  may  hunt 
on  every  side  except  the  north."  Old  Crane  lived  in  the 
north  not  far  away. 

One  day  the  boy  determined  to  go  north  and  see  why 
they  did  not  want  him  to  go  there.  He  came  to  a  creek, 
and  on  the  other  side  he  saw  a  tall  old  man.  The  man 
called  to  him,  "Come  over  here!"  —  "I  can't,"  said  the 


boy,  "I  have  no  way  to  cross."  The  old  man  sat  down 
and  stretched  his  leg  across  the  river.  It  was  a  wide 
stream.  He  said,  "Now  cross,  but  don't  step  on  my 
knee.  If  you  do,  you  will  slip." 

The  boy  went  over,  and  old  Crane  told  him  that  he 
did  not  belong  to  that  people,  but  to  one  that  lived  far 
away.  "Now  you  must  escape,"  said  the  old  man.  "Make 
five  creeks,  and  at  the  last  creek  make  choke-cherry  bushes, 
very  thick  and  covered  with  berries.  Go  on  a  little  farther 
and  you  will  find  hung  on  a  tree  the  board  on  which  you 
were  when  a  baby,  and  your  little  blanket.  Take  them 
and  go  on." 

That  night  he  went  back  and  told  the  sisters  that  he 
had  found  a  creek  and  lots  of  berries.  While  the  boy 
was  on  his  way  back  to  them  that  day,  the  eldest  sister 
said,  "I  told  you  that  that  boy  should  be  eaten.  Now 
he  has  gone  north."  The  youngest  sister  said  nothing. 
At  dusk  the  boy  came  in  loaded  with  choke-cherries  on 
the  boughs,  and  told  the  sisters  where  he  had  found  them. 

Next  morning  they  started;  he  remained  at  home. 
They  crossed  the  five  creeks,  found  the  berries,  and  ate 
so  many  that  they  could  hardly  move.  They  began  to 
spit  blood.  They  looked  in  their  baskets  to  see  how 
many  cherries  they  had  gathered.  The  baskets  were  full 
of  blood.  They  had  put  cherries  on  their  blankets ;  they 
found  only  a  mass  of  blood.  Blood  ran  out  of  their 

The  boy  made  the  sun  very  hot,  and  when  they  start- 
ed to  return  home,  all  the  streams  dried  up.  They  had 
to  go  up  and  down  the  deep  sides  of  canyons.  Four  of 
the  sisters  died  one  after  another.  Only  the  youngest 
reached  the  house;  she  found  the  house  burned  and  her 
boy  gone.  She  put  the  blame  on  old  Crane,  and  hurried 
to  his  house.  She  came  to  the  bank  and  accused  Crane. 


After  quarrelling  a  long  time,  she  wanted  to  be  reconciled, 
and  asked  him  to  ferry  her  over.  UA11  right,  if  you  are 
not  afraid."  (She  intended  to  eat  him  and  then  follow 
the  boy.)  Crane  said,  "Step  on  my  knee  when  you  come 
over."  She  started,  then  drew  back ;  she  did  this  two  or 
three  times.  Old  Crane  got  very  angry,  threatened  to 
take  his  leg  away.  Then  she  started,  and  in  the  middle 
of  the  stream  she  stepped  on  his  knee.  He  turned  his 
leg;  she  fell  into  the  river  and  was  drowned. 


A  Jack-Rabbit  boy  once  played  below  Wasco  near  a 
sand-bank.  He  played  around  in  this  way  for  four  days. 
The  fifth  day  he  went  off  some  distance  from  the  house, 
playing  and  jumping.  At  last  he  ran  against  a  woman 
all  painted  in  stripes.  She  was  a  human  being,  and  acted 
like  one,  but  lived  on  people.  She  was  three  times  as 
large  as  men  are  at  the  present  day.  When  the  boy 
ran  against  her,  she  reached  out  to  catch  him ;  but  he 
ran  away  from  her  as  fast  as  he  could,  ran  towards  home. 
She  followed  him. 

When  he  came  to  a  rock,  he  ran  around  it.  On  the 
rock  was  a  mountain-sheep's  horn.  He  ran  into  this 
horn,  and  she  ran  on.  She  ran  around  the  rock,  looked 
into  the  horn,  saw  the  boy's  eye,  and  thinking,  "I'll 
get  you,"  put  in  her  hand,  but  couldn't  reach  him. 
Then  she  sat  down  with  her  back  to  the  sun  and  waited. 
The  sun  was  getting  hot.  She  felt  something  on  one 
side  of  her  neck,  and  put  her  hand  on  the  place ;  it  was 
a  wood-tick.  She  pulled  it  off.  Then  there  was  one 
on  the  other  side.  At  last  she  felt  ticks  all  over  her 
body.  She  pulled  off  her  buckskin  robe ;  inside  it  was 


a  mass  of  wood-ticks.  While  pulling  off  the  ticks,  she 
would  often  look  at  the  horn. 

At  last  the'  boy  put  his  hair  up  on  top  of  his  head, 
blackened  his  nose,  and  came  to  the  opening  of  the 
sheep's  horn.  He  looked  at  her  and  rushed  back  into 
the  horn.  She  roared  with  laughter,  and  said,  "Have  I 
ever  seen  so  ugly  a  boy!"  and  she  rolled  and  laughed. 
Then  she  said  to  the  boy,  "If  you  could  look  worse  than 
that,  I  should  die." 

He  pulled  his  hair  over  his  face  •,  it  came  to  his  breast, 
and  his  great  eyes  were  looking  through  the  hair.  He 
came  to  the  opening  of  the  horn  again.  She  laughed 
harder  than  ever,  took  her  dress,  made  a  hole  in  it,  and 
put  it  over  the  horn,  so  that  if  he  came  out,  she  could 
catch  him.  While  she  was  laughing,  he  came  out  and 
ran  away  with  her  dress.  The  boy  and  dress  were  gone 
before  she  knew  it. 

The  woman  called  loudly,  but  the  boy  would  not  stop. 
She  shouted  and  screamed,  "I'll  let  you  off,  if  you  will 
bring  back  my  dress."  The  boy  went  on  till  he  came 
to  a  lake.  He  made  ice  over  the  whole  lake,  then  walked 
over.  Soon  the  woman  came  in  pursuit,  he  threw  the 
dress  away  in  the  middle  of  the  lake.  She  tried  to  cross, 
put  her  foot  on  the  ice.  It  cracked.  She  stood  on  the 
other  side  and  teased  him  to  get  her  dress  for  her,  made 
all  sorts  of  promises.  He  said,  "The  ice  is  strong."  He 
threw  two  great  rocks  on  the  ice;  the  rocks  broke,  — 
the  ice  was  so  hard.  This  convinced  the  woman.  She 
crept  onto  it,  went  out  into  the  lake,  and  got  near  her 
dress.  The  boy  caused  the  ice  to  grow  thin  and  break. 
She  sank  in  the  water  and  was  drowned.  This  woman 
was  a  man-eater. 



At  Wasco  there  was  a  boy  who  cried  all  the  time; 
nobody  could  quiet  him.  At  last  everybody  got  tired  of 
him  and  went  to  bed,  left  him.  He  was  near  the  fire. 
The  others  had  gone  up  on  the  beds,  and  were  trying 
to  sleep.  The  boy  cried  away  till  at  last  he  grew  quiet; 
he  saw  an  arm  reaching  out  for  him,  all  striped  and 
painted.  As  it  caught  hold  of  him,  he  screamed  with  all 
his  might,  "Something  has  got  me."  The  arm  reached 
down  through  the  smoke-hole  to  the  ground.  He  strug- 
gled and  struggled  and  screamed.  At  last  he  pulled  the 
striped,  painted  arm  off,  threw  it  down  by  the  fire,  and 
said,  "I've  pulled  off  somebody's  arm."  They  got  up 
then  and  saw  the  arm.  The  old  At!at!a'h'a  ran  to  tell 
her  four  sisters  that  she  had  lost  her  arm.  Now  all  the 
people  living  around  came  to  the  house  where  the  crying 
boy  was,  to  see  the  arm. 

Two  or  three  mornings  after  that,  Coyote  said  to  the 
boy's  parents,  "Let  us  have  a  great  dance."  On  the 
night  of  the  dance  the  five  Atlatla'h'as  came  -  -  one  of 
them  had  lost  an  arm ;  -  -  with  the  five  were  two  little 
At!at!axh'as.  Coyote  hired  Bat,  Ground-Squirrel,  and 
Gray-Squirrel  to  put  dry  grass  around  the  house  and 
smear  it  with  pitch.  When  the  house  was  ready,  the  five 
sisters  came,  but  the  two  young  ones  would  not  go  in. 
They  came  because  they  saw  the  people  assembled. 
Coyote  went  out  and  invited  them  in ;  he  urged  them  to 
dance  first.  Thy  danced  and  sang.  One  sang,  "Give 
me  my  arm." 

Now  Coyote  told  the  little  boy  to  run  and  get  the  arm. 
All  the  people  slipped  out.  The  boy  brought  the  arm 
and  put  it  on  the  woman.  Then  all  five  of  the  women 
got  excited  dancing,  and  did  not  notice  that  the  people 


had  gone  out.  They  were  shut  in  tight.  Then  Coyote 
set  fire  to  the  house.  As  it  blazed  up,  they  still  danced. 
The  two  Atlatla'fia  girls  outside  screamed,  "Oh,  you  are 
burning!"  Coyote  slapped  their  tongues  with  his  hand 
and  cut  them  off;  they  could  not  scream  then.  As  the 
flames  went  higher  and  higher,  the  women  danced.  The 
house  fell  in,  and  they  were  burned  up.  The  two  girls 
went  home.1 

HER  Two  SONS. 

A  Wasco  man  went  to  a  dance.  A  Celilo  woman 
followed  him  home,  so  they  were  married.  One  time, 
towards  spring,  the  man  and  his  four  brothers  killed  many 
ducks,  more  than  they  could  use.  The  man's  mother 
said  to  the  wife,  "If  you  have  any  people,  you  had  bet- 
ter take  these  ducks  to  them." 

She  packed  a  large  number  of  ducks,  and  started  off 
northward.  She  had  two  sons,  whom  she  left  with  her 
mother-in-law.  She  travelled  till  she  came  to  a  lake. 
The  ground  around  it  was  dry  and  cracked  up ;  it  looked 
like  Indian  bread  made  of  roots.  She  thought,  "I'll  eat 
the  ducks,  and  carry  this  dirt  to  my  father  and  mother 
and  give  it  to  them  for  bread."  She  ate  all  the  ducks, 
and  carried  a  load  of  the  dirt.  When  she  reached  home, 
she  gave  them  the  bread,  and  they  ate  it  all.  This  wo- 
man was  an  At!at!axlia. 

She  went  back  to  her  mother-in-law,  and  said,  "My 
mother  was  very  glad  because  of  the  ducks ;  she  wants 
more."  The  hunters  went  out  and  killed  more  ducks. 
She  went  with  another  load ;  she  did  just  as  before.  She 

1  The  burning  of  the  At'.atla'tia  women  by  Coyote  finds  its  nearest  published 
analogy  in  Wishram  Texts,  pp.  35-39  of  this  volume. 


started  the  third  time  with  ducks;  she  did  as  before,— 
ate  the  ducks  and  carried  dirt  to  her  father  and  mother. 
She  went  the  fourth  time,  and  came  home  late  in  the 
evening.  Early  in  the  morning  her  husband  arose.  She 
was  still  sleeping.  Her  mouth  was  open;  he  looked  in, 
and  saw  that  her  teeth  were  full  of  meat  and  feathers. 
He  thought,  "This  is  very  strange,"  and  told  his  brother 
to  follow  her  and  see  what  she  did. 

He  followed,  saw  her  eat  the  ducks ;  if  even  a  feather 
escaped,  she  ran  after  it  and  ate  it.  The  boy  came 
home  and  told  what  he  had  seen,  but  the  husband  said 
nothing.  The  next  time  she  went  she  carried  a  larger 
load  than  ever.  The  husband  said,  "Follow  her,  brothers, 
and  see  what  she  does  with  the  ducks."  All  four  brothers 
followed  her.  When  she  reached  the  lake,  the  boys  went 
around  to  the  opposite  side  and  watched.  Now  the  eldest 
brother  called  out,  "Our  sister-in-law  is  going  to  kill  her- 
self eating."  As  he  said  this,  the  woman  stopped  eating 
and  listened.  Then  she  went  on  eating  again.  He  called 
out  in  the  same  words,  louder  than  before.  She  stopped 
and  listened,  but  ate  again.  The  fourth  time  he  called 
she  began  to  change  form,  turned  into  a  grizzly  bear, 
and  ran  after  them.  Soon  she  overtook  the  youngest 
and  ate  him  up;  then  she  caught  the  next  in  age  and 
ate  him.  She  ate  the  third;  but  the  fourth  got  into  the 
village,  and  told  the  people  that  his  sister-in-law  was  run- 
ning after  him  and  was  going  to  eat  them  all  up. 

Now  the  people  of  the  village  turned  out  and  tried  to 
kill  the  woman  bear,  but  she  ate  them  as  fast  as  she 
could;  nothing  could  kill  her.  At  last  she  had  eaten  all 
the  people  except  her  husband ;  he  turned  himself  into  a 
decrepit  old  man.  Finally  she  thought  of  her  two  chil- 
dren ;  they  were  already  off  some  distance,  running  away 
from  her.  She  left  the  old  man  and  ran  after  them. 


She  was  almost  upon  them,  when  the  younger  one  said 
to  the  elder,  "What  shall  we  do?"  "We  will  make 

a  village  here  to  deceive  her,  and  all  the  people  will  be 
dancing  around  a  pole."  They  made  the  village.  There 
were  many  frogs;  these  they  turned  into  people,  and  the 
two  boys  were  in  the  midst  of  the  frogs  dancing.  When 
she  came  in  sight,  she  said,  "  Yonder  is  Weditc,  my  elder 
son,  and  Wilu,  my  younger  son."  She  was  delighted  to 
see  such  a  crowd  of  people.  She  began  to  dance  with 
them,  danced  a  long  time.  When  she  came  to  her  mind, 
she  found  herself  in  the  middle  of  a  swamp  surrounded 
by  frogs,  up  to  her  waist  in  mud  and  water.  The  boys 
had  run  far  away. 

She  followed  her  sons  a  second  time,  and  was  nearly 
upon  them,  when  the  younger  said,  "It  is  time  for  us  to 
do  something."  -  "All  right!  We'll  make  a  village,  and 
make  it  appear  to  our  mother  that  we  are  dancing." 
They  did  so.  As  she  got  near,  she  saw  her  two  boys, 
joined  in  the  crowd,  and  began  dancing.  Now  this  was 
at  the  swampy  side  of  a  lake,  and  the  people  were  grass 
and  frogs.  They  seemed  to  her  real  people  dancing,  the 
grass  waved  back  and  forth  in  the  dance,  the  frogs  sang. 
At  last  the  deception  ceased,  and  she  found  herself  in  the 
swamp  up  to  her  neck,  with  reeds  and  grass  and  frogs 
all  around  her. 

She  ran  after  the  boys  a  third  time,  and  was  about  to 
catch  them.  They  made  a  village  of  people ;  two  parties 
were  gambling.  She  took  part  in  the  gambling.  These 
were  frogs  -,  half  sat  on  one  log,  a  long  line  of  frogs,  and 
opposite  was  another  log  full  of  frogs,  but  they  seemed 
to  the  woman  like  men.  After  a  time  she  saw  things 
as  they  were,  and  got  out  of  the  swamp.  The  fifth  time 
she  was  about  to  catch  her  sons,  when  they  made  it 
appear  that  a  crowd  of  people  were  playing  ball  on  a 

flat.  At  one  end  she  saw  her  elder  boy,  and  at  the  other 
her  younger.  The  valley  seemed  full  of  men.  She  joined 
in  the  play  herself.  When  the  deception  ceased,  she  saw 
that  the  leaves  of  the  trees,  carried  along  by  the  wind, 
were  what  seemed  people  to  her. 

The  boys  ran  on,  and  met  Coyote,  who  said,  "My 
grandsons,  why  do  you  run  so  fast?"  They  said,  "We 
are  running  away  from  our  mother,  who  is  an  Atlatla'lia." 
Coyote  said,  "Run  on  up  the  hill.  I'll  meet  her."  He 
picked  up  a  lot  of  mussel-shells,  broke  them  into  bits, 
and  put  them  into  his  leggings,  tying  the  leggings  tight 
at  the  ankle  and  below  the  knee.  Then  he  began  to 
beat  time  with  his  leg,  the  shells  making  an  excellent 
rattle.  He  saw  her  coming,  and  began  singing  and  dan- 
cing towards  her.  She  wondered  what  it  was  that  rattled 
so  about  that  man.  He  came  along  on  the  trail,  came 
near  going  over  her,  pretended  not  to  see  her.  She 
stepped  off  the  trail,  and  asked,  "What  is  the  matter 
with  you?"  "Oh,  I've  killed  two  children."  —  "You 

have  killed  two  children?"  repeated  the  woman.      "Why,  I 
have    been    following    those    children    a    long    time." 
"Well,   I  ate  them  long  ago."     He  went  on. 

"Wait,"  she  called,  "and  tell  me  what  rattles  so."  He 
danced  on,  she  followed,  and  insisted  on  knowing  how  he 
rattled.  At  last  he  said,  "I  met  a  man  who  told  me 
that  he  broke  his  leg-bone  on  a  great  rock,  and  then 
it  rattled,  and  still  it  had  the  same  strength."  -  -  "Oh, 
fix  mine  as  you  did  yours."  —  "No,  you  haven't  strength 
enough ;  it  would  hurt,  and  you  would  run  off."  But  she 
insisted,  and  at  last  Coyote  took  her  to  a  rock,  and, 
taking  a  great  stone,  was  about  to  throw  it  on  her  leg, 
when  she  drew  back  and  said,  "Oh,  I  can't  stand  it!"  He 
danced  off  again,  saying,  "I  knew  you  couldn't  stand 
it-,  only  great  men  have  endured  it,  great  chiefs."  She 


begged  him  to  come  back  again.  He  came  back,  she 
straightened  out  her  leg.  He  took  as  heavy  a  rock  as 
he  could  lift  and  broke  her  leg  into  pieces.  Then  he 
danced  off.  She  tried  to  follow,  but  fell  down.  Coyote 
called  to  her,  "You've  got  your  rattles,  haven't  you?  and 
now  you  are  satisfied."1  He  turned  her  into  a  large 
rock  on  the  north  side  of  Columbia  River.  She  leans 
up  against  a  bluff,  as  she  stood  when  he  changed  her. 

1  The    rattling-ruse   here   employed   by    Coyote   is    paralleled  in  Wishram  Texts, 
pp.  35-39  of  this  volume. 


i.  Fish-Hawk  was  a  great  hunter  and  fisherman.  He 
used  to  make  holes  in  the  ice,  dive  down,  and  catch  fish 
all  winter.  He  was  married  to  Coyote's  daughter.  Now 
Eagle  came  to  The  Dalles  and  got  married.  Coyote  was 
proud  of  his  son-in-law,  and  arranged  for  a  race.  He 
invited  Eagle.  Eagle  said,  "I  don't  know  anything  about 
running;  but  if  Coyote  wants  me  to  run  with  his  son-in- 
law,  he  must  come  to  me."  But  Eagle  began  to  practise. 
Every  evening  before  daybreak  he  would  go  up  the 
mountain  and  drive  down  a  whole  band  of  deer,  and  kill 
them  all. 

Coyote  and  his  party  came  to  invite  Eagle.  It  was 
now  given  out  that  a  man  would  try  before  any  one  ran, 
just  to  show  himself.  A  man  came  out  with  a  quiver 
on  his  back  and  a  spotted  robe  on-,  he  danced  around 
a  while,  and  then,  in  the  presence  of  all,  he  disappeared. 
Every  one  looked  around  for  him.  Eagle  said,  "He  is 

1  Under    this   head  have  been  included  such  myths  as  make  up  the  larger  part 
of  many  American  Indian  mythologies,  —  stories  of  powerful  animal  heroes,  and  tales 
of   supernatural   adventures;    they    are    difficult    to  classify  satisfactorily.     Nos.   1-3 
deal  with  the  deeds  of  Eagle,  one  of  the  favorite  characters  of  Wishram  and  Wasco 
mythology  (cf.  p.  264  and  Wishram  Texts,  pp.  75~93,  107-117,  117-121,  133-139). 
Nos.    4   and  5    tell   of  the    defeat    of   the    dreaded    Grizzlies.      Nos.    6-8    may    be 
considered    as  forming  a  group  of  Sky  Stories;  they  contain  such  well-known  myth 
elements    as  the  star  husbands,  the  ascent  to  the  sky  on  an  arrow-chain,  the  origin 
of  sun   and   moon.     No.    9   seems    to    be    in  a  class  by  itself;  its  complete  under- 
standing evidently  requires  a  knowledge  of  the  ceremonial  side  of  Wasco  life. 

2  Here    again  two  evidently  distinct  myths  have  been  connected  into  one.     The 
first  part,  Eagle's  successful  contests  with  Fisk-Hawk,  is  paralleled  in  Wishram  Texts, 
pp.    133-139,   especially  p.   135,  of  this  volume,  where  a  foot-race  takes  place  be- 
tween   Fish-Hawk    and   Jack-Rabbit,   one    of    Eagle's  men.     The    second    part  deals 
with   Eagle's   generous    treatment    of   poor    Skunk,    who  makes  himself  ridiculous  in 
his  attempt  to  imitate  the  dancing  and  hunting  feats  of  Eagle. 



there  outside,"  and  Eagle  increased  the  heat  of  the  sun 
on  the  spot  where  the  man  was,  so  that  he  burst  imme- 
diately. It  was  a  body-louse  that  had  put  on  the  form 
of  a  man,  danced,  then  taken  its  natural  form,  and  disap- 
peared nobody  knew  whither,  and  no  man  was  able  to 
find  out  who  he  was  till  Eagle  killed  him  with  the  heat 
of  the  sun.  He  had  often  been  to  dances  and  shown 
himself  in  this  way,  for  a  living. 

Now  Eagle  and  Fish-Hawk  went  out  on  the  ground 
to  run.  The  sun  began  to  grow  hot;  they  ran  together 
to  the  place  where  they  turned,  and  got  halfway  back. 
Then  Eagle  brought  on  a  rain-storm,  and  it  grew  too 
muddy  for  Fish-Hawk ;  he  got  all  wet,  and  Eagle  ran 
away  from  him.  Old  Coyote  had  to  bring  his  son-in-law 
home;  he  was  almost  dead. 

About  the  middle  of  the  winter,  Coyote  wanted  Eagle 
to  dive  with  Fish-Hawk.  Eagle  said,  "I  don't  know 
anything  about  diving,  but  I'll  try."1  Coyote  and  his 
son-in-law  came  to  the  water.  Coyote  had  five  withes 
stuck  under  his  belt,  which  he  was  going  to  give  to  Fish- 
Hawk.  Eagle  came  bringing  his  five  withes  in  his  hand. 
Each  had  a  place  open  in  the  ice;  both  went  far  up  in 
the  air,  then  dived  down.  Eagle  struck  the  hole  and  went 
under  the  ice;  but  he  had  caused  Fish-Hawk's  place  to 
fill  with  ice,  so  that  Fish-Hawk  struck  his  head  and 
nearly  killed  himself.  Coyote  raised  him  up,  and  he  was 
just  coming  to  his  senses  when  Eagle  came  from  under 
the  ice  with  five  strings  of  salmon  and  other  fish.  Eagle 
went  home  and  sang  part  of  the  night.  The  feathers  he 
wore  for  ornament  fell  through  the  bed ;  he  told  his  broth- 
ers to  hunt  for  them,  then  he  gave  the  feathers  to  them. 

1  This   characteristic   modesty    of   Eagle    in  laying  no  claim  to  great  running  or 
iving   prowess,   although  he  wins  out  in  the  sequel,  is  illustrated  also  in  Wishram 
Texts,   p.   8 1    of  this    volume,  where   Eagle  claims  to  have  no  power  in  gambling, 
yet  defeats  his  opponents. 


2.  Skunk  was  living  in  Eagle's  village;  he  heard  Eagle 
singing,  heard  his  words.  Next  night  Skunk  sang,  then 
said,  "Brother-in-law,  look  and  see  what  has  fallen."  The 
brother-in-law  lighted  a  fire,  found  a  bundle  of  fish-bones, 
and  asked,  "Are  these  your  weapons?"  and  he  threw 
them  to  his  youngest  brother.  Eagle  had  heard  what 
Skunk  sang.  As  he  was  sitting  outside  next  day,  Skunk 
came  along.  Now  Eagle  was  sorry  for  him,  and,  pulling 
out  five  of  his  tail-feathers,  gave  them  to  Skunk  and  said, 
"To-night  you  can  sing  and  drop  these."  Skunk  was 
happy.  He  went  home,  and  at  dark  began  to  sing. 
Finally  he  said,  "Brother-in-law,  light  the  fire  and  look 
under  the  bed."  One  after  another  refused.  At  last  they 
threw  out  the  youngest  brother;  he  lighted  a  fire  and 
found  the  feathers.  Then  all  began  to  fight  for  them ; 
the  eldest  brother  got  them,  and  the  youngest  cried. 

After  this  Eagle  went  hunting.  He  always  brought 
the  breast  of  the  deer  home,  but  threw  the  rest  away. 
His  wife  rubbed  his  neck,  the  load  was  so  heavy. 

Now  Skunk  imitated  Eagle;  he  killed  a  little  fawn,  ate 
the  flesh,  brought  home  the  upper  jaw,  and  made  his 
wife  rub  his  neck.  He  had  heard  that  Eagle  brought 
the  breast,  and  he  mistook  the  jaw  for  the  breast.  His ' 
wife  opened  the  bundle  and  was  disappointed ;  she  didn't 
give  him  anything  to  eat,  and  would  not  let  him  sleep 
with  her. 

Next  day  Eagle  met  him,  and  said,  "To-morrow  go 
with  me,  and  I'll  drive  deer  to  you."  Eagle  killed  many 
deer,  put  the  breasts  aside,  packed  the  carcasses  up,  and 
made  the  pack  become  small  and  very  light ;  then  he 
gave  it  to  Skunk.  When  Skunk  got  home,  he  threw  his 
bundle  down  outside,  and  asked  his  wife  to  rub  his  neck. 
She  was  very  angry,  and  pushed  him  off.  A  voice  from 
outside  said,  "The  meat  is  being  carried  off."  The  old 

19 — PUBL.    AMER.    ETHN.    SOC.    VOL.    II. 


woman  sent  the  boys  out  to  see.  They  said,  "There  is 
a  great  deal  of  fat  meat  here."  Now  she  was  very  kind 
to  her  husband,  but  he  drove  her  off.  It  took  a  long 
time  to  bring  the  meat  in,  —  there  was  so  much.  His 
wife  never  refused  again  to  rub  his  neck.  The  next  time 
he  saw  Eagle,  Eagle  said,  "You  can  always  go  hunting 
with  me."  Skunk  was  now  better  liked,  and  his  wife 
always  had  meat  to  give  away. 


There  was  a  young  Abu'mat1  girl  at  The  Dalles  who 
always  carried  rattles  in  her  hands.  She  could  throw 
everybody.  It  was  agreed  that  whoever  could  throw  her 
should  have  her.  Coyote  came  and  began  to  wrestle 
with  her;  she  threw  him  in  a  flash.  He  tried  time  after 
time,  and  kept  saying  to  her,  "All  the  people  say  that 
Coyote  ought  to  have  you."  As  they  wrestled,  he  would 
whisper,  "Let  me  try  again.  Do  now  fall  down.  I'll 
not  throw  you  hard;  do  fall."  The  woman  wouldn't 
listen,  but  continued  to  throw  him  on  his  back  every  time. 
'Coyote  would  jump  up,  run  to  the  people,  and  say,  "She 
says  that  after  she  has  thrown  you  all,  I  shall  be  able 
to  throw  her.  Make  haste  to  wrestle  with  her." 

The  fifth  day  Eagle  saw  that  the  girl  was  throwing 
everybody.  He  didn't  know  what  to  do,  he  was  afraid 
to  wrestle  with  her  himself.  As  he  came  down  the  creek, 
he  saw  a  willow  waving,  swaying  back  and  forth.  He 
decided  to  pull  up  this  willow,  which  had  a  long  root. 
He  pulled  it  out  of  the  ground  and  caused  it  to  be  a 
man.  Then  he  said,  "I  have  made  you  a  man  to  wrestle 
with  that  girl.  Now  I'll  put  you  in  the  water  for  five 

1  Translated  by  Curtin  as  tta  root;"  the  species  is  not  known. 


days  and  nights,  and  you  will  be  a  strong  man."  The 
sixth  day  Eagle  went  for  the  young  man,  drew  him  out 
of  the  water.  The  willow  said,  "I'll  go  to-day  and  try." 
Eagle  said,  "All  right."  They  started  off,  and  went  along 
the  side  of  a  hill.  Eagle  said,  "We  aught  to  have  more 
company."  Thereupon  (he  pulled  out  his  pipe,  scraped 
the  inside  of  the  bowl,  and  held  it  in  his  hand.  He 
worked  it  till  it  got  to  be  quite  a  long  piece,  then  he  put 
it  down  on  the  ground.  Soon  it  rose  up  a  man,  and 
stood  at  his  side.  He  called  him  Ika'inkainus.1 

The  three  walked  along  till  they  came  to  a  nice  sandy 
place,  when  Eagle  said,  "Let  us  see  who  is  strongest." 
They  wrestled  a  long  time.  At  last  Willow  threw  Ika'in- 
kainus ;  he  fell  heavily  to  the  ground  and  broke  in  pieces. 
Eagle  asked,  "Why  did  you  throw  your  brother  so  hard?" 
Then  he  gathered  up  the  pieces  and  rolled  them  between 
his  hands,  and  again  Ika'inkainus  was  a  living  man. 
They  came  to  the  wrestling-place,  and  found  Coyote  still 
wrestling  with  the  girl,  teasing  her  to  fall.  He  saw 
Eagle  and  the  two  men  coming,  ran  up  to  them,  and 
said,  "Come  and  wrestle."  "No,"  replied  Eagle,  "I 

have  only  come  to  look  on." 

At  last  he  agreed  to  try  his  men.  He  told  Ika'in- 
kainus  to  try.  He  arose,  took  off  his  robe,  stripped,  and 
went  on  the  ground.  They  locked  arms  and  struggled. 
After  a  while  she  said,  "You  are  making  me  sway."  — 
"No,  you  are  swaying  yourself."  At  last  the  ground 
began  to  move,  and  the  woman  said,  "I  am  afraid  you 
will  throw  me."  Then  she  hurled  him  in  the  air ;  he 
struck  the  ground,  and  broke  in  pieces.  When  the  dust 
cleared  up,  nothing  could  be  seen  of  him.  Eagle  picked 
up  the  bits,  dust  and  all,  put  them  in  a  bundle,  took 

1  Translated  by  Curtin  as  "Tobacco-Man,"  but  this  can  hardly  be  the  literal 
meaning  of  the  name. 

them  out  of  sight,  worked  them  between  his  hands,  and 
made  them  a  living  man  again.  He  made  this  man  to 
amuse  the  people.  Willow  began  to  wrestle  with  the 
girl.  He  twisted  her  around,  and  at  last  broke  some  of 
the  outside  roots  of  her  body.  She  said,  "You  will  throw 
me,  and  then  you  will  be  my  husband."  The  fifth  time 
he  twisted  her,  he  broke  every  root  that  she  had.  Coyote 
was  very  angry  at  this,  and  wanted  to  make  war. 

The  woman  rose  up,  and  went  away  with  Willow. 
Eagle  went  home.  He  said  to  Ika'inkainus,  "You  will 
remain  here  and  become  a  great  spirit  for  future  people. 
Those  who  seek  you  will  become  medicine-men."  Eagle 
took  Willow,  put  him  where  he  had  found  him,  and 
turned  him  back  into  his  old  form.  Then  Eagle  and  the 
girl  went  to  the  mountains,  and  Coyote  was  not  able  to 


RlVER    TO    GAMBLE.1 

Eagle  was  a  Klamath  man,  and  he  came  to  Columbia 
River  on  a  sporting  expedition,  to  gamble.  At  first  he 
won  all  the  games.  He  gambled  with  Crab,  Crow,  Hawk, 
Raven,  and  many  other  people.  Towards  the  end,  luck 
turned  against  him.  Crab  was  called  on  to  take  part  in 
the  game.  After  that  Eagle  lost  everything  that  he  had 
won  and  all  that  he  had  brought  with  him.  He  gambled 
off  his  buckskin  dress,  his  moccasins,  arrows,  everything. 
Then  he  bet  one  arm,  lost;  lost  the  other  arm;  bet  one 
leg,  lost;  bet  the  other  leg,  lost.  He  lost  one  whole 
side  of  his  body,  one  eye,  one  ear,  all  of  one  half  of 
himself.  Then  he  played  and  lost  the  other  half  of  his 
body.  His  life  was  now  in  the  hands  of  those  with  whom 

1  Essentially  the  same  myth  is  found  in  Boas,  Chinook  Texts,  pp.  35-36. 


he  gambled.  They  cut  off  his  head,  and  then  his  people 
at  home  just  discovered  where  he  was  and  what  had  be- 
come of  him. 

He  had  two  sons  and  they  looked  for  guardian  spirits 
to  get  supernatural  power  to  help  them  avenge  their 
father.  The  younger  brother  received  the  strength  of 
twenty-five  grizzly  bears,  and  the  elder  received  the  power 
of  five  double  fires  (five  two  abreast,  ten  in  all).  They 
started  with  these  powers  and  hunted  for  their  father's 
tracks.  After  five  years  they  found  them,  and  followed 
them  to  The  Dalles.  They  stood  on  the  hill  overlooking 
the  village,  saw  their  father's  head  stuck  on  a  pole.  They 
saw  a  house  at  one  end  of  the  village.  "We  will  go 
there,"  they  said.  They  reached  the  house,  where  they 
found  two  old  women.  The  young  men  asked,  "Who 
is  the  chief  of  the  village?"  The  old  women  said,  "We 
must  not  tell  you.  If  we  mention  his  name,  that  moment 
he  will  sneeze  and  say,  'My  name  is  mentioned  in  the 
old  house  at  the  end  of  the  village,'  and  he  will  send  to 
see  who  is  here,"  but  the  brothers  insisted.  At  last  the 
old  women  told  him,  and  that  instant  the  chief  sneezed 
and  sent  to  the  house.  The  first  messenger  came.  In 
an  instant  his  face  was  burned  from  the  power  of  the 
elder  brother.  Five  came ;  all  were  served  in  the  same 
way.  Then  the  chief  sent  and  invited  the  young  men  to 
come  and  gamble  with  him.  (And  this  is  one  of  the 
sayings  of  the  Indians  now,  from  this  story.  If  a  person 
sneezes,  he  says,  "Somebody  is  talking  about  me."1) 

They  played  and  won  back  all  their  father's  body,  and 
brought  him  to  life  by  putting  the  pieces  together  and 
stepping  over  them  five  times.  The  people  now  wanted 
to  fight  with  them.  They  agreed.  The  brothers  placed 

1  Compare  Sapir,  Religious  Ideas  of  the  Takelma  Indians  of  Southwestern  Oregon 
(Journal  of  American  Folk-Lore,  Vol.  XX,  p.  40). 


the  five  double  fires  on  one  side  of  the  village,  and  the 
twenty-five  grizzly  bears  on  the  other  side.  Not  one  per- 
son escaped;  all  were  killed  and  burned  to  ashes.  The 
father  and  sons  went  home.  They  scattered  the  grizzly 
bears  over  all.  the  mountains.  When  they  came  home 
to  Klamath,  they  lived  happily  and  well. 


Panther  and  Wildcat  lived  together  about  two  miles 
and  a  half  below  The  Dalles,  in  Oregon.  Wildcat  staid 
at  home,  kept  house  all  the  time.  When  Wildcat  grew 
large  enough  to  hunt,  he  killed  rabbits  with  bow  and 
arrow  not  far  from  home.  One  summer  Panther  brought 
in  a  buck  shin-bone,  hung  it  up,  and  said  to  Wildcat, 
"No  matter  how  hungry  you  may  be,  don't  eat  that 
shin-bone."  -  -  "All  right,"  said  Wildcat.  Panther  was  out 
late  one  day  hunting.  Wildcat  was  lying  down  hungry 
at  home,  looked,  and  saw  the  shin-bone.  He  took  it 
down,  and,  placing  it  across  one  stave,  struck  it  with 
another.  The  bone  broke,  the  marrow  flew  out  and 
quenched  the  fire,  and  there  was  no  more  fire  near. 

Wildcat  looked,  and  saw  a  fire  on  the  other  side  of 
Columbia  River,  but  could  not  find  a  boat.  Then  he  swam 
across  and  found  a  house,  went  in,  and  found  two  old 
blind  sisters,  who  had  each  five  large  fire-brands  which 
they  kept  counting  over  and  over.  Wildcat  took  one  of 
them.  She  found  only  four,  and  accused  her  sister  of 
stealing.  "Oh,  no!"  said  the  other.  Wildcat  put  back 
the  brand.  She  counted  again,  found  the  number  to  be 
right,  and  said,  "O  sister!  I  was  mistaken.  All  is  right." 
Wildcat  laughed.  Then  he  tried  the  sister  on  the  left 
hand  in  the  same  way,  with  the  same  results.  Wildcat 

1  Compare  Kathlamet  Texts,  pp.  90-97,  for  a  close  cognate  of  this  myth. 


laughed  to  himself.  He  went  out  and  got  some  cedar, 
and  tied  it  up  in  bundles  the  same  size  as  the  fire-brands, 
set  them  afire,  and  substituted  them.  He  took  two  fire- 
brands, and,  going  up  the  river  to  a  large  stone  at  the 
bank,  tied  them  upright  to  his  ears,  so  that  they  stood 
up  like  asses'  ears,  swam  across,  and  took  them  home. 

When  two-thirds  of  the  way  across,  the  ears  got  hot; 
when  almost  there,  he  could  hardly  stand  it;  and  when 
he  had  reached  the  bank,  he  hurled  the  brands  away 
and  washed  his  ears.  Then  he  picked  up  the  fire  again, 
and  went  home  and  made  a  new  fire.  On  the  instant 
that  he  was  starting  the  fire,  Panther  was  drawing  his 
arrow  on  a  deer,  the  bow  broke,  and  blood  streamed. 
Panther  knew  at  once  that  something  was  wrong  at  home ; 
he  thought  Wildcat  had  been  at  work.  He  returned 
home  and  asked,  "What  have  you  been  doing?"  —  "The 
fire  went  out."  "Where  did  you  get  it?"  -  "From 

the  old  women  across  the  river."  "They  will  attack 
us  now,"  said  Panther.  "Get  our  aksku'tcian."1  Wildcat 
got  it,  and  they  sharpened  it  very  sharp ;  they  cut  a  tree 
with  four  blows,  then  three,  then  two,  then  one.  Then, 
by  showing  it,  a  great  cottonwood-tree  fell.  Panther 
now  stripped,  painted  himself  yellow,  red,  and  black. 
Wildcat  had  the  aksku'tcian.  Panther  had  only  his  breech- 
clout,  and  was  going  to  fight  with  his  hands. 

Presently  they  heard  the  cry,  "Hoig,  hoig,  hoig!"  The 
ground  trembled,  a  great  storm  was  rising,  hail  and  rain 
then  followed;  this  was  the  old  Grizzly,  who  said,  "Who 
has  stolen  our  fire?"  He  called  out  five  times,  "Who  is 
it  that  has  stolen  our  fire?"  And  every  time  he  cried 

1  This  word  is  evidently  the  same,  though  different  in  gender,  as  the  Wishram 
ikcku'tcien  ("adze");  perhaps  it  is  to  be  read  as  aksk'.u'tsian,  the  diminutive  form 
of  the  word  (see  Wishram  Texts,  p.  162,  line  13).  In  the  Kathlamet  myth,  Lynx 
(ipu'koa,  cognate  with  Wasco  ipkvva'  ("wildcat")  uses  an  instrument  called  e'qa-itk 
(translated  "adze"). 


out,  the  storm  would  come  heavier  and  heavier.  Now 
old  Grizzly  came  to  the  house,  smashed  one  end  of  it  in, 
and  Panther  and  Grizzly  clinched.  Panther  said  to  Wild- 
cat, "Brother,  hit  him  with  your  weapon."  Bear  would 
say,  "Here,  what  are  you  doing?"  and  Wildcat  would  get 
afraid  and  run  up  the  smoke-hole.  But  Panther  would 
say,  "Come  and  strike  him  with  your  weapon;"  and 
Wildcat  would  come  down  again  and  be  about  to  strike, 
when  the  Bear  would  call  out  to  him  gruffly,  and  he 
would  run  away  again  frightened.  At  last  Panther  said, 
"Strike,  my  strength  is  giving  out."  Then  Wildcat  struck 
and  cut  off  the  hind-legs  of  the  Bear;  he  died,  and  they 
threw  him  out  and  covered  him  up. 

Now  the  second  Grizzly  came  with  a  greater  noise  and 
a  heavier  storm.  And  wherever  the  hail  would  hit  Wild- 
cat when  he  came  to  the  door  to  look  out,  it  would  cut 
right  into  him.  That  is  the  reason  his  head  is  all  covered 
with  black  spots.  The  second  came  striking  the  ground, 
and  pushed  in  the  end  of  the  house  and  roared  the  while. 
Now  Wildcat  was  not  frightened  so  much  this  time. 
When  the  Bear  came  in  and  he  was  called  on,  he  would 
come  down.  Panther  and  Bear  began  to  fight.  Then 
Panther  called  on  Wildcat,  and  he  came  and  cut  off  the 
Bear's  hind-legs  and  threw  him  out.  Now  the  third  came 
with  rain,  hail,  and  wind.  (The  three  Bears  were  as  white 
as  snow.)  The  earth  shook  with  the  storm  he  brought. 
They  had  just  got  their  house  up  again.  When  the  third 
Bear  came  and  nearly  threw  it  over,  only  the  part  was 
left  where  Wildcat  was.  Panther  wrestled  with  the  third 
Bear,  and  was  thrown  and  nearly  killed.  Then  he  called 
on  Wildcat,  "Come,  brother,  I'm  nearly  gone."  Wildcat 
cut  off  the  Bear's  hind-legs  and  killed  him. 

The  fourth  Bear  came  with  the  like  noise  of  thunder 
and  with  lightning,  and  the  wind  blew  so  that  it  carried 


great  rocks  with  it.  Panther  was  thrown  four  times  now, 
and  Wildcat  waited  and  watched  to  be  called  on.  At 
last  Panther  screamed  out,  "Come  down,  I'm  nearly 
killed."  Wildcat  jumped  down  quickly,  but  the  Bear  roared 
out  so  terribly  that  it  scared  him,  and  he  went  back  again. 
He  came  down  three  times.  Each  time  the  Bear  would 
turn  on  him  and  throw  up  dust  and  roar  so,  that  he  ran 
back.  At  last  he  got  down  and  cut  off  Bear's  hind-legs, 
and  the  Bear  died. 

Now  the  fifth  Bear  came.  The  earth  trembled  as  he 
came  with  thunder,  lightning,  hail,  and  rain,  and  he  threw 
the  house  to  the  ground.  Now  the  Bear  began  to  fight 
with  Panther,  fought  terribly.  At  last  they  went  up  into 
the  air,  fighting  out  of  sight,  and  great  pieces  of  flesh 
would  fall,  piece  after  piece.  Panther  was  white,  Bear 
rather  dark.  Now  Wildcat  built  a  fire  and  burned  the 
flesh  of  Bear,  but  saved  that  of  Panther.  About  sun- 
down Wildcat  saw  them  coming  down  little  by  little,  still 
clinched  in  a  death  struggle,  nothing  but  bones  with  the 
heart  of  each  one  hanging  on  to  him.  All  the  flesh  and 
intestines  were  gone.  Now  as  they  came  to  the  ground, 
Bear  was  at  the  bottom ;  and  Wildcat  burned  Bear's  body 
and  heart,  and  put  Panther  in  the  water.1 

Now  five  days  and  nights  passed,  and  Wildcat  was  very 
lonesome.  On  the  sixth  morning  Panther  called  out, 
"Brother,  are  you  awake?"  Wildcat  sprang  up  quickly 
he  was  so  glad  that  Panther  was  alive  again.  He 
built  a  fire  without  delay,  and  cooked  for  Panther.  When 
he  had  eaten,  Panther  moved  the  house  and  took  the  dead 
bodies  of  the  five  Bears,  threw  them  across  the  river,  and 
turned  them  into  great  rocks.  These  rocks  are  there  to 

1  For  a  similar  fight  up  in  the  air  between  Eagle  and  Buzzard,  who  hold  on 
to  each  other  until  each  is  nothing  but  a  mass  of  bones,  compare  Wishram  Texts, 
pp.  89-93  °f  this  volume;  Panther  and  Owl,  (Boas,  Kathlamet  Texts,  pp.  138-141). 


this  day.  The  fifth  was  burned.  (These  rocks  are  called 
the  great  bears  and  the  wolves.  On  each  of  these  four 
rocks  there  is  a  hollow  top.  In  early  days  the  Indians 
would  send  their  children  to  sleep  on  these,  one  night 
on  each  rock,  till  they  had  slept  on  all  the  four,  in  order 
that  they  might  receive  strength  from  the  spirit  of  the 

After  Panther  had  done  this,  he  said,  "We  must  sepa- 
rate here  and  take  our  second  form.  What  help  will  you 
be  to  people?"  Wildcat  said,  "I  shall  live  near  the  river-, 
and  if  any  young  man  will  obey  me,  I  will  make  him  a 
great  hunter."  Panther  said,  "I'll  go  to  the  Cascade 
Range ;  and  if  any  young  man  will  obey  my  word,  I  shall 
make  him  a  great  warrior  and  a  great  hunter." 


In  La'daxat2  lived  five  brothers  who  were  known  far 
and  near.  One  evening  about  dark  they  heard  the  voice 
of  an  old  man,  who  asked,  "Have  the  young  men  of  this 
village  gone  to  bed?  If  they  have  not,  I'll  tell  them 
something  which  has  happened  to  day."  The  young  men 
answered,  "We  are  all  awake."  —  "A  great  bear  came 
on  our  island  to-day,"  said  the  old  man,  "and  I  want  you 
all  to  come  and  hunt  that  bear  to-morrow."  All  the 
young  men  were  willing. 

Next  day  they  went  out.  The  chief  of  the  village 
stood  on  the  very  spot  on  the  island  where  the  bear  had 
first  -been  seen.  He  had  all  his  feathers  on,  had  his 

1  This  myth  corresponds  fairly  well  to  Kathlamet  Texts,  pp.  58-66,  where  a 
monster  disguised  as  an  elk  takes  the  place  of  the  grizzly  bear  of  the  Wasco  myth. 

1  La'daxat  was  a  winter  village  of  the  Wishrams,  situated  on  the  Washington 
side  of  the  Columbia  about  ten  miles  below  The  Dalles,  a  short  distance  above 
Memaloose  Island,  an  Indian  burial-ground.  Many  suckers  were  caught  at  La'daxa 
in  the  winter. 


shield  and  his  quiver  full  of  arrows  •,  he  looked  very  well. 
The  evening  before,  the  old  man  had  given  them  arrow- 
points,  had  told  the  chief  to  use  them  and  give  them  to 
his  men.  He  did  so.  The  people  saw  the  bear,  and 
drove  it  towards  the  chief,  who  was  the  eldest  of  the  five 
brothers.  He  shot  at  the  bear,  but  the  arrow  did  not 
penetrate,  and  the  bear  devoured  the  chief.  All  the  people 
went  home,  left  the  bear  on  the  island. 

The  brothers  sweated  five  days  and  nights,  for  that 
was  the  custom  if  a  relative  died.  Then  they  were  ready 
for  another  attack  on  the  bear.  The  fifth  night  the  voice 
of  the  old  man  cried  out  and  asked,  "Are  the  young 
men  ready  to  hunt  the  great  bear  again?  A  still  whiter 
one  has  been  seen  on  the  island  to-day.  Have  they  arrow- 
points  enough  ?"  Now  this  voice  was  the  voice  of  the 
great  bear  himself,  who  was  deceiving  the  people,  and 
the  first  arrow-points  were  the  points  of  fern-leaves  that 
looked  like  arrow-points;  the  great  bear  made  them  look 
so.  The  old  man  brought  another  bundle  of  arrow-points. 
He  was  very  old,  and  as  he  gave  them  he  cried.  These 
second  points  were  made  of  the  leaves  of  the  wild  grape, 
and  had  been  turned  into  points  by  the  bear.  The  people 
were  mourning  more  and  more.  All  kinds  of  birds  came  and 
received  arrow-points,  and  were  helping  the  brothers.  All 
shot  at  the  bear.  The  second  brother  stood  on  the  trail, 
the  others  drove  up  the  bear.  He  shot;  the  bear  fell 
and  pretended  to  be  dead.  As  the  brother  went  towards 
him,  he  sprang  up  and  swallowed  him. 

They  sweated  five  days  for  the  second  brother.  Then 
the  old  man's  voice  was  heard.  It  was  low,  and  seemed 
to  be  drowned  in  tears,  it  trembled  with  sorrow,  and  at 
last,  choked  with  tears,  he  cried  so  loud  that  the  whole 
village  heard  him.  He  brought  a  great  bundle  of  arrow- 
points  to  the  three  chiefs,  poured  them  down  and  wept. 


This  time  the  points  were  made  of  dried  grape-leaves. 
The  people  were  rejoiced  to  get  them,  they  seemed  so 
beautiful  and  sharp. 

They  went  out  the  third  day.  The  third  chief  was 
killed,  though  all  the  birds  of  the  air  came  to  assist  him, 
and  all  shot  at  the  bear.  The  chief  shot  at  him,  he  fell 
over.  The  chief  went  up  and  pushed  him  with  his  bow; 
the  bear  sprang  up  and  devoured  him.  Again  they 
sweated  for  five  days  and  nights.  The  voice  of  the  old 
man  was  heard  on  the  fifth  night;  it  seemed  weaker  and 
sadder.  Another  bear  had  been  seen.  The  old  man 
brought  another  bundle  of  arrow-points,  and  he  cried  all 
the  time.  They  were  long,  sharp,  and  beautiful,  they  were 
made  of  willow-leaves  turned  yellow.  The  fourth  brother 
was  killed  as  the  third  had  been.  Only  the  youngest 
was  left. 

He  sweated  five  days  and  nights.  He  was  going  around 
mourning  for  his  brothers,  when  he  came  upon  the  leg- 
bone  of  a  meadow-lark.  He  couldn't  step  over  it  or 
crawl  under  it,  finally  he  slipped  on  it  and  broke  it.1 
Then  Meadow-Lark  appeared  to  him,  and  told  him  that 
the  bears  did  not  come  to  the  island,  that  it  was  their 
home,  that  the  arrow-points  were  nothing  but  leaves,  and 
that  the  old  man  who  brought  them  was  himself  one  of 
the  bears.  "Go  to  your  grandfathers  way  over  on  that 
mountain,"  —  she  pointed  southward,  —  "they  will  give  you 
arrow-points  there  that  are  real  points.  And  when  you 
go  to  fight,  put  a  stump  on  the  place  where  your  brothers 
were  killed.  Put  feathers  on  it  as  on  a  man,  then  stand 
on  it,  and  when  the  bear  rushes  up,  shoot  him." 

The  young  man  went  to  the  mountain,  and  from  the 
rattlesnakes  received  their  teeth  made  into  arrow-points. 

1  For  advice  given  by  a  bone  or  stick  which  refuses  to  let  a  person  pass  and 
is  finally  broken,  cf.  Wishram  Texts,  p.  169  of  this  volume. 


He  came  home  and  gave  them  to  his  men.  Now  the  old 
man  called  out  again,  and  asked  if  they  had  arrow-points. 
They  said,  "We  have  none."  He  brought  a  bundle  and 
gave  them  to  them ;  they  were  made  of  cottonwood-leaves. 
The  old  man  cried  bitterly  as  he  gave  them.  As  soon  as 
he  left,  the  young  man  threw  them  into  the  fire,  and  they 
burned  up.  Sure  enough,  they  were  nothing  but  leaves. 

Next  day  all  went  out,  drove  the  bear  as  before.  All 
the  birds  screamed  and  whooped  and  shot  at  the  bear. 
This  time  he  felt  every  arrow,  for  the  points  were  made 
of  the  teeth  of  rattlesnakes.  His  nose  and  eyes  puffed 
up,  and  he  went  into  the  water  and  lay  down.  He  drank 
much  water;  a  fish  with  long  sharp  fins  behind  his  head 
came  there  and  was  swallowed,  and  he  cut  through  the 
bear's  stomach.  The  bear  came  out  of  the  water,  and 
again  the  birds  shot  at  him,  and  each  said,  "I've  hit  him, 
I've  hit  him."  Razor-Snake  said,  "I  am  doing  the  best 
I  can  under  his  feet."  Frog  said,  "I  have  done  best.  I 
jumped  on  his  foot  and  frightened  him."  At  this  moment 
the  young  chief,  the  fifth  brother,  shot  and  killed  him. 

All  the  people  came  together  around  the  dead  bear, 
the  chief  at  the  head.  He  said,  "Give  five  whoops!" 
They  did  so  and  then  skinned  the  bear.  The  white  part 
of  the  skin  the  chief  took,  and  also  the  front  claws.  Then 
the  people  took  the  meat  and  went  home.  A  small  bird, 
the  smallest  of  all,  found  a  drop  of  the  bear's  blood  on 
a  leaf;  he  took  that  for  his  share.  The  chief  said,  "Take 
a  shoulder  to  the  old  man  Grizzly  Bear."  There  were 
five  of  these  bear  brothers.  Bluejay  said,  "I'll  take  it." 
He  threw  it  over  his  shoulder  and  went  to  the  house  of 
the  five  brothers.  They  were  crying.  Bluejay  pushed 
the  door  open  and  said,  "Here,  old  man,  take  this,"  and 
he  threw  the  shoulder  in.  They  said,  "Oh,  our  house 
smokes  terribly.  We  can  scarcely  see." 



One  night,  after  going  to  bed,  five  girls  were  looking 
up  at  five  stars.  The  eldest  said,  "I  should  like  to  have 
that  star  for  a  husband,"  picking  out  the  largest.  "I 
should  like  to  have  that  one,"  said  the  second,  pointing 
out  a  smaller  one.  "And  I  that  one,"  said  a  third,  till 
the  youngest  said,  "I  should  like  to  have  that  one," 
pointing  to  the  smallest  one ;  it  was  so  small  as  to  be 
scarcely  visible.  These  same  five  stars  had  visited  the 
girls  the  night  before,  but  they  did  not  know  it.  As 
they  talked,  the  youngest  said,  "Mine  is  the  prettiest,  it 
is  so  dim  and  small."  The  girls  fell  asleep,  talking  of 
the  stars. 

That  night  all  five  stars  came  down.  This  was  when 
the  stars  were  people  and  could  go  anywhere.  In  the 
morning  the  stars  arose  and  left  the  girls.  The  one  who 
looked  smallest  was  in  reality  the  largest  and  heaviest  of 
them  all.  When  his  brothers  arose  and  left,  he  could 
not  go  he  had  become  so  weary  with  coming  and 

going  night  after  night.  In  the  morning,  when  the  girls 
woke  up,  they  found  the  old  gray-headed  man  lying  by 
the  youngest  girl.  When  she  saw  the  old  man  by  her 
side,  she  jumped  up  and  ran  away ;  she  did  not  want 
such  an  old  man  for  a  husband. 

When  the  people  found  out,  because  of  the  old  man's 
being  left  behind,  that  the  stars  were  coming  down  and 
staying  nights  with  the  girls,  the  stars  said,  "We  shall 
never  go  to  the  earth  any  more;"  and  the  old  man  said, 

1  Compare  Riggs,  Dakota  Grammar,  Texts,  and  Ethnography  (Contributions  to 
North  American  Ethnology,  Vol.  IX,  p.  90).  The  Wasco  myth,  as  here  given,  is 
evidently  a  mere  fragment  of  a  fuller  myth  that  filtered  in  from  the  east.  It  is 
known  from  the  Pacific  coast  from  southern  Vancouver  Island  (Boas,  Indianische 
Sagen,  p.  62)  and  southern  Alaska  (Boas,  Traditions  of  the  Ts'Ets'a'ut,  Journ.  Am. 
Folk-Lore,  Vol.  X,  p.  39). 


"  It  shall  be  this  way  with  the  people  to  come.  Whenever 
an  old  man  marries  a  young  girl,  she  will  not  like  him, 
and  will  run  away."  And  so  it  has  been  ever  since. 

Now  the  old  star  man  turned  himself  into  a  bright, 
white,  flint  rock,  very  large,  thick,  and  round;  and  the 
place  where  he  lay  was  by  the  river,  a  great  gathering- 
place  for  all  tribes  who  lived  near.  Every  one  knew  this 
star.  Once,  when  the  tribe  that  lived  around  the  place 
of  the  star  were  camping  away  in  the  summer,  their 
enemies  came  and  threw  the  stone  into  the  river.  The 
people  who  lived  around  the  star  were  on  the  right  bank 
of  Columbia  River.  When  they  returned  and  found  the 
star  rock  destroyed,  they  crossed  the  river  and  almost 
destroyed  the  Wasco  cup.  It  was  once  very  deep  and 
large-,  now  the  cup  is  small.1  After  this  star  was  lost, 
the  tribe  that  possessed  it  lost  the  name  of  Star  tribe, 
and  became  very  common  people. 


There  was  once  a  boy  who  was  told  by  his  mother 
never  to  shoot  high  up  in  the  air.  But  this  made  him 
wish  to  shoot  up,  and  at  last  he  did  shoot.  His  arrow 
stuck  in  the  sky;  then,  in  trying  to  shoot  it  down,  he 
hit  that  arrow  in  the  end,  shot  again  and  hit  the  second 
in  the  end,  and  so  he  kept  shooting  till  his  last  arrow 
was  near  the  ground.  He  stood  and  thought  a  while,  then 
climbed  up  on  the  arrows,  and  went  the  other  side  of 
the  sky.  He  looked  around  and  saw  tracks  everywhere 
and  a  nice  road.  "I'll  follow  this  road,"  thought  he,  and 
went  on. 

1  For  the  Wasco  cup  see  note  on  p.  240. 

2  Compare    Kathlamet    Texts,   pp.   11-19;  Wishram  Texts,  pp.   171-173  of  this 
volume.     The    first   part   of  the    Kathlamet-Wishram    myth    is  given  by  Curtin  as  a 
separate  myth  (see  pp.  276-279). 


At  last  he  saw  a  crowd  of  persons  rolling  along.  He 
called  out  to  them  and  asked,  "What  are  you  doing 
there,  where  are  you  going?"  -  "We  are  going  into  the 
heads  of  Indians  down  below."  These  people  were  Nits, 
all  old  white-headed  people.  He  went  farther,  saw  a 
great  crowd  of  people  coming,  and  asked,  "Where  are 
you  going?"  —  "Oh,  we  are  going  below  to  eat  the 
blood  of  people."  These  were  Body-Lice.  Soon  after 
he  met  a  crowd  of  red  people,  and  asked,  "Where  are 
you  going?"  "Below,  to  eat  the  blood  of  people." 

These  were  Flea  people.  "What  are  you  carrying  on 
your  backs?"  "Oh,  those  are  our  humps."  Soon 

another  crowd  appeared,  each  with  a  pack.  He  asked, 
"Where  are  you  going?"  "Down  below."  —  "What 

have  you  got  in  your  bundles?  I  am  hungry."  —  "We 
have  nothing  to  eat."  "Well,  open  your  bundles;  let 
me  see."  One  put  down  his  bundle ;  the  boy  opened  it. 
That  moment  everything  was  filled  with  darkness;  the 
boy  begged  them  to  tie  up  the  bundle.  They  did  so, 
and  there  was  light  again.  These  were  Ground-Squirrel 
people,  and  there  was  a  vast  number  of  them.  They 
said  to  the  boy,  "The  people  below  have  nothing  but 
light  now.  When  we  get  there,  one  of  us  will  open  his 
bundle,  and  while  it  lasts  it  will  be  dark.  Then  light 
will  come ;  and  when  we  are  tired  of  light,  another  of  us 
will  open  his  bundle,  and  there  will  be  darkness."  They 
passed  on. 

Soon  he  saw  a  man  coming  with  an  arrow  through 
his  body.  As  he  passed  the  boy,  he  fell  dead.  Straight- 
way another  man  came  along  with  his  hair  tied  up  on 
his  head;  he  had  a  bow  and  arrows  in  a  quiver  on  his 
back.  "Have  you  passed  a  man,"  asked  he,  "with  an 
arrow  through  his  body?"  "Yes,"  answered  the  boy, 

"and  he  fell  a  short  distance  behind  you."  —  "You  are 


my  son-in-law,"  said  the  man.  "Go  on,  you  will  come  to 
my  house.  When  you  do,  go  in."  The  boy  went  on  his 
way,  saw  a  mountain-sheep  with  an  arrow  through  it. 
It  just  passed  and  fell  dead.  Soon  a  man  came  up  with 
an  arrow  and  asked,  "Did  you  see  a  sheep?"  "Yes, 
it  fell  a  little  way  from  here."  The  man  said,  "You  are 
my  son-in-law."  The  boy  did  not  answer ;  he  did  not 
know  what  to  say.  The  man  said,  "As  you  travel  this 
road,  you  will  see  a  great  many  feathers  and  much  paint. 
Keep  on,  you'll  come  to  my  house." 

After  a  time  the  boy  came  to  a  house.  It  shone  very 
brightly,  but  near  by  was  a  black  house,  black  smoke 
coming  out  of  it.  He  opened  the  door  of  the  bright 
house  and  went  in.  Everything  shone  in  the  house.  They 
cooked  huckleberry-roots  and  other  food  for  him.  He 
saw  a  young  woman  sitting  there,  and  his  heart  failed 
him,  -  -  she  was  so  beautiful.  Now  the  people  from  the 
black  house  came  over  and  tried  to  steal  him  ;  they  sur- 
rounded the  place,  but  they  could  not  get  in,  and  he 
would  not  go  outside.  At  last  the  people  hid  him  in  the 
house.  This  was  Sun's  house;  the  girl  was  the  First- 
Blush-of- Morning,  and  she  was  bright  and  beautiful.  The 
boy  had  her  for  his  wife.  The  man  who  was  following 
the  mountain-sheep  was  old  Sun  himself;  he  was  on  a 
journey.  The  first  person,  who  was  after  the  man  who 
was  shot  through,  was  Death.  His  people  lived  in  the 
black  house  and  tried  to  get  the  boy. 

After  a  time  First-Blush-of-Morning  bore  two  children 
which  were  fastened  together,  boys.  The  young  man 
said  to  his  wife,  "We  will  go  to  the  river  and  wash  our 
heads."  After  they  had  washed  their  heads,  she  sat  down, 
and  he  put  his  head  in  her  lap.  As  he  lay  there,  he 
scratched  on  the  ground  and  made  a  little  hole.  Through 
this  hole  he  looked  down  to  the  world  below,  and  saw 

20 — PUBL.    AMER.    ETHN.    SOC.    VOL.    II. 


his  sister  mourning,  going  from  the  spring  to  the  house. 
Bluejay  ran  up  to  her  and  said,  "I  am  your  brother, 
I've  come  to  life."  He  would  run  against  her  and  almost 
push  her  over,  for  she  was  nearly  blind  from  mourning. 
All  the  people  of  the  place  were  mourning.  The  men 
were  coming  home  with  bundles  of  bones  •,  they  had  been 
everywhere  hunting  for  his  bones,  and  had  collected  many 
of  all  kinds.  The  young  man  cried  at  what  he  saw. 
Then  he  rose  up  and  went  home  with  his  wife.  He  lay 
on  the  bed  five  days  and  nights.  They  did  not  know 
what  the  trouble  was. 

Old  Sun  asked  his  daughter  if  she  had  abused  him. 
She  said,  "No."  Then  he  said,  "He  must  have  seen  his 
old  home  below.  Let  us  take  him  back."  Sun's  wife 
told  her  daughter  to  get  some  of  old  woman  Spider's 
cords  to  make  a  basket.  She  got  the  rope  and  a  bas- 
ket. They  told  him  they  were  getting  ready  to  send 
him  home.  His  boys  were  already  well  grown.  They 
brought  him  food  of  all  kinds,  all  kinds  of  berries  that 
are  picked  on  trees  above,  all  kinds  of  vegetables  that 
the  ground  above  produced;  at  that  time  there  was  no 
fruit  or  vegetables  here  below.  When  all  was  ready,  they 
went  to  the  hole  that  the  young  man  had  made  by  pull- 
ing up  grass  by  the  roots  and  scratching  the  ground. 
They  lowered  the  basket  through  the  hole  with  the  father, 
boys,  and  mother  in  it.  Old  woman  Spider  came,  and 
they  spliced  the  rope  whenever  it  was  giving  out.  They 
lowered  it  gradually  till  it  came  to  the  ground  on  a  hill 
half  a  mile  above  the  Wasco  spring.  (To  this  day  the 
place  can  be  seen  where  the  basket  came  down.  There 
is  a  hollow  or  basin  in  the  hill.) 

The  man  got  out  of  the  basket  and  ran  to  the  house 
just  as  his  sister  started  for  the  spring.  Bluejay  came 
up,  snatched  her  bucket,  and  said,  "I'm  your  broth- 


er."  The  man  now  came  to  her.  He  took  hold  of  her 
hand  and  said,  "I  have  come.  Tell  our  father  and  mother 
to  clean  out  the  house  five  times  and  burn  sweet  stuff 
five  times.  Then  we  shall  come."  His  sister  said,  "Our 
mother  is  blind."  He  went  to  the  house,  drew  one  of 
his  own  hairs  across  her  eyes,  and  immediately  she  could 
see  as  well  as  ever.  They  cleaned  the  house  five  times, 
and  the  fifth  day  the  brother  came  with  his  wife  and  two 
boys.  They  had  a  feast  and  gave  many  presents. 

The  boys  were  running  around.  Now  Bluejay  had  his 
tomahawk  ready  to  cut  the  boys  in  two,  for  he  knew 
they  were  the  grandchildren  of  Sun  •,  he  thought  that  it 
would  be  well  to  spread  them  out,  not  to  have  both  in 
one  place.  All  were  astonished  to  see  two  children,  so 
fastened  together,  run  and  step  as  one  and  shoot  as  one. 
Crowds  of  people  came  from  every  place  to  see  them. 
The  fifth  day  the  boys  ran  outside,  Bluejay  was  ready. 
He  hit  the  boys  and  made  two  of  them  •  this  killed  both 
of  the  boys.  The  woman  saw  this,  ran,  caught  her  boys, 
and  said,  Til  go  back  to  my  father  Sun  and  take  both 
of  my  boys  with  me,  one  on  each  side.  Every  time  there 
is  war  in  any  place,  I'll  show  myself  with  my  sons  on 
each  side  of  me.  When  there  is  no  war,  I'll  appear  with- 
out my  sons."  The  woman  had  given  the  relatives  of 
her  husband,  who  were  Ants  and  Yellow-Jackets,  many 
gifts,  -  -  robes,  skins  and  ornaments,  fruit  and  vegetables. 
All  these  disappeared  when  the  woman  went  away.  The 
people  tied  them  around  their  waists  with  strong  strings ; 
but  they  pulled  away,  almost  cut  the  people  in  two.  This 
is  why  those  people  have  such  small  waists  now.  The 
woman  became  the  sun  in  heaven,  and  her  sons  are  the 
shadows  sometimes  seen.  There  was  no  sun  on  earth 
before  this. 


A  woman  and  her  two  children  lived  below  The  Dalles. 
An  old  man  lived  some  distance  from  them.  One  night 
the  elder  boy,  who  was  about  four  years  old,  began  to 
cry.  The  mother  brought  him  everything  there  was  in 
the  house,  but  still  he  cried.  At  last  she  concluded  to  send 
him  to  the  old  man,  whom  she  called  grandfather.  She 
said  to  the  boy,  "He  will  tell  you  stories;  go  to  him." 
The  boy  jumped  up  and  ran  off  to  the  old  man's  house. 
The  old  man  asked,  "What  do  you  want?"  —  "I  want 
you  to  tell  me  stories."  The  boy  lay  down  by  the  old 
man,  and  he  said,  "Once  there  was  a  spring,  and  water 
flowed  from  it,  and  grass  grew  around  it,  tawna,  tawna."2 
"Oh,"  said  the  child,  "that  is  very  short."  -  "No, 
that's  a  good  story.  It's  long  enough."  The  boy  was 
angry  and  ran  home.  His  mother  said,  "He  must  have 
told  you  a  short  story."  -  "He  only  said  there  was  a 
spring,  and  water  ran  from  it,  and  grass  grew  around  it; 
then  he  said  'tawna,  tawna,'  right  away."  The  woman  was 
provoked  because  the  old  man  did  not  tell  the  boy  a 
long  story  and  keep  him  quiet.  She  went  over  and 
scolded  him.  He  said,  "I  thought  that  was  enough  to 
quiet  him,  and  that  that  was  all  that  was  wanted." 

The  boy  cried  again.  She  sent  him  again,  and  the 
old  man  told  the  same  kind  of  a  story.  The  woman 

1  There  are  no  published  Chinookan  cognates  of  this  myth.  That  it  is  not 
Chinookan  in  origin  is  further  made  probable  by  the  fact  that  Sun  and  Moon  are 
here  male  characters,  whereas  the  Wasco  words  for  "sun"  and  "moon"  are  both  femi- 
nine in  gender.  Contrast  Wishram  Texts,  p.  47  of  this  volume,  where  Sun  is  a 
female  character.  The  tale  evidently  belongs  to  the  group  of  myths  accounting  for 
the  animals  or  people  who  become  substitutes  for  the  sun  which  does  not  behave 
properly.  See,  for  instances,  Boas,  Sagen  der  Kootenay  (Verb.  Berliner  Ges.  fur 
Anthr.,  1891,  p.  164);  Eine  Sonnensage  der  Tsimschian  (ibid.,  1908,  p.  776). 

u  Tawna,  tawna,"  is  evidently  a  customary  conventional  ending,  to  show  that 
the  story  is  finished.  Cf.  k'.anik'.anl'  (Wishram  Texts,  p.  130,  line  28)  and  klone'- 
k'.one  (Chinook  Texts,  p.  no,  line  9). 


scolded  him  for  not  telling  longer  stories.  This  happened 
five  times.  Then  the  woman  was  very  angry  with  the 
old  man,  and  determined  to  move  away,  and  she  moved 
off  to  some  distance. 

This  woman's  younger  boy  talked  like  an  old  man 
when  not  more  than  a  year  old.  He  would  tell  about 
many  things  which  had  been  and  would  be.  He  had 
a  very  large  stomach.  When  the  elder  boy  punched 
it  with  his  hand,  it  sounded  strangely,  something  like  a 
bell.  The  elder  boy  was  stupid,  did  nothing  but  cry  and 

One  morning  the  mother  told  him  to  take  the  little 
boy  out  and  play  with  him  on  the  sand.  He  snatched 
the  child  by  the  hair  and  dragged  him  out  and  around 
on  the  ground ;  he  could  not  walk  yet. 

The  father  of  the  younger  boy  was  Spider.  The  wo- 
man had  left  the  father  before  the  child  was  born,  but 
the  boy  was  constantly  talking  about  his  father.  He 
would  say,  "My  father  is  following  us;  he  has  gone  up 
on  a  rock,  and  is  looking  for  our  fire ;  he  has  crossed 
the  river."  This  made  the  woman  very  angry;  she  would 
shake  the  child,  but  right  away  again  he  would  be  talk- 
ing about  his  father.  He  seemed  to  see  him  and  to 
know  all  he  was  doing. 

The  elder  boy  dragged  his  little  brother  around  all  day 
in  the  sand  and  dirt,  nearly  killed  him.  Next  morning 
when  the  child  woke  up,  he  said,  "My  father  is  going  to 
kill  himself  because  he  cannot  find  us,  he  will  heat  rocks 
under  a  tree,  then  he  will  climb  the  tree  and  fall  on  to 
the  rocks."  "Oali,  oali,"  the  child  would  sing,  and  so 
he  went  on  day  and  night.  He  would  rouse  his  mother 
in  the  night  and  say,  "People  over  there  are  doing  so 
and  so,"  and  he  would  sing,  "Oali,  oali;"  he  would  roll 
over  against  his  brother,  and  the  brother  would  kick  him 


back,  but  the  child  did  not  cry ;  he  seldom  cried.  Again 
he  would  say,  "I  see  a  man  hugging  a  woman  over 
there."  He  looked  everywhere,  and  saw  everything  that 
was  going  on 'in  the  world,  and  kept  telling  what  he  saw 
night  and  day.  His  mother  and  brother  did  not  like  him. 

One  day  the  mother  told  the  elder  brother  to  take  the 
younger  one  out  doors  and  step  on  his  stomach,  saying, 
"Then  all  of  that  big  stomach  will  go  off,  and  he  will  be 
like  you."  The  boy  took  the  child  out,  put  him  on  his 
back,  and  stamped  on  his  stomach.  Immediately  snakes, 
frogs,  lizards,  and  everything  of  the  reptile  kind,  came 
out  of  the  boy  and  ran  off.  Then  he  got  up  and  went 
into  the  house  with  his  brother,  and  stopped  singing,  "  Oali, 
oali ;"  he  never  sang  it  again. 

The  mother  told  the  boys  to  make  bows  and  arrows, 
saying,  "I'll  give  you  five  quivers,  and  you  can  fill  them. 
I'll  trim  robes  for  you  with  shells,  then  I'll  tell  you  what 
to  do."  The  boys  made  the  arrows.  She  trimmed  them 
beautiful  robes,  then  said,  "  I  want  to  send  you  to  kill 
Sun."  In  those  days  Sun  never  moved  out  of  his  tracks, 
always  stood  directly  overhead,  and  no  living  being  could 
go  far  and  live  —  so  great  was  the  heat. 

The  mother  said,  "When  you  kill  Sun,  you  can  stay 
up  there.  One  of  you  can  be  Sun,  the  other  Moon." 
The  boys  were  delighted.  They  started  off  and  travelled 
south.  When  they  got  a  little  east  of  where  Primeville 
now  is,  they  wrestled  with  each  other.  Spider  boy  got 
thrown,  and  at  that  spot  a  great  many  camas-robts  came 
up.  At  every  village  to  which  they  came,  they  told  the 
people  where  they  were  going;  and  all  were  glad,  for  all 
were  tired  of  Sun  and  his  terrible  heat.  Finally  the  boys 
turned  and  travelled  east,  till  they  were  nearly  overcome 
by  the  heat. 

At    last   they    came  to  a  place  from  which,  looking  to 

the  left,  they  could  see  a  great  ball  of  shining  fire ;  they 
looked  to  the  right,  and  there  was  a  second  ball  of  shin- 
ing fire.  They  had  gone  up  in  the  air,  and  had  come 
to  Moon's  house;  it  was  on  the  left  side  of  Sun's  house, 
not  far  away.  Old  Moon  and  his  daughter  lived  there. 
Moon's  daughter  was  very  lame.  She  waited  on  the  boys, 
brought  them  fruit  of  all  kinds,  huckleberries,  and  other 
things.  The  boys  were  amused  as  they  saw  her  walk. 

Moon's  house  was  full  of  light,  bright  and  dazzling. 
The  boys  ate,  and  then  went  out  and  came  as  near  Sun's 
house  as  they  could.  It  was  so  bright  and  hot  that  they 
couldn't  get  very  near.  They  took  their  arrows  and  be- 
gan to  shoot  at  old  Sun,  who  sat  in  his  house.  With 
their  last  arrow  they  killed  the  old  man.  Immediately 
there  was  no  more  strong  light.  They  pulled  out  their 
arrows  and  said,  "We  cannot  both  be  Sun,  we  must  kill 
Moon."  They  killed  Moon.  Then  they  argued  as  to 
which  should  be  Sun.  The  elder  said,  "I  will.  I  am 
older  than  you  are.  You  can  be  Moon  and  take  his 
daughter."  The  younger  brother  agreed  to  this. 

Now  the  people  below  were  very  anxious  to  know 
where  the  two  boys  were  who  had  travelled  to  the  east. 
As  the  heat  grew  less  and  less,  they  said,  "It  must  be 
that  the  boys  have  done  as  they  said."  The  mother  knew 
that  they  had  been  able  to  accomplish  all  they  wished  for. 
Now  they  went  through  the  sky,  and  Moon  followed  Sun. 


Five  brothers  lived  at  the  foot  of  Mount  Hood  on  its 
south  side.  The  eldest  said,  "Let  us  sing,  brothers,  and 

1  This  dance-festival  myth  corresponds,  in  a  general  way,  to  Wishram  Texts, 
PP-  95-99  °f  this  volume.  The  dance  referred  to  is  perhaps  to  be  compared  with  the 
Nez  Perce  Guardian-Spirit  dance  recently  described  by  Spinden  (see  The  Nez  Perce 
Indians,  Memoirs  of  the  American  Anthropological  Association,  Vol.  II,  pp.  262-264). 


enlarge  our  house."  They  sang  till  they  had  a  very 
large  house  with  five  fireplaces  in  it.  Now  they  got 
Black-Fox  to  carry  the  news  of  their  singing  festival1  to 
different  villages,  far  and  near.  The  eldest  brother  said, 
"Bring  fir-bark."  (They  used  to  burn  bark.  They  put 
a  large  log  of  wood  on  the  fire,  and  put  bark  on  top, 
and  the  wood  was  called  "husband  of  the  bark.")  Now 
five  Panther  brothers,  five  Wolf  brothers,  five  Wildcat 
brothers,  and  five  Fox  brothers  came.  The  Panther 
brothers  were  taken  to  where  the  eldest  brother  had  his 
bed,  the  other  people  were  at  the  different  fireplaces. 
There  was  one  Elk  to  each  fireplace;  the  eldest  Elk  had 
the  first  fireplace,  and  the  youngest  the  fifth. 

At  midnight  the  eldest  Elk  began  to  sing,  then  he  arose, 
came  to  the  fire,  and  said  to  the  eldest  Panther,  "Get  on 
my  back."  Now  all  the  people  were  singing.  Panther 
got  on  his  back.  Elk  stepped  astride  of  the  fire,  it  blazed 
up  on  each  side  of  him.  The  fire  burned  terribly,  but 
Panther  thought  he  could  endure  it  if  Elk  could.  Elk 
sang  five  songs  and  stopped  five  times  before  he  stepped 
out  of  the  fire.  Then  he  said  to  Panther,  "You  have  a 
strong  heart.  You  are  hereafter  my  brother,  and  are 
worthy  to  be  a  great  hunter." 

The  second  Elk  sang,  took  one  of  the  Wolf  brothers, 
and  stood  over  the  fire.  Both  were  burned,  but  he  sang 
five  songs  and  stopped  five  times.  Then  he  said,  "You 
are  my  brother,  and  worthy  to  be  a  warrior."  The  third 
Elk  sang  and  took  the  eldest  Wolf  on  his  back.  He 
endured  the  fire;  and  Elk  said,  "You  are  a  brave  man, 
and  shall  be  a  great  hunter."  Elk  was  trying  them  to 
let  them  know  what  hardships  they  had  to  go  through 
to  be  great  hunters.  The  fourth  Elk  took  Marten  on 

Compare    Wishram   Texts,    p.    17  of  this  volume,  for  the  idea  of  deer  or  elks 
as  singers  par  excellence  among  the  animals. 

hk  back,  told  him  the  same.  The  fifth  Elk  took  Black- 
Fox.  Black-Fox  was  burning,  he  twisted  and  squirmed, 
but  he  held  on. 

Morning  came ;  they  ate  and  then  slept  during  the  day. 
The  second  night  they  sang,  and  the  eldest  Elk  put  the 
second  Panther  on  his  back;  each  Elk  put  the  second 
brother  on  his  back,  but  they  said  nothing  to  them  about 
being  great  hunters,  for  the  eldest  brothers  had  stood  the 
test.  The  third  night  they  took  the  third  brother,  and 
the  fourth  night  the  fourth  brother.  The  Elk  was  burned 
almost  black  now.1 

The  fifth  night  Coyote  came  in;  he  was  dressed  very 
nicely  in  buckskin  trimmed  with  pdrcupine-quills,  his  hair 
was  hanging  down  below  his  knees.  He  opened  the  door 
and  entered.  Black-Fox  took  him  by  the  hand  and  led 
him  to  the  fire;  he  was  going  up  to  the  eldest  brother's 
fire.  Fox  whispered  to  him  and  said,  "When  they  sing, 
don't  you  get  on  their  backs.  You  see  how  we  are  burned; 
and  don't  you  sing."  Along  in  the  evening  the  eldest 
Elk  said,  "A  stranger  is  in  our  house  to-night,  and  we 
expect  him  to  sing;  that  is  the  rule  of  old  times."  Coyote 
was  afraid,  but  he  said,  "All  right."  Coyote  went  away 
from  the  fire,  took  a  club,  began  to  beat  time  and  sing  ;  and 
he  used  words,  for  he  passed  himself  off  for  a  Nez  Perce. 
He  sang,  "I  come,  I  come  all  the  way."2  He  walked 
up  and  down  the  house  several  times,  and  at  last  said, 
"Whom  shall  I  carry  on  my  back?"  The  eldest  Elk  said, 
"Well,  brother,  carry  me,"  and  he  put  his  arms  around 
Coyote's  neck.  Elk's  legs  hung  down,  and  he  tried  to 
pull  Coyote  over  the  fire;  but  Coyote  said,  "I  don't  dance 
over  the  fire  as  you  people  do."  Still  Elk  pulled  him 

1  The    idea    of   an  increase  in  heat  with  the  advance  of  the  song  is  found  also 
in  Wishram  Texts,  pp.   129-131   of  this  volume. 

2  See    Spinden,    The    Nez    Perce    Indians    (Memoirs    American    Anthropological 
Association,  Vol.  II,  p.  263). 


towards  it.  Coyote  kept  saying,  "The  custom  of  my  country 
is  not  to  dance  over  the  fire."  At  last  he  stopped  sing- 
ing and  sat  down,  saying,  "It  is  the  custom  of  old  for 
the  one  who  is  carried  to  sing  after  the  carrier  stops 

Elk  began  to  sing  and  wanted  to  carry  Coyote ;  he 
could  not  refuse.  He  threw  off  his  robe  and  got  on 
Elk's  back.  This  was  the  fifth  and  last  night.  Elk  sang 
three  times  away  from  the  fire.  It  blazed  high  and  burned 
Coyote,  who  said,  "This  is  not  the  way  our  fathers 
danced  ;"  but  Elk  paid  no  heed,  and  Coyote  was  burned  up. 

Next  morning  the  sun  rose,  and  the  eldest  Elk  talked 
a  long  time  to  the  people,  told  them  what  they  would 
do  for  the  people  to  come.  Coyote  lay  outside  dead. 
After  all  had  gone  away,  Coyote  came  to  life  and  won- 
dered how  he  came  outside.  He  thought  that  perhaps 
they  had  made  such  a  noise,  that  he  came  outside  to 
sleep.  Then  he  looked  at  the  blisters  on  his  hands,  and 
remembered  how  he  had  died. 



James  Grant  Wilson 

Franz  Boas 
Livingston  Farrand 

Recording  Secretary  Executive  Committee 

Marshall  H.  Saville  James  Grant  Wilson 

Corresponding  Secretary  Franz  B°aS 

Marshall  H.  Saville 
Harlan  I.  Smith  R  T    R  Hyde 

Treasurer  Livingston  Farrand 

George  H.  Pepper 

Librarian,  Ralph  W.  Tower 


Adams,  Edward  D.  Fisher,  Irving 

Adler,  I.  Gallatin,  Frederick 

Bandelier,  Adolph  F.  Giddings,  Franklin  H. 

Barrett,  S.  A.  Gordon,  Geo.  B. 

Benedict,  James  H.  Grinnell,  George  Bird 

Bell,  Bertrand  Hagar,  Stansbury 

Bickmore,  Albert  S.  Harrington,  M.  Raymond 

Boas,  Franz  Hearst,  Mrs.  Phoebe 

Bogoras,  W.  Hermann,  Mrs.  Esther 

Bowditch,  Charles  P.  Heye,  George  G. 

Brown,  Elias  G.  Hill-Tout,  Charles 

Cammann,  Hermann  H.  Hirsch,  William 

Cattell,  J.  McKeen  Hirth,  Friedrich 

Chamberlain,  Alex.  F.  Hodge,  F.  W. 

Crampton,  H.  E.  Huntington,  Archer  M. 

Culin,  Stewart  Hyde,  B.  Talbot  B. 

Curtis,  W.  Mattoon  Hyde,  E.  Francis 

Dellenbaugh,  Frederick  S.  Hyde,  Elizabeth  M. 

Dixon,  Roland  B.  Hyde,  Frederick  E. 

Eames,  Wilberforce  Hyde,  Frederick  E.,  Jr. 

Emmet,  Mrs.  J.  D.  Jacobi,  A. 

Farrand,  Livingston  Jochelson,  W. 

Fishberg,  Maurice  Jones,  William 

Kissell,  Mary  Lois 
Kroeber,  Alfred  L. 
Langmann,  G. 
Laufer,  Berthold 
Lee,  Frederic  S. 
Lehman-Nitsche,  Robert 
Lenz,  Rodolfo 
Lewis,  A.  B. 
Low,  Hon.  Seth 
Lumholtz,  Carl 
MacCurdy,  George  Grant 
Maitland,  Alexander 
Martin,  Myra  B. 
Mead,  Charles  W. 
Mills,  Wm,  C. 
Murdoch,  John 
Montgomery,  Henry 
Nuttall,  Mrs.  Zelia 
Osborn,  Henry  F. 
Owen,  Charles 
Paltsits,  Victor  Hugo 
Peabody,  Charles 
Pepper,  George  H. 
Perkins,  George  H. 
Prince,  J.  Dyneley 
Prudden,  T.  Mitchell 

Putnam,  Edward  K. 
Putnam,  Frederic  W. 
Pyne,  M.  Taylor 
Radin,  Paul 
Sapir,  Edward 
Saville,  Marshall  H. 
Schiff,  Jacob  H. 
Sinclair,  A.  T. 
Skinner,  Alanson. 
Smith,  De  Cost 
Smith,  Harlan  I. 
Speck,  Frank  G. 
Starr,  Frederick 
Sumner,  W.  G. 
Teit,  James 
Tozzer,  A.  M. 
Uhle,  Max 
Vannote,  H.  B. 
Vroman,  A.  C. 
Von  Ihering,  Hermann 
White,  J.  J. 
Wickersham,  James 
Wilson,  James  Grant 
Wissler,  Clark 
Worcester,  Dean  C. 


American  Museum  of  Natural  History 

American  Philosophical  Society 

Columbia  University  Library 

Harvard  College  Library 

New  Hampshire  State  Library 

New  York  Historical  Society         , 

New  York  Public  Library 

Ottawa  Geological  Survey,  Department  of  Mines 

University  of  Minnesota 

University  of  Pennsylvania,  Museum  Library 


VOLUME  I.  1845. 

Article  I.  —  Notes  on  the  Semi-Civilized  Nations  of  Mexico,  Yucatan 
and  Central  America.  By  Hon.  ALBERT  G-ALLATIN. 

Art.  II.  —  An  Account  of  Ancient  Remains  in  Tennessee.  By  GERARD 
TROOST,  M.  D. 

Art.  III.  —  Observations  on  the  Grave  Creek  Mound,  in  Western  Vir- 
ginia. By  H.  R.  SCHOOLCRAFT,  LL.  D. 

Art.  IV.  —  On  the  Recent  Discoveries  of  Himyaritic  Inscriptions,  and 
Attempts  made  to  decypher  them.  By  Professor  W.  W.  TURNER. 

Art.  V.  —  Account  of  the  Puncio-Lybian  Monument,  at  Dugga,  and  the 
Remains  of  an  Ancient  Structure  at  Bless,  near  the  Site  of  Ancient 
Carthage.  By  FREDERICK  CATHERWOOD,  Esq. 

VOLUME  II.  1848. 

Art.  I.  —  The  Indians  of  North-west  America,  and  Vocabularies  of 
North  America.  By  Hon.  ALBERT  GALLATIN. 

Art.  II.  —  Observations  on  the  Aboriginal  Monuments  of  the  Mississippi 
Valley,  with  Maps  and  Illustrations.  By  E.  G.  SQUIER,  M.  A.,  F.  S.  A. 

Art.  III.  -  -  View  of  the  Ancient  Geography  of  the  Arctic  Regions  of 
America.  By  Professor  C.  C.  RAFN. 

Art.  IV.  —  Account  of  a  Craniological  Collection,  with  Remarks  on  the 
Classification  of  some  Families  of  the  Human  Race.  By  SAMUEL 

Art.  V.  —  Sketch  of  Polynesian  Languages.   By  THEODORE  DWIGHT,  Esq. 

Art.  VI.  -  -  Grammatical  Sketch  of  the  Language  of  the  Indians  on  the 
Mosquito  Shore.  By  ALEXANDER  J.  COTHEAL,  Esq. 

Art.  VII.  —  Present  Position  of  the  Chinese  Empire  in  Respect  to  Other 

Art.  VIII.  —  Sketch  of  the  Mpongwes  (an  African  tribe),  and  their 
Language.  By  Rev.  J.  L.  WILSON. 

Art.  IX.  —  Progress  of  Ethnology :  An  Account  of  Recent  Geographical, 
Archaeological,  and  Philological  Researches,  tending  to  illustrate  the 
Physical  History  of  Man.  By  JOHN  R.  BARTLETT,  Esq. 

VOLUME  III  [PART  I.1].     1851. 

Art.  I.  —  Observations  on  the  Creek  and  Cherokee  Indians.  By  WILLIAM 
BARTRAM.  [Written  in  1789.] 

Art.  II.  —  Observations  on  the  Archaeology  and  Ethnology  of  Nicaragua, 
with  some  Account  of  the  Present  Condition  of  the  Indians  of  that 
Republic;  also  Four  New  Vocabularies  of  Languages  spoken  by  the 
Aborigines,  hitherto  unrecorded.  By  E.  G.  SQUIER,  M.  A.,  F.  S.  A. 

Art.  III.  -  The  Rio  Wanks,  and  the  Mosco  or  Mosquito  Indians.  A 
Letter  from  Don  JUAN  FRANCISCO  IRIAS. 

Art.  IV.  —  A  Choctaw  Tradition.     By  Rev.  C.  C.  COPELAND. 

Art.  V.  -  •  The  Aborigines  of  the  Isthmus  of  Panama.  By  BERTHOLD 

Art.  VI.  —  Cuban  Antiquities ;  A  Brief  Description  of  some  Relics  found 
in  the  Island  of  Cuba.  By  ANDRES  POEY,  of  Havana. 



Published  at  irregular  intervals. 

Berendt,  Dr.  C.  H.,  Analytical  Alphabet  for  the  Mexican  and  Central 
American  Languages  (printed  in  facsimile). 


Vol.  I,  No.  i.     100  pages.     1871-73. 


Vol.  I.     William  Jones.     Fox  Texts.     1907. 
Vol.  II.  Edward  Sapir.     Wishram  Texts.     1909. 

Only    fifty    copies   of  this    part  were  saved  from  the  fire  which  destroyed  the 
tablishmcnt  of  the  Society's  printer,  in  the  autumn  of  1851. 

PM      American  Ethnological  oociety, 
102     flew  York 

